J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: #### DOI

Bursts of Gravitational Waves due to Crustquake from

Biswanath Layek1,* and Pradeepkumar Yadav1

1Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani Campus Pilani, Jhunjhunu 333031, Rajasthan, India

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. We revisit here a possibility of generation of (GW) bursts due to a very quick change in the quadrupole moment (QM) of a deformed spheroidal as a result of crustquake. Since it was originally proposed as a possible explanation for sudden spin-up () of pulsars, the occurrence of crustquake and it’s various consequences have been studied and discussed quite often in the literature. Encouraged by recent development in gravitational wave (GW) astronomy, we re-investigate the role of crustquake in the emission of GWs. Assuming exponential decay of excitation caused by crustquake, we have performed a Fourier analysis to estimate the GW strain amplitude h(t), characteristic signal amplitude hc( f ) and signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the burst for the Crab pulsar. For exotic , multifold enhancement of these quantities are expected, which might make quark a potential source of gravitational waves. The absence of such bursts may put several constraints on pulsars and such hypothetical stars.

Keywords. Star, Pulsar, Crustquake, Gravitational wave.

1. Introduction mal modes of a pulsar and hence may emit GWs. The timing glitch can be one of these sources, which has The remarkable first-ever direct detection of GWs in the potential to excite quasinormal modes in the parent 2015 by LIGO (Abbott & et al. 2016) opened a new pulsar. Although the searches for GWs during August era in gravitational astronomy. Observations supple- 2006 Vela pulsar (Abadie et al. 2011) timing glitch pro- mented with numerical simulations identified a black duced no detectable GWs, with the improving sensitiv- hole merger as the source for ‘ripples’ in the space- ity of advanced detectors, continuous attempts in this time. Since then there have been quite a few sig- direction may produce more conclusive results in near nificant detections of GWs. The peak strain ampli- future. tude (h) for all these detections have been in the range In the literature, there have been a few other theo- 10−21 − 10−22. In view of these detections, we should retical works that advocate gravitational wave astron- be hopeful that the gravitational waves produced by omy in the context of isolated neutron stars. There compact isolated astrophysical objects like isolated pul- have been discussions on the emission of GWs from de- sars can be measurable in the near future by more formed neutron stars (Zimmermann & Szedenits 1979), sensitive upcoming ground-based advanced detectors, crustal mountains in radio pulsars or in low mass X-ray namely, aLIGO, VIRGO, the third generation Einstein binaries (Haskell et al. 2015), continuous emission of Telescope (ET), etc. Prior to the GWs detections as GWs from a triaxially symmetric rotating mentioned above, there have been a few attempts for due to permanent ellipticity (Jones 2002), etc. Further

arXiv:1904.04570v3 [astro-ph.HE] 1 Apr 2020 GWs searches from isolated pulsars as well. The at- details on the above-mentioned sources of GWs from tempt for GWs search associated with the timing glitch isolated pulsars can be found in a detailed review by in the Vela pulsar in August 2006 (Abadie et al. 2011) Lasky (2015). In the context of bursts of GWs from was one among those which are worth mentioning. The an isolated NS, there has also been an interesting sug- motivation of the above searches were based on sugges- gestion by Bagchi et al. (2015), where authors have tions made by several authors (see the Ref. Abadie et proposed a unified model for glitches, antiglitches, and al. (2011) and the list of references therein) through generation of GW from isolated pulsars due to phase their works in this area. As per those suggestions, sev- transitions inside the core of a pulsar. eral sources namely the flaring activity, the formation In view of these theoretical proposals, we explore of hypermassive NS following coalescence of binary here another possible source of GWs from isolated pul- neutron stars, etc. are capable of exciting quasinor- sars, which may arise due to a very fast-changing elas-

