Silicon Valley Chapter Military Ofcers Association of America

Volume XIII Issue 10 Oct 2016 OCTOBER LUNCHEONThe SPEAKER Bulletin The chapter’s October speaker will be Luncheon Frederick “Fritz” M. Trapnell Jr, who will 20 October 2016 make an illustrated presentation about his father’s life and achievements. He and his daughter Dana Trapnell Tibbitts wrote Harnessing the Sky: Frederick "Trap" Trapnell, the U.S. Navy's Aviation Pioneer, 1923-1952, a July 2015 book that describes the legacy of the man who has been called “the godfather of current naval aviation and which is said to be one of the best untold stories in 100 years of naval aviation. In 1986, VADM Frederick M. "Trap" Trapnell, USN (July 9, 1902 – January 30, 1975) was inducted into the Naval Aviation Hall of Honor, located at the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, Florida, which enshrines those "who by their actions or achievements made outstanding contributions to Naval Aviation." As chief of Navy flight testing going into WWII, Trap personally defined major Frederick “Fritz” M. Trapnell Jr, design changes to the Vought F4U Corsair that changed the inadequate prototype into Social Hour: 11:00 AM one of the best fighter planes of WWII. Also, with the Pacific War raging, the Navy Luncheon: 11:45 AM Bureau of Aeronautics scrapped the usual Luncheon is $26.00 month’s-long Navy testing and instead See Back Page for Reservations Form and Directions relied on Trap’s judgment to okay production of Grumman’s F6F Hellcat after SEE Page 4 for important changes to a brief test flight. Trap was the first US membership dues and payment dates. Navy pilot to fly a jet aircraft and was considered the outstanding naval test pilot CALENDAR OF EVENTS of his generation. He was instrumental in founding the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School 6 Oct Board Meeting 10:30 AM and played a pivotal role in both the 20 Oct Luncheon 11:00 AM 3 Nov Board Meeting 10:30 AM Cont'd pg 3 17 Nov Luncheon 11:00 AM PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE

Hope all enjoyed the talk regarding the high speed rail. Regardless of your views, I and others I talked with enjoyed the history of the project that lead us up to today. Rod's comments, and those of the public naysayers, brought back memories of the late forties, in Los Angeles/Hollywood, when they stared to put the freeway through down towns and the residential areas. WOW, the press/radio commentators sure had fun with that. As Rod said, OFFICERS, BOARD, AND CHAIRS suppose they had not started back then, where would we be PRESIDENT: CAPT Gil Borgardt USN today? 650-342-1270 1st VP: CDR Ralph Hunt USN I am very sorry to have missed the CALMOAA seminar that 650-967-8467 was held in Las Vegas Sept 22, 23, 24. The Chapter was 2nd VP: CWO5 Robert Landgraf USMC 408-323-8838 represented by Bob Landgraf, our 2nd VP. I look forward to his Secretary: COL Warren Enos AUS report to the Board and I will ask him to give a summary to all at 408-245-2217 Treasurer: CAPT Keith Ott USN the Oct chapter lunch. 530-219-2404 Past President: Lt Col Mike Sampognaro USAF Remember bring a MOAA friend/MOAA prospect with you. 408-779-7389 see you there. DIRECTORS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS CALMOAA CAPT Gil Borgardt USN 650-342-1270 Gil Chaplain vacant Chapter Outreach CWO5 Robert Landgraf USMC 408-323-8838 Commissary/Exchange Advisory SEE Page 4 about MEMBERSHIP DUES!! CDR Ralph Hunt USN 650-967-8467 Directors at Large Lt. Col. Jesse Craddock USAF 650-968-0446 CAPT Lloyd McBeth USN 408-241-3514 Friends-in-Need (FIN) Program CDR Al Mouns USN 408-257-5629 Legislation & Navy League Liaison LCDR Tom Winant USN 650-678-7120 Membership/Recruitment We oppose Proposition 61 because we believe CWO5 Robert Landgraf USMC 408-323-8838 Personal Affairs it could increase the cost of prescription CAPT Robert French USN 650-363-1188 Programs drugs for veterans. CDR Ralph Hunt USN 650-967-8467 ROTC The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs CWO4 Patrick Clark USA 831-402-8548 Surviving Spouse Liason LtCol Charlene Lee USA 510-427-7145 receives special discounts on prescription Scholarship CAPT Paul Barrish USN 408-356-7531 drugs for veterans in honor of their service Travel (Space-A Advisory) vacant to our country. This measure could eliminate Veteran Affairs Lt Col Neil Miles USAF 408-929-1142 these special discounts and increase Web Master Lt Col Mike Sampognaro USAF 408-779-7389 prescription drug costs. A recent analysis by Sergeant at Arms Capt Chris Kachulis USAF 408-395-2853 the VA noted that if Prop. 61 passes it could The Chapter Board meets at the Moffett Air Traffic increase costs to the VA by $3.8 billion Control Tower, Moffett Federal Airfield dollars annually. Bulletin Editor Lt. Col. Mike Sampognaro, USAF [email protected]

