& Enville Royal British legion The following dates are for Remembrance Service at St. Peters Church and other venues, all are welcome to support the branch to commemorate those that sacrificed their lives so that we have the freedom we enjoy today. 1. 26April 100th Anniversary of ANZAC at the Commonwealth War Graves at Chase. Bus will leave Kinver 08.00 contact the name below for any information regarding these events 2. 10 May 70th anniversary of VE day 18.00-19.00 at St. Peters followed by a reception at the Constitutional Club 3. 21 June Kinver Country Fayre A fundraising Stall in front of our office 4. 28 June Armed Forces Day at Hall This is a fantastic event for all the family to enjoy and it’s FREE from 11.00 -17.00 starts with a junior marching band competition followed by a concert and free fairground for the kids. 5. 16 August Anniversary of VJ day at St. Peters 09.30-10.30 followed by a reception at the Constitutional Club 6. 13 September Wings Appeal at Halfpenny Green Airport 10.30-11.30 7. 25 October Poppy Service of remembrance and concert at the gatehouse theatre . Bus will leave Kinver 17.30 8. 6 November Cross Laying Service at the War Memorial in the High St. at 16.15 this service is for anyone who wishes to commemorate a loved one, relative or a friend by planting a cross in their name on the War Memorial. There will be a short service of remembrance 9. 8 November Remembrance Service this year is at St. Mary’s in Enville. We muster at 10.15 March off at 10.20. After the service we all march to the war memorial to pay our respect to the fallen. We muster again with the Band at the end of the High St. at 13.30 to march through the High St. to the War Memorial for a wreath laying ceremony and to again pay our respect to the fallen. I hope that we can rely on your support at some of the above events.

Henry Williams Chairman of Royal British Legion 01384878021 Email [email protected]