LIT Recording Policy 2019 - 2021 Document Control Record

Quality Assurance Handbook Vol. 4: Operational Policies

LIT Lecture Recording Policy 2019 - 2021

Identification No: Version:

Item 4.12 1.0

Document Owner: Academic Council (Sub-Committee on Quality, Teaching and Learning)

Document Status: Page 2 of 5 Language: Approved English (Ireland)

Date of Approval Academic Date of Approval Governing Council: Body: 3/5/2019 26/62019

Document Type: Contact/Creator: Internal Regulations Vice-President of Academic Affairs and Registrar

Revision History

Revision No. Date Comments

1.0 3rd May 2019 Approved by Academic Council

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1.0 Introduction The impact of technological advancements in the Higher Education landscape continues to shape teaching and learning practices across the sector. The opportunities that arise from the development of an enriched and varied range of learning resources ties in with Priority 1 of LIT’s Strategic Plan 2018 to 2022[1] which emphasises the provision of a “flexible model of education to include new online and blended programmes that increase student enrolments, support continuous professional development (CPD) and enable life-long learning”. The Strategic Plan also highlights the need to “enrich the student learning experience through innovative course delivery methods supported by technology” Technology can facilitate innovative pedagogy through the development of interactive, student centred, engaging teaching practices. The recording of has the potential to provide additional learning resources to students. Students can access and review a recorded lecture in their own time and pace and revise specific sections to suit their individual learning needs. These resources can supplement the learning experience and provide additional support to assist students to meet their learning outcomes and reach their learning goals. The LIT Strategic Plan 2018 to 2022[1] notes the importance of upskilling academic staff “to keep pace with new technologies and pedagogies and incorporate these into their teaching and delivery methods”. The development of a lecture recording policy is an important element of building digital capacity across the Institute. LIT Academic Council and Governing Body have approved the Blended and Online Learning Policy 2018 - 2023[2] and this policy outlines the broad context of teaching and learning in these delivery contexts. An important consideration is to ensure that the development and distribution of recorded lectures/classes is in line with the needs and goals of stakeholders. A related fundamental consideration is the protection of the rights of all involved and the provision of appropriate safeguards for all parties including students, staff and the Institute as a whole. The Guiding Principles, outlined in Section 4, and Student Code of Conduct, outlined in Section 5, of this policy provide the necessary framework to achieve this.

2.0 Mode of Lecture Recording A lecture capture application can be used to record all content of synchronous/live lectures displayed on the PC and through the projector while a camera or webcam may be used to capture the audio in the room and a video of the lecturer. Recordings may consist of capturing what is being displayed from the screen and a video input from a web camera (which can record video and audio of the lecturer). At their discretion, Lecturers may choose to record audio and/or video. Lecturers may also choose to integrate audio into presentations as an embedded component. Such recordings can be uploaded into applicable modules in the Virtual Learning Environment for students to access as additional learning resources.

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3.0 Scope of this Policy This policy has been developed to support staff to record synchronous/live lectures/classes and incorporate this activity into their teaching practice. The policy applies to all recording types as specified in Section 2.0. The policy outlines the guiding principles for lecturers with respect to the recording of any of their lectures/classes. The policy also specifies a Student Code of Practice that applies to all students of Limerick Institute of Technology who are accessing and using lecture/class recordings as an additional learning resource.

4.0 Guiding Principles i. The decision to record lectures/classes is made by the relevant lecturer at their own discretion.

ii. The copyright and intellectual property rights of teaching materials is not altered should lectures/classes be recorded.

iii. The dissemination rights of recorded lectures/classes belong to the lecturer who made the recording. iv. Recording of lectures/classes or segments of lectures/classes is not permitted where copyright is held by a third party. v. A lecturer will inform students at the start of a module if lectures/classes are being recorded. vi. A lecturer will inform students that any class participation by a student can be omitted from the recording upon request and will remove such participation prior to dissemination, or not record it in the first instance. vii. If student contributions are recorded they shall not be disseminated except with the consent of the relevant Student and recordings of student presentations shall not be released publicly. viii. Recordings shall be made available by the lecturer through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in the applicable module as the dissemination mode of preference. ix. To facilitate learning, recordings will be retained and made available for a period of time as determined by the lecturer. x. Recordings shall not be used for staff performance management purposes. xi. Recording shall be compliant with the LIT Data Governance Policy[3] and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679[4].

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5.0 Student Code of Practice i. Lecture/class recordings may not be reproduced, transferred, exchanged, distributed, or displayed in any public or commercial manner. In this context, the following is strictly prohibited: - the copying, by any means, of recorded lectures/classes; - the passing of recorded lectures/classes to any third party; - the posting/displaying of recorded lectures/classes on any public forum including the and all electronic fora. ii. Students are reminded that covert audio and/or visual recording of lectures/classes is strictly prohibited and will be treated as a serious disciplinary matter. iii. Students who are in breach of this Code of Practice may be subject to disciplinary measures under the LIT Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures[5]. iv. Students are reminded of the importance of adhering to codes of practice/conduct in relation to dignity and respect while attending lectures/classes.

6.0 References [1] LIT Strategic Plan 2018 to 2022. Quality Assurance Handbook, Limerick Institute of Technology [2] Blended and Online Learning Policy 2018 – 2023. Quality Assurance Handbook, Limerick Institute of Technology [3] LIT Data Governance Policy. [4] General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, 01aa75ed71a1/language-en

[5] LIT Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures. Quality Assurance Handbook, Limerick Institute of Technology

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