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[email protected]__:__..‘r ‘°@m@ swawm O >4I ‘Wn . X %?~@~c<a1»zaW“@ Testimony on behalf of the Hawaiʻi State Commission on the Status of Women Khara Jabola-Carolus, Executive Director Prepared for the Senate Committees on GVO/PSM In Opposition to HB1184 Tuesday, February 2, 2018 at 2:45 p.m. in Room 225 Dear Chairs Thielen and Nishihara, Vice Chairs Inouye and Wakai, and Honorable Members, The Hawaiʻi State Commission on the Status of Women wishes to mahalo you for holding this hearing today and for the opportunity to testify in opposition to HB1184, which would assess penalties to health care providers if they do not provide life -saving medical care during an abortion. Hawaiʻi was the first state in the nation to decriminalize abortion. Family planning is essential to women’s sexual and economic freedom. HB1184 is an anti-choice measure that is unnecessary and reflects a misbegotten national strategy to rollback access to safe, legal abortion in our state. Accordingly, the Commission ask the Committee to defer this measure. Sincerely, Khara Jabola-Carolus HB-1184 Submitted on: 2/5/2019 12:56:11 PM Testimony for HLT on 2/7/2019 8:30:00 AM Testifier Present at Submitted By Organization Position Hearing LGBT Caucus of the Michael Golojuch Jr Democratic Party of Oppose Yes Hawaii Comments: HB-1184 Submitted on: 2/5/2019 1:19:24 PM Testimony for HLT on 2/7/2019 8:30:00 AM Testifier Present at Submitted By Organization Position Hearing Younghi Overly AAUW of Hawaii Oppose No Comments: Dear Chair Mizuno, Vice Chair Kobayashi, and members of HLT Committee, We STRONGLY OPPOSE HB1184 for it is an anti-choice bill which would interfere with women's health decisions which should be left with a woman and her doctor.