c Indian Academy of Sciences 1 #### Page 2 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: #### tic deformation () and hence the change in quadrupole sis by modeling the evolution of ellipticity like a criti- moment (Q) of a pulsar as a result of crustquake. cal/overcritical damped oscillators. Also, as the strain Nearby Crab pulsar exhibiting small size glitches of or- amplitude h(t) depends on Q¨ 2(t), generation of GWs der 10−8 that can be explained successfully using the with a significant strain amplitude is expected only if Q crustquake model will be the most likely candidate to changes in a very short duration (i.e., smaller τ) which test our proposal. In this context, we should mention can be achieved only if the star behaves like a criti- the work by Keer & Jones (2015) on crustquake initi- cal/overcritical damped oscillators. It’ll be interesting ated excitation of various oscillation modes in a pul- to study the properties of matter in details to check if at sar and hence the emission of possible GWs from such all a star behaves like such damped oscillator. oscillations. In that work, the authors have assumed The motivation for theoretical studies on possible that excitations decay after executing several oscilla- emission of GWs from isolated pulsars can be mani- tions and they have made an order of esti- fold. Firstly, the event rate of (number of events which mate for the strain amplitude of GWs arising due to the can produce significant GWs in a per year) GWs excitation of f-mode. According to their picture, the emission from pulsars is expected to be quite high in estimated strain amplitude depends on various factors comparison to the event rate from various other sources such as amplitude of oscillations, rotational frequency of gravitational radiation, namely mergers of neutron of the star, etc. in contrast to our picture where h turns stars (NS) and/or black holes (BH). For example, it out to be independent of these quantities. has been mentioned in Ref. Riles (2013) that event In this work, we assume that the decay of rates lie in the range 2 × 10−4 - 0.2 per year for initial crustquake initiated excitation behaves like a critically LIGO detection of a NS-NS coalescence, and 7 × 10−5 damped oscillator and estimate the characteristics of to 0.1 per year for a NS-BH coalescence, etc. In con- GW bursts. We will take pulsar of spheroidal (oblate) trast, there is a huge catalogue of pulsars and more than shape, the ellipticity/oblateness () of which can be de- 450 glitch events (crustquake can account for small size Izz−Ixx −8 −12 1 fined through, Izz Ixx = Iyy and  = . Here, 10 − 10 glitches) have been recorded and ana- , I0 2 2 1 2 2 lyzed (Ezpinoza et al. 2011) quite extensively. Thus Izz = 5 Mc , Ixx = 5 M(a + c ) are the MI of the star about (symmetric) z-axis and x-axis, respectively crustquake can be quite frequent phenomenon when one considers a very large number of pulsars in our (c < a). I0 is the MI of the spherical star. The quadrupole moment of the spheroidal star can be taken galaxy. The other purpose of the GWs study from pul- 2 2 2 sar might be to understand a few features of the pul- as, Qzz = (c − a ) ≡ Q which is related to the ellip- 5 sar itself. For example, in this proposal, the strain ticity through, Q = −2 I0. The negative value of Q arises solely due to oblate shape of the star. Obviously, amplitude of GWs crucially depends on the relaxation a spheroidal star does not radiate continuous gravita- time scale (τ) towards the new equilibrium value of tional waves due to its spherical symmetry. However, oblateness (hence, QM). Thus gravitational wave stud- the crustquake can initiate excitations to the star and the ies from pulsars can shed light on crustquake, possible star de-excites itself to achieve a new equilibrium (more mechanism of strain relaxation, etc. To the best of our oblate to less oblate) through several oscillations (like knowledge, so far no serious attempt has been made to an underdamped oscillator) as discussed by Keer & determine strain relaxation time scale. This is because Jones (2015) or it can decay like a critical/overcritical of the fact that in the context of crustquake model for damped oscillator (as we propose in this paper). This glitches, τ is not relevant in determining glitch size and causes a change in the pulsar’s oblateness and hence other features of glitches. However, as we show be- it should emit gravitational radiation. Note that the low, τ is crucial to have a significant value of h in our detailed mechanism of excitation or de-excitations are model. Similarly, if a few small size glitches are caused still unknown, neither the consequences of these are es- by crustquake, then the glitches will be followed by lit- tablished experimentally. In this work, we assume the tle bursts of GWs can be a falsifiable prediction of a t crustquake. evolution of ellipticity behaves like, (t) ∝ exp(− τ ). Where, τ characterizes the relaxation time scale dur- The paper is organized in the following manner. ing which major changes of ∆ or equivalently, ∆Q In section 2, we briefly review the basic relevant fea- of QM occurs following crustquake. Such an assump- tures of crustquake model as pictured by Baym & Pines tion can be justified from the fact that the