South Downs National Park

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014

Appendix D(ii)

Site Assessments by Area


1 2 South Downs National Park

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014

Index of Settlements

Settlements Page

Arundel 5

Clapham 11

Findon 17

Hangleton 37

Patching 41

Selden 45

Slindon 49

Warningcamp 55

Wepham 61

3 4 South Downs National Park

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014

Appendix D(ii) - Arun

Site Assessments by Settlement


5 6 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

Settlement Arundel

AR001 Riding Stables, Park Place Arundel Arundel Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape.

AR002 Land west of Riding School, A284 Arundel Arundel Excluded 0 0 0 0 The site is not considered to be previously developed land, is outside a settlement and is detached and unrelated to that settlement.

AR003 Land at the Causeway Arundel Arundel Excluded 0 0 0 0 The site is located wholly or largely within a Local Wildlife Site.

AR004 Sawmill, Arundel Park Arundel Arundel Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape. Development on the site would have a potential adverse impact on heritage assets. There is no evidence that the site is being actively promoted or is currently available.

7 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

AR024 Land at Anne Howard Garden, off Arundel Arundel Rejected 0 0 0 0 There is no evidence that the Road site is being actively promoted or is currently available.

Total by Settlement 0 0 0 0

8 Site Site Address Summary of Landscape Summary of Suitability Suitable Summary of Available Summary of Achievable Reason for Rejection Ref Assessment Availability Acheivability Settlement Arundel

AR001 Riding Stables, High Sensitivity The site is within the conservation No The site is Yes There is no Yes Development on the Park Place The site is High area and is in close proximity to a considered to be reason to indicate site would have a Sensitivity due to its number of listed buildings. The available for why development potential adverse location within the site is within 250m of an Historic development. on the site is not impact on the Conservation area, in a Landfill Site. achievable. character and prominent location appearance of the beyond the existing landscape. settlement which would open views into development and significantly alter the setting of the town in views from the south and west.

AR004 Sawmill, Arundel Medium/High Sensitivity The site is within a Grade II* No There is no No There is no Yes Development on the Park The site is registered park. The site is in evidence that the reason to indicate site would have a Medium/High sensitivity close proximity to a Scheduled site is being why development potential adverse due to its location Ancient Monument and adjacent actively promoted on the site is not impact on the within the registered to Conservation Area. The site is or is currently achievable. character and parkscape (the PDL in close proximity to a Special Site available. appearance of the status reduces this of Scientific Interest and a ancient landscape. from an automatic woodland (located to the east). Development on the exclusion on this basis). Monarch's Way runs within 12m site would have a The site is nonetheless of the site (located to the east). potential adverse sensitive to housing impact on heritage development due to assets. There is no potential negative evidence that the site is impacts on surrounding being actively parkscape character. promoted or is Historic advise needed. currently available.

9 Site Site Address Summary of Landscape Summary of Suitability Suitable Summary of Available Summary of Achievable Reason for Rejection Ref Assessment Availability Acheivability AR024 Land at Anne Low/Medium Sensitivity The site is located within the Yes There is no No There is no Yes There is no evidence Howard Garden, The site is Low conservation area. The site is evidence that the reason to indicate that the site is being off London Road Medium Sensitivity to currently in use as allotments. site is being why development actively promoted or is development which actively promoted on the site is not currently available. mirrors the existing or is currently achievable. estate houses to the available. north east.

10 South Downs National Park

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014

Appendix D(ii) - Arun

Site Assessments by Settlement


11 12 Site Site Address Summary of Landscape Summary of Suitability Suitable Summary of Available Summary of Achievable Reason for Rejection Ref Assessment Availability Acheivability Settlement Clapham

AR026 Land north of High Sensitivity The site is adjacent to Ancient No The site is Yes There is no Yes Development on the Clapham Street The site is High Woodland, a Local Wildlife Site considered to be reason to indicate site would have a Sensitivity due to its and Tree Preservation Order available for why development potential adverse size and scale on the Area (to the north). The site is development. on the site is not impact on the dry valley side. It is adjacent to the conservation area achievable. character and highly visible and and in close proximity to a appearance of the sensitive to number of listed buildings, landscape. development in views including a Grade II* listed building from Clapham itself, located to the east. the conservation area (both parts) and . Access would be likely to be detrimental to the surrounding rural character.

AR027 Land at Gosling Low/Medium The site is physically adjacent to No There is no No There is no Yes Loss of employment Croft Business The site is low/medium Ancient Woodland and wholly evidence that the reason to indicate land. There is no Centre sensitivity due to within a Tree Preservation Order site is being why development evidence that the site is adjacent Ancient Area. The part of the site which is actively promoted on the site is not being actively Woodland. Existing previously developed is in active or is currently achievable. promoted or is industrial use reduces employment use. The remainder available. currently available. landscape impact. of the site is not considered to be well related to the settlement. The site is within 250m of an Historic Landfill Site.

AR035 Clapham Depot Low/Medium Sensitivity There is a public right of way No There is no No A safe and Yes Loss of employment The site is low/medium running through the site. Part of evidence that the appropriate land. sensitivity due to the site is within an Historic site is being access would adjacent Ancient Landfill Site. The site is in active actively promoted need to be Woodland and employment use. or is available for achieved. There is common land. Existing development. potential for the industrial use reduces land to be landscape impact. contaminated by 13 Site Site Address Summary of Landscape Summary of Suitability Suitable Summary of Available Summary of Achievable Reason for Rejection Ref Assessment Availability Acheivability AR035 Clapham Depot No No previous uses. Yes There are no other reasons to indicate why development on the site is not achievable.

14 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

Settlement Clapham

AR026 Land north of Clapham Street Clapham Clapham Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape.

AR027 Land at Gosling Croft Business Centre Clapham Clapham Rejected 0 0 0 0 Loss of employment land. There is no evidence that the site is being actively promoted or is currently available.

AR032 Gravel Pit Field/Loves Corner, A280/A27 Clapham Clapham Excluded 0 0 0 0 The site is not considered to be Junction (or Land South of Clapham previously developed land, is Common) outside a settlement and is detached and unrelated to that settlement.

AR035 Clapham Depot Clapham Clapham Rejected 0 0 0 0 Loss of employment land.

Total by Settlement 0 0 0 0

15 16 South Downs National Park

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014

Appendix D(ii) - Arun

Site Assessments by Settlement


17 18 19 20 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

Settlement Findon

AR005 Savi Maski Granza, Findon Road Findon Findon Rejected 0 0 0 0 The site does not relate well to the existing settlement pattern and development on the site would have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape.

Details of full assessment in Appendix D.

AR008 Rogers Farm Garden Centre and former Findon Findon Has Potential 40 0 40 0 Not Applicable. Allotments (Deliverable) Details of full assessment in Appendix D.

AR009 Former allotments north of The Findon Findon Rejected 0 0 0 0 The site does not relate well to Quadrangle the existing settlement pattern and development on the site would have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape.

Details of full assessment in Appendix D.

AR010 Soldiers Field Yard, Nepcote Lane Findon Findon Has Potential 6 6 0 0 Not Applicable. (Deliverable) Details of full assessment in Appendix D.

21 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

AR011 Land to the east of Elm Rise Findon Findon Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape.

AR013 Land to the Rear of Pony Farm Training Findon Findon Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would Stables have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape.

AR015 Findon Manor Hotel, High Street Findon Findon Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would have a potential adverse impact on heritage assets. Impact on protected trees.

AR016 Open space between the High Street and Findon Findon Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would the A24 have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape.

AR017 Land off Nepcote Lane and Somerfields Findon Findon Excluded 0 0 0 0 The area not covered by trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order could not accommodate five or more dwellings. 22 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

AR018 Soldiers Field House, Soldiers Field Lane Findon Findon Has Potential 6 6 0 0 Not Applicable. (Deliverable)

AR019 Steep Side, Cross Lane Findon Findon Excluded 0 0 0 0 The site is not considered suitable to yield 5 or more additional homes

AR020 Findon Towers, Cross Lane Findon Findon Has Potential 6 6 0 0 Not Applicable. (Deliverable)

AR021 Well Cottage/Priory Cottage, Crossways, Findon Findon Has Potential 7 7 0 0 Not Applicable. Cross Lane (Deliverable)

AR022 Field south of Findon (Wyatts Field), Findon Findon Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would Nepcote Lane have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape.

AR034 Ramsdean, North End Findon Findon Excluded 0 0 0 0 The site is not considered to be previously developed land, is outside a settlement and is detached and unrelated to that settlement.

Total by Settlement 65 25 40 0

23 24 Site Reference Area AR008 Arun

Site Address Settlement Rogers Farm Garden Centre and former Allotments Findon

Parish Findon

Source Current Use Previously assessed by Borough/District Council Garden centre, paddocks and former allotments

Summary of Landscape Assessment Low/Medium/High Sensitivity The site is Low Medium Sensitivity where currently developed and existing screening can be retained and improved to the north of the site. The fields to the south of the site are Medium High Sensitivity due to the poor relationship with the settlement pattern and the intrusion into views from the surrounding public right of way.

