UITARAKKAND HEAD OFFICE Pollution Control Board UKPCB Gauri Devi Prayavaran Bhawan" 46B, I.T. Park, Sahastradhara Road, Dehra Dun UKPCB/HOI Oe 6/3u96So Dateo08.2020 To, Executive Director (Tech), NMCG (National Mission for Clean Ganga), Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti, 1 floor, Major Dhyanchandd National Statidum, Gate, -110002.

Sub: Monthly Progress Report (July, 2020) in matter of O.A. no. 673/2018, Rejuvenation of River as per Hon'ble National Green Tribunal order dated 20.09.2018, 19.12.2018, 08.04.2019-reg.

Sir, Please find the enclosed herewith a copy of monthly progress of July, 2020 for your kind perusal & necessary action please. The soft copy of Monthly progress report is also sent to mail id [email protected]/[email protected]. Enclosed:- As above.

Your's faithfully

(S.P. Suudhi) LF.S. Member Secretary

Copy to: To the following for kind information pleases:- 1- Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi-32. 2- Project Director, SPMG, Dehradun.

Membersecretary for National Mission for Clean Ganga Format Submission of Monthly Progress Report for the month of July by (Hon'ble NGT in the 2020 States/UTs Matter of O.A no. 673/2018 dated 06.12.2019) Activity to be monitored S.No. Timeline Submission of Progress by State/UT-Compliance 1. Ensure 100% treatment of Status sewage at 31.03.2020 The least in-situ remediation DPRs for in-situ bio-remediation have been of sentto Commencement setting up of STPs SPMG as per Annexure-1 and 31.03.2020 .Out rivers connecting all the drains and other of 09 stretches 07 river stretches sources of estimate have been generation of sewage to the submitted to NMCG vide STPs must be ensured. letter No. 231/SPMG/Namami Gange/STP/1&D, dated 16.04.2020 as per Annexure-l. The DPR preparation of one of the river stretch downstream of on river Kalyani is under progress,which is delayed due to lockdown during pandemic. No polluted drain found in the stretch to Sultanpur on river Ganga Some observations has been sent by NMCG on three DPRs (Kashipur Septage (1&D) Scheme Phase-1& Rejuvenation of River Pilakhar), which will be 2. removed shortly. Timeline for completing all steps of 31.03.2021 action plans including completion of setting up STPs and their commissioning 3. Chief Secretaries may set up appropriate monitoring Specifying accountability of nodal authorities not below the Secretary level. Chief Secretaries may have an accountable person in their office for this purpose. Monitoring at State level must take Fortnightly place. commencing 21.12.2019 4. Progress report may be furnished by the Monthly (preferably Monthly progress report is being sent regularly. States/UTs to before 20" of every Secretary, Ministry of Jal Shakti. month) Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Boad 4.1 Progress Report may be comprised off Identification of polluting sources details along with completion timelines including drains has been done and DPR for in-situ on: treatment has been submitted to NMCG (Details i-Identification of polluting sources Enclosed). including drains contributing to river pollution and action as per National Green Tribunal order on in-situ treatment. ii-Status of STPs, 1&D and sewerage As per Annexure-l & networks Details of Existing infrastructure, Gap Analysis, Proposed along with completion timeline. ii- Status of CETPs Haridwar-For Detail of Exis ing CETP Details of Existing CETP and ETP connectivity of Haridwar- Caity- 5.2 MLD {connected-510 infrastructure, Gap Analysis, balance industries no. balance -20 no., work of laying balance Proposed along with completion -15-10-2020 conveyance system at lIE Haridwar is in timeline, No. of industries and progress. 75% work has been completed by complying status. implementing agency Uttarakhand Payjal Nigam and 100% is likely to be completed by 15th October 2020 due to post Covid scenario.( 01 industry M/s Heero moto corp. has its own ETP) Pantnagar- For Pantnagar -Capacity- MLD {connected-305 no. connectivity of balance-193 no. work of laying balance balance industries conveyance system is in progress 25% work has 31-1-2021 been completed. The 100% work of laying conveyance system is expected to be completed by 31 January 2021 due to post Covid Scenario.(01 industry M/s Ridhisidhi has its own ETP))

