C10hkhall the Cash System
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VOL. V. DOVER, MORRIS' COUNTY, NEW JEESEY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 1875. NO. 37 Business Cards. INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. LBY AUTUOBITZ] [Proposed Aineiidiiieiits to the Change tbo number of rJrofltiiit paragraph 5 ti> | The Iltiy nl (lie Soda Fuim&ilu. THE IRON ERA AGBNOY number 4. FOB TUB CJUJTBIUTT-D CIIAPTKR CCCLXVU, Comiltutlonot the Stateot>'vw Cliance tho iiunibcr of profiutit paragraph II. A. BENKKTT, M. D , An Act to provide fur mbmitting propom Jersey.] to numlior G. A. ETAItTLINO TALE 1HAT HE TOLD TO A TOOK E. & G. H. Ross it Breese, Amendwentfi to tht Const ilutiioi. of tUli Hti tlie nnmbcr of nresout paragraph OLD LADY WHO WAS THIBBTT. BENtf. H. VOGT. H OMCEOPA THIC to tlio paojilo tliureof. AUTICLE I X G, and striku (hcruftoui tliv nori EDITOIUSBPBOBIETOH. • . OENKBAL ntlK AM) l.trz' WiiEiitifl, cortalo prDpoiedflnionilmunlBtuliii 1IIOUTB AM11 P1MV1I.E.1ES illT."''»nnnal" and "thoy miy be ir-t PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, cunstitutlou of thesUte or Now Jerau-T won until they sbail nerro Ihroo ytiars, Imt n }{o was rin &ing iho glasjas wben tUe Offlo8 on Murrifl fltreot near Bluokwell. at Iho «et«.oQ nr the lonisUtaru of thi. «» Iinertai pnraf;ra|)li 19, ft niw l>*r«fjr»pb, ." Insert after tbe word "ARiembly" lb< old \ady entered the utoro. It was liot Cor. Blackwell 4 Warren Sts., Insurance Agents, Intbcyetr cigbttcn iiundred aod sotonli (ullowi: ins words J "and they aball hold thoii wcntlier nod tho soi]a fountain looked to Jour, airrcnd Io bj a mijorit; ur lim tnL'tobe tempting that sho contiuerid Lerarariea (Oppoiite DoY.r Bank,) oloclod tuWieUof tbo two buiima lLoroor, »l "li. No amount/, dly, uorounb, town, town oOlcos for throo yoars;" aud add to the p«r«- Offlce. Old lion Uuiilc UuiliUiig tjiitorctlontLoJourimlsof eiL'huft>:.iil Lou* ilit por village ibullliertarnr give any mooc graph tho fallowing wovd*: "shortfTi shall an- and walked over and told tbe boj* that EOYEn.N.J,, ur pn>|)Orty, or Join its moony Or credit, to o If reacw tboir boud«." I would tuto a glass. Dilcaiu. or Woman and Children, and gf th (iB.wiib tho yo«a aiidntyR luteullicrtoi), aitt in md ol any individual, ausoviatlou or uorpc lanija tho nuuiWr of prctont faragrapb Morristown, N. J. referred lAltitilcGialaturo then uctt to l-u i:U Do ^ou wiflli for a f\y ia it?" lie £). Bad E.r apocUltim. Goodalo & Vought's Drug Stori nun ; AND wur.niui, tl.o imid Tironimuii mii.iinl tilioii, or utioniiiD security for, ur be directly u Ililtlrlr 7. ix Months, ------- 1.00 iiiJirtcll/ thu ownuraf, aiir »tock or bonds CUiico tl inquired iu a whisper. 3 co Hoar.: 71., t A. II., 1 lo 1 nd 7 to 11\ H. EDWIS ltoss, Ui». II. IttMri, Hrm-urs OIIKUBE, luuiitu WLTJ puWislicJ at required by tiiu cgn- my atiodatbu or corporation." tiihar at jiroacnt pirograplt Ijtsa rnantba, - ------ BO 18-30pd '.Wliare by will bo plui^io attend to all call stitutiou; AMD wiiKiiui. in thu lcglila.