Label Year Title Authors Status BD511 1970 1970 Great Ideas And
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Label Year Title Authors Status BD511 1970 1970 Great ideas and theories of modern cosmology Singh, Jagjit present HX308 1982 1982 Herinneringen: herinneringen uit de arbeidersbeweging: sterrenku Pannekoek, Anton present OB466 2014A 2014 Accretion Processes in Astrophysics: Canary Islands Winter School in As Gonzalez Martinez-Pais, I., Shabaz T., and present Q11 1990 1990 Galactic models Buchler, J.Robert present Q11 1992 1992 Astrophysical disks Dermott, S.F. present Q11 1997 1997 Near-earth objects: the United Nations International Conference Remo, John L. present Q11 1998 1998 Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in astrophysics: a festschrift in h Buchler, J.R. present Q125 1950 1950 De mechanisering van het wereldbeeld Dijksterhuis, E.J. present Q171 1932 1932 The mysterious universe Jeans, James present Q183 2013 A 2013 Data-driven modelling and scientific computation: methods for complex Kutz J.N. present Q56 1976 1976 Astrophysique et spectroscopie: communications pres. au colloque present QA1 1976 1976 Supersonic flow and shock waves Courant, R. present QA273 1964 A 1964 Inleiding tot de waarschijnlijkheidsrekening Stam, A.J. present QA273 1964 B 1964 Method of statistical testing Shreider, Yu.A. present QA276 2013 A 2013 Scientific Inference Vaughan, Simon present QA280 1997 1997 Applications of time series analysis in astronomy and meteorolog Subba Rao, T. present QA280 2004 A 2004 The analysis of time series: an introduction Chatfield, Chris present QA297 2003 2003 Smoothed particle hydrodynamics: a meshfree particle method Liu, G.R. present QA297 2007 A 2007 Numerical recipes: the art of scientific computing 3rd ed. Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T present QA3 1960 1960 Figures of equilibrium of celestial bodies: with emphasis on pro Kopal, Zdenek present QA300 1956 1956 Introduction to numerical analysis Hildebrand, F.B. present QA303 1952 1952 Advanced calculus Kaplan, Wilfred present QA331 1893 1893 Theory of functions of a complex variable Forsyth, Andrew Russ present QA37 1964 1964 The mathematics of physics and chemistry Margenau, Henry present QA371 1944 1944 Partial differential equations of mathematical physics Bateman, Harry present QA377 1964 1964 Partial differential equations Garabedian, P.R. present QA401 1955 A 1955 Fundamental formulas of physics Vol I Menzel, D.H. present QA401 1955 B 1955 Fundamental formulas of physics Vol II Menzel, D.H. present QA401 1968 A 1968 Methoden der Mathematischen Physik Courant, R. present QA401 1968 B 1968 Methoden der Mathematischen Physik Courant, R. present QA403 1988 1988 The fast Fourier transform and its applications Brigham, E. Oran present QA433 1947 1947 Matrix and tensor calculus with applications to mechanics, elast Michal, Aristotle D. present QA47 1942 1942 Rechentafel nebst Sammlung haeufig gebrauchter Zahlenwerthe Zimmermann, Hermann present QA491 1990 1990 Radiative transfer in curved media Sen, K.K. present QA76 1978 1978 The elements of programming style Kernighan present QA76 2000 A 2000 The C++ programming language Stroustrup, Bjarne present QA805 1971 1971 Inleiding in de mechanica Borghouts, Abraham N present QA808 1965 1965 The environment in modern physics: a study in relativistic mecha Kilmister, Clive Wil present QA825 1953 1953 Foundations of potential theory Kellogg, Oliver Dimo present QA901 1984 1984 Computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer Anderson, Dale A. present QA901 1987 1987 Fluid mechanics Landau, L.D. present QA911 1895 0 Hydrodynamics Lamb, H. present QA911 1971 1971 Statistical fluid mechanics: mechanics of turbulence Monin, A.S. present QA911 1981 1981 Hydrodynamic stability Drazin, P.G. present QA912 2013 A 2013 Relativistic hydrodynamics Rezolla L. and Zanotti O. present QA927 1974 1974 Linear and nonlinear waves Whitham, Gerald Bere present QA931 1970 1970 Theory of elasticity Landau, L.D. present QB1 1988 1988 Reviews in modern astronomy Astronomische Gesell present QB1 1994 1994 History of the IAU: the birth and first half-century of the Inte Blaauw, Adriaan present QB43 2014 A 2014 Sterrenkunde voor in bed, op het toilet of in bad Brands, Sarah present QB117 2003 2003 Observing with the VLT interferometer: proceedings of the 2002 E Perrin, Guy present QB135 1982 1982 Astronomical photometry Henden, Arne A. present QB135 1992 1992 Astronomical photometry: a guide Sterken, Chr. present QB135 1993 1993 An introduction to astronomical photometry Budding, Edwin present QB145 1944 1931 Text-book on spherical astronomy Smart, William Marsh present QB145 1966 A 1966 Spherical astronomy Woolard, Edgar W. present QB145 1966 B 1996 Theory of orbits Vol. 1 Boccaletti, Dino present QB145 1966 C 1996 Theory of orbits Vol. 2 