
Firrhill Community Council ‘Nec Aspera Terrent’ (Undaunted by Adversity) Note of Meeting of the Council on 22nd October 2018 held in Lochan View Community Business Centre, Neuk.

Attendance: H Levy (Chair); L McGurk (Sec); L Linn; S Weir; S Duffy & J Napier. Visitors: Cllr Doggart, CEC Council; Police David Crow, Police; Apologies: F Gosney; J Turnbull; Cllrs Arthur & Cllrs Rust, CEC Council; S Lawson, Resident & K Stewart, Oxgangs PS PTA. The meeting started at 6 pm, with H Levy in the Chair.

Minute of Previous Meetings: The draft minutes for our meeting held on 24th September 2018 were reviewed. There being no corrections, minutes were moved for approval by LL, seconded by SW.

Matters Arising

Item 2.1 NP Review & Appendix 2 Partnership Review Report Oct 2018 SW questioned why the Report failed to mention of the Neighbourhood Partnerships and asked if this meant the were being discontinued. Cllr Doggart indicated that the value of NPs was still under discussion as there was a recognition that the Localities set up did not lend itself to informal public engagement. HL indicated that she had sent in the CC’s comments but has not received an acknowledgement. SW noted in recent correspondence CC’s could claim additional funds for community engagement and hire of halls, etc. Cllr Doggart indicated there were circumstances where additional funds could be applied for and the forthcoming Review may see this included in the Community Council Scheme. SW queried what the EACC position was in regard to this. Noted there is a meeting on the 25th but we have no-one able to attended.

Item 6 AOCB, Mains Bowling Club This matter has been dealt with. The bowling club has closed and the property returned to the local authority

Correspondence 28 Sept: Planning and Building Standards systems upgrade Email from Planning Edinburgh advising that an upgrade of the Planning and Buildings Standards systems is planned for early November this year, with an expected downtime of one full week. The upgrade will result in a number of improvements, such as making it easier to view documents, comment on planning applications and share information using social media. The process will impact on the delivery of the service and the planning and building standards portal will be unavailable during this time. The weekly list of planning applications will not be issued and you will be unable to view and comment on applications. When our systems are back online, the

weekly list of planning applications will include newly submitted applications. Additional time will be given to comment on applications affected by the downtime. 28 Sept: Notification of Major Gas Replacement Works in Colinton Mains Drive area; 1 October Email from Caroline Lawrie, Stakeholder and Community Manager, SGN, via Kevin Cook, Engineer, CEC Services for Communities, giving notification of Scottish Gas Network’s operation in the Colinton Mains Drive area to replace old gas mains and services with new plastic pipe. They will start work on Monday 1 October and be working in Colinton Mains Drive between Colinton Road and Colinton Mains Road for approximately 11 weeks. Temporary traffic lights will be in place in Colinton Mains Drive. Colinton Mains Road at its junction with Colinton Mains Drive will be temporarily closed at the start of the project. Colinton Mains Gardens will also be temporarily closed when the works reach that location. The good news is that the new plastic pipe has a minimum lifespan of 80 years. 01 Oct: Notification of EACC Meeting: 25 October Notification from David Bewsey of the meeting and advising of a special item on the agenda. The City of Edinburgh Council are currently carrying out a preliminary consultation with a view to launching a review of the Scheme for Community Councils later this year. A copy of the current version of the Scheme is available on the EACC website for information. Other items on the Agenda include Tram extension presentation by the consultants to the project; Governance review and draft Community Plan The papers for the last Edinburgh Partnership on 24th September are posted on the website in EACC Documents along with the report on the Governance Consultation. Please note that nominations for Office Bearers and Edinburgh Partnership are open. Nominations will close at 7pm on 25th October at the start of that meeting and the nominees announced by the end of that meeting. AOCB items should be notified to the Secretary at least 24 hrs prior to the meeting. It will be at the Chair's discretion to discuss these items. 05 Oct: Edinburgh: connecting our city transforming our places Email from the Spatial Policy Team following up on the recent workshops discussing the development of the City Mobility Plan, Central Edinburgh Transformation and the Low Emission Zone and seeking further input via an Online Survey. If you were unable to attend a workshop, or if you attended a workshop but haven’t already done so, please tell us what matters to you in terms of ideas for the city centre and transport and mobility across Edinburgh by completing this Online Survey. The more views we hear, the more suited the development of three projects will be to meeting the needs of people who live, work and visit Edinburgh. 05 Oct: Allermuir Health Centre Arts Commissioning Meeting Email circulated by Chair: Notice of the above meeting on Monday 8 October regarding art works from the NHSL art collection being offered for the health centre. Potential artwork locations include 2 in the reception, 1-3 on the upstairs landing, 1 large work on the ‘staff’ stairwell accessed to the rear of the building and between 1-4 works in the 1/F staffroom and corridor. With the exception of the stairwell all works would be of a domestic scale. A list of the works offered provided for discussion at the meeting. Chair looking for guidance from members re selection. 09 Oct: Working Together to De-Clutter our Streets

