Ja n u a r y 2010 Vo l . 4, No. 3

Galveston District dives into history see page 5 for story 1 Pacesetter In s i d e t h i s i s s u e ...

Serving the men and 3 co m m a n d e r ’s c o l u m n - Ma i n t a i n t h e m o m e n t u m women of the U.S. Army 4 la c k l a n d b r e a k s g r o u n d o n f i r s t Ai r m a n Tr a i n i n g Co m p l e x Corps of Engineers, Southwestern Division 5 divi n g De e p - Ga lv e e s t o n Di s t r i c t p u l l s pi e c e o f h i s t o r y f r o m Te x a s Ci t y Ch a n n e l 6 sWL- Da m s a f e t y p r o g r a m g e t s s c o r e c a r d Col. Anthony Funkhouser 7 ca m pi n g facilities r e f u r b i s h e d Commander, 8 ga l v e s t o n Di s t r i c t p r o g r a m a n d p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t c h i e f r e c e iv e s h o n o r Southwestern Division 9 sWF - Co m m a n d e r ’s Co l u m n 10 re c o v e r y Ac t f u n d s Di s t r i c t w a r r i o r in t r a n s i t i o n c o m p l e x e s Rhonda James 11 f a m i l y Re a d i n e s s Up d a t e Chief, Public Affairs 12 le a r n i n g t h r o u g h i m m e r s i o n Southwestern Division 13 SWL - Co m m a n d e r ’s Co l u m n 14 sWL Le a d e r s h ip c l a s s o f 2010 Sara Goodeyon 15 ch i e f o f En g i n e e r s vi e w s transformat i o n t a k i n g p l a c e in Sa n An t o n i o u n d e r MILCON a n d Editor Tulsa District Civil Wo r k s p r o g r a m s 17 sWT - De p u t y Co m m a n d e r’s Co l u m n Associate Editors 18 st u d e n t s g e t a “h o o t ” o u t o f Ow l Pr o w l Edward Rivera 19 co r p s e m p l o y e e s , v o l u n t e e r s h e l p d i s a b l e d h u n t e r s Fort Worth District 20 ma r i o n h o s t s ‘muzzleloader ’ h u n t 21 ga l v e s t o n Di s t r i c t b u d g e t a n a l y s t a c c e p t e d i n t o Sy r a c u s e Un iv e r s i t y Ma s t e r ’s p r o g r a m Cheri Dragos-Pritchard 22 In j u r e d p e l i c a n g e t s n e w h o m e Little Rock District 23 at Ca n t o n : Pr e s e r vi n g a n h i s t o r i c t r i b a l c e m e t e r y Isidro Reyna 24 Wi n t e r m o n t h s , v o l u n t e e r s h e l p p a r k r a n g e r s m a i n t a i n l a k e p r o j e c t s Galveston District 25 sWG - Co m m a n d e r ’s Co l u m n 27 ta c t i c a l i nfrastructure f o r c e s s m u g g l e r s t o u s e p a c k a n i m a l s in r e m o t e a r e a s Mary Beth Hudson 28 Qu a l i t y v o l u n t e e r s s e t Be l t o n La k e a p a r t f r o m o t h e r Te x a s p a r k s Tulsa District 30 ra c i n g f u n - Sp e c i a l c h i l d r e n h a v e a n Ol y m pi c d a y 31 ar k a n s a s , Mi s s o u r i a g e n c i e s m e e t t o d i s c u s s p r o g r a m s 32 my t i m e in Af g h a n i s t a n The Pacesetter is 33 Pa r t n e r i n g p r o g r a m h e l p s k e e p Co r p s d o l l a r s a t a r e a l a k e s an unofficial publica- 33 tu l s a Di s t r i c t Ra n g e r s e a r n a w a r d f o r o u t s t a n d i n g c u s t o m e r c a r e tion published under AR 34 ch i l d h o o d h o b b y r e k i n d l e d b y d a u g h t e r ’s p r o j e c t l e a d s t o n e w b u s i n e s s 360-1 for members of the 35 st. Ni c k e n l i s t s Fo r t Wo r t h Di s t r i c t Southwestern Division and its retirees. Contents and 36 ga l v e s t o n Di s t r i c t p l a n n i n g a n d e n vi r o n m e n t a l c h i e f r e t i r e s editorial views expressed 38 th e g r e a t e s t g i f t o f a l l : g ivi n g are not necessarily the official views of or endorsed On the cover: by the U.S. Army Corps Diving Deep: Galveston District pulls of Engineers, Department piece of history from City Channel of the Army or the U.S. For the Government. Articles or complete photographic submissions story about are welcome. recovering For more information civil war-era artifacts, see about the Pacesetter, or to page 5 of make a submission, call this issue. your local Public Affairs Office.

2 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Maintain the momentum Col. Anthony Funkhouser Commander, Southwestern Division

Happy 2010, Pacesetters! I recently had the opportunity to recognize some Let me start by welcoming everyone back from a outstanding Pacesetter professionals at a ceremony well deserved holiday break. I hope it was good for you for those that exemplify our Army’s values. This was and your families. I know many of you worked during a solemn event that captured the importance of the the holiday season to meet our American Recovery Army values and gave us an opportunity to reflect on and Reinvestment Act and program commitments. our employees that epitomize the spirit of loyalty, duty, For that, let me personally thank you all. respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage. Congratulations to the winners: Linda Last September, we successfully executed our Webster, Ted Kerr, Chris Trego, Jackie Jernigan, Gary program, but we were challenged to meet the demands Dye, Karli Wise, and Leland Daniel. Well deserved! of the ARRA schedules. Since then, the Southwestern Division has really stepped up to the plate and I am proud to report that we were actually slightly ahead of our milestones and Lt. Gen. Van Antwerp recognized “We need to maintain our momentum us for the effort at our last Guidons call. I am told that now through March, and ensure we meet Southwestern Division has executed more than $530 our commitments.” million so far in our total program effort. We need to maintain our momentum now through We just completed a very successful year in overall March and ensure we meet our commitments. safety, so I challenge you all to continue the effort Recognizing each award is an individual challenge. I and strive for zero as our goal every year. You are all just ask you to do your best, keep your schedules and safety deputies so watch for where you can prevent P2 updated, and in the end we’ll “get ‘er done!” an accident! We have been very fortunate so far this year with Finally, let me say thanks to all our deployed regard to weather in our area, but most of you are Pacesetters and wish them a successful tour. We know aware of the disaster that struck Haiti. The Corps has you are all contributing and making a difference. We responded and we will do whatever we can to assist. look forward to your safe return! Let’s continue to ensure our teams are prepared and responsive for when we get the next call for support. Pacesetters!

Proudly serving the nation Pete Perez, chief of the Galveston District’s Engi- neering and Construction Division, who has been deployed to Afghanistan since November 2009, takes a moment to pose for a picture with Lt. Gen. Robert L. Van Antwerp, the U.S. Army Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Lt. Gen. Van Antwerp visited Corps employees in that region to get a first-hand look at the the work being done in that country.

(USACE photo)

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 3 Lackland breaks ground on first Airman Training Complex Story and photo by Edward Rivera Fort Worth District The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Air Force officially began one of the largest joint military construction programs Nov. 17 at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Marked by a groundbreaking ceremony attended by Maj. Gen. Mary Kay Hertog, 2nd Air Force commander, Corps representatives, contractors and other dignitaries, the symbolic first turning of dirt signaled the start of construction on the first of eight Airmen Training Complexes and four associated dining-classroom facilities for basic military training. At a cost of about $900 million Courtesy photo the new complexes will replace Maj. Gen. Mary Kay Hertog, 2nd Air Force commander, addresses dignitaries, contractors and military training instructors during the recent groundbreaking ceremony the existing Recruit Housing and signaling start of construction on the first of eight Airmen Training Complexes and Training facilities built in the four associated dining-classroom facilities for basic military training. late 1960s and early 1970s to estimated to cost $32 million facility will serve two ATCs; house and train 1,000 trainees. each. Each ATC will have its work is slated to start in Each ATC is projected to cost own running track, drill pad, February 2010 and should be $75 million and accommodate a war skills area and utility completed at the same time as 1,200 basic trainees. The infrastructure. the first ATC. dining-classroom facilities are The adjacent dining-classroom Work on the first ATC began in November with a projected October-November 2011 completion date. The construction of the complexes will be staggered allowing for a new ATC building to begin every 12 months said, Lynn Ray, Fort Worth District Air Force program manager. Ray estimates by the 18-month mark, 500 to 700 construction workers will be working on the training complexes. (Illustration left) Each ATC is projected to cost $75 million and accommodate 1,200 basic trainees with dining- classroom facilities estimated to cost $32 million each. The new complexes will replace the existing Recruit Housing and Training facilities built in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Each ATC will have its own running track, drill pad, a war skills area and utility infrastructure.

4 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Galveston District pulls piece of history from Texas City Channel DivingBy Courtney Brodbeck Deep:the deck and laid a fuse trail from the powder Pacesetter Staff magazine, but when he lit the fuse, he and 13 of his crew were killed by a premature explosion. It would Beneath the murky surface of the waters in the not be until 146 years later that the hidden trea- Texas City Channel, where sunlight can no longer sures of the past would be discovered. permeate, lie the remains of the USS Westfield. All of the artifacts from the site are the prop- The Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District, erty of the Navy, which retains permanent owner- orchestrated an archaeological recovery of the ship of all sunken naval ships and aircraft. The artifacts from the Civil War-era shipwreck, which Army Corps of Engineers is working with the Naval included the removal of a Dahlgren cannon Nov. History and Heritage Command and the Texas 22. Historical Commission to ensure that the recovery This recovery is part of a larger effort to efforts meet all relevant archaeological regulations deepen the Texas City Ship Channel. The $71 and standards. million project will deepen nearly seven miles of The Army Corps of Engineers funded heavy the channel from 40 feet to 45 feet. By adding 5 lifting required for the project through an inter- feet, it will allow larger vessels to navigate the agency agreement with the Navy Supervisor of channel to provide products to the various indus- Salvage. A civilian Navy subcontractor, Donjon tries, Sharon Tirpak, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Marine, provided the equipment and personnel project manager for the Texas City Channel, said. required to recover the artifacts from the seafloor. “The deepening will help the industries be All artifacts were transported to the Center more efficient with bringing in more crude to refine for Maritime Archaeology and Conservation at into gasoline and other petrochemical products,” Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, she said. for stabilization, assessment and conservation. The scattered remnants of the USS Westfield The primary goals of the conservation project are were rediscovered in 2005 by archaeologists from to preserve the artifacts to the greatest degree PBS&J, a company with expertise in engineering, possible. Concretions will be removed through elec- environmental science, architecture, planning, and trolysis and manual cleaning. Metal and organic construction, who is working for the Army Corps artifacts will go through a variety of chemical and of Engineers. The process of recovering the rusted electrolytic processes to stabilize and preserve the remains began on Nov. 18, according to Janelle artifacts. Stokes, District regional environmental specialist. Conservation is expected to take 2-3 years. The USS Westfield, an 822-ton side-wheel After conservation is complete these pieces of inshore gunboat, was built in 1861 in New history will be shared with the public and be placed York City as a civilian ferryboat. The boat was in museums under long-term loan agreements with purchased by the Navy in November 1861 and the Navy. placed in commission in January 1862. Sent to the Gulf of Mexico in February, Westfield took an active part in the April campaign to open the lower Mississippi River and capture New Orleans. During the following three months, the gunboat supported the mortar schooner flotilla in operations up the river toward Vicksburg. Sent to join the blockading force off Texas later in the summer of 1862, Westfield participated in the capture of Galveston in early October. The Westfield thereafter operated in that area. On Jan. 1, 1863, while serving as flagship of the Union naval forces off Galveston, the USS Westfield ran aground and was threatened by a Confederate Photo by PBS&J attack. To prevent capture, the ship’s captain, A crew lifts a Civil War-era Dahlgren canon out of the waters William Renshaw, ordered the powerfully armed of the Texas City Ship Channel Nov. 22. The effort is part of a ship destroyed. Renshaw poured turpentine over larger project to deepen nearly seven miles of the channel.

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 5 Levee Safety Program Manager Elmo Webb on the left and Civil Engineering Technician Chris Howard, both of Little Rock District, inspect the Batesville levee and floodwall in September 2009. The levee inspection system is a part of the district’s Infrastruc- ture Safety Office. (Courtesy photo) Dam safety program gets scorecard SWL earns ‘A’ with highest district score in USACE By Cheri Dragos-Pritchard Larry Winters is chief of the section, Oberle is Little Rock District the program manager and Elmo Webb is the levee safety program manager. Little Rock District’s dam safety program was “The staff has done a great job and deserves recognized by Headquarters USACE as a “Best all the credit,” Batey said. “This score is a direct Practice” after the district earned the highest score reflection of their abilities and diligence. They are in the Corps with a 93 average for its 25 dams. very good at what they do.” USACE developed, and all districts now use, The dam safety program has people who special- a management measure called the “Scorecard for ize in structural, geotechnical, mechanical, electri- Routine Dam Safety Activities” to track progress of cal and hydraulic disciplines, as well as operational routine dam safety inspections, emergency action and technical support people of various disciplines, plans and interim risk reduction measure plans. Oberle said. “SWL currently has the highest dam safety There isn’t a direct tie between a dam’s clas- program scorecard rating of any district in the sification and this score, Batey said. The score is Corps of Engineers,” said Bob Oberle, Little Rock’s based on the performance of routine inspections Dam Safety Program manager. “Tony Batey insists and maintenance. Each area of the scorecard that we keep it that way, but some other districts system has a points value. It essentially takes the are catching up.” governing regulations and puts them into a score- The District hasn’t allowed its focus to shift from card format. the dam safety program to other areas, Tony Batey, “This (system) almost allows us to use the cate- Engineering and Construction chief, said. gories as a template or checklist,” Batey said. “As The district reorganized to stand up an long as we accomplish the required inspections and Infrastructure Safety Office with a sole mission to maintenance in the timeframe allotted, we should inspect dams, bridges and levees. continue to score high.” 6 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Camping facilities refurbished By Mary Beth Hudson year’s budget. Pacesetter staff Bad weather caused the need for the repairs and it has played a major role in the repair schedule. Returning visitors to Hugo Lake are in for some “The weather has certainly delayed the progress pleasant surprises thanks to supplemental funding of the project; workers and equipment were unable provided in the wake of flooding and ice storms. to enter the area because of the high water in the Kiamichi Park is home to several completely work site for several weeks. The prime contrac- refurbished campsites and a new handicap-ac- tor, DAB, has done an excellent job and worked cessible shower and toilet facility. The attractive with the Hugo lake office, Project Manager Tom camping areas have concrete pads, approaches, and Hammons, and Lead QA Dennis Johnson very picnic areas with new tables and utility shelves. well,” said Lynch. Most importantly, there’s water at each site and “The project personnel are very happy with the 50-amp electrical capacity, to better serve today’s product we are getting with this contract at Pat recreational vehicles. Mayse, Hugo, and Pine Creek and the consideration About 42 campsites were upgraded, 21 each in being given to our local interests by both the E&C Juniper Loop and Virgil Park. Several of the new team and the contractor,” Lynch said. units have already been under water. That’s a fate Camping facilities at Hugo Lake are being repaired thanks to that the restroom facility won’t suffer. It’s been supplemental funding. placed up the road not far from the camp sites but out of the flood flowage easement. The concrete, pre-fabricated shower and toilet facility arrived on two trucks. Precise plumbing hook-ups were in place before arrival and the entire building is fitted together. A seam is welded to attach the two halves. The work at Kiamichi Park is being done through Engineering and Construction Division under the district’s Major Task Order Contract. Tom Hammons, a rehired annuitant, is the project manager. Daryl Coble of E&C and Dennis Johnson, another rehired annuitant, are quality assurance representatives. The prime contractor is DAB. Chris Lynch, Hugo project manager, is very pleased with the upgrades and has plans for one or two more of the restroom facilities at Hugo and one each for Pine Creek and Pat Mayse Lakes in this

At left, a “before” picture shows the flood damage at one of the campsites at the Belle Starr Public Use Area at Eufaula Lake in the Tulsa District. Pictured right is one of the new campsites. Supplemental flood damage funds made the work possible. Other work at Eufaula includes courtesy dock replacement and shore- line protectiion that is being completed with the same type of funding.