oscillations (1971). We shall also discuss here the maximum possi- caused by excitation is not expected to have a well de- ble values of ellipticity parameter () of a neutron star fined single (angular) frequency (ω). Rather, it’s more crust which can sustain the crustal stress. We’ll present natural to expect that it consists of an infinitely large the methodology in section 3. Here, we shall provide number of normal mode frequencies. The study of de- excitation can then be achieved through Fourier analy- 1http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/pulsar/glitches/gTable.html J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 3 of 1 #### the expressions of GW strain amplitude h(t), character- obtained is given by, istic time scale τ, characteristic signal amplitude hc( f ) Ω2 δI B B and the signal to noise ratio (SNR). The results will be  = +  '  . (2) presented in section 4, followed by our concluding re- 4(A + B) δ A + B 0 A + B 0 marks in section 5. The crustquake causes the shift in the reference value of 0 by ∆0, which in turns changes the equilibrium 2. Crustquake : The Basic Relevant Features value  by ∆, where B Crustquake was originally proposed by Ruderman ∆ = ∆0. (3) (1968) as a possible explanation for the sudden spin- A + B up (glitches) of otherwise highly periodic pulsar PSR For normal neutron star of 10 km radius and 1 km crust 0833-45 (Vela). Currently, the superfluid vortex model thickness, we have A ' 6×1052 erg and B ' 6×1047 erg (Anderson & Itoh 1975) is the leading model to explain (Baym & Pines 1971) which in turn provides the value glitches. However, in the context of glitches or other- of  as, wise, crustquake model has been revisited repeatedly. −5 There have been discussions in the literature suggesting  = 10 0. (4) the involvement of crustquake in NS physics, such as an explanation for the giant magnetic flare activities ob- The upper limit of ellipticity can be constrained by not- served in (Thompson & Duncan 1995; Lan- ing that the crust has a critical strain, say, ∆cr such that, der et al. 2015), a trigger mechanism for angular mo- A mentum transfer by vortices (Eichler & Shaisultanov | − 0| =  < ∆cr. (5) 2010; Melatos et al. 2008; Warszawski & Melatos B 2008) or to explain the change in spin down rate that −2 −4 The theoretical value of ∆cr (10 − 10 ) had been es- continues to exist after a glitch event (Alpar et al. timated earlier by Jones (2002). However, in a recent 1994). In view of these discussions, crustquake seems work (Horowitz & Kadau 2009) on crustal breaking to be an inevitable event for a large number of NS. strain of NS, the authors have done detailed molecular This work will assume the occurrence of crustquake in dynamics simulations by modeling the crust by single a NS and study one of it’s many possible consequences, pure crystal and obtained the value, ∆ = 0.1. As per namely, the generation of short duration (bursts) GWs cr their work, the value of ∆cr remains around 0.1 even in due to crustquake. the presence of impurities, defects, etc. Note, this value The crustquake in a neutron star is caused due to the is at least an order of magnitude higher than the maxi- existence of a solid elastic (Ruderman 1969; Smolu- mum value quoted in Ref. Jones (2002). Here for the chowski & Welch 1970) deformed crust of thickness estimate of maximum GWs strain amplitude, we take about 105 cm. The deformation parameter of the crust ∆cr = 0.1 and we obtain the upper limit of  as, can be characterized by its ellipticity,  = Izz−Ixx as I0 defined earlier in Section I. Here, we briefly discuss B  < ∆ = 10−6. (6) the basic features of crustquake model (Baym & Pines A cr 1971). At an early stage of formation, the crust so- At the onset of crustquake, the above value will be lidified with initial oblateness o (unstrained value or −6 reference value) at a much higher rotational frequency. taken as an initial oblateness, i = 10 for the cal- As the star slows down, the ellipticity (t) decreases, culation of GW strain amplitudes. We will assume the leading to the development of strain in the crust due to change of ellipticity, ∆ = η (where, 0 < η < 1 is a the inherent crustal rigidity. Finally, once the break- numerical factor characterizing the fraction of strain re- ing stress is reached, the crust cracks and releases its leased due to crustquake.) to estimate strain relaxation (partial) energy. The total energy of the pulsar can be time τ. The above estimate has been provided for nor- written as (Baym & Pines 1971), mal NS. It has been proposed that more exotic (see the Ref. Keer & Jones (2015) and the refer- 2 ences therein) may exist having a very large solid core L 2 2 E = E0 + + A + B( − 0) . (1) which can sustain a large ellipticity. For such a star, 2I 52 50 A ' 8 × 10 erg & B ' 8 × 10 erg and hence i can −3 Where A and B are two coefficients, the values of which be as large as 10 (for the same value of ∆cr = 0.1 as are available (Baym & Pines 1971). The equilibrium above) as obtained from Eq. 6. Thus, the quark star can value of  can be obtained by minimizing E while keep- also be a potential source of gravitational wave burst as ing angular momentum (L = IΩ) fixed. The value thus a result of crustquake. #### Page 4 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

