1945-04-26, [P ]
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APRTL 26,194 THE UNION COUNTY JQpRNAL, MARYSVILLE, OHIO- ... i . ■ Mfr. and ’Mrs. Victor Jackson Tad Mrs. Leland Mapes, Mr. find Mrs. at the Santa Lucia Community T/Sgt. Frank stationed in pril 27th. day. Guinearand eight sisters, Mrs. The Missionary Society will meet Choir practice 7:30 p.m. Satur as Sunday guests, their daughter, B. E. Penrose and son, William, House, where he played with the 1 at the church Wednesday after day Mx*s. Sumner Bushong ©nd Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pennington, of Santa Lucia oantam weight foot Derio: Mrs. Yoland Francisco, Mrs. noon, May 2. Boxes will be paked and Mrs. Lane and family, of Plain Plumwood, gave a surprise birth ball champion* of 1939. He left the Filomena D'Andrea, Mrs. Anna for the soldiers. Installation of Claiborne Methodist City. day supper Wednesday in honor of employ of the Jaeger Machine com Izzy, and the Misses Lena, Mary, Theresa and Virginia, all of Col officers. Sunday school at lu:30 a.m., Mrs. Pansy Courier went to Mrs. Mary Bailey at the latter’s pany to enter the Navy Feb. 24, John Siddle, superintendent. Kenton, Saturday evening, and home. 1943. He was trained in the Key umbus. Memorial services will bt Trinity Lutheran Morning worship following Sun called at 1he Hospital to see her Mr. and Mrs. Skaggs and child stone Schools, Bedford, Pa., and held at St. John’s the Baptist E. J. Goedeking, pastor day school. ren, of Columbus, spent Sunday church in Columbus at a time to Suuday school 9:30 a.m., Frank daughter-in-law, Mis. Dana Couri received his naval radio operating Methodist < lmr<4» Sunday school 10 a.m., Vera Prayer meeting, 8:30 p.m. Wed with the latt**r’s parents, Mr. and diploma Oct. 15, 1943. He spent be announced later. Mader, supt. A departmentalized er, and her new grand-daughter. Elisha Kneisley, minister Coksey, supt. nesday. She reports that they ©re getting Mrs. W. A. Holderly. eight months in the Atlantic thea Sunday sclwol with classes for all W. S. C. S. with Mrs. Clara Norris, Church school 9:30, H. W. Carr, Mt. Zion along all right. Pvt..Gale Bailey, returned to ter before being transferred to the ^je most widely and thorough general superintendent. Classes Sunday school 10 a.m Frank ages with <eomi>etent teachers 1:30 p.m. Thursday. Mr*. Lauer, of near Raymond, camp after spending a 30-day fur Pacific. ly read newspaper in Union Coun and departments for all ages. Crabbe, supt. teaching the Word of God. called on Mrs, Forsythe Friday lough with nis parents and wife. Also aurvivtaig are a brother, ty. Whether you be in the Iteginners or Preaching sermon 11 a.m. Morning worship 10:30 a.m. The Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin, of "The Truth Some • BOXES CREEK evening. Mrs. Frank Lewis was a rhe adult department, the church Peoria sermon, Drives Columbus, were Sunday guests of Away’*. caller at her home Sunday after school offers something valuable Sunday *ehix>l 10 a.m, Oscar the latter’s brother-in-law and sis Tri-County Luther League Fed By MRS. HAZLE OKAl noon. for you. Shirk, supt. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson and —where you know year Worship 10*36. Sermon: "A Re No evening preaching .services eration Convention, Sunday after Miss Eileen Grubbs spent; the daughter, Betty Jean. noon and evening, April 29 in St. We are sorry Mrs. George ob- week-end with her parents, in money i$ safe—injured to ligion With Push In It”. Something nor prayer meeting being held on I erdier in quite poorly at this writ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mapes $5,000 by F.S.L.I.C.— and had happened to Peter ©nd John account of revival meetings at the John's Lutheran Church near Marysville. | ing. Her daughter. Thelma Ruhl, and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Mapes where it earns a worth a Peoria Friends Church. Cardington, Rev, Hany Esswine, Rev. Willis was a Sunday dinner which had made profound dif is still helping care for her. were callers in Columbus. Friday while return. Helptul and ference in their lives. The* auth pastor. Our Ix-aguers will meet at guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Pear-( evening. orities who had questioned them Milford Crater Method 1st Charge the Parish House at 1:30 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jackson, of son. ' A pot-luck dinner was held Sun friendly service. were profoundly impressed with Hugh A. Liggett, minister - School Board meeting Monday Columbus, si»ent the week-end at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall and day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. their self control. They were dif Milford