Photos by Rick Smither

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 7 Galveston District Program and Project Management Chief receives honor By Courtney Brodbeck offered advice to all rising Pacesetter Staff through the ranks: “Always Arthur J. Janecka, the strive to learn more, the more Deputy District Engineer education the better. The times and Chief of Program and are constantly changing so you Project Management for the must be relevant, flexible and Galveston District Army Corps of understanding of human needs.” Engineers, was recognized by his “Be a person of your word,” he alma mater Lamar University added, “and know that when you on Dec. 3 with a Chapter Honor make a commitment, you must Membership in the Chi Epsilon live with that decision.” Through the years Janecka national civil engineering honor Arthur Janecka society. The honor award was has been dedicated to many for his outstanding professional one and should be recognized for Corps projects. Some of his achievements in the field of civil his efforts.” proudest efforts involved engineering. Chi Epsilon recognized Freeport Harbor, Brazos Island “Chapter Honor Membership Janecka for upholding the four Harbor, the Houston-Galveston may be granted to anyone who, pillars that are the foundation Ship Channel, and the relation- by virtue of professional accom- for the honor society: scholar- ship created with local sponsors. plishments in the field of civil ship, character, practicality, and “He is one of the most expe- engineering, has attained a sociability. rienced people that I’ve had degree of eminence in the profes- “He is an example for future the pleasure to serve with in sion, and who exhibited experi- generations as an incentive to my military career,” said Lt. ence and ability worthy of emula- greater achievements in the Col. Edward P. Feigenbaum, tion by young civil engineers,” civil engineering profession,” Galveston District deputy said Chi Epsilon President Gutierrez added. commander. “Due to the number Mariantonieta Gutierrez. “Mr. Janecka, who began his career of years of his service he is a Janecka is an inspiration to all of as an intern in the Galveston wealth of information and an us at Lamar University. He has District in 1964 following gradu- outstanding friend and mentor to helped the community since day ation from Lamar University, all those who serve around him.”

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

Lisa Johnson, a project assistant in the Galveston District’s Engineering and Construction Division, holds a t-shirt autographed by Ty Pennington and Michael Moloney of the ABC television show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Johnson was one of many volunteers who helped build an 8 bedroom, 6,300 square foot home for the Beach family in Kemah, Texas, Jan. 14. The Beach family home was flooded by Hurricane Ike’s storm surge in Sept. 2008. “I was on the landscaping and playground crew,” said Johnson. “Unless cut, I will be on the show, which airs March 14. I am standing with Jessica Alba and Ty Pennington.” The Beach family has four biological children and nine adopted special needs children.

8 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 2010 begins with recognition, renewed dedication for the Fort Worth District

Col. Richard J. Muraski, Jr. Commander, Fort Worth District

Let me begin this column by wish- The San Antonio Base ing everyone a Happy New Year Realignment and Closure and and welcoming you back from the Military Construction program is holiday season. I am sure you all passing through the period of its had a great time as you celebrated peak construction activity. As many the holiday season with family and as 3,000 construction employees are friends. Fiscal Year 2009 was a spread across the various project phenomenal year for the Fort Worth sites. The rapid workload execution District and U.S. Army Corps of of the past two years has put the Engineers. I recognize the sacrifices program on track to complete sever- many of you made while contribut- al major facilities in 2010, includ- ing to these successes in the way ing key components of the Medical of postponed leave, over time and Education and Training Campus time spent away from family. Your on Fort Sam Houston. More than sacrifices and accomplishments did 20 BRAC-related facilities will have not go unnoticed. been completed and turned over for It is always nice to be recognized use at installations in San Antonio by the District leadership but your by the end of September. Also this accomplishments are also noticed by Col. Richard J. Muraski, Jr., holds the year, 26 BRAC and other military “Owner of the Year” plaque awarded the Division, USACE, the engineer- to the Fort Worth District by Texas construction contracts worth more ing community and the American Construction Magazine. than $380 million are scheduled to public. Many of these accomplish- Bliss Expansion Program. This be awarded. In all, the San Antonio ments were noted by Southwestern includes completion of the following BRAC and MILCON program will Division during our Quarterly major projects: four child develop- construct or renovate 177 facilities Awards Ceremony on Jan. 6. ment/youth services centers, a with a gross area of approximately Highlighted among these accom- physical fitness center, a Combat 10.7 million square feet. plishments were the Fort Bliss Aviation Brigade complex, town When executing the many tasks Expansion Program, the PF 225 center infrastructure, Fires Brigade before us, we must also be smart and VF 300 Border Fence Projects, Phase I, a dental clinic, a consoli- about hiring new personnel to and Bill Workman’s selection as dated troop/family health clinic and handle increasing work loads. Program Manager of the Year. I also multiple range complexes. If that is Throughout the Corps, we are want to commend the District as a not enough, the team will also face losing a lot of experienced person- whole for our selection as “Owner the challenge of initiating the plan- nel. USACE hired over 8,000 last of the Year” by Texas Construction ning, design and staffing actions year, but we lost approximately Magazine. needed to build a $1.5 billion medi- 4,000 employees with a wealth of As we progress through the new cal center. knowledge. I challenge each of our year the pace will not let up for On the civil works side of the seasoned leaders to pass on their the District. We have our work cut house, we continue to work to knowledge and experiences to our out for us as we tackle major chal- maintain area infrastructure. The emerging leaders. Turn over is a lenges to set ourselves up for even key to success for this year will be constant; therefore, we must take a greater year than FY09. Overall, to maintain the pace for regularly every opportunity to “grow the the District program is budgeted for scheduled projects while implement- bench” and develop our emerging approximately $3.3 billion. Here is ing the American Recovery and leaders so they can be postured to just a sample of the District high- Reinvestment Act contracts. Our take over the helm of our various lights for the year. performance with ARRA should programs. In military construction, we show that when fully funded, we We have a diverse, challenging anticipate placing over $1billion in deliver on time with quality results. and incredible program and if we construction this FY for the Fort Se e “Mu r a s k i ” n e x t p a g e

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 9 Recovery Act funds District warrior in transition complexes Story and photo by Edward Rivera Fort Worth District

A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Fort Bliss, Texas recently to commemorate the start of a construction project to support some of the Post’s Soldiers. The $56 million complex is not meant to help Soldiers in combat, but to provide support in their battle to recover from their wounds. The new Warrior Transition Battalion Complex, funded by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 will ensure military members get the medical treatment and rehabilitation they deserve for their duty. Col. Richard J. Muraski, Jr. (far left), Col. Edward Manning (second “This was the first ARRA project awarded for both the from left) and Maj. Gen. Howard B. Bromberg (center), and other Fort Worth District and the Army’s military construction dignitaries break ground to prepare for construction on the Warrior program,” said Valerie Shippers, Fort Worth District Transition Battalion Complex. This is a $56 million project, funded by American Recovery and the Reinvestment Act of 2009. chief, Military Branch. The Fort Worth District is not only a proud member Complex and a $9.1 million Unit Operations Facility on of the Fort Bliss team helping wounded Soldiers; the Fort Hood. district plays an integral part within other installation Warrior Transition Units are for Soldiers whose teams building facilities for warriors in transition. injuries or illnesses require complex medical care. These “From 2008 to the present we have awarded contracts units provide leadership and hands-on care management for complexes on two additional Army posts in Texas and to Soldiers. one in ,” said Shippers. At WTUs Soldiers are assigned a primary care Warrior transition facilities awarded include a $4.9 provider, squad leader and case manger who work in million Soldier Family Assistance Center on Fort Polk, a concert with the chain of command to provide needed $78 million Warrior in Transition Complex on Fort Sam counseling and support, aiding Soldiers in meeting their Houston, a $40 million Warrior in Transition Barracks recovery goals. From the Corps of Engineers point of view, these complexes are in keeping with the advances in medical Muraski treatment for our soldiers. “In many cases these facilities allow a Soldier to continued from previous page recover and rehabilitate to the point where they can use these opportunities as laboratories to expose decide to remain in the service or transition out of the and teach the workforce, we will be successful with armed forces and continue to service as a civilian,” said building and maintaining competencies across all our Col. Richard J. Muraski Jr., commander, Fort Worth disciplines. These are opportunities that can set the District. stage for a successful and enduring career. What a These projects will transition the WTU Soldiers tremendous way to retain our talented work force. from temporary buildings to permanent, state of You should be proud of what the Fort Worth the art facilities. Some of the barracks facilities can District does for the Southwestern Division, USACE accommodate from 200 up to 320 Soldiers. and the American public. When you look at our Complexes include provisions for Soldier and Family program, it is amazing, but what is really amaz- Assistance and Activity Centers. Amenities include ing to me, is you, the members of the Fort Worth central air, elevators, wider halls and doors and other family. Each and every member of the Fort Worth team continually rises to meet the challenges on a handicap accessibilities. daily basis and consistently turn these challenges “I am unbelievably proud of the Army’s commitment into opportunities to excel and take us from Good to to taking care of our Wounded Warriors,” said Lt. Gen. Great. But as we continue this marathon race let’s Robert L. Van Antwerp, Chief of Engineers. “As the not forget to keep some balance in our lives – that father of a Wounded Warrior, and a friend to many more, is mental, physical, and spiritual balance. Thanks I know it’s critical that we always remember, support for what you continue to do on a daily basis. I look and encourage these brave men and women, and honor forward to another amazing year for Fort Worth. their sacrifice.”

10 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Family Readiness Update The Southwestern Division’s internet. The messages are then Family Readiness Program had printed and hand-delivered a busy year in 2009, and 2010 to the deployed individual by will be even busier as a formal the Army Post Office – usually Family Readiness Program is within 24 hours. implemented by the U.S. Army Army Family Action Plan Corps of Engineers. The Army Family Action Sherrill Munn and Karla Plan is a process to identify Langland now serve as Family and resolve quality of life, work Readiness Specialists at Corps environment and family support headquarters. Within SWD, the Col. Anthony C. Funkhouser, South- issues that affect SWD civilians, western Division commander, presents Family Readiness Coordinator a Certificate of Appreciation to Dr. soldiers, retirees and family is Julie Bentley and the SWD Deborah Payne during a Welcome Home members. Submit any issues Regional Community Support ceremony honoring her husband, Erik that need to be addressed to Coordinator is Nila Gillespie. Nelson, program manager, Programs your Family Readiness POC. Directorate. The ceremonies are a “thank They are responsible for provid- you” to employees who deploy and the More information will be avail- ing a Family Readiness Program family members who support them. able over the next several weeks that supports employees and providing both successes with their families, before, during, support of the OCO mission. the AFAP program, and current and after deployments, and on a These employees are volunteers events involving AFAP. daily basis. and serve on tours ranging from Deployment Stories Wanted Family Readiness points of 6 to12 months. Although they There have been many indi- contact for SWD districts are: are deployed, they are valued viduals from SWD who have Fort Worth, Richard Kaiser; members of the SWD “family” deployed (stateside and over- Galveston, Ed Mason; Little and this program is designed seas). If you have deployed, Rock, Charlie Tobin; and, Tulsa, to improve communication and share your stories and photos Bill Smiley. They can answer support for deployed employees with SWD. These stories will be questions you may have about and their families. compiled and used to document the program. The following is a list of some how SWD supports regional and Additional information can be of the programs available: overseas contingencies. Contact found on the vFRG website at The HooahMail service Julie Bentley for more informa- www.armyfrg.org The HooahMail service is tion. The FRG is important as now available to deployed indi- Family Readiness Projects the Overseas Contingency viduals and their families and An SWD regional project Operations support require- friends, providing a way to send delivery team has been estab- ments continue. SWD currently fast photos and correspondence lished to create standardized has 46 employees deployed in discreetly and securely via the Deployment, Re-deployment, Family Readiness, Casualty Assistance and Supervisor’s Deployment Information guides for employees and a separate edition for their families. The team is also working on identify- ing “Best Practices” throughout the division, updating the vFRG website and conducting regional needs assessments. Volunteers to work on the PDT are always welcome. Contact Julie Bentley at (469) 487-7024 for more information.