“The Bulletin” is published 11 or 12 times annually P.O. BOX 2, Moffett Federal Airfield, CA 94035 Check our website for updates on our Please direct all correspondence to above address fellow Military Association's meetings.

RETIREE ACTIVITIES OFFICE (RAO) Bldg 587 on Wescoat Court, 650-603-8047

- 2 - OCTOBER LUNCHEON SPEAKER contd Our Stories development of WWII Naval aircraft and in B-25s IN THE BRENNER PASS converting the post-World War II Navy's air arm to jet The aircraft touched down on Corsica after a aircraft. bombing mission to the Brenner Pass, a mountain pass through the Alps which forms the border Fritz Trapnell, the author, had a fifty-year career in between Italy and Austria. As the maintenance crew computer and software and engineering conducted a post-flight inspection it was noted that a management – starting with IBM and retiring in 2007 German 88mm projectile entered through the bomb from Hewlett-Packard. He is a life-long aviation bay doors and exited through the top of the aircraft, enthusiast with a special affection for naval aviation. failing to explode. It was a close call for chapter He lives with his wife in Los Altos. member and four term president Lt. Col. Jay Craddock, USAF-Ret, then a 22 year-old Army Air Forces lieutenant and B-25 command pilot.

B-25s crossing the Alps… VADM Trapnell There was only one way the Germans were going to re-supply their beleaguered army in Italy against the relentless assault of the Allies pushing northwards - and that was through the Brenner Pass. The Allies knew that if they could destroy this strategic labyrinth of heavily defended road and rail bridges, the enemy would be forced to surrender or perish. Beginning in January 1944 missions were scheduled to destroy all bridges over the Po River, which paid dividends over nine months later. Corsica as a base proved valuable in the invasion of Southern France. The B-25 Mitchell's did some of the most outstanding work of the war against bridges and gun positions. Lt. Craddock completed flight training at Mather The Three Flying Fish, Naval Air Station Field, was assigned as an instructor pilot at Yuma, Anacostia, 1930. Trapnell is on the right. Arizona flying the AT-6 and at La Junta, Colorado US Naval Historical Center the B-25, and ultimately began air combat operations Cont'd on Pg 7

- 3 - SEPTEMBER SPEAKER REPORT Amtrak’s train #11, the Seattle-Los Angeles MOAA Silicon Valley Chapter (SVC) Coast Starlight, departs San Jose southbound at Membership dues: 10:07 am daily, making 9 intermediate stops including Salinas, San Luis Obispo, Santa This is an early announcement regarding the SVC Barbara, and Van Nuys, arriving at Los Angeles 2017 dues. Union Station at 9:00 pm with total elapsed time As you are aware, each year the SVC annual dues of about 11 hours. Top speed is 79 mph. It has (which are separate from MOAA National dues) been reported to be one of Amtrak’s most popular are required for all SVC Members but not trains in terms of ridership. If all goes according required for Surviving Spouse (formerly called to plan, beginning in 2024-25 it will be possible to Auxiliary). take a high speed train from downtown to downtown Los Angeles in about 2 The SVC Board recently approved the following hours and 40 minutes, following the Inland related to dues for 2017: Empire route through the state's major cities in Renew by 1 December 2016 – $25.00 the Bay Area, Central Valley, and Los Angeles Renew by 31 January 2017 - $30.00 Basin. Top speed will be 220 mph. Renew after 1 February 2017 – $35.00

These dates are required because the SVC Membership Committee needs to report to MOAA National, the names of all the “SVC 2017 Renewed Members” on/or before the date stated.