Summary of Suitability Is the site The northern and western part of the site is previously developed. The southern and eastern part is greenfield site. suitable? There is potential for redevelopment of the area of previously developed land, subject to appropriate loss of the existing use. Yes

Summary of Availability Is the site The site is considered to be available for development. available? Yes

Summary of Achievability Is Access is expected to be directly on A24. Further advice will be required. development on the site achievable? Yes

Assessment Recommendation Has Potential (Deliverable)

Reason for Rejection Not Applicable.

Site Area (Ha) Site Density (dph) Estimated Yield 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 2 20 40 0 40 0

25 26 Site Reference Area AR010 Arun

Site Address Settlement Soldiers Field Yard, Nepcote Lane Findon

Parish Findon

Source Current Use Previously assessed by Borough/District Council Stable yard

Summary of Landscape Assessment Medium Sensitivity Medium sensitivity due to the PDL status, Views to the west are sensitive from the wider downland and impacts on the adjacent public right of way

Summary of Suitability Is the site There is a public right of way running along the western boundary. The site is adjacent to a Tree Preservation suitable? Order area. The redevelopment or conversion of the site is considered suitable for a small number of dwellings. Yes

Summary of Availability Is the site The site is considered to be available for development. available? Yes

Summary of Achievability Is There is no reason to indicate why development on the site is not achievable. development on the site achievable? Yes

Assessment Recommendation Has Potential (Deliverable)

Reason for Rejection Not Applicable.

Site Area (Ha) Site Density (dph) Estimated Yield 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 0.4 15 6 6 0 0

27 28 Site Reference Area AR018 Arun

Site Address Settlement Soldiers Field House, Soldiers Field Lane Findon

Parish Findon

Source Current Use Previously assessed by Borough/District Council Residential

Summary of Landscape Assessment Medium Sensitivity Medium sensitivity due to the PDL status, Views to the west are sensitive from the wider downland and impacts on the adjacent public right of way. Impacts on setting of Nepcote Green.

Summary of Suitability Is the site The site is adjacent to a Tree Preservation Order area. A public right of way runs along the western boundary. The suitable? site is considered suitable for small scale development. Yes

Summary of Availability Is the site The site is considered to be available for development. available? Yes

Summary of Achievability Is There is no reason to indicate why development on the site is not achievable. development on the site achievable? Yes

Assessment Recommendation Has Potential (Deliverable)

Reason for Rejection Not Applicable.

Site Area (Ha) Site Density (dph) Estimated Yield 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 0.6 10 6 6 0 0

29 30 Site Reference Area AR020 Arun

Site Address Settlement Findon Towers, Cross Lane Findon

Parish Findon

Source Current Use Previously assessed by Borough/District Council Residential

Summary of Landscape Assessment Medium sensitivity Medium sensitivity due to existing trees and access having potential for impacts.

Summary of Suitability Is the site The whole site is covered by group TPO which is expected to restrict development to the centre of the site, on suitable? and around the footprint of the existing dwelling. May be suitable for extension and conversion or redevelopment on and around the existing footprint. Yes

Summary of Availability Is the site The site is considered to be available for development. available? Yes

Summary of Achievability Is There is no reason to indicate why development on the site is not achievable. development on the site achievable? Yes

Assessment Recommendation Has Potential (Deliverable)

Reason for Rejection Not Applicable.

Site Area (Ha) Site Density (dph) Estimated Yield 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 0.4 15 6 6 0 0

31 32 Site Reference Area AR021 Arun

Site Address Settlement Well Cottage/Priory Cottage, Crossways, Cross Lane Findon

Parish Findon

Source Current Use Previously assessed by Borough/District Council Residential

Summary of Landscape Assessment Medium sensitivity Medium sensitivity due to existing trees and access having potential for impacts.

Summary of Suitability Is the site The site comprises of three large residential plots, surrounded by mature trees. The site is considered suitable for a suitable? small number of dwellings. Yes

Summary of Availability Is the site The site is considered to be available for development. available? Yes

Summary of Achievability Is There is no reason to indicate why development on the site is not achievable. However, a safe and appropriate development access will need to be achieved. on the site achievable? Yes

Assessment Recommendation Has Potential (Deliverable)

Reason for Rejection Not Applicable.