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 11 Learning through immersion Course introduces Kyle Manwaring, forced upon them,” nal representatives ning branch study students to the Abby Gaydusek, said Mills, Oologah from the Osage manager. world of Native Ed Parisotto, Dale Lake park ranger tribal government, The training American Culture Davidson, Jim The students and other tribal concluded with Harris, Shane built and slept in elders. a discussion of By Terry Lyons Charlson, and their own tepees, Van Big Horse, the main issues Area Jamie Hyslop. ate traditional cultural direc- the students had Environmental “Understanding Osage food, learned tor for the Osage learned and would- the history and how to make Nation, provided go on to share with Specialist perspective of moccasins and a history of the family, friends, and native peoples is clothing, played Osage Nation along co-workers. Sleep in a tepee? vital to your abil- Native American with stories hand- At the end, hugs You are kidding, ity to empathize games, and ed down from the and handshakes right? Nope! with them on watched a danc- elders. were exchanged, That’s just what interactions with ing and drumming “The class tepees disassem- 18 Corps employ- the federal govern- demonstration. was unique. The bled, and students ees from all over ment. We must Students met Osage commu- packed for the road the United States never forget that with, and listened nity and govern- home with a great- did during a train- native govern- to tribal leaders, ment were very er comprehension ing course Oct. ments are sover- including John Red involved in giving of the nuance and 13-16 with the eign, and our Eagle, assistant the class insight truth of the phrase Osage Nation, held processes and time- principal chief, to their culture,” “walking in anoth- on the Tall Grass lines should not be several congressio- said O’Neill, plan- er’s moccasins.” Prairie Preserve near Pawhuska, . The Native American Cultural [and] Environmental Proponent Sponsored Engineer Corps Training immer- sion course is structured to go beyond the flash and excitement of a pow-wow, and bring students into the world of Native Americans. Among the students were Tulsa District employees Steve Nolen, Robin Mills,

Travis Miller, Courtesy photo Amanda Peters, Corps of Engineers employees listen to a presentation from a member of the Osage Nation during a Shawneen O’Neill, training session at the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve near Pawhuska, Oklahoma Oct. 13 - 16. The students Mike Wingfield, were participating in the Native American Cultural [and] Environmental Proponent Sponsored Engineers Corps Training course to gain a better understanding of native people and native governments.

12 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Everything we need to know... We learned in kindergarten Col. Donald E. Jackson Commander, Little Rock District Last week I had the opportunity to hold a town hall program since fiscal year 2007 has grown from $178 meeting with the Little Rock District. Now I haven’t million to about $700 million so far in FY10. In fact, our done many of these during my time in command, in fact, new medical support mission to the Air Force is build- I had yet to officially do one at all, until then. Sure I have ing a multi-award task order contract capacity of about met with individual staffs and presided over Engineer $1.5 million this year. We are on the national stage in Day events, etc., where I have been able to address the dam and levee safety, responding to disasters at home entire team. and abroad, watching a record number of construction It was hard to decide what to say. I thought long and projects come out of the ground. I could go on and on. hard about it, conferring with various members of the To succeed in this monumental effort we need full senior leadership team and my wife, Lynne. synchronization and coordination with members of our During this time, I had been cleaning out my garage own district, our regional partners and vertical team- in preparation for our upcoming move and came upon a mates. To keep this coalition together it is essential we book I had read many years ago. The book is entitled, communicate – the right way – and often. “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten,” “Hold hands and stick together.” Nothing of last- by Robert Fulghum. ing value is accomplished alone. Not even the Olympic What could I learn from skimming through this book, figure skater has risen to that level without a support- I asked myself? I remember reading it many years ago, ing cast. It took a dedicated parent to sit for hours in sharing a few laughs with my wife over the wit and wise a cold ice rink, a talented staff of coaches and trainers maxims contained therein. The overall theme of the to ready them and other skaters to challenge them to book is simple…the basic behaviors we are taught to get rise to glory. along with others as young children still apply today. The same can be said for the work we accomplish. Lost in thought and alone in my garage, I decided For example, we have partnered with our sister it contained a few good points of reference I should districts successfully on the Ozark Powerhouse Major share with the District during the upcoming town hall Rehabilitation. We have also partnered with contractors, meeting. It certainly reinforced many of the things Yates Construction, at Little Rock Air Force Base on the we have discussed over the past few years…but from education center. In these partnerships it is important the perspective of a child. Let me share with you my to recognize the value of the team and do all we can to personal favorite. foster the relationships necessary to achieve great things “When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, for our customers. hold hands, and stick together.” When the going gets tough we need to find ways to This observation implies we must build lasting rela- work more closely, engaging our partners to find creative tionships of trust and confidence with other members solutions to the sometimes most arduous challenges. of our collective teams in order to succeed. When the The Bible offers additional wisdom in Ecclesiastes 4:12, going gets tough we have to communicate, rely on each “though one may be overpowered, two can defend them- other and support the team. selves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” All too often we strive to “git er done” completely I submit to you there are many things we could learn focused on short to medium range objectives with no care if we sat around a sandbox to play as children. Despite as to how they are achieved. Our society is great about the complexity of life, the basic fundamentals and building metrics we can use to measure success, slaying importance of human relationships have not changed. one dragon then moving on to the next as fast as possible. Take the opportunity to communicate with your team In fact, we are often rewarded for the number of “drag- and build relationships of trust and confidence that ons” slain. But what is the cost? Now I am not saying will last. we should set aside mission execution to stand around In these busy times, with ever-increasing demands the campfire and sing kum ba ya. I am just convinced placed on each of us, never has there been a time where if we take the time to build the relationship, the work we needed each other more. will get done much more efficiently and effectively. Keep up the great work in 2010, and don’t forget the “Watch for traffic.” In our district, our overall lessons you learned in kindergarten still apply today.

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 13 SWL Leadership class of 2010 By Cheri Dragos-Pritchard Little Rock District

Little Rock District selected 10 participants for the 2010 Leadership Development Course, and awarded a contract with a consulting firm for the first time to manage the program curriculum. DRI Consulting Firm will help lead the program, which is a one-year course geared toward self-im- provement, teamwork and leadership. “We believe they (DRI Consulting) are the best in the business,” Program Champion Randy Hathaway, Little Rock’s deputy district engineer said. “They will help lead this program.” Kyle Clark of Regulatory Division and Karen Laura Cameron of Little Rock’s Planning and Environmental Adams of Programs and Project Management are Office waits as Toni Hill of Emergency Management Office the district’s co-program managers for the course. crosses to other class members during an orientation and The participants are Laura Cameron of Planning retreat team-building exercise. (Courtesy photo) and Environmental Division, Elliott Carman Clark said as co-program managers, he and of Regulatory Division, Bobby Van Cleave of Adams facilitate between the district and the Engineering and Construction Division’s Design contractors. Branch, Tony Hill of Emergency Operations Office, The 10 members can expect to participate in Jesse Palmer of Nimrod-Blue Mountain Project one meeting a month, team projects and personal- Office, Rhonda Pledger of Programs and Project ity tests, as well as to read and report on selected Management Division, Stacey Snead of Greers books and take an online leadership course, Clark Ferry Project Office, Jared Trammell of Beaver Lake said. “The personality tests help them to identify Project Office, Jeremy Wells of Russellville Project their strengths and weakness, so they make self- Office and Jean Williams of Resource Management improvements and hone their skills.” Office. The course helps the participants build on the “Karyn Adams and I gathered the applications,” principles and ideas of leadership throughout the Clark said. “Twenty-five people applied for the year, Clark explained. course and 10 were selected by the senior leaders of Upon successful completion, they will be eligi- the district. So far we’ve received good feedback from ble to apply for the USACE Emerging Leaders the participants.” Program.

Saving Jina On Oct. 31, Karla Brogen (center), a teach- er’s assistant at the England Elementary School at England, Ark., received a Little Rock District Safety Award from District Deputy Engineer Lt.Col. Marvin Griffin. Brogen received the award for saving the life of two-year-old Jina Stevens of Romance, Ark. Brogen performed CPR on Jina after she stopped breathing while swimming at Greers Ferry Lake. Also shown with Brogen and Griffin is Benny Rorie, Greers Ferry Lake manager; Joe Harper, Greers Ferry chief ranger, and Jina Stevens with her parents Alicia and Joey Stevens. (Photo by Jay Woods)

14 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Chief of Engineers views transformation taking place in San Antonio under MILCON and Civil Works programs Story and photo by Brian Dwyer Joint Program Management Office

One can begin to comprehend the magnitude and diversity of the projects being executed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in San Antonio by reviewing the numbers: more than $3 billion of construction and renovation; 10 million square feet of facilities; and 8 miles of ecosystem restoration along a river, including the introduction of 20,000 young trees and shrubs. Gaining a full appreciation of the impact of the work within the city can only be accomplished by visit- ing the job sites themselves. Lt. Gen. Robert Van Antwerp, Chief of Engineers and USACE commander has done both. Lieutenant General Robert Van Antwerp and David Thomas, Director of the Joint Program Management Office, listen as Tim Wheeler a lead construction representative describes The General toured Fort Sam cooking equipment in the kitchen of the new dining facility that is part of the Medical Houston Jan. 8 to get a first-hand Education and Training Campus on Fort Sam Houston. (Courtesy photo) look at the largest projects in J. Muraski, Jr., commander, Fort General saw key components of the $3 billion San Antonio Base Worth District and David Thomas, the BRAC program, including the Realignment and Closure and director of the Joint Program project to add roughly 760,000 military construction program. Management Office, which oversees square feet of space to Brooke Army Later that same day, he visited the design and construction efforts Medical Center. He also walked the Mission Reach portion of the of the San Antonio BRAC and through the 80,000 square San Antonio River Improvements MILCON program. Project. The General was accompa- At Fort Sam Houston, the nied at both stops by Col. Richard Se e “Ch i e f ” o n n e x t p a g e

USACE, CBP meet in San Diego A joint conference in San Diego Dec. 1-2 was the largest gathering ever of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Cus- toms and Border Protection members since their working relationship was sealed in an interagency agreement with a predecessor agency, the U.S. Immigration and Natu- ralization Service, in 1997. The All-Hands Meeting brought together staff from both sides of the Engineering and Construction Support Office, along with units within CBP such as Facilities Management & Engineer- ing and the U.S. Border Patrol. Pictured at right are Michael Fallon (far right), director of the programs directorate, Southwest- ern Division; Col. Anthony C. Funkhouser, commander, Southwestern Division; and Capt. Jared Ulekowski (left), Funkhouser’s aide-de-camp.

Photo by Jim Frisinger

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 15 Chief Mission Reach project. The area Nelson Wolff, Bexar County Judge, of the river included in this proj- provided Van Antwerp with a continued from previous page ect lies south of downtown and summary of the planned enhance- was straightened and channel- ments. Native trees and shrubs will foot dining facility that is part of ized several decades ago by the be planted; stones will be deposited the new Medical Education and Corps of Engineers to reduce the in certain segments of the river to Training Campus. The campus is potential impact of flooding. The create riffle structures; and hike being built to train combat medics current project is aimed at reintro- and bike trails and pedestrian and other medical specialists. The ducing native grasses, plants, and footbridges will be built, along with dining facility is one of the largest other ecosystem features, as well shade structures, picnic tables, of its kind in the Department of as restoring the river’s natural, overlooks, landings, and canoe Defense with the capacity to serve meandering course, to enhance the access points. 4,800 people in a single, 90 minute river’s aesthetic appeal and provide The project also will include meal period. The BRAC program recreational opportunities to local construction of pathways and visual is scheduled to continue until residents. linkages to the four 18th century September 2011, which is the legis- On a small bluff that over- Spanish missions that are located lative deadline for completion of all looks a bend in the river, Suzanne along the river. The entire Mission BRAC projects. Scott, General Manager of the Reach project is scheduled to be Before traveling to the Mission San Antonio River Authority, and finished in 2013. Reach section of the San Antonio River, Van Antwerp addressed the leadership and staff of the Joint Program Management Office. The general emphasized the concept of “going from good to great” by high- lighting three features of successful organizations: disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action. He urged individual USACE employees to practice discipline by focusing on doing their individual jobs well and being mindful that each person’s efforts contribute to the ultimate level of success achieved by the organization, just like the pieces of a puzzle fitting together. Van Antwerp concluded his remarks by addressing the outlook for USACE in the immedi- ate future. He indicated that the civil works portion of USACE’s Photo by Brian Dwyer workload is expected to remain Assisstant Secretary tours Fort Worth projects vibrant, in light of assessments Col. Richard J. Muraski, Jr., and Jo-Ellen Darcy (second from left), Assistant by the American Society of Civil Secretary of the Army-Civil Works, listen to James Oliver of the National Park Engineers of the ongoing infrastruc- Service describe historic structures along the San Antonio River that date back to ture needs across the country. the Spanish missionary period during a tour of the Mission Reach portion of the San Antonio River Improvements Project. Darcy also observed work underway to After he left Fort Sam Houston, restore natural features and habitat along the San Antonio River scheduled to be Van Antwerp was greeted by modified through habitat restoration. After her day in San Antonio, Darcyspent representatives of the San Antonio the next two days visiting the District’s Dallas Floodway and Central City projects. River Authority and Bexar County In Dallas, Mayor Tom Leppert, City Manager Mary Suhm, and Councilman Dave Neumann welcomed her at the Trinity Trust Office. A briefing on the Dallas project Commissioners Court near the was given followed by a tour of the project area. Following the tour, the group beginning of the 8-mile-long Mission met with the Dallas City Council before heading to Fort Worth. In Fort Worth, Reach section of the river. The Darcy met with District senior staff to discuss upcoming projects and American River Authority and Bexar County Recovery and Reinvestment Act projects. Darcy then met with the Trinity River Vision Authority team where she was briefed on the Central City project and are partnering with the Corps of given a tour of the area. Darcy finished her Texas visit as the guest speaker for the Engineers to fund and direct the USACE Small Business Conference held at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, Texas. completion of the $272 million

16 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 SWT Readiness planning

Lt. Co l . Ge n e Sn y m a n De p u t y Co m m a n d e r , Tu ls a Di s t r i c t