3. Gravitational Wave Burst Caused by which is quite large compared to the size of the source Crustquake : Methodology (∼ 10 km). We will set 1 kHz frequency as an upper limit and slow motion approximation will be assumed As per the discussion in sec.1, the strain amplitude due upto this frequency. Error arising due to small devia- to change of ellipticity following starquake will be de- tion from this approximation for a one kHz frequency termined by assuming that the star behaves like a criti- will be neglected. There is no such requirement on min- cally (Now onwards we’ll do the analysis for critically imum limit of frequency, however, we will estimate h damped oscillator. However, the methodology will be in the frequency range 100 Hz - 1 kHz in accordance equally applicable for overcritical) damped oscillator. with the sensitivity of existing interferometers. Thus We will take the evolution of ellipticity as, the strain amplitude [the real part of Eq. (11)] can be written as, −t/τ −at (t) = i e = i e ; (1/τ ≡ a). (7) Z ωmax " # 4GI0i a cos(ωt) + ω sin(ωt) Here,  is the initial value of ellipticity of the neutron h(t) = ω2 dω. i πc4d a2 + ω2 star at the onset of crustquake. As we are interested to ωmin study the evolution of h(t) within characteristic time τ, (12) we are neglecting e−at ∗ t term in the above expression. Expressing in terms of dimensionless quantity ω0 = Expanding (t) in a Fourier series, ω a ≡ ωτ, the above expression can be re-written as, Z ∞ 1 −iωt (t) = √ dω (ω) e . (8) Z ω0 " ω0t 0 ω0t # 4GI  max cos( ) + ω sin( ) π 0 h(t) = 0 i τ τ ω02 dω0 πc4d τ2 0 ω02 ωmin 1 + Here, (ω) is the corresponding (complex) amplitude in ! ! !2 1kpc  10−4sec frequency domain and given by, = 3.5 × 10−24 i K(t). (13) d 10−6 τ ∞ ! 1 Z  a + iω (ω) = √ dt (t) eiωt = √i . (9) a2 + ω2 The numerical prefactor is calculated by taking MI of π 0 π 45 2 the star I0 as 10 gm − cm . The function K(t) (for a 0 0 Hence, the quadrupole moment can be written as, fixed set of values of ωmin and ωmax) is given by,

