9 bus time schedule & line map

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The 9 bus line (Horsforth <-> Pudsey) has 5 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Horsforth <-> Pudsey: 4:40 PM (2) Horsforth <-> White Rose Centre: 5:40 AM - 3:40 PM (3) Pudsey <-> White Rose Centre: 7:29 AM - 8:29 AM (4) White Rose Centre <-> Horsforth: 6:42 AM - 3:42 PM (5) White Rose Centre <-> Pudsey: 4:42 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 9 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 9 bus arriving.

Direction: Horsforth <-> Pudsey 9 bus Time Schedule 29 stops Horsforth <-> Pudsey Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:40 PM Horsforth Morrisons, Horsforth Church Road, Tuesday 4:40 PM

Horsforth Town St, Horsforth Wednesday 4:40 PM 80 Town Street, Leeds Thursday 4:40 PM Horsforth the Green, Horsforth Friday 4:40 PM The Green, Leeds Saturday 5:00 PM Fink Hill Broadway, Horsforth Cross Road, Leeds

Broadway Parkside, Horsforth 9 bus Info New Road Side, Horsforth Direction: Horsforth <-> Pudsey A6120, Horsforth Stops: 29 Trip Duration: 25 min Horsforth New Road Bridge, Horsforth Line Summary: Horsforth Morrisons, Horsforth, Horsforth Town St, Horsforth, Horsforth the Green, Rodley Roundabout, Rodley Horsforth, Fink Hill Broadway, Horsforth, Broadway Luther Street, Parkside, Horsforth, New Road Side, Horsforth, Horsforth New Road Calverley Bridge, Horsforth, Bagley Lane, Rodley Rodley Roundabout, Rodley, Bagley Lane, Rodley, 1 Rodley Lane, England Rodley Town Street, Rodley, Rodley Park, Rodley, Coal Hill Lane Town St, Rodley, Calverley Ln Bottom, Rodley Town Street, Rodley Rodley, Coal Hill Drive, Rodley, Broom Mills Road, Town Street, England Rodley, Springeld Mills, , Farsley Cenotaph, Farsley, Water Lane, Farsley, St John's Church, Rodley Park, Rodley Farsley, Farsley Library, Farsley, Northcote Street, Airedale Wharf, England Farsley, Road, Farsley, New Street, , Stanhall Avenue, Stanningley, Coal Hill Lane Town St, Rodley Stanningley Bottom, Stanningley, Richardshaw Elliott Court, Leeds Road, Pudsey, Thorpe Road, Pudsey, Cemetery Road, Pudsey, Bus Station Stand D, Pudsey Calverley Ln Bottom, Rodley Ashgrove Mews, Leeds

Coal Hill Drive, Rodley Broom Mills Road, Rodley Beck Bottom Cottages, Leeds

Springeld Mills, Farsley

Farsley Cenotaph, Farsley

Water Lane, Farsley 56 Town Street, Leeds

St John's Church, Farsley 1 Town Street, Leeds

Farsley Library, Farsley Old Road, Leeds

Northcote Street, Farsley Armstrong Street, Leeds

Bradford Road, Farsley

New Street, Stanningley

Stanhall Avenue, Stanningley Stanhall Avenue, Leeds

Stanningley Bottom, Stanningley William Street, Leeds

Richardshaw Road, Pudsey

Thorpe Road, Pudsey Croft House Court, Leeds

Cemetery Road, Pudsey Wesley Terrace, Leeds

Bus Station Stand D, Pudsey Robin Lane, Leeds Direction: Horsforth <-> White Rose Centre 9 bus Time Schedule 52 stops Horsforth <-> White Rose Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:40 AM - 3:40 PM Horsforth Morrisons, Horsforth Church Road, Leeds Tuesday 5:40 AM - 3:40 PM