Essayons! “Let us try” is ties must drive our plans for internet access through a local the Engineer motto. We pride the allocation of these impor- Internet Service Provider (cable, ourselves in our determina- tant but costly tools. For this DSL) can also be used to access tion to ensure the mission is quarter, American Recovery the VPN servers and SWT serv- accomplished regardless of the and Reinvestment Act work is ers. VPN access to the SWT serv- obstacles we face. Emergency critical and time sensitive as ers allows the user all normal conditions in recent years have we strive to obligate funds by links to shared drives, P2, and created significant problems for March. Through the second CEFMS. the Tulsa District but due to quarter, those directly support- Once our resources are in thoughtful advanced planning we ing ARRA pre-award and award place, a series of exercises will have been able to ensure we can processes must be able to main- be conducted to validate our continue operations regardless of tain momentum in the event readiness. With the Safety and the conditions. Properly executed of an emergency. Additionally, Emergency Management offices planning and Continuity of we are in the process of validat- in the lead, the District HQ Operations exercises will ensure ing our key personnel roster to will work through a number of Southwestern Tulsa keeps determine other critical positions communication and readiness moving forward in the event of and functions with associated exercises in the coming weeks an emergency. resource requirements. that will culminate in a full COOP exercise. COOP plan- ning and preparation dovetails with other emergency planning. “Wi t h t h e Sa f e t y a n d Em e r g e n c y Ma n a g e m e n t o f f i c e s in Our Life Safety Plan for build- t h e l e a d , t h e Distric t HQ w i l l w o r k t h r o u g h a n u m b e r ing evacuation and fire warden o f communication a n d r e a d i n e ss e x e r c i s e s in t h e c o m i n g requirements could potentially w e e k s ... “ be the precursor to a COOP event. Further, other Federal agencies who are building tenants must be fully incorpo- There are a number of Assuring our communica- rated into the planning of these scenarios that could potentially tions essentially means person- events. prevent full or key staff from nel must have internet access So, while some may wonder being able to operate out of the to reach the Virtual Private about the actual productivity of District offices. Mobility crippling Network remote servers. This the discussions about identifica- ice storms, unexpected facility can be accomplished through a tion of key leaders, communi- water supply or power issues, number of channels. If a govern- cation capability, and off-site social distancing associated with ment laptop computer cannot be exercises, the issue is essentially H1N1 threat, as well as security directly connected to the secure one of risk management. or anti-terrorism can all effect government network, internet One hour of corporate District building access. and secure VPN access must be time is significant to our budget As the nature of our work is gained by using either air cards and execution, and our custom- communication, our focus for or Blackberry tethering. This ers and stakeholders are count- COOP planning has to be on technology allows wireless access ing on us to meet the terms assured communications. With to the internet in any location of our agreements. The next limited redundant communica- normally accessible by cell- emergency is looming…let’s be tion resources, district priori- phone. A home computer with prepared!

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 17 Photo left: A taxidermy mount of a Great Horned Owl on display for the annual Owl Prowl at Cottonwood Point Campground October 24 presented by the Marion Reservoir project office park rangers with cooperation from the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. Photo top: A group of fourth graders from Marion Elemen- tary listen to a demonstration during the annual Owl Prowl. Photo right: An Eastern Screech Owl under the spot- light of a ranger sits “frozen” on its perch, ready for its close-up as the children were able to get within 10 to 15 feet of the creature during the Owl Prowl event.

Courtesy photos Students get a “hoot” out of Owl Prowl Neal Whitaker ect office park rang- of owls, or any parts the owl to temporarily Park Ranger ers, was October 24 at thereof, without proper blind and “freeze” it on Marion Lake the Cottonwood Point permits. its perch, allowing the Campground, and Resource officer pupils to get a close-up featured a presentation Marvin Peterson, look - often within 10 to October was a “hoot” by a Kansas Department KDWP, demonstrated 15 feet of the bird. for fourth graders from of Wildlife and Parks mouth calling of Great The children have Marion Elementary natural resource officer. Horned and Barred Owls shown their gratitude to School in Marion, More than 100 and the children got to the owls by building a Kansas when a science pupils and adults were see taxidermy mounts of half-dozen nesting boxes course of study on owls briefed by Rangers those species. which have been placed culminated with a night about the types of owls Once the sun went around Cottonwood trip to Marion Reservoir native to the area, the down, Rangers used the Point. to view the creatures in adaptations of owls taped call of an Eastern In recent years, an the wild. and the calls that owls Screech Owl to summon abbreviated Owl Prowl The annual “Owl make. They were also a resident Screech Owl has also been given to Prowl,” hosted by cautioned that federal to investigate the intrud- the Marion pre-school Marion Reservoir proj- law prohibits possession er. Rangers spotlighted group.

18 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Corps employees, volunteers help disabled hunters

Photo by Edward Rivera (Above) Jason Smith from Weatherford, Texas helps Kirsten Strand, 13 with target practice during a break from hunting at Canyon Lake during a disabled sprotsman and wounded warrior hunt. (Below, left) Darrel Schacht takes aim from his camouflaged position.

Photo by Edward Rivera (Above) Texas Parks and Widlife, Game Warden Michael McCall and volunteer Donnie Hentphel prepare to dress out a deer harvested in the early morning hours. (Left) Sgt. Josh Primm and Spec. Jerry Morris, two warriors from Brook Army Medical Center, who participated in the weekend hunt, display their hunt- Photo by Garland Ireland Photo by Garland Ireland ing success.

DisabledStory by Edward wounded Rivera warriorsTraveling from enjoy as far ashunt 300 onevent. Canyon Lake Fort Worth District miles away, 12 disabled sports- Two of the four warriors from men were joined by four wound- Brook Army Medical Center Sgt. Two weekends before ed warriors from Brook Army Josh Primm and Spec. Jerry Thanksgiving a group of sports- Medical Center, San Antonio, Morris collected some “firsts” men took to the hunting areas Texas to help manage the deer during the weekend. Primm of Canyon Lake, Texas for their population on the U.S. Army and Morris both took an 8-point annual hunt. But for these hunt- Corps of Engineers’ lake. buck, it was Primm’s first deer ers, rifles and bows were not the Jason Smith from ever and Morris’ first buck. only needs required for a great Weatherford, Texas joins sever- “In all 24 deer were taken, hunt. With the help from family, al freinds for the weekend hunt mostly management spikes and friends and volunteers their when ever possible. “It’s great bucks,” said James Chambers, annual Deer Hunt for Disabled to have the chance to get out manager, Canyon Lake. “The Sportsmen and Wounded and hunt and have the support hunt was a great way to manage Warriors was a success. to make it not only possible but the large population of white- “This was the first time that successful,” said Smith. tailed deer in the area and Wounded Warriors from Brooke Canyon Lake Park Rangers, provided an opportunity for the Army Medical Center joined Serve Outdoors, Inc. non-profit Corps and the local community in on the action,” said Garland organization, and the Fraternal to give back to all the hunters Ireland, Canyon Lake park Order of Canyon Lake Men involved.” ranger. joined together to coordinate the

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 19 MarionStory and photos by hosts in September ‘muzzleloader’ when the Kansas hunt Neal Whitaker muzzleloader deer season Park Ranger begins. Marion Lake Muzzleloader weapons are used because it is held at a waterfowl refuge, and a fire- For 12 years, physically arms deer hunt would interfere challenged sportsmen have with the purpose of the area. participateed in a deer hunt The Kansas muzzleloader in September at Marion deer season begins prior to the Reservoir in Kansas thanks to arrival of any ducks except volunteers, and the donation teal. of specialized equipment, that Hunters are transported In November, the Pease Rivers make it all possible. to the blinds by volunteers in Partners, National Wild Turkey The Kansas Department of vehicles donated by area busi- Federation, and Wichita Falls Wildlife and Parks, the Marion nesses. Chapter of the Disabled American Lake Association, the 2002 Hunters who could not be Veterans had a “special” deer Vocational Agriculture class transferred from their wheel- hunt on the Crowell Wildlife at Hillsboro High School, the chairs were transported on a Management Area. Paralyzed Veterans of America special trailer designed by the The DAV found disabled veter- organization, local businesses, hunters and built with donat- ans with special needs, and all and volunteers contributed ed materials in 2002 by the involved arranged for them to enjoy resources and time to the hunt. Vocational Agriculture Class at a “dream” weekend on Corps prop- The MLA, a chartered, Hillsboro High School. erty. non-profit organization, whose The idea for a deer hunt for “These vets were indeed special,” purpose is to advance Marion physically challenged hunt- said Dennis Duke, Chloride Control Reservoir, has been a part- ers at Marion Reservoir took Area Office, project manager. “I ner since the hunt began, and shape in 1997 following the cannot begin to tell you how they directs the financial matters of lead of Tulsa District lakes in responded. They had a great hunt. the hunt. Oklahoma. All the work to support them was The Marion hunt is differ- Eleven hunters participated strictly volunteer. People donated ent from other deer hunts for in the hunt. time, money, supplies and food. I disabled hunters in that it is a During the season, 114 deer was not prepared for the reaction. I multi-day event with morning were seen, 12 shots were taken, was also not prepared for the young and evening hunts, and is held and four deer were harvested. age of these vets.” Each veteran commented about how much this meant to them — not just the hunt, but the time, camaraderie and the fellowships that were built. “They could not express how much they appreciated the use of this land, this resource, to help them in their healing process. One lady, suffering from cancer, could only shoot with a specially prepared ‘lead sled’ the guys built for her since recoil would shatter her bones. She said this was a lifetime dream come true and compared the excitement to the birth of her first- born. There wasn’t a dry eye in the Some of the hunters are given a ride to a hunting blind in a specially designed house,” Duke said. trailer during the Muzzleloader hunt at Marion Lake in September.

20 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Galveston District budget analyst accepted into Syracuse University Master’s program By Courtney Brodbeck and Defense Programs. typically lasting from 18 to 24 Pacesetter Staff The ambitions of the program months. are to provide students with Many of the Army’s senior-lev- Attitude, dedication, imagi- essential tools of private and el civilian leaders are the product nation and a strong work ethic public sector business prac- of the intern program such as are vital qualities a Defense tices, and the ability to analyze Martin, who worked at Fort Polk, Comptroller Program participant and develop public policy. This La., as a budget analyst. must possess. represents a unique collabora- “It was the best decision Those qualities are the skills tive venture between Syracuse I ever made; the DA intern that Mark Williams excels in as University and the Department program is a win-win situation a Galveston District employee of Defense, Berg said. for both the employee and the and former Department of the Williams, who joined the employer,” Martin said. “It gives Army intern. Corps June 1, 2006, is one of the employee the opportunity to Williams, a budget analyst several DA interns around the see if they like working for the in Resource Management at the Galveston District. He applied federal government and it allows Galveston District, is one of 32 for the program after receiv- the employer to observe the military and civilian employ- ing his bachelor’s degree from employee and see if they have ees nationwide, who has, been Texas Southern University, with the attributes we need as our accepted into the program at the a major in mathematics and a future leaders.” Whitman School of Management minor in business administra- Williams will leave the at Syracuse University in New tion. Williams was given the District in May 2010 and begin York. opportunity not only to work for the DCP the first week of June. The DCP allows Williams to the Galveston District but do “Interns are like any group earn both a Master of Business rotational assignments at the you get, you have some who are Administration degree and Corps’ Southwestern Division self-motivated and you have Executive Master of Public in Dallas and headquarters in some that are good workers, but Administration degree as well as Washington. don’t look for growth in their a position at the Pentagon as a “I wanted to do the DA intern job,” Martin said. “I can honestly financial management analyst. program because it provided say that Mr. Williams is one of “Taking 60 graduate credits hands-on training opportunities the few interns I’ve had who in 14 months is very hard work and helped lay down the ground- has looked for growth. He loves and these qualities are essential work for future development and a challenge and wants to be a for success,” said David B. Berg, advancement,” Williams said. contributing member of the team director, Executive Education “My supervisors in Resource and he has been. We will miss Management, Beverly Martin him a great deal, but are thank- and Selma Hampshire, were ful for the contributions he has instrumental in my professional made to the Corps.” growth and fully supported me in Martin encourages individu- what I wanted to do.” als seeking an internship to be The DA intern program is flexible enough to take advan- an essential source for recruit- tage of all opportunities because ing, training and educating new the knowledge gained from both talent at the Corps, said Beverly students and employers is benefi- Martin, Chief of Resource cial to the growth of the Corps. Management at Galveston “These are bright young District. people we’re getting out of college The program takes individuals and they have some good ideas. from entry level positions to posi- We need to take advantage of tions of mid-level management that, and as an older work force and gives on-the-job training and we need to pass on everything we Mark Williams formal classroom instruction, know,” Martin said.

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 21 Injured pelican gets new home By Isidro Reyna Pacesetter Staff

It’s not everyday a 15-pound pelican with a six-foot wing- span approaches a fisher at the Galveston District’s Jadwin fish- ing pier. It’s also not everyday that the same pelican would steal bait from someone’s fishing line. “That’s exactly what happened,” said Steve Walls, a regulatory project manager with the Galveston District. “The pelican had a broken wing and would come into the docks and steal fish off of people’s hooks. He became so notorious, people Photo courtesy of wrande.org named him Buddy.” The pier unofficially became Buddy, a rescued pelican, opens wide as a fishing hook is removed from his beak at a wildlife rehabilitatiion facility in Clear Lake, Texas. The pelican was rescued by home to Buddy in early Steve Walls of the district’s Regulatory Branch. November, said Walls. Buddy would sleep atop the trying to expel it and he couldn’t. around. I threw another fish pilings beneath the pier. He had broken the line and still by the bulkhead and he came “He was probably injured on had the hook, a sinker and a up and grabbed the fish. This a shrimp trawler,” said Walls. steel line attached to him. I was time, Donna from the Fish and “The hungrier he got, the more worried it was going to wrap Wildlife Service, put him in a he learned that if he came in and around his beak and he wouldn’t headlock,” said Walls scavenged, he could get people to be able to eat.” “She grabbed him by the beak feed him.” “I got him loose and noticed and I got a box,” said Walls. “We noticed the pelican that he continued to hang “She literally got him in a getting bolder and bolder and around so we called the Fish headlock. We drove him down more desperate,” said Walls. and Wildlife Service back,” said to a wildlife rehabilitator in the “Buddy became a little bit of a Walls. “One of the Fish and Clear Lake area,” said Walls fish thief. I think that was his Wildlife Service employees, “The bird had mites and lice. downfall, and his saving at the Donna Anderson, works at the While I was driving, Donna same time.” Jadwin Building a few days a wanted to stop because mites “We called the Fish and week from the Clear Lake office.” were crawling on her, but I Wildlife Service and they told Walls and Anderson went out suggested she hold on to him,” us, ‘if you guys can catch him to the pier looking for Buddy. said Walls. “I could see us head- and take it to the rehab center, One of the fishers noticed the ing down IH-45 with a pelican we’ll support you doing it’ and two looking for the pelican and loose in the vehicle.” if things got worse, to call them said, “Buddy sleeps over there.” “The pelican was emaciated back,” said Walls. “We were “One of the fishermen had a and dehydrated,” said Walls. thinking we don’t have the exper- bucket of small fish and I asked “Fluids were given to him, tise to capture a bird with a beak if I could have some for Buddy,” along with antibiotics, a bath, like that. They’re big birds.” said Walls. lice and pain medicine,” said “We were out flounder fish- “We threw a fish by the bulk- Walls ing one day and Buddy tried to head and when Buddy got closer, grab someone’s bait when he got we put a net over him but he got hooked,” said Walls. “He was out. He was so hungry, he hung See “Pelican” page 25

22 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Preserving an historic tribal cemetery Story by Debbie and repositioned at moved to higher “unknown” on deceased Tribal AtChaloupek Canton:the surface level. ground in an them. members are some- Park Ranger, Some markers attempt to preserve Markers were time buried in the Canton Lake were at ground its integrity. placed at ground cemetery. level, but had so Notes were made level to allow for The Canton much dirt and about which of the easy mowing and staff chose this National Public vegetation nearly known gravesites maintenance. project for the Lands Day was covering them that were moved, along The documenta- National Public observed by the the volunteers had with any informa- tion and mainte- Lands observance staff of Canton to cut away grass tion concerning nance of this ceme- because it is a Lake with a proj- and remove the the history of the tery is important hands-on volunteer ect to locate and dirt so the markers deceased. for historical and event that focuses uncover or reset could be seen more The new location cultural reasons, on improving and the original graves- easily. for the cemetery and also because, enhancing public ite markers of a It took the 15 was still located on even today, lands. Tribal cemetery. volunteers about Corps of Engineers Many of the three hours to land and would be protected and “The documentation and maintained for maintenance of this years to come. cemetery is important Most original gravesites did for historical and cultural not have mark- reasons ...” ers, so new ones were made and the name of the markers were find, reset or clean deceased was covered by a 136 of the original engraved onto an 50-year accumu- markers. aluminum plate lation of soil and Prior to Canton attached to a vegetation, and Lake impoundment cement marker. were no longer in the late 1940’s, Some markers visible when walk- the cemetery was only had the words ing through the cemetery. Canton Lake staff members and volunteers used a map showing the plotted cemetery, and sometimes a metal detector, to locate the ground- level markers that were covered. Once an under- ground marker was Courtesy photo (Photo left) Volunteers dig to unearth a cemetery found, volunteers marker buried under accumulated soil and vegeta- dug down, some- tion. times 12 to 18 inch- (Above) Volunteers use garden hoes to uncover es, until the mark- markers at a Tribal cemetary at Canton Lake as part of a project for National Public Lands Day. er could be lifted

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 23 Winter months, volunteers help park rangers maintain lake projects Story and photos by Darlene Moore Benbrook Lake Project Office

During the summer recreation season when most people vaca- tion, park rangers are working their hardest. They manage campgrounds, enforce regulations, promot water safety and aid local agencies in search and rescues. During winter, rangers get to take a breath and work at wildlife management, hunting programs, facility maintenance, working on trails, and scouting boundary areas for signs of encroachment. Jeff Veselka (left), park ranger, Benbrook Lake discusses areas to be cleared with a contractor. Richard Bingham, park ranger and volunteer program manager at Benbrook Lake, oversees a mainte- nance crew of six trained volunteers who support the Lake’s civil engi- neer technician. The team has replaced boards on boat and fishing docks and worked on minor electrical repairs at West Creek Circle Park. “Winter is the best time of year to do these repairs because the parks have less traffic and activity going on,” said Bingham. Bingham also put together a team of volunteers to make an extra stor- age trailer into a small laundry and meeting facility for the volunteer Two of six skilled volunteers support Benbrook Lake’s civil engi- Benbrook Lake volunteers use neer technician with their expereince. The team of volunteers their expertise to do minor village. has been replacing boards on boat and fishing docks. electrical maintenance. “It gives the volunteers a sense of belonging and they feel like they’re Veselka. cattle have broken through. at home,” said Bingham. At Lavon Lake Park Ranger Both Vesleka and Holloway will “This year is the first time the Curry Murphy is also clearing and be surveying the conditions of buoys lake has been able to retain the miti- removing invasive species to plant and replacing them as necessary at gation funds for clearing boundary native vegetation. both lakes. lines,” said Jeff Veselka, Benbrook Additionally, watching for the Buoys serve as traffic signs for Lake park ranger. Zebra mussels has become a priority boats and sometimes move with The lakes boundary lines are at Lavon Lake. Zebra mussels are a drought or flood pools. To keep the over grown with vegetation that is very invasive species and can deplete boating traffic safe rangers must difficult to cut through manually. the food source of native aquatic ensure they are correctly in place So when the opportunity surfaced to species, foul boat bottoms and clog before the next recreation season. use a bulldozer the park ranger ran intake pipes. So far there have been “Most of the buoys have messages with it. no positive tests for Zebra mussels. or warnings on them that are impor- “Now we will be able to patrol At Joe Pool Lake, Park Ranger tant for people to see,” said Veselka. our boundary lines with ease and we Marcus Holloway has been checking “It’s difficult to maintain these in the can spot invasive species like Scott boundary lines and repairing fences summer because of all the boat activ- Thistle, and Winter Vetch,” said that some adjacent landowners’ ity on the lake.”

24 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Setting the standard Col. David C. Weston Commander, Galveston District

Those of us in the Federal sector tend work in to go. two different time frames, the fiscal year and the To help guide us on these projects, it’s important calendar year. We are well into our 2010 fiscal that all District employees are aware of the key year, with program execution well underway. We’ve goals and metrics of the Corps’ Strategic Plan and, also now entered into the new calendar year, with equally important, the District’s Implementation the renewed sense of purpose that seems to come Plan. every January 1st. Like all ways of counting time, Hopefully you are all engaged in portions of the these are ongoing. Even as we work diligently to plan, in actions and activities that contribute to execute our projects and programs for FY 10, we achieving our and the Corps’ goals—by achieving are planning our Congressional visits for future our goals, we move from Good to Great! projects and programs. This long term planning Some of the underlying metrics that can help us approach helps us execute our mission. envision what Great looks like are these: delivering The calendar year has its own parameters for superior performance every time; setting the stan- planning purposes, as we mark special observances, dard for our profession; making a positive impact such as Dr. Martin Luther King Birthday or the on the nation and other nations; and build to last. upcoming District 130th Anniversary Town Hall. Think of these metrics as you carry out your We live part of our lives with time markers like projects. Compare your efforts to the metric descrip- holidays and family vacations, far removed from tions. Make the connection between the wording of project execution, but just as important to us as a metric and the actual project that you work on. individuals. Are you delivering superior performance, are you The Galveston District will have a multitude of setting a standard that upholds the great profes- challenges in what remains of the fiscal year and sional image of the Corps, how will this benefit our in the calendar year that lies ahead of us. ARRA nation, and are you building strong to make it last? projects, our normal project workload—even some If you follow these metrics in all your projects, Hurricane Ike work still to be completed—all you will find yourself — and our organization — beckon. well on the road from Good to Great. Large undertakings like the Sabine-Neches Though in many ways we are already a GREAT Waterway Channel Improvement Project NEPA District, if we use these metrics as one of our guid- activities and the Addicks and Barker Dam Safety ing lights, we will be Great in every sense of the Modification Study are at the starting gate, ready word. Pelican continued from page 22

“I called the rehabilitation He seems to be doing well,” center the next morning and said Walls. asked about Buddy. I was told Permits have been obtained ‘the pelican bit someone twice for Buddy to head south to a zoo this morning, so he’s doing well,’” in Brownsville, Texas, with two said Walls. other birds. “He ate 150 fish that morn- “We are taking contributions ing and has been eating several to the wildlife fund for Buddy’s hundred fish a day since then. rehab since he lost his fishing Although he has ‘sauerkraut’ Buddy sits in his crate awaiting the privileges for ‘fowling’ up and breath, he is now out in the open. trip south to his new home getting caught,” said Walls.

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 25 Photo by Jay Woods An educating partnership Little Rock District, the city of Jacksonville and Little Rock Air Force Base joined together to construct an education facility that will provide more classrooms and will be easily accessible to the base and the community. The cost of the facility is $14.4 mil- lion and is set to be completed by November 2010. The ground-breaking ceremony was held Nov. 9. From the left are Melody Toney of the base’s education office, John Watkins of Garver Engineers design team; Col. Ed Jackson, Little Rock District com- mander; Air Force Col. Charles Hyde, 314th Air Wing commander; former Jacksonville Mayor Tommy Swaim; Rep. Vic Snyder; Jacksonville Mayor Gary Fletcher; Col. Greg Otey, 19th Air Wing commander; Col. Dave Summers, 189th Air Wing commander; Mike Wilson of the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce; David Walker of Yates & Sons Construction Team; and Bill Threet of Air Force Center for Engineering and Environment.

Courtesy photo Drillin’ holes, pourin’ concrete On Oct. 15 concrete placement began on the first panel of the cut-off wall on Little Rock’s Clearwater Dam. Phase Ib grouting is on-going and is expected to be completed early in Courtesy photo calendar year 2010. The Phase II work (cutoff wall) will overlap and continue over the next five years. The Phase II Cutoff Wall contract was awarded in September 2008. A sinkhole devel- Interpreter of the year oped in 2003 on the upstream face of the dam and a Major Stephen Austin, USACE Natural Resources manager, pre- Rehabilitation Study concluded that a new seepage cutoff wall sented Little Rock’s Allison Smedley with the Interpreter of was necessary to solve the problem. More detailed seismic the Year award during the National Association for Interpre- analyses are ongoing because of the proximity to the New tation Conference in November. Smedley works at the Rus- Madrid fault. Seismic studies could result in future additional sellville Project Office as a ranger. She was recognized for remediation measures. The project cost has increased since her work in the Interpretive Services and Outreach Program inception of the project because of previously-unknown sub- and for promoting water safety. surface conditions.

26 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Tactical infrastructure forces smugglers to use pack animals in remote areas Story and photo of the Department of Homeland by U.S. Border Patrol Security. The U.S. Customs and Border U.S. Border Patrol agents Protection reports that border assigned to the Sonoita Station, patrol agents from the Sonoita east of Nogales, Arizona made Station, assisted by a CBP Office an interesting seizure Oct. 12: a of Air and Marine helicopter, pack train of horses laden with searched nearby mountains marijuana. for illegal border crossing and The Border Patrol reports discovered several horses carry- that this is another sign of its ing bundles of marijuana, total- increased presence in remote ing about 971 pounds, and with border areas. an estimated street value of The construction of hundreds $776,800. of miles of new fence is cred- The horses and marijuana ited with pushing smugglers to were held for further processing. remote crossings that are diffi- Smugglers associated with the cult to traverse. horses fled the scene. The $2.4 billion Pedestrian “The continued efforts of New border fences have pushed smug- Fence 225, and Vehicle Fence Border Patrol agents and our glers from the usual crossings into CBP partners continues to be remote, rugged terrain that requires the 300 projects from 2007 to 2009, use of horses to transport the illegal are a major national secu- effective in stopping these drugs drugs. rity project spearheaded by the from reaching our communities,” Engineering and Construction said Chief Robert Gilbert. will become desperate in their Support Office of the U.S. Army As agents become more vigi- attempt to smuggle marijuana Corps of Engineers in support lant in remote areas, the expec- into the United States, the CBP tation is that the smugglers said.

Courtesy photos The usual suspects busted at Holiday Luncheon (Left) Fort Worth District team members load up on scrumptious food served up by the Morale Welfare and Recreation Association during the December 8, District Holiday Luncheon. (Above) Federal Officer Jim Page corrals the “Muraski Gang” for attempting to steal the holiday spirit. The scoundrels were held in custody during the 2009 Holiday Luncheon until Fort Worth District team members raised enough bail donations to spring Col. Richard J. Muraski, Jr., commander, Fort Worth District and his clan of Scrooges. Bail money raised will be applied to support the annual Engineer Day picnic.

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 27 Quality volunteers set Belton Lake apart from other Texas parks Story and photos by Randy Cephus Fort Worth District One of the top 100 family camp- grounds in the nation is nestled in a secluded area near Belton and Temple, Texas, at Cedar Ridge Park, and is managed by the Fort Worth District Capital Regional Office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Belton Lake recently earned this selection based on criteria family campers rated as desirable park features. The criteria included hot shower facilities, laundry facilities, hiking trails, family beaches, ‘radio free’ zones, visitor centers, educational programs, children’s events, and proximity to a metropolitan area. Volunteer gate attendants and park hosts reside within the park Approximately 87,000 guests visited Cedar Ridge Park in 2009. Guests here are renting to serve visitors’ needs. one of the eight screened shelters that overlook Lake Belton. According to Park Rangers not own RVs or tents,” said Blank. Scott Blank and Todd Spivey, the The first person Cedar Ridge customer service from gate atten- Park guests see as they enter the dants and park volunteers played facility is Jeanne Bean. As the a key role in the selection. gate attendant, Bean allows access “We have the best group of to the facility, collects fees, moni- volunteers and it’s the volunteers tors reservations, enforces park who make this park great,” said policies and ensures park visitors Blank. “We have calculated a have a safe and enjoyable experi- $230,000 value of volunteer hours ence. over the past year, with volunteers Bean has been a gate attendant averaging about 20 hours of volun- with the Corps for the past 11 teer time per week.” years, and says customer service is The park was rated among Deer along with many other fauna and flora her first priority. the Nation’s top 100 parks by the can be enjoyed at Cedar Ridge Park. “A big part of the job is knowing what people want and being able National Recreation Reservation ity which contains 68 recreational to provide them what they need,” Service in 2009. With more than vehicle and tent camp sites. said Bean. “We have to resolve 60,000 reservable facilities at over Park facilities include restrooms problems from time to time, but 2,500 locations, the NRRS is the with hot showers, a camper service the vast majority of our visitors largest outdoor recreation reserva- center for group parties and meet- are wonderful people.” tion service in the country. ings, washer [and] dryer units, two Another key reason for the “We submitted our nomination multilane boat ramps with courte- park’s success is park volunteer last December and were waiting sy loading docks, a lighted fishing Carlene Fritz, from Watertown, to hear back from the NRRS and dock, designated family swimming S.D., who is a retired registered the next thing we knew – we were beach, playground, basketball nurse. Fritz ensures the adherence selected,” said Blank. “We were court, hiking trails and two trailer of park rules, provides visitors the only park in the State of Texas dump stations. with information on park ameni- selected for this honor.” In addition to the campsites, ties as well as information on local Cedar Ridge Park is part of eight screened shelters are located Belton Lake, a 2,300 acre facil- within the park for people who do Se e “To p 100” n e x t p a g e

28 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 the park, and it offers fuel and To assist visitors and to ensure Top 100 basic convenience store items for the facilities remain in good work- purchase. ing order, Fritz patrols the area in continued from previous page Two group picnic areas with a golf cart. electricity and water overlook “We see most of our activity area attractions and eating Cedar Creek, with its scenic white during the spring through fall, establishments. limestone bluffs, which accommo- but our park remains open during “Our overall goal is to ensure date up to 100 people with horse- the winter months as well,” Blank the park is well maintained and shoe and volleyball courts and a said. “From Dec.1 to the end of park rules are obeyed so that large cooker. February, campers can extend everyone can enjoy their visit at A group camping area is also their stay for 14 days at a time.” our facility,” said Fritz. “This job available with the same ameni- Helen Black and Lynn requires people skills and I enjoy ties plus 10 sites for recreational Houghton, originally from Duluth, working with and helping people.” vehicle [and] tent camping with Minn., have been visiting the park A concession marina with a electric [and] water for large for the past five years. The couple seasonal restaurant is located in family [and] group gatherings. enjoys the warmer Texas climate and the privacy of the park. “The secluded location and the distance between each camp site affords to great privacy. The on-site laundry facility and the courtesy of the staff is also a big plus,” said Black. Last year approximately 1.5 million people visited Belton Lake, with 87,000 of those visitors choos- ing to vacation at Cedar Ridge Park. For further information and to make reservations at Cedar Ridge, or any of the other Corps-managed parks, visit the reservations website at: www.recreation.gov, or call (877) 444-6777.

Above, Lake Belton Park Rangers Scott Blank (left) and Todd Spivey inspect a park pavilion to ensure the area is clean and in working order. This attention to detail is a contributing factor to the park being named one of the top family camp- grounds in the nation. The park was rated among the Nation’s top 100 parks by the National Recreation Reservation Service in 2009. With over 60,000 reservable facili- ties at over 2,500 locations, the NRRS is the largest outdoor recreation reservation service in the country. Photo right, Cedar Ridge Park Volunteer Carlene Fritz uses a golf cart to service the 2,300 acre facility, which offers 68 recreational vehicle and tent camp sites. “Our overall goal is to ensure the park is well maintained and park rules are obeyed so that everyone can enjoy their visit at our facility,” said Fritz. “This job requires people skills and I enjoy work- ing with, and helping people.” Fritz is a retired registered nurse from Watertown, S.D.

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 29 Racing fun Special children have an Olympic day By Cheri Dragos-Pritchard Little Rock District

Helmets were donned, feet were in motion, some hands and knees were skinned and, ultimately, medals were awarded during the Special Olympics 5 kilometer cross-country bike and foot race events hosted by Little Rock District’s Greers Ferry Project Office. Rangers and other volunteers from Greers Ferry Lake, located in Heber Springs, Ark., gathered at Dam Site Park Oct. 19 to help organize more than 40 young athletes, ensuring the route was safe and the winners were rewarded for their efforts. Time trials for younger athletes were held first, to be followed by the 5K bike ride for the rest of the participants, Ranger Gary Ivy said. Rangers Bruce Moyer, John Bridgeman, Ivy and volunteer Ron Gillespie (a retired Corps member) were at various locations throughout the park. They provided traffic control, made sure the cyclists Courtesy photo stayed on the trail and furnished some minor first Special Olympic athletes race down a hill during an event held at Little Rock District’s Greers Ferry Lake recently. Park rangers aid to those who had a tumble. helped organize the event for 40-50 participants. The athletes “Safety was our first priority, Ivy said. “We had competed in foot and bike races and had lunch after. to grab one young man, and his bicycle, to keep him “I had to convince him to let me help him,” from crashing into boulders along the path. I guess Moyer said. “I calmly told him I could make it feel he was too excited, or panicked and forgot to use better, if he’d let me. The boy said, ‘it bleeding, you his brakes to slow down enough to make his turn give me band aid?’ I told him yes, I’d clean it up around the traffic cones. Once we got him back on and give him a good ole band aid. I cleaned it and course, everyone cheered for him until he reached had to get creative to keep the bandage on – I put a the finish line.” rubber glove over his hand. He was my best friend Moyer recalled one little girl during the bike from that point on, and he thought the glove was race, saying, “I wish I had taken photos of one girl the coolest thing.” in particular.” All of the rangers agreed that the award ceremo- The girl had a helmet that was too big for her, ny was their favorite part of the event. Everyone and the straps weren’t properly tightened. So every was so supportive of their fellow competitors’ time she hit a bump the helmet ended up in front of accomplishments, Bridgeman said. Nobody was her eyes, Moyer explained. She would have to stop disappointed if they didn’t win first place. They just and adjust it or try to look through the vent slots. seemed genuinely pleased they had competed. “I called her over and asked if I could help her Moyer presented the awards to the athletes, but out,” Moyer said. “She let me, and seemed very Ivy said each of them had a big smile as their name grateful. She was the smallest participant with the was called. biggest helmet. She had a huge smile when I sent “I hope that this is the beginning of an annual her on her way.” event at Greers Ferry,” Ivy said. Moyer also said he had to provide some minor Greers Ferry Maintenance worker Dannie Travis first aid to one of the athletes. A boy had wrecked and volunteer Bill Fulford made sure the Josh his bike and was pushing it back to the starting line when Moyer came upon him. Se e “Ol y m p i cs ” n e x t p a g e

30 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Regulatory issues , Missouri agencies ties within the Fayetteville Shale Transportation Department, meet to discuss programs area,” she said. Arkansas Game and Fish A frac pond holds water and Commission, Arkansas Natural sand that is used when drilling Heritage Commission and By Cheri Dragos-Pritchard hundreds of feet into the ground. Arkansas Historic Properties Little Rock District The forced fluids expand the rock Program. fractures where the gas is found, Little Rock also hosted the Little Rock District Regulatory Blansett explained. annual meeting of the Missouri Division hosted two annual Dr. Gary Tucker, of FTN Board of Directors Jan. 12. The interagency meetings recently to Associates, a gas company meeting included board members promote consistency in the regu- consultant in the region, made a and representatives from the latory programs across Arkansas presentation about mitigation for Corps’ divisions and districts and Missouri. the frac ponds, Blansett said. within the state of Missouri. Discussions during the There was also an update on The meeting highlighted Arkansas meeting included the new regional wetland supple- topics of environmental concern updates on the Fayetteville ments. among federal and state agencies Shale Task Force, including the Also in attendence were within Missouri, Blansett said. new proposed Regional General Memphis and Vicksburg Topics included items such as Permit and Regional Condition districts, the U.S. Fish and transportation issues, mitigation 5 permits, Cynthia Blansett, an Wildlife Service, Natural and mitigation assessment meth- environmental protection special- Resources Conservation Service, ods and policy procedures. ist with Little Rock District’s Environmental Protection “These meetings keep the Regulatory Division said. Agency, Federal Highway Regulatory Division and federal “We also talked about the Administration, Arkansas and state agencies up to date recent linear gas projects and Department of Environmental with the most current regula- gas company ‘frac’ pond activi- Quality, Arkansas Highway and tions and policies,” Blansett said. Olympics continued from previous page

Park Memorial Trail was in top condition for the 5K cross-country race, Chief Ranger Joe Harper said. Diane Wentz and Jessica Fagan of the Area 16 Special Olympics committee orga- nized the event and arranged the lunch for all the participants. “We really appreciated the help,” Wentz said in an e-mail. “We plan to have the cycling and cross country events at Dam Site Park again next year.” Fagan wrote a letter to Harper and said, “the event was a huge success. Our athletes had a blast, and your rangers were awesome. We could not have pulled it off without their Co u r t e s y p h o t o Ranger Bruce Moyer gives a Special Olympics athlete a medal during help. They went above and beyond – the the awards ceremony Oct. 19. Greers Ferry park rangers helped orga- athletes loved them.” nize the races for more than 40 competitors.

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 31 My time in Afghanistan By Paris Embree – Afghanistan. The ANP program is Programs Directorate The rest of my time was spent responsible for construction of Southwestern Division dining in the best dining facility ANP District and Provincial in the country, exercising in the Headquarters buildings, gym, or participating in other National Training Centers, morale, welfare and recreational National Fire Training Centers, activities. and Medical Facilities. The If asked if I‘d go back or program total was more than $1 recommend deployment to billion, and in at least one year others, the answer is a resound- the awards were $600 million. ing “Yes!” Standard building design AED celebrated its five year packages were developed and anniversary last summer, and improved every year for consis- the new AED South District tency, cost savings, construc- stood up last year. Both districts tability, and bid-ability. Many are providing challenging work initiatives had to be developed After returning from a 13 for all career fields. There are due to the volume and nature of month assignment in Kabul, at least six major programs: the work by AED and continue Afghanistan, I would like to Military Construction, Afghan now to tap the creative nature of share a few words about my National Police, Afghan the AED staff. deployment. There are many National Army, Roads and One of the most exciting reasons for people to deploy: the Support for Others, Operations things was being able to travel money; the experience of a new and Maintenance and Minor around the country. I went east job; and, adventure. I went for Construction, and Water and toward Pakistan, to Marshal adventure and I got it. Infrastructure. Each program Kamal, along deep canyon roads Living and working at Qalaa has its own customers, budgets, that skirted rippled, layered House in Kabul was nothing and funding streams. bands of different colored like I expected. What I did Construction of facilities in soils. I traveled north toward expect was to be “camping.” So, Afghanistan is difficult because Uzbekistan to the Mazar Sharif I packed only essentials and of the rugged terrain, ranging area, which looked like the prepared for the rough life. from high mountain ranges to foothills of the Alps with green In reality, the Afghanistan desert flatlands, and materials pastures dotted with herds of Engineer District is located had to be transported at times sheep. From there I traveled within the “Green Zone” in by air or carried in by donkeys. south to Kandahar and Terin Kabul, close to the Embassies Security issues were chal- Kowt, a desert with ribbons of and the International Security lenging, safeguarding workers green farmlands, to the west Assistance Force. The living and materials going to, or at, close to Iran to Herat, a metro- conditions at Qalaa House are the sites. politan city with streetlights good, though most share a room And finally, the weather, and trees that was not ravaged for at least three months before either flooding of rivers caus- by the last 50 years of fight- receiving a private room. ing bridges to be washed out, ing. The country was beautiful, The majority of my time or snow, which at times made harsh, and alien to me. was spent working seven it almost impossible to travel to Working at AED was one of days a week, traveling to job construction sites. the best jobs I have had. The sites, field offices, and visit- The volume of work was challenge, the adventure, the ing with the customer, the incredible. In the ANP program innovative and professional Combined Security Command there were approximately 40 staffs, and the dynamic work- – Afghanistan, which is now sites completed, more than 300 ing environment were energiz- the North Atlantic Treaty ongoing construction sites and ing and rewarding. If given the Organization Training Mission 150 plus to be awarded in 2010. chance to work in AED, take it.

32 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Partnering program helps keep Corps dollars at area lakes Story and photo by Darlene Moore requirements of the plan. Fort Worth District Each park has a limited operations and maintenance plan The gate attendants at Hickory funded by regular appropriations. Creek Campground at Lewisville This partnership funding enables Lake are seeing new benefits that the parks to meet their OMP’s. stem from the recently created One specific goal of the OLWF partnership between the U.S. is to work closely with the Army Corps of Engineers and Our Lewisville Lake Environmental Lands and Waters Foundation. Learning Area at the lake to build The Corps entered into a joint interpretive centers in various cooperative agreement with parks. OLWF, a non-profit organization LLELA is a consortium of local, created to upgrade and enhance state, national governments, and parks owned by the Corps. educational institutions for the An initial benefit the gate preservation and restoration of attendants noticed was that they native habitat and biodiversity; get paid in three days instead environmental education and of ten days, said Brenda and environmental research. Eddy Freeman, Hickory Creek Another plan is to work with the Campground gate attendants. Boy Scouts of America and area Tom Burrell, director of OLWF, YMCA’s to participate in park an avid outdoorsman, and frequent cleanup and beautification efforts. camper at Corps parks, recognized “The parks are looking so much the need for additional funding for better already since the Corps the facilities. teamed up with OLWF and it looks “I did extensive research through like it will continue to get better a feasibility study and mock and better” said Audrey Nowel, foundation study to arrive at a gate attendant at West Lake Park. workable solution to succeed where “This is a team effort working others did not” said Burrell. closely with the Corps, gate His goal was to bring funds into attendants, contractors, volunteers, Courtesy photo the parks to update the facilities. and the businesses that lease from Audrey Nowel a West Lake Park gate Before the agreement the Corps, said Burrell. “We are all attendant at Lewisville Lake awaits park appropriations were designated for working towards the same goal, to visitors to arrive so she can assist them the operations and maintenance update and modernize these dated with passes and park information. costs, but were insufficient for the facilities”.

