IRSR INTERNATIONAL REVIEW of SOCIAL RESEARCH Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2013, 131-149 International Review of Social Research The Ability of Narrative Communication to Address Health-related Social Norms

Meghan Bridgid MORAN• San Diego State University Sheila T. MURPHY University of Southern California Lauren B. FRANK Portland State University Lourdes BAEZCONDE-GARBANATI University of Southern California

Abstract: Social norms are an important predictor of health behavior and have been targeted by a variety of campaigns. However, these campaigns often encounter challenges related to the socially specifc context in which norms exist: specifcally, the extent to which the target population identifes with the specifc reference group depicted and the extent to which the target population believes the campaign’s message. We argue that because of its capacity to effect identifcation among viewers, narrative communication is particularly appropriate for impacting social norms and, consequently, behavioral intention. This manuscript presents the results of a randomized trial testing the effectiveness of two flms – one narrative, one non-narrative – in changing perceived social norms and behavioral intention regarding Pap testing to detect cervical cancer. Results of the study indicate that the narrative flm was in fact more effective at producing positive changes in perceived norms and intention.

Keywords: narrative communication, identifcation, perceived , behavioral intention, cervical cancer. Introduction would approve of, play an important role in health behavior. A wide body Perceived social norms, or what an of research has found evidence linking individual believes others are doing or perceived norms to a variety of health •e-mail: [email protected]. Meghan Bridgid Moran, Ph.D is Assistant Professor at School of Communication, San Diego State University. Sheila T. Murphy is Associate Professor at Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California. Lauren B. Frank, Ph.D., MPH is Assistant Professor at Portland State University, Department of Communication, University Center Building. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Ph.D., MPH is Associate Professor in Preventive Medicine and Sociology at Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California. This work was supported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for TRO1 - Transforming Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors Through Narrative (awarded to the University of Southern California (USC) R01CA144052-Murphy/Baezconde-Garbanati). We wish to acknowledge Doe Mayer & Jeremy Kagan at the USC School of Cinematic Arts, the Change Making Media Lab at USC and Paula Amezola de Herrera at the USC Keck School of Medicine for their contributions to this project. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not represent offcial views of the NCI or of the National Institutes of Health.

© University of Bucharest, June 2013

Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/5/16 1:08 AM 132 | IRSR Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2013 behaviors, such as alcohol use (Keyes, arguing that narrative communication, Schulenberg, O’Malley, Johnston, because of its ability to increase Bachman, Guohua & Hasin, 2012), viewer identifcation with characters, condom use (Albarracin, Kumkale & is uniquely positioned to impact social Johnson, 2004) andcancer screening norms. We testthis assumptionby (Smith-McLallen & Fishbein, 2008). analyzing the results of an experimental As a result, many health communication study comparing two 11-minute health campaigns seek to impact behavior by communication flms – a narrative changing social norms. But despite the and a non-narrative – that contain role perceived norms play in predicting the identical information regarding behavior, the evidence for the success the cause, prevention and treatment of norm-based campaigns is mixed of cervical cancer. Prior to doing (Campo et al., 2003). We argue that so, however, we frst briefy review many of these campaigns fail because the relevant literature on perceived they do not address the ‘social’ aspect social norms, interventions that of social norms. That is, in order to be seek to change behavior by targeting successful, a social norms campaign social norms, and the characteristics must locate the targeted normative of narrative communication that belief within a specifc social context. make it appropriate for social norms To do this, the campaign must identify campaigns. the appropriate reference group and address the targeted norm in a way that will resonate within the target Perceived Social Norms population. Narrative communication (defned Perceived social norms are defned as as ‘a representation of connected frames of reference through which the events and characters that has an world is understood (Sherif, 1936). In identifable structure, is bounded in practice, the construct of social norms space and time, and contains implicit is divided into two sub-constructs: or explicit messages about the topic descriptive norms and subjective being addressed’: Kreuter, Holmes, (or injunctive) norms. Descriptive Alcaraz, Kalesan, Rath, Richert,… norms are typically defned as ‘what Clark, 2007: 222) is uniquely capable is commonly done,’ while subjective of impacting perceived norms in a norms are defned as ‘what is contextually appropriate way. Although commonly approved and disapproved an expanding body of research [of]’ (Kallgren, Reno &Cialdini, 2000: identifes narrative communication 2002). as an innovative way to impact Perceived social norms have been knowledge, attitudes and behavior linked to myriad health behaviors (Kreuter, Green, Cappella, Slater, Wise, including condom use (Albarracin, Storey,…Woolley, 2007), research that Kumkale and Johnson, 2004), HIV-risk examines the infuence of narrative behaviors (Latkin, Forman, Knowlton communication on targeted social and Sherman, 2003) substance use norms is virtually nonexistent. The (Etcheverry & Agnew, 2008) and current manuscript addresses this gap, drunk driving (DeJong and Hingson,