Horsforth Town St, Horsforth Wednesday 5:40 AM - 3:40 PM 80 Town Street, Leeds Thursday 5:40 AM - 3:40 PM Horsforth the Green, Horsforth Friday 5:40 AM - 3:40 PM The Green, Leeds Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Fink Hill Broadway, Horsforth Cross Road, Leeds

Broadway Parkside, Horsforth 9 bus Info New Road Side, Horsforth Direction: Horsforth <-> White Rose Centre A6120, Horsforth Civil Parish Stops: 52 Trip Duration: 57 min Horsforth New Road Calverley Bridge, Horsforth Line Summary: Horsforth Morrisons, Horsforth, Horsforth Town St, Horsforth, Horsforth the Green, Rodley Roundabout, Rodley Horsforth, Fink Hill Broadway, Horsforth, Broadway Luther Street, England Parkside, Horsforth, New Road Side, Horsforth, Horsforth New Road Calverley Bridge, Horsforth, Bagley Lane, Rodley Rodley Roundabout, Rodley, Bagley Lane, Rodley, 1 Rodley Lane, England Rodley Town Street, Rodley, Rodley Park, Rodley, Coal Hill Lane Town St, Rodley, Calverley Ln Bottom, Rodley Town Street, Rodley Rodley, Coal Hill Drive, Rodley, Broom Mills Road, Town Street, England Rodley, Springeld Mills, Farsley, Farsley Cenotaph, Farsley, Water Lane, Farsley, St John's Church, Rodley Park, Rodley Farsley, Farsley Library, Farsley, Northcote Street, Airedale Wharf, England Farsley, Bradford Road, Farsley, New Street, Stanningley, Stanhall Avenue, Stanningley, Coal Hill Lane Town St, Rodley Stanningley Bottom, Stanningley, Richardshaw Elliott Court, Leeds Road, Pudsey, Thorpe Road, Pudsey, Cemetery Road, Pudsey, Bus Station Stand D, Pudsey, Lowtown, Calverley Ln Bottom, Rodley Pudsey, Intake Road, Pudsey, Green, Ashgrove Mews, Leeds Swinnow, Swinnow Co-Op, Swinnow, Rycroft Drive, Swinnow, Swinnow Rd by Pass, Swinnow, Coal Hill Drive, Rodley Stanningley By-Pass, Bramley, Spring Valley Est, Bramley, Wickes Roundabout, Gamble Hill, Ring Rd Broom Mills Road, Rodley Hare Farm Avenue, Farnley, Ring Rd Butt Lane, Beck Bottom Cottages, Leeds Farnley, Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley, Ring Rd Stonebridge Lane, Farnley, Ring Road Low Wortley, Springeld Mills, Farsley Farnley, Ring Rd Whincover Drive, Farnley, Branch Road, Farnley, Ring Rd Whitehall Drive, Wortley, Farsley Cenotaph, Farsley Ringways Ring Road, Wortley, Ring Rd Royds Lane, Wortley, Ring Rd Gelderd Road, Wortley, Drysalters, Water Lane, Farsley Cottingley, Ring Road Millshaw, Beeston, White Rose 56 Town Street, Leeds Ctr Stand F, White Rose Centre