These dues are to be received by the Chapter Treasurer in our SVC PO Box on or before the stated date (or deliver in person at a SVC luncheon on or before the stated date). Along with the completed renewal form found on the inside-back page of the monthly SVC Bulletin, please mail your check, made out to the “SVC- MOAA”, to the following: The chapter’s September speaker was Mr. Rod Diridon, Sr., known as the father of modern transit SVC-MOAA service in Silicon Valley. He provided an illustrated PO Box 2 presentation about a need to move away from Moffett Field Federal Airfield, CA 94035 automobile transportation in the Bay Area and beyond, a description of high speed rail travel Again, this early announcement is to let you know systems in Asia and Europe, and a history of efforts the details of the SVC 2017 Renewal program. to create a rail network which will transport travelers You will also be reminded by additional to major California cities at high speed, safely, at a announcements in future SVC Bulletins as well as competitive fare, all the time offering spectacular on the SVC Website. views, space to work with computers, excellent food service, and extraordinary comfort. The SVC Membership Committee thanks you in The reasons given to move away from auto advance for your prompt response to this call for transportation are (1) state population growth— SVC 2017 dues. currently 40 million expanding to 60 million in 2040, and with a greater need than ever for Silicon Valley Cont'd pg 9

- 4 - The Hendy Iron Works During World War II Charles E. Moore, president and principal owner By CDR William Andersen of Hendy, if he could build 12 more. “It’s just as easy to tool up for a hundred,” Moore responded. Hendy built 118 for Emory. By 1945 Hendy had built 754 of these 24.5 ft. tall 137 ton engines. At the time England produced only two such engines a year using one-at-a-time construction; Hendy built 70 a year developing and using methods of mass production.

The Joshua Hendy Iron Works is now a museum that is part of the Northrup Grumman complex in Sunnyvale California. Once a San Francisco company, it moved to Sunnyvale after the 1906 Earthquake encouraged with the gift of land from Walter Crossman of USS Albireo (AK-90), one of 754 Liberty ships powered Sunnyvale Land Company. by a Joshua Hendy triple expansion engine Hendy Iron Works distinguished itself in equipment and As the War went on the need for the faster supporting the Nation in WWI. During the engines became critical: at the time depression of the 1930’s it came back from the no steam turbine engine had ever been built in verge of business failure to successfully serve the Western United States. Once again Hendy our country. stepped up creating the tools and procedures to build these complicated and expensive steam turbine engines and manufactured them for the Navy and Merchant Marine. Hendy designed and built much other equipment including one incredible feat for national defense: producing 252 portable Navy rocket launchers in one 176 hour week. Sunnyvale and the Nation can be proud of the Joshua Hendy Iron Works. Copyright In 1947, the Joshua Hendy Iron Works was sold to the Westinghouse Corporation. In the postwar period, the plant continued to produce military equipment including missile launching and control systems for nuclear-powered submarines, and antiaircraft guns. It also World War I Hendy marine engine produced pressure hulls for undersea vehicles, nuclear power plant equipment, 216,000 At the onset of World War II U.S. horsepower (161,000 kW) wind tunnel Maritime Chairman Charles S. Emory ordered compressors, large diameter radio telescopes, 12 reciprocating steam engines from the Hendy diesel engines and electrical equipment. Iron Works to power the Liberty Ships that In 1996, Westinghouse sold the plant to would carry American men and materials over , which renamed it Northrop the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. He then asked Grumman Marine Systems.[6]

- 5 - FOR INFO – ACTIVITY LAST WEEK, BUT CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE Legislative Report September 2016 Col Lorna Griess USA, Ret.