Z ∞ 0 " ω0t 0 ω0t # 2 I i a + iω Z ωmax cos( ) + ω sin( ) Q t − I  t − 0 e−iωtdω. τ τ 02 0 ( ) = 2 0 ( ) = 2 2 (10) K(t) = ω dω . (14) π 0 a + ω 0 ω02 ωmin 1 +

Expansion of (t) and/or Q(t) in a Fourier series in The frequency dependent information in the burst can frequency domain allows us to apply linear perturba- also be inferred from the frequency distribution, tion theory for the estimate of strain amplitude from a dh(t) h 0 (t) = 0 and is given by (using Eq. (13)), source oscillating with infinitely large number of nor- ω dω mal modes. The resultant strain amplitudes hi j(t) can " ω0t 0 ω0t # be obtained by summing up the contribution from each cos( τ ) + ω sin( τ ) 02 hω0 (t) = N ω . (15) frequency. The strain amplitude (i.e., one of the com- 1 + ω02 ponents say, hzz(t) = h(t)) in a particular frequency in- terval can then be written as Riles (2013), Note, hω0 (t) is a dimensionless quantity, to be mul- tiplied by τ to get the proper frequency distribution Z ωmax 2G 4GI0 h (t). The prefactor (N) in the above equation is of h(t) = Q¨ = dω (ω) ω2e−iωt. (11) ω 4 4 order 10−24 ( to be discussed in the next section). Now, c d πc d ωmin as the strain amplitude depends on the relaxation time Where, d is the distance of the pulsar from earth and τ, we will provide a rough estimate for τ as follows. we have taken a frequency interval between ωmin, ωmax Here we should mention that, so far no so serious at- which are the minimum and maximum angular fre- tempt has been made to determine the precise value of quencies respectively. The upper cut-off frequency is τ (which is a typical glitch time). It is understood, since a requirement to validate the slow motion approxima- in the context of crustquake model for glitches, this is tion. In such approximation, the wavelength λ of grav- not necessary as the size of glitches and other relevant itational radiation must be much larger than the size features of glitches are not sensitive to the value of τ. of the source. Thus a frequency of about 1 kHz im- If crustquake causes glitches, then uncertainty of such plies the wavelength of radiation as about λ = 300 km, time scale may be resolved through pulsar timing by J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 5 of 1 #### narrowing down to the characteristic time-scale for spin of 10−6 and the value of ∆ (required to determine τ) up events/glitches. At this stage we may take it as a will be determined by the prefactor η ( 0 < η < 1). The parameter which can be fixed by observation in future value of pre-factor η and hence, ∆ can be constrained by studying the impact of τ on various consequences. through the crustquake model for glitches. For small However, we’ll provide a rough estimate of τ by assum- size glitches in Crab Pulsar, ∆ = 10−8 (Espinoza et ing that the strain energy goes into gravitational radia- al. 2011), which corresponds to η = 0.01 (i.e., 1% re- tion and the emission is dominated within time interval lease of strain). For consistency we should mention that τ. Thus the estimate provided below may set a lower for a Crab pulsar, the above value of ∆ corresponds to limit on τ. With this assumption, we can now write the only few years waiting time for the next glitch to oc- rate of energy loss due to GW radiation as, cur, which is much less than the spin-down time scale (≈ 103 years) of Crab pulsar and this fact is fairly con- dE 3G ... 6G = − Q2 = − I22 a6 e−2at. (16) sistent with the observations. For a quark star, the value 5 5 0 i −3 3 dt 10c 5c of i can be of order 10 , an enhancement of order 10 times compared to a normal neutron star. Here we have used, Qzz = −2Qxx = −2Qyy relevant for We will take the value of τ as obtained from spheroidal pulsar and quadrupole moment tensor Qi j is 47 −6 Eq.