Email from Ruth White, Senior Planning Officer, Spatial Policy, PLACE, CEC providing an update on the Transport and Environment Committee’s agreement to a citywide ban on A Boards and other temporary on-street advertising structures would come into action in late autumn 2018. The date for the commencement of the citywide ban, which will be Monday 5th November 2018. Letters have been issued to businesses around the city to confirm this date, and from the 5th November, environmental wardens will be working their way through the city on an area-by-area basis initially to ensure awareness and provide guidance where required. See the dedicated website http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/onstreetadverts for further information

Reports from Police, Councillors, etc.

Police Report (for previous month)

The following Police Report covering crimes in Firrhill area during September 2018, received from PC David Crow. During this month there were 213 calls made to the police from PF57 beat and 45 recorded crime reports. Good News: We are looking to support more litter clean – ups in the area with the help from Edinburgh Council South – West Housebreakings: On 16th, 3 bikes were stolen in Colinton Mains Road but recovered nearby, enquiry ongoing. Assault: On 6th, there was a minor assault reported in Firrhill Crescent, suspect has been arrested and charged. On 13th, there was a serious assault reported where a man had his hand slashed in Oxgangs Crescent, enquiry ongoing. Road Safety/Initiatives: Oxgangs community officer and school link officers are aware of ongoing parking issues. Theft: Oxgangs Primary School was targeted twice in September. A child’s bike was stolen on 12th and a child’s toy scooter stolen on 26th. Hate Crime: There were no reported hate crimes during September. Incidents of Note: Vandalism calls during September. 1. Oxgangs Road North on 1st – Shop sign smashed. 2. Firrhill Drive on 1st – Common stair door window smashed. 3. Oxgangs Road North on 4th – House window smashed. 4. Oxgangs Road North on 5th – House window smashed. 5. Firrhill Crescent on 14th – Door within common stair kicked and damaged. 6. Firrhill Drive on 16th – Common stair door window smashed. 7. Firrhill Drive on 26th, 2 vehicles had their tyres slashed or punctured deliberately. 8. Spruce Way on 13th - a car rear window was smashed by a brick. Enquiry ongoing to identify suspects. Colinton Mains Drive on 12th – a male was charged for possessing an air rifle. Oxgangs Brae on 11th - a 64-year-old female was charged with a statutory breach of the peace for verbally abusing a 70-year-old female.

Firrhill Crescent on 14th - a male was charged with possessing illegal drugs. Oxgangs Farm Drive on 27th - a male was charged with possessing illegal drugs and attempting to head butt a police officer. Raised at Meeting Primary Schools - the issue of parking at local primary schools was discussed. General acceptance that actions taken by the Authority have not been a success and there is a need to look at alternative solutions. The development of two additional new schools on Oxgangs Road North, where it is a narrow housing estate road already serving a high school and a primary school was seriously flawed. The issue was raised in discussions at the planning stage with assurances traffic would be managed. Fireworks – discussion on arrangements for coping with bonfires and fireworks. Community Police Team Ward 8 comprises of 3 Policing Beats with 2 City of Edinburgh Council Funded Officers - Police Constables Eric Jones and David Crow as well as Firrhill Schools PC, Paul Robinson. Beat PF57 covers the Firrhill CC area. The Community Policing Team Inspector covering Wards is Police Inspector Scott Richardson. The CPT Sergeant covering Ward 8 is Police Sergeant Kieran Dougal. The CPT consists of 3 teams of community-facing Constables, with the emphasis on community working, in a bid to solve local issues. In non-emergencies, should you wish to contact us, please do not hesitate to do so. You can contact us by email at: [email protected] or by telephoning the national non-emergency number 101. You can follow us on Twitter @EdinPolSW. Police Surgery; Oxgangs Library, Oxgangs Road North, Wednesdays 1700 - 1800 hours. Morrison’s Café, Hunters Tryst, every 3rd Friday 1130 - 1230 hours. Warning about doorstep callers: don't sign up with, or give money to, anyone who cold calls, i.e., anyone you haven't arranged to call. Say NO and report them to Police Scotland Tel: 101 or the City Council's Trading Standards Tel: 0131-529 3030. To pass on information about crime anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or fill out their secure, encrypted online Giving Information Form.