St John's Church, Farsley 1 Town Street, Leeds

Farsley Library, Farsley Old Road, Leeds

Northcote Street, Farsley Armstrong Street, Leeds

Bradford Road, Farsley

New Street, Stanningley

Stanhall Avenue, Stanningley Stanhall Avenue, Leeds

Stanningley Bottom, Stanningley William Street, Leeds

Richardshaw Road, Pudsey

Thorpe Road, Pudsey Croft House Court, Leeds

Cemetery Road, Pudsey Wesley Terrace, Leeds

Bus Station Stand D, Pudsey Robin Lane, Leeds

Lowtown, Pudsey The Lanes, Leeds

Intake Road, Pudsey

Swinnow Green, Swinnow

Swinnow Co-Op, Swinnow

Rycroft Drive, Swinnow 118 Swinnow Road, Leeds

Swinnow Rd by Pass, Swinnow

Stanningley By-Pass, Bramley

Spring Valley Est, Bramley

Wickes Roundabout, Gamble Hill

Ring Rd Hare Farm Avenue, Farnley

Ring Rd Butt Lane, Farnley

Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley

Ring Rd Stonebridge Lane, Farnley

Ring Road Low Wortley, Farnley

Ring Rd Whincover Drive, Farnley Whincover Close, Leeds

Branch Road, Farnley Ring Rd Whitehall Drive, Wortley

Ringways Ring Road, Wortley Ring Road Low Wortley, Leeds

Ring Rd Royds Lane, Wortley

Ring Rd Gelderd Road, Wortley

Drysalters, Cottingley

Ring Road Millshaw, Beeston Ring Road Beeston, Morley Civil Parish

White Rose Ctr Stand F, White Rose Centre Direction: Pudsey <-> White Rose Centre 9 bus Time Schedule 24 stops Pudsey <-> White Rose Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Bus Station Stand D, Pudsey Robin Lane, Leeds Tuesday Not Operational

Lowtown, Pudsey Wednesday Not Operational The Lanes, Leeds Thursday Not Operational Intake Road, Pudsey Friday Not Operational

Swinnow Green, Swinnow Saturday 7:29 AM - 8:29 AM

Swinnow Co-Op, Swinnow

Rycroft Drive, Swinnow 118 Swinnow Road, Leeds 9 bus Info Direction: Pudsey <-> White Rose Centre Swinnow Rd by Pass, Swinnow Stops: 24 Trip Duration: 23 min Stanningley By-Pass, Bramley Line Summary: Bus Station Stand D, Pudsey, Lowtown, Pudsey, Intake Road, Pudsey, Swinnow Spring Valley Est, Bramley Green, Swinnow, Swinnow Co-Op, Swinnow, Rycroft Drive, Swinnow, Swinnow Rd by Pass, Swinnow, Wickes Roundabout, Gamble Hill Stanningley By-Pass, Bramley, Spring Valley Est, Bramley, Wickes Roundabout, Gamble Hill, Ring Rd Hare Farm Avenue, Farnley, Ring Rd Butt Lane, Ring Rd Hare Farm Avenue, Farnley Farnley, Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley, Ring Rd Stonebridge Lane, Farnley, Ring Road Low Wortley, Ring Rd Butt Lane, Farnley Farnley, Ring Rd Whincover Drive, Farnley, Branch Road, Farnley, Ring Rd Whitehall Drive, Wortley, Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley Ringways Ring Road, Wortley, Ring Rd Royds Lane, Wortley, Ring Rd Gelderd Road, Wortley, Drysalters, Ring Rd Stonebridge Lane, Farnley Cottingley, Ring Road Millshaw, Beeston, White Rose Ctr Stand F, White Rose Centre Ring Road Low Wortley, Farnley

Ring Rd Whincover Drive, Farnley Whincover Close, Leeds

Branch Road, Farnley

Ring Rd Whitehall Drive, Wortley

Ringways Ring Road, Wortley Ring Road Low Wortley, Leeds

Ring Rd Royds Lane, Wortley

Ring Rd Gelderd Road, Wortley

Drysalters, Cottingley

Ring Road Millshaw, Beeston Ring Road Beeston, Morley Civil Parish White Rose Ctr Stand F, White Rose Centre Direction: White Rose Centre <-> Horsforth 9 bus Time Schedule 54 stops White Rose Centre <-> Horsforth Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:42 AM - 3:42 PM White Rose Ctr Stand E, White Rose Centre Tuesday 6:42 AM - 3:42 PM Ring Road Millshaw, Beeston Wednesday 6:42 AM - 3:42 PM Drysalters, Cottingley Thursday 6:42 AM - 3:42 PM Ring Road Beeston, Leeds Friday 6:42 AM - 3:42 PM Ring Rd Gelderd Road, Wortley Saturday 7:58 AM - 3:58 PM Ring Rd Royds Lane, Wortley

