Five keys

to safer Why? While most do not cause disease, dangerous microorganisms are Keep clean widely found in soil, ,rganisms animals are fore handling food and often during food preparation and people. These microowiping cloths and ✔ e toilet Wash your hands be going to th carried on hands, ✔ uipment used for food preparation utensils, especially cutting boards and Wash your hands after rfaces and eq contact can transfer them the slightest foodborne diseases. ✔ Wash and sanitize all su d food from insects, pests and other animals to food and cause ✔ Protect areas an


Raw food, especially , poultry and their juices, can contain raw and cooked seafood, and Separate dangerous microorganisms which may ives and cutting boards for be transferred onto other during ✔ Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from other foods food preparation and storage. uipment and utensils such as kn ✔ Use separate eq handling raw foods to avoid contact between raw and prepared foods ✔ Store food in containers


Proper kills almost all dangerous anisms. Studies have shown that microorg erature of 70°C can cooking food to a temp thoroughly eggs and seafood is safe forconsumption. ly meat, poultry, help ensure it ghly, especial quire special attention 70°C ✔ Cook food thorou clear, not pink. Ideally, Foods that re at juices are include minced , rolled roasts, large ✔ Bring foods like and toke sure th to make sure that they have reached at and poultry, ma joints of meat and whole poultry. 70°C. For me use a od thoroughly ✔ Reheat cooked fo

Why? ry multiply ve atures anisms can per Microorg ed at room ° ood is stor 60 C t safe tem s quickly if f at tempera- n 2 hour By holding Danger p food a for more tha . 60°C, the Kee mperature 5°C) 5°C or above zone! at room te erably below tures below slowed d food food (pref microorganisms is ✔ not leave cooke rishable growth of dangerous ° Do oked and pe erving topped. Some 5 C tly all co °C) prior to s down or s below 5°C. ✔ Refrigerate promp (more than 60 anisms still grow piping hot microorg ked food refrigerator ✔ Keep coo even in the od too long not store fo rature ✔ Do at room tempe ✔ Do not thaw

Why? er and ice, ials, including wat Raw mater ith dangerous raw materials ntaminated w ic er and may be co chemicals. Tox fe wat microorganisms and damaged Use sa y be formed in make it safe chemicals ma on of at it to oods. Care in selecti fe water or tre and mouldy f measures ✔ Use sa s and simple olesome foods zed milk raw material ling may esh and wh h as pasteuri ing and pee ✔ Select fr fety, suc such as wash cessed for sa sk. foods pro ly if eaten raw reduce the ri ✔ Choose es, especial its and vegetabl te ✔ Wash fru its expiry da

Design: Illustration: Langfeld. Petitpierre Marilyn Janet e food beyond ✔ Do not us

Food Safety WHO/SDE/PHE/FOS/01.1 Distribution: General World Health Organization Knowledge = Prevention Original: English