This month, I am going to break from my policy of reporting California issues and support National MOAA. The August issue of The Officer Magazine takes a look at the proposed Defense Authorization Bill for next year. Take a good look at it and you can see what MOAA Lobbyists are dealing with. They need strong grass roots support – from you – to accomplish what is needed in Congress to support - you, the retired, reserve and active forces. All of the benefits we enjoy are on the table.

Health Care Issues: TRICARE for Life – DOD wants a 2% enrollment fee. This was rejected by both House and Senate.

TRICARE Prime – This is the most expensive plan. The Senate wants a 24% enrollment increase, the House would apply any increase to new service entrants after Jan 1, 2018.

TRICARE Standard – The Senate would apply a large enrollment fee that increases over the years indexed by CPI health cost index and double the deductible. The House version is more acceptable with a lesser enrollment fee, no change in deductible and indexed annually by COLA percentage. MOAA believes there should be no deductible.

The Catastrophic Cap on out of pocket expenses is under scrutiny and may be raised. TRICARE access and quality issues are under scrutiny as are pharmacy co-payments.

Military health care consolidation has been under discussion almost my entire career. The “Purple Suit” it was called. It is now being proposed that Military Health Care consolidate responsibility for military health care delivery, budgeting, and facilities under Defense Health Agency (DHA). I looked up the DHA on line at They do a lot of things under the leadership of a Vice Admiral. This has already started with the consolidation of Walter Reed and Bethesda Naval facilities.

Non-Health Care Issues: Military pay raises and force levels are a focus with the House and Senate nowhere close to agreement.

Active duty housing allowances are on the table especially for dual military couples.

Commissary – May allow variable pricing and “house brands.”

The bill deals with the Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance (SSIA), the Former Spouse Protection Act, PCS for spouse/family flexibility.

The last item on the list is Selective Service Registration – The Senate wants both men and women to register. The House requires DoD a report on continued utility of registration. The reality of drafting both women and men is on the table.

- 6 - Cont'd from Pg 3 out of Corsica, flying 47 missions. Following WWII hostilities airmen were ordered to return to the Continental United States (CONUS) and Lt. Craddock and his crew departed Southern Europe for North Africa, Liberia, across the South Atlantic to Ascension Island and Brazil, Trinidad, Puerto Rico and ultimately South Carolina, where he turned in his aircraft and boarded a train for the west coast.

Post-mission landing at Corsica… Ascension Island airfield…

After the War Jay began what proved to be a long term career as owner of an insurance agency. Early-on he joined what is today the Air National Guard’s 129th Rescue Wing, at that time located at the Hayward airport. He tells one story of flying an SA-16 Albatross off the coast of Oregon after dark and losing an engine and the subsequent desperate effort to find someone to turn on the runway lights of an emergency field. On another occasion he had a harrowing experience as he flew a C-47 all the way to Barrow, Alaska.

Jay and his crew on Corsica The SA-16 Albatross… Jay has been a Silicon Valley Chapter leader for many years and continues today at age 95 as a director.

Chapter members who would like to share their stories are encouraged to contact the editor, Lt. Col. Mike Sampognaro, USAF-Ret, telephone (408) 779-7389 or email [email protected]. New York author Catherine Lowell claims, “It’s difficult to dislike someone if you know his or her story. ______SOURCE: Lt. Col. Jay Craddock, USAF-Ret


Veterans Crisis Line September is Suicide Prevention Month and as such I am compelled to address that topic here in Veterans Corner. Current statistics indicate the average suicide rate among veterans to be 20 per day, down from 22 per day in 2013. During Suicide Prevention Month and year-round, the U.S. Departments of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Defense (DoD) work together to raise awareness of the suicide prevention and mental health resources they offer and to encourage communities to support Veterans, Service members, and their families and friends. VA collaborates with community groups, Veterans Service Organizations, health care providers, corporations, educational institutions, government agencies, and others that serve, employ, or support Veterans, to spread the word that help is available. These stakeholders help VA remind Veterans, Service members, and their loved ones that free, confidential crisis support from the Veterans Crisis Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The responders at the Veterans Crisis Line are specially trained and experienced in helping Veterans of all ages and circumstances — from those coping with mental health issues that were never addressed, to recent Veterans dealing with relationships or the transition back to civilian life. You can show your support for Veterans and active-duty, service members who may be in crisis, by spreading the word about The Power of 1. Veterans, service-members, and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1; send a text message to 838255, or chat online to receive free, confidential support - even if they are not registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care. Our local crisis resources in Kings County can be accessed by calling (559) 582-4484 or 1-800-655 -2553. Let’s work together to support our veterans in need. It only takes one person, one phone- call or one conversation – to make a difference!

