Indiana University 2012-13 Fact Book Fact Book 2012-13 Fast Facts Indiana University - Fall 2012
Indiana University 2012-13 Fact Book Fact Book 2012-13 Fast Facts Indiana University - Fall 2012 Founded in: 1820 Degrees Awarded in FY 2011-12 by Level Library Collections: 12,267,918 Associate = 541 IU, 50 PU President: Michael A. McRobbie Baccalaureate = 13,778 IU, 792 PU Real Estate Acreage: Master's = 4,931 IU, 245 PU On campus = 3,609 Location and Homepage Address Doctoral-Research = 503 IU, 3 PU Off campus = 4,274 107 South Indiana Avenue Doctoral-Practice = 1,016 IU Academic-Administrative Space Distribution Bloomington, IN 47405-7000 (in square feet) (812) 855-4848 2011-12 Financial Aid Awarded by Level Classroom: 938,453 Undergraduate = $761,595,891 Instructional Laboratories: 1,077,080 Graduate1 = $394,090,744 Study Facilities: 1,304,538 University Accreditation Total = $1,155,686,636 Residential Facilities: 87,702 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools 1 Includes Doctoral-Practice (formerly Professional) All Others: 8,105,739 Fall 2012 Enrollment by Level 2012-13 Operating Budget Undergraduate = 89,888 Unrestricted = $2,155,174,476 Graduate = 12,409 Restricted = $640,532,854 Doctoral-Research = 4,317 Auxiliary Enterprises = $403,026,761 Doctoral-Practice = 3,779 Total = $3,198,734,091 Total = 110,393 Private-Sector Support = $347.9 million Fall 2012 Credit Hours by Level Undergraduate = 1,083,146.0 Faculty and Staff Headcount Graduate = 95,402.5 Academic Staff = 8,789 Doctoral-Research = 32,811.0 Executive/Admin = 690 Doctoral-Practice = 59,303.5 Support Staff = 10,227 Total = 1,270,663.0 Fact Book 2012-13 Indiana University Administration As the chief executive of the University, the President is appointed by the Trustees and is responsible for the operation of the entire University within the framework of policies provided by the Trustees.
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