ABCD FRANKFURT BOOKFAIR 2011 Title Selection - MEDICINE Springer Rights and Permissions | Springer-Verlag GmbH | Tiergartenstr. 17 | 69121 Heidelberg | GERMANY |
[email protected] Dentistry 2 Dentistry vide important clues regarding specific diseases. Yet, practical viewpoints.Heart Diseases in Children: A despite the prevalence and significance of bad breath, Pediatrician's Guide is divided into four sections. The most health professionals still know little about its ori- first is an overall approach to heart diseases in chil- gins, diagnosis, and treatment. The past fifteen years dren with ample discussion to diagnostic testing. The have witnessed rapid development in research into second and third sections cover the spectrum of con- bad breath. Investigators have studied how bad breath genital heart defects and acquired heart diseases. The is caused, where the odors originate, and which bac- fourth section prsents issues related to office cardi- teria and gases are involved. Predisposing dental and ology. The book concludes with an extensive drug medical risk factors have been identified. Novel in appendix. Significant and meaningful online com- vitro systems and measurement techniques have been plements, heart sounds and murmurs are available at proposed, and clinical studies conducted to compare providing practitioners the new and traditional treatments. This illustrated text materials necessary to build confidence in their auscu- presents, for the first time, a comprehensive and cohe- latory skills.This unique book is a go-to resource for sive science-based approach to bad breath, combining pediatricians, pediatric residents, family practition- A.L. Dumitrescu, University of Tromsø, Norway basic research with clinical approaches to diagnosis ers, medical students and nurses, conveying essential and treatment.