Boccaletti, Dino present QB149 1996 1996 Astrostatistics Babu, Gutti Jogesh present QB149 1997 1997 Astronomical time series: proceedings of the Florence and George Maoz, Dan present QB149 2003 A 2003 Practical statistics for astronomers Wall, J.V. and Jenkins, C.R. present QB149 2012 A 2012 Modern statistical methods for astronomy Feigelson E.D., Babu G.J. present QB15 1997 1997 History of astronomy: an encyclopedia Lankford, John present QB15 2006 2006 Twee illustere theeplanters en het Leids Kerkhoven-Bosscha Fonds Heuvel, E.P.J. present QB175 1951 A 1951 Regelmaat en wisseling bij zonsverduisteringen I Van den Bergh, G. present QB175 1951 B 1951 Regelmaat en wisseling bij zonsverduisteringen I Van den Bergh, G. present QB175 1951 C 1951 Regelmaat en wisseling bij zonsverduisteringen II Van den Bergh, G. present QB175 1951 D 1951 Regelmaat en wisseling bij zonsverduisteringen II Van den Bergh, G. present QB175 1951 E 1951 Eclipses in the second milllennium BC Van den Bergh, G. present QB175 1951 F 1951 Periodicity and variation of solar (and lunar) eclipses Van den Bergh, G. present QB3 1929 1929 A source book in astronomy Shapley, Harlow present QB3 1972 A 1972 The collected contributions of Fred L. Whipple Volume I Whipple, Fred L. present QB3 1972 B 1972 The collected contributions of Fred L. Whipple Volume II Whipple, Fred L. present QB3 1975 1975 Copernicus: yesterday and today. Beer, Arthur present QB33 2002 2002 History of oriental astronomy: proceedings of the joint discussi Ansari, S.M. Razaull present QB33 2007 2006 Astronomy for the developing world Hearnshaw, J. present QB35 2003 2003 Whatever shines should be observed: (quicquid nitet notandum) MacKenna-Lawlor, Sus present QB351 1914 1914 Celestial mechanics Moulton, Forest present QB351 1918 1918 An introductory treatise on dynamical astronomy Plummer, H.C. present QB351 1953 1953 Celestial mechanics Smart, William Marsh present QB351 1960 1960 An introduction to celestial mechanics Sterne, Theodore E. present QB351 1961 1961 Methods of celestial mechanics Brouwer, Dirk present QB351 1962 1962 Fundamentals of celestial mechanics Danby, J.M.A. present QB351 1964 1964 Elements of astromechanics Kamp, Peter present QB351 1967 1967 Introduction to celestial mechanics Kovalevsky, Jean present QB351 1970 1970 Principles of celestial mechanics Fitzpatrick, Philip present QB355 1978 1978 Orbital motion Roy, A.E. present QB357 1975 1975 Catalogue of cometary orbits Marsden, Brian G. present QB36 1991 1991 Chandra: a biography of S. Chandrasekhar Wali, Kameshwar C. present QB36 1993 1993 The life and works of J.C. Kapteyn Hertzsprung-Kapteyn, present QB361 1952 1952 The planets: their origin and development Urey, Harold C. present QB391 1960 1960 An introductory treatise on the lunar theory Brown, Ernest W. present QB401 1977 1977 Planetary satellites Burns, Joseph Arthur present QB404 1981 1981 Satellites of Jupiter Morrison, David present QB410 1969 1969 Ellipsoidal figures of equilibrium Chandrasekhar, Subra present QB415 1911 1911 Ebbe und Flut sowie verwandte Erscheinungen im Sonnensystem Darwin, George Howar present QB421 1989 1989 The Roche problem and its significance for double-star astronomy Kopal, Zdenek present QB43 1952 1952 Basic astronomy Kamp, Peter present QB43 1971 1971 Modern cosmology Sciama, D.W. missing QB43 1974 1974 Der neue Kosmos Unsoeld, Albrecht present QB43 1975 A 1975 Kepler: four hundred years: proceedings of conferences held in h Beer, Arthur present QB43 1975 B 1975 Astronomy and cosmology: a modern course Hoyle, Fred present QB43 1977 1977 Sleutel tot het heelal: nieuwe wegen in de moderne fysica Calder, Nigel present QB43 1982 A 1982 The physical universe: an introduction to astronomy Shu, Frank H. present QB43 1982 B 1982 The physical universe: an introduction to astronomy Shu, Frank H. present QB43 1982 C 1982 The physical universe: an introduction to astronomy Shu, Frank H. present QB43 1989 1989 From quarks to the cosmos: tools of discovery Lederman, Leon M. present QB43 2003 A 2003 Fundamental astronomy Karttunen, H. present QB43 2003 B 2003 Fundamental astronomy Karttunen, H. present QB44 1972 1972 Ontstaan en levensloop van sterren Jager, C. present QB45 1970 1970 Introduction to astronomy Payne-Gaposchkin, Ce present QB45 1973 1973 Exploration of the universe Abell, George Ogden present QB45 1987 1987 Astronomy: from the earth to the universe Pasachoff, Jay M. present QB45 2004 2004 Astronomy methods: a physical approach to astronomical observati Bradt, Hale present QB450 1968 1968 Synthesis & abundances of the elements American Institute o present QB455 2003 2003 Astromineralogy Henning, Thomas present QB460 1969 1969 Mass loss from stars: proceedings of the second Trieste Colloqui Hack, Margherita present QB460 1987 A 1987 Large scale structures in the universe Fabian, A.C. present QB460 1987 B