Sirarganj ELDICO - 4 MLD(connected all-75 no. balance -0) Proposed- proposed June 2022 Kashipur-4 MLD Sitarganj- (i) 2 MLD (Textile park) (i) 14 MLD (Pkg. 1&2) iv-Statusof Solid Waste Management & .Out of 11 cities involving 9 rivers stretches5, Details of Processing Facilities following ULB wise details is attached as Details of Existing infrastructure, (Annexure-ll) Gap Analysis, Proposed along with Infrastructure: completion timeline. 760.70 TPD waste generated in all 11ULB's (340 wards). Out of 760 TPDD waste generation,535 TPD waste is being treated and disposed by Haridwar and Dehradun Nagar Nigam, In River Rejuvenation 11 ULB'S are covered, out of 11 ULB's, 02 ULB (Haridwar,Dehradun) Plant functional, 03 DPR for 05 ULB's (Ranmagar, Sitarganj, and ,lalkuwa,Rudrapur ofHaldwani cluster) has been approved and first installment released and 04 ULB's (Kashipur,Bajpur, Sultanpur, and JDPR in process of approval.The project will take 2 year after final approval of DPR and 1.5 year after issuing work order. door-to-door collection is In 11 ULB'S, 100 % wards and source being done all 340 done 159 wards and rest segregation is being December 2020. will be completed by treatment DPR has been Legacy waste prepared for Haridwar, Dehradun and work order issued for Kashipurand InRudrapur bio remediation of legacy waste. Two Common Solid Waste Management Plant are operational at Dehradun and Haridwar and having valid CCA from UKPCB and complying with the Environment Norms.

v- Latest water quality of polluted river, The State Board is also monthly conducting its tributaries, drains with flow the monitoring of 09 River stretches. The details and ground water quality in analysis report for the month of July 2020 is the catchment of polluted river. enclosed at Annexure-IV. The monitoring of ground water in the catchment area of River Ganga is enclosed at Annexure-IV. vi-Preventing dumping of waste and Direction have been issued to all concerns scientific waste management including ULBs to stop dumping the waste along water bio-medical wastes, plastic wastes and bodies. decentralizing waste processing, For scientific management of solid waste DPR including waste generated from hotels, are being prepared (detail status given ashrams etc. above(Annexure-1) for "Plastic compactor "additional funds given to Dehradun,Rudrapur,Kashipur ,Ramnagar,Bajpur,Kichha. In Doiwala, plastic compactor is already functional and Ramnagar is installed. .On site composting/decentralized composting8 in Dehradun -2 places, Bajpur-6 places

.Two common bio-medical waste treatment disposal facilities located at Bhagwanpur, Garhwal area and at , U.S.N Kumaon area are in operational. The proposal of 01 more proposed common bio- medical facility at Narandarnagar is under consideration. vi- Ground water regulation

Adopting good irrigation practices, will Out of 09 polluted river stretches, 05 vii- Proposed work ix- Protection and management of Flood stretches are not perennial hence no flood be completed in 188 Plain Zone(FPZ), is to be done. month after plain zoning

administrative and Out of remaining 04 stretches, River Ganga (Haridwar to Sultanpur) has been financial sanction from GoUUK. notified and remaining 03 stretchs (Suswa,Kosi and Gola rivers) flood plain zoning work is taken up presently, which proposed work will be completed within 18 month after receiving administrative as well as financial approval. xRainwater harvesting xi- Maintaining minimum environmental flow ofriver. xii- Plantation on both sides of the river xii- Setting up bio-diversity parks on flood plains by removing encroachment. Annexure-l Progress of DPRs of Bio- Remediation (in-situ) Projects of Rivers Stretehches

Cost of I&D& STP SI River Stretch River Reference of Letters (Rs. in lakh)

3 4 5

1 Kashipur to Rajpura Randa Bhela 168/Nagar Submitted to SPMG vide letter No. 334.33 Kashipur to Garhuwala Anu Namami gange/27 dated 11-03-2020 2 Dhela I Thakurdwara 3 Sultanpur to Pattikalan Kosi River IV 4 In the vicinity of Rudrapur Pilakhar IV |Submitted to SPMG vide letter No. 164/Nagar 126.64 Mothorwala to Raiwala Anu Namami gange/23 dated 11-03-2020

Submitted to SPMG vide letter No. 167/Nagar Suswa river 375.19 11-03-2020 5 Bindal& Rispana River Anu Namami gange/26 dated

Submitted to NMCG vide letter No. 166/Nagar 47.59 11-03-2020 Shaympur Rishikesh Anu Namami gange/25 dated

Submitted to NMCG vide letter No.163/Nagar 17.78 dated 11-03-2020 6 Drains of Kiccha Gola river Kiccha Anu Namami gange/22

vide letter No. Submitted to NMCG 93/Nagar 684.18 dated 04-02-2020 7 Drains of Rudrapur Kalyani Anu Namami gange/14 Submitted to NMCG vide letter No. 239/Nag

13.44 dated 06-2020 8 Along Sitarganj Nanddhor IV Anu Namami gange/37 Progress of Detailed DPRs of 9 Rivers Stretches


Cost of Reference of SI River Stretch River 1&D & STP Letters (Rs. in lakh) Remarks 2 3 4 5 6 7 NMCG vide letter Kashipur to Bhela Project Rajpura Randa I 2887.39 submitted to No. NMCG 231/SPMG/Namami NMCG vide letter Kashipur to No. Garhuwala 2030.72 231/SPMG/Namami Thakurdwara Gange/STP/1&D, Project dated 16.04.20200 2 Dhela submitte d to Kashipur NMCG NMCG vide letter Sewerage No. 356/Nag Anu (1&D) Scheme 5579.87 Namami (Dhela River) Gange(1)/73 dated Phase-I 27.07.2020 NMCG vide letter to 3 Mothorwala Suswa river No. Raiwala 231/SPMG/Namami Will be covyerca Gange/STP/1&D, under ongoing dated 16.04.2020 project. NMCG vide letter

No. Along Kicha Kiccha II 3230.39 231/SPMG/Namami Project Gange/STP/1&D, submittedto dated 16.04.2020 Down Stream NMCG of Pantnagar Kalyani III Under preparation 6 Haridwar to Sultanpur Ganga IV No polluted drain. Sultanpur to 7 Kosi River Project Pattikalan IV 1376.67 submittedto NMCG Project NMCG vide letter Along Nanddhor submitted to 8 No. River IV NMCG. Sitarganj 2735.72 cquirement2-As per P-1 231/SPMG/Namami|


Submitted dated 16.04.20200 Costing Rs 365.78 In the vicinity 9 Pilakhar IV Project ofRudrapur 4146.31 submitted to NMCG Urban Status Report- Development epartment, Hon'ble NGT, New Delhi, OA utarakha No. 673 /2018, "Morn Rlver D1:9-6-2020 Stretehes a now critlcally Pollut No. of River/ River rent No. of Total ULB Name wards with Total luted", CPc6 Stretch Cty wards with 100% Solid waste Populaton 100% 02D Source Waste Collectton Segregato Generate ollected etDPR Stntus Bulk d in TPD) (TPD). Plastic Compactor Generator Status of Legicy Bhela (Kaseipurashipur(M, Waste 39.8 175819 to Rajura Tanda) Corp) 40 40 DPR of Rs. S3 3 prepared, 15.51Cr Dheia iKashpurKashpur M. Additional ofApproval of Funds to Garhuwala Reteased, Rs. 4 Lacs 39.8 7s819 40 DPR of processAvailabieDPR Rs. 7.68 Thakurdwaral Corp 40 Rs. 15.51 Cr Crprepared prepared, process FTds Available DPR of Rs. Addtionai of Approval 7.68 Cr oreprepared Released, As 4 Lacs

Meeting Seretary Urban held inairmansnip of Chairmansnio issued Development, Uttarakhand aand directions VIde Letterter NaNo. shand388/ (3) 2020 12 (8 SWM) 19, Dt 20-2-2020. (Annexure 3) Foliowing decisions were Ssva taken: 1 Mothouala to 196.25 803983 100 100 ste durnp sáite of Denradun snaii De Raiwala MCorp) 280 280 Plant Functional AvailableEmediated/ treated with the Finanial and Technica support of UUSDA (ADB Funded Poject) or uroa Development. Directions issued to ULB R:sh.keh, Roorket Doiwala, Rudrapur to treat their egacy was Note: UUSDA-Uttarakhand Urtan Sector Development Agency, AD8- ASian Develaemer Bank Additiona Funds Reieased,As. Lacs

DPR in Cluster of Functionai, Rs. 1 98 Susva Rishikesh Prepared, tacs revenue Mothrowala to Dotwala (NP 326 61370 20 30 30 Process of Procurement of "Bu Remediation Costing Rs.35.62 CrAvalableMachine" initiated. generated by elng Ralwala) in Process af reydaDies APproval.

Revised DPR of Kichha alang 20 Add:tiona Fundsi Kichha (NPP| 28.96 74356 20 15 25 21.5 Approved,Available Released, R 2 4Q Kichha RFP in process. Las

Revised DPRof Kichha along (NP 4.25 7644 7 4.2 4.2 Haldwani Approved, Available Kichha RFP in process Kalyanidown stream of Pant Rudrapur S5.22 175723 40 40 Revised DPR of INPP 30 of Legacy Nagar GO Rernediation Haldwant for bio Approved,Avaifable Work Order s,urgssurd o AFP In process. Waste * Addtional Funds Ganga (Haridwar Hardwar Released, Rs 4 Lacs 19.5 251000 S0 toSuitanpur) INPP) 255 255 Plont Functional Available Rs. 19.664696-76, 62Cr D CSISutanpur to Ramnagar DPR Approved, 243 54787 20 Pallikala) (NPP) 20 20 24 24 Environmental Clearence in Available Process. Additionai Funds Released, Rs 4 Lats To be covered with Gadarpur Cluster, Kosi (Sultanpurto Sutanpur DPR preaped, 4.04 14745 2 Pallikala) NP) Costing Rs. 13.99 Available Cr., in process of Approval.

DPR of Rs. 4.02 Cr Sxaganj Rs. Nandoralnos IS 31711 13 L3 19 approved, 70. 3|n Cluster Staranj NPP lacs Ist Inst released. To becovered with Gadarpur Cluster, DPR preaped, PrakharTown 3 3.65 31172: Costing Rs. 13.99 Available stream of Bajpr Bazpur iNPP) Cr., in process of Additionai Funds Approval. Released, R Lacs 380 370 159 810.7 8OS.35 Aonaxury

UTTARAKHAND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION & POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Gauradevi Parayavaran Bhawan 46-B, SIDCUL, IT Park, Sahashtradhara Road DEHRADUN (Uttarakhand) Web: www.ueppcb.uk.gov.in

BOD COD TC (MPN/100 FC (MPN/100 oH S.No. Sampling Location of River TDS (mg/) DO (mE(mg/) (mg/) m) ml) >=1600 =1500 1 River Suswa D/S at Mathurawala Dehradun Dehradun District 7.59 448 2.8 30 124

70 0 2 River Ganga U/S at Bindughat Dudhiyaban, Haridwar 7.47 85 8.2 1.2 6

6 60 40 3 River Ganga D/S at Balkumari Mandir, Ajeetpur, Haridwar 7.2 67 8.4 1.2

4 Kosi River at Kashipur Bajpur Road Bridge, Kashipur, US Nagar 7.9 281 4.2 4 19.60

5 Dhelia River U/S at Kashipur Road Bridge, US Nagar 7.8 189 3.4 5.6 36

Sample not taken due to covid 19 6 Dhella River D/S at Thakurdwara, Aliganj Road, US Nagar

7 River Bhella U/S Kashipur, (U/S Ramnagar Road), US Nagar 7.6 295 3.2 5.0 27.40

US 7.2 225 1.0 19.S0 130 8 Bhella River at Lohia Bridge D/S Kashipur (D/S Lohiya Bridge), Nagar

Sample not taken due to covid 19 9 Pilakhar River at Bilaspur, Rampur, US Nagar

US 8.5 133 3.0 s 5.40 32 10 Nanduar River U/S Sitarganj Industrial Area, (Nandour U/S Sitarganj), Nag

US 8.4 116 2.9 6.0 45 11 Nanduar kiver D/S Sitarganj Industrial Area, (Nandour D/S Sitarganj), Nag

8.1 276 3.0 8.20 68.60 12 Kichna River at Kichha, (River Kichha (U/S Nagarbhalla, Kashipur), US Nagar

13 Kalyani River at U/S Pantnagar industrial Area, US Nagar 7.8 179 2.8 10 14 Kalyani River at D/S Pantnagar Industrial Area, US Nagar 7.4 502 2.5 NEW NWMP MONITORING STATION IDENTIFIED UNDER POLLUTED RIVER STRECHES IN HARIDWAR DISTRICT S. LATITUDE & MONITORING OPERATIONAL STATIONS SAMPLE NO. LONGITUDE LOCATION COLLECTED 1. Lat: 29°52'49" N D/S of Ganga River Ground water from Hand 30.06.2020 Long: 78°08'00" E Ajeetpur, Near Shiv Pump in front of Mandir, Residence of Raspal Ji road, Haridwar House around 1 km far from Balkumari Mandir 2. Lat: 29°54'10" N U/S of Ganga River, Ground water from 30.06.2020 Long: 78 08'10" E Kankhal between Handpump located village Missarpur between Missarpur and and 27 MLD STP at 27 MLD STP at Jagjeetpur, Jagjeetpur, Laksar road Haridwar Haridwar around 500 meters from ganga river bank. A-3/7, SIMA LABS Mayapuri Industrlal Area, Ph- 1I, New Delhi 110064 Phone +(91)-(11)43854300 Sophisticated industrial Materials Email [email protected] Analytic Labs Pvt. Ltd. CIN No : U74899DL1988PTC031785 (GOVT. APPROVED TESTING LABORATORIEs) Website www.simalab.net | www.simalab.com STREAMS:FOOD& nAGRIPRODUCTS NUTRACEUTICALS DRUGS &COSMETICS AYUSH PRODUCTS ENVIRONMENT WATER BUILDING MATERIALS bEsmshreown rn TEST REPORT oliated aa lan rtu ULR TC536120200000876F PARTYCODE: U/UKH/004 REPORT NO. SEO701004020/N ISSUED T0 U.E.P.P.C.B REF. NO. :NS TC-5361 Regional Office, Roorkee, Uttarakhand REF. DATE NS DT.RECD :01/07/2020 SAMPLE NAME WATER SAMPLE (DOWNSTREAM OF HARIDWAR) (LOCATION:-HANDPUMP, AJITPUR, NEAR SHIV

RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Reference: IS 10500-2012 DESCRIPTION :One Water sample was collected by us on 30/06/2020

SAMPLING DATE 30/06/2020 SAMPLE QTY. : 2LTR. Test Method Detection S.No. Parameter Units Result Acceptable Permissible Limits (as per Limits (as per Limits IS:10500-2012) IS:10500-2012)

5 IS:3025 (P-10) NA Turbidity (Max.) NTU <0.1 6.5 to 8.5 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-11) NA 2 pH Value NA 7.34 IS:3025 (P-16) NA Total Dissolved Solids (Max.) mg/L 326 500 2000 75 200 IS:3025 (P-40) NA 4. Calcium (as Ca) (Max.) mg/L 66 30 100 IS:3025 (P-46) NA Magnesium (as Mg) (Max.) mg/L 24 250 1000 IS:3025 (P-32) NA 6. Chloride (as Ci) (Max.) mg/L 200 |400 IS:3025 (P-24) NA (Max.) mg/L Sulphate (as S04) IS:3025 (P-2) 0.01 BDL 0.05 1.5 (as Cu) (Max) mg/L Copper Relaxation (P-34) 0.05 BDL 45 No IS.3025 Nitrate (as NO3) (Max.) |mg/L APHA 4500 F-D - 1.0 1.5 0.05 10. Fluoride (as F) (Max) mg/L BDL NA NA IS:3025 (P45) NA 11 Sodium (as Na) mg/L 11 0.001 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-2) 0.0007 (as Hg) (Max) mg/L BDL 12 Mercury 0.003 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-2) 0.002 Cadmium (as Cd) (Max.) mg/L BDL 13. No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-2) 0.005 BDL 0.05 14. Arsenic (as As) (Max) Img/L 0.05 |No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-27) 0.02 (Max) mg/L BDL 15. Cyanide (as CN) No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-2) BDL 0.01 0.002 16 Lead (as Pb) (Max.) mg/L 0.13 5.0 15 IS:3025 (P-2) 0.1 17. Zinc (as Zn) (Max.) mg/L


10/07/2020 AUTHSKeeceal Date of completion: AUTHORISED SIGNATO Page:1of 2 refer Endorsement of products is neit 1. Results listed only lo the testeo sanpe ppDe paramclers. nor REMARKs limited to the invoiced amount ony. Any dispute arising out of erred Implied. of laboratory is this report shal 2. Liability hoth, or io nad arid cannat be Used as an evidonn ie SIMA LABS A-3/7, Mayapuri Industrial Area, Ph-11, New Delhi 110064 Phone +(91 (11) 43854300 Sophisticated Industrial Materials Email [email protected] Analytic Labs Pvt. Ltd. CIN No U74899DL 1988PTC031785 (GOVT.APPROVED TESTING LABORATORIES) Website: www.simalab. net www.simalab.com FOOD& AGRI PROE GSTREAMSAMSEFOOD& AGRI PRODYCTS NUTRACEUTICALS DRUGS &COSMETICS AYUSH PROOUCTS ENVIRONMENT WATER BUILDING MATERIALS 7.8 F-01


ULR TC536120200000876F PARTY CODE U/UKH/O04 ICF6L REPORT NO. SEO701004020/N S.No. Parameter |Units Result Acceptable Permissible Test Method Detection Limits (as per Limits (as per Limits IS:10500-2012) IS:10500-2012)

18. Potassium (as K) (Max.) mg/L BDL NA NA IS:3025(P-45) |1.0 19 Phosphate (as P) mg/L BDL NA NA IS:3025 (P-31) 0.05 20. Total Alkalinity (as CacO3) mg/L 228 200 600 IS:3025 (P-23) NA (Max.) No Relaxation S:3025 (P-34) 0.1 21. Ammonical Nitrogen (As mg/L BDL 0.5 N03-N) IS:3025 (P-2) .1 22 Boron (as B) (Max.) mg/L BDL 1.0 2.4 Relaxation (P-2) 005 23. Nickel (as Ni) (Max.) mg/L BDL 0.02 No IS:3025 24. Total Chromium (as Cr) (Max.) mg/L BDL 0.05 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-2) 0.005 Shall not be IS15185: 2016 NA 25. Total Coliform Per 100 ml Absent NA detectable in any | 100 ml sample Shall not be NA Feacal coliform Per 100 m Absent |NA APHA 9221E 26 detectable in any 100 ml sample .03 NA USEPA 508 0.01 27. ug/L BDL Aldrin USEPA 508 BDL 0.03 NA 0.01 28 Dieldrin ug/L USEPA 52.2 0.01 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid ug/L BDL 30 NA |1.0 NA |USEPA 508 0.01 30. 2,4, DDT ug/L BDL 0.4 NA |USEPA 508 o.01 Endosulfan ug/L BDL 531 NA NA IS:3025 (P-14) NA 32 Conductivity ug/L IS:3025 (P-2) 0.01 Total Iron mg/ BDL 0.3 1.0 NA Nil NA NA IS:3025 (P-23) 34 Phenolphthalein Alkalinity mg/L IS:3025 (P- 21) NA Total Hardness mg/L 266 200 600 NA IS:3025 (P-34) 0.05 Nitrite mg/L BDL NA 36 NA USEPA 508 0.01 37 BHC Total Pg/L BDL NA

Date of performance 01/07/2020 to 10/07/2020 NA-Not Applicable, BDL-Below Detection Limit


Date of completion 10/07/2020 LGLSE SoNATORY

REMARKS 1. Results listed refer only to the tesled sample & applicable paramelers. Endorsement of products is neither Inlerred nor implied. Page: 2of 2 2. Liability of laboratory is limited to the Involced amount only. Any dispute arising out of this report shall be subject to Delhi Jurisdiction only. 3 ThisReport is not to be roproducud whally or in part and cannoi be ued as an evidence in the Cout of iaw and shoud not bo usod in ary advertaing media wihod special

permission in wriling. 4. Sample shall be disposed off after issue of Test Report unless specified 5.A complaint register is available with the laboratory. dmin

7, SIDCUL, 249403 LABORATORY: Plot No. 37, Sector 1..E Haridwar Phone: (91 01334)-235552 Email: [email protected] HARIDWAR Udhyog Nagar Indi Area, Mundka, Phone: (91)-93198-28884 Emalil : [email protected] BUILDING MATERIAL LAB Plot No. 107/11/2 &107/20. SiMA NewDelhi-110041 THIS CERTIFICATE IS NOT VALID WITHOUT AHOLOGRAM SIMA LABS A-3/7, Mayapuri Industrial Area, Ph- 1l, Now Delhi -110064 Phone (91)-(11) 43854300 Sophisticated Industrial Materlals Emall [email protected] Analytic Labs Pvt. Ltd. CIN No (GOVT. U74899DL1988PTC031785 APPROVED TESTING LABORATORIES) Website www.simalab.net | www.simalab.com FOOD &AGRI PRODUCTS NUTRACEUTICALS DRUGS & coSMETICS REANC AYUSH PRODUCTS ENVIRONMENT WATER 8UILDING MATERIALS pshream 7o

emcan ide TEST REPORTolld evet

PARTY CODE :U/UKH/004 ULR:TCS36120200000879F ISSUED TTO U.E.PPC.B REPORT NO. SEO701004120/N TC-5361 REF. NO. :NS Regional Office, Roorkee, Uttarakhand REF. DATE NS DT.RECD 01/07/2020 SAMPLE NAME WATER SAMPLE : (UPSTREAM OF HARIDWAR) (LOCATION:-VILLAGE-KANKHAL, NEAR 27MLD) RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Reference : IS 10500 -2012 DESCRIPTION :One Water sample was collected by us on 30/06/2020

SAMPLING DATE 30/06/2020 SAMPLE QTY. :2LTR. S.No. Parameter Units Result Acceptable Permissible Test Method Detection Limits (as per Limits (as per Limits IS:10500-2012) |IS:10500-2012)

Turbidity (Max.) NTU <0.1 5 IS:3025 (P-10) NA pH Value NA 7.86 6.5 to 8.5 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-11) NA Total Dissolved Solids (Max) mg/L 225 500 2000 IS:3025 (P-16) NA 4. Calcium (as Ca) (Max.) mg/L 48 75 200 IS:3025 (P-40) NA . |Magnesium (as Mg) (Max.) mg/L 22 30 100 IS:3025 (P46) NA 6. Chioride (as C) (Max.) mg/L 15 250 1000 IS:3025 (P-32) NA |Sulphate (as SO4) (Max.) mg/L 200 400 IS:3025 (P-24) NA Copper (as Cu) (Max.) mg/L BDL 0.05 1.5 IS:3025 (P-2) 0.01 Nitrate (as NO3) (Max.) mg/L BDL |45 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-34) .05 APHA 4500 F-D 10. Fluoride (as F) (Max.) mg/L BDL 1.0 1.5 0.05 11 Sodium (as Na) mg/L NA NA IS:3025 (P-45) NA |12 Mercury (as Hg) (Max) mg/ BDL 0.001 No Relaxation 1S:3025 (P-2) 0.0007 13. Cadmium (as Cd) (Max.) mg/L BDL 0.003 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-2) 0.002 14 Arsenic (as As) (Max. mg/L BDL 0.05 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-2) 0.005 15. Cyanide (as CN) (Max) mg/L BOL 0.05 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-27) 0.02 16 Lead (as Pb) (Max.) mg/L BDL 0.01 No Relaxation 1S 3025 (P-2) 0.002 0.1 17. Zinc (as Zn) (Max.) mg/L 0.67 5.0 15 IS:3025 (P-2)


Date of completion : 10/07/2020 AUTHORISED SIGNATORÝ

4hotod camnlo g. annlicable naramelara Endorcomant of oroducte i neither infai SIMA LABS A-3/7, Mayapuri Industrial Area, Ph- , New Delhi - Sophisticated Industrial Materials Phone :(91)-(11)43854300 110064 Analytic Labs Pvt. Ltd. Email :[email protected] (GOVT. APPROVED CIN No :U74899DL1988PTC031785 wwE TESTING LABORATORIES) Website www.simalab.net| www.simalab.com STREAMS AGRI PRODUCTS NUTRACEUTICAi.5 DRUGS & COSMETIcS AYUSH PRODUCTS ENVIRONMENT WATER BUILDING MATERIALS 7.8 F-01 TEST REPORT T ULR TC536120200000879F PARTY CODE : U/UKH/O04 TC-5361 REPORT NO. SEO701004120/N S.No. Parameter Units Result Acceptable Permissible Test Method Detection Limits (as per Limits (as per IS:10500-2012) IS:10500-2012) Limits 18 Potassium (as K) (Max.) mg/L BDL NA NA IS:3025 (P-45) 1.0 1 Phosphate (as P) mg/L BDL NA NA IS:3025(P-31) .05 Total Alkalinity (as Caco3) 20 mg/L |185 200 600 IS:3025 (P-23) NA (Max.) 21 Ammonical Nitrogen (As mg/L BDL 0.5 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-34) 0.1 NO3-N) 22 Boron (as B) (Max.) mg/l BDL |1.0 2.4 |IS:3025 (P-2) 0.1 23 Nickel (as Ni) (Max.) mg/L BDL 0.02 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-2) 0.005 24 Total Chromium (as Cr) (Max.)mg/L BDL |0.05 No Relaxation IS:3025 (P-2) 0.005 25 Total Coliform Per 100 ml |Absent Shall not be NA IS15185: 2016 NA |detectable in any |100 ml sample 26. Feacal coliform Per 100 ml Absent Shall not be NA APHA 9221 E NA detectable in any 100 ml sample 27 Aldrin ug/L BDL 0.03 NA USEPA 508 0.01 28 Dieldrin ug/L BDL 0.03 NA USEPA 508 0.01 |29 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid ug/L BDL 30 NA USEPA 525.2 0.01 30. 2,4, DDT ug/L BDL 1.0 NA USEPA 508 0.01 31 Endosutfan ug/L BDL 0.4 NA USEPA 508 0.01 |32 Conductivity s/cm 371 NA NA IS:3025 (P-14) NA 01 33 Total Iron mg/L BDL 0.3 1.0 IS:3025 (P-2) Phenolphthalein Alkalinity mg/L Nil |NA NA IS:3025 (P-23) NA

35 Total Hardness mg/L 211 200 600 IS:3025 (P- 21) NA 0.05 36 Nitrite mg/L BDL NA NA IS:3025 (P-34) USEPA 508 0.01 37 BHC Total ug/L BDL NA NA

Date of performance 01/07/2020 to 10/07/2020 Detection Limit NA-Not Applicable, BDL-Below SAMPLE COLLECTED BY USs

Date of completion 10/07/2020 AUHORISED siGNATORY

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perrnission in writing off after issue of Test Report unless specified. 4. Sample shall be disposed 5. A complaint register is available with the laboratory. admin