Divisions on Display Underway
GOLF COURSE NIXES LAND-USE REQUEST LOCAL | A3 PANAMA CITY LOCAL & & STATE STATE | | A3 XX XXXXXXXXXSCHOLARSHIP HONORS FSU LEADER THRASHER Thursday, May 2, 2019 www.newsherald.com @The_News_Herald facebook.com/panamacitynewsherald 75¢ Pressure is on to pass disaster bill 3 Bay County leaders passing a bill. “It’s not the government, to get something passed Full-court press press dozens of offi cials “We’re talking about a it’s Congress,” Thom Tillis, within the next two weeks in Washington for quick disastrous failure of the gov- R-North Carolina, said. “It’s for a growing list of disaster School Superintendent Bill action ernment of the United States members who should go to victims, covering Hurricane Husfelt, Panama City Mayor of America to respond to the the floor and vote for relief Florence, Hurricane Michael, Greg Brudnicki and Panama By Katie Landeck needs of the people,” Sen. and vote for it now.” the California wildfires, Hur- City Manager Mark McQueen @PCNHKatieL Johnny Isakson, R-Georgia, The press conference, ricane Maria and the floods in capitalized on the new urgency klandeck@pcnh.com said in bipartisan press con- which also included Sens. the Midwest. in Congress to storm Wash- ference on Monday. “That’s a Rick Scott, R-Florida; David The new urgency in the ington. Arriving late Sunday PANAMA CITY — After terrible indictment, because Perdue, R-Georgia; and conversation made it the night and returning mid-day failing to pass a disaster sup- we are in the Congress. We Doug Jones, D-Alabama, “perfect time” for three Bay Wednesday, the three men plemental relief bill before the are part of the bus driving this was one stage of what seems County local leaders — School walked more than 13 miles Easter break, Congress seems whole thing.” to be a more focused effort Superintendent Bill Husfelt, going to back-to-back meet- to have returned to session The next speaker was even by Democrats, Republicans ings with lawmakers and with a renewed interest in more blunt.
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