Report - Cllr Arthur

Pentland Primary School Road Safety - I have passed parent feedback on to the road safety team about Pentland Drive. It’s a long shot, but some form of crossing is being considered at the “SCHOOL KEEP CLEAR” markings. I have requested that parking enforcement pay a visit to Oxgangs Bank. Local Parks - In recent months I played a small part in getting Park its Green Flag Award, I helped Oxgangs Trinity FC be allocated Colinton Mains Park as their “home ground” and most recently I’ve been working with Pentland Community Centre to find the £100k needed to upgrade the neighbouring playpark. Planning - The proposal to build housing on the Hunters Tryst site has been approved. The sale of Farmhouse should be concluded in October. Colinton Mains Bowling Club – The last game has now been played at the club. I have already had a meeting with Council Officers to discuss the future of the site. I have been clear that the site should

be dealt with promptly and if it is to be converted to housing, the local community would probably prefer Council Homes. Whatever happens, the local community will be consulted. Oxgangs Rd North Road Safety - I get regular “feedback” about vehicle movements and parking on Oxgangs Road North. It is important that this is addressed due to there being entrances to four schools over a 340m stretch of road. The Council have responded to these concerns in the first instance by reviewing the movement of vehicles they control along the road. More information here: https://drscottarthur.scot/2018/09/20/update-road-safety-on-oxgangs-rd-north/ Oxgangs Rd North Road Bus Stop - With the weather turning cooler a few people have been in touch about the bus stop on Oxgangs Rd North which was removed after a bus whacked it back in July. The Council is waiting on a new one being made and delivered - I've been told that things should be back to normal by the middle of October, but I have asked for it to be prioritised. Oxgangs Forum - It often feels like Oxgangs gets overlooked when compared to other parts of the city, so it is great to see that progress is being made which will mean it will soon catch up – the Oxgangs Forum should make this happen. The inaugural meeting of the Oxgangs Forum meeting I attended brought together people from the Council, NHS, faith groups, Police Scotland & local charities to see how partnership working could deliver more for the area. Redford Barracks Working Group – No news, but a meeting is scheduled for the 12th of October. Promoted on my Facebook – Road Safety on Oxgangs Rd North & the recent jobs fair at Pentland CC. Raised in Council – The Living Landscape areas on Oxgangs Rd N, Fly-tipping & preparations for bonfire night.

Report - Cllr Rust

1. I have been in touch with Roads regarding the junction of Oxgangs Farm Drive and Oxgangs Road North. A technician is going to monitor the area, but it may be that double yellow lines are required at the junction and probably for a distance of around 15 – 20m in a westerly direction. There was some resident suggestion of having a longer distance regulated, but bearing in mind that Oxgangs Farm is heavily parked on every street, then removing spaces on Oxgangs Farm Drive will only increase the pressures on surrounding streets where we also already have issues. If any regulation is to be promoted it will go through the usual process, but in advance of that I will feedback the findings from Roads’ monitoring. 2. I am arranging for foliage to be cut back at Oxgangs Farm Grove where light from a lamppost is currently obscured due to overhanging trees. 3. I have been dealing with a number of waste collection complaints, predominantly from Oxgangs Road North, Spruce Way. 4. We still have no update re the Council’s cleaning review. On behalf of Pentland Centre I have been following up on this. 5. There is a new Acting Head Teacher at Oxgangs Primary School, Mr Paul Ewing from Liberton Primary. I received a confidential briefing (along with Cllr Corbett) from the Head of Schools in relation to matters at the Primary School and am confident proper processes are being followed. I was pleased the Parent Survey was circulated to parents prior to mid-term. 6. I have been in contact with officials re litter issues around . 7. I have submitted questions for Full Council in relation to the costs of implementation of the “garden tax”.