(ur to uuniXor "A Hy ?" gruoLas !no 1" sho replied, a Krlalnln; to lla prolenlon. Dr. Jobmtoo bi tlicu Dmt clioaen, buingtlm IUBINIIIIIMHOWI Iumrtim parnifrajih 20, a now psrigropli, Change tits number of pi tnt paragraph 1 look of disgust ©a liorfaoo. J. I.. LA WHENCE, the ecparienee of Bevea Yeare' oloae apDllcatli. A. J OOE, Collector, Huwiuu, sucb prapoiod •raOLdinouti liavu tinea J it n in bur II. ""PASSAGE TICKETS In Ibn praetko of Dentlltr;, Fi™ otiiltk baa Bk'ttud to by a majority t?i* all tlte mum I tor a O La ii go tbo number of preiout jjamgrn[)l] 1'. " Jiifit as you nay, intulam," lie went Men In tboCir/ofDoTer. IbaT. taken ipeela DOVER, N. J. uloali'd tu oich liouso; AJCO WIIEUE*I, tin "JO, No donation of land or appropriation liumuDr IU. oo BH he drew some lemon syrup. "Peo- TO 1HD FDOK BUCKEYE muii«y tiliall be inn Jo by Uio aUto or any tuunl- SURVEYOR paina In tba pcrfMtlon of the i't>EHiitullon of till state require! tho ICRIBII cipa! corporation *.« ur for tbu UBO of anv socl ple arc so different ia tastes, you know. turoto submit BUOII cropoied amumtimni Some object to flies and some don't. I'll Liverpool and Queenslown, COMPANIES REPRESENTED. ntt lure Iwcn •B'-iKd to as aforciald to tin tr, auociattoa or corjioralion nliatover." Surveys, Lords and Grades •Nitrous Oxide Gas,. Mower and Reaper. IMIOIIIO at a ipeclil oloction to bo la-Id fi Chif-a tho uumbtjr of jircicnt paragraph 1 mix Bomo pineapple syrup with this that purpoio only; therefore, to number 21. IGIIIOD, and uovr will yon Iiare n grent on llio following Btoimsblp Hues: mail, lor PoMIeandrrWatoImproTeneny, wbicb le th. beetaneitliotlo now In me for tbi American Mutual Ins. Go', ef Newark ^ainleii .ztraotlon «f Uolh. I alio me th. new; AND 1. DE IT KNAOTBO bj tlio Bonito and General AIITXCLE II. dcnl of gtu nnd a little water, or a great l\MAN, CUNARD, H.J,, Assets over $1,100,000 /BaomblyoftboBtateof NcwJorsor, That an Colorndo, Sew Mexico and Arizona* denl of water And a little gas ?" Oreioi: BUSSEX 8TBEET, tai, called tb« FLUID or OOMB1N8ED OA9. Tuomlsy, tuo BureatU day of September next, NATIONAX, 1 male no cbar jo for tb. jnor Ih. ailrractli WHEEL HAY RAKE. MorcLaoU' Mutual Ius. Oo,, of Newar an election shall Im held In tlig several Uivru- " I'm party thirsty," she said, £Noer Ik! Canal Dridro.] of t* e teotn wnar. new onee ari inierted, slilps and frsrds of tills Hl&to, at ttio iilaco or HECTIOM I AM SOW Jlosdco and Colorado li about to b slilps "Well, thcu jou want more water than I ivcrpool nud Great Weitern. H. J,, Auats over QOO.OOO plicuiin oieli of saldtowDibipj or warduwboro Strlko nit tho word "whitu" bat woo tlio admitted as Btutca, wo think It tlia current tbiDg gas, aud there won't be BO much danger • 7. EOTOR, N.J. Te( th filled with gold, from one dollar op, ai lplicl ult ltl f lld t void ""uvctf aud thu wurd "mala" In tbu fln 'rjr»fl» on Entfland ana Boyal Bank of Ireland allTur fifty eenta to one dollar. FireniBu's Mutual Ius. OJ., of Kowarlc, lli...o. llusa t cleotlon for fiovcrnorVan licid, to to publiHh llio following cIcBcriptlv* poom, of nil expkmioii." m Beautiful fitta of Teeth, IIIlbD