evening at BXK) ♦ clock in the their home and visited their par family, of Columbus spent the L. C. Boyer, in honor of their son Mr. school. ent# and other relatives. week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken ferent from most men brought to Church school 9:15 a.m.. and daughter-in-law, Sgt. .and Mrs. - t>y trial, and the difference was that Brake, supt. Junior Luther Ijeegue Study Mr. and Mrs. Ottie Gray and neth Rogers. program Robert Boyer and children, of a religion when it is real. Morning worship lo i.m Hour and recreational daughter were in Marysville, Fri Mr. Neil Snepp, who is attending Randolph Field, Texas. Tuesday evening at 8:00 o’clock in UNION COUNTY FEDERAL Intermediate Youth ‘Howship, t 'nioin Hie day. Mrs. Goins and children spent Ohio State university, spent the SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. Church school 10:15 a.m Mr. the Parish House. All the young »:3(), Miss Rea trice <)'Brvant. the day at the Gray home. week-end at home. SAILOR KNOWN WERE Bliss, supt. people are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Phipps and On The Square” Mrysville, Ohio i ounselor Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goins, son KILLED IN PACll'lC Members of th' Sen io i Youth Morning worship 11:15 a.m, Intermediate Choir reltrarwd Ronald and daughter, Judy, were son, Perl, called on Mr. and Mrs. Fellowship will unite with 1h<* Irwin Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. dinner guests of Mrs. Florence Donald Phipps and family, Sunday Radioman 3/c Angelo Guglielmi, young people of the other church Church school 10am. Mrs < lor- Senior Choir rehearsal Wednes Howard and family Forest Roosa afternoon. 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Casimiro mon, supt. day evening at 8:30 o'clock. was also a guest. Mr. Jason Coons, of East: Lil>er- Guglielmi, Columbus, was killed in es, in a union service, at the Con- The Women's Misisonary Society gragational church. Dr. George W. meets Thursday afternoon, May 3* Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Shirk, Mr. ty, was a Sunday gue.Bt of his action in the Pacific theater of St. John’s I.iillieinn daughter, Mrs. Ada Rogers, and war, his family was notified last Hollister of Ohio Wesleyan Univer at 2:00 o'clock in the Parish House. and Mrs. Bert Kerns, Everett Dis- ity will bo the speakei The* hour Sortice in German with sermon Friday. He was a brother of Mrs. The May meeting of the Vestry bennett and family, Mr. and Mrs. family. is 6:30. and holy communion 10 a.m. Con Mrs. Snepp is home aftPr visit Alvira Derio, Marysville, and was ' The Cuppers will be held Thursday evening at O. L. Gray and Mr. and Mrs. The reception foi new members fessional service 9:30 a.m. Reun ing a sister in Ind. well known in this community. He ion service of last ten years in 8:00 o’clock in the Parish House. Dwight Jackson were among the i hat have been received into the large crowd that attended Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rogers was also known as "Chick Wil English 8 p.m. The Junior Catechetical Class liams’’ because of the difficulty his ■ hurch (hiring th< Conference meets Saturday afternoon at Lamont Disbonnett’s funeral at and daughter, and Miss Betty yeai vill be held Sunday evening The Lutheran Hour over WHKC friends had in pronouncing his o'clock in the Parish school. Pharisburg. Jolliff, were in Columbus on Fri Dee and Jane Cuppers used to at eight o'clock. A splendid pro 12:30 p.m. and transcribed over day. name. being at home alone together, WLW 4:30 p.m. The Concordia Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goins and pay that as soon as the children With our own things—talkiilg gram will be provided, and re Magnetic Metln'Allst Charge three children were supper guests He was a graduate eft Centra! freshments will be served at th'- broadcast over WOWO 8:30 a.m. Waller N. Martin, miiMArter High School, Columbus, in January had flown the roost, they xvere ♦nd reading—enjoying my glass Saturday. of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. • UNIONVILLE CENTER going off together on a second dose of the program. This occas Magnetic Springs O. L. Gray and children. 1942, and was prominent in sports of beer, and Jane her buttermilk ion will afford aji opportunity to The Walther League meets Mon Church school 10 a.m., Dorance honeymoon... take a trip... or —living and letting live. I guess day 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. We are glad Miss Leia Wyeth ■ enew old friendships, and to make Rockenbaugh, supt. i# improving at this writing, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Salsbury rent an apartment in the city. you can’t beat home!” new ones.