The Kings County Veterans Service Office can complete the DMV Veteran Status Verification Form for the new California Veteran Designation on your driver’s license and also issues Veteran I.D. cards to honorably discharged veterans. Contact Scott Holwell if you would like to receive periodic veteran’s information by email. There are many state and federal benefits and programs available to veterans and their dependents. To determine if you are eligible for any of these benefits, visit or call our office. We can and will assist you in completing all required application forms. You can get information on the Web from the Kings County Veterans Service Office webpage at www.

Scott Holwell, retired Navy Master Chief Petty Officer, is the Veterans Service Officer for Kings County. Send your questions to the Veterans Service Office, 1400 W. Lacey Blvd, Hanford, CA 93230; call (559)852-2669; or e-mail [email protected].

- 8 - Cont'd from page 4 There was a detailed explanation of planning workers in particular to commute great distances by the Santa Clara County Transit Agency, San with ease; and, (2) the need to remediate climate Francisco Bay Area transit integration, plus the change, specifically decrease heat-trapping gasses Santa Cruz County rail systems. Mr. Diridon when most emissions come from automobiles. Mr. made the case that industry will leave the Silicon Diridon provided a sampling of high speed rail Valley Area for other parts of the country if around the world, specifically Japan, Korea, Taiwan, transit projects, specifically high speed rail, are China plus France. Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey, not funded and built. He made the point that providing evidence of high success as people movers voters are smart; in November 2016 there will be and with air pollution mitigation. He then displayed a proposition to increase sales taxes on the ballot a United States map showing potential high speed and he is sure the people will do the right thing. rail corridors. The question and answer period was extensive and dealt in part with the issues of funding (debt, interest, maintenance); climate change theory (there are those who challenged the concept); how and where to obtain electricity (viability of nuclear plants); building locally vs the central valley (the quality of life issue); adopting alternate systems such as Lockheed’s Maglev-- derived from magnetic levitation, is a transport method that uses magnetic levitation to move vehicles without touching the ground; number of trains per day (90-100); the issues related to sharing track with Amtrak and local systems; and, how to get a HSR system on line quickly, perhaps building a segment from Los Angeles to There was a description of California high speed Las Vegas. rail development to include phases 1, 2 and 3, Mr. Diridon suggested high speed rail for ultimately providing transportation over some 790 California is a necessity and the upcoming miles of track with 26 stations, and that construction election will be the best chance to make it become is already underway on track extending from just a reality. “Don’t disappoint your children,” he north of Bakersfield to Madera. said. ______SOURCE: Luncheon Speaker