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1998). Most relevant for present that the perceived norm of a group purposes is evidence that social norms subsequently infuences behavior. play an important role in predicting Recently, the integrative model of cancer-screening behavior. McLallen behavioral prediction (IMBP; Fishbein, and Fishbein (2008) found that both 2000) – an extension of the theory of subjective and descriptive norms reasoned action (Ajzen & Fishbein, contributed signifcantly to intentions 1980; Fishbein &Ajzen, 1975) and to get a mammogram (to screen for theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, breast cancer), colonoscopy (to screen 1985, 1991; Ajzen & Madden, 1986) for colorectal cancer) and PSA test (to – hypothesized that perceived norms screen for prostate cancer). impact behavior in conjunction with Several theoretical approaches have several other factors (attitudes, self- traditionally been used to conceptualize effcacy, environmental constraints the mechanisms through which social and skills and abilities). norms affect behavior. The social norms It must be noted that each of these approach (Berkowitz, 2004a; Perkins, frameworks focuses on perceived 2003; Perkins & Berkowitz, 1986) social norms, not actual social norms. provides theoretical reasoning for why There are several key implications perceived norms should play such a stemming from this conceptualization. role, arguing thatbecause individuals First, perceived social norms are are motivated to act in ways similar always specifc to a particular social to relevant others (e.g. a reference context (Sherif, 1936; Terry & Hogg, group) their of a reference 1996). That is, what is normative for group’s behavior will infuence his or one context (e.g. a library) may not be her subsequent behavior (Berkowitz, normative for another context (e.g. a 2004b). Social identity theory (Tajfel, party). Thus social norms are formed 1978; Tajfel & Turner, 1979) offers by referring to relevant others in order an additional way to conceptualize to infer appropriate conduct. These the mechanism through which norms groups of relevant others, known shape behavior. According to social as reference groups (Rimal & Real, identity theory, individuals have 2005) may be small (e.g. a group of numerous identities based on their close friends) to very large (e.g. an self-categorization as members of entire community). Moreover, this various groups. The social categories focus on perceivedas opposed to actual to which one belongs are cognitively social norms implies a relationship represented as prototypes. A prototype between what is actually occurring is one’s perception of a group’s defning in a social context, and what an behaviors, values, attitudes and beliefs individual perceives to be normative. – in other words, the perception of a An individual’s perceived norm may group’s norms. According to social or may not align with the actual norm identity theory, when individuals begin (that being the actual prevalence of a behavior or extent to which others to identify as group members, they approve of a behavior: Lapinski & begin to think of themselves in terms of Rimal, 2005). Although perceived the group’s prototype. It is through this norms often bear some relationship process, known as depersonalization, to actual social norms, perceived

Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/5/16 1:08 AM 134 | IRSR Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2013 social norms operate at the level of the body of literature describing and individual while actual social norms evaluating these campaigns to reduce operate at the level of the group or unsafe alcohol use among college community. students, we focus our description on these campaigns but acknowledge that this approach has been used with Interventions Targeting Norms to other behaviors (e.g. Gerber, Green Change Behavior & Larimer, 2008; Kilmartin, Smith, Green, Heinzen, Kuchler & Kolar, Because social norms operate as 2008). individual-level cognitive constructs Research indicates that a large or beliefs,many health communication number of college students have an campaigns – which typically seek to infated perceived norm, believing change behavior at the individual- their peers engage in unsafe alcohol level – have targeted perceived norms use at a much higher rate than they as predictors of health behavior. actually do (Campo et al., 2003; According to the integrative model Perkins & Berkowitz, 1986). As a of behavioral prediction, campaigns result, several interventions sought to can impact behavior by changing the reduce unsafe alcohol use by providing strength of a behavior-related belief, students with accurate information such as a perceived norm (Fishbein regarding the correct norm. For & Yzer, 2003). In this instance, if example, anintervention poster might a behavior is positively associated read ‘80 per cent of X University with perceived norms (e.g. women students had fewer than four alcoholic who believe most of their friends and beverages last weekend.’ However, colleagues have had mammogramshave despite the strong theoretical stronger intentions to get mammograms underpinnings (Berkowitz, 2004a; themselves), a health communication Perkins, 2003; Perkins & Berkowitz, campaign might seek to target women 1986), many of these interventions whodo not have that perceived norm received limited empirical support (e.g. women who believe that their for their effectiveness. One meta- friends and colleagues have not had a analysis of students at 118 colleges mammogram) and attempt to change found that there was no decrease in or correct that social norm in hopes general drinking behavior among of producing change in behavioral schools that implemented social intentions and, ultimately, behavior. norms interventions relative to schools The majority of campaigns seeking that did not receive social norms to impact perceived norms are premised interventions (Wechsler et al., 2003). on the assumption that increasing or Many evaluations of interventions correcting a perceived norm will result have garnered similar, disappointing in a subsequent increase in the desired results (Campo et al., 2003; Russell, healthy behavior. The bulk of these Clapp & DeJong, 2005; Thombs, campaigns focus on reducing unsafe Dotterer, Olds, Sharp and Raub, 2004). alcohol use among college students There are several reasons that (Keyes, 2012). Because of the wide may explainwhy many of these

Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/5/16 1:08 AM Meghan Bridgid Moran et al. The Ability of Narrative Communication | 135 campaigns had limited success at based, primarily providing information producing behavior change. First, the regarding a norm. Although these information that interventions present interventions present accurate infor- about social norms must be believable: mation regarding an actual norm, interventions have failed because they often lack contextual details that the target audience did not believe could increase the believability of the intervention’s claims (Smith, the intervention’s claims or increase Atkin, Martell, Allen and Hembroff, audience identifcation with the 2006). Second, the reference group reference group in the intervention. used in the intervention must be the Kreuter and colleagues (2007) appropriate group for a given behavior. identify several aspects of narrative More specifcally, an individual must communication that facilitate its role in identify with the reference group in health communication campaigns. Of question (Rimal & Real, 2003) and these, one in particular – identifcation perceive low social distance between – makes narrative communication themselves and the reference group particularly well suited for social (Yanovitzky et al., 2006). For example, norms campaigns. the appropriate reference group for Identifcation with characters has a college student is often their group been defned in a variety of ways, such of friends, not the undergraduate as a viewer’s perceived similarity to population more generally. (e.g. Slater & Rouner, 2002), liking Because perceived norms are of (e.g. Basil, 1996), wanting to be individual representations of societal like (e.g. Eyal& Rubin, 2003) or phenomena, health communication feeling like he or she knows a certain campaigns targeting perceived character (e.g. Murphy, Frank, Moran norms must represent those societal & Patnoe-Woodley, 2011), as well phenomena as accurately as possible. as the cognitive processes of taking Communicating the campaign’s the point of view of a character (e.g. message in a believable way and Cohen, 2001, 2006) and relating to using a reference group with whom a character (e.g. Wilkin et al., 2007). the target audience identifes are The process of identifcation is an crucial components for doing this. In important mediator of narrative the following section, we argue that communication’s effects: those who narrative communication has the ability identify more strongly with a character to increase viewers’ identifcation are more likely to be infuenced by with characters in the story, making it that character’s words and actions particularly well-suited to address the (Banerjee & Greene, 2012; de Graaf, drawbacks of traditional social norms Hoeken, Sanders, &Beentjes, 2011; campaigns. Igartua& Barrios, 2012; McQueen, Kreuter, Kalesan & Alcaraz, 2011; Murphy et al., 2011). According Narrative Communication to social identity theory, reference groups tend to exert infuence only Traditionally, interventions to affect when an individual identifes with that social norms have been largely fact- group. Thus, the ability of narrative

Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/5/16 1:08 AM 136 | IRSR Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2013 communication to present characters may increase the relevance of the who are fully feshed out and with reference group presented in the whom audience members identify is campaign for audience members. a key reason why it is well-suited for Second, identifcation’s impact on social norms interventions. transportation can result in reduced Identifcation also has an indirect counter-arguing and increased per- effect on outcomes associated with ceived realism, making it more likely exposure to narrative communication that audience members will accept the via its relationships withseveral other normative message communicated constructs known to enhance the by the campaign. The current effectiveness of narrative commu- research thus investigates the relative nication. In particular, identifcation effcacy of a fctional narrative vs. with characters can producehigh a more traditional non-narrative levels of engagement with a storyline flm to (a) change a perceived norm (Murphy et al., 2011). This concept, via increased identifcation and known as transportation (Green & (b) increase behavioral intention Brock, 2000), results in decreased via perceived norm. Specifcally, counter arguing against messages in we look at a perceived norm and the narrative (Green & Brock, 2000; behavioral intention regarding Pap Kreuter et al., 2007; Slater & Rouner, (Papanicolaou) tests to detect cervical 2002), since viewers’ cognitive cancer. Although this research focuses resources are devoted to the storyline. on cervical cancer, our results may Additionally, audience members who have implications for a variety of are highly transported are more likely health conditions. Figures 1 and 2 to experience the narrative’s events illustrate the proposed relationships and messages as though they were between the variables of interest. We occurring in the ‘real world’ (Green & hypothesize the following: Brock, 2000). Because of both the direct H1: A narrative flm focusing on and indirect role identifcation plays cervical cancer prevention via in facilitating the effects of narrative Pap tests will be more effective communication, it is crucial to explore at increasing the perceived social its role in changing perceived norms. norm regarding the number of women who get regular Pap tests than the identical information pre- Current Study sented in a non-narrative flm.

It is well documented that narrative H2: The association between flm communication has the ability to type (narrative vs. non-narrative) produce identifcation in audience and perceived social norm will be members. This capability makes mediated by identifcation, such narrative communication particularly that the narrative flm will produce appropriate for campaigns targeting higher levels of identifcation perceived social norms for two in viewers, which will in turn reasons. First, narrative’s ability to produce increased perceived produce identifcation with characters norms.

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H3: A narrative flm focusing on H4: The association between flm cervical prevention via Pap tests type (narrative vs. non-narrative) will be more effective at increasing and behavioral intention to get behavioral intention to get a Pap a Pap test will be mediated by test than the identical information perceived norm, such that the presented in a non-narrative flm. narrative flm will produce an

Figure 1. Hypothesized relationships between flm type, identifcation and perceived norm

Figure 2. Hypothesized relationships between flm type, perceived norm and behavioral intention.

increase in the perceived norm a narrative or non-narrative flm which will, in turn, produce an containing the identical information increase in behavioral intention. about cervical cancer prevention and detection. Participants completed a Methods pre-test and post-test.

African American, European American, Materials Korean American and Mexican American women were sampled via Two 11-minute flms were produced, a random digit dial procedure and each conveying the same ten facts and randomly assigned to view either persuasive message regarding cervical cancer and its prevention and treatment.

