Luxurious Lather"
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_AMUSEMENTS_ __AMUSEMENTS interest at 20th Century-Fox for with seating capacity for 18 Riddell Will Conduct has loaned i his Lord Byron property. If Cornel Howard Hughes Ty Indictments Charge navigator and co-pilot from TWA Southeastern U. doesn’t make this one soon, I’ll which heaven be t It Choir This new plane is owned by 20th praised was C. E. Riddell, director of three scream. So will Cornel. He won’t Century-Fox. very uncomfortable this year In the choral con- Shrine Auditorium. Hiere may be t*99AH^ D. C. Man Defrauded 4 Washington groups, will be happy until he does it. Cyd Charisse, by the way, seems duct the Southeastern a cocktail party next year at the 44, of the 1600 block University * * * * to be sharing the ubiquitous Mr n i ng Joseph Pacyna. Choral Society this fall and winter. Ambassador Hotel instead, with the I was Hughes with Jean Peters. of S street N.W. indicted yes- Angela Lansbury is another Hol- awards announced at the end of It. The choral society will sing at Joan Crawford’s Petei on charges of defrauding four ex-escort, (RtlenwJ by NANA) The Newest—The Largest—The Clesest terday 9:30 pm. on the following dates, lywoodite trekking to Broadway for District residents of $477 with tales Shaw, will be dropped at Metre according to Margaret F. a play this coming season. boat and a Morgano, when his next option comes around of a Florida fishing the friend is not secretary of society: September Jimmy Stewart's girl was ii THEATER Scotch sale in Baltimore. Well, anyway, it fun while DRIVE-IN I whisky 12. at the American Legion Post No. Rita Hayworth as itemed—but IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII {* lasted—with Peter beauing gals like one of 21 in- tflLi Pacyna was persons in the Roosevelt Helena who rushed to New 36, Hotel; October Carter, Lana Turner, and Federal be- Vnrlr oftni* V\o»- otirront m Ai t n Angela Lansbury I dicted by the grand jury 3, for the Missouri State :io Justice Society, Marie McDonald as well as Joan Oyster fore District Court Jennings in the Shoreham and October her with and Hotel, spend birthday Jimmy Peter still wants to make a movie, Bailey. for the Texas State her mother. Helena's next 11, Society, in picture though. Dinner to the true bills. Pacyna me anorenam. is with Dick Powell According ‘‘The Pitfall,” Dolores Del Rio is still in love convinced three all unac- —she's his A meal for persons, leading lady. with Orson Welles, and is trying to very speciol the ! with one another, that he * * * * lover of seafood! Dinner in- quainted Grahom contact him here. Dolores is now in could a fishing boat in Florida Charles Boyer had a birthday cludes clom 1 buy Buenos Aires, w'here she is the toast oyster cocktail, a small sum and realize con- (Continued From Page B-14.) while in "Mortal Coils.” All chowder or fried turn ft*. )M« tAKS*m*srfM for working of the town, attending the premiere crob gumbo, if he had sufficient hands him a on the set, French fried IWOtVIOWAL tMt SHAKtKS_;_1 VTJjLfJL- * siderable profit gave party “La Otra.” told oysters, potatoes i and now of her picture, I’m with which to opera- year ago. making his first' with a cake. How old is or capital begin birthday sire looks as beautiful as ever. pototo salad; celery, olives, movie at Own tions. Paramount—"My he? One year old—well, anyway, bread and butter; coffee or True Love.” Jean Hersholt, president of the there was only one candle on the tea. I In a separate deal, It was alleged Motion Picture Academy, tells me Ingrid Bergman is showing the' cake. in another indictment, he convinced there will be a new system of | latest long-skirt, round-shoulder, The plane Tyrone Power is flying I a man in Northeast Washington that awarding the annual prizes for the fashion in “Intermezzo,” made 10 to Africa, is not the $75,000 twin- he could buy Scotch whisky in Balti- best this and that next year. For j years ago and now being rereleased! Beecher aft his studio bon- at a low figure. Pacyna dis- engined jmore I still have a coat I bought 10 years j used him with earlier this It's ! appeared after the four deals last year. ago and it’s perfect for today’s! a new a November, but was arrested in Phil- DC-3, Douglas transport, styles. Moral: Hang on to your old' O'DbnneH't several months it was adelphia ago, clothes! said. IB emu Robert Ryan, the terrific heavy the In another indictment grand in "Crossfire.” laid $10,000 on the Delightfully Air Cooled! charged Wiliam Butler, 21, col- line in France for le jury “Depuis Jour,” THOS. A. O'DONNELL ored, with grand larceny, in connec- by Existentialist Jean Edouard. He tion with the theft of $2,050 in wants RKO to make it—with him- Wines • Beer • Beverages residence of Abra- jewelry from the self as the star, of course. Originators of Rum Buns ham Sekular of the 4000 block of Cornel Wilde is again stirring up 1207-1221 E St. N.W. [ Clay place N.E. Denies Baltimore Mayor EVENING PARKING .m Scheme for Annexation A OC 6PMT0 By th« Associated Press NEW...a CREAM DEODORANT BALTIMORE, Sept. 10.—Mayor CAPITAL GARAGE which safely Thomas D'Alesandro has assured: 1320 N. Y. At*. N.W. iAnne Arundel County residents he under-arm Between 13th STOPS PERSPIRATION to annex end 14th has no "secret plan" part 1. Does not tot dresses or men’s shirts. Does TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES of the county, and besides "things not irritate skin. are not done'that way on this side 2. No waiting to dry. Can be used right after r&Rfl! INI 11* * N. C. Ave. S.E. of the ocean.” shaving. Air Conditioned. The the fears 3. Instantly stops perspiration 1 to 3 'THE LATE GEORGE APLEY." RONAIX WARNER RROS.' THEATERS mayor allayed days. Removes odors from OLMAN. PEGGY CUMMINS; "NORTH voiced by State Senator Wilbur R. perspiration, keeps OF THE BORDER." RUSSELL HAYDEN. For Additional Information, Phono armpits dry. Theaters Direct or Call REpublic 0800. Dulin, Democrat, of Anne Arundel,! ♦. A pure, white, gteaseless, stainless van- min r 2105 a*#. n.w. re. out Warner Path* Newt Shown ! who wrote that people in the north- LtHbleSi ishing cream. Dellrhtfully Cool. Theaters Marked ★ Air Conditioned. ern nart, of the county "are quite Last Day. "THE HUCKSTERS," CLARK 5. Acrid has been award- about rumors that have been GABLE. DEBORAH KERR, SYDNEY Theaters Havin* Matinees. upset ed the Approval Seal GREENSTREET. Open 4:45. Feature a around” that Baltimore of The American In- .5:10. 7:20, 9 30. going ] ★ AMBASSADOR planned to annex as far down as stitute of Laundering j for harmless to I Hall.” 1:20, 3:55. 6:30, 9:10. Glen Burnie. j being DUMBARTON i ‘'Carnegie fabrics. Last Day, Positively Your Last Chance tc ★ BEVERLY 15th & E N E-Ll*3300 See “TO EACH HIS OWN.” a Woman Third Visual Education Tragedy and Triumph. OLIVIA DE HA VIL- Charles Dickens' “Great Expectations.” LA MD. BARRY FITZGERALD. 6:38. 9:15 3:10. 7:20, 9:30. GOAL ARRID j 3, 5:10, to , ★ PEI VrnT 2324 Wi*. Avo. N.W. Workshop Open OQrf plus tax also Greenbelt, Md. GR. 2222 PROMPT DELIVERY and GREENBELT tHLTLIUwo 2345 Mat } pM lOt 59g_ ICE CREAM ! Charles Dickens’ “Great Expectations,” The third annual workshop spon- LAWRENCE TIERNEY- MARION CARR 1r I. 3:05, 5:15, 7:20, sored the Visual Educational Vo. anthracite A Ask Dotrfor for PtESH PEACH SAN QUENTIN : FRANCES LANGFORD 9:30._ by /’NfN your friondfy Broyor troyon GENE KRUPA In "BEAT THE BAND," et ★ rPWTPAI 425 9th N.W. ME. 2841 Committee of the Washington Fed- and stove UCaXIillAAs 10:45 A.M. Egg I^T.Ww :. 8:30. Open eration of Churches will be held at Gary Cooper. Barbara Stanwyck. “Meet Chestnut_.14.25 Pea -11.50 I inn 3227 M St. N.W. Ml. 3890 John Doe.” 11. 2:20. 5:45. 9:05. “Philo American University next Monday «***« Vance Returns.” 1:20. 4:40, Dellrhtfully Air Cooled. j 8:05._ through Wednesday, Mrs. Josephine Blue Last Day, Double Feature, TEXAS BUD- ★ VniWmV Kennedy Nr. 4th N.W. Egg_11.32 DIES": Plus "WHAT PRICE VENGE- AlsnXlCaUI H. Kyles, director of visual educa- RA 6600 Mot i p.M. Hard structure coal ANCES_ Gene Tierney, “Ghost and Mrs. Muir," I tion for the federation, announced 1:20. 3:20. 5:25. 7:25. 9th St. Above t 9:30.__ today. Pocahontas Egg_14.44 I ITT! P Po. Avo. at 7th S.E. “I •■l“ Air Conditioned. ★ PnilV The Rev. Donald L. Leonard, rc>xin FR 5200 Mat. i p.m. as-] Pocahontas Stove_14.35 ; sistant minister of Chevy Chase “FANTASIA.” Clark Gable, Deborah Kerr, "The We expect to be higher, Hucksters.” 1, 3:05, 5:10. 7:20. 9:30. Presbyterian Church and chairman prices t" II Country Theater, McLaan, Va. ★ cumin ft U Ga. Ave. & Shoridan of the committee, will act as dean LONG TERMS FINANCE PLAN ifUf f u ofiLmuan ICulMin All Sound & Projection RA 2400 Mot i P M. of the workshop. Persons desiring ' 123 Joan Crawford. "Possessed.” 1:15, 3:15. 4 Miles from Chain Bridie on Route further information the ANNE BAXTER in “BLAZE OF NOON 5:20. 7:25, 9:30._ concerning BLUE RIDGE COAL CO., INC.