(19). Assuming B = 6 × 10 erg, i = 10 and traceless, i.e., Qzz + Qxx + Qyy = 0. The net energy loss ∆ = 10−8, we obtain the value of τ ' 10−4 sec. For ∆E in a typical time τ is now can be obtained from Eq. 2 exotic quark stars, τ being proportional to ( i )1/5 is of (16) as, B∆ same order as for a normal NS. The strain amplitude 2 2 h(τ) for Crab as obtained from Eqs. (13) - (14) is pro- 6G Z 1/a 3G I  ∆E = − I22 a6 dt e−2at ' 0 i . (17) vided in Table 1. The time evolution of h(t) is shown in 5 0 i 5 5 5c 0 5c τ Fig (1a). Here, h(t) is the frequency integrated (over the frequency range 100 Hz - 1 kHz) strain amplitude. It is We can estimate the value of the relaxation time scale τ obvious that shorter the time scale τ for spin up events, by (approximately) equating the above energy loss with larger the strain amplitude one expects. As we see from the strain energy released by the star using Eq.(1), the table, the value of strain amplitude for Crab is ex- pected to be of order 10−25. For a same distance quark 3G I22 ∆E = B ∆ ' 0 i . (18) star h (= 10−22) is enhanced by order 103 compared 5 5 5c τ to Crab. The frequency density distribution of strain dh h h i.e., amplitude dω0 / (τ) (dividing by (τ) is just for conve- nience) evaluated at t = τ as obtained from Eq.( 15) is !2/5 39 !1/5 shown in Fig(1b). The plot shows that the proper fre- −5 i 10 erg dh dh dh τ = 5 × 10 sec. (19) quency density /h(τ) (using = τ 0 ) is of order 10−6 B∆ dω dω dω 10−3. Thus, the strain amplitude h(t, ω) is almost fre- We will use Eq. (13), (14) and (19) to determine the quency independent in the frequency range 100 Hz - 1 GW strain amplitude h by taking the appropriate val- kHz. Now whether such bursts of GWs have the po- ues of i and ∆. Here we should mention that while calculating rate of energy loss using Eq. (16), we have tential to be detectable against signal noises depends essentially taken contribution of all frequencies. How- on various factors such as sensitivity of interferome- ever, for consistency, one should apply Eq. (10) and ter, proper ‘template’ to analyze burst, etc. There are carry out the integration over frequency upto a max- several ways to characterize the detectability of signal imum limit (say, 1 kHz) to validate slow motion ap- strength from a source against the background noise. proximation. However, the rate of energy loss being One such commonly used method (Sathyaprakash & 1 Schutz 2009; Moore et al. 2014) is the comparison τ5 dependent, the order of magnitude of τ will not be affected significantly due to the above factor. of square root of power spectral density (PSD) for the p hc( f ) p source, S h( f ) = √ and for the noise, S n( f ) = f hn( f ) √ . Here, hc( f ) is the characteristic signal ampli- 4. Results f tude in the frequency domain and hn( f ) is the effec- The strain amplitude in Eq. (13) of gravitational waves tive noise that characterizes the sensitivity of a detector. −1/2 in a given frequency interval in our scenario now de- Note, S h( f )& S n( f ) both have a dimension of Hz pends on i and on the time scale τ of strain relaxation. (see Refs. (Sathyaprakash & Schutz 2009; Moore et Following the arguments provided in Sec. 2, for a nor- al. 2014) for details), whereas hc( f )& hn( f ) are di- mal NS the maximum possible value of i is in the order mensionless. The characteristic signal amplitude hc( f ) #### Page 6 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

