Church of St. Vincent de Pau l 301 Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore 805910 Parish Office: Tel: 6482 0959, Email:
[email protected] Pastoral Executive: Tel: 6481 0036, Email:
[email protected] Catechetical Coordinator: Tel: 6481 0036, Email:
[email protected] Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Eugene Chong Email:
[email protected] Assistant Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. JJ Fenelon Email:
[email protected] Website: Facebook: 29 JULY 18 17TH ORIDINARY SUNDAY (SUNDAY MISSAL PG. 757) YEAR B 1st READING: (2 Kings 4:42-44) Elisha begins with more barley loaves (twenty) and satisfies the hunger of a smaller crowd (one hundred people) with “some left over.” Jesus begins with only a few barley loaves (five) and satisfies the hunger of a much larger crowd (five thousand) with “twelve wicker baskets left over.” We enter supermarkets and are faced with a superabundance of food that we take for granted. This gospel reminds us that it is not quantity that satisfies but who gives us the food. 2nd READING: (Ephesians 4:1-6) There is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all Christians, and therefore the writer, speaking in the Apostle’s name, can exhort his readers to be what they are. As in Paul himself, the imperative rests upon an indicative. Unity is both a gift and a task. The imperative to unity is therefore like the imperative to individual sanctification: “Become what you are.” GOSPEL: (John 6:1-15) What answer did Philip need to give Jesus to pass the test? When Jesus asks about where to buy food to satisfy the hunger of the large crowd, he is not thinking about a store and purchases.