tlil o electors rjuaUSed to volo for ttium ritten by «u uufurtunato warrior wlio was " ISxplusiuu ?" olio qacricd. °1!LISDSLEV.Accut, • K.J., Assets over "500,000 of tlio loglilituro to rote lor or agiiiut >_ Ai'lJ lo Ibo peraL'inpb tbo fallowing : JllaulaWell Strict, Dover, H • J. J. M. BASSETT, Uppur ind nndir, for IM, on Iho laUit li of flucL propose!) R mend moil la tc Iho cuiixtitu- "And provided fiirihar, tbat tu time ol ... :onllnediu tho guard house st Fort Union "Timt wua tho word, mad&m, Wa proTed Soctfon Plitei. warranted lo gir. GermaniA Hutanl Im. Co., of tfowart tlon. o elector iu tho actual iniliUry aordco or tin general cuiiednesn. It is needless to pay thai TO had but few euok accidents lioro eallifaetlon. THE CASH SYSTEM lato.or ofiho UuilcaHtates, in the army c Civil Engineer and Surveyor, K.J., Capital, 200,000 2. AND HB rr EXACTED. Tbat tbo jmlgux ivy lUeroor, «haII b« deprived uf hia voto l> no scorns well acqtMiutoti with his subject: thifi summer, anil I truly hope tint we Slate Roofing I tako ploaiuro In referring lo tbeMowIni cloetlou 'in tbo lOTtral towmhipit and wa SAHOII of bin nljBuii'ie I ruin elicit election dl may liavo uo moro." geLtlomen: A SUOGESS AT . iEtnn Inauranca -Oamiiany, of EartFord, nho ihall ho fn officu on tbe BUVCDUI d*y Irlet land tho l^inl-lim: nhill liaroponert UOCKAWAY, N. J. ftcptetubor nozt. iball bo thfl Judges ofB&ld t>1 Fierco JI»ri I bid a (ilnl farewell, "Uoes soda wnlor blow up folks V Be*. B. O. Megie, Dr. J. 0. King, •iruviik' thu lunniiur in whicli, and tho ihuo ao Conn., Assets, r 6,000)000 tlon, and tbo polli abill bo oponod and clou Jncost wiiicli, Hncb absout oliicton mmy vote, And turn luj titck upon lidlon* "Tliat dcpcudi on tho state of their ALL OIIDEIIS PnOHTTLV ATTESDED TO, Dr. T. B. Critlanden, U. II. DIckoraol at tho times uowllivd bjlawfor onoaiiiR find nd fur tliu rtturii and canvnH* oftlieir vut< TojiLotogrniL In iJoBuerul health. Some pcoplo could stand hero 10-0- . E. LINDSLEY & SON'S Continental Insaianoo Oomptiny. of Now isingof JMIIIB at thi annual claclian hi tbia n tbu ekclluu dittritU m nliicli they rtuiw Hew Jloiico aiidArizoiia. and drink all day, wliilo othem uiish1 get ito, and thu eatd oloolion shall bs cunductca ivuly renido." 'lht illuciuB g.-flii, tbe tlinrnj- jilin.., S.' B. Johnston, liaroitluat.u.l .. ..i,<.nii cjuri>»troui tha York. Capital, - 1,000,000 hy tba sumo oOlccra and in UID man nor now ro- tha class tipped up .bin way, »nd BiH/m I And aU its prlnkly iropis Hlorl#»; they A go I" .ill wcrli-e uroinpt nttealloa. .u.,r.M. «:.->!,• ,ti naoploalruiiaJBD quirod by Uw in egmluotliig ILo anuusl oleo- J.L. CURTIS, Opposite Sogur's New Bank, Wwry UivM Ujcit iliitroiUjlily H'stcJ mid bn prove Mutual Bonefit Life Im. 0o,, of Newark. lloDfl In tbia aialo, anlostt ollicrwlso directed In The ttilcTiug, iUr\-«d lubablUnts, "Buet!" a,OT,H»l, rarplo, Variegated, BlacB K » parfsot inncrflH. Wo Uniu ilta tlctnoontrato N.J., Assets, 26,000*000 Strike out all f.f thu second Ncction aftur Who look io plcturciqus In etorili; Over Qosdule 4 Yoii(h'> Drag store.