Ringways Ring Road, Wortley

Ring Rd Whitehall Drive, Wortley 9 bus Info Whitehall Croft, Leeds Direction: White Rose Centre <-> Horsforth Stops: 54 Branch Road, Farnley Trip Duration: 53 min Blackpool Street, Leeds Line Summary: White Rose Ctr Stand E, White Rose Centre, Ring Road Millshaw, Beeston, Drysalters, Ring Rd Whincover Drive, Farnley Cottingley, Ring Rd Gelderd Road, Wortley, Ring Rd Ring Road Low Wortley, Leeds Royds Lane, Wortley, Ringways Ring Road, Wortley, Ring Rd Whitehall Drive, Wortley, Branch Road, Ring Rd Stonebridge Lane, Farnley Farnley, Ring Rd Whincover Drive, Farnley, Ring Rd Stonebridge Avenue, Leeds Stonebridge Lane, Farnley, Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley, Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley, Ring Rd Butt Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley Lane, Farnley, Ring Rd Hare Farm Avenue, Farnley, Wickes Roundabout, Gamble Hill, Spring Valley Est, Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley Bramley, Stanningley By-Pass, Bramley, Swinnow Rd by Pass, Swinnow, Rycroft Drive, Swinnow, Swinnow Ring Road Farnley, Leeds Co-Op, Swinnow, Harley Road, Swinnow, Intake Ring Rd Butt Lane, Farnley Road, Pudsey, Lowtown, Pudsey, Pudsey Bus Stn B, Pudsey, Lidget Hill, Pudsey, Cemetery Road, Pudsey, Ring Road Farnley, Leeds Thorpe Road, Pudsey, Richardshaw Road, Pudsey, Ring Rd Hare Farm Avenue, Farnley Stanningley Bottom, Stanningley, Stanhall Avenue, Stanningley, New Street, Stanningley, Bradford Road, Wickes Roundabout, Gamble Hill Farsley, Northcote Street, Farsley, Richmond Road, Farsley, Farsley Library, Farsley, St John's Church, Farsley, Water Lane, Farsley, Farsley Cenotaph, Spring Valley Est, Bramley Farsley, Springeld Mills, Farsley, Broom Mills Road, Ring Road Bramley, Leeds Rodley, Coal Hill Drive, Rodley, Calverley Ln Bottom, Rodley, Coal Hill Lane Town St, Rodley, Rodley Park, Stanningley By-Pass, Bramley Rodley, Rodley Town Street, Rodley, Bagley Lane, Stanningley Bypass, Leeds Rodley, Canal Road, Rodley, Horsforth New Rd Rodley Lane, Rodley, Horsforth New Road Calverley Swinnow Rd by Pass, Swinnow Bridge, Horsforth, New Road Side, Horsforth, Stanningley Bypass, Leeds Broadway Parkside, Horsforth, Fink Hill Broadway, Horsforth, Church Road Hall Ln, Horsforth, Rycroft Drive, Swinnow Horsforth Morrisons, Horsforth