Tulsa District Rangers earn award for outstanding customer care By Stephanie Cowan The rangers respond- Native American. Pacesetter Staff ed to a call that human The nomination skeletal remains had praised the rangers for Park rangers Grady been discovered in their professionalism Dobbs and Isaac Martin a cutbank at a Lake and for clutural sensi- were the fourth quarter Texoma recreation area tivity which demon- Customer Care Award last August. strated their “extraor- winners for Tulsa They first met offi- dinary respect for the District, for profession- cers from the Oklahoma cultural heritage of the alism while accommo- State Bureau of people served by Tulsa dating representatives Investigation who deter- District.” mined that the remains They were praised for Grady Dobbs is one of the from the Choctaw and fourth quarter Customer Chickasaw Nations. were not recent in origin going “well beyond the Care Award winners for Tulsa but instead were historic scope of their duties. District

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 33 Childhood hobby rekindled by daughter’s project leads to new business Story by Denisha Braxton about craft shows, and how to Fort Worth District market his wares. Bernier created over 300 items At the age of 10 he discovered to place in his inventory, and he a passion for woodworking. attended 26 shows that inaugural He learned the fundamentals year. and techniques from his father, Bernier began searching for but preferred to work on his own, events with big volumes of people so he played around with tools such as Grapefest in Grapevine, and different odds and ends from Texas, and Mayfest at Trinity the garage. Park in Fort Worth, Texas Alain Bernier continued his and Heritage Weekend at Six hobby throughout the years and Flags over Texas, which usually even sold a piece here and there. attracted about 300,000 people. Then, Bernier’s woodworking “I recommend to anyone that took a different direction when starts their own business is to his 13 year old daughter needed have discipline”, said Bernier. help making stage props for a He put in a lot of hard work school project. into his wood working, but found “It was a father-daughter proj- it to be a stress reliever. ect, a way for us to stay tight,” Photo by Jim Frisinger Bernier pushed his wood work- said Bernier the Engineering Alain Bernier, Engineering and Construction ing to the side for the past three and Construction Supporrt Office Supporrt Office Facility Branch program manag- years to support his wife and her er shows a sample of his woodworking. Facility Branch program manag- battle with cancer. er. aspect of woodwork called wood- “Although the past years have Short on materials for the proj- turning, a form of woodworking been challenging, she is a survi- ect, he began gathering discarded used to create wooden objects, vor”, said Bernier. wood, and going to local cabinet while a stationary tool is used to His wife is doing well and shops, and before he knew it he cut and shape it. continues to fight the disease. had filled a two-car garage with Once he made these items, Bernier hopes to resume his wood. Bernier began to consider ways wood working this year at a Bernier’s first woodworking in which the pieces could be sold, gradual pace. projects began with making basic thus was born Idle Time, his “I encourage everyone to find chop blocks, cutting boards and business for ten years. something as an outlet, said lazy susans. The first year he operated the Bernier. “ It did my family some Bernier also explored another business, Bernier learned all good.”

ElkThe Elk RiverRiver Hiking Trail Hiking at Elk City Lake Trail has 24 finalists. finalist in contest been nominated and is one of 24 finalists in the “8 Public votes are being accepted until midnight, Wonders of Kansas Geography” contest sponsored Feb. 17. by the Kansas Sampler Foundation. To place a vote for 8 of the 24 finalists in the The Elk River Hiking Trail is a Corps of contest, go to: www.kansassampler.org/8wonders, Engineers trail at Elk City Lake and is adminis- then click on the box for the “8 wonders of Kansas tered by Corps of Engineers personnel from the Big Geography” contest. Hill Lake Office. There will be information about each of the 24 It is a National Recreation Trail that is main- finalists that have been nominated in the competi- tained by the Corps of Engineers and many volun- tion. teers from the Kansas Trails Council, Friends of Competition is stiff among the finalists, so take FlatRock Foundation, Boy Scouts, and others who the time to vote for these two Tulsa District proj- have taken a special interest in the trail. ects, or simply go to the website to see and read In addition, Cross Timbers State Park on more about the great recreational places the state Toronto Lake has also gained status as one of the of Kansas has to offer.

34 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 St.Story and Nick photo by Melanie enlists Ellis The LDP Fort is responsible Worthfor District Fort Worth District hosting the Angel Tree project and tried a different approach to Children and adults around market the project to the District. North Texas celebrated the 2009 “This year we used a Share Holiday season with some extra Point site that was set up by helpers enlisted by St. Nick – the John Davis, process improvement Fort Worth District. specialist, Southwestern Division, The Fort Worth District to distribute the list of Angels Leadership Development Program across the entire District,” said wrapped up the annual Corps Gardner. Cares at Christmas Angel Tree The response was immediate Project Dec. 8 and 9 and provided and within three days all of the Christmas to nearly 100 people in Angels were adopted. Requests Tarrant County. from District team members for “The Angel Tree was a great additional Angels continued. success this year,” said Joyce The original adoption list had Johns, contract specialist, about 50 Angels but by incor- Contracting Division. “The Fort porating a Share Point site and broadening the distribution and Worth District team was extremely Courtesy photo generous.” the generosity of the District, the The District supported contributions nearly doubled, said Left to right, Sue Jones, Joyce Johns, Gardner. and Sharon Roberson, all from the four Cornerstone Families, 25 Contracting Division, show some of Willoughby House girls, the The LDP team was recognized the gifts collected for the Corps Cares general wish list for Willoughby and congratulated by Col. Richard at Christmas Angel Tree Program. The House and 48 children from Child J. Muraski, Jr., commander, Fort Angel Tree Program is sponsored by the Worth District, for their project Leadership Development Program. This Protective Services, said Justin year the Fort Worth District was able to Gardner, park ranger, Lewisville organization and team work. provide Christmas for 93 people in the Lake. “Thank you so much for you Fort Worth area. “In all the Fort Worth District generous time, energy and dedica- helped 93 individuals through tion in support of those in need,” he benefitted from your efforts will be donations of toys, gifts and food,” said. “Thank you for your leader- thankful in more ways than you he said. ship and work ethic. Those who can ever imagine.”

Holiday fun with Bobber the Water Safety Dog The Kansas Area Office celebrated the holidays by decorating the park ranger truck and boat with Christ- mas lights and participating in the Burlington, Kansas Christmas Night Parade. The mascot Bobber, the Water Safety Dog, (actually ranger Kyle Manwaring) and park ranger Gary Simmons walked alongside the boat and gave away water safety promotional items to the crowd, while two volunteers, wearing their life jackets, rode inside boat during the parade. Photo left, Bobber hands out good- ies to parade-watchers. Photo right, the ranger boat makes it way along the parade route.

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 35 Galveston District Planning and Environmental Chief retires By Isidro Reyna “The major accomplish- limited reevaluation Pacesetter Staff ment in the first half of report and the environ- my career was making mental impact study There’s much to be sure that all of our that was produced in said about a Galveston operations and mainte- 1996.” District employee who nance dredging projects “At the time, it was can describe both a were in compliance with the largest construc- highlight and lowlight of NEPA.” tion and environmental his career in one event According to Medina, restoration project in the – kissing a pig named NEPA was just the Galveston District,” said Miss Priss. beginning of a multitude Medina. “The environ- For Richard “Rick” of requirements that all mental and planning Medina, Planning and federal agencies had to issues involved in that Environmental Branch meet. project led to the forma- chief, that’s one of “Ensuring that the tion of interagency maintenance dredg- coordination teams and the many memories Richard Medina he’ll leave behind as ing program continued it’s a process that contin- he embarks on a new Environmental Policy in the face of this new ues to this day. It’s been chapter of his life follow- Act or NEPA in 1969,” environmental legisla- praised and lauded by ing his retirement from said Medina. “The Corps tion was a challenge,” agencies and used as a the U.S. Army Corps of was required to start said Medina. “Helping model on how the Corps Engineers, Galveston complying with that Act to improve the dredging should be operating District, Jan. 3, 2010, and several biologists program while minimiz- – being inclusive and after more than 36 years had been hired in the ing its impact on the collaborating on proj- of dedicated service to environmental section, environment was where ects.” the nation. but on the operations I believe I contributed In his current posi- When asked if he side, there were none. the most.” tion, Medina has been remembered his first day They were looking for Implementing benefi- responsible for all plan- at the Corps, he jokingly someone to coordinate cial uses of dredged ning and environmental replied that he had those requirements material and initiating activities associated trouble remembering with the environmental a water and sediment with the district’s multi- last week. group.” sampling program that’s billion dollar navigation, “My first recollection “To their credit, the still in place today are flood risk management of that time is of being engineers recognized other accomplishments, and environmental an environmental person they had to have some- according to Medina. restoration projects. in an office that was one who could under- “I initiated the dredg- According to Medina, very skeptical of an envi- stand the environmental ing conferences that are there is more recognition ronmental person,” said requirements and still still held today,” said about environmental Medina. “I was the first represent the operations Medina. “At the time constraints and environ- environmental person issues,” said Medina. it was environmental mental needs. in what was called “The Corps was used to agencies and dredg- “In the earlier part the Operations and doing things a certain ing contractors coming of my career, it was Maintenance Branch, way and NEPA forced together to hear each always kind of a battle,” the equivalent of today’s everyone to change the other’s concerns.” said Medina. “Trying to Operations Division. It way things had been “The second half of satisfy the engineering was a branch with senior done in the past. I think my career has been in requirements and the civil engineers and here it was very enlightening the planning and envi- environmental require- was this young environ- for both of us.” ronmental area,” said ments would always lead mental person who they “The first part of my Medina. “My most signif- to some compromise.” knew they had to start career, the first 17 years, icant accomplishment is “Today there is a working with.” I spent in the Operations related to the Houston much greater under- “The reason I was and Maintenance Galveston Navigation standing of the environ- hired was because of the Branch or the dredging Channels project -- the mental requirements passage of the National world,” said Medina. See “Medina” next page

36 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Medina continued from previous page

an exceptionally talent- he’s in because he’s been miss Medina’s personal- ed agency,” said Medina. the chief for both of ity.” “The employees are the sections he manag- “I remember one year caring, dedicated, devot- es,” said Laird. “He’s the district was raising ed and often passionate immensely qualified, funds for the recreation about making sure that he’s a very good mentor, committee and I was the job is done right with an excellent boss, very Rick’s campaign manag- quality and care. tolerant and one of the er during the kiss a pig “It’s been a great things that I’ll miss is contest,” said Laird. career and I couldn’t his humor. “Thanks to success- have done it without a “He’s very witty, very ful campaigning, we got Richard (Rick) Medina in lot of help from a lot of funny and extraordinari- him to kiss a pig. He was earlier years at the Galveston people both past and ly smart,” said Laird. good about that,” said District. present,” said Medina. “He’s going to leave a Laird. “I’ve progressed further big hole in Galveston As for kissing a pig, and a willingness to find then I’ve ever imagined District because he’s so that’s not something a solution that benefits and it’s a credit to a knowledgeable and so Medina plans to pick up the environment,” said great organization like well-qualified for the job as a hobby. Medina. the Corps that gives you he has.” Besides building a “The recognition that the opportunity to excel, “My hope is that he house in Bastrop, Texas, environmental concerns achieve and succeed. pays as much attention Medina plans to travel, are an integral part proj- Co-worker Diana to having fun with his do some part-time ect design, planning and Laird, chief of the family and his retire- consulting, and learn to construction is a great district’s planning ment as with the atten- play golf. reflection on the Corps’ section, is thankful tion and dedication he “As a retiree, I feel commitment to the envi- for Medina’s support gave to his job while he obliged to take up golf,” ronment.” throughout the years. worked at the Galveston said Medina. “I think it’s “The Galveston “Rick is really excep- District.” a prerequisite and I’m District and the Corps is tional in the role that Laird says she’ll also going to give that a try.”

Park Ranger awarded for ‘selfless service’ John Redmond Lake Park Ranger Martin Ramirez is the third quarter Customer Care Award winner for Tulsa District. Ramirez was recognized for exemplary actions during the prolonged flood events that occurred earlier this year at the lake. Ramirez was instrumental throughout the restoration process and, after the water levels receded, demonstrated self- less service by removing drift and debris from Corps structures. Ramirez also spent considerable time repairing lake facilities to ensure safe public access and customer satisfaction. “Mr. Ramirez is a very versatile and extremely proficient employee who is always willing to help with anything neces- sary to accomplish the Corps’ mission. He is a widely respected employee, greatly valued by his co-workers, the general public, and our various partners around the lake,” said Allen Ryan, Park Ranger Martin Ramirez is the third quarter Customer Care Award winner for acting Operations Project Manager of the Kansas Area. Tulsa District

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 37 The Greatest gift of all: Giving By Ron Elliott North Carolina who is currently teachers, administrators and Gulf Region District serving her second tour in Iraq, principals came together and said that going out into the donated over 40,000 pencils.” BAGHDAD – The old saying community to distribute school “Additionally, the shipping of “It is better to give than to supplies and toys to the Iraqi costs were covered by several receive” rings true for members children was the best gift she local companies and by a local of the Gulf Region District, U.S. could receive during the holiday law firm—Perdue, Brandon, Army Corps of Engineers in Iraq. season. Fielder, Collins and Mott, LLP,” Because of the generosity of “It touches your heart to see said Sopher. individuals and groups in the their smiles and how much they The Corps of Engineers has U.S., GRD is doing more than appreciated something as small put the hard work and generosity just brick and mortar reconstruc- as a stuffed animal or pencils,” of the Texas school district, and tion projects—they are touching said Beck. other organizations throughout lives and bringing smiles to Iraqi “I am so proud to be a part the United States, to good use by children. of the district team and all the making an impact on the hearts A GRD team, headed up tremendous reconstruction and minds of hundreds of thou- by the commander, Col. Dan efforts [we] are doing, but to visit sands of Iraqi children in schools, Anninos, made holiday visits the children is truly a memorable hospitals, orphanages and neigh- to schools, hospitals and neigh- event. The future is for the chil- borhoods throughout Iraq. borhoods to hand-out school dren,” added Beck. There are 38 school projects supplies, soccer balls, blankets Earlier this year, GRD ongoing countrywide, and since and toys to children around received more than 40,000 the reconstruction effort began Baghdad. pencils from the Arlington in 2003, the U. S. Army Corps of “The primary purpose of the Independent School District in Engineers has completed more visit was to see how well these Texas. than 1,130 school projects. facilities were being maintained The school district wanted to “These relatively inexpensive and operated,” said Anninos. do something for the children of projects represent an absolute Several of the locations were Iraq and decided to participate investment in the future of Iraq,” the sites of initial reconstruc- in the “Marking History” pencil added Anninos. tion projects GRD, either built drive, said Veronica Sopher, In addition to the schools, or renovated, and turned over to director of public information for USACE has completed more the Iraqis. AISD. than 4,500 projects focused on Lindsey Beck, a Department “The response was tremen- rebuilding vital infrastructure of the Army civilian and a dous,” said Sopher in an e-mail. such as water supply systems, facilities manager from Raleigh, “In two weeks time, students, sewage treatment centers, elec- trical power plants, hospitals and Lindsey Beck, health clinics, and housing and (left) a Depart- transportation networks. ment of the All this while simultaneously Army civilian and USACE employee working to develope the capac- hands out pencils ity of the Iraqi people to be able during a stop to operate and maintain these outside a neigh- facilities long after U.S. forces borhood school west of Baghdad. leave Iraq. More than 40,000 As the members of GRD pencils were sent continue to make progress and from AISD to the make a difference in the lives of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers the people of Iraq, they are living for distribution out what Winston Churchill so throughout Iraq. aptly stated: “We make a living (GRD Photo by by what we get; we make a life Ron Elliott). by what we give.”

38 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Congratulations Directorate, since 2007. District. Laird brings Division, Programs PacesetterCharles Peterson, a variety of experiencePoints Directorate, SWD head- Juston Johnson, contracting specialist, to the position, most quarters, 3 Jan. cartographer, joined recently joined the SWD recently as chief of the SWD’s 273rd Forward 273rd FEST, Readiness Planning Section. Retirement Engineering Support and Operations Division. Little Rock’s Mike Team, Readiness and Peterson is work- Hurley was selected Linda Noland, Operations Division, ing in the Military as a supervisory natu- security specialist, SWD Oct. 13. Contingency Contracting ral resource specialist headquarters, retired Rustom Contractor, Team office at Fort at Beaver Lake Project Jan. 2 with more than mechanical engineer, Worth District. Office. 32 years of service to the joined the SWD 273rd Nick Bordlemay Little Rock welcomed Corps, all with SWD. FEST, Readiness and joined the SWD head- Jim Hill to the Abel Contreras from Operations Division, quarters as finance Operations Division the Galveston District Oct. 25 with a duty and accounting officer, as a natural resources retired Dec. 31. station at Tinker Air Resource Management specialist at Table Rock Bill Hopkins from Force Base, OK. Division, Regional Lake Project Office. Hill the Galveston District Andrew Montez, Business Directorate, came from St. Louis retired Jan. 2. program analyst, Jan. 3. Bordlemay District. Rick Medina, Business Management comes to the divi- Little Rock selected Galveston District’s Division, Regional sion from Fort Worth Mike Lee as the new Planning and Business Directorate, District’s Finance and Resource Management Environmental Branch joined SWD headquar- Accounting Office. Division officer. He Chief, retired Jan. 3, ters Oct. 25. Montez last James Meyer, replaced Marci Sablan 2010 after more than 36 served in the Chicago Jr., appraiser, joined who went to the South years of Federal service. District. Real Estate Division, Pacific Division. Little Rock’s Bob Tim Foster, elec- Programs Management Little Rock selected Wenger, facility mainte- trical engineer, joined Directorate, SWD head- Mike Biggs as the nance inspector, retired the SWD 273rd quarters, Jan. 3. Meyer Reservoir Control in November after 38 FEST, Readiness and comes to the Corps from Section chief. Biggs years of service. Operations Division, the Department of the comes over from Little Rock’s Bob Nov. 8 with a duty Interior. He also worked the Planning and Sparks, civil engineer station at Little Rock for the U.S. Navy and Environmental Office. technician, retired Air Force Base. Foster the private sector, with Little Rock selected Jan. 3 after 30 years of comes to the division a total of 25 years of real Nick Mitchell to service. from private industry. estate experience. become the deputy Little Rock’s Kandy Frye, Ron Bell was recent- operations manager Clarence Johnson, program analyst, joined ly selected as SWD at Pine Bluff Project engineer technician, the Military Integration headquarters’ new chief, Office. Mitchell comes retired in December Division, Programs Water Management over to Pine Bluff from after 20 years of service. Directorate, Jan. 3. and Infrastructure the Navigation and Little Rock’s Sheila Frye served as SWD’s Safety Branch, Business Maintenance Section. Ellis, statistical assis- acting budget officer Technical Division, Larry Leahy, tant, retired Jan. 2 after from October through Regional Business program manager, 30 years of service. December, 2009. Prior Directorate. transferred from Little Rock’s Rick to that position, Frye Diana Laird Military Programs Amos, engineer techni- served as a manage- was selected as (duty station with the cian, retired Jan. 2 after ment analyst, Resource chief, Planning and U.S. Environmental 32 years of service. Management Division, Environmental Branch Protection Agency) to continued on next Regional Business for the Galveston Civil Works Integration page

Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 39 Little Rock’s Benny Automotive, Life Cycle joined Galveston weighing 7 pounds, 5 Haney, engineer tech Management Command District Oct. 26 as a ounces. nician, retires Jan. 29 and Tactical Vehicles contract specialist. Andrea Lewis, after 30 years of service. System Contracting Before joining the Little Rock’s Operations Little Rock’s Anita Group in Warren, Mich. district, the Cleveland, chief married David Harris, logistics Washington is the Mississippi native was McDaniel Dec. 1. She is technician, retired in seventh child of 13 and a contract specialist now Andrea Murdock- December after 30 years has one son, Jamar, for the Army Material McDaniel. of service. who attends Tuskegee Command in the Humberto Troche, Paul Shockley, University in Alabama. FELLOWS program. civil engineering techni- Conservation Specialist, She enjoys danc- Nichols is married cian for the Galveston Northern Area Office ing, going on cruises, with two daughters. District, Southern Area is retiring effective and reading suspense He enjoys deep sea Office, and his wife March 1, 2010. Paul novels. fishing, reading, SEC welcomed Christopher has served Tulsa She is glad to be back football and weight lift- Matthew Troche, Nov. District for more than in Texas and at the ing. 20, weighing 7 pounds, 30 years, working at Galveston District. 10 ounces. Wister, Tenkiller, John Eric Wood joined DEPARTURES Mike Sells, civil Redmond, Oologah, the Galveston District engineering techni- and the Northern Area Nov. 23 as a civil engi- Stephen Rodgers cian at the Galveston Office. neer in the Hydraulics departed the district District, and his wife Little Rock’s Dean Branch. Nov. 9 to join the welcomed Emery Grace Erickson of the Wood was born in Omaha District Real Nov. 18, weighing 6 Logistics Branch retired East Lansing, Mich., Estate Division. pounds, 11 ounces. from the Army Reserve but grew up in Houston Thomas Benero Veronica Dec. 31 after serving 29 and graduated from the took a position as the Benavides welcomed years. University of Texas in Chief of Contracting for two grandchildren Austin. the Fort Worth District recently. Before joining the San Antonio Office at Peyton Marie district, he was a senior Fort Sam Houston. Reynolds was born to engineer in Houston daughter Kimberley and for PBS&J. Wood is a Steven Reynolds Oct. Registered Professional FAMILY 29, weighing 7 pounds, Engineer in Texas and MATTERS 12 ounces. Florida and a certified Kim is an SCEP floodplain manager. Little Rock’s employee in the His interests include Sylvester Jackson of Northern Area Office. sports and music. the Pine Bluff Project Nathan Gregory Thomas Schmidt Office and wife, Aisha, Benavides was born to arrived at Galveston welcomed daughter, son Jerry Benavides Jr Little Rock’s Dean Erickson District Oct. 11 as an Mia Camille, Jan. 5, and his wife Katie, Dec. administrative support 2, weighing 7 pounds, 5 assistant in the ounces. ARRIVALS Regulatory Branch. Christopher Ty Before joining Keeler, 7 lbs, 2 oz, was Elois Washington the district, the born Feb 2, to Fort arrived at Galveston Milwaukee, Wisconsin Gibson Master Plant District Nov. 2 as a native worked as Superintendent Chris contract specialist. a human resource Keeler and his wife. Before joining the assistant with the district, the Marshall, U.S. Army Recruiting Texas native was a Battalion. Newborn Mia Camile Jack- senior contract special- His hobbies include son, daughter of Sylveester continued on next ist and lead negotiator disc golf and bicycling. and Aisha Jackson, weighed for the U.S. Army Tank Aldrich Nichols 7 pounds, 5 ounces at birth. page

40 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 Fort Worth District welcomes newest employees Gregory Scheurich Civil Engineer Engineering and Construction October 1 Kolawole Dunni Realty Specialist Real Estate October 11 William Key Realty Specialist Real Estate October 11 Diane Vinson Program Analyst Operations October 11 Gary White Architect Intern Joint Program Management Office October 12 Andrew Bury Civil Engineer Engineering and Construction October 13 Robert Johnson Project Coordiantor Engineering and Construction October 13 Clifton Peters Project Coordiantor Engineering and Construction October 13 Landra Robinson Program Analyst Project Management October 13 Clayton Waller Construction Inspector Engineering and Construction October 13 Roberta Cromeens Cost Price Analyst Contracting October 25 Timothy Batson Civil Engineer Engineering and Construction October 26 David Dawson Mechanical Engineer Tech. Engineering and Construction October 26 Carols Denson Project Coordiantor Project Management October 26 Glenn Druzba Landscape Architect Engineering and Construction October 26 Jackie Etheridge Term Maintenance Worker Operations October 26 Chris Graber OESS Planning, Environmental and Regulatory October 26 Michael Hornbeck Construction Inspector Engineering and Construction October 26 Brant Jensen Civil Engineer Engineering and Construction October 26 Thaddeus Jones SES Maintenance Worker Operations October 26 Maximilian Maule Mech. Engineer Tech. Engineering and Construction October 26 Frederick McGee Mech. Engineer Intern Engineering and Construction October 26 Larry Rives Program Specialist Project Management October 26 David Baker Realty Specilaist Real Estate November 8 Curtis Delille Realty Specilaist` Real Estate November 8 David Brown Supervisory Civil Engineer Engineering and Construction November 9 Roger Davis Construction Inspector Engineering and Construction November 9 Raymond Hernandez Engineering Tech. (student) Engineering and Construction November 9 Samuel Howarth Civil Engineer Engineering and Construction November 9 Michael Kingston Program Manager Project Management November 9 Wilfredo Lugo-Medina Construction Inspector Fort Bliss Program Office November 9 Jacob Matthews III Civil Engineer Engineering and Construction November 9 Justin Mauney Engineering Tech. (student) Engineering and Construction November 9 Gary Mezger Supervisory Civil Engineer Engineering and Construction November 9 Ray Proske Project Coordinator Engineering and Construction November 9 Jacob Whiteker Mechanical Engineer Engineering and Construction November 9 Louise Brubaker Program Analyst Real Estate November 22 Carl Hawkins Program Manager Project Management November 22 James Richardson Program Manager Project Management November 22 Nathaniel Zabel Program Manager Project Management November 22 Eduardo Cabrea Construction Inspector Engineering and Construction November 23 Neal Current Construction Inspector Fort Bliss Program Office November 23 James Gilbert Construction Inspector Fort Bliss Program Office November 23 Cary Gollnick Construction Inspector Engineering and Construction November 23 Larry Holloway Mechanical Engineer Intern Joint Program Management Office November 23 Jimmy Rawlings Civil Engineer Engineering and Construction November 23 Jeffrey Allen General Engineer Engineering and Construction December 6 Tamoria Blond Program Analyst Engineering and Construction December 6 Boris Haase Architect Project Management December 6 Viet Nguyen Civil Engineer Project Management December 6 Cole Furqueron Civil Engineer Intern Joint Program Management Office December 7 Jose Lujan Program Analyst Project Management December 20 Derek Maxwell Administrative Support Tech Real Estate December 20 David Mindieta Realty Specialist Real Estate December 20

continued on next page Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010 41 Condolences Texas. Gene, who of Distinguished Civilian Christian University retired i Employees, Arthur M. before joining the U.S. n 1992, served the Hull and Francis H. Army Corps of Engineers Southwestern Division in 1949. as a secretary in the “Frank” Ivers, Jr. He retired from the Personnel office. Hull, a retired engi- Corps in 1979 as chief of Keith Landreth, neering geologist, died the Coordination Section, Environmental Division Nov. 11. Planning Division. Chief, Fort Bliss He was employed by Ivers was an active Directorate of Public the U.S. Army Corps of member and officer Works passed away Jan. Engineers in the Rock 7, 2010. “All of us knew Keith as a dedicated, loyal, talented leader,” said Jason Hauk, director Fort Bliss Program Office. Henry D. Kasten passed away Nov. 12, 2009, fighting a long battle with juvenile diabe- Leonila C. DeLeon, tes. mother of Abel DeLeon, Henry was an engineer passed away Sept. 2, 2009. Arthur M. Hull, Gallery of Francis H. “Frank” Ivers, Gallery Abel works in the distinguished Civilian Employees of Distiguished Civilian Employees Galveston District as a member. plaque etching. Resident Engineer. Island, Ill., district and in Earl Lee of National Active Galveston and Fort Worth Stephens, father of and Retired Federal districts for a period of 38 Rose Caballero, Employees Association years. Equal Employment Chapter 30 in Fort Worth. He retired in 1975 as Opportunity Manager He was inducted into chief of the Foundations for the Galveston the Corps of Engineers and Materials Branch of District, passed away Gallery of Distinguished the Fort Worth District. Dec. 26, 2009. Civilian Employees in His career covered Nikki Shaw, wife of 1997. work on 32 dams and Pine Bluff Park Ranger Henry D. Kasten many waterways Steve Shaw of Little constructed by the Corps Rock District, passed for the Corps of Engineers of Engineers as well as away Jan 16. for 21 years. the foundation work for Bobby Howard Jones, He would work even military structures and father to Little Rock’s when in ICU. airfield facilities during Jan Jones of Reservoir He was dedicated to World War II in Texas, Control Office, passed his clients and profession. Oklahoma and Louisiana. away Dec. 23. He was an advocate for Upon his retirement, Betty Haynes Turner, persons with disabili- he was inducted into the mother-in-law to Little ties. Even with his own Gallery of Distinguished Rock’s Billy Wright of disability he never asked Civilian Employees. the Mailroom, passed for any favors. Ivers, a retired U.S. away Nov. 15. Being blind and with Navy Captain, passed James Long, a Little all his complications of away Oct. 18. Rock retiree, passed diabetes he never gave After leaving active away Jan. 9. up. Navy service, he flew for Regina (Gene) In 2009 the Fort Mercury Airlines and Long, 83, passed away Worth District lost two taught math at Texas Jan. 20 in Lancaster, inductees of the Gallery

42 Pa c e s e t t e r Ja n u a r y 2010