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The narrative flm, The Tamale Lesson, found that women of all ethnicities centers on the Romero family as they were able to relate to the Quinceañera prepare for their youngest daughter storyline in the narrative and felt both Rosita’s Quinceañera (15th birthday flms were believable. Additional celebration). The oldest daughter, testing of the narrative flm among Lupita, has just received a diagnosis Mexican Americans, European of having an HPV (Human Papilloma Americans and African Americans Virus) infection, which sparks a (see Murphy, Frank, Chatterjee and discussion regarding HPV, cervical Baezconde-Garbanati, 2013) found cancer and Pap tests between Lupita, that, although Mexican Americans her middle sister Connie, her mother did identify more strongly with and her mother’s friend Petra, who is the characters, there was suffcient in her ffties. In the flm, Lupita uses variation in identifcation for all three a chicken to demonstrate what a Pap ethnic groups. To ensure that the facts test entails and the flm concludes were clearly displayed in each flm, with Connie, her mother and Blanca research assistants identifed where at the clinic to get Pap tests. The each fact was located in the flm, for non-narrative flm, It’s Time, is a how long it was discussed and the more traditional, fact-based flm, precise wording. This confrmed that which uses doctors and real women each fact was presented equally across to present facts about cervical cancer flms. and its treatment and prevention. The non-narrative flm similarly featured predominantly Hispanic individuals. Experimental procedure Because perceived similarity is an important component of identifcation, A random digit dial (RDD) procedure we chose to have both flms feature was used to recruit 843 participants predominantly Hispanic individuals to in Los Angeles County, USA. The ensure suffcient variation in audience research protocol was approved identifcation with flm characters.Both by the researchers’ university IRB. flms contained messages designed to Participants were given a pretest to impact perceived norms regarding Pap establish their baseline on several tests. constructs, including perceived Pap test norms and behavioral intention Manipulation Check to get a Pap test in the next two years. Participants were then randomly The rough cuts of both flms were assigned to receive in the mail a DVD pre-tested in eight focus groups (two of either the narrative or non-narrative for each ethnic group) to ensure that flm. Participants were re-contacted for the only signifcant difference was in a posttest survey two weeks after the their narrative/non-narrative format. In pretest. Before beginning the posttest, particular, focus groups indicated that participants were asked whether they the flms’ focus on Hispanic characters had viewed the DVD and were asked was not a barrier to engaging with and to answer several questions about enjoying the flm. Focus groups also the flm to confrm that they had

Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/5/16 1:08 AM Meghan Bridgid Moran et al. The Ability of Narrative Communication | 139 in fact viewed it. Participants who cent (N = 38) had not had a Pap test had not viewed the flm were asked within the past three years. to watch the flm and were then re- contacted to complete the posttest. Measures Participants who had viewed the flm completed the posttest that measured Perceived norms. In both the pretest perceived social norms and behavioral and posttest, participants were asked intentions, among other constructs. to imagine ten women like themselves. All interviewing was conducted by Participants were then asked, ‘How California Survey Research Services, many of these ten women do you think Inc. Up to six call attempts were made have regular Pap tests?’ Responses to sampled numbers to complete the ranged from 0 to 10. Perceived norms pre-test survey, and up to 35 attempts have been shown to have a medium to were made to re-contact individuals strong effect on behavioral intentions for the posttest survey. Participants (Rivis & Sheeran, 2003) and are received gift cards as compensation for additionally an important predictor their participation in the study. of behavior (Rimal & Real, 2003). We followed Rimal and Real (2003) and Frank, Chatterjee, Chaudhuri, Participants Lapsansky, Bhanot, and Murphy (2012) in using a single question to To be eligible for participation in assess perceived descriptive norms. this study, participants needed to be Behavioral intention. In both the female, between the ages of 25-45 (as pretest and the posttest, participants this is the age for which Pap testing is were asked ‘How likely is it that you most relevant), have had no previous will get a Pap test within the next two diagnosis of cervical cancer and years?’ Responses ranged from ‘1=not self-identify as European American, at all likely’ to ‘10=extremely likely.’ African American, Mexican American We opted to measure behavioral or Korean American. Because the flms intention rather than behavior because, were in English, participants also had due to the long recommended interval to be fuent in English. A total of 843 between Pap tests (three to fve years women completed both surveys.Just for women aged 25-45 years: Moyer, under one-third of the sample was U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, Mexican American (30.0 per cent, N 2012), measuring behavior was not = 253), 31.9 per cent (N = 269) was feasible for this study. Behavioral European American, 28.4 per cent (N = intention has been found to be an 239) was African American and 9.7 per acceptablepredictor of medical cent (N = 82) was Korean American. screening behavior (Sheeran, Conner & The average age was 38.16 years (SD Norman, 2001) and more specifcally, = 5.70). The majority of the women in cervical cancer screening behavior this sample had some form of health (Cooke & French, 2008). insurance (86.1 per cent, N = 726). A Identifcation. Identifcation was small percentage (3.2 per cent, N = 27) measured by asking participants how had never gotten a Pap test, and 4.7 per much they liked, felt like they knew,

Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/5/16 1:08 AM 140 | IRSR Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2013 felt they were similar to, and wanted variable (perceived norm or behavioral to be like ‘the characters in the flm.’ intention), recency of the participant’s Responses were on a ten-point scale last Pap test and ethnicity (Mexican ranging from ‘1=strongly disagree’ to American) and education level entered ‘10=strongly agree.’ These items were as covariates. We additionally tested averaged to create one measure for the interaction effect between flm identifcation, ranging from 1 to 10. type and education level. To test our Film type. Film type (narrative hypotheses that the impact of flm vs. non-narrative) was coded dicho- type on perceived norm would be tomously so that ‘0’ indicated that mediated by identifcation (H2) and the participant had viewed the non- our hypothesis that the relationship narrative flm and ‘1’ indicated that the between flm type and behavioral participant had viewed the narrative intention would be mediated by flm. perceived norm (H4), we used Hayes’ Covariates. We controlled for (2012) procedure for estimating ethnicity (whether the participant was conditional indirect effects of an Mexican American)and recency of independent variable on a dependent the participant’s last Pap test (ranging variable via a mediating variable. from 0 months to 120 or more months This procedure enabled us to account (including women who had never for the potential moderating role of received a Pap test). Additionally, educational level on participants’ because it has been argued that response to the flm. This procedure level of education may moderate the can be implemented through an SPSS impact of narrative communication macro titled ‘PROCESS’ available (Kreuter et al., 2007), we accounted at Hayes’ personal website (www. for the moderating effect of education afhayes.com). We ran a separate level (college degree or less vs. some analysis for each hypothesis. The graduate education or higher) on frst analysis controlled for perceived norm at the time of the pre-test, response to the flm. whether or not the participant was Mexican American, and recency of the participant’s last Pap test. The second Data analysis analysis controlled for perceived norm and behavioral intention at the time Data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0. of the pre-test, whether or not the Table 1 presents descriptive statistics participant was Mexican American, by flm type on key variables in our and recency of the participant’s last Pap sample. To test our hypotheses that test. Both analysis accounted for the the narrative flm would result in a moderating effect of education level. signifcantly higher perceived norm To further investigate the relationships (H1) and behavioral intention (H3) between all of the variables of interest, regarding getting a regular pap test, a structural equation model was a between-subjects ANCOVA was tested using LISREL. Power analysis conducted, with flm type (narrative indicated that our sample provided or non-narrative) entered as a fxed suffcient power (.80) to detect a factor, pre-test value of the dependent relationship between the variables of

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Table 1: Sample Descriptive Statistics Non-narrative Narrative

(N = 423) (N = 420) % N % N Mexican American 30.300 128 29.800 125 European American 31.000 131 32.900 138 African American 29.600 125 27.100 114 Korean American 9.200 39 10.200 43 < High school degree 19.400 82 17.900 75 Never had a Pap test 2.900 12 3.600 15 M SD M SD Age 38.260 5.592 38.050 5.808 Recency of last Pap test (in months) 12.740 13.396 14.19 17.41 Pre-test perceived norm 6.260 2.340 6.220 2.410 Pre-test behavioral intention 9.430 1.810 9.370 2.037 Identifcation(a) 5.572 2.185 6.113 2.106 (a) Differences in means are signifcant at p < .001. interest at a two-sided .05 signifcance of watching the narrative flm. This level, if the true change in the dependent relationship is depicted graphically variables is .091 standard deviations in Figure 3. There was no difference per one standard deviation change in in posttest behavioral intention to the independent variable. We will be get a Pap test between women who able to detect changes as small as .178 viewed the narrative and women who standard deviations change. viewed the non-narrative flm (F(1, 638) = 0.013, p = .909, η2= .000), Results nor was there a conditional effect as a result of participant education level Results of our analysis testing (F(1,832) = 1.144, p = .285, η2 = .001). perceived Pap test norms by flm type Table 2 presents actual and adjusted indicated that viewers of the narrative descriptive statistics for perceived flm and viewers of the non-narrative norm and behavioral intention by flm flm did not differ signifcantly on post- type. test perceived norms (F(1, 818) =.000, Results of our test of identifcation p = .989, η2= .000). However, flm as a mediator of the relationship type did have a conditional effect on between flm type and perceived norm post-test perceived norm as a result of indicated that viewing the narrative participant education level (F(1,818) flm was positively associated with = 4.582, p < .05, η2= .006), such that identifcation (b(SE) = .527(.164), women with lower education levels p< .01). Identifcation was negatively had higher perceived norms as a result associated with perceived norm (b(SE)