Swinnow Co-Op, Swinnow

Harley Road, Swinnow

Intake Road, Pudsey Lowtown, Pudsey Claremont, Leeds

Pudsey Bus Stn B, Pudsey Market Place, Leeds

Lidget Hill, Pudsey Lidget Hill, Leeds

Cemetery Road, Pudsey 23 Richardshaw Lane, Leeds

Thorpe Road, Pudsey Dorset Grove, Leeds

Richardshaw Road, Pudsey 141 Richardshaw Lane, Leeds

Stanningley Bottom, Stanningley Westbourne Place, Leeds

Stanhall Avenue, Stanningley Stanhall Mews, Leeds

New Street, Stanningley

Bradford Road, Farsley

Northcote Street, Farsley Andrew Street, Leeds

Richmond Road, Farsley

Farsley Library, Farsley Old Road, Leeds

St John's Church, Farsley 7 Town Street, Leeds

Water Lane, Farsley 22-26 Town Street, Leeds

Farsley Cenotaph, Farsley The Green, Leeds

Springeld Mills, Farsley

Broom Mills Road, Rodley

Coal Hill Drive, Rodley Coal Hill Green, Leeds

Calverley Ln Bottom, Rodley Ashgrove Mews, Leeds

Coal Hill Lane Town St, Rodley Elliott Court, Leeds

Rodley Park, Rodley Airedale Wharf, England Rodley Town Street, Rodley Town Street, England

Bagley Lane, Rodley

Canal Road, Rodley Rialto Court, England

Horsforth New Rd Rodley Lane, Rodley Horsforth New Road, England

Horsforth New Road Calverley Bridge, Horsforth

New Road Side, Horsforth

Broadway Parkside, Horsforth

Fink Hill Broadway, Horsforth Fink Hill, Leeds

Church Road Hall Ln, Horsforth 5 The Green, Leeds

Horsforth Morrisons, Horsforth Church Road, Leeds Direction: White Rose Centre <-> Pudsey 9 bus Time Schedule 24 stops White Rose Centre <-> Pudsey Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:42 PM White Rose Ctr Stand E, White Rose Centre Tuesday 4:42 PM Ring Road Millshaw, Beeston Wednesday 4:42 PM Drysalters, Cottingley Thursday 4:42 PM Ring Road Beeston, Leeds Friday 4:42 PM Ring Rd Gelderd Road, Wortley Saturday 4:58 PM Ring Rd Royds Lane, Wortley

Ringways Ring Road, Wortley

Ring Rd Whitehall Drive, Wortley 9 bus Info Whitehall Croft, Leeds Direction: White Rose Centre <-> Pudsey Stops: 24 Branch Road, Farnley Trip Duration: 23 min Blackpool Street, Leeds Line Summary: White Rose Ctr Stand E, White Rose Centre, Ring Road Millshaw, Beeston, Drysalters, Ring Rd Whincover Drive, Farnley Cottingley, Ring Rd Gelderd Road, Wortley, Ring Rd Ring Road Low Wortley, Leeds Royds Lane, Wortley, Ringways Ring Road, Wortley, Ring Rd Whitehall Drive, Wortley, Branch Road, Ring Rd Stonebridge Lane, Farnley Farnley, Ring Rd Whincover Drive, Farnley, Ring Rd Stonebridge Avenue, Leeds Stonebridge Lane, Farnley, Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley, Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley, Ring Rd Butt Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley Lane, Farnley, Ring Rd Hare Farm Avenue, Farnley, Wickes Roundabout, Gamble Hill, Spring Valley Est, Ring Rd Tong Road, Farnley Bramley, Stanningley By-Pass, Bramley, Swinnow Rd by Pass, Swinnow, Rycroft Drive, Swinnow, Swinnow Ring Road Farnley, Leeds Co-Op, Swinnow, Harley Road, Swinnow, Intake Ring Rd Butt Lane, Farnley Road, Pudsey, Lowtown, Pudsey, Bus Station Stand E, Pudsey Ring Road Farnley, Leeds

Ring Rd Hare Farm Avenue, Farnley

Wickes Roundabout, Gamble Hill

Spring Valley Est, Bramley Ring Road Bramley, Leeds

Stanningley By-Pass, Bramley Stanningley Bypass, Leeds

Swinnow Rd by Pass, Swinnow Stanningley Bypass, Leeds

Rycroft Drive, Swinnow

Swinnow Co-Op, Swinnow

Harley Road, Swinnow

Intake Road, Pudsey Lowtown, Pudsey Claremont, Leeds

Bus Station Stand E, Pudsey Cranshaw Hill, Leeds 9 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved