
Melissa Foster

A Thesis

Presented to

The Faculty of Humboldt State University

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Science

In Environmental Systems: Geology

May, 2010



Melissa Foster

Approved by the Master’s Thesis Committee:

Dr. Harvey M. Kelsey, Major Professor Date

Dr. Benjamin T. Crosby, Committee Member Date

Dr. William E. Weaver, Committee Member Date

Dr. Christopher J. Dugaw, Graduate Coordinator Date

Jená Burges, Vice Provost Date



Melissa Foster

Multiple knickpoints are present in two basins of the South Fork Eel

River. These tributaries are downstream from a major knickpoint on the South Fork Eel

River, which may be a transient knickpoint propagating base-level fall throughout the basin. Knickpoints are identified from longitudinal profiles extracted from LiDAR- derived DEMs. Knickpoints and knickzones, knickzones being the immediate downstream reach of higher gradient, are present throughout the two basins. Many of the knickpoints display correlative elevations between the two basins. Knickpoints are most common on first-order streams, and knickpoint frequency decreases with increasing stream order. Major knickzones were found throughout the basins, but the largest knickzone reaches were found closest to the basin outlets. Although only the lowest major knickpoints on each tributary likely correlate with the major knickpoint on the

South Fork, it does appear that knickpoints in these tributary basins are the result of multiple instances of base-level lowering on the South Fork Eel River.



First and foremost, I wish to thank Harvey Kelsey, an amazing graduate advisor.

I am hugely appreciative of the time and enthusiasm you have devoted to this project and my scholastic endeavors. Ben Crosby was most helpful with my MATLAB questions and proposal reviews. Thank you to Bill Weaver for his advice on this manuscript and several proposals and abstracts. Pacific Watershed Associates deserves many thanks for all of their support; they made this thesis possible. Thank you to Redwood Forest

Foundation Incorporated and Campbell Timberland Management for allowing and facilitating land access for field research. This research was supported by a student grant from the Geological Society of America and a data collection grant from the National

Center for Airborne Laser Mapping. Additional data and GIS tools were downloaded from and David Lamphear and

Diane Montoya graciously helped me dive into the world of GIS and LiDAR. Bonnie

Bennett, Ronna Bowers, Mary Barr, Koa Lavery, Kyle French, Jason Buck, and especially Evan Saint-Pierre were kind enough to help me collect field data. I am so appreciative of my family for their various forms of support during this process. And to all of my friends- thank you for your patience and the good times!



ABSTRACT ...... iii



LIST OF TABLES ...... vii

LIST OF FIGURES ...... viii



STUDY AREA ...... 3


LiDAR-Generated Digital Elevation Models ...... 5

Stream Profile Analysis...... 6

Identification of Knickpoints and Knickzones ...... 8

RESULTS ...... 10

South Fork Eel River ...... 10

Standley Creek ...... 10

Bear Pen Creek ...... 12

Knickpoints and Knickzones: Frequency and Distribution ...... 14

Terraces ...... 16

South Fork Eel River Basin-Wide Steepness Indices ...... 16

DISCUSSION ...... 18

Trends in Knickzone Length and Gradient with Drainage Area ...... 18


Are Major Knickzones Characterized by Narrower Valleys? ...... 19

Elevation Groupings of Major Knickpoints ...... 20

Generation of Major Knickzones: Internal or External Control? ...... 21

Terraces Support Transient Knickzone Migration ...... 22

Multiple Events of Base-level Lowering on the South Fork Eel ...... 23

CONCLUSION ...... 25


TABLES ...... 29

FIGURES ...... 31

APPENDICES ...... 54




1 Knickpoint Frequency in the Standley and Bear Pen Creek Drainage Basins Eel River ...... 30




1 Location Map of the South Fork Eel River ...... 32

2. Hillshades of the South Fork Eel River Basin ...... 33

3. Hillshades and GIS-derived drainage network for Standley and Bear Pen Creeks Utilizing 10-m and 1-m DEMs ...... 34

4. Schematic Figure Depicting Knickpoints and Knickzones ...... 35

5. Longitudinal Profile and Hillshade of the South Fork Eel River ...... 36

6. Longitudinal Profile and Hillshade of Standley Creek ...... 37

7. Longitudinal Profile, Hillshade, and Slopeshade of North Fork Standley Creek ...... 38

8. Longitudinal Profile, Hillshade, and Slopeshade of Long Gulch ...... 39

9. Longitudinal Profile, Hillshade, and Slopeshade of Standley Creek Tributary 2 ...... 40

10. Longitudinal Profile, Hillshade, and Slopeshade of Standley Creek Tributary 4 ...... 41

11. Longitudinal Profile, Hillshade, and Slopeshade of Bear Pen Creek ...... 42

12. Longitudinal Profile, Hillshade, and Slopeshade of North Fork Bear Pen Creek ...... 43

13. Longitudinal Profile, Hillshade, and Slopeshade of Cinnamon Bear Gulch ...... 44

14. Longitudinal Profile, Hillshade, and Slopeshade of Bear Pen Creek Tributary 1 ...... 45

15. Longitudinal Profile, Hillshade, and Slopeshade of Bear Pen Creek Tributary 5 ...... 46

16. Plots of Knickpoint Attributes ...... 47


17. Knickpoint Frequency Denoted by Stream Order ...... 48

18. Major Knickzone Distribution in the Standley and Bear Pen Creek Drainage Basins ...... 49

19. Pre-incision Base Levels and Associated Terraces ...... 50

20. Normalized Steepness Indices Throughout the South Fork Eel River Basin .....51

21. Characteristics of Major Knickzones ...... 52

22. Valley Widths and Knickzones ...... 53




A. Parameters of Major Knickpoints and Knickzones in the Standley Creek Drainage Basin ...... 55

B. Parameters of Major Knickpoints and Knickzones in the Bear Pen Creek Drainage Basin ...... 60

C. Minor Knickpoint Data for the Standley Creek Basin ...... 64

D. Minor Knickpoint Data for the Standley Creek Basin ...... 80



Stream channels in equilibrium conditions ideally reach a steady-state condition, preserving a distinct longitudinal profile (Mackin, 1948). Parameters such as climate, sediment supply, , and uplift must be balanced to achieve a steady-state condition (Mackin, 1948; Sklar and Dietrich, 1998; Snyder et al., 2000). Peculiarities in a longitudinal profile, manifested by knickpoints or knickzones, signal a perturbance to steady-state conditions of a channel (Seidl and Dietrich, 1992; Hayakawa and Matsukura,

2003; Wobus et al., 2006). A knickzone is a locally high-gradient reach between lower- gradient reaches (Seidl and Dietrich, 1992; Crosby and Whipple, 2006; Hayakawa and

Oguchi, 2009). The upstream end of the high-gradient reach is the knickpoint, which is a distinct inflection point between a high-gradient reach and an upstream lower-gradient reach.

Unlike alluvial channels, bedrock channels cannot quickly adjust their longitudinal profiles or hydraulic geometries. Assuming uniform geologic substrate, major knickpoints and knickzones within the longitudinal profile may indicate incision driven by a large base-level change (Crosby and Whipple, 2006; Wobus et al., 2006), whereas minor knickpoints and their knickzones may indicate lithologic variations or smaller pulses of incision that affect the longitudinal profile to a lesser magnitude. Major knickzones may be transient, eroding upstream with time as a response to base-level fall

(Crosby et al., 2005; Wobus et al., 2006). If a major knickzone is transient, the upstream low-gradient reach preserves the relict topography of the basin (Crosby and Whipple, 1


2006). A major knickpoint will continue to migrate through headward erosion, incising into the relict topography. If knickpoint migration is the predominant process of propagating base-level lowering along a trunk stream, then knickpoints should sequentially be initiated along tributaries and sub-tributaries of progressively lower-order as the major knickpoint migrates upstream.

The objectives of this study are threefold. The first objective is to inventory knickpoints on tributaries of the South Fork Eel River in northern California (Figure 1).

The second objective is to determine whether major knickpoints in the tributaries are correlative with major knickpoints in the trunk stream, which in this case is the South

Fork Eel River. The third objective is to discuss, based on knickpoint attributes and correlation, alternative mechanisms of knickpoint formation.


The South Fork Eel River basin is located in the temperate climate of northern

California. Precipitation is fairly consistent throughout the basin, averaging ~160 cm at the monitoring station in Leggett, CA (Figure 1) with most of the precipitation occurring during winter months. Elevation ranges from ~30 m at the confluence with the South

Fork Eel River to 1,350 m at the headwaters, near the Laytonville valley (Figure 1). The geology consists primarily of sandstone and siltstone of the coastal and central belts of the Mesozoic Franciscan Complex with relatively minor exposures of Franciscan

Complex ultramafic rocks and late Neogene and Quaternary sediments (Strand, 1962;

Jennings and Strand, 1962) (Figure 1). The region is tectonically active and is situated within the 70-km-wide plate-boundary deformation zone, defined by the right-lateral San

Andreas Fault Zone that separates the Pacific plate to the west from the North American plate to the east (Kelsey and Carver, 1988).

The South Fork Eel River is a bedrock-dominated channel; the channel records a large step (knickzone) in its longitudinal profile ~135 km upstream from its confluence with the mainstem Eel, between the tributary junctions of Rattlesnake and Ten Mile

Creeks (Crosby and Willenbring, 2007) (Figure 1). If the knickzone reach is transient and propagating upstream, then the area below the knickpoint has experienced recent base-level fall, whereas the area above the knickpoint preserves the relict topography.

Initiation of subsequent knickpoint propagation into its tributary basins would provide evidence for the process of base-level lowering through knickzone propagation. Previous 3

4 analysis of longitudinal profiles from 10-m DEMs identified numerous knickpoints in tributaries of the South Fork Eel River (Crosby and Willenbring, 2007). This study concentrates on knickpoints within two of these tributary basins, Standley and Bear Pen

Creeks, where high-quality topographic data are available.

Standley and Bear Pen Creeks are adjacent tributary basins located downstream from the South Fork Eel River knickzone, near the town of Piercy (Figure 1). The two basins are dominated by redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), with sparse hardwood tree species. Both basins were historically managed for timber production. The two watersheds are entirely within the coastal belt of the

Franciscan Complex. There is no mélange in the coastal belt, so tributary longitudinal profiles are not influenced by deep-seated earthflow landslides that affect stream longitudinal profiles within the central belt of the Franciscan Complex (Kelsey, 1980).

Because the two tributary basins have bedrock rather than alluvial channels, increased sedimentation from logging practices has minor impact on the longitudinal profiles of streams in each basin. Standley and Bear Pen Creeks have drainage areas of 19 km2 and

13 km2, respectively, and display similar sub-tributary drainage patterns. Standley and

Bear Pen Creeks confluence with the South Fork Eel River, ~92.5 and ~98 km

respectively, above the South Fork confluence with the mainstem Eel River. Therefore,

both basins are about 40 km downstream of the base of the South Fork Eel River

knickzone. Similarities between the two basins allow for replication in data collection to

compare the observations and results from one tributary to the other.


LiDAR-Generated Digital Elevation Models

Initial investigation and field studies were conducted using 10-m digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from 40-foot contour lines, available from the United States

Geological Survey (USGS) (Figure 2A). Analysis of 10-m DEMs allows comparison throughout the South Fork Eel River basin, but the resolution of the DEMs does not accurately represent the fluvial network seen in field studies. High quality 1-m DEMs were provided by the National Center of Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) for this study. DEMs were generated using airborne laser imaging detection and ranging systems

(LiDAR) collected in September of 2009 during low-flow conditions. Collection of this

LiDAR data set coincided with the collection of LiDAR data along the mainstem of the

South Fork Eel River, and adds to the available LiDAR database available for the South

Fork Eel River basin (Figure 2B).

Using 1-m DEMs, a hydrology network was generated using tools available for

ESRI Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Generation of streams was set at a minimum drainage area of 25,000 m2, which yields a drainage network length of 75,784 m in the Standley Creek basin and 52,057 m in the Bear Pen Creek basin. To contrast the quality of the data set, the 1-m DEMs generated ~128 km of stream length versus the 108

km of stream length generated from 10-m DEMs (Figure 3). Stream density with respect

to drainage area is 4.0 km/km2 for both basins. Stream order was defined using GIS-tools

employing the Strahler method of channel ordering (Strahler, 1952). Both basins include 5

6 first- to fifth-order channels. The only fifth-order channel in each tributary basin is the mainstem. Both basins display a prominent fourth-order north fork. The resulting stream network coincides with field observations of channels exhibiting fluvial processes. The minimum drainage area defining a stream channel (25,000 m2) is much smaller than the

widely documented values for the break between colluvial and fluvial processes

(100,000-1,000,000 km2) (e.g., Dietrich et al., 1993; Montgomery and Foufoula-

Georgiou, 1993), but within range of the break observed in other northern California streams (10,000-100,000 m2) (Snyder et al., 2000). Although fluvial processes dominate

downstream of 25,000 m2 drainage area, colluvial processes still impact these streams,

which largely flow within inner-gorge slopes underlain by potentially unstable Franciscan

Complex geology.

Stream Profile Analysis

Longitudinal profiles were extracted utilizing profiler-tools for GIS and

MATLAB (available at: and methodology developed by

Wobus et al. (2006) and Whipple et al. (2007). Channel heads were designated at 25,000

m2 contributing drainage area and spatially selected based upon the GIS-created

hydrology layer. Stream channels were sampled at a 0.5 m vertical sampling interval and

a 10 m smoothing window was applied using the built-in smoothing algorithm in the

profiler-tools (Whipple et al., 2007). Data smoothing eliminates the “stair-step” features

seen in a longitudinal profile due to the digital raster graphic contour-interval from which

most DEMs are generated (Wobus et al., 2006). LiDAR-derived DEMs provide vertical

7 detail <1 m, so there is little stair-step effect to eliminate. However, the raw-elevation data did demonstrate numerous small pits and features that may represent large, woody debris in channels, and the smoothed profiles were more representative of the true channel-bottom observed in the field.

Streams achieving a minimum flow accumulation of 50,000 m2 at their outlet,

twice the contributing drainage area at their designated headwaters, were selected for

profile analysis. This included all major tributaries and USGS-identified blue line

streams on the 7.5 minute quadrangles (USGS 1969b) and reduced the number of first-

order basins for analysis. Any stream diverted from its natural channel due to roads or

relict logging-trails was eliminated from analysis. In Standley Creek, 64 individual

streams ranging 160 m to 9,350 m in length were analyzed. In Bear Pen Creek, 39

individual streams ranging from 255 m to 8,400 m in length were analyzed. Although the

total number of streams analyzed differs, the length of stream analyzed with respect to

drainage area is 2.8 km/km2 and 2.7 km/km2 for the Standley Creek and Bear Pen Creek

basins, respectively. Streams were selected at their outlet, and followed upstream along

the path of the highest order channel. At tributary junctions where streams of equal order confluence, the stream path with the greatest contributing drainage area was then followed upstream to generate longitudinal profiles. Each profile was analyzed as a whole, from headwaters to outlet.


Identification of Knickpoints and Knickzones

Major and minor knickpoints (Figure 4) are defined from outlet to headwaters along the longitudinal profile of each stream. Field reconnaissance identified several minor knickpoints that were confirmed on DEM-extracted longitudinal profiles. Many minor knickpoints occur at erosion-resistant sandstones, and are readily identifiable in the field because they form small waterfalls or cascades. In contrast, major knickzones are large regions of increased gradients, extend across various siltstone and sandstone units, and cover a large portion of total stream length and elevation change (Appendices A and

B). Minor knickpoints may be located at erosion-resistant rocks within a major knickzone. Identifying major knickpoints in the field can be more difficult because it is hard to see the inflection point when observing large reaches. Although all knickpoints have an associated knickzone, major knickzones are the focus because they best demonstrate a drop in stream base level.

Knickpoints and knickzones were denoted in long profiles generated by

MATLAB and imported into GIS to map spatial distribution. Knickpoints and knickzones were user-classified as major or minor. Once knickpoints were mapped into

GIS, any knickpoint that intersected with a road surface or relict logging-trail was further investigated. Many knickpoints near road surfaces were eliminated or downgraded from major to minor knickpoints after cross-referencing field notes or stereographic aerial photos.


Knickzone length was calculated using the surface length tool in GIS, which factors in elevation changes. Average gradients for both knickzones and upstream reaches were calculated as the change in elevation over horizontal distance measured along the flow path. Calculations also included knickpoint frequency, which is the number of knickpoints per stream length, and knickzone density, which is the percentage of knickzone reach length to total given stream length (Hayakawa and Oguchi, 2006).


South Fork Eel River

The profile of the South Fork Eel River from LiDAR-derived DEMs (Figure 5A)

was similar to the profile generated from the 10-m DEM. The South Fork Eel River

profile has one major knickpoint and two minor knickpoints (Figure 5). The major

knickpoint, which is at 376 m elevation, is 150 km above the mouth of the South Fork

Eel River (Figure 5A). The two minor knickpoints occur above the major knickpoint.

Above and below the major knickzone, the profile exhibits a more typical, relatively

smooth concave-up appearance. The major knickzone, which is 135-150 km upstream of

the South Fork Eel River junction with the mainstem Eel River (Figure 5A), has a reach

length of 14.9 km. Knickzone density, based entirely on this single knickzone, for the

entire South Fork Eel trunk stream is 8.3%.

Standley Creek

Standley Creek, the only fifth-order stream in the Standley Creek watershed, has three major knickpoints and knickzones (Figure 6A and 6B). The knickzones become progressively shorter as distance from the Standley Creek outlet increases. The lower knickzone is the most prominent in the longitudinal profile. From field observation, the uppermost major knickzone, between 325-350 m elevation, steepens into a 2 m bedrock cascade at the top. Several minor knickpoints occur within the major knickzones. A group of three minor knickpoints, outside of the major knickzone, occur ~5,200 m


11 upstream from the outlet (Figure 6A) within a reach of erosion-resistant greywacke that forms a narrow gorge along Standley Creek.

North Fork Standley Creek, a fourth-order stream, has two knickzones (Figure 7).

The lower knickzone correlates in elevation with the mid-elevation knickzone along main

Standley Creek (Figure 7C). The upper knickzone along North Fork Standley Creek is between the elevations of the upper and middle knickzones along mainstem Standley

Creek. The slopeshade map (Figure 7C) shows zones of higher hillslope gradient along the streamside inner-gorge slopes, and hillslope gradients of the inner-gorge reaches do not appear markedly steeper through the major knickzones as compared to non-knickzone reaches.

Selected profiles of third- to first-order streams all display prominent knickzones beginning at confluences with the next higher-order tributary (Figures 8, 9, and 10).

Long Gulch outlets into Standley Creek between the lower and middle knickzones. Long

Gulch has a hanging valley and typical concave-up topography above its major knickpoint (Figure 8). In the slopeshade (Figure 8C) the entire inner-gorge displays high hillslope gradients, but a swath of increased gradients (46-86 degrees) occurs just downstream from the major knickpoint.

The second- and first-order streams display straighter profiles above their major knickzones, which may be due to a lack of stream power (Figures 9A and 10A). These second- and first-order streams flow into Standley Creek within the lower knickzone and these tributary basins are so small that they are not well depicted on the hillshades of the entire Standley Creek basin (Figures 9B and 10B). Corresponding slopeshades

12 demonstrate that the upper valleys are poorly defined (Figures 9C and 10C). The slopeshade in Figure 10C, however, does display a swath of increased hillside gradient along Standley Creek, associated with the lower knickzone.

Bear Pen Creek

Bear Pen Creek, the only fifth-order stream in the Bear Pen Creek watershed, displays one prominent knickpoint and knickzone (Figure 11A), which is roughly correlative to the lower knickzone on Standley Creek. The major knickpoint along Bear

Pen Creek is slightly higher in elevation and located farther upstream than the lower major knickpoint along Standley Creek. Above the major knickpoint, Bear Pen Creek displays typical concave-up topography and no additional major knickpoints, unlike

Standley Creek. There are fewer tributaries with hanging valleys evident in the hillshade

(Figure 11B) than in Standley Creek (Figure 6B), which is not unexpected because the drainage area is smaller and most major tributaries join Bear Pen Creek above the major knickzone. There are several minor knickpoints within the major knickzone and also in the upper profile.

The North Fork of Bear Pen Creek, a fourth-order stream, has one major knickpoint and knickzone. This knickzone is located in the upper portion of the profile

(Figure 12A). The corresponding major knickpoint occurs just above a major tributary junction (Figure 12B) where the drainage area almost doubles in size. The associated knickzone extends down below the tributary junction. The lower portion of the longitudinal profile appears to be in a steady-state condition and is roughly concave-up.


Compared to other inner-gorge slopes, the slopeshade does not show any increased hillslope gradient associated with the knickzone. Although areas of increased hillslope gradient would be expected adjacent to knickzones, localized increases in slope gradient likely cannot be represented at the scale of Figure 11 maps.

Cinnamon Bear Gulch, a third-order stream within Bear Pen Creek basin, displays one major knickpoint and knickzone (Figure 13A). The knickzone is well defined and a prominent hanging valley occurs above the knickpoint (Figures 13B and 13C). The junction of Cinnamon Bear Gulch is located above the major knickzone on Bear Pen

Creek, and therefore the one major knickzone on Cinnamon Bear Gulch is not related to the major knickzone on Bear Pen Creek. The hillslopes directly below the major knickpoint on Cinnamon Bear Gulch do appear to display a zone of increased gradients.

Similar to the lower-order tributaries in Standley Creek, the first- and second- order tributaries in Bear Pen Creek have less defined basins and overall straighter profiles than the higher-order streams. Bear Pen Creek tributaries 1 and 5, second- and first-order streams respectively, each display one major knickpoint and knickzone (Figures 14A and

15A). Because Bear Pen Creek tributary 1 flows into the major knickzone reach along

Bear Pen Creek (Figure 14B), it is likely the knickzones reaches of the streams are correlative. The lower-gradient reach downstream of the major knickzone in tributary 1 displays markedly lower hillslope gradients than those associated with the upstream knickzone reaches (Figure 14C). The major knickpoint along tributary 5 is similar in elevation to the major knickpoint in Cinnamon Bear Gulch, and Cinnamon Bear Gulch outlets into Bear Pen Creek just upstream from the tributary 5 junction (Figures 15A and


15B). Tributary 5 exhibits increased hillslope gradients through its knickzone (Figure

16C). Tributary 5 knickzone valley walls and Bear Pen valleys walls are one and the same at the confluence (Figure 15), suggesting the valley walls of Bear Pen Creek are not in equilibrium with the current base level.

Knickpoints and Knickzones: Frequency and Distribution

A total of 533 knickpoints were identified on 64 profiled streams within the

Standley Creek basin, including 62 major knickpoints and associated knickzones

(Appendices A and C). Knickpoint frequency is 10.0 km-1 for all knickpoints, and 1.17

km-1 for major knickpoints within the Standley Creek basin. A total of 309 knickpoints

were identified on 39 profiled streams within the Bear Pen Creek basin, including 45 major knickpoints and associated knickzones (Appendices B and D). Knickpoint

frequency is 8.7 km-1 for all knickpoints, and 1.27 km-1 for major knickpoints within the

Bear Pen Creek Basin.

Major and minor knickpoints most commonly occur between 300-400 m in

elevation (Figure 16A and 16B). The median Bear Pen Creek knickpoint elevation is

slightly higher than those of Standley Creek; however, the elevation range throughout the

Bear Pen Creek basin is also higher. The relation between drainage area above a

knickpoint and knickpoint distance from divide (Figure 16C) is consistent with Hack’s

relation (Hack, 1957), which states that distance from drainage divide has a power-law

relation to drainage area. Knickpoints are widely observed throughout the study basins

and there is not a strong power-law relation between elevation and drainage area (Figure


16D). For both basins, minor knickpoints are widely distributed throughout all elevations, and show no apparent groupings (Figure 16D). There appear to be elevation groupings for major knickpoints (Figure 16E and 16F), which is discussed further below. Some major tributary knickpoints in Standley Creek could be correlated with the position of the lowest major knickpoint in Standley Creek but none of the major tributary knickpoints in

Bear Pen Creek could be correlated with the major knickpoint in Bear Pen Creek.

In both basins, knickpoint frequency is highest on first-order streams and knickpoints are less frequent on streams of sequentially higher-order (Figure 17, Table 1).

However, when considering only major knickpoints, major knickpoint frequency is greatest on second-order streams. Although knickpoints, in general, occur commonly on lower-order streams (Figures 17C and 17D), many lower-order basins lacked definition

(see example longitudinal profiles) and their longitudinal profiles reflect small drainage area, small peak discharges, and a lack of stream power. Many of the lower-order basins also have smaller stream lengths. Since longitudinal profiles were examined from headwaters to outlet, minor knickpoints identified at small inflections may not be visible along longer stream profiles in higher-order basins.

Major knickpoint frequency is similar in Standley and Bear Pen Creeks, at 1.17 km-1 and 1.27 km-1 respectively. Major knickpoint frequency remains similar when compared by stream order, with the exception of fourth-order streams (Table 1). Major

knickzone density is consistent within the two basins, and is 25% in Standley Creek and

22% in Bear Pen Creek. Major knickzone density (Figure 18) is representative of the

portion of the drainage network actively incising.



Terraces were identified along the South Fork Eel River, Standley Creek, and

Bear Pen Creek from 1-m DEMs and hillshades to evaluate whether any of these surfaces correspond to pre-incision base levels (Figure 19). Terrace elevations are mean elevations from the 1-m DEMs, and denote the elevation of the alluvial surface that defines the terrace tread. Alluvial cover on terraces in Standley and Bear Pen Creeks is thin, about 1m. On South Fork Eel River terraces, a minimum of 5 m of alluvium overlies the bedrock strath.

Possible pre-incision profiles for the South Fork Eel River, Standley Creek, and

Bear Pen Creek were hand drawn to mimic a typical concave-up profile for an equilibrium stream. The inferred pre-incision profiles, collectively represented as a zone rather than single lines were extended down-profile from the major knickpoints and gradually flattened toward the outlet (Figure 19B).

South Fork Eel River Basin-Wide Steepness Indices

Using a reference concavity of 0.45 (Snyder et al., 2000; Wobus et al., 2006;

Whipple et al., 2007) allows direct comparison of normalized steepness-indices (ksn) among channels of the South Fork Eel River basin. Because drainage area can serve as a proxy for discharge in stream power equations (Howard and Kerby, 1983), slope (S) and drainage area (A) can be related through the steepness index, ks and the concavity index

θ, such that

-θ S=ksA (1)


Deviations from this theoretical relation can be utilized to decipher anomalies (tectonic, climatic, or eustatic signals) in a stream longitudinal profile. Variable values of ks and θ may inform processes controlling base-level change in bedrock channels. Concavity has been shown to remain constant under steady state conditions, while the steepness index in basins with varying uplift rates correlates with changes in uplift rate (Snyder et al., 2000).

Investigation of South Fork Eel River basin-wide normalized steepness indices, similar to treatments described by Snyder et al. (2000), Crosby and Whipple (2005) and

Wobus et al. (2006), did not demonstrate marked regional differences in channel steepness relative to location of the South Fork Eel River knickzone (Figure 20). The greatest regional variation in steepness index occurs in tributaries draining the coastal belt as compared to the central belt of the Franciscan Complex (Figures 1 and 20). Only a portion of the South Fork Eel River knickzone displayed increased values of ksn. High

values of ksn were found along the trunk stream near the confluence with the mainstem

Eel River, between the junctions of Standley and Bear Pen Creeks, and just upstream of

the confluence of Ten Mile Creek in the lowermost reaches of the South Fork Eel River

knickzone (Figure 20).


Trends in Knickzone Length and Gradient with Drainage Area

In both the Standley and Bear Pen Creek basins, knickzone length increases at higher drainage areas (Figure 21A). Knickzone gradients also increase as drainage area decreases (Figure 21B), indicating knickzones become shorter and steeper as they propagate throughout a basin, although this is not unexpected as stream gradient also increases as drainage area decreases, thus making knickzones harder to distinguish.

Knickzones may also diffuse and re-form with time and migration, accounting for decreasing knickzone length with time. Knickpoints could slow in their propagation rate into relict topography as drainage area decreases, but continue to erode the oversteepened knickzone surface, decreasing overall length. Alternatively, the length of tributary knickzones initiated at the watershed outlet could be dependent on the length of the trunk stream knickzone that triggered the tributary rejuvenation. For example, if a vertical knickpoint (waterfall) in the trunk stream passes by, it will trigger a steep or vertical knickpoint at the tributary it passes. In contrast, if a broad, extended knickzone passes a tributary outlet, then the tributary would experience a lengthy downcutting episode and a long knickzone would be formed in the tributary. The strong association between knickzone length and drainage area could also be a product of profiling methodology.

Because knickzones were visually selected by examining the stream’s longitudinal profile as a whole, only larger knickzone features would be selected on larger streams.



Are Major Knickzones Characterized by Narrower Valleys?

For highest-order streams, there was no apparent decrease in valley width through major knickzones; however, for smaller-order streams, valley width may decrease in actively incising knickzone reaches. Field measurements of active-channel and valley width were measured along the mainstem channels of Standley and Bear Pen Creeks.

Active-channel widths were measured at bankfull discharge levels (as surmised during field work during low flow conditions) and valley widths were measured 3 m above the channel bottom (Snyder et al., 2003). There was no indication of reduced valley and channel widths in the two mainstem tributaries through major knickzones (e.g., Fig 22A), likely due to the large influence that drainage area has on channel and valley widths in tributary mainstem channels.

Valley widths did show a marked decrease through the knickzone on Long Gulch, a third-order basin at its outlet (Figure 22B). The Long Gulch valley measurements were extracted from LiDAR-derived cross-sections of the stream valley. The Long Gulch knickzone is shorter in length and has a smaller drainage area than the majority of higher- order basins. Second- and first-order channels in the study area typically have smaller contributing drainage areas and poorly defined basins. Thus, many first- and second- order channels do not have measurable valley widths as defined above because consistent measurement at 3 m above channel bottom often exceeds valley width.


Elevation Groupings of Major Knickpoints

Major knickpoints tend to group by elevation (Figure 16). Because higher-order tributaries generally have greater contributing drainage area, knickpoints would propagate faster along the higher-order mainstem channel and propagate more slowly in lower-order tributaries. Therefore, knickpoints could occur at similar elevations (Wobus et al., 2006) and concentrate at threshold drainage areas (Crosby and Whipple, 2006).

However, there does not appear to be a grouping of major knickpoints at threshold drainage areas within the study area. Groupings may be more apparent at threshold elevations in part because elevation is represented on an arithmetic scale, as compared to drainage area that is represented on a logarithmic scale.

Elevation groupings of knickpoints are more apparent when eliminating lower- order streams and minor knickpoints (compare Figures 17C and 17D with Figures 16E and 16F). In the Standley Creek basin, major tributary knickpoints appear to correlate with the upper major-knickpoints along the trunk stream of Standley Creek (Figure 17C).

There are no major knickpoints along the upper trunk stream of Bear Pen Creek with which to correlate major tributary knickpoints (Figure 17D), but this does not eliminate the possibility of previous pulses of incision. There are several minor knickpoints located in the upper portion of the Bear Pen Creek profile (Figure 12), and previous major knickpoints could now be represented as only discrete smaller knickpoints.


Generation of Major Knickzones: Internal or External Control?

Analysis of steepness indices in the entire South Fork Eel River basin (Figure 20) raises questions about knickzone initiation caused by increases in drainage area, which would be an internal control on knickpoint distribution. When scaled to the contributing drainage area, only a portion of the major knickzone on the South Fork Eel River displays increased values of ksn. Knickzones may form due to a channel’s inability to adjust to a

large change in drainage area at tributary junctions (Crosby and Whipple, 2006). The

lower boundary of the South Fork Eel River knickzone occurs at Rattlesnake Creek

(Figures 1 and 20), and Rattlesnake Creek comprises ~22% of the contributing up-basin

drainage area for the South Fork Eel River at the confluence with Rattlesnake Creek.

Increased values of ksn are seen on the South Fork Eel River just above the

confluence with the mainstream Eel River (Figure 20), which is not unexpected because

the South Fork Eel River base level is externally controlled by the mainstem Eel River.

The values of ksn along the South Fork Eel River in between the junctions of Standley and

Bear Pen Creeks appear abnormally high. Increased values of ksn are correlated with

tectonic activity (Snyder et al., 2000). It is possible that the high ksn values are a product

of displacement on the nearby Piercy fault, although the connection is speculative

because there is no evidence to date that the Piercy fault is Holocene-active. Increased ksn values are only seen along the South Fork Eel River, and do not extend up into the

Standley and Bear Pen Creek drainage basins.


Passage of a transient knickpoint is consistent with the large knickzones present just above the outlets of Standley and Bear Pen Creeks (Figure 18). An external control, specifically base-level fall along a trunk stream, appears to be responsible for knickpoint initiation within these two drainage basins. The presence of hanging valleys within the tributary basins (e.g. Long Gulch, Figure 8) also lends support to the inference that upper-basin knickzones represent pulses of incision initiated by base-level fall.

Knickzones also appear to occur more often at tributary junctions within the study area. However, knickzones occurring at tributary junctions do not eliminate an external control on knickpoint initiation, because not all major knickzones are found near tributary junctions. Additionally, transient knickpoints will propagate more slowly along sub- tributaries than along on the mainstem due to decreased drainage area, thus causing an increased occurrence of knickzones near tributary junctions.

Terraces Support Transient Knickzone Migration

Terraces located along the South Fork Eel River (Figure 19) support tributary knickzone initiation through the external control of base-level fall. Mainstem terraces between the outlets of Standley and Bear Pen Creeks fall within the zone that denotes possible longitudinal profile position prior to incision. If the Bear Pen Creek major knickzone and the lower Standley Creek major knickzone are related to knickpoint migration along the South Fork Eel River, then the pre-incision profiles for these tributary basins should be graded to these same terraces on the South Fork. The South

Fork Eel terraces located closest to the mouth of each tributary basin roughly correspond

23 with pre-incision base levels for the tributaries (Figure 19); terraces may be higher in elevation due to alluvial cover.

Terraces along the Standley and Bear Pen Creeks also correspond to pre-incision base levels. In Bear Pen Creek, there are 2 terraces that appear to be at grade with the identified South Fork Eel terraces (Figure 19). Identified terraces in Standley Creek are higher in elevation and appear to be associated with an earlier incision event (Figure 19).

Multiple Events of Base-level Lowering on the South Fork Eel

If all knickpoints in the two tributaries are related to one event of base-level drop in the South Fork, then knickpoints should be concentrated in higher-order streams. But knickpoints are not concentrated in high-order streams. Minor knickpoints are widely distributed, and account for many of the knickpoints located in low-order streams and at low contributing drainage areas. Even considering just major knickpoints, they are not exclusively concentrated in highest-order streams.

Only the lowest major knickpoint on Standley Creek and on Bear Pen Creek can be related to the one major knickpoint on the South Fork of the Eel River, which has responded to the most recent base-level fall on the South Fork Eel River. All other major knickpoints and associated terraces on the two tributaries, most of which can be grouped by elevation, must be related to prior events of base-level fall. The inference of multiple events of base-level lowering on the South Fork Eel River is consistent with conclusions of Seidl and Dietrich (1992) based on their analysis of knickpoint distribution in Elder


Creek, a tributary basin located upstream from the major knickzone on the South Fork

Eel River.

The presence of only one major knickzone along the South Fork Eel River may not be contradictory to multiple events of base-level fall. The South Fork Eel River knickzone occurs directly above the tributary confluence of Rattlesnake Creek.

Therefore, the knickzone occurs just upstream of a significant decrease in drainage area.

It is possible that multiple propagating knickpoints in a trunk stream stall, or experience a drop in celerity, where drainage area becomes too small to produce the stream power necessary to promote channel incision. Below the South Fork Eel River knickzone, the trunk stream has the power to adjust to base-level perturbations and reach a new steady- state condition. Above the major knickzone, the headwater trunk stream of the South

Fork Eel River may not have the power to propagate the pulse of incision farther upstream, or propagates very slowly. Thus, the one major knickzone on the South Fork

Eel River may be a composite of multiple, stalled major knickzones.


Multiple knickpoint and knickzone features were identified in both Standley and

Bear Pen Creeks. Similar results of knickpoint distribution and quantity of major and

minor knickpoints between the two tributary basins indicate that knickpoints are

characteristic of these South Fork Eel River tributaries and are not localized channel

attributes restricted to one tributary.

Distributions of knickpoints within Standley and Bear Pen Creeks appear to be

related to propagating pulses of incision. The presence of hanging valleys in tributary

basins, oversteepened valley walls along the lower portions of the mainstem channels,

and number of large knickzone features throughout the watershed are three observations

supporting the inference of serial propagating knickpoints initiated through multiple

waves of tributary channel incision induced by separate instances of base-level lowering.

Only a few of the major tributary knickzones and knickpoints could be correlated

with the location of the one current South Fork Eel River knickzone. Pre-incision

longitudinal profiles appear to grade to the lowest prominent terrace along the South Fork

Eel River associated with the most recent base-level fall (Figure 19), supporting the

interpretation that the lowest major knickpoints in both tributary basins are related to the

one major knickpoint on the South Fork Eel River.

The tributaries display evidence for multiple instances of base-level fall whereas the mainstem South Fork Eel River displays evidence for just one instance of base-level fall because the major knickzone on the South Fork Eel River is likely stalled above a


26 tributary junction. The stalled knickzone is a composite of multiple upstream- propagating knickzones, each of which stalled at the same place where a major tributary junction occasioned a substantial decrease in upstream drainage area and hence available stream power.



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Table 1. Classification of knickpoint frequency at each stream order for both the Standley Creek and Bear Pen Creek drainage basins.

Drainage Stream Stream Major Minor Total Major KP Minor Total Basin Order Length KPs* KPs* KPs* frequency KP* KP* (km) (km-1) frequency frequency (km-1) (km-1) Standley 1 19.37 29 258 287 1.50 13.31 14.81 Bear Pen 1 10.72 16 120 136 1.49 11.20 12.69 Standley 2 13.24 21 143 164 1.59 10.80 12.39 Bear Pen 2 10.13 20 99 119 1.97 9.77 11.74 Standley 3 10.54 9 47 56 0.85 4.46 5.31 Bear Pen 3 6.80 8 33 41 1.18 4.85 6.03 Standley 4 4.44 3 11 14 0.67 2.47 3.14 Bear Pen 4 1.96 0 5 5 0 2.55 2.55 Standley 5 5.54 1 11 12 0.18 1.98 2.16 Bear Pen 5 5.78 2 7 8 0.173 1.21 1.38 *KP= Knickpoint




California Bull Creek

Project Area

Shear Zone

Garberville N Eel River Ü Redwood Creek Humboldt o County 40 Standley Trinity County Piercy Creek Mendocino County

Bear Pen Towns o 124 Creek Streams Leggett Contacts Rattlesnake Creek Faults Pacific South Fork Eel South Fork Ocean Laytonville River watershed Eel River Ten Mile Valley Quaternary Creek Tertiary marine

Coastal Belt Franciscan 10 km Central Belt Franciscan

Ultramafic Rocks

Figure 1. Location map of the South Fork Eel River basin in context of regional geology. Geology generalized from Jennings and Strand (1960) and Strand (1962) and slightly revised based on Kelsey and Carver (1988). AB ÜN 5 km

fault research

South Fork Eel River terrace research

Study area, fault research Standley and Bear Pen Creeks

Elder Creek/ Angelo Reserve research area Figure 2. (A) Hillshade map of South Fork Eel River basin derived from 10-m DEMs. The 10-m DEMs provide a less detailed view, but provide full coverage of the basin. (B) Hillshade maps derived from LiDAR-based 1-m DEMs. Note the more limited coverage because the 1-m DEMs are only available where selected swaths of LiDAR data have been collected. Red box delineates overlapping LiDAR data collected for separate projects. Green box delineates the Standley and Bear Pen Creek 33 watersheds, which is the project area for this thesis. AB


0 1 0.5 kilometers N

0 1 0.5 kilometers

Figure 3. (A) Hillshade and stream network generated from 1-m LiDAR-derived DEM. (B) Hillshade and stream network generated from USGS 10-m DEM. Stream networks for both DEMs designate stream headwaters at a minimum accumulated drainage area of 25,000 m2. Stream length for the 1-m DEM totals 128 km versus 108 km for the 10-m DEM. 34 Stream headwaters Headward erosion of knickpoint

Inflection point, major knickpoint Upstream, lower gradient reach

Profile prior to knickpoint propagation driven by base- level fall Minor knickpoints, not assoicated with major knickpoint Minor knickpoint within major knickzone Outlet of stream (base-level)

T1 T0 Figure 4. Schematic figure depicting knickpoints and knickzones. A knickzone is a high-gradient reach, surrounded by lower- gradient reaches. A knickpoint is the inflection point between a downstream, high-gradient reach (knickzone) and an upstream, lower-gradient reach. Major knickpoints were selected where the associated knickzone greatly deviates from the upstream reach-gradient and denotes a major shift in the longitudinal profile. Major knickzones may contain minor knick- points, if the trend gradient of the knickzone is not greatly affected by the minor knickpoint; otherwise the features would be separated. T0, is the current knickpoint position; T1 is a possible, future position of the knickpoint with progressive incision.

Knickpoints in the upper portion of the stream profile may indicate previous events of base-level fall, but are unrelated to 35 propagation of a major knickpoint downstream. A B

Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint

Longitudinal profile of the South Fork Eel River 800 Minor knickpoint 700 Major knickpoint N 600 Ü 500

400 Knickzone

Elevation (m) 300 200 55 kmkm 100 VE=100 0 200 180 160 140 120100 80 60 40 20 0 Distance from outlet (km)

Figure 5. (A) longitudinal profile of the South Fork Eel River. (B) Mainstem of South Fork of Eel River showing the major knickpoint, the extent of the downstream major knickzone (channel delineated in red) and two minor knickpoints upstream of the major knickpoint. The knickzone is located between the tributary junctions of Rattlesnake and Ten Mile creeks (Fig. 1) 36 A B 400 Longitudinal profile of Standley Creek Minor knickpoint Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint 350 North Fork Major knickpoint Knickzone Standley Creek confluence 300 Knickzone resistant greywacke gorge

250 Elevation (m)

Knickzone 200 N

VE=20 1 km 150 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Distance from outlet (m)

Figure 6. (A) Longitudinal profile of Standley Creek, a fifth-order stream, showing 3 major knickpoints with prominent knickzones. Smaller knickpoints occur both within and separate from major knickzones. The 3 knickpoints clustered around 5,200 m above the outlet flow through a resistant, greywacke gorge. (B) Spatial distribution of knickpoints and knickzones in Standley Creek; knickzones are delineated by the red stream reaches. 37 38

A Longitudinal profile of North Fork Standley Creek

450 Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint



Knickzone Elevation (m)

300 Knickzone

250 VE=20 9,000 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 Distance from Standley Creek outlet (m)

B C Major knickpoints Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint

Standley Creek major knickpoint

N Gradient, degrees 1 km 0 290 580 00-16 - 16 Meters Ü 1717-34 - 34 3535-45 - 45 4646-85 - 85

Figure 7. (A) Longitudinal profile of North Fork Standley Creek, a fourth-order stream, showing two major knickpoints and knickzones. (B) Spatial location of the knickpoints and major knickzones within North Fork Standley Creek. (C) Slopeshade map of North Fork Standley Creek displaying hillslope gradients. 39

A Longitudinal profile of Long Gulch 450 Minor knickpoint 400 Major knickpoint



Elevation (m) Knickzone 250 VE=20 200 6,200 6,000 5,800 5,600 5,400 5,200 5,000 4,800 4,600 Distance from Standley Creek outlet (m) B C Major knickpoint Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint

ÜN 1 km

Gradient, degrees 0 160 320 0 0-16- 16 Meters 1717-34 - 34 3535-45 - 45 4646-85 - 85

Figure 8. (A) Longitudinal profile of Long Gulch, a third-order stream within Standley Creek basin, showing a prominent knickpoint and knickzone in the lower portion of the longitudinal profile. The profile below the knickzone is flat and mimics the relict topography upstream of the major knick point. (B) Hillshade of Standley Creek displays a hanging valley above the Long Gulch major knickpoint. (C) Slopeshade map of Long Gulch shows a swath of high-gradient slopes along the stream channel and valley walls below the major knickpoint. 40

A Longitudinal profile of Standley tributary 2 340 320 Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint 300 280 260 240 Elevation (m) 220 Knickzone 200 VE=2 180 2,300 2,200 2,100 2,000 1,900 1,800 1,700 1,600 1,500 Distance from Standley Creek outlet (m)

B C Major knickpoint Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint

ÜN 1 km Gradient, degrees 0 60 120Meters 0 0-16- 16 1717-34 - 34 3535-45 - 45 4646-85 - 85

Figure 9. (A) Longitudinal profile of Standley tributary 2, a second-order stream within Standley Creek basin, showing a prominent knickpoint and knickzone. (B) Knickpoint and knickzone location is just upstream of confluence with Standley Creek. (C) Slope- shade map displays high slope gradients and minimal valley definition below the major knickpoint. 41 A Longitudinal profile of Standley Creek tributary 4

450 Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint 400 Road prism


300 Elevation (m) Knickzone 250

200 VE=2 3,100 3,000 2,900 2,800 2,700 2,600 2,500 2,400 2,300 Distance from Standley Creek outlet (m)


Major Minor knickpoint knickpoint Major knickpoint

ÜN 1 km Gradient, degrees 0 240 120 Meters 00-16 - 16 17-3417 - 34 35-4535 - 45 46-8546 - 85

Figure 10. (A) Longitudinal profile of Standley tributary 4, a first-order stream, showing a prominent knickpoint and knickzone just upstream of the confluence with Standley Creek. Note that one of the minor knickpoints was eliminated because the gradient inflection was due to a road prism. (B) Similar to Standley tributary 2 (Figure 9), Standley tributary 4 is located in the lower portion of the Standley Creek watershed. (C) Slopeshade map showing, below the major knickpoint, high gradients adjacent to the stream and little valley definition. A B

500 Longitudinal profile of Bear Pen Creek 450 Minor knickpoint N Major knickpoint Ü 400 350 Anthropogenically affected area 300

Elevation (m) 250 Knickzone 200 VE=10 Minor knickpoint 150 Major knickpoint 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0

Distance from outlet (m) 1 km

Figure 11. (A) Longitudinal profile of Bear Pen Creek, a fifth-order stream, showing one major knickpoint and one knickzone. Above the major knickpoint, the stream displays typical concave-up topography, despite several smaller knickpoints in the upper profile. Although there appear to be additional minor knickpoints in the upper profile, many of these inflection points were eliminated due to proximity of old skid trail crossings created during historic logging. (B) The knickzone is delineated as the red reach on the hillshade of Bear Pen Creek. 42 43 A Longitudinal profile of North Fork Bear Pen Creek 460 Minor knickpoint 440 Major knickpoint


400 Knickzone 380


340 Elevation (m)


300 VE=10 280 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 Distance from Bear Pen Creek outlet (m)

B C Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint

ÜN Major knickpoint 1 km Gradient, degrees 0 160 320Meters 0-16 17-34 35-45 46-85

Figure 12. (A) Longitudinal profile of North Fork Bear Pen Creek, a fourth-order stream, showing one major knickpoint and knickzone. (B) Unlike many other streams in the basin, this knickpoint and knickzone occur in the upper portion of the profile. (C) Slope- shade map showing well defined valley above the major knickpoint; in contrast the topography appears convex and poorly defined below the knickpoint. 44 A Longitudinal profile of Cinnamon Bear Gulch 500 Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint 450


350 Elevation (m)

300 Knickzone VE=5 250 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 Distance from Bear Pen Creek outlet (m) B C

Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint


1 km

Major knickpoint Gradient, degrees 0 200 400 0 0-16- 16 Meters 1717-34 - 34 3535-45 - 45 4646-85 - 85

Figure 13. (A) Longitudinal profile of Cinnamon Bear Gulch, a third-order stream within Bear Pen Creek basin, showing one well defined, major knickpoint and knickzone. (B and C) This knickzone is well defined and a prominent hanging valley is present above the knickpoint. 45 Longitudinal profile of Bear Pen tributary 1 A 320 Minor knickpoint 300 Major knickpoint


260 Knickzone Elevation (m) 240


VE=2 200 1,600 1,550 1,500 1,450 1,400 1,350 1,300 1,250 1200 1,150 Distance from Bear Pen Creek outlet (m)


Major Minor knickpoint knickpoint Major knickpoint


1 km

Gradient, degrees 0 30 60 Meters 0 0-16- 16 1717-34 - 34 3535-45 - 45 4646-85 - 85 Figure 14. (A) Longitudinal profile of Bear Pen tributary 1, a second-order stream, showing one major knickpoint and knickzone. (B) Bear Pen tributary 2 is located down- stream from the major knickpoint on mainstem Bear Pen Creek. (C) Slopeshade map displays increased gradients throughout the knickzone, and lower gradients between the outlet and junction with a first-order tributary (in upper left corner). 46 A Longitudinal profile of Bear Pen tributary 5 400 Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint


Elevation (m) Road prism 300 Knickzone

VE=2 250 4,150 4,100 4,050 4,000 3,950 3,900 3,850 3,800 3,750 3,700 Distance from Bear Pen Creek Outlet (m) B C

Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint

N Ü Major 1 km Knickpoint Gradient, degrees 0 80 40 Meters 00-16 - 16 1717-34 - 34 3535-45 - 45 4646-85 - 85

Figure 15. (A) Longitudinal profile of Bear Pen Tributary 5, a second-order stream, showing one major knickpoint and knickzone. (B) Spatial location of major knickpoint and knickzone along the lower portion of the longitudinal profile is similar to the major knickpoint on Cinnamon Bear Gulch (Fig. 14), which confluences with Bear Pen Creek just upstream from Bear Pen tributary 5. (C) Slopeshade map showing the hanging valley above the major knickpoint. Note that the lower portion of Bear Pen tributary 5 is incised through the oversteepened valley wall of mainstem Bear Pen Creek. 47 Standley Creek Bear Pen Creek AB200 200 Minor Minor knickpoints Knickpoints Major knickpoints Major 150 Knickpoints 150

100 100 Count Count 50 50

0 0 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 150200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) C D Standley and Bear Pen Creeks Standley and Bear Pen Creeks 8 108 10 Minor knickpoints Minor knickpoints Major knickpoints Major knickpoints 2 2 (-4.455) 7 107 y=2.3503e+16*x 10 y=3.6906e+15*x(-4.1216) R2=0.557 6 R2=0.219 106 10 Drainage Area m Drainage Area m 5 105 10 y=52.656*x(1.3449) R2=0.978 y=118.68*x(1.2198) R2=0.976 4 104 10 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 150 200 250 300350 400 450 500 Distance from drainage divide (m) Elevation (m)

E Standley Creek F Bear Pen Creek 500 500

400 400

300 300 Elevation (m) Elevation (m)

200 Minor knickpoints 200 Minor knickpoints Major knickpoints Major knickpoints 150 0 2 4 6 8 10 1500 2 4 6 8 10 Distance above outlet (km) Distance above outlet (km)

Figure 16. (A and B) Knickpoint distribution by elevation throughout the Standley and Bear Pen Creek drainage basins. (C and D) Knickpoint attributes and their relation to drainage area. (E and F) Major and minor knickpoints are plotted by elevation and distance from the drainage divide. Note that the vertical lineations denote individual tributary streams. 48 AB Standley Creek Bear Pen Creek -1 14 -1 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2

Knickpoint frequency km 0 Knickpoint frequency km 0 1 2 3 4 5 1234 5 Stream order Stream order

C Standley Creek, major knickpoints on third- to fifth-order streams 500 Major knickpoints 450 400 350 300 Elevation (m) 250 200

150 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Distance from Standley Creek outlet (km)

Bear Pen Creek, major knickpoints on third- to fifth-order streams D 500 Major knickpoints 450


350 300 Elevation (m) 250

200 150 98 76 54 3210 Distance from Bear Pen Creek outlet (km)

Figure 17. (A and B) Knickpoint frequency throughout Standley and Bear Pen Creeks, denoted by stream order. See also Table 1. (C and D) Composite longitudinal profiles of tributaries and main channel of Standley Creek watershed (C) and Bear Pen Creek water- shed (D) (Third- to fifth-order streams at outlets) showing major knickpoints. Tie-lines indicate correlations of tributary knickpoints. 49

South Fork Eel Standley Creek River Outlet

Bear Pen Creek Outlet ÜN

1,250 2,500 5,000

Figure 18. Major knickzone density in the Standley and Bear Pen Creek drainage basins. Knickzones are delineated as red channel reaches. The channel network as a whole (blue-line streams and knickzones) represents all streams selected for profile analysis. A B

227 800 South Fork Eel River Minor knickpoint South 700 224 Major knickpoint Fork 600 Standley Creek Terraces Outlet Eel 500 Standley Creek 230 Bear Pen Creek outlet River 400 300 200 Elevation (m) 100 VE=100 0 200180 160 140 120100 80 60 40 20 0 235 400 243 Standley Creek Minor knickpoint 350 Major knickpoint 263 244 Terraces ? 300 247 250 Elevation (m) 200 closest SFE terrace VE=20 268 265 150 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 500 Bear Pen Creek 450 Bear Pen Creek Minor knickpoint Major knickpoint 400 Terraces 350 300 closest SFE terrace 250 Elevation (m) 200 VE=10 253 230 150 0 0.5 1 Km 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Figure 19. (A) Hillshade depicting terraces along the South Fork Eel River, Standley, and Bear Pen Creeks. Numbers repre- sent mean terrace elevation in meters. (B) Modern and hypothesized pre-incision longitudinal profiles. Purple shaded zones represent range of permissible longitudinal profiles graded to a pre-incision base level. The closest South Fork Eel River 50 (SFE) terrace elevation is plotted at the outlet of Standley and Bear Pen Creeks. 51


Steepness Indices 0-19 19

020 5 10 Km

Rattlesnake Creek Standley and Bear Pen Creeks

Ten Mile Creek

Elder Creek

Figure 20. Hillshade map of the South Fork Eel River basin depicting normalized steepness indices throughout the basin. The mainstem South Fork Eel River is outlined with a transparent yellow buffer. AB Standley and Bear Pen Creeks Standley and Bear Pen Creeks 10 1 y=0.1353*x(0.5470) R2=0.805 y=120.39*x(-0.5127) R2=0.593 y=0.1074*x(0.5456) R2=0.818 y=52.027*x(-0.4471) R2=0.562



.1 Major knickzone gradient

Major Knickzone length (km) Standley Creek Standley Creek Bear Pen Creek Bear Pen Creek .01 .01 4 5 6 7 8 104 105 106 107 108 10 10 10 10 10 2 Drainage area (m2) Drainage area (m )

Figure 21. (A) Relation between knickzone length and contributing drainage area at major knickpoint location. (B) Weak relation between average knickzone gradient and contributing drainage area at the major knickpoint. 52 53

A Longitudinal profile of Standley Creek 400 45 VE=20 Active channel width Valley width 40 350 35 30 300 25

250 Width (m)

Elevation (m) 15

200 10 5 150 0 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Distance from Standley Creek outlet (m)

B Longitudinal profile of Long Gulch 450 20 Valley width (m) Minor knickpoint 18 400 Major knickpoint 16 14 350 12 10 300 8

Knickzone 6 Width (m) Elevation (m) 250 4 VE=20 2 200 0 6,200 6,000 5,800 5,600 5,400 5,200 5,000 4,800 4,600 Distance from Standley Creek outlet (m)

Figure 22. (A) Valley widths and active-channel widths, as measured in the field, for the mainstem of Standley Creek. Valley widths were measured 3 m above the channel bottom and active-channel widths were measured at bankfull-discharge. (B) LiDAR- derived measurements of valley width, 3 m above channel bottom, for Long Gulch.



Appendix A. Parameters of major knickpoints and knickzones within the Standley Creek drainage basin. Total Total stream KP* stream Total Total elevation distance KP* Stream KZ* length stream KZ* change Drainage from distance surface surface within elevation elevation within area at drainage from KP* Stream length length KZ change change KZ KP* Stream divide outlet elevation name (m) (m) (%)* (m) (m) (%) (m2) order (m) (m) (m) Clarke_2 392.6 42.1 10.7 85.1 7.3 8.6 117269 2 378.6 5626.0 291.0 Clarke_4 428.9 36.0 8.4 85.1 9.0 10.5 163444 2 297.6 6469.8 333.4 Clarke 2444.9 581.0 23.8 185.9 28.9 15.5 1202752 3 1790.0 4995.8 259.1 Gulch Clarke 2444.9 248.3 10.2 185.9 12.4 6.7 811807 3 1200.0 5585.8 282.1 Gulch Clarke 2444.9 54.7 2.2 185.9 8.5 4.6 460930 3 535.8 6250.0 310.0 Gulch Kline 2398.8 222.8 9.3 235.4 20.0 8.5 631172 2 1005.4 5140.2 302.9 Gulch Long_2 529.9 36.0 6.8 118.9 12.5 10.6 104594 1 465.8 4852.2 250.6 Long_3 268.4 52.5 19.5 69.7 15.8 22.7 116484 2 233.6 5475.0 302.9 Long_4 577.2 160.5 27.8 138.1 42.7 30.9 91159 1 308.8 5783.2 349.7 Long 1465.7 104.3 7.1 199.0 22.3 11.2 822347 3 1126.6 5006.6 267.7 Gulch NFST_10 394.0 102.3 26.0 93.5 38.4 41.0 70790 1 335.0 8885.2 410.2 NFST_10 394.0 29.7 7.5 93.5 7.9 8.4 67778 1 285.2 8935.0 421.0 NFST_11 622.1 64.9 10.4 125.6 12.9 10.3 210680 2 403.8 8753.2 375.5 NFST_11 622.1 110.5 17.8 125.6 42.3 33.7 79583 2 225.6 8931.4 428.9 55 *KP=Knickpoint, KZ= Knickzone

Appendix A. Parameters of major knickpoints and knickzones within the Standley Creek drainage basin. Total Total stream KP* stream Total Total elevation distance KP* Stream KZ* length stream KZ* change Drainage from distance surface surface within elevation elevation within area at drainage from KP* Stream length length KZ change change KZ KP* Stream divide outlet elevation name (m) (m) (%)* (m) (m) (%) (m2) order (m) (m) (m) NFST_12 208.2 18.1 8.7 54.9 4.7 8.6 80513 1 195.8 8836.6 388.9 NFST_14 305.2 16.7 5.5 71.9 8.1 11.3 86462 1 308.0 8545.8 367.0 NFST_2 711.4 138.6 19.5 137.5 37.5 27.3 70241 1 201.8 7818.8 372.5 NFST_4 411.8 15.2 3.7 108.0 7.8 7.2 43543 1 169.0 7554.8 351.7 NFST_7 419.8 56.1 13.4 97.1 19.1 19.7 68505 2 134.8 9038.8 425.1 NFST_8 302.7 98.8 32.6 73.2 24.3 33.2 125259 2 260.6 8408.0 351.7 NFST_9 391.4 13.6 3.5 116.2 9.9 8.5 47451 1 126.4 8167.0 382.6 NoAllard 324.8 57.6 17.7 66.3 19.2 29.0 53212 1 179.0 2626.6 348.4 _2 NoAllard 324.8 38.3 11.8 66.3 11.8 17.8 153351 2 371.4 2434.2 311.9 _2 North Allard 1763.7 116.6 6.6 279.8 32.2 11.5 86916 1 301.0 2722.4 380.5 Gulch North Allard 1763.7 106.6 6.0 279.8 11.9 4.2 675934 3 1333.2 1690.2 243.3 Gulch 56 *KP=Knickpoint, KZ= Knickzone

Appendix A. Parameters of major knickpoints and knickzones within the Standley Creek drainage basin. Total Total stream KP* stream Total Total elevation distance KP* Stream KZ* length stream KZ* change Drainage from distance surface surface within elevation elevation within area at drainage from KP* Stream length length KZ change change KZ KP* Stream divide outlet elevation name (m) (m) (%)* (m) (m) (%) (m2) order (m) (m) (m) North Allard 1763.7 124.8 7.1 279.8 35.8 12.8 1376858 4 1578.0 1445.4 217.5 Gulch NoBig_3 363.9 178.5 49.1 108.2 68.0 62.9 68216 1 203.2 4365.4 419.6 North Big 892.8 154.5 17.3 194.4 33.3 17.1 333974 2 636.8 3931.8 303.7 Gulch NoBranc 807.4 55.8 6.9 135.1 18.1 13.4 103435 1 321.6 7657.0 371.6 h_3 NoBranc 807.4 29.4 3.6 135.1 10.5 7.8 245217 2 596.6 7382.0 326.3 h_3 North Fork 3592.4 444.5 12.4 207.2 15.2 7.4 997926 3 1089.2 8132.6 318.1 Standley North Fork 3592.4 765.6 21.3 207.2 16.2 7.8 2681544 4 2218.8 7003.0 280.1 Standley Sleep_2 343.3 74.1 21.6 110.5 33.3 30.1 60430 1 295.4 2519.6 325.7 Sleep_2 343.3 81.3 23.7 110.5 35.1 31.8 37063 1 213.0 2602.0 362.3 Sleep 808.3 192.1 23.8 213.6 59.1 27.7 98205 1 349.6 2496.8 308.3 Gulch 57 *KP=Knickpoint, KZ= Knickzone

Appendix A. Parameters of major knickpoints and knickzones within the Standley Creek drainage basin. Total Total stream KP* stream Total Total elevation distance KP* Stream KZ* length stream KZ* change Drainage from distance surface surface within elevation elevation within area at drainage from KP* Stream length length KZ change change KZ KP* Stream divide outlet elevation name (m) (m) (%)* (m) (m) (%) (m2) order (m) (m) (m) Sleep 808.3 61.9 7.7 213.6 29.7 13.9 35220 1 71.4 2775.0 387.7 Gulch South Allard 1382.4 108.5 7.8 219.0 25.7 11.7 628404 3 1088.4 1825.0 268.4 Gulch South Big 1054.0 93.8 8.9 222.6 24.4 11.0 222457 2 514.4 3935.6 307.9 Gulch South Big 1054.0 183.2 17.4 222.6 22.8 10.2 778859 3 822.8 3554.8 242.1 Gulch ST_10 389.3 114.5 29.4 105.1 28.6 27.2 87366 1 292.0 6539.2 294.0 ST_12 774.3 221.1 28.6 141.1 27.6 19.5 321449 2 569.4 7226.2 307.3 ST_15 502.2 38.7 7.7 89.9 8.5 9.5 153442 2 411.8 8031.8 329.3 ST_18 797.3 145.4 18.2 91.7 23.5 25.7 120368 1 329.8 9254.6 378.7 ST_19 435.6 58.4 13.4 95.2 20.1 21.1 92366 1 370.6 9089.2 360.0 ST_2 714.2 74.5 10.4 190.7 23.8 12.5 179444 2 805.6 1656.8 213.4 ST_2 714.2 134.6 18.8 190.7 31.2 16.4 165106 2 611.6 1843.0 252.2 ST_21 526.6 153.0 29.1 144.8 53.4 36.9 60250 1 334.2 1070.4 236.7 ST_23 316.3 23.3 7.4 72.9 6.0 8.2 109229 2 354.4 6715.6 312.7 58 *KP=Knickpoint, KZ= Knickzone

Appendix A. Parameters of major knickpoints and knickzones within the Standley Creek drainage basin. Total Total stream KP* stream Total Total elevation distance KP* Stream KZ* length stream KZ* change Drainage from distance surface surface within elevation elevation within area at drainage from KP* Stream length length KZ change change KZ KP* Stream divide outlet elevation name (m) (m) (%)* (m) (m) (%) (m2) order (m) (m) (m) ST_24 249.7 90.5 36.2 63.8 30.1 47.2 48760 1 162.2 6578.6 323.0 ST_24 249.7 90.5 36.2 63.8 12.0 18.7 42671 1 105.6 6635.2 337.0 ST_3 539.4 286.1 53.0 202.9 112.7 55.5 61436 1 356.6 1911.0 308.1 ST_4 902.4 256.4 28.4 258.9 93.7 36.2 149884 1 612.4 2500.4 293.7 ST_5 426.8 131.7 30.8 160.9 59.2 36.8 76161 1 355.8 2651.4 267.5 ST_5 426.8 134.7 31.6 160.9 43.0 26.8 41335 1 163.0 2844.2 330.6 ST_6 639.7 83.2 13.0 168.6 25.4 15.0 181220 2 419.4 3169.6 298.7 ST_7 341.7 72.8 21.3 91.2 32.1 35.2 51654 1 253.2 3298.2 255.6 ST_8 471.4 60.1 12.8 101.8 20.8 20.4 97625 2 480.8 5335.6 263.5 ST_9 1188.0 71.6 6.0 172.6 22.9 13.2 122057 2 342.6 6944.0 349.4 ST_9 1188.0 132.0 11.1 172.6 14.7 8.5 608533 3 1043.0 6243.6 271.1 Standley 9354.9 126.7 1.4 237.6 10.5 4.4 480344 2 728.0 9062.8 344.3 Creek Standley 9354.9 2258.9 24.1 237.6 17.8 7.5 2913540 4 2254.8 7536.0 296.1 Creek Standley 9354.9 3223.2 34.5 237.7 65.1 27.4 14902664 5 6631.6 3159.2 217.4 Creek 59 *KP=Knickpoint, KZ= Knickzone

Appendix B. Parameters of major knickpoints and knickzones within the Bear Pen Creek drainage basin. Total Total stream KP stream Total elevation distance KP Stream KZ length stream Total KZ change drainage from distance surface surface within elevation elevation within area at drainage from KP Stream length length KZ change change KZ KP Stream divide outlet elevation name (m) (m) (%) (m) (m) (%) (m2) order (m) (m) (m) Bear Hollow 1338.7 56.5 4.2 145.0 4.9 3.4 753422 3 1176.4 5129.0 281.1 Creek Bear Hollow 1338.7 41.9 3.1 145.0 5.7 3.9 560983 3 824.6 5491.0 301.8 Creek Bear 337.2 35.3 10.5 81.6 14.7 18.0 81931 1 345.4 5351.0 305.1 Hollow_2 Bear 337.2 35.3 10.5 81.6 14.3 17.6 35250 1 108.4 5584.0 363.2 Hollow_2 Bear 291.1 21.3 7.3 75.2 6.0 8.0 75138 2 156.0 5993.0 346.8 Hollow_3 Bear 291.1 17.6 6.0 75.2 5.6 7.4 67959 2 132.2 6022.0 352.6 Hollow_3 Bear Pen 8399.2 3602.5 42.9 304.4 5.1 1.7 9149559 5 4667.8 3342.0 252.7 Creek BP_1 442.0 172.3 39.0 108.2 42.6 39.4 143015 2 326.4 1256.0 261.3 BP_10 708.5 49.0 6.9 111.6 8.1 7.3 296337 2 443.4 7849.0 380.7 BP_11 343.1 26.2 7.6 85.7 14.1 16.4 31703 1 48.4 8089.0 457.1 60 *KP=Knickpoint, KZ= Knickzone

Appendix B. Parameters of major knickpoints and knickzones within the Bear Pen Creek drainage basin. Total Total stream KP stream Total elevation distance KP Stream KZ length stream Total KZ change drainage from distance surface surface within elevation elevation within area at drainage from KP Stream length length KZ change change KZ KP Stream divide outlet elevation name (m) (m) (%) (m) (m) (%) (m2) order (m) (m) (m) BP_12 466.9 67.7 14.5 124.9 23.3 18.6 84747 2 248.2 7142.0 381.7 BP_13 370.9 63.8 17.2 81.7 13.9 17.0 98680 1 335.0 5423.0 346.2 BP_14 398.2 45.8 11.5 118.3 15.3 13.0 107126 1 351.2 2847.0 339.3 BP_14 398.2 26.0 6.5 118.3 14.8 12.5 48800 1 126.2 3092.0 407.0 BP_15 506.5 132.3 26.1 167.5 50.0 29.9 84768 1 349.8 2383.0 292.9 BP_16 741.6 74.7 10.1 193.0 24.9 12.9 198162 2 650.8 1989.0 267.6 BP_2 1040.6 155.7 15.0 236.7 46.8 19.8 276919 1 843.2 1987.0 289.7 BP_2 1040.6 70.7 6.8 236.7 25.3 10.7 58396 1 178.4 2729.2 430.2 BP_3 509.9 97.6 19.1 178.5 35.7 20.0 126757 1 431.6 2383.4 278.6 BP_5 441.9 77.9 17.6 127.1 26.2 20.6 99146 1 372.2 3732.0 281.2 BP_7 1325.3 337.7 25.5 143.9 32.9 22.9 566572 3 988.0 4579.0 299.1 BP_8 815.3 217.4 26.7 133.8 38.9 29.1 220604 2 485.4 6985.0 365.4 BP_9 421.0 73.8 17.5 100.0 14.3 14.3 177537 2 364.0 7258.0 347.4 BP_9 421.0 61.0 14.5 100.0 20.4 20.4 76355 2 130.4 7509.0 410.5 Calder 1059.4 33.8 3.2 116.6 7.4 6.3 164860 2 336.4 6597.0 340.5 Gulch Calder 1059.4 30.6 2.9 116.6 5.2 4.5 523568 3 732.8 6196.0 310.4 Gulch Calder2 512.5 122.8 24.0 114.3 21.8 19.1 158534 2 405.8 6381.0 342.6 61 *KP=Knickpoint, KZ= Knickzone

Appendix B. Parameters of major knickpoints and knickzones within the Bear Pen Creek drainage basin. Total Total stream KP stream Total elevation distance KP Stream KZ length stream Total KZ change drainage from distance surface surface within elevation elevation within area at drainage from KP Stream length length KZ change change KZ KP Stream divide outlet elevation name (m) (m) (%) (m) (m) (%) (m2) order (m) (m) (m) Cinnamon Bear 2090.7 207.4 9.9 212.2 12.4 5.9 1297035 3 1801.4 4037.0 277.7 Gulch CinBear_2 531.6 47.2 8.9 130.3 19.7 15.1 71676 1 252.6 5391.0 409.8 CinBear_3 741.5 156.7 21.1 161.8 21.4 13.2 230427 2 591.2 4527.0 318.4 CinBear_3 741.5 119.5 16.1 161.8 26.8 16.6 146064 2 433.2 4724.0 348.6 NFBP_1 391.6 130.4 33.3 93.6 34.7 37.1 84152 2 331.8 6228.0 331.6 NFBP_2 1692.5 78.6 4.6 180.4 10.1 5.6 846084 3 1219.0 6682.0 321.2 NFBP_3 460.3 39.1 8.5 73.2 8.8 12.0 31566 1 135.0 7323.0 383.6 NFBP_3 460.3 43.0 9.3 73.2 8.5 11.7 203536 2 419.4 7036.0 335.4 NFBP_3 460.3 33.1 7.2 73.2 11.7 16.0 189854 2 303.4 7163.0 360.0 NFBP_4 318.0 39.8 12.5 76.6 8.3 10.9 93273 1 347.0 6853.0 331.7 NFBP_5 271.3 85.2 31.4 74.3 28.3 38.1 80392 2 192.2 7079.0 350.6 NFBP_6 426.4 107.4 25.2 85.5 28.0 32.8 69210 1 167.8 7366.0 381.0 NFBP_8 424.6 21.3 5.0 88.3 5.8 6.6 117747 2 312.4 8086.0 401.1 North Club 7734.0 116.7 1.5 167.0 27.6 16.5 209074 2 326.8 3761.0 319.6 Creek 62 *KP=Knickpoint, KZ= Knickzone

Appendix B. Parameters of major knickpoints and knickzones within the Bear Pen Creek drainage basin. Total Total stream KP stream Total elevation distance KP Stream KZ length stream Total KZ change drainage from distance surface surface within elevation elevation within area at drainage from KP Stream length length KZ change change KZ KP Stream divide outlet elevation name (m) (m) (%) (m) (m) (%) (m2) order (m) (m) (m) North Fork Bear 2821.0 374.1 13.3 162.4 32.3 19.9 173723 2 323.8 5887.0 387.5 Pen SoClub_2 311.8 42.8 13.7 81.7 13.5 16.6 94516 1 306.8 4319.2 360.6 South Club 1210.5 247.8 20.5 164.7 24.9 15.1 844194 3 623.0 3343.0 272.8 Creek South Club 1210.5 47.4 3.9 164.7 8.5 5.1 394391 3 494.0 3967.0 319.1 Creek

63 *KP=Knickpoint, KZ= Knickzone 64

Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) Clarke_2 327.6 5677.0 296.7 2 112897 Clarke_2 287.4 5717.2 302.4 2 108981 Clarke_2 250.2 5754.4 310.4 2 103056 Clarke_2 191.0 5813.6 324.4 2 77297 Clarke_2 166.4 5838.2 328.7 2 76581 Clarke_2 89.8 5914.8 361.3 1 31535 Clarke_2 430.0 5574.6 283.3 2 145565 Clarke_2 362.0 5642.6 293.0 2 116004 Clarke_3 396.6 6341.2 320.6 1 74444 Clarke_3 304.8 6433.0 340.5 1 63641 Clarke_3 281.2 6456.6 345.6 1 62365 Clarke_3 249.6 6488.2 354.5 1 57127 Clarke_3 225.0 6512.8 360.9 1 55166 Clarke_3 186.4 6551.4 377.2 1 39217 Clarke_3 165.8 6572.0 386.1 1 28507 Clarke_4 356.4 6411.0 323.3 2 174499 Clarke_4 225.2 6542.2 347.6 1 97726 Clarke_4 175.2 6592.2 359.8 1 65367 Clarke_4 162.0 6605.4 365.3 1 64824 Clarke_4 71.2 6696.2 394.3 1 45249 Clarke Gulch 1339.0 5446.8 273.8 3 988307 Clarke Gulch 1260.8 5525.0 277.8 3 979176 Clarke Gulch 274.2 6511.6 340.7 1 112797 Clarke Gulch 205.4 6580.4 353.8 1 96373 Clarke Gulch 165.6 6620.2 360.5 1 86322 Clarke Gulch 100.0 6685.8 377.2 1 72825 Kline_2 355.6 5463.2 327.0 1 106100 Kline_2 324.8 5494.0 331.0 1 103160 Kline_2 281.2 5537.6 342.0 1 75653 Kline_2 246.6 5572.2 349.9 1 73268 Kline_2 217.8 5601.0 359.0 1 69702 Kline_2 198.0 5620.8 363.3 1 66464


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) Kline_2 149.0 5669.8 379.3 1 44612 Kline_2 114.2 5704.6 393.3 1 37924 Kline_3 331.8 5052.2 307.4 2 116974 Kline_3 226.6 5157.4 334.0 2 95721 Kline_3 201.8 5182.2 341.7 2 88431 Kline_3 153.6 5230.4 357.7 2 82367 Kline Gulch 2181.8 3963.8 234.2 3 1240656 Kline Gulch 2232.0 3913.6 229.0 3 1244924 Kline Gulch 2056.4 4089.2 240.2 3 1221098 Kline Gulch 1771.8 4373.8 254.9 3 1109339 Kline Gulch 1183.8 4961.8 286.5 3 788573 Kline Gulch 1409.4 4736.2 272.0 3 933928 Long_2 353.0 4965.0 274.5 1 98340 Long_2 304.2 5013.8 283.4 1 88852 Long_2 225.2 5092.8 302.2 1 75453 Long_2 170.4 5147.6 310.8 1 67174 Long_2 137.2 5180.8 322.2 1 52837 Long_2 115.0 5203.0 327.4 1 51102 Long_2 78.0 5240.0 335.8 1 41697 Long_2 30.4 5287.6 349.5 1 32599 Long_3 261.2 5447.4 291.9 2 119458 Long_3 197.6 5511.0 305.2 2 113141 Long_3 141.8 5566.8 315.9 2 103963 Long_3 30.2 5678.4 355.3 1 37185 Long_4 551.4 5540.6 296.7 2 169980 Long_4 514.0 5578.0 301.6 2 167544 Long_4 478.0 5614.0 305.3 2 161943 Long_4 449.8 5642.2 310.1 2 158653 Long_4 402.2 5689.8 321.4 2 134323 Long_4 340.6 5751.4 340.5 1 98435 Long_4 250.6 5841.4 363.6 1 81732 Long_4 277.6 5814.4 356.5 1 86321


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) Long_4 190.4 5901.6 376.0 1 66340 Long_4 168.2 5923.8 382.7 1 64224 Long_4 133.8 5958.2 394.0 1 55610 Long Gulch 1171.6 4961.6 255.1 3 827460 Long Gulch 378.8 5754.4 315.6 2 228958 Long Gulch 329.0 5804.2 327.7 2 174501 Long Gulch 284.2 5849.0 337.0 2 134553 Long Gulch 254.6 5878.6 343.9 2 128625 Long Gulch 166.6 5966.6 366.2 2 95282 Long Gulch 55.4 6077.8 414.8 1 32190 NFST_1 649.6 6283.4 265.7 2 242924 NFST_1 584.2 6348.8 274.1 2 237828 NFST_1 503.8 6429.2 286.7 2 226868 NFST_1 464.2 6468.8 291.3 2 198109 NFST_1 421.4 6511.6 297.5 2 189711 NFST_1 375.8 6557.2 305.1 2 176995 NFST_1 342.6 6590.4 310.2 2 165602 NFST_1 317.0 6616.0 313.4 2 147508 NFST_1 227.8 6705.2 328.4 2 115728 NFST_1 163.0 6770.0 341.5 1 63999 NFST_1 141.2 6791.8 349.2 1 61355 NFST_1 105.2 6827.8 357.9 1 52842 NFST_10 403.0 8817.2 380.7 2 101584 NFST_10 232.8 8987.4 426.7 1 63464 NFST_10 194.6 9025.6 436.4 1 58849 NFST_10 150.0 9070.2 447.3 1 42904 NFST_10 94.0 9126.2 460.0 1 33273 NFST_10 72.8 9147.4 463.5 1 31401 NFST_11 619.0 8538.0 342.3 2 273834 NFST_11 594.6 8562.4 345.4 2 271403 NFST_11 541.8 8615.2 353.4 2 265010 NFST_11 522.8 8634.2 356.3 2 262740


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) NFST_11 492.8 8664.2 360.6 2 256501 NFST_11 471.6 8685.4 362.4 2 239583 NFST_11 351.6 8805.4 383.0 2 199069 NFST_11 335.8 8821.2 385.3 2 117468 NFST_11 309.8 8847.2 397.2 2 80966 NFST_11 139.2 9017.8 450.3 1 30660 NFST_11 104.4 9052.6 456.8 1 29895 NFST_11 78.0 9079.0 462.0 1 29364 NFST_12 175.6 8856.8 394.4 1 79007 NFST_12 167.0 8865.4 396.5 1 78449 NFST_12 151.6 8880.8 400.3 1 77504 NFST_12 124.8 8907.6 409.5 1 54840 NFST_12 104.2 8928.2 417.4 1 53108 NFST_12 81.4 8951.0 425.0 1 52505 NFST_12 56.0 8976.4 433.7 1 39070 NFST_13 494.4 8306.8 326.6 2 227980 NFST_13 513.8 8287.4 324.2 2 229508 NFST_13 470.0 8331.2 330.2 2 225760 NFST_13 410.8 8390.4 337.3 2 212385 NFST_13 375.8 8425.4 341.7 2 196175 NFST_13 345.6 8455.6 346.0 2 193089 NFST_13 299.8 8501.4 353.1 2 178181 NFST_13 280.6 8520.6 357.6 2 174479 NFST_13 240.4 8560.8 367.4 1 85863 NFST_13 202.4 8598.8 378.2 1 58258 NFST_13 175.4 8625.8 385.6 1 55923 NFST_13 143.0 8658.2 396.5 1 48385 NFST_13 98.4 8702.8 412.1 1 42442 NFST_13 74.6 8726.6 422.7 1 39600 NFST_13 28.2 8773.0 440.0 1 28949 NFST_14 272.0 8581.8 374.1 1 84653 NFST_14 251.2 8602.6 378.1 1 83345


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) NFST_14 177.2 8676.6 392.6 1 61652 NFST_14 153.4 8700.4 398.6 1 58298 NFST_14 128.4 8725.4 404.5 1 47121 NFST_14 66.2 8787.6 422.4 1 40994 NFST_2 583.6 7437.0 300.0 3 313063 NFST_2 536.8 7483.8 304.7 3 297149 NFST_2 450.4 7570.2 315.7 3 272657 NFST_2 349.2 7671.4 333.2 2 172411 NFST_2 320.0 7700.6 338.8 2 170406 NFST_2 305.6 7715.0 344.6 2 133725 NFST_2 180.8 7839.8 376.8 1 69172 NFST_2 71.6 7949.0 401.3 1 48315 NFST_3 99.0 7733.0 352.3 1 45430 NFST_3 198.0 7634.0 325.0 2 90560 NFST_3 172.4 7659.6 333.2 1 54769 NFST_3 129.2 7702.8 341.2 1 47312 NFST_4 402.8 7321.0 293.4 1 85593 NFST_4 374.8 7349.0 299.5 1 84704 NFST_4 294.0 7429.8 313.5 1 77401 NFST_4 244.0 7479.8 325.9 1 63180 NFST_4 207.4 7516.4 336.2 1 54947 NFST_4 119.0 7604.8 367.2 1 40301 NFST_4 89.6 7634.2 377.9 1 30060 NFST_5 456.8 7564.4 295.5 1 88974 NFST_5 359.2 7662.0 317.5 1 82236 NFST_5 288.6 7732.6 334.3 1 71292 NFST_5 254.0 7767.2 347.4 1 57975 NFST_5 197.2 7824.0 363.6 1 49035 NFST_5 161.8 7859.4 373.4 1 45200 NFST_5 137.4 7883.8 381.7 1 41840 NFST_6 1247.0 7899.4 303.9 3 840286 NFST_6 1074.8 8071.6 315.5 3 734027


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) NFST_6 1131.4 8015.0 311.8 3 740755 NFST_6 1025.6 8120.8 317.8 3 697747 NFST_6 894.6 8251.8 324.2 3 660061 NFST_6 866.4 8280.0 325.2 3 656844 NFST_6 828.8 8317.6 328.0 3 502041 NFST_6 805.4 8341.0 330.0 3 492789 NFST_6 716.6 8429.8 335.6 3 483433 NFST_6 656.4 8490.0 340.2 3 468191 NFST_6 607.0 8539.4 344.4 3 442106 NFST_6 557.8 8588.6 349.3 3 433285 NFST_6 515.8 8630.6 351.5 3 324557 NFST_6 454.0 8692.4 356.1 3 316752 NFST_6 391.4 8755.0 366.0 2 139703 NFST_6 350.8 8795.6 373.7 2 134655 NFST_6 300.2 8846.2 385.6 2 120622 NFST_6 223.8 8922.6 402.0 1 77840 NFST_6 279.6 8866.8 389.4 2 118984 NFST_6 195.2 8951.2 406.8 1 75157 NFST_6 164.8 8981.6 413.1 1 71831 NFST_6 132.8 9013.6 418.3 1 68706 NFST_7 223.2 8950.4 398.0 2 93283 NFST_7 442.4 8731.2 361.6 2 171879 NFST_7 428.6 8745.0 363.9 2 171253 NFST_7 410.8 8762.8 366.2 2 165526 NFST_7 370.0 8803.6 371.0 2 162725 NFST_7 332.0 8841.6 377.8 2 155531 NFST_7 303.8 8869.8 381.1 2 133830 NFST_7 259.8 8913.8 389.2 2 118017 NFST_7 195.0 8978.6 404.9 2 77896 NFST_7 160.4 9013.2 414.4 2 71389 NFST_7 99.6 9074.0 435.3 1 36039 NFST_7 79.8 9093.8 439.0 1 29567


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) NFST_8 336.4 8332.2 333.0 2 135328 NFST_8 314.4 8354.2 337.9 2 134516 NFST_8 222.2 8446.4 356.0 2 120140 NFST_8 199.8 8468.8 360.0 1 70881 NFST_8 183.0 8485.6 363.5 1 68859 NFST_8 165.0 8503.6 368.9 1 63762 NFST_8 139.2 8529.4 375.5 1 58633 NFST_9 352.2 7941.2 308.9 1 80282 NFST_9 336.4 7957.0 313.4 1 79450 NFST_9 321.8 7971.6 318.3 1 78302 NFST_9 303.6 7989.8 323.9 1 76681 NFST_9 252.2 8041.2 344.2 1 71183 NFST_9 206.8 8086.6 351.4 1 63352 NFST_9 192.4 8101.0 354.1 1 59758 NFST_9 173.8 8119.6 359.7 1 55450 NFST_9 110.2 8183.2 389.1 1 46518 NFST_9 85.6 8207.8 398.2 1 36441 NFST_9 65.8 8227.6 402.9 1 35054 NFST_9 39.0 8254.4 413.7 1 28629 NoAllard_2 333.8 2471.8 318.4 1 78907 NoAllard_2 220.8 2584.8 333.5 1 63008 NoAllard_2 205.0 2600.6 339.1 1 60165 NoAllard_2 127.4 2678.2 359.9 1 51673 North Allard Gulch 1644.0 1379.4 195.5 4 1392641 North Allard Gulch 845.4 2178.0 275.1 3 444558 North Allard Gulch 666.0 2357.4 295.9 3 363942 NoBig_2 311.4 4227.6 358.0 1 81087 NoBig_2 265.6 4273.4 373.9 1 64517 NoBig_2 226.4 4312.6 386.4 1 61224 NoBig_2 187.2 4351.8 401.5 1 44984


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) NoBig_2 169.8 4369.2 408.1 1 41738 NoBig_2 133.6 4405.4 426.4 1 39420 NoBig_3 132.4 4436.2 430.3 1 62280 NoBig_3 68.8 4499.8 443.6 1 47251 NoBig_3 311.4 4257.2 369.8 1 83280 NoBig_3 289.8 4278.8 380.4 1 81824 NoBig_3 257.0 4311.6 396.9 1 77492 NoBig_3 240.2 4328.4 403.3 1 69525 North Big Gulch 852.6 3716.0 263.7 2 398165 North Big Gulch 724.4 3844.2 282.3 2 375678 North Big Gulch 660.8 3907.8 296.3 2 359057 North Big Gulch 471.8 4096.8 333.7 2 260754 North Big Gulch 385.6 4183.0 350.1 2 239378 North Big Gulch 177.0 4276.0 374.9 64935 North Big Gulch 151.2 4301.8 384.1 63161 NoBranch_2 388.4 7768.0 333.4 1 110093 NoBranch_2 325.0 7831.4 342.3 1 103423 NoBranch_2 301.0 7855.4 350.2 1 78205 NoBranch_2 199.8 7956.6 382.1 1 73327 NoBranch_2 184.8 7971.6 389.4 1 69899 NoBranch_2 96.4 8060.0 418.6 1 44442 NoBranch_2 44.6 8111.8 436.6 1 25579 NoBranch_3 797.6 7181.0 296.1 2 296364 NoBranch_3 773.6 7205.0 300.0 2 293832 NoBranch_3 741.6 7237.0 303.2 2 289918 NoBranch_3 667.4 7311.2 309.8 2 268918 NoBranch_3 558.6 7420.0 331.3 2 239818 NoBranch_3 491.0 7487.6 341.4 1 156270 NoBranch_3 470.8 7507.8 344.0 1 149750 NoBranch_3 450.4 7528.2 347.4 1 146149 NoBranch_3 409.0 7569.6 350.5 1 137728 NoBranch_3 382.6 7596.0 352.8 1 129456


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) NoBranch_3 273.0 7705.6 380.8 1 96305 NoBranch_3 251.2 7727.4 385.5 1 90922 NoBranch_3 223.6 7755.0 391.9 1 88307 NoBranch_3 167.0 7811.6 406.0 1 76453 North Branch Gulch 1505.2 6621.2 272.7 3 1124440 North Branch Gulch 1327.0 6799.4 281.3 3 1072794 North Branch Gulch 765.8 7360.6 306.8 3 525261 North Branch Gulch 594.0 7532.4 316.6 3 426302 North Branch Gulch 479.0 7647.4 322.9 3 395494 North Branch Gulch 44.0 8082.4 410.8 1 43289 North Branch Gulch 202.4 7924.0 366.8 1 73040 North Branch Gulch 293.6 7832.8 339.3 1 100612 North Fork Standley 2962.4 6259.4 261.6 4 4065257 North Fork Standley 2539.4 6682.4 270.3 4 2824021 North Fork Standley 2382.8 6839.0 274.5 4 2759316 North Fork Standley 1524.4 7697.4 296.4 4 1990848 North Fork Standley 451.8 8770.0 370.9 3 315089 North Fork Standley 157.0 9064.8 425.3 2 116712 North Fork Standley 111.2 9110.6 431.2 2 83212 North Fork Standley 1294.6 7927.2 306.0 3 1094649 North Fork Standley 739.6 8482.2 336.7 3 663403


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) Sleep_2 317.2 2497.8 316.8 1 61342 Sleep_2 235.6 2579.4 353.6 1 46377 Sleep_2 187.4 2627.6 368.1 1 28961 Sleep_2 155.2 2659.8 376.6 1 28252 Sleep_2 96.4 2718.6 402.0 1 26762 Sleep_3 380.6 2329.8 253.9 1 77703 Sleep_3 307.4 2403.0 284.0 1 64920 Sleep_3 278.8 2431.6 298.7 1 57071 Sleep_3 256.2 2454.2 306.2 1 55467 Sleep Gulch 721.6 2124.8 203.2 2 323722 Sleep Gulch 601.4 2245.0 234.1 2 304574 Sleep Gulch 556.8 2289.6 245.5 2 282175 Sleep Gulch 518.0 2328.4 253.3 2 193947 South Allard Gulch 246.8 2666.6 375.9 1 69636 South Allard Gulch 625.4 2288.0 320.6 2 316413 South Allard Gulch 423.4 2490.0 343.4 2 238708 South Big Gulch 493.4 3956.6 311.5 2 213235 South Big Gulch 710.8 3666.8 255.0 2 343490 South Big Gulch 668.0 3709.6 262.3 2 332338 South Big Gulch 629.0 3748.6 270.5 2 316416 South Big Gulch 334.6 4043.0 327.2 2 155318 ST_1 308.4 1095.0 188.2 1 110021 ST_1 240.8 1162.6 204.2 1 86724 ST_1 121.6 1281.8 238.8 1 31595 ST_1 54.6 1348.8 259.2 1 30370 ST_10 377.8 6453.4 271.8 1 96041 ST_10 345.6 6485.6 281.1 1 94395 ST_10 315.4 6515.8 288.1 1 90818 ST_10 222.6 6608.6 306.8 1 68893 ST_10 148.6 6682.6 320.5 1 54705


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) ST_10 76.4 6754.8 355.5 1 27356 ST_11 706.6 6689.2 281.3 2 271933 ST_11 634.6 6761.2 299.0 2 252444 ST_11 750.6 6645.2 272.8 2 280231 ST_11 411.2 6984.6 330.9 1 119277 ST_11 378.0 7017.8 337.9 1 97484 ST_11 294.4 7101.4 358.0 1 91667 ST_11 162.2 7233.6 397.2 1 47365 ST_12 727.4 7068.2 284.3 2 357012 ST_12 219.6 7576.0 355.1 2 131289 ST_12 155.6 7640.0 378.0 2 112105 ST_12 128.8 7705.0 404.4 1 41253 ST_13 525.4 7230.6 309.9 2 204730 ST_13 431.0 7325.0 327.9 2 182523 ST_13 282.8 7473.2 369.5 2 124600 ST_13 261.6 7494.4 375.0 2 108141 ST_13 163.8 7592.2 403.1 2 77141 ST_13 123.2 7632.8 419.3 1 37613 ST_14 323.8 7612.4 309.1 1 102241 ST_14 260.6 7675.6 319.4 1 97275 ST_14 202.6 7733.6 334.9 1 89602 ST_14 142.6 7793.6 351.4 1 69570 ST_14 38.4 7897.8 384.8 1 51834 ST_15 453.8 7989.8 320.0 2 159322 ST_15 371.4 8072.2 335.0 2 128091 ST_15 336.2 8107.4 339.0 2 126778 ST_15 264.2 8179.4 346.5 2 116457 ST_15 238.4 8205.2 349.9 2 108402 ST_15 194.4 8249.2 356.8 2 97233 ST_16 981.6 8122.2 310.5 3 733782 ST_16 760.4 8343.4 320.4 3 617238 ST_16 516.8 8587.0 332.4 3 566986


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) ST_16 289.0 8814.8 350.4 2 154961 ST_16 117.4 8986.4 391.6 1 64910 ST_17 615.6 8708.4 326.7 1 197288 ST_17 556.6 8767.4 332.6 1 193144 ST_17 445.8 8878.2 348.7 1 173024 ST_17 412.0 8912.0 352.6 1 162326 ST_17 348.4 8975.6 362.6 1 146456 ST_17 119.0 9205.0 430.5 1 55618 ST_18 815.0 8769.4 326.9 1 250106 ST_18 745.8 8838.6 332.0 1 236730 ST_18 602.4 8982.0 351.1 1 206242 ST_18 373.2 9211.2 372.9 1 128896 ST_18 131.2 9453.2 399.5 1 50997 ST_18 104.2 9480.2 408.7 1 47710 ST_19 462.2 8997.6 336.6 1 96141 ST_19 394.8 9065.0 350.8 1 93877 ST_19 251.6 9208.2 375.3 1 80486 ST_19 208.0 9251.8 384.9 1 72212 ST_19 234.4 9225.4 379.4 1 78621 ST_19 99.4 9360.4 418.7 1 30448 ST_19 71.4 9388.4 429.2 1 29326 ST_2 730.0 1732.4 225.9 2 172498 ST_2 675.4 1787.0 240.0 2 166111 ST_2 455.0 2007.4 284.5 2 125651 ST_2 407.8 2054.6 295.7 2 118054 ST_2 494.6 1967.8 273.5 2 129804 ST_2 204.2 2258.2 337.0 1 54133 ST_20 221.2 9294.0 375.4 1 69447 ST_20 173.6 9341.6 385.8 1 59316 ST_20 116.0 9399.2 403.9 1 39380 ST_20 70.0 9445.2 420.4 1 35397 ST_21 498.4 906.2 179.1 1 69904


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) ST_21 455.8 948.8 190.8 1 64941 ST_21 431.2 973.4 200.8 1 64648 ST_21 383.0 1021.6 218.5 1 62570 ST_21 359.6 1045.0 225.0 1 61500 ST_21 218.6 1186.0 271.5 1 46449 ST_21 165.6 1239.0 289.6 1 40565 ST_21 133.0 1271.6 298.2 1 39918 ST_21 93.4 1311.2 307.5 1 36017 ST_21 74.2 1330.4 313.0 1 35101 ST_22 188.6 6877.0 327.5 2 94091 ST_22 165.6 6900.0 332.4 1 59484 ST_22 145.2 6920.4 337.9 1 57795 ST_22 134.8 6930.8 341.2 1 57412 ST_22 87.2 6978.4 358.4 1 28109 ST_23 329.2 6740.8 315.0 2 106328 ST_23 298.8 6771.2 319.2 2 102114 ST_23 265.2 6804.8 324.2 2 95052 ST_23 251.0 6819.0 327.0 2 93920 ST_23 237.6 6832.4 330.1 2 92455 ST_23 217.0 6853.0 335.2 2 89949 ST_23 186.4 6883.6 344.1 1 52654 ST_23 162.2 6907.8 351.0 1 50610 ST_23 127.4 6942.6 362.1 1 40614 ST_23 84.0 6986.0 380.3 1 27397 ST_24 128.6 6612.2 329.7 1 43711 ST_24 56.4 6684.4 350.5 1 28013 ST_3 599.2 1668.4 203.0 1 112388 ST_3 533.0 1734.6 238.5 1 84475 ST_3 441.8 1825.8 275.6 1 63958 ST_3 335.0 1932.6 312.7 1 60851 ST_3 293.4 1974.2 317.3 1 59495 ST_3 275.6 1992.0 321.3 1 58422


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) ST_3 235.0 2032.6 327.9 1 37085 ST_4 682.2 2430.6 266.1 1 160381 ST_4 634.0 2478.8 284.7 1 150852 ST_4 305.0 2807.8 365.2 1 108687 ST_4 361.0 2751.8 348.0 1 118910 ST_4 237.6 2875.2 382.8 1 100356 ST_4 204.6 2908.2 389.8 1 67712 ST_4 172.6 2940.2 399.3 1 62770 ST_4 59.2 3053.6 446.1 1 32560 ST_5 451.2 2556.0 220.5 1 81903 ST_5 298.0 2709.2 285.6 1 73060 ST_5 326.2 2681.0 277.0 1 75038 ST_5 234.0 2773.2 308.0 1 44642 ST_5 116.8 2890.4 335.7 1 36812 ST_6 531.8 3057.2 264.8 2 229779 ST_6 505.4 3083.6 271.7 2 221783 ST_6 327.6 3261.4 321.7 1 74415 ST_6 353.6 3235.4 315.2 1 76614 ST_6 240.0 3349.0 344.0 1 58773 ST_6 216.0 3373.0 354.7 1 55717 ST_6 160.6 3428.4 375.9 1 43453 ST_7 323.0 3228.4 222.8 2 101276 ST_7 297.8 3253.6 233.3 2 93529 ST_7 272.6 3278.8 245.3 2 91488 ST_7 214.0 3337.4 264.3 1 50277 ST_7 175.6 3375.8 272.3 1 41797 ST_7 118.6 3432.8 282.5 1 34658 ST_7 89.4 3462.0 289.9 1 29337 ST_7 29.8 3521.6 309.3 1 25254 ST_8 292.8 5523.6 304.1 1 44872 ST_8 511.8 5304.6 245.5 2 98195 ST_8 450.8 5365.6 269.5 2 96555


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) ST_8 466.2 5350.2 267.1 2 97097 ST_8 364.0 5452.4 289.2 1 46447 ST_8 262.8 5553.6 309.3 1 43610 ST_8 225.0 5591.4 316.5 1 34655 ST_8 147.6 5668.8 328.7 1 27998 ST_8 124.4 5692.0 333.6 1 26499 ST_9 1129.6 6157.0 259.2 3 622204 ST_9 1096.2 6190.4 262.4 3 618867 ST_9 840.8 6445.8 289.0 3 529172 ST_9 609.6 6677.0 306.1 3 364369 ST_9 584.2 6702.4 309.4 3 250008 ST_9 556.0 6730.6 311.9 3 248143 ST_9 504.6 6782.0 316.1 3 234206 ST_9 474.0 6812.6 320.5 3 230142 Standley Creek 3425.6 6365.2 261.5 4 4195147 Standley Creek 3236.4 6554.4 267.6 4 4056271 Standley Creek 2970.2 6820.6 274.0 4 3698115 Standley Creek 2650.0 7140.8 281.6 4 3060364 Standley Creek 2523.8 7267.0 285.6 4 3021475 Standley Creek 2302.4 7488.4 294.2 4 2935593 Standley Creek 1333.0 8457.8 315.1 2 1207929 Standley Creek 989.6 8801.2 327.4 2 682600 Standley Creek 606.2 9184.6 349.0 2 375948 Standley Creek 384.2 9406.6 358.9 2 314682 Standley Creek 186.8 9604.0 369.2 2 131676 Standley Creek 9695.2 95.6 154.7 2 18837254 Standley Creek 9394.6 396.2 160.3 2 18758828 Standley Creek 9201.2 589.6 166.0 5 18641690 Standley Creek 8863.6 927.2 173.5 5 18381263 Standley Creek 8616.4 1174.4 179.0 5 18209874 Standley Creek 8349.0 1441.8 184.3 5 16703246 Standley Creek 7522.2 2268.6 199.9 5 15622365


Appendix C. Minor knickpoint data for the Standley Creek basin.

Distance from Knickpoint Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint drainage divide above outlet elevation Stream area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) Standley Creek 6883.0 2907.8 212.0 5 15017019 Standley Creek 5880.8 3910.0 225.3 5 12533922 Standley Creek 4627.2 5163.6 240.8 5 9849084 Standley Creek 4342.2 5448.6 244.6 5 9585823 Standley Creek 4774.6 5016.2 237.9 5 9897362 Standley Creek 4697.8 5093.0 239.3 5 9869902


Appendix D. Minor knickpoint data for the Bear Pen Creek basin. Distance from Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint Knickpoint divide above outlet elevation Stream drainage Area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) Bear Hollow 1244.00 5114.20 275.81 3 761014.00 Bear Hollow 946.60 5411.60 292.29 3 593755.00 Bear Hollow 684.60 5673.60 310.80 3 479394.00 Bear Hollow 448.60 5909.60 325.51 3 300040.00 BearHollow_2 300.20 5424.60 312.45 1 75645.00 BearHollow_2 230.00 5494.80 325.65 1 61450.00 BearHollow_2 200.40 5524.40 330.67 1 56034.00 BearHollow_2 150.00 5574.80 346.97 1 47625.00 BearHollow_3 263.60 5907.40 325.69 2 88879.00 BearHollow_3 241.00 5930.00 327.94 2 87211.00 BearHollow_3 214.00 5957.00 331.91 2 82918.00 BearHollow_3 179.80 5991.20 340.48 2 77308.00 BearHollow_3 110.00 6061.00 358.96 2 59504.00 BearHollow_4 327.80 5988.20 333.02 2 90277.00 BearHollow_4 296.60 6019.40 337.48 2 87663.00 BearHollow_4 260.80 6055.20 342.55 2 82085.00 BearHollow_4 183.20 6132.80 357.69 2 68975.00 BearHollow_4 138.20 6177.80 367.67 1 37474.00 BearHollow_4 120.40 6195.60 372.82 1 36586.00 BearHollow_4 40.80 6275.20 408.57 1 26163.00 Bear Pen Creek 8132.20 65.40 169.43 5 12926798.00 Bear Pen Creek 7605.60 592.00 185.70 5 12790092.00 Bear Pen Creek 5746.60 2451.00 232.48 5 10565328.00 Bear Pen Creek 5492.80 2704.80 237.48 5 10480257.00 Bear Pen Creek 5178.80 3018.80 244.21 5 10255488.00 Bear Pen Creek 4138.00 4059.60 258.72 5 7606980.00 Bear Pen Creek 2791.20 5406.40 279.18 5 5575263.00 Bear Pen Creek 2470.00 5727.60 286.00 4 2690277.00 Bear Pen Creek 1971.20 6226.40 299.66 4 1905258.00 Bear Pen Creek 1486.40 6711.20 313.70 4 1612530.00 Bear Pen Creek 604.60 7593.00 356.03 3 685263.00 Bear Pen Creek 421.80 7775.80 373.25 2 231347.00 Bear Pen Creek 305.40 7892.20 389.49 1 114176.00 BP_1 540.00 1180.40 206.81 2 242436.00


Appendix D. Minor knickpoint data for the Bear Pen Creek basin. Distance from Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint Knickpoint divide above outlet elevation Stream drainage Area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) BP_1 356.40 1364.00 251.38 2 149698.00 BP_1 184.60 1535.80 300.16 1 42732.00 BP_10 598.20 7742.00 365.55 2 398871.00 BP_10 569.20 7771.00 366.81 2 327123.00 BP_10 521.40 7818.80 371.25 2 314152.00 BP_10 421.80 7918.40 382.47 2 253311.00 BP_10 320.40 8019.80 390.06 2 227869.00 BP_10 271.40 8068.80 400.66 1 79271.00 BP_10 230.20 8110.00 408.31 1 71025.00 BP_10 192.00 8148.20 415.00 1 67853.00 BP_10 161.40 8178.80 421.88 1 61174.00 BP_10 69.00 8271.20 459.96 1 27234.00 BP_11 318.40 7841.40 381.71 1 98462.00 BP_11 223.20 7936.60 399.12 1 90177.00 BP_11 159.00 8000.80 415.59 1 74492.00 BP_11 104.40 8055.40 432.35 1 48182.00 BP_12 447.00 7008.20 331.27 2 140404.00 BP_12 383.60 7071.60 343.62 2 135725.00 BP_12 351.60 7103.60 349.88 2 131501.00 BP_12 299.60 7155.60 363.62 2 89539.00 BP_12 189.20 7266.00 395.04 1 56061.00 BP_12 137.40 7317.80 409.69 1 50013.00 BP_12 93.60 7361.60 427.03 1 37704.00 BP_12 59.60 7395.60 439.32 1 30602.00 BP_12 27.40 7427.80 451.48 1 25293.00 BP_13 60.20 5758.60 412.68 1 35897.00 BP_13 380.40 5438.40 336.60 1 103307.00 BP_13 265.20 5553.60 356.87 1 84788.00 BP_13 245.20 5573.60 360.81 1 76074.00 BP_13 229.60 5589.20 364.46 1 73790.00 BP_13 209.00 5609.80 369.05 1 70998.00 BP_13 151.40 5667.40 383.61 1 55555.00 BP_13 107.80 5711.00 396.12 1 50943.00 BP_14 182.20 3061.60 379.97 1 65097.00


Appendix D. Minor knickpoint data for the Bear Pen Creek basin. Distance from Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint Knickpoint divide above outlet elevation Stream drainage Area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) BP_14 164.40 3079.40 388.11 1 52539.00 BP_14 95.60 3148.20 415.69 1 28517.00 BP_14 70.00 3173.80 425.33 1 27312.00 BP_14 28.80 3215.00 442.07 1 25540.00 BP_15 284.40 2564.80 310.43 1 73694.00 BP_15 244.20 2605.00 326.04 1 56196.00 BP_15 216.40 2632.80 332.54 1 48761.00 BP_15 198.00 2651.20 337.33 1 47353.00 BP_15 175.40 2673.80 344.85 1 44205.00 BP_15 156.60 2692.60 349.58 1 42687.00 BP_15 105.80 2743.40 367.70 1 32557.00 BP_15 29.20 2820.00 398.75 1 28541.00 BP_16 148.40 2557.20 413.88 1 39896.00 BP_16 1087.80 1886.00 221.80 2 521419.00 BP_16 1043.40 1930.40 230.86 2 514477.00 BP_16 612.60 2093.00 277.93 2 196717.00 BP_16 493.00 2212.60 300.85 2 165854.00 BP_16 376.00 2329.60 349.55 2 154113.00 BP_16 338.20 2367.40 356.50 1 46474.00 BP_16 261.40 2444.20 380.51 1 44191.00 BP_16 201.60 2504.00 396.16 1 41906.00 BP_16 95.40 2610.20 424.82 1 29387.00 BP_2 865.20 2108.60 283.26 1 279318.00 BP_2 909.00 2064.80 271.19 1 282768.00 BP_2 757.60 2216.20 305.99 1 230859.00 BP_2 640.40 2333.40 329.43 1 208128.00 BP_2 565.40 2408.40 340.47 1 186504.00 BP_2 436.40 2537.40 360.22 1 142756.00 BP_2 315.00 2658.80 388.30 1 102698.00 BP_3 536.80 2364.80 238.81 2 229118.00 BP_3 463.60 2438.00 266.79 1 131719.00 BP_3 348.40 2553.20 299.82 1 118786.00 BP_3 255.00 2646.60 326.92 1 78801.00 BP_4 694.80 2621.80 277.39 2 295052.00


Appendix D. Minor knickpoint data for the Bear Pen Creek basin. Distance from Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint Knickpoint divide above outlet elevation Stream drainage Area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) BP_4 559.20 2757.40 310.74 2 273799.00 BP_4 451.00 2865.60 331.09 2 142406.00 BP_4 404.40 2912.20 340.57 2 139660.00 BP_4 369.80 2946.80 346.95 2 131759.00 BP_4 352.80 2963.80 350.93 2 129088.00 BP_4 307.00 3009.60 361.07 2 120794.00 BP_4 285.00 3031.60 365.94 2 117779.00 BP_4 184.40 3132.20 398.56 1 58371.00 BP_4 140.60 3176.00 411.43 1 53761.00 BP_5 428.20 3744.80 260.08 1 101353.00 BP_5 342.60 3830.40 287.16 1 98053.00 BP_5 284.80 3888.20 301.21 1 89826.00 BP_5 239.80 3933.20 309.15 1 75209.00 BP_5 199.20 3973.80 320.51 1 69087.00 BP_5 115.80 4057.20 348.45 1 31882.00 BP_5 44.00 4129.00 379.21 1 28565.00 BP_6 303.00 4278.00 285.68 1 79619.00 BP_6 245.80 4335.20 295.18 1 75614.00 BP_6 145.40 4435.60 332.60 1 47307.00 BP_6 78.60 4502.40 355.85 1 30763.00 BP_6 31.40 4549.60 370.82 1 28160.00 BP_7 1231.40 4666.60 273.63 3 682722.00 BP_7 1050.80 4847.20 292.97 3 619868.00 BP_7 887.20 5010.80 305.72 3 520116.00 BP_7 434.20 5463.80 336.27 2 241034.00 BP_7 134.60 5763.40 389.93 2 87553.00 BP_8 782.60 6900.40 322.31 3 417240.00 BP_8 736.20 6946.80 325.14 3 408037.00 BP_8 665.80 7017.20 333.30 2 256697.00 BP_8 556.60 7126.40 357.13 2 242665.00 BP_8 446.20 7236.80 367.11 2 216219.00 BP_8 343.60 7339.40 373.70 2 180737.00 BP_8 310.40 7372.60 377.79 2 167322.00 BP_8 273.80 7409.20 382.49 2 151271.00


Appendix D. Minor knickpoint data for the Bear Pen Creek basin. Distance from Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint Knickpoint divide above outlet elevation Stream drainage Area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) BP_8 207.60 7475.40 395.48 2 108015.00 BP_8 133.60 7549.40 418.87 1 31816.00 BP_9 404.20 7291.00 339.34 2 182885.00 BP_9 304.60 7390.60 355.62 2 157734.00 BP_9 271.20 7424.00 364.44 2 151370.00 BP_9 241.20 7454.00 374.34 2 92731.00 BP_9 196.20 7499.00 388.01 2 88927.00 BP_9 88.80 7606.40 419.09 2 58482.00 Calder Gulch 955.00 6009.60 294.32 3 629799.00 Calder Gulch 827.20 6137.40 302.63 3 583762.00 Calder Gulch 752.60 6212.00 307.44 3 526454.00 Calder Gulch 602.60 6362.00 319.42 3 482803.00 Calder Gulch 530.60 6434.00 325.37 2 294775.00 Calder Gulch 303.60 6661.00 344.49 2 163070.00 Calder Gulch 184.60 6780.00 360.85 2 87442.00 Calder Gulch 201.80 6762.80 357.73 2 149064.00 Calder2 484.00 6425.80 328.69 2 172396.00 Calder2 454.00 6455.80 335.40 2 170929.00 Calder2 434.00 6475.80 337.98 2 164616.00 Calder2 319.00 6590.80 351.85 2 144741.00 Calder2 220.40 6689.40 366.45 2 105513.00 Calder2 133.00 6776.80 399.19 1 45590.00 Cinnamon Bear Gulch 1842.60 4060.80 272.66 3 1318323.00 Cinnamon Bear Gulch 1120.80 4782.60 310.85 2 814605.00 Cinnamon Bear Gulch 1443.80 4459.60 294.51 3 1162701.00 Cinnamon Bear Gulch 709.40 5194.00 341.89 2 433528.00 CinBear_2 530.20 5156.80 338.54 1 117744.00 CinBear_2 498.20 5188.80 343.74 1 116259.00 CinBear_2 459.20 5227.80 352.56 1 113191.00 CinBear_2 430.00 5257.00 359.66 1 110095.00 CinBear_2 411.60 5275.40 362.34 1 107613.00


Appendix D. Minor knickpoint data for the Bear Pen Creek basin. Distance from Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint Knickpoint divide above outlet elevation Stream drainage Area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) CinBear_2 307.60 5379.40 388.25 1 80464.00 CinBear_2 210.40 5476.60 421.73 1 65884.00 CinBear_2 164.60 5522.40 437.61 1 57036.00 CinBear_2 86.40 5600.60 458.65 1 41802.00 CinBear_3 731.40 4534.40 298.68 2 255542.00 CinBear_3 701.00 4564.80 302.06 2 250964.00 CinBear_3 460.20 4805.60 343.01 2 175262.00 CinBear_3 384.00 4881.80 355.48 2 132737.00 CinBear_3 353.00 4912.80 362.19 2 122235.00 CinBear_3 297.60 4968.20 375.59 2 92296.00 CinBear_3 243.60 5022.20 390.18 2 85350.00 CinBear_3 192.40 5073.40 405.48 2 75146.00 CinBear_3 107.00 5158.80 438.90 1 30253.00 NFBP_1 418.00 6264.80 310.85 2 108850.00 NFBP_1 280.00 6402.80 341.03 2 82838.00 NFBP_1 224.60 6458.20 352.57 1 52709.00 NFBP_1 129.80 6553.00 378.12 1 26727.00 NFBP_1 104.80 6578.00 385.59 1 26290.00 NFBP_2 185.60 7791.20 432.55 1 95921.00 NFBP_2 1267.20 6709.60 317.61 3 852457.00 NFBP_2 1032.40 6944.40 324.26 3 699514.00 NFBP_2 897.00 7079.80 331.01 2 458433.00 NFBP_2 744.00 7232.80 340.00 2 398176.00 NFBP_2 671.20 7305.60 346.00 2 323176.00 NFBP_2 552.40 7424.40 359.17 2 235784.00 NFBP_2 460.40 7516.40 377.30 2 184400.00 NFBP_2 377.20 7599.60 395.84 1 145165.00 NFBP_2 312.00 7664.80 411.95 1 120783.00 NFBP_2 270.60 7706.20 420.33 1 117371.00 NFBP_2 94.60 7882.20 444.63 1 67799.00 NFBP_3 392.40 7103.80 339.50 2 202144.00 NFBP_3 249.40 7246.80 365.96 2 64687.00 NFBP_3 223.00 7273.20 369.44 2 64157.00 NFBP_3 209.80 7286.40 371.24 2 62465.00


Appendix D. Minor knickpoint data for the Bear Pen Creek basin. Distance from Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint Knickpoint divide above outlet elevation Stream drainage Area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) NFBP_3 179.80 7316.40 374.15 2 58952.00 NFBP_3 94.40 7401.80 387.86 1 29433.00 NFBP_3 61.20 7435.00 394.05 1 27543.00 NFBP_4 284.20 6952.00 346.38 1 68056.00 NFBP_4 198.60 7037.60 369.53 1 64081.00 NFBP_4 96.00 7140.20 398.74 1 41545.00 NFBP_5 152.40 7196.20 360.26 2 77932.00 NFBP_5 69.60 7279.00 381.69 1 32519.00 NFBP_5 41.60 7307.00 390.49 1 28790.00 NFBP_6 350.00 7282.80 340.03 1 143149.00 NFBP_6 320.20 7312.60 343.37 1 137375.00 NFBP_6 269.60 7363.20 352.70 1 111726.00 NFBP_6 138.80 7494.00 387.47 1 67481.00 NFBP_6 115.40 7517.40 392.30 1 63326.00 NFBP_6 89.40 7543.40 397.54 1 61841.00 NFBP_7 312.00 7887.40 377.68 1 81581.00 NFBP_7 153.20 8046.20 422.93 1 34898.00 NFBP_7 130.00 8069.40 431.10 1 32605.00 NFBP_8 429.20 7991.20 381.14 2 157900.00 NFBP_8 378.80 8041.60 388.92 2 135393.00 NFBP_8 346.40 8074.00 394.15 2 126195.00 NFBP_8 225.60 8194.80 417.46 2 94221.00 NFBP_8 195.20 8225.20 424.57 2 91265.00 NFBP_8 172.40 8248.00 428.99 2 88046.00 NFBP_8 144.60 8275.80 435.74 1 58694.00 NFBP_8 119.60 8300.80 443.61 1 52573.00 NFBP_8 94.60 8325.80 452.71 1 50620.00 NFBP_8 76.40 8344.00 458.66 1 31304.00 North Club Creek 528.40 3677.80 282.98 2 250354.00 North Club Creek 491.00 3715.20 289.99 2 243522.00 North Club Creek 372.20 3834.00 308.62 2 216597.00 North Club Creek 254.60 3951.60 328.74 2 193829.00 North Club Creek 167.20 4039.00 342.29 2 153020.00 North Club Creek 107.60 4098.60 364.43 2 131649.00


Appendix D. Minor knickpoint data for the Bear Pen Creek basin. Distance from Knickpoint drainage distance Knickpoint Knickpoint divide above outlet elevation Stream drainage Area Stream name (m) (m) (m) order (m2) North Fork Bear Pen 2592.00 5792.20 287.67 4 2786552.00 North Fork Bear Pen 2255.60 6128.60 293.30 4 2599463.00 North Fork Bear Pen 1723.20 6661.00 309.15 3 1332800.00 North Fork Bear Pen 1043.20 7341.00 335.96 3 661629.00 North Fork Bear Pen 973.80 7410.40 340.58 3 604407.00 North Fork Bear Pen 796.00 7588.20 350.26 3 565253.00 North Fork Bear Pen 505.60 7878.60 374.35 3 352489.00 North Fork Bear Pen 538.80 7845.40 372.02 3 438267.00 North Fork Bear Pen 617.40 7766.80 363.44 3 455655.00 SoClub_2 272.80 4353.20 363.33 1 91736.00 SoClub_2 240.80 4385.20 368.16 1 87277.00 SoClub_2 201.80 4424.20 375.68 1 65334.00 SoClub_2 103.00 4523.00 406.01 1 34571.00 SoClub_2 77.60 4548.40 418.97 1 34000.00 SoClub_3 468.00 4172.40 334.12 2 106651.00 SoClub_3 423.20 4217.20 350.43 2 102877.00 SoClub_3 389.80 4250.60 357.10 2 99326.00 SoClub_3 293.60 4346.80 378.67 2 90453.00 SoClub_3 232.20 4408.20 393.77 2 82895.00 SoClub_3 161.00 4479.40 415.33 1 35168.00 SoClub_3 101.00 4539.40 431.19 1 31387.00 South Club Creek 855.20 3351.00 249.11 3 883344.00 South Club Creek 796.40 3409.80 256.40 3 879311.00 South Club Creek 778.00 3428.20 258.08 3 877540.00 South Club Creek 579.60 3626.60 275.40 3 837489.00 South Club Creek 767.20 3736.20 287.12 3 556199.00 South Club Creek 786.60 3716.80 284.27 3 572752.00 South Club Creek 675.60 3827.80 296.23 3 539207.00 South Club Creek 603.80 3899.60 305.48 3 469344.00