'i i;l t r,) William G. Myers III (ISB #5598) "-].!! Brian C. Wonderlich (ISB #7758) i! Alexandra S. Grande (ISB #9566) HOLLAND & IIART r-r-p P.O.Box2527 Boise, Idaho 83701-2527 Telephone: (208) 342-5000 Facsimile: (208) 343-8869 wmyers@ho1 landhart.com bcwonderlich@hollandhart. com as
[email protected] Attomeys for Senate Leadership IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF'IDAHO In Re: VERIFIED PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS SENATE LEADERSIilP'S NOTICE OFNON-FILING RONALD M. NATE, HEATHER SCOTT, SAGE DIXON, VITO BARBIERI, ERIC REDMAN, RON MENDIVE, MIKE KINGSLEY, THYRA STEVENSON, Supreme Court Docket No. 45001-201'l PRISCILLA GIDDINGS, TERRY GESTRIN, DOROTHY MOON, RYAN KERBY, JUDY BOYLE, GREG CHANEY, BRENT CRANE, LYNN LUKER, JAMES HOLTZCLAW, STEVEN HARRIS, THOMAS DAYLEY, JOHN VANDER WOUDE, CHRISTY ZITO, JEFF THOMPSON, BRYAN ZOLLINGER and KAREY IIANKS, House of Representatives; and STEVE VICK, MARY SOUZA, DAN FOREMAN, STEVEN THAYN, CLIFFORD BAYER, LORI DEN HARTOG, Senators, Petitioners. LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho, in his official capacity, Respondent, and GOVERNOR C.L.'BUTCH" OTTER. Intervenor-Respondent, O Ii TGINAL and SENATOR BRENT HILL in his official capacity as President Pro Tempore; SENATOR BART M. DAVIS, in his official capacity as Majority Leader; SENATOR CHUCK WINDER, in his official capacity as Assistant Majority Leader; SENATOR TODD M. LAKEY, in his official capacity as Majority Caucus Chair; SENATOR MICHELLE STENNETT, in her official capacity as Minority Leader; SENATOR CHERIE BUCKNER-WEBB, in her ofhcial capacitv as Assislant Minority Leader; and SENATO{ MARYANNE JORDAN. in her official capacity as Minority Caucus Chair, Intervenors-Respondents.