Figure 1: (a) Plot shows the time evolution of strain amplitude h(t) within characteristic time, τ = 10−4 sec. Here, h(t) is the frequency integrated (over the frequency range 100 Hz - 1 kHz) amplitude. (b) Plot shows the frequency density distribution of the strain amplitude dh(ω0) 0 dh(ω0) dω0 as a function of ω (= ωτ). dω0 has been calculated at time t = τ. Note, the above distribution is dimensionless and it has to be dh(ω) multiplied by τ to get the proper frequency density distribution dω .

is defined as, hc( f ) = f |h˜ c( f )|. Where, h˜ c( f ) is the Table 1: Typical order of magnitude for strain ampli- Fourier transform of the signal amplitude h(t). In our tude, h and characteristic signal amplitude, hc( f ) for case, h˜ c( f ) can be estimated (Sathyaprakash & Schutz the bursts. The values of h are provided for Crab and − 2009) as, a near-by hypothetical quark star at t = τ for τ = 10 4 sec. The values of i are chosen as per the argument provided in the text. Characteristic signal amplitude ∞ ! Z a + i2π f h ( f ) is quoted for a frequency of 1 kHz. h˜ f ∝ dt h t ei2π f t ' h . c c( ) ( ) 2 2 2 (20) 0 a + 4π f Star i h(t = τ) hc( f = 1 kHz) In the above equation, we have used the fact that the −6 −25 −26 strain amplitude is approximately constant during the Crab 10 10 10 time interval ∆t = τ ( ∆h ' 0.1 as shown in Fig. (1a)). (d = 2 kpc) h −3 −22 −23 The characteristic signal amplitude is then given by, Quark star 10 10 10 (d = 2 kpc) f hc( f ) = | f h˜ c( f )| = h . (21) p 2 2 2 a + 4π f We conclude this section by comparing strain am- plitudes as obtained from isolated pulsars (through dif- −4 For τ = 10 sec. and for a frequency range 100 Hz - ferent mechanism) which were suggested by several au- 1 kHz, the characteristic signal strain lies in the range thors earlier. For example, as we have already pointed hc( f ) = (0.01 − 0.1) h. Hence, the signal to noise ratio, out in section 1 that the authors in Ref. Keer & Jones SNR = hc( f ) can be estimated using the data provided hn( f ) (2015) have estimated the value of strain amplitude re- for the noise amplitude hn( f ). For hn( f ), we utilize the sulting from neutron star oscillations initiated due to data available in the literature (Sathyaprakash & Schutz starquake (through somewhat different model). Their 2009; Hild & Abernathy 2011) for the Einstein Tele- suggested values for a kHz frequency are larger by an scope 2 and the values lie between 10−23 − 10−22 for the order of magnitude, however, there was an assumption frequency range 100 Hz - 1 kHz. For these values of that energy transfer to oscillations is instantaneous (i.e., hn( f ), SNR (at f = 1 kHz) in our case turns out be of causality is not taken into consideration). order 10−4 for Crab and 0.1 for a same distance quark Similarly, GW emission from a triaxial pulsar has star. been discussed in the literatures (Jones 2002). Al- though the triaxiality is not a criterion in our scenario, however, even a triaxial star may undergo crustquake. 2refer http://www.et-gw.eu/index.php/etsensitivities#references In this case, the continuous emission of GWs will be J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 7 of 1 #### followed by sudden emission of GW burst. The strain exotic quark star. We again point out that the value of amplitudes from a triaxial Crab pulsar turns out to be h(t) depends on τ, the precise value of which is still un- −26 of order (h)tr ∼ 10 for the values of ellipticity, known. It’s therefore important to fix this characteristic −6 tr = 10 . The above quoted values of (h)tr is provided time scale (which is a typical spin-up time of glitch) for Crab (time period T = 33 ms). As (h)tr depends through observation to reduce the uncertainty in esti- on time period of rotation, the magnitude can be even mating strain amplitude in this model. So far, the best smaller for slowly rotating NS. Our estimate of strain resolved time for spin-up has been reported (Dodson et amplitude for the burst of GW as a result of crustquake al. 2002) to be ≈ 40 sec. for Vela pulsar, which is far (refer table 1), turns out to be of an order of magnitude away from the requirement. We are hopeful that next larger compared to the corresponding value for triaxial generation telescopes such as MeerKAT, Giant Mag- stars. We should emphasize that GW bursts in our case ellan, Square Kilometer Array, etc. will enhance the is expected even for a spheroidal star for which contin- chances of direct glitch (sort of as it happens) detec- uous emission will be completely absent. tions and constrain the characteristic spin-up time for Also, there is a proposal by Bagchi et al. (2015) pulsar glitches. that several phase transitions inside the core of a pul- As far as detectability of gravitational waves is con- sar can generate quadrupole moment which can result cerned, it is more challenging to detect short duration in emission of GW bursts. Our estimated strain ampli- bursts than continuous GWs. We hope such challenges tude turns out to be smaller than the values as obtained will be overcome through proper analysis suitable for in Ref. Bagchi et al. (2015). This is mainly due to burst study and eventually by detecting with more sen- smaller value of characteristic time scale τ (about one sitive advanced detectors. If so, the study of gravita- microsecond, typical value for a QCD phase transition tional wave astronomy of pulsars can shed light on pos- time). We have also presented our estimate of h for a sible occurrence of crustquake event itself. Finally, al- typical quark star (assumed to be at a same distance as though we have restricted our study to crustquake (for Crab pulsar). The strain amplitude for such the purpose of fixing various parameters from observa- (about 10−22) is increased by about 103 order of mag- tion or otherwise), this analysis has the potential to be nitude compared to a normal star. This happens due to used for the study of any excitations which might be high ellipticity i at the onset of crustquake. caused by other mechanisms in the context of pulsars.

5. Conclusion Acknowledgements

We investigated a possibility of generation of gravita- Pradeepkumar Yadav would like to thank D.I. Jones tional wave burst caused by crustquake due to a very and Garvin Yim for useful discussion. We also thank fast change of QM of the star. Modeling the decay of the anonymous reviewers for critical comments and crustquake initiated excitation behaves like a critically suggestions on our earlier manuscript. damped system, we estimated the possible values of strain amplitudes of the burst. As we have mentioned, such modeling (i.e., exponential decay) can be justified References as the excitation expected to have a very large num- ber of frequencies instead of a well defined single fre- Abadie J. et al., 2011, Phys. Rev. D, volume 83, 042001 quency. With this model, GW strain amplitude depends Abbott B. P., et al. 2016, Phys. Rev. Lett., volume 116, p. on ellipticity i at the onset of crustquake and relax- 061102 −6 ation time scale τ. We fixed the value of i (= 10 ) as Anderson P. W. and Itoh N., 1975, Nature, volume 256, 25 suggested in Ref. Horowitz & Kadau (2009) based on detailed molecular dynamics simulations on NS crust. Alpar M. A., Chau H. F., Cheng K. S. and Pines D., 1994, For τ, we have provided an order of magnitude estimate ApJ Lett., volume 427, L29 (' 10−4) by assuming the strain energy goes into emis- Baym G. and Pines D., 1971, Annals of Physics, volume 66, sion of GWs. For this set of values, h(τ) (integrated 816 over frequency range 100 Hz - 1 kHz) turns out to be Bagchi P., Das A., Layek B. and Srivastava A. M, 2015, −25 of order 10 for Crab and the value is almost con- Physics Letters B, volume 747, 120 stant within time τ. We also estimated the characteris- Dodson R. G., McCulloch P. M. and Lewis D. R., 2002, ApJ, tic signal amplitude h ( f ) and the signal to noise ratio c volume 564, L85 (SNR) for the burst. We noticed that there is a mul- tifold increase in the values of these quantities for an Eichler D. and Shaisultanov R., 2010, ApJ Lett., volume 715, L142 #### Page 8 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

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