Site Area (Ha) Site Density (dph) Estimated Yield 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 0.6 12 7 7 0 0

33 Site Site Address Summary of Landscape Summary of Suitability Suitable Summary of Available Summary of Achievable Reason for Rejection Ref Assessment Availability Acheivability Settlement Findon

AR005 Savi Maski Granza, Low/Medium/High The majority of the site is not No The site is Yes Access is Yes The site does not Findon Road Sensitivity previously developed and the site considered to be expected to be relate well to the The site is Low is not considered to be well available for directly on A24. existing settlement Medium Sensitivity related to the existing settlement development. Further advice will pattern and where currently pattern. be required. development on the developed and site would have a screening can be potential adverse retained. The fields to impact on the the south of the site character and are Medium High appearance of the Sensitivity due to the landscape. poor relationship with the settlement pattern and the intrusion into views from the surrounding public right of way. The site also contributes to the Local Gap.

AR009 Former allotments Medium/High Sensitivity A greenfield site which is No The site is Yes There is no Yes The site does not north of The The site is Medium separated from the settlement of considered to be reason to indicate relate well to the Quadrangle High Sensitivity given Findon by the A24 and belt of available for why development existing settlement the surrounding protected trees. development. on the site is not pattern and existing uses and the achievable. development on the isolated nature of the site would have a site within the potential adverse surrounding landscape. impact on the It does not relate well character and to the settlement appearance of the pattern as is located on landscape. the west side of the A24. The site contributes to the local gap between Findon and Worthing. Mature 34 Site Site Address Summary of Landscape Summary of Suitability Suitable Summary of Available Summary of Achievable Reason for Rejection Ref Assessment Availability Acheivability AR009 Former allotments trees. No Yes Yes

AR011 Land to the east of Medium/High Sensitivity A Tree Preservation Order No The site is Yes There is no Yes Development on the Elm Rise Medium sensitivity in protects the hedge along the considered to be reason to indicate site would have a western section. western boundary and could available for why development potential adverse Medium high sensitivity prevent access to the site. development. on the site is not impact on the to east as the site achievable. character and becomes more appearance of the elevated and views landscape. from the bridleway would be affected.

AR013 Land to the Rear Medium/High Sensitivity The site is adjacent to a Tree No The site is Yes There is no Yes Development on the of Pony Farm Medium/high sensitivity Preservation Order area. Due to considered to be reason to indicate site would have a Training Stables due to the poor access the conclusions of the landscape available for why development potential adverse and location on the assessment, the site is not development. on the site is not impact on the outside of the public considered suitable. achievable. character and right of way which runs appearance of the along the settlement landscape. edge. Views to the west are sensitive from the wider downland and impacts on the adjacent public right of way

AR015 Findon Manor Historic Buildings The comprises a Grade II listed No The site is Yes There is no Yes Development on the Hotel, High Street advice needed building (hotel) and its curtilage. considered to be reason to indicate site would have a The boundary is composed of available for why development potential adverse mature trees covered by group development. on the site is not impact on heritage Tree Preservation Order. achievable. assets. Impact on protected trees.

35 Site Site Address Summary of Landscape Summary of Suitability Suitable Summary of Available Summary of Achievable Reason for Rejection Ref Assessment Availability Acheivability

AR016 Open space High Sensitivity The site is adjacent to numerous No The site is Yes There is no Yes Development on the between the High High Sensitivity due to listed buildings and crossed by considered to be reason to indicate site would have a Street and the A24 the scale and sensitive group Tree Preservation Order. available for why development potential adverse location of the site in There are public rights of way development. on the site is not impact on the relation to the public running across the site. Due to achievable. character and right of way network the conclusions of the landscape appearance of the mature trees and assessment, the site is not landscape. relationship with considered suitable for Findon Place. development.

AR022 Field south of High Sensitivity A Scheduled Ancient Monument is No The site is Yes There is no Yes Development on the Findon (Wyatts High Sensitivity due to located around 60m to the south considered to be reason to indicate site would have a Field), Nepcote the poor connection east of the site. The site is not available for why development potential adverse Lane with the settlement considered to well related to the development. on the site is not impact on the layout and the elevated existing settlement pattern. achievable. character and nature of the site appearance of the making it vulnerable to landscape. visual impact.

36 South Downs National Park

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014

Appendix D(ii) - Arun

Site Assessments by Settlement


37 38 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

Settlement Hangleton

AR007 North of High Down Hill Farm Hangleton Excluded 0 0 0 0 The site is not considered to be previously developed land, is outside a settlement and is detached and unrelated to that settlement.

Total by Settlement 0 0 0 0

39 40 South Downs National Park

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014

Appendix D(ii) - Arun

Site Assessments by Settlement


41 42 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

Settlement Patching

AR006 138-139 The Street, Patching Patching Excluded 0 0 0 0 The site is not considered suitable to yield 5 or more additional homes.

Total by Settlement 0 0 0 0

43 44 South Downs National Park

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014

Appendix D(ii) - Arun

Site Assessments by Settlement


45 46 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

Settlement Selden

AR033 Cooper's Field, adj. Fox Inn Selden Patching Excluded 0 0 0 0 The site is not considered to be previously developed land, is outside a settlement and is detached and unrelated to that settlement.

Total by Settlement 0 0 0 0

47 48 South Downs National Park

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014

Appendix D(ii) - Arun

Site Assessments by Settlement


49 50 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

Settlement Slindon

AR028 Glebe land at Church Hill Slindon Slindon Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape. Impact on Ancient Woodland.

AR031 Glebe land adjoining Slindon CE School Slindon Slindon Excluded 0 0 0 0 The part of site adjacent to the settlement is Ancient Woodland. The remainder of the site is outside the settlement and is detached and unrelated to that settlement.

AR036 Cedar Cottages, Shell Bridge Road Slindon Slindon Excluded 0 0 0 0 The site is not considered suitable to yield 5 or more additional homes.

Total by Settlement 0 0 0 0

51 52 Site Site Address Summary of Landscape Summary of Suitability Suitable Summary of Available Summary of Achievable Reason for Rejection Ref Assessment Availability Acheivability Settlement Slindon

AR028 Glebe land at High Sensitivity The site is adjacent to ancient No The site is Yes There is no Yes Development on the Church Hill High sensitivity due to woodland along the eastern considered to be reason to indicate site would have a the size and boundary. There is a public right available for why development potential adverse proportions of the site of way running north to south development. on the site is not impact on the extending into open through the middle of the site. achievable. character and countryside alongside Part of the site is within the appearance of the Opan Access Land and conservation area. landscape. Impact on Ancient woodland. Ancient Woodland. Impact on public right of way and Details of full conservation area. assessment in Appendix D.

53 54 South Downs National Park

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014

Appendix D(ii) - Arun

Site Assessments by Settlement


55 56 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

Settlement Warningcamp

AR029 Land to rear of Nurses Cottage, Warningcamp Warningcamp Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would Warningcamp Lane have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape.

AR030 Land to rear of 223 Warningcamp Lane Warningcamp Warningcamp Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape.

Total by Settlement 0 0 0 0

57 58 Site Site Address Summary of Landscape Summary of Suitability Suitable Summary of Available Summary of Achievable Reason for Rejection Ref Assessment Availability Acheivability Settlement Warningcamp

AR029 Land to rear of High Sensitivity The site is adjacent to the No There is no No There is no Yes Development on the Nurses Cottage, High Landscape conservation area and two grade evidence that the reason to indicate site would have a Warningcamp Lane sensitivity due to the II listed buildings. The south site is being why development potential adverse conservation area and western part of the site is within actively promoted on the site is not impact on the visual sensitivity of flood zone 2 and 3. There is a or is currently achievable. character and development on the large Tree Preservation Order available. appearance of the valley sides Area opposite the access to the landscape. site.

AR030 Land to rear of High Sensitivity The site is wholly within the No The site is Yes There is no Yes Development on the 223 Warningcamp High Landscape conservation area and adjacent to considered to be reason to indicate site would have a Lane sensitivity due to the a Grade II listed building. available for why development potential adverse conservation area, development. on the site is not impact on the listed building and visual achievable. character and sensitivity of appearance of the development on the landscape. valley sides

59 60 South Downs National Park

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014

Appendix D(ii) - Arun

Site Assessments by Settlement


61 62 Site Ref Site Address Settlement Parish Recommendation Total 0-5 6-10 11-15 Rejected/Excluded Reason Yield Years Years Years

Settlement Wepham

AR025 Land north of Lample House Wepham Rejected 0 0 0 0 Development on the site would have a potential adverse impact on the character and appearance of the landscape.

Total by Settlement 0 0 0 0

63 64 Site Site Address Summary of Landscape Summary of Suitability Suitable Summary of Available Summary of Achievable Reason for Rejection Ref Assessment Availability Acheivability Settlement Wepham

AR025 Land north of Medium/High Sensitivity The site is within the conservation No The site is Yes There is no Yes Development on the Lample House The site has Medium area and in close proximity to considered to be reason to indicate site would have a high sensitivity to three listed buildings. There is a available for why development potential adverse development of public right of way running along development. on the site is not impact on the comparable density to the southern and western achievable. character and the surrounding boundary. The site is within 5km appearance of the settlement given its of a Special Protection Area. landscape. location in the conservation area. The site would not accommodate development of any higher density without detrimental impacts on the settlement.