Report - Cllr Doggart

New Police Commander in SW Edinburgh - Comment on the rapid change-over of Commanders in this area over the last few years. Brown Bins - City Council have received a very large amount of complaints following the start of the new system. Redford Barracks – Elected as co-convenor of the working group and looking to have a ½ day workshop to discuss the future use of the site. There was a lengthy discussion on this item. CC is concerned about the effect on the current infrastructure and services.

Office Bearers Reports

Firrhill Woods: Environmental Group Report

At the previous meeting the condition of Firrhill Woods was discussed and there was a general view the CC should take a lead in developing a project for the improvement of the area as an asset to the community. As a first step there was a need to identify who owns the land and those stakeholders who would have an interest in seeing this land improved. The Group have since identified land ownership as belonging to the City of Edinburgh Council, albeit there appears to be some confusion between different departments, and identified a list of contacts. Susan, Steff & Lesley did a preliminary walk through the woods on the 9th October and it seems the woods are well used by dog walkers. We are also aware that the woods are used by local schools and nurseries for nature trails. White powder was found scattered around on the path and after discussing it with several folk there is a likelihood it may have been poison. The Police were informed and they have contacted the City Council and Scottish Environmental Protection Agency to test the powder. They will inform us of the outcome. The Group met on the 13th to gather key dates & contact details of key people and have developed the following aims. 1. Use the woods to introduce more people/stakeholders to the Environmental Group & Firrhill Community Council (add enviro report). 2. Find a map of the wooded area and determine who owns or is responsible for what? 3. Design a short survey to be carried out in the woods with ALL visitors targeting the Dog Walkers - Stef has agreed to lead on this 4. Determine if Oxgangs Primary School Nursery still use the woods on a monthly basis? 5. Create and continue to add to the Environmental Group mailing list 6. Look at possible dates for an official Firrhill CC Walk About 7. Look at possible dates for another ‘Clean Up’ after Nov. For a community clean up to be requested it should be made to [email protected] with details of date, requirements, collection point, etc. 8. Secure a date to gather everyone together to see how we move this forward and develop an ‘Action Plan’ (below is a copy of what Colinton CC done with Redford Woods). On 12th November, Firrhill High School S2 pupil group are carrying out their John Muir doing a ‘Clean-Up’, once the trees lose their leaves. You will uncover a lot more litter than you may see at present so another ‘clean up’ after this date would be good.

(Note: The report circulated at the meeting has not been included as an appendix as it contains a contact list giving names and contact details.)

Oxgangs PS Parent Council Meeting


Information on Planning Applications in the Firrhill CC Ward

Oxgangs Road North: Application 18/03682/ADV to install 1 x non-illuminated, double-sided freestanding sign and 1 x non-illuminated single-sided barrier mounted sign at Aldi store has been granted. 25/09/2018: No applications or decisions. 01/10/2018: No applications or decisions. 08/10/2018: Redford Road: Application 18/07970/FUL for the erection of a Porch 15/10/2018: Oxgangs Terrace: Application 18/07639/FUL for a proposed attic conversion to provide additional bedrooms. Oxgangs Farm Avenue: Application 18/06891/CLP to convert part of front garden to driveway has been granted. Note: An upgrade of the Planning and Buildings Standards systems is planned for in November. The upgrade will result in a number of improvements, such as making it easier to view documents, comment on planning applications and share information using social media. The process to upgrade our systems will impact on the delivery of the service and the planning and building standards portal will be unavailable during this time. The weekly list of planning applications will not be issued and you will be unable to view and comment on applications. Further information will be issued in the coming weeks. You can also keep up to date by following us on Twitter @planningedin or subscribing to the Planning Blog


Date, Time and Venue of Next Public Meeting

Our next meeting is the Annual General Meeting and will be held on Monday 26th November 2018 in the Lochan View Community Business Centre at 6.00pm. The meeting ended at 8.00 pm approx.