- 9 - The Fight to Save the Lives of the SVC WEBSITES Desperate Our Chapter website is www.siliconvalleymoaa. On the Governor’s Desk among the 789 org, a shorter link is You legislative bills awaiting the Governor Brown’s can also get to it from the national MOAA site: signature of approval is Jacqui Irwin’s bill AB2273, Put the cursor over Chapters and select Chapter which, if passed, will prevent the prosecution of Locator, CA, then Silicon Valley Chapter. From members of the active militia and National Guard there you may link over to our primary website who have attempted to commit suicide, considered a above. Our home page has links for The Bulletin and crime in the military. eBulletin. B The bill requires the State Adjutant General make certain that those who had attempted to kill himself or herself is counseled in the Behavioral Health Liaison Program, where one will receive TRICARE FOR LIFE assistance, counseling, or referrals to other SERVICE facilities. For assistance, contact the To become law the Governor must sign the Wisconsin Physicians Service bill before September 30 William Andersen CDR USNR Retired 866-773-0404 KidsPeace Services for U.S. Military Involved Teens REPORTING DEATHS and Families Members can report the death of a retiree locally I am your liaison to KidsPeace, a provider of through the Retire Activity Office (RAO). The mental health treatment services for U.S. military phone number is involved teens and families. Our residen?al 650-603-8047 treatment program and psychiatric hospital are You can also notify a MOAA member’s death to: approved by TriCare and available to military families MOAA, Attn: MSC, in your area. The program provides round the clock 201 N Washington St, Alexandria, VA 22314 mental health treatment as well as first rate -2539. educa?onal services. Or: Call 1-800-234-6622 Unfortunately, families are not always aware Or: E-mail: [email protected]. Notify SVC-MOAA of this program by phoning the Membership Chair–see listing on Please see my contact informa?on below page 2 of The Bulletin. B and links to more informa?on.

Kerri Korin

Kerri Korin, M.A. National Customers Relations Liaison | KidsPeace Mail: 6765 Tulip Falls Drive | Henderson, NV 89011 Phone: 702-219-5254 | 800-25-PEACE Fax: 610-799-8900 Web: | http://www. | Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook. com/

- 10 - Membership Application and Renewal Form

Silicon Valley Chapter Military Officers Association of America Mail to: SVC-MOAA P.O. Box 2 Moffett Federal Airfield, CA 94035

Membership Application and Renewal Form Date______Enroll Me As: New Member_____Renewing Member_____Surv Spouse____ Annual Dues: If PAID by 1 Dec $25.00, If PAID by 31 Jan $30.00, After 31 Jan $35.00 $______(Surv Spouse– Dues are not charged, donations gratefully accepted) Donations to SVC Fund $______Donations to Scholarship Fund $______Donations to PAWS $______Donation to USO $______(All Donations are Tax Deductible) Total: $______Make checks payable to SVC-MOAA and mail to above address. Please complete all applicable blanks Status: Active___Reserve____ Guard___Retired____Former Officer___ Widow(er)______Are you a National MOAA Member?______When did you join SVC or PROC?______

Name:______/______/___/______/______Last First MI Rank Service

Address:______/______Number Street (P.O. Box, etc.) Apt/Suite

City______State______Zip______/______Spouse’s Name______5 Digit 4 Digit


SVC Dues are due 1 January and are separate from National MOAA Dues. SVC Dues support the Bulletin and Administrative functions. Luncheons are self-supporting. Dues are not prorated. Donations can be made to the Silicon Valley Chapter’s general fund and/or the various funds listed above. If you are a new chapter member, please advise us how you learned about this chapter. Silicon Valley Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America P.O. Box 2 Moffett Field, CA 94035 First Class Mail


LOCATION – BILTMORE HOTEL -- 2151 LAURELWOOD RD, SANTA CLARA, CA DIRECTIONS: Going North on Hwy 101: Exit at Montague/San Tomas, then Montague; then Right on Laurelwood. Going South on Hwy 101: Exit at Montague/San Tomas, then Montague, then Right on Laurelwood. ------Cut Here------Cut Here------****LUNCHEON RESERVATION FORM**** Deadline to reach SVC no later than 14Oct. If you have not sent in your reservation form by the above date and still wish to attend, please call Jay Craddock, 650-968-0446

LUNCHEON PRICE - $26.00 Times: Social Hour 11:00 AM, Luncheon 11:45 AM

Please reserve ______places for the 20 Oct Luncheon A TOTAL of $______including a donation of $______for (circle one) Scholarship, PAWS, USO, or undesignated donation

Make checks payable to: SVC MOAA

Mailto: LTC Jay Craddock, 1448 Fallen Leaf Lane, Los Altos, CA 94024-5809

RESERVE IN THE NAME OF: ______Telephone: ______MENU: Buffet - Two hot entrees with vegetables. Assorted breads and rolls. Desserts. Coffee and tea. NAMES OF PERSONS WHO ARE INCLUDED IN YOUR PAYMENT: