L iving H istory catalog Christian Learning Resource | 28527 Guys Mills Road | Guys Mills, PA 16327 877-222-4769 |
[email protected] | www.christianlearning.org In the mid-1990’s, several teachers at Barnwell Christian School in South Carolina began dreaming about and experimenting with an alternative approach to teaching history at the elementary level. This approach emphasized living books, timelines, maps, and a defined body of knowledge that students ought to know. Ten years later, a group at Faith Builders set out to turn the dreams and ideas into a useable curriculum. The result is Living History Threads. We are delighted to offer this curriculum for the glory of God, for the strengthening of the church, and for the good of our children. Steven Brubaker, Administrator, Faith Builders Educational Programs THE WRITERS Crista Bontrager, Goshen, Indiana Levels 12 and 21 Esther Bean, Tavistock, Ontario Levels 34 and 43 Living History Threads is published by Faith Builders Resource Group and distributed by Christian Learning Resource, a division of Faith Builders Educational Programs, Inc. 28527 Guys Mills Road, Guys Mills, PA 16327 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS TABLE OF CONTENTS Introducing Living History Threads . 2 Distinctive Characteristics ..........3 OurPhilosophy ...................4 Scope & Sequence ..................5 SamplePages .....................6 Level 12 ..........................8 Level 21 .........................12 Level 34 .........................16 Level43 .........................24 RecommendedClassroom Resources ...32 Orderforms .....................35 Distinctive Characteristics of Living History Threads † Living Books and Stories are the principal form of content used. † Read-alouds are the primary means used to offer the content. Reading to students is the centerpiece of daily activities. Because the teacher reads aloud the books and stories, these can be on a higher reading level than would otherwise be TABLEpossible.