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Figure 3. Effects of flm type on perceived norm by education level

Table 2: Descriptive statistics for perceived norm and behavioral intention by flm type

Observed Adjusted mean SE N mean Perceived Norm(a) Narrative 6.200 6.259 0.112 418 Non-narrative 6.070 6.257 0.112 420 Behavioral Intention(b) Narrative 9.620 9.659 0.062 420 Non-narrative 9.680 9.748 0.061 423 (a) Controlling for pre-test perceived norm (b) Controlling for pre-test behavioral intention

= -.-.130, p< .001). Education level flm was positively associated with did not moderate this relationship. In perceived norm (b(SE) = .354(.155), the model containing identifcation, p< .05) and perceived norm was flm type did not have a statistically positively associated with behavioral signifcant direct effect (b(SE) = intention (b = .040, p< .05). Film type .256(.137), p=.062. did not have a direct effect(b(SE) = Results of our analysis testing .037(.075), p = .627) on behavioral the indirect effect of flm type on intention. Consistent with our initial behavioral intention via perceived analysis, the indirect effect of flm type norm indicated that perceived norm on behavioral intention was moderated did act as a mediating variable. by education level, such that viewing Specifcally, viewing the narrative the narrative flm was associated with

Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/5/16 1:08 AM Meghan Bridgid Moran et al. The Ability of Narrative Communication | 143 increased perceived norm among type and identifcation on perceived those with lower education levels, norms and behavioral intentions, while viewing the narrative flm was while controlling for pretest perceived associated with decreased perceived norms, behavioral intentions, and norms among those with higher recency of last Pap test. The model education levels. was a good ft to the data, χ2(12) = Our structural equation model 16.5, p = .17, root mean square error of tested the simultaneous effects of flm approximation (RMSEA) = 0.02 (90%

Figure 4. Structural equation model representing relationships between flm type, identifcation, perceived norm and behavioral intention confdence interval: 0.0 – 0.045); CFI intention via perceived norms. Our = 0.99. Results indicated that all of hypotheses rested upon several our proposed paths, with the exception theoretical premises. First, according of the direct effect of flm type on to the integrative model of behavioral perceived norm, were statistically prediction (Fishbein, 2000) and social signifcant (p< .05). Figure 4 presents identity theory (Tajfel, 1978; Tajfel& the results from the structural equation Turner, 1979), perceived social norms model analysis. are specifc to reference groups. As such, any intervention seeking to Discussion impact social norms must focus on a reference group with whom the This study sought to test the effcacy of target audience identifes. Narrative narrative versus non-narrative health communication has been shown to communication materials at impacting increase audience identifcation with perceived social norms and behavioral characters and groups in the storyline,

Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/5/16 1:08 AM 144 | IRSR Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2013 which increases the likelihood that the our data indicate that flm type has an audience will perceive the reference indirect effect on behavioral intention group in question as relevant. Addi- via perceived norm. Specifcally, tionally, a social norms campaign viewers of the narrative flm had higher must contain a believable message. perceived norms, and as a result, When viewers identify with characters, stronger behavioral intentions. This the likelihood that they experience effect was not moderated by education events in the story as though they were level. happening in the ‘real world’ increases The results of the analyses testing (Green & Brock, 2000; Murphy et al., the indirect effect of flm type on 2011). perceived norm through identifcation Results of this study indicate that were contrary to what we expected. the narrative flm was indeed more To contextualize these fndings, we effective than the non-narrative flm conducted an additional review of in producing a higher perceived social each flm to identify potential factors norm that more women were getting explaining why increased identifcation screened for cervical cancer via Pap might be associated with lower per- tests among women with college ceived norm and why the narrative degrees or lower levels of education. flm did not produce higher levels of However, highly educated women transportation compared to the non- showed higher perceived social norms narrative flm. Our review of the as a result of the non-narrative flm. flms indicated that the non-narrative These results offer partial support for flm may not have communicated the our hypothesis that the narrative flm perceived norm of getting a regular would be more effective than the non- Pap as clearly as the narrative flm. To narrative flm at changing perceived further investigate this, we ran a post- norms and are consistent with Kreuter hoc analysis testing the extent to which and colleagues’ (2007) argument that flm type moderated the relationships narrative communication may be between identifcationand perceived particularly useful for populations norm. Results of this analysis indicate with lower education or that flm type did indeed moderate levels. Results testing our hypothesis this relationship, such that among that identifcation would mediate those who watched the non-narrative the effect of flm type on perceived flm, identifcation (βflm type*identifcation = norm indicate that identifcation with .150, p< .02) was much more strongly characters mediates the relationship negatively associated with perceived between flm type and perceived norm, norm than among those who watched but not in the direction hypothesized. the narrative flm. This post-hoc Although the narrative flm did pro- analysis indicates that, in the tests of our duce higher levels of identifcation second hypotheses, the strong negative as expected this, in turn, resulted in a relationship between identifcation and lower perceived norm. Our hypothesis perceived norms among those who that viewing the narrative flm would be watched the non-narrative flm could directly, positively related to behavioral have obscured the overall effect. intention was not supported; however, Results of our analyses testing the

Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/5/16 1:08 AM Meghan Bridgid Moran et al. The Ability of Narrative Communication | 145 direct and indirect effect of flm type must be noted. First, although this on behavioral intention indicate that the study had an ethnically diverse sample, flm type did not have a direct effect on participants were all females living in behavioral intention. We suspect this is Los Angeles County between the ages likely due to a ceiling effect, as pretest of 25-45. Thus, the generalizability of behavioral intentions were extremely this study’s fndings may be limited high (M = 9.41 out of a possible as it is possible that women living in 10), leaving little room for change. other areas, or in different age groups However, flm type did have an indirect might respond differently to the flm. effect on behavioral intention via Additionally, our second hypothesis perceived norm, such that the narrative dealt with behavioral intention – not flm produced higher perceived norm actual behavior. Although evidence which in turn resulted in higher indicates that behavioral intention is behavioral intentions to get a Pap test. highly predictive of behavior (Ajzen, This fnding supports the integrative 1991; Armitage & Conner, 2001; model of behavioral prediction, Sutton & Barto, 1998), it is important according to which normative beliefs to examine actual behavior. The current are a precursor to behavioral intention study is supplementing current posttest and, subsequently, behavior. results with a six-month follow-up Ultimately, these fndings indicate evaluation where actual behavior to that the narrative formatted flm was get a Pap test will be evaluated. in fact more successful at directly Despite these limitations, the changing perceived norms and current study offers evidence for narra- indirectly changingbehavioral intention tive communication’s unique ability than the non-narrative flm. This to impact social norms. Narrative effect was mediated by identifcation, communication ability to produce although not in the direction expected. identifcation with characters enables Our post-hoc analyses indicate that it to overcome many of the barriers this was possibly because the non- faced by traditional, non-narrative narrative flm did not communicate the social norms interventions. This work normative message as strongly as the adds to a growing body of literature narrative flm and as such, could have indicating narrative communication suppressed the effect of identifcation is an innovative format for conveying on perceived norms. health information to the public and Several limitations of this study effecting positive health changes.

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