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The Technique * I THE SOUTH'S LIVEST COLLEGE WEEKLY" Georgia School of Technology OL. XVIII THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1928 NO. 2 ECH MEETS V. M. I. CADETS IN OPENER Tech Exhibit At Captain Barnes Fair Attracts ED. HAMM ELECTED PRESIDENT Leads Flying Squad Thousands OF STUDENT COUNCIL ron Into Atlanta FLOOR SPACE INCREASED (LOSE BATTLE PREDICTED Departments Co-operate in Making Annual Event Dean Skiles Gains Meeting of Sophmore Enrollment of 2105 V. M. I. Eleven Shows a Success Improvement Over' Place in Who's Class Called For Announced on the Last Year's Team F Housed in the Liberal Arts BUILD ing, Georgia Tech's exhibit at the Who in America Tuesday First of October Everything is set for the first whis . Southeastern Fair attracted attention tle of the year in the 1928 football [ from all fair goers. The exhibit, con Tech has three Representatives Woodruff Appointed Business Total Number to Date season of Georgia Tech. The Yellow Manager of Technique Jackets are in prime condition for SIDERED the most complete and attrac Dean W. V. Skiles is now repre The yearly enrollment at the Geor tomorrow's conference game and V. tive in years, was the result of the sented in "Who's Who In America," Edward B. Hamm, holder of the gia School of Technology has proven M. I. arrived into town yesterday . efforts of Professor King, chairman as the 1928-29 edition reveals. With world's record and Olympic broad for many years that this institution is well prepared for the initial contest. of the committee; Professor Bush- Dean Skiles represented in this an jump champion, was elected president "a technical school with a national Brown, of the Architecture depart nual volume of the foremost men in of the Georgia Tech Student Council reputation." Again great numbers There will probably be nothing but MENT; Professor George M. Sparks, the country, Georgia Tech now has at a meeting of that body on Tues have answered the call of a school of straight football coming from either 5#f the Commerce department, and the three representations. Dr. M. L. Brit day, October 3. At the same time, Mechanical, Klectrical, Civil, Textile team. It is customary to open the >operation of every department. tain, president of the school, and the following officers were named: and Ceramic Engineering, Engineer season with nothing but line-work, if Crowds milled their way through- Prof. George M. Sparks having been Frank Waddey, vice-president; Ward ing Chemistry, Architecture, Com possible, and the Tech boys will be ot the exhibit, and looked with included for several years past. Grantham, secretary; and Wadley merce, General Science and Industrial in a position to do it admirably. Off friazement at the many scientific " 'Who's Who In America' aims to Glenn, treasurer. Education. tackle smashes, with Stumpy Thoma son and Randolph doing most of the hievements displayed. The display give brief, crisp, personal sketches H. S. Woodruff, a senior in the Below is listed the enrollment ac crashing through should predominate is year occupied more floor space of the most notable living Americans chemistry department, was accepted cording to classes and departments, as in the Golden Tornado offensive. I Ian in former years, in all parts of the world—the men as the business manager of The Tech of October 1, 1928, for day school j |The Commerce department acted as and women whose position or achieve nique to replace Hubert Leslie who only. Complete enrollment will be an That doesn't mean that there will information bureau for the entire ments make them of general inter was elected last term but who is not nounced at a later date. be no open field work at all. A well- iblic and all other departments con- est." in school at the present. Freshman 733 run team must have some diversifica tion of attack. Just what it will be libuted student work for exhibit. The outstanding men and women The 1928-29 Student Council is Sophomore 551 Pre-Junior (Co-op.) 112 from a Tech standpoint, has not been of the country are selected by the composed of the following men: Se indicated by early workouts. They've Who's Who organization and then niors, "Buster" Harris, Wadley Junior 356 lethod of Nominat- got speed in the legs of Durant, speed important facts are obtained which Glenn, Frank Waddey, Ed Hamm, Senior 301 as well as a driving power that hits are of general interest. This method Frank Player, with Ware Fitzgerald Specials 52 ng Student Council the line with his feet still churning of selection makes it a great honor as alternate; Juniors, Ward Granth the ground hard and furious, the kind to be selected for representation. am, Warner Mizell, Hobby Law, Total 2105 to be Put to Vote of a man that is hard to stop. Charles Witmer and "Dutch" Faisst Enrollment by departments: Students Urged to Co-operate an alternate; Sophomores, Earl Dun Architecture 141 Defensively, the team is a mountain Evening School Ceramics 45 0 At the meetings of the four classes lap and Tom Jones with Ed Herron of strength. Averaging slightly over Engineering Chemistry 51 students to be held each week start- Expects Record as alternate. Ex-officio members are 178 pounds, schooled in line-work for TO Commerce 379 ig with the Sophomore Class meet- Peter Pund, president of the "Y," over a month, they are in fine condi Enrollment Joe High Williams, president of the Civil Engineering .'. 217 tion, and should show it. The two ig on Tuesday, October 9, a vote Electrical Engineering 270 rill be taken to determine whether inter-fraternity council, and Burton tackles, Speer and Watkins, weigh Five Professors Added Cloud, editor of The Technique. The Mechanical Engineering 128 196 and 182 respectively Coach Alex le Student Council will continue to Co-ops have been given representa Textile Engineering 115 ander has finally revealed. They are :ist as at the present time or to be Five new teachers, assembled from tion on the council and they have General Science 59 experienced linesmen, hard fighters laced on a different basis of elec- four of the largest universities in elected two men to serve on alternate Engineering (unclassified) 690 (Continued on Page 9) lon. the country, have been employed by months. S. R. Parry and Earle Hil- The Student Council since its ex- the new director, George M. Sparks, burn are their representatives. Total 2105 tence has nominated students for to teach more than fifty courses off Techwood Drive embership and the students have ered in the Georgia Tech Evening The schedule for the various elec *fi turn been voted on by the entire School of Commerce. tions was set by the action of the Pi Delta Epsilon Paved From North «udent body. The students receiving Additional teachers for the antici council. The meetings will be held by Ave. to Cain Street LE majority votes being placed on pated large enrollment is the result the Sophomore Class on Tuesday, Oc Convention to be ' e council. of having just closed a summer ses tober 9; the Junior Class on Tues Will Greatly Relieve day, October 16; the Senior Class on Held at Tech it A different plan was brought up sion enrollment twice as large as any Football Traffic previous summer session. The school Tuesday, October 23; and the Fresh (luring the latter part of the past Date Set as Dec. 6-8 The paving of the southern end of is offering a full schedule in market man Class on Tuesday, October 30. •chool year whereby the Council Techwood Drive is nearing comple ing, salesmanship, advertising, ac These meetings will be held in the Great enthusiasm has been aroused ppould be nominated and elected by tion. This will be a 40-foot boulevard counting, and business law for the "Y" Chapel at 11 o'clock a. m. There on the campus over the forthcoming he student body. from North Avenue into the heart of session opening this fall. is a two-fold purpose for the meet event of the national convention to To determine the wants of the stu- the city and will afford a quick route ings: the election of class officers and be held at Tech from December 6-8 I pents these plans will be voted on by Established in 1914, the evening to and from town at all times as well the voting on the question of the inclusive. This is considered a dis [he four classes and therefore every school first began with only a few a greatly relieved traffic congestion nomination of the members of the tinguished honor in college literary udent is urged to attend his class courses in accounting. The school after games. Student Council. It is very important circles, and much praise is due to the leeting. soon grew until it became the parent that the members of the various faithful followers of Tech publica When the northern end of Tech of the day school of commerce on the classes be present in order that their tions. Our delegates have worked wood Drive is opened up it will prob Georgia Tech campus. hard to get the convention and we '0 vote may be cast. In the spring of ably lead to a viaduct across the Courses for men and women are men of Tech should insure them a Y. M. C. A. Straw last year, a petition was circulated Southern Railroad tracks at Brook- now offered in accounting, advertis success in this adventure. for signature by a member of the wood.