Business Cards. INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. LBY AUTUOBITZ] [Proposed Aineiidiiieiits to the Change tbo number of rJrofltiiit paragraph 5 ti> | The Iltiy nl (lie Soda Fuim&ilu. THE IRON ERA AGBNOY number 4. FOB TUB CJUJTBIUTT-D CIIAPTKR CCCLXVU, Comiltutlonot the Stateot>'vw Cliance tho iiunibcr of profiutit paragraph II. A. BENKKTT, M. D , An Act to provide fur mbmitting propom Jersey.] to numlior G. A. ETAItTLINO TALE 1HAT HE TOLD TO A TOOK E. & G. H. Ross it Breese, Amendwentfi to tht Const ilutiioi. of tUli Hti tlie nnmbcr of nresout paragraph OLD LADY WHO WAS THIBBTT. BENtf. H. VOGT. H OMCEOPA THIC to tlio paojilo tliureof. AUTICLE I X G, and striku (hcruftoui tliv nori EDITOIUSBPBOBIETOH. • . OENKBAL ntlK AM) l.trz' WiiEiitifl, cortalo prDpoiedflnionilmunlBtuliii 1IIOUTB AM11 P1MV1I.E.1ES illT."''»nnnal" and "thoy miy be ir-t PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, cunstitutlou of thesUte or Now Jerau-T won until they sbail nerro Ihroo ytiars, Imt n }{o was rin &ing iho glasjas wben tUe Offlo8 on Murrifl fltreot near Bluokwell. at Iho «et«.oQ nr the lonisUtaru of thi. «» Iinertai pnraf;ra|)li 19, ft niw l>*r«fjr»pb, ." Insert after tbe word "ARiembly" lb< old \ady entered the utoro. It was liot Cor. Blackwell 4 Warren Sts., Insurance Agents, Intbcyetr cigbttcn iiundred aod sotonli (ullowi: ins words J "and they aball hold thoii wcntlier nod tho soi]a fountain looked to Jour, airrcnd Io bj a mijorit; ur lim tnL'tobe tempting that sho contiuerid Lerarariea (Oppoiite DoY.r Bank,) oloclod tuWieUof tbo two buiima lLoroor, »l "li. No amount/, dly, uorounb, town, town oOlcos for throo yoars;" aud add to the p«r«- Offlce. Old lion Uuiilc UuiliUiig tjiitorctlontLoJourimlsof eiL'huft>:.iil Lou* ilit por village ibullliertarnr give any mooc graph tho fallowing wovd*: "shortfTi shall an- and walked over and told tbe boj* that EOYEn.N.J,, ur pn>|)Orty, or Join its moony Or credit, to o If reacw tboir boud«." I would tuto a glass. Dilcaiu. or Woman and Children, and gf th (iB.wiib tho yo«a aiidntyR luteullicrtoi), aitt in md ol any individual, ausoviatlou or uorpc lanija tho nuuiWr of prctont faragrapb Morristown, N. J. referred lAltitilcGialaturo then uctt to l-u i:U Do ^ou wiflli for a f\y ia it?" lie £). Bad E.r apocUltim. Goodalo & Vought's Drug Stori nun ; AND wur.niui, tl.o imid Tironimuii mii.iinl tilioii, or utioniiiD security for, ur be directly u Ililtlrlr 7. ix Months, ------1.00 iiiJirtcll/ thu ownuraf, aiir »tock or bonds CUiico tl inquired iu a whisper. 3 co Hoar.: 71., t A. II., 1 lo 1 nd 7 to 11\ H. EDWIS ltoss, Ui». II. IttMri, Hrm-urs OIIKUBE, luuiitu WLTJ puWislicJ at required by tiiu cgn- my atiodatbu or corporation." tiihar at jiroacnt pirograplt Ijtsa rnantba, ------BO 18-30pd '.Wliare by will bo plui^io attend to all call stitutiou; AMD wiiKiiui. in thu lcglila.(ur to uuniXor "A Hy ?" gruoLas !no 1" sho replied, a Krlalnln; to lla prolenlon. Dr. Jobmtoo bi tlicu Dmt clioaen, buingtlm IUBINIIIIIMHOWI Iumrtim parnifrajih 20, a now psrigropli, Change tits number of pi tnt paragraph 1 look of disgust ©a liorfaoo. J. I.. LA WHENCE, the ecparienee of Bevea Yeare' oloae apDllcatli. A. J OOE, Collector, Huwiuu, sucb prapoiod •raOLdinouti liavu tinea J it n in bur II. ""PASSAGE TICKETS In Ibn praetko of Dentlltr;, Fi™ otiiltk baa Bk'ttud to by a majority t?i* all tlte mum I tor a O La ii go tbo number of preiout jjamgrn[)l] 1'. " Jiifit as you nay, intulam," lie went Men In tboCir/ofDoTer. IbaT. taken ipeela DOVER, N. J. uloali'd tu oich liouso; AJCO WIIEUE*I, tin "JO, No donation of land or appropriation liumuDr IU. oo BH he drew some lemon syrup. "Peo- TO 1HD FDOK BUCKEYE muii«y tiliall be inn Jo by Uio aUto or any tuunl- SURVEYOR paina In tba pcrfMtlon of the i't>EHiitullon of till state require! tho ICRIBII cipa! corporation *.« ur for tbu UBO of anv socl ple arc so different ia tastes, you know. turoto submit BUOII cropoied amumtimni Some object to flies and some don't. I'll Liverpool and Queenslown, COMPANIES REPRESENTED. ntt lure Iwcn •B'-iKd to as aforciald to tin tr, auociattoa or corjioralion nliatover." Surveys, Lords and Grades •Nitrous Oxide Gas,. Mower and Reaper. IMIOIIIO at a ipeclil oloction to bo la-Id fi Chif-a tho uumbtjr of jircicnt paragraph 1 mix Bomo pineapple syrup with this that purpoio only; therefore, to number 21. IGIIIOD, and uovr will yon Iiare n grent on llio following Btoimsblp Hues: mail, lor PoMIeandrrWatoImproTeneny, wbicb le th. beetaneitliotlo now In me for tbi American Mutual Ins. Go', ef Newark ^ainleii .ztraotlon «f Uolh. I alio me th. new; AND 1. DE IT KNAOTBO bj tlio Bonito and General AIITXCLE II. dcnl of gtu nnd a little water, or a great l\MAN, CUNARD, H.J,, Assets over $1,100,000 /BaomblyoftboBtateof NcwJorsor, That an Colorndo, Sew Mexico and Arizona* denl of water And a little gas ?" Oreioi: BUSSEX 8TBEET, tai, called tb« FLUID or OOMB1N8ED OA9. Tuomlsy, tuo BureatU day of September next, NATIONAX, 1 male no cbar jo for tb. jnor Ih. ailrractli WHEEL HAY RAKE. MorcLaoU' Mutual Ius. Oo,, of Newar an election shall Im held In tlig several Uivru- " I'm party thirsty," she said, £Noer Ik! Canal Dridro.] of t* e teotn wnar. new onee ari inierted, slilps and frsrds of tills Hl&to, at ttio iilaco or HECTIOM I AM SOW Jlosdco and Colorado li about to b slilps "Well, thcu jou want more water than I ivcrpool nud Great Weitern. H. J,, Auats over QOO.OOO plicuiin oieli of saldtowDibipj or warduwboro Strlko nit tho word "whitu" bat woo tlio admitted as Btutca, wo think It tlia current tbiDg gas, aud there won't be BO much danger • 7. . EOTOR, N.J. Te( th filled with gold, from one dollar op, ai lplicl ult ltl f lld t void ""uvctf aud thu wurd "mala" In tbu fln 'rjr»fl» on Entfland ana Boyal Bank of Ireland allTur fifty eenta to one dollar. FireniBu's Mutual Ius. OJ., of Kowarlc, lli...o. llusa t cleotlon for fiovcrnorVan licid, to to publiHh llio following cIcBcriptlv* poom, of nil expkmioii." m Beautiful fitta of Teeth, IIIlbD tlil o electors rjuaUSed to volo for ttium ritten by «u uufurtunato warrior wlio was " ISxplusiuu ?" olio qacricd. °1!LISDSLEV.Accut, • K.J., Assets over "500,000 of tlio loglilituro to rote lor or agiiiut >_ Ai'lJ lo Ibo peraL'inpb tbo fallowing : JllaulaWell Strict, Dover, H • J. J. M. BASSETT, Uppur ind nndir, for IM, on Iho laUit li of flucL propose!) R mend moil la tc Iho cuiixtitu- "And provided fiirihar, tbat tu time ol ... :onllnediu tho guard house st Fort Union "Timt wua tho word, mad&m, Wa proTed Soctfon Plitei. warranted lo gir. GermaniA Hutanl Im. Co., of tfowart tlon. o elector iu tho actual iniliUry aordco or tin general cuiiednesn. It is needless to pay thai TO had but few euok accidents lioro eallifaetlon. THE CASH SYSTEM lato.or ofiho UuilcaHtates, in the army c Civil Engineer and Surveyor, K.J., Capital, 200,000 2. AND HB rr EXACTED. Tbat tbo jmlgux ivy lUeroor, «haII b« deprived uf hia voto l> no scorns well acqtMiutoti with his subject: thifi summer, anil I truly hope tint we Slate Roofing I tako ploaiuro In referring lo tbeMowIni cloetlou 'in tbo lOTtral towmhipit and wa SAHOII of bin nljBuii'ie I ruin elicit election dl may liavo uo moro." geLtlomen: A SUOGESS AT . iEtnn Inauranca -Oamiiany, of EartFord, nho ihall ho fn officu on tbe BUVCDUI d*y Irlet land tho l^inl-lim: nhill liaroponert UOCKAWAY, N. J. ftcptetubor nozt. iball bo thfl Judges ofB&ld t>1 Fierco JI»ri I bid a (ilnl farewell, "Uoes soda wnlor blow up folks V Be*. B. O. Megie, Dr. J. 0. King, •iruviik' thu lunniiur in whicli, and tho ihuo ao Conn., Assets, r 6,000)000 tlon, and tbo polli abill bo oponod and clou Jncost wiiicli, Hncb absout oliicton mmy vote, And turn luj titck upon lidlon* "Tliat dcpcudi on tho state of their ALL OIIDEIIS PnOHTTLV ATTESDED TO, Dr. T. B. Critlanden, U. II. DIckoraol at tho times uowllivd bjlawfor onoaiiiR find nd fur tliu rtturii and canvnH* oftlieir vut< TojiLotogrniL In iJoBuerul health. Some pcoplo could stand hero 10-0- . E. LINDSLEY & SON'S Continental Insaianoo Oomptiny. of Now isingof JMIIIB at thi annual claclian hi tbia n tbu ekclluu dittritU m nliicli they rtuiw Hew Jloiico aiidArizoiia. and drink all day, wliilo othem uiish1 get ito, and thu eatd oloolion shall bs cunductca ivuly renido." 'lht illuciuB g.-flii, tbe tlinrnj- jilin.., S.' B. Johnston, liaroitluat.u.l .. ..i,<.nii cjuri>»troui tha York. Capital, - 1,000,000 hy tba sumo oOlccra and in UID man nor now ro- tha class tipped up .bin way, »nd BiH/m I And aU its prlnkly iropis Hlorl#»; they A go I" .ill wcrli-e uroinpt nttealloa. .u.,r.M. «:.->!,• ,ti naoploalruiiaJBD quirod by Uw in egmluotliig ILo anuusl oleo- J.L. CURTIS, Opposite Sogur's New Bank, Wwry UivM Ujcit iliitroiUjlily H'stcJ mid bn prove Mutual Bonefit Life Im. 0o,, of Newark. lloDfl In tbia aialo, anlostt ollicrwlso directed In The ttilcTiug, iUr\-«d lubablUnts, "Buet!" a,OT,H»l, rarplo, Variegated, BlacB K » parfsot inncrflH. Wo Uniu ilta tlctnoontrato N.J., Assets, 26,000*000 Strike out all f.f thu second Ncction aftur Who look io plcturciqus In etorili; Over Qosdule 4 Yoii(h'> Drag store. ;hit »o ire nuir ciiahkJ to word "bribery," "Yes'in—fly into a thousand pieces. Manufacturer of Segars and _. AHD DE rr BX-YCTED. That at _ Tbe duatf, long, Lot, dreary way, You never saw a human being oxplodo, J1OVER. N. J. oicb TOUT mar prcacDt A baUot on wliieli tibali ARTJOLE IV. V G.T7. DRAKE. ht written or printed, or pullr nritlou or n j-ou did you?' KEALEIt IN IMPOIITED rtl'ES, 15-H BELL OHEAPER WILLIAM HAEBIS, parti; printed, in tbo form followitig, nimelj: To re camp st cloao of d*y. "Mercy, no!" . TOBACCO >nd CIOAHS, . I-'oriUiiropoeldonBOD tbia ballot nbldi a And find It deilltilte of water. " \V«IJ,7ou don't IIIITO the least van- tLin crer bL-fom, fur tlio ri'anon tlut no do nol not ctncclled with ink or poncil, and ngalimt i Paragranb 3—Rtrlkc out tbo words "second Tha dying mule, Iho dried up spring, iug. They may bo laughing or talking, JollS P. STICKIiB, Oppotllo MANSION HOUSE, whicli »ro So cancoUod ; Wblcti noTtlwrltori sollom noUce; logo tlio iuttiiint UJIOU mil- mtinoy by truitinjf li Forllio prnpoicd aroDHdnieiit.doRlRnntod pa. 'fueadsy of Oetobcr,"and Insert iu lieu thi-rool and aU at ouco the store in filled witli out, ur tUuiniuuijul ttj cunt riding Ua tlulili llio words "flrat Tuo^ar after tlio flrst M Tlie long ol blood mof qultoeu ilnu. Counsellor at Law MOBUIS.TOWN. grniih muoloen lo article OUR, rclstho U diy in Nuvotnber." falsa hair, monogram garters, bustles, It would be finpoHilblu tu ouumenlo ou Sussex Street, Dover, N. J. IIIKIIU and prlrilegoB;" And oililutflit howling ol COJOUI; corsets, fecit, teeth, and rolled plots AND •alltt. tiook, but will briefly i»7 it oum|ifiHeu Fir tL. projMSQj aratudnitju t, iloatfi Tsrantulu and c*ntipedM, owolry. It makea a great muss around JIASTEll IN CIIANCE1U, O. B. GAGE, racrapJbU Ivvcntr, artfelo ono, rtlatit Paragraph 7—HtriVo out tbo follow (im wordy: Uarncil toads and rlardnituiHquU iUcc«ri. here, iiud if wo hadn't threa of the EVEBYTHIMa IN THE LINE OF .„„„.lllglti. aannd prlTliegu;" "A conipousntioa for tlmir inmoci, to bo aa- Wltli thorny Lnibci, grass and weeds. imnrtost nogroea in town to pick uj» and FoF rl Ibupropoii'l d »rnondnioiit. iU'ai1#iialc ..rtalned fcy Uir, aud paid out or thu trcuu To bieaa tbo traveler ai be lUggors, nOOKAWAY. N. J. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, tlDii ona of arilolo tiro, rolallro lo "lllj of tho state ! which componaation ilull not o iwoap out Wil hove to shut np the store Umce on Sus.erf street, MBB0HANDI6B KEPT IN A luffran;11 ucod tho mm of Ibroo dollars per day for tl *Lj )lllut itlDgllO • TOWJ light, forawholeafionioon after an eipiosion." n m JIUIIFKVJ For Iho proposed aiuontltnonl. designate' mriod of Tortj 0»JB from llio commencement And never (t>U Iho mimplo fuel thm— ,S. 1. '»»•««• ) the buildingtoroiarly otcDpIedtianoffloiby GENERAL STOltE. tlon two of arliclo two, roUllro to "Itlj the ae«iion, and iliull uot exceed tho Hunt „ How Ons aits down to mil it nlghl Ho stood viittx tho glats in his hand HAIR DRESSING, ono dollar and fifty cents per day for tho re- And ofleo iquata upon a cactus I agitating the nyrup nnd Wfttting, and ibo DOVER, N. J. ** - "'- propoBod amendment, deulB minder of tbo Beuion, AVben oon*cnod Iu «• Ttieolglit birds' music, awestand clear, said: Slia*l»liaud HUauipoolitB KiUbllabinoat, AVIHO rcraodoW and rcfllted my atorti 1 ,._,—j»flaorBeotlon four of article seailon by the gorornor tbo.r shall reco* ColIeeHon. attended U with diligent.. :i»o to "LoglalatiTo ;'- I* over pictured ncla lo*tle; "I didn't euppoec it van Uaogerom la Ilia bulldinefarmcrl/ occupied by the Foil A1.O, Agent far the belt Life and Fire In.iv H im now abla ta moot tlia vanti ol my 3K1 ..jhiumisiihBllbouxedfor tbo first forty di X acarcli mlgiii [iroiro tbi onctiantcd aar fitufT." Ulfiw, Bunex St., SOTKH, H. t. mce uompanle.. li-lj. ouitonoriwUhlioltor accomiQodatlone and i the propOBQd araondment, JoifR oftlioordinaryBciiIoD. Tboy (ball afsorecei K D.~r»rllciilar»UlontloQ given to ratting DRY GOODS, larger itock of goal* than ever before. •pb Ibroe of section one of aiticlo four, tho aomofouo dollar lor (Terr ton miles Ilu. Ttie LablUtloa of • bsctla. Well, oa I told you, it depends on suatl tratet In going to aud returning from their And oft at nit lit ttio lentinal, the state of tbo system. If your Iirer *' mi'drtuins ladlei' ind eliildron'a h&ir. Baxor- • (all ID<] ologtnt ftBiortmcnt, ... tba proposed pltco of meetlutf on tbo moat usual route," t«iod,l«l>»dB'onnd. Mir A tviA, UA or -and luitcrt In Iho lieu thereof tbo foliovli Who, doling, dicams of distant tisttla. torpid and your digestion impaired, one L. W. THURBER, jura graph four, iccti Tollovrlng Is rousod In frlgut to btar tbe fell glass of soda water would blowyott higher rclativoto'tf^Eislatlu, ....jualJy thoBUin of fire hundred dollar SUrEItlKTBHDEHT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS For tha proponud imonduicnr. dcHlffualcil oringtna wlio Hare Dipped tils csltle. than Gildoroy'B kito, and the coroner J. J. VREELAND, WATCHES, CLOCKS, during Uio llniu for nlilcb they shdl bavo boot. A* rtcnert, tnoui.Uin, rock aud Bin J OP MOHnia COUNTY, piirttgra[)li liii. Bcclion nereu of nrticlo fuar.rcl* lcelotl, aud wliilo they SIID.1I bold tbulrofUco. would bo Inoky to find &a much anyoar GBOO R RIES Comprlia Hie topOBmpjilc Itxtutti, spectacles to liold an inquest on. If your Carpenter and Builder, Offlco orer OEO. IlICHAJIDS ft CO.'B 8XOKE, "'I'oMho iKlnootlionvlloTTincoorcimolunicDt^lfrt'ctly There's 11 tlio left *t niy com mind of all kinds and of the bcil indirectly, for any purpose wlmtovar." oystem is all right, you might drink a Also tiriko out Iho worJs "i^rdlcm."* Eiespt to paint the living cr cat urns. hundred gioesoa aod foci no disastrous Jobbing promptly attended to. DOVER, N. J. In point of enargj and aotmo. jixfi...... HCCTIOS vir. effect Now, thon, you'll hare n Rood Tlio wild Apaclici «ra ili« beal man. Shops on HLACKWELL St., next to Cage • finoeUl offJeo lionn on B»lord»jtf from 0 A. Tor llio jirojiosud amend me lit, iicmgiiatd Paragraph 4— Add ta tin paragraph tho fot- deal of water rind but little gas, eh V llali«j>'« lumbor mill. SILVER PLATED WARE jraRrapli ulno ofneollon idvoitot arllolu four, 81B umtls a deprecatory motion and For tlio propoaod nmondmoiit, „.._- "Nu^hw Blt»U bo rotived or nmoDdoJ by rof- To till you inniolblnir of tb« rod sneu, iflked: Contncti takon, lad niatorial Jurnlihtd. . .racnnli cloven, section tovcu of arliclo four, •Diico to its title ouly, but tbo act rovived, or Eacti mountain s^h contilns a hiTO W00DP0RT HOUSE, o[ iiotv (iDHi^ni—QniiirpasHcd In Ililu iCClion. olnlfvo to "I^gijlatlTo ["• io section or BOCHOIIR amondod, ihallhoii " How's the stuff* mado ?" For llio lirnpoaoil umandniDnt. dtdiRni-lod Of these mirandlug BODI of Ibnndor, -AN9ION 1IOUSB. of tbe bout qualities of inON and BTEEL, i n- irtodat loogtb. Nofionorul l»w ahalloniUrai U'lio sotnuhoir uiaaago and contrive ' 'Well, I can't go on and explain all the THOMAS BRIGHT, Proprietor, BI'EOIAL A'lTEOTION GIVEN TO linragranh lireivo, section BCVCD of article tour, any proviulou of a private, special or local cba process, Thore'B marble diiBt, acid, gas, M'Come; r of Wacknroll and Suasoi SU. cludinj; Mechanics' Tools. relative lo "LcglfllatiTO." actor. No act Bball bo pmod which shall pro- To lite UIIDU mtical mil plunder. WOODFORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. l'or tho propoRod Htuendinrnt, d^ilRtuti vHo tliat any exiting law, or»oy part tboreuf, From towering cram tU«r trfttcti UID route stigsr-coatod pills, giant powder, COIOROO Coi FIJfB WOEK. laragnpli tiro of noolloa eight of articln (uu shall bo mado or doomed a pirt of tlio act or O'er which a tr.ln ii »lowl creeping. water and kcrosans all mixed together rrWIH well-known property bai recent!; bten r nl then distilled. DOVER, N. J. X oitonsWoly improrod und modsrnlied. fgr All kludi of repairing carafullj and promptly wllch ihall enact that any cxinttng law, or auj And, with a wild, blood-curdling KUDU t ho Mcrmniwj»tlon of tboie iwbing » r«tU«d •'-'K,""^'"-''"'--- Auroas tha desert coma they sweeping; Tie distilled liquid is placed in * re- umtner Mildoneo. Bltuittd tX the b*id of FURNITURE. ono,. Fooling nndor obllgatioDi to ttio public I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor. orpantfiTora, Iliopo by good work and fair Paragrnpb 6—Inaort tlio irord "freo" be- Hut Iiers tnelr valor Ukeo a turn, tort, whore a chemical action soparaUs Jnbo U jpttoong U ii ono of the moit diiin- Oo meotlng wltt tbo l*Mt rciliUoeo jlapiKccinfinluidniort to bo fonad wlttin ullDg (o morit a coutlauiDco of tbo inrao. For tho pioposotl amend mint, dcstgi.. men llio word "public"ana tneword"«cliooli, ifII,. 1111nuUd the gas forces it up separate llio uni dli*»pe« of New York. In thamldi iLWill 1 COV7LKTX ITOCE, irigtnnb ieTon,of arUcIouva.ralElira to "l&t- md add td tlio paragraph tbo following) Thej ibUD tht flglil, aid quickly learn pipes." Tjr T. LKPOIIT, of tttft tfin fineitmoonUin ie«nenrof NorihemNan 11-tf WM. HARRIS. "Tha legUla turo aliall provide for tbe roainle. To keep a rtry r»p«ctrul dlituce. Koroscuo nnd pills 1" alie goaoed. ' rorioy, with eicellent hnntlnr »nd CiUlnr, and M'. For (bo nrojHucd imcndiuiint, deslgmtod iinoo and support of * thorough and ouldon Too logon trembles whsn ha hears I rioy,li wi , Ufi not mrpmed bj»ny oflnrin pirigwpU erBbf, of arllota Uvo, nlatlw t- ""- lyitcin of frco public tchools for tbo in struct to i That** what I snid, madam" Vou e Orltetr jiitiTfl |" 3f all tho children in this stato batwoim the Around till head the bullda wblslle, look innocent nnd honest, and I hope Counsellor at Law, Ili CARPETS & OIL CLOTH, CHE TER MARBLE WORKS. For the pronomd BtnondnieDt, ileilj igoa offlro and eightoon jo*r»." - And most unpleasant to his ears you won't eay nnythingabout it I tend pariRnpb live, «f Beotlon one, of artlolo Btriko out paragraph H, ai follows ; Ia crack of carbtns or of pistol, AND MA9TEH IN CHANCERY, arriial or tho Del. Lack. A Wost. II. B. trains IIIIITD to "Appointing poiror tnd tonuro of of* "8. The aittont of throd-fiflhe or tha membor this fountain iu order to i of the litest and luntliitmcit doiisn*. : nia cboleest plan la where ttio road UDJCQ la tbo National Union Bank Dulldlp from Now York In tlis nsorntofi, For parlieuUrs en [" . elected to Oiob hoase shall bo roqafsUed to tin. OOTI tbrougU ifima dnikr canon, widowed mother and seven fatherless address as abov*. ^94-lf Por tho nropotod tmendiuont, doslomtej inisago of oTery lair for granting, coatinolDg, children. If yon should wy anything I'd 3UCFW.LLBT., DOVEH, N. J. J. S. HILDEBRANT, partgnpli nine, of section ono, of Article gee llcrliif,, amending or rocowiiig charters for To aquat In ambuih UU a toad. JO discharged, and if I irere discharged en, rohtiro lo "Appointing powor and tonuro o )iuks: or money corporations! and all such Surrounded bj tacb swart companion! MINING MATERIALS, ibirtors tnall be limited to a term not eicood- should commit suioido. You'll have ftlco;" And wnen you resell their hiding plice plenty of water, eh 7" VTBIOHCOUn t (hia la not * lmid uT/at and explodud !" C10HKHALL -itcitdciiRna of iraRraph flvo, of Bocllon two, of article Heron, .cal or spot ill laws In anjr of tlio following Became Ibo people are called arnaan, TUK CKUBnATXS " Don't mention it!" ho whispered, Counsellor at Law, nioimisTowjv, N. J., vtttiro to "Appointing potter and tonuro of or- mumeratoil casoi, Ihatia to u»y : Thcss natives, in s Yankee's eyes, "Don't spoakofit!" CUT PAPER PATTERNS ' "jajlnff out, opening, altering and liars neither urilns nor vigor, ' DOVER, N. J.. Solo Propriotor for Morrli County o For tho proposed amendment, deal ...Is or highways. ••I'm sony for you, young man, but of frank Leslie*! IJUUOB1 Journal. inpripU Bii. of section tno, of arliclo "Vacating any roatl, town plot, utrcct, alley A most unhappy compromlio there's A coustublo living right in eight J. WlBABBITT, •r publio ctonrids. Bstw.cn Iho login aud tbs nl(jer, Psltnt 'Up. ClU and be convinced that It pija jon to bny ilitivato "Appolutinff ponor nnd ten Dt our house, nnd I think I—I—I" ifflco ;" ' "Itcgulating tbo tntornal affairs of towns and Thair laDRUigs la a mongrel whlno "Toq'll drivo ma to a finicido's gmre, Gold Filling a Speclnltr. Tor catb iDilead of credit. l'or tho proposed amendment, designated :ountic»;appointinB local otllooa or eomi trblcb the meaning IHW, tn vauiiu A. GILLEX, TOMBSTONES, MANTLES, &c, paragraph aoraii, BCCIIOQ two, of arlicle BOVOII, o rogultto muniolpat alTaln. you mean 1" , General LlnuRl Nitron. Oxide On, Ac, Ac, tu. ka. like itnnsth from User boer or wio», C E. LINDSLEY & SON. rolitivo to "Appointing powor and tt "Bctcetliig, drawing, snmmouing or oiapanol- A"parody upon tho Spanish. lio lowered her spectacles, took a ls-jp, PRACTICAL TAILOH. ofiico;" look at him, and wont out without Furnishing Undertaker. Tor tho proposoa amondmant, do Enagrand or On wbattbey lire besides lueslr replying. Ccmotorj plots eoologodej QranltR aud Uar- uacrapb (-'fiht, sect ion tiro, of arllcL , ''Creating-, Increasing or Jocroailng tbo nor maj-peihapi bo tnlert.led. L1CBN8KD AUCTIONEER AND C0MMI3- WILLIAM SIMON", ilitiTfllo' "Appointing poner and tonuro of of- BCtitags or allovanco of publlo offloon during Thoy hava M i\xmtt a bill of fare Mansion House. blo Posts, Erory job varnntod to giTO cotn- tlio term far nblcb said ofllccra were electee! lointcd. As human stomach o'er digested- HIONEIt OF DEEDS, [00 YARDS FROM D. L, k W. DEPOT JX Mofc'niVrbwM,*hai~biuirup a'krre ploto saliBfactlon, Prices modoralo. lor tho pmpoiod i —angicg tho Uw of descent. They eat "frljoles, came," corn, How to Limit Tromiifng. All onion promptly at ton dad lo: and ln.rc.iing trad, and now te.d. tho alty-fn jiaprdpli jiino, toe tit... —, _. , "Qranting tu any corporation, sssoclstioti or And on hog'i Intaillces riot; The Albany Evening Times m an arlioloa STANXIOPEI, X0*. r ila Una with tbo large.! otore, larcwt itoek, •Dlaltvolo "Appointing power and toimroofof- indlvldnal any oiclusko privilege, Immuoltr •Turllllaa," sbeop's bsid.Hair and homi, m tho "Tramp Scourge" baa something JlUCEVEU STCKET, Dave, N. J. beat workmen and low prie... J. S. HILDEBRANT, sr franchiso whatever. m tho subject worth reproducing. It Witt. BROWN, Prop'r. Fo'r the propoicd amoodmont, daalgnMcd "Qraullnf, to any corporation, asaocatfon or Witb "chill" for tbo fiTorltedioli EORGE »IcGRACir.IElV, tanrnph ton, section, two, of article urnm, inJIrldual the right to lay down railroad traclu. "Flnoche," watnroielon siad, .ye:—"Whut is required to prevent OppoaiTE CHEHTEE HOUSE, •olilivolo "Apitoinling power and tenure of of- "Proriding for changes of ronuo in civil or __ onions and-plnaole." t icceaaionfl to (ho ranka of the tramp G KAHurAOtDnEn or EieolIoQt iceoLnmnUtloni for trantieDt or Men't all Waal' Double and irlmiual cases. ind to reclaim tho less debased of their, porminent boardori, alio •> litcry tnd boirdlnf I.'AKD UK rrxHACTED, Tliat oacb of said bai- Bat whsn they are bard np for fitJ Twl.t Suit, only - - 910.00 •TroftdiuR for tbo insuremopt and support Tbey llvsiipon mssquit btans solclr. BDtnbors is the opportunity to obtain Carriages and Sleighs, •tftbla atUched to the hooao. F»i»onfieri takan 10-ly CHESTEll, N. J. stBRballbocanntod aai voio cast for enolipro- 'oluntary and etcady labor. Tbis coa- to ani from lliKt.l'i Lako and L«ka HapitconS •onltlon thereon not can cello d iritb ink or peri- . _jfiisliituro ehall pais gonoral laws pro- ihearcaaDraaldom uts or driokc, Of Every DeHrlptlon. at retaontblo cbareoi. ' 2S-W Goad Hedvr Suit! - - 0 00 il, and against each proposition so cancellod, forthocuwBenunioitted In this -r~ Hlajn|ndlairr*[ipodlD«cant;clotbln|(i lition of affairs cannot be rcaohed at mil return tboroof aball Iw mado accordingly ijrapb", and for all othnr emos which, — .._ Ofbooks to neverdreuns ortblnka, once, but tho spread of tho tramp Cur. niialuicU and Borgon HU,, DOVHR, N. J. J. HA.IKEIOTTSE. lyinojndgci of election. udgoment, may bs provided for by general scouxgo and of highway robbinoa J^ISTEK'S AND ALLBNT0W5 " Wsrkiur Pauti • 1.00 G. ANDDEIT EXACTED, Tliitt ill jiori ..- And labor it tils special lottluDfr. [&m Tbo leglslaturo shall put no special act SutllttlscaroheeTeri-esls, and hoaso-breakinff ehould admonish (lOCOESBOn TO Z. DAIHBOtJBI t HI{0.,) lied tototoln this stale for niombcni or tbo inferring corperato power*, but tlioy shall BONB, glsl&turo, at tbo time or uid election, ill " pats ganoral laws unilor whicli corporations ao so but apea tie SpanUU hiro, our Btateaniou of tlio nocesiity of so leg- " "• « extra l.BO i tliotr renpcetlTo tDHTiihlpt and wsrdi, bo — may bo organised and corporate powers of TTIth momiroua apur npon his heels, islating an to bring tha aountry io a SUPEB PHOSFHA.TB OF LIM£, Itlod toTolcit tliepollwlicro they vronlil bo overy caturo obtained, subject, ticvorlbetcss, tato of prosperity at oa early a day iu nOVEU LAUUUATOnY. lor. Blackwell & Sussex Sts., intillod to TOIO Tor mcmberi of tho leg.Blatnro. And on klahtadf broad "lombrero," Gae< Warkiui Pt^tl Double o ropetl or alteration at tbe will or tho lcgis- lie erimlr smiles at Grlnoo jokes, >oaaible. # tt v Society ia, la a raeas- AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BONE, fl. AitD PB IT EXACTED, Tbat afttT finallyatpre." iro, rcapansiblo for the acourge of Ta^;- *••«• and Aoaljio< otall diicrlpUoni of extra - : - - M.T^ DOVER, N. J. laser, aa pangi apb, 12. a new p*r»gr»x>h, as Thoagh he his nd a singh "tUoo." OUESANBJIIINERAI-S BLOOD GUANO, POUDRBTTK, PSBUVUN MEKCHANT TAILOR, nt and csnus tho hall With dlsnlty be sver saokca itondiBm. If the people would male it Q0AHO, PLASTER. u. relallro to oach or tlio said proposed amend "12. Property shall be amused for taiei un- nisclgirelleorbsd lobacco.' hoir business to attend to their political CABEFOtlY 1UBE. nd dealer ia lien's ami Gbililren's Ready- lenti to tha constitution, and thereupon Hhs.ll Smoking a.ad lolling In tha .h.dc, luties, to seo that .public afifiurs ver« VOOIIHEES iiHOTIlERB, a BPECIALTI it flown in writtnE tbo.irbolo number of rotes lor gonoral lanB, and by ooiforni rules, accord- Ulitnfcliarm.lUbefnrnlilirfonapplloaSon. Mado Clothing. [veil lor each of tta'sald proponed ainnniJ* nglo Its truovaluo." Their laiy lonla no tiMieht perpletca ; wisely and economically atimiaistei-ed, 13.6m Korrfjtown, N. J, Dut makes a eh I rant j. undlsmayHl, taxation kept down, and businsas freed L . o, BffiniviimBffiniviimii, tUSSEX ST., [8d door from Bhckwoll,] menti in tbo words ID vliioli ttie tald proroicd HBOTIOS VIII. amendment in. borolnbofora RlTen, and lite Out cf tba poies ef both scies. from constant governmental interfer- DoitrMorrHOoiiritjN.J. DOVEK, N. J., wholo numherof votMRivoQ againat oncli of Insert »• paragraph 9, a cow J'angraph, ai Tbcy tclla thousand baiefaced 11«, ence, prosperity would be restored, and JtlOLLKR *. BACKOFF'S liuHtid popusod smcmfmentit s« horoinbafuro lirj«aiipit»iot tfiXHI CtOTIirNO for ,pDouncen to tlia public that bis stuck of cools iTtii, and slisll certify and inbsoribo a slilc- J"l.MrEicryolucernrthologislalnro sbnll, bo- To sU tbo aalnta In lltaven arpcalins, witb it the wandering beggar nuiaance Allen Palmer & Son. BAR and BILLIARD ROOMS, : ?r comprises an unuiu»lly lino .iiortraeut of icnt oniio'CBUltofiho Bamc, ind en QUO tbr -nbu uiiUiraupou bis datii-i tako aud subscribi Canfoa their alna with lemful eje«, would die out. The few tramps who . :' 'inar;i[oiiii*^ajdDoyfl Clottt, Fancv Cuolmor-iB and YGFIIUL'S, by thn ccrtiflod to bo dollvorod hv a meiHcii),cl .. fullovins oath or nMrrtution : "I do sol- Dairoutij pray, but kooi> on ittBllni;. would atill remain niiffht then be cosily Carpentoi'8 (cemcBa or annex AMD ciMU. BTI.,> mil cui U> (It HltlioukcliHiKUi ornuilo lo urdtr owolntoi cc l bvllionito tlio KOcrctary of (Onto ol imsly prouuso onAuoar (or nfllrm) that I vil Tlioy go lo cburrli. helleve In htU. put under tho whole»ame discipline of •t tlio cburlcBt notico. Aluo eouttaullv on ppulntatt u nllliln onn ffoob after»alJ olccllon, iittliiully, Impartially and Justly perform all its xta vn tormenti moit be hot, lompttisory labor, until habits of indus- AND •OVEB. J,(K|0 PAIl.,0P PASIS. land a largo larioty of Qcuti' FornisUing linll forthwith fl|0 lUo intno in lild otBcc ho duties of Ibe offlco of—•-, to tbu boat or DOVER, N. J. l ; l l They pUy on nddles, ring a boll, try olid thrift had been acquired," In Hllll p&pu ny ability and uuJurstmiillng; tlml *I will Bulldeiti. all Hod. of FOItEIQl) and D0UCSTIO 'i parilcnhrly cult ittcutlon turn.v arerull.r preserv* all rccorde, pupnrs, writings And wonhipaodwithilrumi mil shot. jricf. tho Times sees, as nil who choose 7. AND BE IT EJHCTKHE , That It shall bolbo ir,property ontrufllcil to mo Tor enfo keeping by to look for thomsclvei must see, that DOVEK, N. J. oa't fal^tp Mil arid aaa,lbs BARQAIHfi, and SPBIKQ AND SDMMEIt BTOCK, I IT ol Iho cnvuniur to BiiuiDiniito attend liln, •irtuo of my oflleo, and tnako such dlBpou- Tuo women ilrcin upou a (iltu 1»" aetontjiljed. at the low prlcee far good cloth- • being carefully selected aud nfforoil at priccB i fhn twontj'.llrflt ilny aftorHiicli o too lion, four - -*"•- - IJ bo requiri-d by llHiembllnii French ZOUITM orTaivoa; tho public prostitution and private LIQUOR? and SEGARS. la suit tlio tiwOB. I cumldcr mysoir In iliroot ' moru of tho mcnibcm of tlio eciiato.irl.oBliail i ot the name us mzj Aud Uius Ood'a ladles aud (jentlcmen pen air, including (rampage, whiob has * promptly attended to. l ' ' xuiirotilionwilli Novrark and Now York cloth- oet on tlio laHtuanicdday iu tlio sonalo ohim- ottleu like an incubus ou the country, Alio, WACHKNHUTH. ADAM ft CO.'icolt- A general rcduoilon In price? of ir,lntlio citv-orTronton, at tlio hour of two AltTICLE \\ but III tie less than scarecrows, 8. J. PALMEll, Architect. bretodLaser. ALES, UINKBAL WATEB3, tie. 17-ly, J. W. BABBIT. Ing uouHts, nua liy rerorence to my prices tuo ulockP. 51., ttudthoy,(vitutlie Governor, ihall Hith face concealed from human sight, i tbe direct outgrowth of tho policy instintly on hand. public will rondilj diiecru (but I am an liberal nilitulo a board of stateeauvasscn to can- Aud tegs cipcBed to nil ttiat passes, •vliich has -'ruled".and aU but rained StOLLER'B OPERA HOUSE, ilheniDutlibGroI. l'tracrnpli C-Artor the word "loglntatnrc'," Ttielrcolomrles IE tha He lit .ha country, in the comparatively short BUSSDX Ijtrfet, 3d doer from Dlackivcll, JEWELEY, _ch of Kaltl amciidniontH, nnd tlia said board •hero it oeeurn first in said paragraph, insert Dotwocu new leather and molatici. loriod siuco tho time honored priaoi- 43-ly. WILLIAM BIMON. if nlato cunvnaflcrs Hlmll proceed ta organize tic words "or tho son a to ilono." efforts toinjproTs lb« race, - which led tho country to prosperity PIANOS, MRS, A. BEEMER .nd ilotcnnino tlio result a cr or ding to ttio pro- Ptragrnplj 7—Add to tbo paragraph llio ful- SO HI) "GOLD RINGS iwl.ig ; Tbs "fair ones" never seam to waver. j ])luco to tlio incompetency, Btupid- iulonBoftlio aot entitled "An aot lo roculatc Hut labor with a Christian grace Ii now rosily witb ill tha now styles for lecllotn," approved Ajirii Bliteonlb, elgblcea "If any bill presented to tlio governor con- ty and corruption of Stata and national Organs and Melodeons ?hia Eiismvofj. Enameled aud Ensino-turnod. unJreilind forty-sis, in far an tha; aro appli- n til veral I turn a ofappropiIaLiuus of money, And freely giro away their favor. CRisktion. This ia ths causa of thii A. Beemer, to, nndsliill dotcrnilnoind dodara wliieli o may object to ono or morn of such items Tlitf lool: OD virtue aa a abam, 'fleet, and until the primary caused is Repaired and Tuned SPRING-of 1875. PEIWV CHAINS and GENTS' VEST CIIAINS. itld proposed amendments have boon adopt- lilo tipproving of tbo other portions of tlio aults Uiclr eonitltuilon; •omoied tho social ovil of trampage nnd ESTATE AGENT, ind shall, forthwith dolkor a itatement of itll. IniuchcasaliB Bhill append to tbo bill, P"»pllj,in•„;„,,,orMorrin'oiunty. • Mr •JOLD AND SILVEB THIJIBLTS, result »M to each amonilment to tho score- ILo time of eignlnc it, a statoiutnt of ttio [f one should fill the? taka It calm, i thousand other ills, within the. Fashionable Millinery jmi to which lie object a, and tlio apprqpria- And i«e no harm In prostitution, iiowcr of good government to remtdy, \1. B. WMOHT, Blaotwoll St., near StiiiM, Dovor, S. J, The New Empire vofntatonf tbit stale, bafliodtu his oflleo Anotfldil paper, ana BUJ proposed amond' ion io oltjocted to eUftll not tako effect. If the a filib thoy livo and from tt spring, ,vill bo our portion despite tha best iglilature ho in scsdon ho Bball tratumlt to Tha women brevd Ilka Wee or rabbits, Borer, 1U. Hot-Air, Ons & Bnsc-lnirn- iont which bj said carl Idea I o and detcmiiDa- je home in which tlio bill orgtnstod a copy of iflorts to get rid of them. Fancy. Oootl». of tho board of •tato canraiiors (hall ip- icb statement, and the Items objected lo ibill fhieli aeerac to ba a carlaln thing JWIID D. ,„„,,, rto Into rjoeifod in Hi favor a majority of With people fllthy In thalrhablta. HOUSES AND LOTS . .^. thoatalofor and ---'--• >o Bnparatoly roconaldorad. If, on icconsidtr* THE ing Cooking Stove. iatlQ .tlon, ono or more of auch Itoma bo approved Upon their heads In triumph «lSn, ^roendmoat ilill, from t_ iy a majority of tho mombora oloctuil to each Oreat swarms of Tannin fat and saucy, ATTORNEY AT THE BEST SAKLNQ STOVE IN THE WOULD , .„. cortlflcate, be and bocoi IOUIO, lift uavaa ahall bo h nj,rt of tba law. nol- atest Styles A Newest Design* mi EYE GLARES ur .11 J - xent tu an; part uf tho constitution of less rovers or tae Spanish mans FOR SALE. Alio, s Largo Antortwont of otber m;lea 0 ritliiUndlng tho objection* of tbo gofornor. Crufie fcuUas o'srtvnoceiD glossy, A couplo of enterprising men, doing H, OIPOMTB KITIOWIL UWI01T XAVX Oolti, Silver, Sloe I, Rnhbcr ind uttfl, and It ibill La tba duly of the Cov 1 tbo nrovlalona of thii HOC lion in roiitbnB to rar. j. For doieriptloni of Propsrtr and pirtlca lir of Cooking Stores, lUogoi, 1'arlor of this ilato forthwith, aHor BUCII dotcr- til tld b th rern l liejf dwAlllii hovoli built of mud, ho clothing business in Atlanta, art in* >i OSBL4CKWELI, BIHEET, Stones, Ac, Shell. THE FAlItCniLp GOLD PEN, umnr- llon, to lnuo a, procUmallon doolarinff ill notlappro ha corernor Bbal Wbora doss sad Boats at will may wunler terf towed by a customer in search of t, ltUffl _...i of said proposed amendtmnU hiro bean iplytocaBesln OPPOHH S«IVI'« BAXJC. paiiod fur fluency and gononl oiceilioneo. Bball witUbold hi TbUe ilop and filth, a bilmy flood, coat. Tho senior of the firm handles tha FOR SUMMER 4 WINTER USE. idoptod by tho people, provaroval from aann ; item or iU tid i In'streans around tbe door mtandir. CONOLLY U. QUAIL., Iam.alRo idulnff (o my Block DOT itjlenin 8. AND lie iTXViOTEn, Tbat tlili act, tojjetb- appropriating money." now comer, and soon finds "a first cloai JOHNDKUMMER'8 Ths largest and moil complsla stock •( MUii- Alsn, ft eholca stock of irtlclu* of solid Blhor and plitod wire, io.t»l.o rltb tbo aald proiiowd amendmonto, elitvtl iragraph fl-idi] to tho paragraph the taU TLalr mod* of travel on the road flt.'* In answer aa to tho pricothere- atrj tn&F*ntj QOQCM to •»• foud In DOTS? Tor ireddin? proionti. FOURS, BPOOSB, and in all tlio nawiiiapen nhlob woro tponso is "eighteen dollar)," SLATE and METAL ROOFERS, Would frighten ceo who fi«Ter met a Hardware, Cutlery, „ .flaw on tbe first day of January, .Vur'iltall bo bo olockd by the legislature to SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING •ticIn for Ublo uio at groallj rcduood prlccn ighloen hundred and laTonty-UTo, lo pnblliu oBlco under tbo government of Ibis utito Dirty, icreimlnn, aluptd load '•"Well, sir, 1 like your coat very much, 65 SOUTH Btt AVENUE, NEW YOHH. llonneti, Ilati, Floweri, Feat* bo hmiof tblK state, tnd tha nmo nil all be jf tho United 6tales, during tha term f OfOreasersln ano]all with forked log*. irico, saying iliat fifteen dollars wns too "*'"•" '^UASSIOS HOUSE andDopot,); andllolU. For fuel the/ dig the earth with ahovcls. DKALEIt IN COAL. ELOIN WATCH MOVEMENT, lisha copy ottbi* law to oacb of laid newipa- -lucli. ThisiTBe too heavy for tho dealer, T H.lTIMt DE&TIKO, X fine ••Bortment of uiuTU. orpiotns. Cut grus with hoei, rJiiln up tbtlr hr>ci BO talting hia customer to tlio extrauu DOVER, N. J. :»1lod tho A«ry Watch, Alia, igcnt for ths "O.'AND SIS IT BNJOTM, Tbit tht tiamo nollcs And keep their horses In their hoveU. Uou, Maoldoerj OiU, it ttooling, Humbing and Job r tie election prodded Tor by this act iu tho Piragraph 5—Aftur tho words "major cenor- end of tho store, and drawing hlna into Chignons, Switches, Braids, &c. upward, 'Wtltham, Springfield and Foreign imubipi and wards of tba itatoihall ho given M»," luiort tho words "llio adjutant concr&l ihonaibrlcl jiliyi h(»Qn«l trump, dark corner, be whispera in Ida ear ; JlMling and Mining Powder, row, Drill fitwl, Work promptly attondui to. Patch. t IB nnir required by law in caso of tho annual ind quwloniuitor cencral." And all tho nationa aropnnilcd Hammers, Ac. Also, a Tory largo nrlety of For urand I rupee tlon in aluinp, 'Mino front, 1 lot yon b»f4cnl cont for BOKNELL'B PATENT BTEAM COOKING Repairing a irwcklty and warranted. colinn for members of thxi legislature. I'lraErapb fl—Slrlto out tlio words "tho adju ,TTc!ve dollnrs and n half." elgn and Domestic Segara i, JJeks, ic. 10, AND BE rr £»ict£i>, Tliat nil officers of intgancral, quartormaitor general and." llils brosd will provo tho most dCGradiit, «.WiT8 0KHAlJD. S8.tr. voonuEEa DUOS. ZEPHYR GOODS, Al'l'AItATUH. ENGRAVING NEATLY DONE. lection who iball ansfit la c and acting said Alto strike out thu word "other." .a earthquake which abouta shaku tin land "•Well, Bir,"DnidUiectiatomer, "Iliko MoBurrowy, H. J. ilccllon ill all ruooiro tlio H»mo componsition yonr coat very muoh, and am sntisDed rbank'a Scales'at Manufac- SECTION II. Horn* Great subterranean motion, AnJ ft Ana itoclc of ind bo raid In tbo same mannor ai in now pro- Aud IUTO tbu tract ol bimn sand with tho prico, yet. I would liko to know turer's prices; ridRd 1>J Uvr in case or iho annual election. PASSAGE TICKETS LT1VIL OITICEM8. Tbo pavelaent of ahwriug occau, why this mysterious performance," AND JLET MVJ3," ladles' Famishing Goods. Did Iron. Copper. Bran, Leitl, JUfi" ttnd PEOPLE'S STORE." 11. Ann DEITEKACTCU, Tliit no lowrtapcct- •oenbicKi taken in eicbmeo for ROOUI. QK Ihe Ttcistration of voteri sball bo apulica Piragraph 1—Strit—Strifco outl thtboe worwordd "«n "andd 1 Some hujt conrulilvo water abtfce, "Well, mine front, you tee dotieetle * U TUB 1I0TT0 or ' It* to lbs election provided for by tbit act. where It occurs first) inthcnaraKrapbintbenaragraph, andinandin- mm (lore ? He was mine broiler. He got 0 IrorythiDg naitho best material ind mado op JAME3 H. BRUEN Jc Co., (ONE PRICE ONLY.) n Ba ma terrible apssniDillo movement. ze heart disease, and so help ms graciouus, »*M,HANCE4Co,'s''sTORE> thomoif cempetaat assistants. 33. Aim DE IT EXACTED, Tliat it Bball bo tin icrt after tlio worwoid * "umiusla" ' "" llt o 'fullnwiu " g Subsiding bnt ta leave a lake. Hookaway, March 1, IB73. datj of tbo HOcrctary of utato to proparo and •rJn i "ami ju«lgdgei s of the inferior court o if ho was' to hear mo tell you £ take "THE CANDY MAN," •T\0HE8TI0 DEPART1IEHT: have printed a KIT OOKS kvo inrcnsD; rnnrn, amoiUKa, io tvoran "and comptroller." In a reccut scandal caie in Smith' who keep, ennttantly on hind Ui« eliolceit le- . tho nio of tho yuten oflbatcouaty, aniilt AliD, itriko out tho words "ono year" In tbo l!y photojnpL, I must confess, lection of ^oi Inn Orea and ICinenl Froperty, BBB, COTTOH um WOUBTED, CAILFET WIUP, County, Kansas, a lady -witness doobned A JVDSU.V COB, ihall bo tba diftv of thoolork ofoacbooantj. •ocsad chuse of paragraph 3 of action % ani Tbo country d<*i bj no means flatter, LADIES' onriB1 YOUTH..* IHD cinrjmr.s'i rrsnnii- it lesat DQO wook beforo said election, to tratia Tba pooplo ana their CUB torn i lets, mswor a question, and tho. nttomoj 0OHEE0TIONEBIES, POWEBVIIiLE, N. J. lit to tho judgOR of clactian ia caeli polliag Cbango tbo number of iiroeent pancranh llut it'a trae, tlufn wh«fi tba mattnr. anndod lier reason. Nnla, Orangel, Toy., Pipe*. Enrolopa., Sta. LICENSER AUCTIONEER. AC ' iv*. u. iunniTT, Islrlct of tin county a snfllcient Dunibor for tonutabora,anditrikooul tbe ironl "and" If any thick ma too aevere, 'Because it is not fit to tell detent P. O. it BOOSTOK, N. 3. . 31 UOnniSTOWN, N. J. ifl HBO of tbo ToUra of moh polllug diitrlcl. bcre it occurs between tho word "obanoorj" Sru * Ordon loft at M. H. DIckorBon'! ilore, or at 13. Aim Bsrr xKitCTEo, Thit this aot ihalltnd tho word "locroUry." . Or call my yirn s vlclod libel, ;)eoplo." ...• ' ffK. I. DlOAKr. - 7A T. DzCAKTinyi«id«ncBonBERaENBt. . will KCCITO Jm- Suis 1 Stroot, 3d door from Blackwall, aJii effect imtnBalitolT 111 Uie, to prove wynolf tlncere, "Oil, well," said tho lairyer, "just •"•.H.F.HOA0LAKD, . SAMUEL IBEWAJtTIU. !d April B,18H. Also, insert after tho word "aUto" the words: Ur "daTj" on a Mcraon Iilble. - otoiur.K.'j. WJ lYTHilAM RIUOH. ',ictl tbo keeper of Ibo lUtc priion." walk np heto tmi whisperit to tho judgo." BEEMER & PALMER, A CliASt-i; AltvuiirtsiKti Xlir.—3Ir. SHACKLETON'S THE IIIOX VAiX.' Oraufjo Jmld, projirietor of Ilonrtii ami RUPTURE. i/:i.i ;i iI«H-i-i]ition of tli THE"-GBEAT "CONFLICT Wliuli-mlu nud Ik'tall dt-alori in tliu Am.-nc.ii Illtle TC.M Homy, Iins written to tliu Now l'oit 'XVt- fi>t irij. tn llriMt Hrituii buno jm nccovnt of successful adrrrtiw- BLANK BOOKS, STEAM HEATING APPARATUS nrlmuv istlif "Clmllcngc iug by bint.' Twenty year* ug», WIIL-II ,t tlu'V mt IIIIM* F»Ht WAUUISO Scranton, Lehigh & Bituminous .i...,^-i,.;i «.f M:ij.tfFiiltoii. OOKfTINtTES! laJt.l'^ulliriL-1,1 DWELLING HOUSES, OHVllCHEH O O A XL* , h | .-J iil. 1K-IO y uuuotiiiL-'uiiJuot i ti»"* rw ami FUUUO IlUILDINaH. Uo i-i « timm ri hitf (t.tiil bibioo uL» . ^^, ll ^lc l P A N C V a O () I) S. &0., piiqiiibiiiff tu cuiidt'Of'i* flic;(ii nftenrnnia. DEATH TO HIGH PEIOES! KOBKUT lJut bmldoulj lie uotii-oil tlmt tliti Tri- LATENT STVI.ra F ' Sim; I'AIT.II, PHOSPHATE ami LONE D CJIH'1; Jr.ul t>tij})i«'(l, ami, iu moid . „wnll: lomiL', liu threw Ilia dojty l :in ntlitr Iff a tors rcqtnro &!i ex pun en rod cnitiui;cr CAIjGtNCD l'LAKTEU, cli IM'll slil-U lie arint: 1llio uord "Wim- liis couruj'ance. Koit day his nilYcrtise- Aug. 27tli, 1875. lo ruun turn. It U adadaplina l to xmall ilwAutiR* Him CLAY, rmii imicK, Mi •dun. " On Hi ti Op])»itl o side is n M'm- t.me**aureJ OBU liuudictl Bni ninety- 2iou It. Cole, llOB&nn* Coutraj, H m» ass to ]»]»n,'n « builbuilil J'tlJ i ! 15. Dlll Mm.. AA.. HocLiuftH , ilii i- sliiiL-lil cm ,iii II ••JS76," ustend of forty liiies.iiud its cost was Mir WALT, KKJKETH, d HUlo, {Treat IlritMU JiLVBHTOSB,\YQOD. B IO tiynrcs Mrs Jolm ] largl o i son, any, AiiHtria, unit JtUM li/.liiiitiv Oi 1 UlOfront tlio { imcriii. it great tax upon him. jfnt the reward Jubn HcKto, Joltn I'embirtti, '* billing was apoedy. A sonnatiou was cauiutL J • . WUCKETS, Ac, in nxi' Riving onlio tin Jnhll Itswling, KIliiF.I'otUir. The JElegnnce, Extent, and Clieapness JilVtiRr "CIULLENGI: rcr if 3 it. in, two hundred nut} twvnty-aix lltidSiil Hmitb, JIM L, Mcnarl, ow iinbs(-ribcrn lint] Ticou on to rod on It. A. Htuddcr, Kirthtid Stow.rt, l'ICTUUH THAMES I'ri-suijtol I'.v tliu Nutiouiil Ttiflo . MM. £. Anuitick, FLAG STOXUVCUmilNU, CliLLAi; Koc-iulii.ji of (irouL Ilrifjiin lo Nuiionnl iis bonk)! Sirica thai tiiuo Ornngo JudJ ('. A. HIIUJBtrm Jlu U WillL of pur Stock enables us to please every- AOE.V/3, " 1 Kitli' AssoHutiim of thu Unitoil Stati ins ndrertited extensively, Ilia outlay Jubc i;. Willie.i COWKt). HUJii, LINTEL*- , fie. • nil piu m atlvertmna nccuuut huti hcon iiuito Toiihlsln any uf tlia ibavo leitorj i»j " ii TOl'i, S. J fiiv ciiimii'litkm ut tliuir minimi tueutiiif vcrtlocd" tint t-lvu ibtu uf tUiu Hit. at Ilm , Iliat i. (In tVi:l'»werii.irluf tho handle aflh- mlfpiiiilliju dollars; r>ml it lias pniil body. Tlie'cleinand for our goods encour- i»l is j'fljiog him. A. liliEMEH, P. M, mid ricri'IlE IIOOKH. cil l.i tliu t:m!>iiril H u i';irvi;ii seal hear, .-TOVES and TIN LOWEST MARKET iiif thn lfviul, Ni.li"»!i:il Kills Assoriu- ages us to manufacture freely, and we will tif'n, riiiiiuiul iyr.ii." Gilbert's Pure Confectionery. .Cual »f all I.1..03 ccimtantly o: Wi . lill l llC Iii Hit- i-fiiliv <•( tlic fiusil is iho figure Sonic WURIES apo, and hnuiccliutoly nl to a for i.f nn iLiii'lior, iimltlio lisiirra "iauU-IC- r lliutrful of l'atdelc Kohoofor (li therefore add to our stock daily. Do not it-/, jijj.J t!ti- ;:niiiOVJ3H, N, J, .._ _ to tlio _ I?AM,Oil FUKNAOE, : Jiuiicaii, KluTiiwii A- Co. (lrailiii«• fp.)U]*'ii iiffib niv sfon, ningetl onu iihnve llio jury. Judgo Knapij, in a letter . . S.H. BBEESE, Hr. S. II. Eannom, denies ihathocT aril will to civon for and over furfydiflLT^it nadprim of I'AItLOH, Oidcn-nay bo flildrcaacd tbroiigb t|IG f, vc.ii^ i:i ;i!i i:,>nhv.Jt £•<»:,] iliu]), am] Um return of ttio 'lug ur fur liiforuutluii Hint >rized (lie furnishing of liquor, m. IIALIJ nui] tJOOIilNtt BTOMlS; l-UltNACCS, Ofllco Luck Sox 28, or loft at A. Bcuitior'i OK j hvi-'cn t'rtdi ni'f.' IHI'II;; ilcop enough to will lead to hie rocou-rr. DOVEB JLIKK BUIXDINi IIASOliS, CJ1AT1W, Ac. M. L. FELL & CO, ii t:n i ulil it- •IK.M OHO 1i.iltit* of "fliumi'agiic. Tito Unit if liquor was furnished, tli UUAH. ^ GILLEN, . lo • ii.--i are iifsfuiiL-J [o Miov tlio drinker. iiiieers in charpo uf tlio jury were uufn UnJorUkcr, Duvur. N. 1. I>otur,AngunL2Uli 187C. 37-Iw I ILS iho laiiUanl 1-r.^os from Imml tu liana, 'or tlmir positions, t JlOTliH. J. WOOD and IS0N PUMPS IvliL'iiLtf liiis fulflllcHi Uii duty at (ho 1 S . coollv talka m'r of r.xcTy voHuty, LEAU nnil'lUON l*t [ J5. llvanl. At tlic request ol tlio JJnUonel A unmber of fho velcmiia of tlio li Wotice. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE The People's Clothiers, • IlilU'As'LH-iiitnni uf ("(rent JJritum tlic i rar nru making im>pnrntiatis for a grn O. vl O. F. Jlnudolpb So, ian. UuiiiMii.trorit ut AViinUeilou, mul II1Btiniou iu Eiizaboth, N. J., of the sol . ISr^b Y " PLVMUmQ WORE DONE 10 0EDEB. icrs who fouplit on either side dnriii; I , held at tin (was v.-.m i'.v Major JViiliou, who will hold I' f'T K distl- PLOWS, HARROWS, | tlic Inte Keliollioii, At a meeting h< ...... ieuit 3lnt, nt Ti it until ;t s.npcrior snorts IUUIM it RWIIJ, M. Hbarj,. Also tliu oflluura n>ul in Eliznbeth Tuiwilny uight, Gon. _ L(«lKo Next to WASHINGTON HALL* . . .- CDLTIVATOES, i M 'i.'.K'Il •not Citizen* Lwlgo Ko. Hi ot line AiiiiiiniittrBior «r HUIA: i ].:.:i:!.niiiU Mndittou Drake was chosen Chairman. , HoxittouflLwlpo Ko. WBofHorrlatorti X lHI.LEll.dCL l, will null nt public audi?! iotor oppr ml t!i cup. Auioti^ those to whom it was decided t( SEED SO WERS.ROLLEIIS, ,fv, ] , It is iUx-iJcil!.r llnuiitoii Lodco Nn. HO nt Uuotilon, aud lto Bt blBlalnreKiiluilt at tiTAMIOl'K,n n GLINES' HOOFING PAINT. .tliu-.l r.t 1010 0 pm LitL-iid invitations, nro rrc&idciit Gran ~ ' So. 181 iif Siicc6«min;i are liero MOwkfiq MACIHNr.s, o to iiifisfiu their Tlir. A KColtS ITT. Keeretar}* ltobOKon, Oov. Heillo ; to te, MONDAY, August 30th, 1875, Wclcomi! 0110 aud nil tu an ciamiintiim ol utr ut imitiirtmce In Itn lrauBiclei]. MORRISTOWN, N, J. cU UiL-y offer mi ll ,vuu t.y Sftijor Fill rufiiiutativtis of the Uniou Army, to Oeua. Im'k LAWN MOWERS, nAY TBDDE11S I ; t!ip fiflv ltyartlorul tliu D. U. ii. M. k-t.vi of silver bi>:ir KliiTiuan, Sheridun, Hancock, Kilpi II. HEDDEX, I . M., tlio HOUSE IiAKIi'a, to. ' ' f^miHH inscrip rick, Truux, ^tewort, Bniitli, Slocui IliHl. Dun. Uranil SIIKU l'r^sontal by tliu Irish Eillc Auocia Eurimitlo nnd MuClellan ; nnd to Oons CHIB. SIBK, Itcu. Efjt'y, 37-tw 3-IOUSK AND LOT Klan, a largo flSjorllRen! ol ijr.ii allouiiigjfii fur [lie liifjiicbt Aiucricait score ii Mahoue, of Virginin; Kirliland, of N. ) acoMwa, tliimtu h HTANMOJ'K, Jlorris WANT BUPPLII iiliij> i» their! tli Aluiietirii Cup com}tctitioti, 1H75." Carolina; Longstrcet, of (leorgia ; Moi iinly, oi UiMidhii;li,nrnki-Tii1i! ' HOES, EAEES, BPADE8, SHOVItS, | It is nliout iifloen inches liigli, fornioi PUBLIC SALE 1 avru fttid 3-1 of Ian cm .i r.n tli hy, of Virginia;_ Koger A. Pryor, t cu CANAL OB DIIIT BAItBOWS, i; l;o n Otccinii vflho, oxquisitolv ouriulio Oil Il ,(U1I B jirosoutof New York, and Jabcz Earl •injj juriad'u if nngm nml rf Ul of water c UOAD BORAl'EIiS, «c. of Virginia, as roprcBontativcs of thi MI& J'l \,lll i.l. tlnis fa: i muddled ntlei ' takcu IR0NMINING STOCK is, II Confederate Avuiv. Iuvitationu aro ba- nicil bcyoml fniin tho wreck of n vcssal iu tliu H[tnn- iili Anur.d.1. iled to United Htntca Bou&ton I. I'. SULLEN, AdmfuistrLi HAHUWABE AND IliON BI'O]!J! | ,-.<, tin; J>auilni])tcv Act „_ vsoii and llaiulolpli, i>x l'.Bnuvn.NKWl'OUNDLANI), In tho.«« II.IIH auliopc, July'Jlitli, 1B7S. ' A f?rI.ESDID STOCK Or HAMH Tlic aim won by Mr. C'oltw.u of JtflVruou fn tbo Cimuly of Honis, N. J., oi OF HIS fur iiisulvtWwlw odliko tlio chulk-nfiootip, but i: rnrkcr, Ward, Olden mid Newell, Oou- GENERAL HARDWARE STORE gressmiiii Roas, and (ix-Goneresaimu At lliu Lowent I'licos for VOORHlSLfi BHOTHEly, " will HULI .nchci) iiimiUur. On tliu cover n fcmal< FRIDAY, September lOlli, B"OYKR llguro is seated, ox'^nding witli he; Clark. It jraa dcoided to hold tho re- afii.iu UJH'JH tuo euuf union nt Waverly Pntlc on Tuesday, CO HllAltElH of tlio Capital Slock of llio Oreoi FRESH SMOIvKl) SUUAU-CUIl- 38-Oui ' MOBBIBTOWf, N. J.l rigtit hand n wroafli of laurol, vrhite In I'uutl Iron Mfnlii» Cuinpinr, in /oln vt tot BOILER WORKS 13D HAMS ATlptlB, per lit. ht-r ] .ft nho hohls nn olivo lirnneli. J October 10. 1 ( bliarun. Halt- lo uommonca il II o'clock I . SI, —AT— SEASON, 1875! A KMT AT A rTNl.lt.U.. hliicfd on tlic front of tho cup is ia Tlia Executive Cjcnuiittoo ot tooN t - Cond'iliont made known liv FOSTER J. IIEOE, Proprietor, Ecrilu'd :— Jcrsoy Htate Teinperanoo Alliance cou- JAMi:s fl.HEIGHBOUlt, llnpisr, lYnii,, Atij;. 21.—Tho fu- Dovf r. N, J., Aug. lillli, 1675. Trustee, fto THE EMPIKE JUAUKIJTIV ncnil iif Mrs. rhilip JJistin/'cr mul ln-r "Iiisl, Bifle Association, 2675, Dolly, Into en actiro catnpuiKn duciag tin DOVER, N. J. Headquarters of Morris County! «u-.:i- i-liiMn-u vhuver-.liywiicd on mount or Dublin Illustraleil Sporting sticking FAII nnd Winter. At i you • itni] Dnuiiatic Nuws CJnp, won liv Cup _. tug ot tha cawmilteo, hold iu Row nay. i'lij |H-oi''.-..iiiijni;;i!il over luin Iltiavcll L\ CokniAn; lOih Kov nil;, Tuesday uight, and neomraittoc to STEAM-BOILERS tliirlv f:irriiikfL*3 mul lint lces tlinii one Yoi-ft, onu (if tho Amcricau Zliflc Tcum. cuikcarratigeitieiitA fJra Hbtto Vonvon ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE! Flowers! Si-ui'L'T.. !"i. !i tics 1st D. 'Id D. lliuig. ion lt> ha held At Trenton on Timrsiiu, inn UNDisneiamsn, THANK™, m Ibou^nul ja-i-.uiifl on f.iot. iPuv jin hour riiu Knio or tim iteAij.iyiiTA'm *ir v,iiii 1OKE-HTACKB, BLAST 1'IPKS, liL-fm-a tliL'.tiinu njiiioiutL'il for tho fn-Cl)0 yards, 18 in. Hull's evo." Sept, 23J, was appahileiL a. pa«l imtronago, would rcsnaairiiUr Mfl (i ilii-liaof Itifty, il.iu'J -iml toizul,ait Bcnjnmin OilcB, of i'if) FCJTJ street, LAEQE8T AND FINEST HTOCJKSOf iirclLiil'tnsinml 1J10 i>rcmiK7. Eu.Au Tho cup rasLi upon i. K.VTUHDAY, BlU'TEMnKK Iih, 1875, ' cmiciliiiit.y on liainl, ifainl ofilail; wooil beariiijf ihe Irish Kuwni-k, started from tho luniso on tli ( twit a\\wk P. 31.' 'Tlic projicrlj- eonsiitw f;cr tcomn liakiun in (his place, iimlhii f fternoou of Wediinuduy wUliliiafitther IliaUUHKa I'HO3H>TLV .ITfll.VPKJ PICKS, It A KE.% CIIO WHAItS, PLANTS and Ainfriean tlup3 entw iiiul nt ench IUJL'Si:s iui.1 'J LOTH, tltu.tcd un tliu run tii bo fount! iu |bu Utatu. I bar ramilv resisted of liitusclf, liin wife :LIH dinner. Tho streets wero iimudntcd. I!cfer_ l» limria Comity .MHUIIIIW A lni 1 f iflil hh '.nduix t'liHn- OlioKli'i- tu IJjvcr, nonr tho rou rallMauHmvik of I'laiitB, TincH _ throo* cliildivu. Ilia mother also madi •f f Henry T. Williaiiid, In ltutidiiipli tuwi bury mtitnl.lo f ' tlila Climate, wliitb I ntn m hrr home r.ilh Ma famil.v. Of hitetlit-n •rilii-d :— [iithur, wouldn't turn bock, nnd Btcn Jilp, mid is wry cuuvcuiHit tu Ihu l.talrymul At all Unna a tUoii ' .' ri II va sliort ua(l«. trn.J » li;n l.tvn liuiL'li ui.hiiitpiiic&i, L'linsod iiutrufcd Siioifiiif,' nnd Druuatii into a holo iu an open lot near Chap* Jlnrtonllurton, Hrritoi, lirolhartou amuuid Dl 1IOEB, l'OBES. AXES, riiot as cnu bo found. tho jtoigbburs uiy, by the livntuient of Cup." el street, wliero bis body WJ found Inti mined. TUiTUlHlsagu Is a gooi d" clinnc " o to luvcitluv t,, si ti IllKSH-MEATS, ' nvisUinn tomircliaho nrorMiicsli .M.U JiihiiiUHor by her liu^uiil mill jnnuci oro now rutitutdd at tthho rnllo f ionium my ntock. TIIR [L.\N»EU01'n CLT. in tho evening f 25 p TIMOTHY, ItE3> TOI- his mother. Tho repurt c.iuiiuuiitjr niiel (lililtsr.slfjL'vc looks with pride :uut. per joar on tlieir catlmitcd val SALT MEATS, SAUSAGES, ncutuaVBEi MAI'LU AVK. CM. FEUltYKr| 1 nn il otticr OR A S3 SEEDS. Pt'ploil is tint liissiugL'i h.ul bcHlo the cup won iu tlio match, nt N. ]),— Tliii nroiicrly mult Lc BOU lo 1 u]Kiti the c Wednesday beinc "Salt Water Day," clita of tlio estate CttAS. A. OILLES, 3Iorrietown, N.. Iu go nv(&y mid return no more— of tho AmGricnii Riflo Team. Won by and singes, and a large number Orovo to Notice to Trespassers. in their icason. minlusalo and Hctnii. GOODS JOB GENEHAi f.bc to tiiUo tlic two girla anil he to heeji Colonel II. A. Giltfcrxleeve, July, 1S7C/ 1'rcaUletit Gmnt's cottage to pay tlicir STIlALLY LOCATED ON BOUTU Br. At tlili niirkot tbo greatest cam la cu lho hoy, mid tlircntcncd to kill her if •VTOTIOE li hertl! nl.M Ib.l .11 pB.oo This ciipi like tho others, is covered respects, but ho was absent. —KEAH THE 1'AllK, i.1 ITDRiiiUHini; on tliu jjrountU of Iliu Bub mtly taken In HJU'CUOK and billing oil kEn tijto returned. This ]irospcct of fii'juinv KITCHEN ASD TABLE USE. ;iid enrved. Tho lul ia mirmounlod by MOJlllISTOWN, H. J. erlbcrf with dng or gun, ur Tor trippiDg ui t, and tbo proprietor by ruisoii or IDII^ liuji from ODD other thiUlrou, ailiU-il tu . silver etuluoUo uf n volunteer rilleman. A handsome granito woimmcnt waa kins cftiue iu ally iniiini'r wfmuoovcr, will be iperleuca and prtctka) Vnmhiii-D of tlie, her liroviinimiiiliiippiiifs.", iirL'yoil ujion Another cup, smaller and simpler ia erected, Saturday, iu tlio Height a uomo- istt nilti acLiiidiug tu lair. confliUnt Hint lio willlm Mo to ' (otiiolmfiiUngo ii.DV fivur bun nilU tlicir pal- LUS AKD OHNAMEXTAIJ.JYIIIE 000D3,ic. hurjjiind, uuilshu WIB very much dc* ilesiyu tlmn thootbci-a anil wrought vritu 1cry, to the memory of Mavy E. Pomo- Miss ValinaTwoodward, UEL n. wiaaiss, j. k. KINDHED, l»ri?sscd. On TncKiluy KIIC took her thrro roy, of Jersey City, Tho monument OEO. £. itianrr.it, lioiucr. MUUDOCI:, " 17-1* s;itin finish, is iiiECribcd :— f BLAOKTVELL STREET,! (•liiJslro)), JIJHI cnlt'J'iiifi-n fctrcet tiar rode "Co unrtilion C. — Presetted hy K, \ m creeled hy her friend a, and it ia eaid B«Ud CIW«ood Villoj, K.I., Myltth, WS. ALL 00ODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. wilt of thu city Tor nhout two nml a half Johnson. WoiiUyCoIouoIGiWersleeTo.' o linve liceu the result of a remark mode Miss EMMA F. R. CAMPBELL, 35-am hlcl; occupied by It. D. Wtttcw, I ibli J juilrahm jjoijjt DJI the bank of lho c:i- It is another KOUVCUIU' of Dollymoutit. ly Hov. John S. Glou donning, that Iikaacd to RI-O all iny old rricndi il my at ui'l. aha luokn hitskcl v.-ttli her, aud ono year from her dratb, August 1 IYILL HR-OPKN HEll SCHOOL SEITRMIIER 1WTT0: Hmall yiaHl, 'fch-k mlt'B. [rlOiHa'cill and prow uMc Cflouci aililcmlcavo has recdved :.Uo ISIIJ, 1K75- CotnjH'timt loieliora , b»vo boot Announcement Extraordinary qunrlcra, wlicro wflli inuremed room and tliH IIIJU i\\U& ivilh fitonc-3, her c.iililron n field telescope, of lino workmanship, 187i, sho would 1)6 entirely forgotten, locurod for Engliiu, Fioneli, Oerunn anil Lit in IIH I am belter nblu to moot lliclr wants nssistiug her. Then shu baiuiil the bus- ArnngomenlB lmo boon mido fur the tlioi na tho "highest scorer iu tiio Amcricau J. E. Miller, Government doteeUvo to J:ot wcnrolj? lo hw waist, mid tnliiug u Ritlo Team, Abercorn CouipQtittoti, Dol gh natmltiR nnu Ih'ml tu her brcitiit, i>he sen u flyo n it (aiget nt 1,000 yards. may l>o madu to Him Citntiboll, at tier m SOO.OOO 3PI3X3T l Tl i f nto tin in his Irftnrin. . He waa biidly mmud--, luMPoonKi>c(!.)wdlAvo.,»irfoMliiii IVOOIIWMII PARTIES, BALLS/eto. Biiinilie ColoiiL'l iJodino rejoices ia tho pos- but vill recover. Ilia revelations urc ti'acteil lho nttoutiou of a man who couhl ;liroitj;h tliu 1'OHI Udlcu, Morriitowii. 37-1 in HEALS at all hoars. Sappers Bosi-ion of a powerful field gliu>.i, awnrd- __ . '/._ nict so much importunes thm jiiit rnvhu, nyd lit'foro ho could get hchi IHI n.4 tlio third prizo iu tho nnma match. ho will bo constuntly attotidcd, until th lowest iatuH. Tlio best b till went tlrownnl. The huJieji ui>rc re- DARKEN STREET, A ImmlsoBHiiy illunuuatccl prizo cor- (rial, by QoVornmcat officers, who wi covered nnd tiikcnto ihnliotiuu of the til.i'atu for £15, giveu by tho Ktitioiiul QoVorncat officers, A NEAV vhlch irill bcaolil ot i-nrlalk-d prices. Suwannee Yellow Pine Lumber, CIGAIIS tlwayi on I111 Luilwud. Ho received, the news of tli lCillc Assnciution iu llio coufcat for tlio m from furtlier hiirm. WOOD and COAL YAltD THE VEllY WAT FLOUll at (10 por Larn tvnyedy it is will, while In tin* cumt.an Albeit l'rizc at Wimbledon, was won by A cnmimbcr four foot lone, is growing A FINE oi 1W wiiuiim who had oauteCl (ho in C'tilonel Giltlci'stccvo and ia signed a garden ou Now street, Jersey City. A MtiMC i«T or In])piiics3. "'iVhiitticliire." IN DOVER. Bo t?i".il van tho indigniilion uiiimi A Jiiung man named Ponnia Murph Tbo Bubseiibur Ima openoil a HQVT yunt Tu: BUTTER, W VISE BILLIARD ROOM,! 1 was toholnail fntn]]y injured by fioincm be Bile uf COAL a,tJ \VOO1>, on it nil Ihiiu* on liand mid kept nlculy in a larj tin peojilo i\t largu that n dctacbincni i \EXJJO\V 1'IIOJ BTEP I'LAKK, uLtochcil lo tlio Rostniirunt, witli linJico wiia kept gimrriiiift' tho liuiiaa i known poreop, whilo coiug to his linui 28-tr rvfrigentor. JV'AtlCn UiiTEATEU AT LoXtf RltXXCU ULACKWELL STREET, cm Lisa, lliKBingor until nftcr tho funenil. It h in Jersey City, early on Monday morn i itMSV._'IC flIANI' POtVDElt COitV rrro ELEGANT TJHL\ Hiiil Hint i» tho crowd ut tho tuueral not —It van rusolved recently by • tha local ' iK- illmi ot iirlucijial iilaco or bu rcu. 'uf all n-xt In GAGE A KALSFA"3 Luiobur Yanla A. LOMll) k'ija than llfty men, anil oven somo wnni- imi ImntW in LonR UraueU tlmt the dis It is estimated that tho Afothoilist do- cluco, Qilironiu-LocalioH of irliB, always kept iu good cutler. Countm Uy on hand nil Wnds of McCilniviltc, MurriB Countv, New „..„.., IIOThig unrivaled facilities f fi, wore nnestod with jiistola for the ordetiy houses in that plica fihould be omiuntioQ in New Jonsoy cwbi-accs Kan IVaticln GliO, A. llLANCHAlirJ flvowed purposo of Blinotin^ liiBsiuyt1 cfojcil. On Humlay orcning ono of tlic Notioo in licruby <;ivcn tlmt at'a nitctinc ot tin res king, wo urn nb!o to enn 1 ^.OOO'cammum'cauta, with iOO pastors Ilonrri nf Dfrccture, bcM on dm 14Ui ncl H* Ono • shot was ilred ut him without of* sion to treat with tlio ImlionB for thi lmymout ii niido bofwe, Kill bo sold ou Tlmn feet. IIu was tliuii instnntly hustled in IWuly to pay n tine at titty pui-oIiiWG of tho Blflok Hills coualrj ban J»y, Uio IGtb I1»T or 8untumbur, 1B75. to pn tUtU " " " " " Llnalenma, Oil CbtbR. or Enelixh awl Al lo Ijjj) cnrrififTo nml ilrovo off. Aiiotho boo imprisoneprimie d fofor 2 0 daysy.. porfoctod tho arrangoments for tlio gun- Lime, Plaster, Cement, Ihu delinquont agios* men I, togutW Tfitli cosli iiich celling. sliot was llrcd nt him while imssiiiK the cral council to bo' hold nt tlio Spotted or aaiortUim; anil cipeaceB of nalu. iiy Urdu During tho procesdin^s, tlio -iftiia nuinl .irriirectum. IloUaldi, Bbalo Fixlnrca, Iivo Oct.e K unto, anil ia Biippaued to have struck Mm, cniwd bad stood with their bats Tail Reservation ou tho 1st proximo, FEED OF ALL KINDS. , Ornne CIIAS. F, 8CIIULZE, B*cret»rj. as bo was carried from tho carrin^e into badyorod tho wi(ncssc£, nnd insulted (hi TIio rojiort that (he Indians on thi Pout of Bridco St., NoviirV llnuaurka, Gurialn Maleriala, Ac. tlio boiistv Groat iniliffuntiou Htillux- Ad exporfenco of twelto ye»n ia llio Unsiacut, OFFICE—Ko, id California 81., Bin Franciico, prosocnttiTs. Sovcrnl pnlicamen wer Duri ere ready and willing to enter mmala, I Itlnk K pnrfocl knowlailgo of it, tnd 'amic ATonac, lust Newirt. Wo niBko and lay Carpet, aut and 1> I'Eto a treaty, hui are advexto to 1>DJD Cftlilomii. 33-S*r istii in tho citv, anil Lynch lai a freely present, hut they would not cuforce th Coll,, niafco ana bang Slii.lca, ami ;o magistrate's demand for order. When removed southward, and uuanitnoui 1L IDR, 10' taikcJ of, " (ho souUmoo wna pronounced Toiraley their determination not to lenvo tbo ID Mllnc oruara. Real Estate at Auction! Ibonrknlllona. Offieo in. [>ud*B Cupaator Stiop. 187S. XS"7S- IlnxAFtE OP Miw. TJISCQKI.—A correa- declared that ho woald uaitliqr pay anyMissouri River Valley, Tiio bdrg otl([ciiardknd Jano DiTonnnri i flno nor bo imprisoned, and tho crowd sell al pul>IIo tale, at ttio rcaldcace or UIQ 11 W- S 13ABBITT. nomlont of tho Chicago Evening 1'ost Mm HIL.L. JllchirU Jlavmiwrt, Ace'i,, HSJill JIILTOJJ, yelled npproTingly. Tho Justice told Edwm Bootb, tho actor, was riding or, Augott Mlli, 1875. n:ut Unit, writinK from St. Charles, in behind a Bpan of horooB near Stanford, Murrli CounlTi tiovf Joriu;, on SPRING FASHIONS. tho vicinity of ttdfcvtio Asyl l'o!ipeC.ip(itin Qraen tn put 7'owulcv in , ay: Conn,, on Houday of last neck, wlicn n 1n,ColiI., llrai ' GEO. A. PRESCOTT, "You 'sill l>o RIIVI to Irnnv a coll. Orceu advanceancdd to ttb o railing B SATURDAY; August 28th, mul tlitH*iu uxcitediy shook hh fist at tho Justico tlio bridlo brolco nnd tho liorsos ran, llla, »»ru Tlirou tlio first pulilic iutiuiatiaii f tlia fact— uxcitediy. shook hh fist at tho Justico, Jlr. Booth was thrown against a (ela- flucum, CroMi it VAlllt ol JHUJ deccnmii, wmlDiniui: about CARPENTER and BUILDEI tliutiri-A Lincoln U pn -i-a w«ll d»ift«iV"I won't d n il. MMr TounlcTounlr cy gtatih polo nnd his loft nrm broken I|.IB CI P. H. HOFFMAN, i-nrt!i.-,h to lenvu tlu>«».Thui nd vi«( Ii.tr l of mi»oih, I know hhiim wcU,i ntiove tho elbnw in two placex anil onu •TABUS'.XACLE HALL, DaTCI! Kilter, _Mrs<_. Edivaril.-;, at i IL and h i't Kuiug to bo lockotl ... of \m rilis was fmoturod. Hia injurio - 'rim hunrovementa ire a KIWI! DWELLING- is i'ul likely tlmt »lic will nitnrn t-> KAlc-'ltc JuiipJudge Laiio then a second time n-qiiu.il- wero nt first supupsed fo lio fntal but In JtlrriU 11OUBE. itttn, lilickiimitl! ^imt, anil mlu-r n jnlbUuSK SUet* l-«VL'nli,,,.M.|il : Urd.u Merchant Tailor vuo Awlum, us theru i.. some fLvliiiH "iHlu> Ouiitain to tnko chnrgo of tlio jiris- is recovering slowly nml "ill uo able ti B",""il_ „, ( tttTccIionof tliaTliniat >n lira ]treiuUc« will, a uoml Tarmlvol" 'il uuoUior policmmn to tlo tin Lobor. ] CIIUMI, " ir. Tho farm it well ilivldcJ into pit . .nd|i«ra .? In mi!pt (if llio luloxt Hiuiiii; Fatiliioiiri •sceuk'd, lijcc. A Icndiu^ lady Iinvyor uf CniuagD wlti ttit" Captain tKtiinterainndt'd ttio iidow laud, anil u uuitalilu for a ilnlry Eight ncgroon wero killed nml nvvciii bj' the use or Dr. H'iitlsr'a Ilali___ is il.lim^^d liv Sir. J. 1(. Wi-Kt, Unrnu SiMiaru, lm.H been with her ninoli of Into, mul rder, amVnlECuuouf confuiion followed, of Will Cliorrr, which dmu unt dry np a cutifiti Liid Hi. M111. riluumiM, 737 lliumlwav, N. Y. PLAKStii will assist in Mia. Lincoln's rcsloiidimi wounded in ti riot nt New UOJIQ Chuvcli, timber MIUIIIJIO Tur nluiiit,- tmriKini' 'Ii (bo Police O:ij>tain iiai);ml : vl leave Ibciuw tuliiud, OH IS llio two Til >p, ralliwd llw, Aft flalu tuvuiiMHW TU iJ1 a l ' In the world, aim h dcciil^dly bettor, (HUHMDnoiis will tleflnnt epitliets tipDii Macon, Mias. . ' , mt rtincdlci, tnt Inmum it, (.loaimiR Hi ^.ckl'.M. {'umlitimiH mailo kiiuw.i b I, ami contrtot4 tali Ik, !>lcrps nntl eats wit, ami alinw:t iio tsu- ngs and alia ju irritatinu, tlmn ictiiOTinj; tlic ttiohtim. rGrmnnwitibiiijrttiTiuwtliunroitiitu . n-Rrt'iiccH ttitcti ii tin- Jiislieo nail .1/r. Tmatmmi, and en Forty-two casos uf moallf BrcioJilyu in lite last u-cak. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED Jal/ !JJ, 1»7J. MJJloB, JIJTCI-SON liwojili!|' 'JiiunnMl foflbloiiablo L-oodi/or Dj-w iictivt'.lifo :iinltime ftkmo c:m pr»vn. Tho outrageouurageou s elmraelelmact r of thesllipsoproe pro- 1111 Iw BlBbekk DlDiijonill ^'tflorHtcila,d very stiwl! ganrnntceti. , UO .'£!•',?• I g Qowitellen thcyilhgo wiumis Sferliug, Ahrons & Ce,, sugar imiiot by a timHy re«ort la tli I a ntandnrd remoilj. aa illil . LIAI^Oi nlalils and Htsliy pattcnm art 1 lora, of Bnlfimofft, havo sunpooded, Lin. Is prnved by hundrods of (eitfranuislii (t iio* O. B. PAGE, DisnnvECT ol to tiiko UIQ nintter iu hnnd, Droivad. Kono ponuiuo lmlcsu slgaoA " I. i.ioue tlia thing if of tlio past. ~TO7CAPITALISTaT Tlio New Yin Tosriilny xva* fiiibsequeniJy ro-arroatoil bilities, S2,ODD,0QO. Tho Bank of Cnli fUl'TH" on Iho wrapper. 50 tie. anil H a bot For Uuslncaa Kuiti tlio lie we at Btvlcft-wlll bo't Upon theit order, ami wjnt to prlaon, nud fornia has suspended. Albert Cohn & fry email check «t dart colore, In' French am JfacUouald, an oy. . """•• ' "-' 'lenpor " REAL ESTATE mcrfcau ^ocxlx. I'fliitataonn will Ui mmli TWK J[AItl»VARE STOKE. A Valuable Property for Sail Kamnpo nronue,* Oreenvifje, Gra-'B, tlio Voliociaan, was tried on Sat- Co., of , havo EUBjienik'd. " 'on, Sim mSEnlialtxr Wins toirau of m"! 3My mtljofinikH clijuk and lino balr lino coods PROCLAMATION Thui^da.r afternoon to Newark-U.iy urday last for his participation in tho A ivomon 00 yours old \raa arrested _. vurj full Unit of tho abovo-namoj goc«U8 wll X from Ijovci-, olTura for salo Ilia trnnsncl'wn, Bather atmuEcly, bo was follow liia vocation. After Trcirti..o "—'- N.Y., lately,' Jor beiDff iiitdxi- COLLECTION AGENCY e found ia my stock at all limes. -VOOEHEES-BROTHEKS,' FARM of 60 ACRES] eome little wliilo hia tongs struck HOUIO pcrinittcil to resign, tintl four other offl - I bare EOVT on li«nd tlio Lirgwt and UCH FOB SALEI Hctcctnd slock of norr. TraolEa.ltE AXUBETJIT. PEiL£CS Iff heavy substance, wliicli, on being lifted cers irho were implicated witli him wore TUo unilnralenDd on actount of bard timoi (QITICE HEIT TO' TUK mvtn,) SITtfATED ISf TltC J ilischargeil from tlio foieo. It is reported that there ii danger of & B.B. WATERS, into thtbo boal, turnciturn l oiittoba tho body 111 toll hlii npfondia HIBU UOQ. Thli doe >• Hardware, Iron and Steel, of a young cliiW in rupture of tho frieuuly relations exieting . pointer, two jo*ri old, thoroughly broke anil is ma ygw ASD IXI;IIAST TOAVN OF -DOVEB| perfect etft(o of itioccthei * Ant-clMi banter, aad jctj w«tch- SUSSEX St., DOYER, N, J. SPRING GOODS ptrapetrifaction, , with th p ol ne between Englani and Cbiua.' NAILS, BOIIJDEBS' HAHD-WAHE, except inn

    rdnn )0 JIT, JIUW » C'l CbuDcorj AIIII Sn pmna Court woro re- n enmmiaaion, $25,000. In tlio mean- GEORGE MANN, 'bii section, itid is nltond* dMfV "U»T[|]R (emitl Goodtlc'it lto*e Toilet l>uir__. soo.ooo promptly flllodat tbe lowest prices, mil owed facilltlts to moot I aj moved from tlic front of tho building, in time his imprisonment is made as light flml It mnUlnaiiD IPUI or other polsunout lull- CLINTON St., DOVER, N. J. kcllonguarmitcDd to»l|. order that tho work nt itnpro vein cut nml plca-wnt m possible. Ho ia not con- E. lUJBii, M. 1). or the ichDoi or modi due of Lime, Cement, Plaster, could Ijo carried mi. Tlio rarjieuters Batil lij all tpRpfcUbts Umsglnfi, aiid »f •NOBTH RIVE IMI HOFFMAN. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. | •Ball, fined with tho other crimitinls, but has „ • of Ibc rroprlotor, Sm»i Strret, tie it dooi nitE alley liaitfon reeeotlr ropilrodaud ii AT AMJ HODBS, wero engaged ia removing the olil ruof .wo .raoins apart from them, wears hiB i) JL P. CU»n. Bout pn.mplly by mall nijwlicrc li. [ now in belter condition ib*t> eror before, 19-tr. - - MorcUaul TaHar. "am propnralory to imttinR in the joist for JWH dothes, furnishes his own food, nud fltai™ upon llio receipt of itiu price, Bo id »n entire now ict or tittli itm beoo mliloil. |irup.rea lo orrttr, promMly n,,,l cliciplj Mo, number ol macons vure tmpluyt'il in tho prisoti ncta an hia cPr-rant. It is pris ao a nil. 06-Ini p OYSTERS MONEY WJSEIX hniUYirifr j],0 ,,OIT flro-proofg. Tliu offif-t tht tCli nta tan E hika di crrantl . It is M. & I..Searing iifllie (Jlcrk of iho Court of Cluncui, io ththaat Colunot Eaknr ditl ou htinorhtinornn- srved In every »lj!i,,,i,n lol.l l,y tlio Unr.drcil h i RHEUMATISM. ' is itotr located in tho Jobb/of tlwtSeuntc We thing in nctDowIi-dgiug liifi gnilt, . . youu liartliartii llticiiniatinmllticiiniatinm, GGnnt, nr Lnmliigo WANTED, FOIf CASH, REDUCED PRICE. or (liotuaiid. Tiicrfiolccstliranilanr . rhflinlJer, wliilu tliat of tliu Clark of ih lUimE ho wholly to blame, dutX Roo lollolll . &&CC. Killi;or<'»»lruKilli;or<.'»»l S •torn nul pot 3ARPENTERS, :AGS, PAPER, OLD BOOK STOCK, t llic yatili or anil DOMESTIO SEOAItsi Wlllll Suprcfflo Court is nt flic nflleo of tin tha nciitcnc.._ n ..._ .cry light when com- l lttl r D Iln >B jot Attoruoy General, at tho uxtrpmo eni piinni with, tliose thut nro RIVOII for tri- hhrg", OT LEAD, COrPER, BRASS, ia ueaput«tinu unoD mure. "»"" Tliob: ernally a k'lvo BEEMEK& PALMKII, bo toil at nyphci., ,» „ U of tho laa'm corridor. vinl olTuiiccs, nud lie sliouIiVnt luu-t bo htl il o .ions AT . andBUi'LDERS, n) l owin and TII nercr raoro CIHIIW"! trcateil iiko :i i-oinmon criminal. iittifnt DOVEE.N.J. reniiect than at present. Every 3c= 1'itti, bnt temporary. O _ „. ,,iffay MJCHAEd TVELSH'S, 1 11 eanitito bottli-n In to glvo MISEI1AL1VATEHS, COSFECTIDSEIU', Uf. of hOio.'. cent.'miMofl , jwtlrt" , THE STATE LVSATSO ASYLUU.—On tMt it freo olch*TRii (b DLiCitWElXBL.DOVO.K. J ^aillOlLTDHAL UirLEUENTS, DOVER.N.J. lttoa I*co and CauRrw* ""'"S t Tneadny tbo bill for tho care, hoard, Tho I-ost Ilnloonlst. t ilwilll in ili tliof in claimed for it. . TrjltT . addreM hy mill. SI-£f Oj.lora, tro.m, ConrreiionlT, in, nutftntly ou hand. E.U. WllTSf (•ffl., of wiantcB ol tho Stale Lunatic I'rcparcJ by Itobcrt KillRoro, Dover, K. J. 1 A bottlo found wnshed nalioro at Port 'IELD AND GAEDEN SEEDS, 'BbMBtfiro. CUffHftTVOllljwfi ; Asylum, for tho quarter coding July 31, ntlSpcclllcattotiufurbiiihilne^Cdiilraiit' Hope, Michigan, on Tuesday, contained taken ami mttcriali lamluhcti. " itloBdcdw. Ono door fr- Ho 1875. vaa nnilitcil nt tho St«lo Comp- Wm. S. COLLARD, FERTILIZEES. fan H troller's pfllec. Tlin .bill slmws that the following: SEVERE' COLD trollers pfllec. Tlin .bill sm run BILE UT l'totl, tbeia an CH comity patientstit, fnfr ' l Over Lalio ITichipin at 8 r. U. of tho n Cough can lo cared (a > Tow pholstcrer and AwningMaker. ESPEOIAti NOTICE! •itfilt U tilingUkias BrBr.. Hurton'Kurlon'ai VogalnWVot~oinb)oo Case T0011HEE8 BnOTUEltS, Jobbing ia General. E. L..EMM0N8 tlie Stnto pays •"?! JJCP lvcot, tho biilauco _rcDiui( of starting, about thirty niilca O CHAIBS, LOUKQES and SOFAS, »te p ijtnp. It ii pnrclj VojoUblo tnd is ona of tli "•<"» Motrilto»n, N. J. fiI>I>0iljl0 1 a0LR ;-haivg paid hy iho CDUBtios Srtan whomfrom Chicago and about three thousand «Pt ruincdirn knoni, fur Coatti, Col ill, liroK DcutlQborSiUi 1BT0. 1-jr. hi!vSltJw ' AOEST for feet liiglt. A fpilo.is comiDg from tho inalrod mil npbolitcrcd la any material dc- [ha pntieaU ivcro received. This bill jliliin ana all aCoclbn*of thoTliroat or Lune d. AWNINGS manafictnrcd for prillte CARPENTER and BUI^ •oortl ,omouB(4to:S7,2GG.7tf. Another hill is .northeast. Tho balloon is getting out tlmt may luiij to Comumption. JJcinir or »tor llDgi tad itorci. HindiomB in «tjlo tod GOOD HOTEL BUSHSESS- DAY'S ICE ..OKEAif, of order,-tho gaa cacapiug fust. Can't hcathif; nnlnro, it cannot Tail la bo of crct ROOMS TO LET! CIIESTEU. N. "•au , . for tho card and bonrd of 24 imuino con- bonufit in all cmei whero lho lung* or I na bating Bljtea up landmine pulan and a ,; viatx at $7 per woek, oiclusive of cloth- remain up much longer. "Will surely FO'H SALE! f>M|n| chlil tubes "Wm. S. COLLiARD, rhato cnimnco for Udiei^ I aliall tueka tho PLANS and ipg, nmtmntioff to $2,235.55. The total land in the lake. Fearful atom. nont ill farntihcd. Tlio LnalntBi location 1 " Uae At UeCnckcn'i Carritgs KUnntactorj, j i ill* of ICE OBEAH « .petwty lao comia ^ aajabetof pationta Sor whom iho State (Signed) ' . DOKALDSOH. , plobotllCB a drug (tore, Dover, H. J, an of tho be't ' Morrii Oonnlv. Ai7rlic*f for B fcmu. • M.&l. SEARING. irtlctilirt, ifeatoo, and will guarantee- personal ?omtort .: nnd coa9^e?liayp tapay boing 038. i The imting ia well preiorrctl, lt»ubcrlKlllgoi B N. J. I'. 0, BOX 607 •lit.,, t • Barer, N.J. antiojantw lo •IC-lf l dersperlorttedTil ; i .vi.-y i:iiv. «4-:i^iii. tiir. j Wo uro borry to luar llr.l Mr. 0. A. Glllmi » tfase Hull. i Hint could probably l.o found in rcnunyl CHESTER. The Accidents at Port Morris. The Death of Stephen Hunt. S'jccaounna. THB IRON ERA, NIH placv bnj lout lliu tlim inixwl bhitk nnf % r.ud '1 woiijd ha an itu puns I bii ity for tnj TIIP hBf of tbu urrics vt accldcuts at I'. Jlr. J. Jk-iiiy Conk, n LieinUr of tlif legal -bito Editor dug, whk-h gtrnycl tmm hU lioitm Tho Akrtii won a pmctial victory ovdr it. UEAB Mu. EDITDU—Nothing of if Tha luueral of Mrs. AIJID, Van Dora was at- It brgan about lislf-past aix P. ?r. mi tb Blornof Mnirisloim on Mimilny afternoon, o to ]>laj a. dt'tont gaaio upqn it. Tlio Ilau moment has occurred sincu juitr latt publics tended at tie Frtsbytt-rUii Church un Balurdi 23rd, and cnlmimlcd iu thu cullialnii bbttrec llorris, un Tuutdny conilfticd grcr ^BAVTAUO JWfll1876 n Jtontluy Inai, an wo barl niiticipittd mum lis Vi-.ve dliurl '.ruL-vfrn! ofthHr Lent i.loj- Die ];ni!dul[>l(\) ground J. .Tiio .SlttrH hud had tiou fnini thin jilaus, altlxnigii uu aeddcu nfkniooii ksl. 974 and the "eld road wildcat," in whtr.U Hit-v if pri^u-ly tvilh thu loud of a life held dear ti formerly ot Dmfcuvillc, N. J., h viHiting his 6od ipurt with him thin Kail. Wo hope, how m:il tlm 1ml s .iftl-e grnmida wore vnwi^ flvo fiiiiiiigx, and liod in ado II otciirrod lu tbo "rani" biTo on'Monday ovsn Dr. J. 1). MatliwJii, Into our I'hveiciaii bi JJuut-trnvo Store-ioet liiu lifo on tiiu ^11 nui.v rclniivoj uud frit.-ml a. Stopheu Iluut ITI w»r, thnt liu will U ttlnrncd lo hh otvnor as hnntrw lliim. Tlu'runaieviflRiillyuol borne of former yenm where ho Ian a wide cir- AlcrlH had hut Tuur bnltii;g I \uy, wlileli might luvo boon ncriona. Drupf'ist, ban removud to bix now li'ime iiiot. lliilruad niuu have a-Mill, cut! it Bujier lie vktitn riliii ittrikct'it pi.Hitiim KM a JiKlu Inl fairly Btartod Irani l'urt Morria, fjoiiif cast, oi hc-r fricurii nt SL-inliojic. llr. Cook is vory receut ruins in iliuVrcnt quartern. Tlio inwli tlio Slars Itnimiiis that thoj ivero being badly hour tho night drill cugiuo wan tvurliing in Ihi CO baa not yot put in an appearsnco. fnilB, thuugh they ECUIUUI ctJino m> i:\-w. tu IIQITD \\\I'IC.]I this caliilst'rliiicl to slaliJ ; ilio wic- wlialiskmrn-u »n Ihc IUJJ nx "(ho did cozily tviliiiitcd on th "dm* gnmf," cU cii'l or thu yard. In living lu dear i At the r Ciiurch last Hahbath, (tn (her. Tho firm troultlu ivim IJ":I,VCCN tin re flooded nnd cousiilurable-Jams Mint tbn ratts allowed it. Tba rulos B»; ouil l.iib.i i-oiil.lni.l hu Mm at all fr-jai tho homo nvitcb la ordir to givu No, 20 an upjirirluuitj iiild rat" train, ciiisiuliiis of tut a fow ft u iuemlive iiracticoiiiid gvnciiill'roHpi-rity. T1I ,m.h Hal thn inllcld vna a ml Hum of lump* rfi»,2.Mr.H.i Ea.lo done, an mueli of tlio liny crop (in fanm nu if rain interferes with tbu KUUIO before li' to ]>ut her train into its projwr place, tlio two ostabiUlioil. After tku- invocation the Theyran lato each othor udewsvs, inil buth A fuw ilaj'K Hfjo n roloroil j,*nt drove np to - won uiK-ut. To the Mldkiid Jtailrnad nlnga aro complutod, it nucll bo sunjic it linimtniblo fur ritlmr Iho Bliurt slap or tbu iijiotd nud rounding a enrvo Iho blig "" , tail'. M.; Jll»tl»i»i>l»n Elira. inginoi collided, alriking each ulhor liroid congregation repented Ibo Lord's prayer k irown ftoiu ilia tract. A Itniiiorar the TtmUkuca uf ouo of our neighbors, and r (juito IOBIO t'um.ngo was duuo. JJolotv Cliar- etc. But the ninin tine caso wai bui a ti nl baacinaii tuRtt hall*; Ibe loft and lido, throtrlng ono of tho GDginoi partlr over glauchcd toward tho tender and in that ono Jiudiuf; I hut uuijjlibor »t buuic, bniitcicd him '•?: ri . iu«fcu.l»«i. E.pre.., 7.3O1-. U. inlBQti, and ronpoudod to each at tho com track wts built aruun.l tho wrouk aod train lutttburg about ono hundred foot or tbo rond eprinlclo fui IOUIO Lime, aud thu Alerts only bad QeML'rj r.nJr.T.'d their nporo limo n: eluking tbs wnoeli Ihreo fuet in the sand am iDBlr.ut or limo bo saw Iiun'. stauding with uu to tmdo ImrKCH, mid trading coming into lliu aaiidiiiojtH irilb " Lord ham morey upon mo, woro kojit jiiuntjg, tie man workiug UU bto itJJ« led WBH washod a,W(iy, which matin tl>e lini hueklcburrioa In the ]>alcls in whidi thov mud, with the other ongluoi If log over agattifi! fuot ou tbo tender, tbo other on lbo nngine line oi' liUHintKd, the banter van nce«plcd and 10 go to tho bat «ud let turec moo oo out pm >tid iocllao mjr baxrt to keep thi* lair." The ill night, and just wlnui they vurv gottiug n Inido Hrtou eiVcctcd. As BOTH aa the horsen impaBBablo until repaired. On Bchooloy'a ; tbo riglit liclder soratiled bimielf At present writing ororjthing it blocked lu uno li»nd ruslod agsfnat tlio caL. II pusoly to iriii tbe tftme. We arc not certain IOW dt'putiiro •coins to moot with nnivoraa ready to go liomo to Lruakfaut llxl: gazing out abbad or tbo CDgino witb cyci cbntigoil luiudH, our colored friend bo troy ed Uonntain qnite BODIO dumago wai dooo to but that the Alerts havo yot wou lho g*mu, for badljiu a Itlnckbi'rry swamp, aud tho whole aud confuted, but Doip*tdior» Eurlt and approbation. much niixicty to yet nwny nntl started off un- WIldiLgB. ^ Sold about n ccoadonof rolllug bills. Zi Iliiuci hiT* a forooof men, working wit'idlli- pnllillff a train out uf tbo uiiliuf gut Komo cuul set aud blaring, mouth wide opon and hii der full mill, but no houuer luid he got fiiiriy A tb6 Elainli»d completed their filth inning and The 'Trofoisor" having luccemfully accom- •ton Expro". fl-i'1 * "•' JHHRHampwi was evldunl frum I hu atari (hat tlo e*ma bad enca and slUli, ind in n row hours tilings will off lbo truck, thus blocking both track ai lltld ai death. Ilo was immovably filed ou (lie fltrcot tlmu bo c-ume to an abrupt halt, Tiio heavy rains' of bit Friday ruisod thi tho Alerts wore then about two to DUO in tbolr plished his northern mission, bis relnrnod tc mil uUorly imiblc to utter a cry of otinu m • ? 20 T. II. J Through Mail, 2.031*. M. to bo vruu l>y liillini;. for fielding wai impoi- bo mado itraight and traiu• will run with thai again. aud an awkward an KUdilun, nud nary DU inch ftter of tbo ruiaals ta euob a hoi(tht oa t< foar; bat if it ia a "draw" g«roo tho BUri bis native boa)b aud preifded La lih accuaLomotl would bis new ulced move until bo had made p M EaBton Accou: lihlu, Thu gatiiu c.immtncod with tho Oaldo- lal regularity. Tho 6Lt«nt of tbo damage Bi thin time tlio Iraiui coniiug west with iciokiafotjinflifilit from tho doomod cnclm w Exiirci", 8-15 - -i can? tho 6rIdRo/two milcacaitof llocilbam saved thomiclvos by a meio technicality fi place in tho Congrcg alia nil Chnrab last B»b- u butler acijuaiiitaiiiiu with lain now ovrnor.— IOB to ilio lut and fur fuur inningB was obia to thr engines cannot be ascertained yet, lut empty c»rs brgnu to arrive, and ttiu Ha WB] rooted to the spot, aud liko one iu near Mi. JaincB Millcn'a, onUroly away. Mn. fearful drnbblng. Tbo AJerta plaved badly In bath with his usual Bang frold. horrible droam. Theenginaor knotr wh^t tlii In tlio meantime; the neighbor brought out '"'cilESTEB BBANOS : tho beginning of tbo game, but tlio playing of ind excltiiiK. There woro qulto a number or Is undoubtedly quite aerioui. When I i " Hiring of them, It Is aaid. roacblng nlmottto hia iiuwhorso ntlnchcd (on buggy who also Bllllcn being away for tho afternoon was return- Mr. Ellis Hedges, tho- very acceptable anc- look ol borpr moiut.and icitantly tumiugb Ing homo just at ovcnlnp;, and unawaro of the. lbo BUn wai roally tbo worst aud most ridlcu poojilo on tlrbfirounda, many of thorn, includ- that nothing sarioui uad occurrod I had rofar- Dmktivillo. It WJB iinjio^lbN now lu net 1 en me ta a ntu:id htill oil tha Htruot, AudiMtuu- euco lo loss of lifo and limb, without which wo csidor, to Dr. Uattlton in tbo 1'rcnbytcnai «yus,rorward htt huUoid the cngiuo of au ap- iuhed hiH owner nud many otiioru by u twries A. M. P. II damngo dono, drove off the w*U down into tbo ing nil (ho inciubcri of thoolub, boing orderly, westward bound Itaclt clear fa,any sort (if ti) G.50 3.S5 rt«|>futuhlo pniplo. Bat thoro mro many of do not consider a. railroad njjnld^ut aiirioug. r, catcrad upon hii uow JutlfI latlSabbath for ilia paiiiiaagcr trains Koi. 1 and 19, and proaching train not twenty yards distant. In of dunicrato etVoxts toutund on bin lioad dur* Blream. Tiiohorso at tho aamo time ... „ llanilolnh aroundi. Tho only decent playing Ig which milieu IIIB hiud fcot came iu con- C.B7 *.l B uigti ulotncnt in ittentlanco, who mado io contractor liaa finiahod nnd inoteJ 111* L-ryeffirt wan uiada to got tho eastward loniontbu bid Jumped to tho t.rojiid, pur 4.190 dona by them waa by Frank Hollow ay, who IB a Uiut with tlio iliuili uf the bnmjy nud in ilwi- lronia 7.02 lionnonlally acrois and caught one front wheel tho tarl.r pirtuf tbu t;imo dligracefut by all As tho Totowa, in cngiuo from thin placo Ruido-buardi for lIlls township, and wu atubounJ Inck dear uud use it an a niu\ i step bad tukoa refuge banoalh Hoinu empty Huccasnunit 7.1*7 4.M Bgaiuat tho opposite wall, breaking looao from good playor and leomod ont of place In thii was running up on thu trcntld nl itobokuu last juutly proud nf tlicm, a« the* araacrod'n ti .1 cars standing on tbe ncit track. Tlcn SoroiiH pnnltiilty U, tlie driven bend. It ia 4.50 Diukovillu to 1'u.t Morris in ailiuittcd on nil Hidon us nnhnrj) deal, and (he McCslnnlliu 7.11 tlio ].iig y,Iuavln ltandMrfl.M. In HID ilream, crowd. The catckor of tbo Stan p&rticulirly >rkntu tiiu ]Un(l»ijilia. followed the crash of tho colliding cuginm BtJt£JDnt in 7.1(1 B'lKS B ff Bulurday night one uf thu VFIICOIB uf Lbo front tho tuwn and wlltcomparo rory/-vorablj with thum oruitnd." After lbo passage ol joke lny in the fniit tliitt ciich itorty WUH mix- distinguished hhnaolf by bellowing oat tbi When miu ufuur players would uiiim a lialton 1 7.10 0.10 and tbo water ruiming over tho seat. Tl uoli wliil olf, anil camo ntar precipitating tin Huso Iu lomoofour nolgbborlug t.iwushljJi. tboiio pmscugor traini lbo "old road wild eat, they reared in tbo air, aud car after car ca iou.'i lo-gut nway from tbo otuer beforo tbo most foul aaths, althangh thorn wera a, nnoi' tholtadgniundiicrwDuM go out, tlioy wunjd, 7.25 5,25 bridge lot rer; near the wnter, nnd aTler being igino down from tbo high trade upon irbicl A pool tablo IB tho laUat arrival at thi ua ungino had botii aEuintlug in clearing ibling ovor tho hiding place of tbo engim pefiiilinr qualities of tlie honics wcrodicuv* bar of ladles ou tbo grounila. Thia club may inrla ofyollK, and cries of "How's •ud. ,Bbod away levoral moro times will probably it wai running, but iu tbls Ciai, as in tha ont Clcslcr House, and in well patronized by Ihoa o Iroik, bitulud faut tu bur traiu and etarlcd until an arch of ffrck anil ruin appeared ab: be composed of fitaru-but tboy aro certainly that fur Joi-hi-,*-?" "Juwuy'n getting il to-dny,' Lo not a projicr diitanco-above the wator.- nototl above, no ono vas hurt, uid tliogo alight who indulge in "ju sports ou yo groooo." iir ciatward trip, Thoy Rot as for ad tht .cd around him. Then all was quiet, and lho Weekly Statement of Iron Ore Stan or tlio amaliest msgniludo, When i Vou'd brltci' tjn Ijlck lu Jornoj," atu. Jlut irroffiilaritlcs aro toon furgutton ii tbo excito- A ipiilt of(Joofl]ltatlng, curtailing, abroviat- rhuad brldga ciet vt dbipinan'i port, whor. nun cnitrjud tlirongh an.iporturo, stood oroet 1 mn ru<|iiciilcd lo uiy that bimiu of tlio peo- I'Muro TUB HAOIETISTOWH SOILM, »i_ Morrlatowu load a nlno to Dover thai wilt bi bun tlm lUuli>l]>hn went lo tbo bat In tho >ut incident to railroading, and was eared witb hardly ft scratch. Fooi ple nf uur vilhigu eonKidtr it very inueh out CltvorDoverStcatuorCosupany, bavind been ing and generally trailemosnifjlng trees and they utruuk tbo etigiuQ of 1)71- Tho onfflueei ana of our iiinon? Aa lbo Joreojmtu is n firih lulling and mured 131 un» by loirlQo bat- four townsman, Mr. VrauUud, if. onga oil ii Hunt W*H not BO fortunate. Ilo was caugh of order to run u confectionery cuuiblitiliinont jl i E. It. B-1° PHramTAMA, l'on liaanpoiutiiil lu procuring r.ara fur" an exaiir. C ilrubbory, li cjiidtuiio la this V'KCO, It I* to of tho ivild cat jumped oiTon tho fireman's side ulng bnso ball malcboi in tliat'pluco (allhough ting, ob»[iluJ Lj aonio'orrora on tho part of tho luildliiff a- dwulling houso fur Petor Mo ivory between tbo tender and furnace, and cut in oil Suuduy, nud aluo, that a crowd ubo'ild Ion to tho Water Gup, lmvo fletcrininod to bo 'iq*n;«<;utc: 1 The Cnldcno ulnois conijwafld of a flno lot i iltfbt by Ibat dincaso so fa til to childroi 1 It wan after six o'clock I . U. wbou tbo cait- Freo MotboibHt Church. He leaves a wife nm time to wnah wufjoiw, too, and tlio mttfo of innlhoata, which will bo fitted up witb soili The Unions of Hackottitown camoilown t at tbo Union pic-nio in Dr. Hodgua wuudt on liiMea BOUIHIH (iimigrecable vn that dity to 11 Iwjfl, who nro »ll ooa bull playera. No liku cliolura Inldiilnm. Tbe bcnmvod father haa ard buund track waa cleared. child, for whom much sympathy Is expressed lo convey tho excursionists, Ilefroshinonta will play tbu "rubber witb tbo AlerlH on Tuesda; R uumlay last, and quanlltica of children nio ]>eo])le. of tbo relatlvoiuoritiof eithur dub c*idd bo tlio nyuipalby of hia fellow work in ou, bavlug Cmontr Iluoa Ooblu Uudd and * Jury of [u their terrible beroavemeut. 1 Iw provided both ou tho boat anil at tbo UUo, ruorniiig—saying iu Ihoir uliallcnijo they would availed Ihetnaolfoi of tho fourth ploisnnt day . (norlim * Onnrto'n, ohtalnud ou Huch a grouud on Ihin. Thu CulJo- biniud Ida wife about four wouks ago, aud now On Wediitwluy night coroner E. Q. Iludd Itr. I\ W. Ituell ban Bnmo corn growing in Tlio Dover Brass And Siring Band, will accom- liko lo jilay Iu Uio fuienuoii, sou tLu lUndo lu tlm month, to ramhlo in tbo woods, Tl tnclvo mon beli] an inquedt on tbu body of the , Vulintln nlld CJicm i, huwuvor, [iu rposo viiltint; Dovur iu a vruck iiutor', who mimod tlio child until Its duath, itnmonud a jury of iuiiucBt cqmjH)sod of ti his garden that tlio recent wtt weather lins pany tbo CIOIIIHIUD aud will ruinlih muaiu for U9bokoii game lu tlm aitornoon, and go to uccaaivo dauipncii of tbo ground did not HOC dtad flruman to dotcimino bow ho carao tu bij or two, to play tho return giiniu, when they In quilo aiuk at tho bouiu of llr. Dilloj. following porsons: Ira Mowcrr, «. V. Wooly, scut upward at » Buri>riHicL' mt* ; it Hlands ibncing on (Lo Lako nhoro. Tba baati loafo oanip mooting iu thnovonlng. As rach club to dstnpon tboir inlrils In (bo lout, but all bad douth. You will probubly hear their venlitt fourleuu fuot Ligh uow. nnu hidn fair to odd roCL'h'o good irGitniunt/anil a bottij test Tho health of the people of tbo villago F. I. David, Thomas Hagporty, James UcOrath, Dover at olfiht In tht morning, and return i had previously won a game, tbiiwu tho de- from nnotber aourco. I havo not board it ai 1 four moro frot UUICBU tlio frofit comus enriiur >o nindo. Thu was tbo firit gamu tUcy lad aimnunlty iu goncrol ia good, and our people good tlmo. J. V. Kicg, Peter Lynsh, Thco. Hilly, Jacob I , early hnur In tho ovoniiip;. Tun fare for Hi ciding conical, and a uuinlior of frlondi can this writing, Ira Uoircry, Uin|., PualuiBBtur, tlm ii hist yciir. >omi htotuu in thin aranon, and tlioy had pliy- avu gruat causo for tbankfulnasii io the pros- Mr. Edwin Pitney, who was injured i Ilaker, Amos Dird, Jnmca Chn*, Hylvestcr lllacb. SS round trip from Dovor IB7D cents, and from sli willi them. Tlia game opened with llattorlug sos foreman oftbtjo/y. D. J. llr, J. bocring lies n throo-yeor-cld ujiplo ££::: id a number. At thu cuncludouof tl polity of work nnd IIOBIUOM and bopeth timo since by ij falling Umber, made lis re-ou- Ailar dno deliberation tlioy roturncd tbo tol- •louBftlmveDuverOOt-ontB ; childrenlutlf-priCo, prounouls for tho Unions, for tboy began bat- = troo which luw uttaiiicd a renmrkubly rapid Chandler urtlia'lUiuiuliibawtij provonlod «itli ,ho not very distant futuro wo shall lie set tranco in general locioty at tho a S. i- !-uin. ' iwinn; verdict: We tho jury convened to In- ami thrirty (,'rowlh^nnd has homo fruit two Tlio cxcnrilon will donbtloss prove an enjnya- ting Itonch's pit cling ail ovor tho Hold, and »l The Status of Dover. a baiKlaome boqnut by a number uf lad:i'u< ipart as a school dlitrlct, and shall bo ahle tu If young ladioj desire to revoi lu tbti doilghli quiro tho cauae of Ibe death of Btophen Hunt. HcnsuttH out uf thrco ; tliia Bciumn it in loaded, blo affair, and ill should attond. tbo cud ol the third liming tho gitmo atood 12 In 1870 Morris Townimlp, Includlnn iiorris- " LOOM JOTTINGS, bis Quo plnrluj; or gj by A collision or traini known as " tbo old road nearly ovory nuo of them in perfect in Bhnpo put in Mumon m pitcher and blanked tlio Dn- dol{>b Township, including Dover, or course. iud very pretty. UUHTO, Reminiscences of Washington. talning to tho town, Ac, and we shaII bi may miss Uio train I wild caf'-ruunlng oast, aud KJ running Coniircsunaa Cutkx Is unjouinmff at C»po iens tlirea tttnoi, Ihcy finding his balli 11AKUDLFUB. Thu comma just taken allows tho population of happy. Work oa Iho II, B. It. 1',. 'is baing [.mlicd (Lo cast' bound track near Shipping Hoy. A cnrrcBpomknt or tho Noirnrk Dally, iu morn difficult to hit. Oa tho flflli innning tho Lookmao, lat I, 4 1 3 1 Igorously. A construction train Is Ailing tb< Morris tn bo 1,07a, whib that of Itandolpk ii AugUBt mil, abont 20:50 o'clock A. li.; caused Mllfini is to havo a doctor lo Ionic after I writing or Her, Oar rot 0. Schouck or Monmoutl gamo tied ou 12 runs ouch, anil tbi Alerts In Cain, I. f. 7,570-Juit COO greater than that of Jlorrli. It A Matrionial Horror, Wadiworlh. H. S. Thoro it another thing ntododhi our town, high troitlo acroii Slack rivor and a corps or by cirolDaancsi on the part of lho llailruad unity, muiitlom suoiiff olhor tbingi that tlio next inning got a lead tbat could not bo 5 will tlim bo seen that tho geographical ceulro licaltib (jf iifl pooplo.' HchoDuk, U h. md that Is a larger circulation »f tbe T Company in giving ord or s for 07} to ru: A very inyHlcrious caao lias just como to tbat gentleman has already published an in- overcome, The-gimo nasaiaij plemut and iiiopH are IiuUdicg a culrart at tlio aamo pUco, of tlio county holds tbo iargcit population. light in the town of Boonton, which it ia na- Dr. C. Bench lost one of bin fine cu-rhgo West, c. f. iBA and other nowBpupcrn. Too many people on eaitward bound track without giving teresting and Taluablo dUeourao ou tho;lilBtDry ilorj ouotu all. Wo mtliir like tbaic A flro WBB stortud ia tbo Calciums; Kiln at There ara many tilings pointing to tho futuro Kertetl, exhibits ouo of tho moat 1)ratal Dud liorsciou Holiday night. fall to appreciate tha great odvautagoi of refj if tho Pomploa I'laiua Butoli Cburcli, and cou- of Hackoltitown. Tlioy are gcntlam&n- jmitl^' Sd b. tha Ilcilfioa Ulue, tbii week, for thn purpose of Irof Dover, not tbo hi it of which is floudiuh cases ofhnrbimty tlwt has oecurreil larly reading tbo news or tba day and wee TIIP Annual District Hehonl Mooting occur* on lyyounc Mlows,.wlio play hall for tho sport auiilor, c, drying tlm lluing. Tho elorator id ready'foi tho fact that all "roada" load lu thia direc- fur years in tho ucunly or StflUt. It Everj family ought to subscribe and paj Ihclr appears thnt oiio I'hilip Cook, n carpenter Monday, tlio 7th of September. Uut.it WuBnotoftbUIiloalsuodlo vfi tiers ii in it, and dn not growl wbon dofoatod' umon.r.r. uao, and as aoon BB tho kiln ia dried it will bo tion. From a correspondent in this week's >a«twtrd bound t»lm ("tbo oldjoadwild lubaoriptlon to lh«Ir county pa^wr and as many regular); charged. ZIQUI LTKI. by trade, residing nt Uio nbovo placo, Las for Tlie pcoplu of UorriBtowu aro waging legal lliil loltor.but to record A reminl(c«i Then *aa ono tiling noticed in this gamo, TotalK, uo of tbs Horriilown llannor wa'condonio cat") In sufficient timo to bold it hi tbo yard at 27 21 raora BB their ciroomitancei will permit, a long tiuio lived on"uuhap]ir luima with bis irarastinal lbo citortious of tho hack ilrivcra. Oen. Washington nnlcliMr. Schonck rolalod which wo cannot too strongly ooa- August 20th, 16T5. artlclaon another railroad in this vicinity. Tort Morris until D7| could pass; and find by wife. It is moreover nlWnd that of bite ha UU.Nfl I1V IHHtKI lloforo clod eg, and befuro isjlng (DO much dcrau, and that is tbo booting or outsiders That there tn many velna of Iron oro through- tcttlmony taken that lad tuore boon a telegraph luis been on terms of improper intimacy Thirteenth Annual Meeting of tbe Morris mo to-day. It is en tlroly now to mo, • 1 2 3 t mt worth laying, I wish to Inform your eorro- whon vlaltorB mike errors. Wo aro glad to • DAMP TABOR. out tlo region or Mt. Freedom ti woll known, lUtlon at oast .end of yard at Pott ilorrii.lho with [mother yoninu, aud ho sought to get dimly Sabbath School ABBurltttion at Boonlou I caimotqnitohannnnitja.it witb knowu faeti. apondont from thia placo, "D. J.," that ho Is say thatwe novor noliood itboforo on tho lUu-' Friday of laat wo ok wai a beautiful day, and 'iiitnointercstcould bo attached to It becai accident would not have (fecunad on Delaware clear of his wife by starving her lo death. ncit Wednesday. Is tioll-kuowa tbat Washington npeul tho wrong Ia presuming that I did uol road hi Ta accomplish thia nurpoNQ lio is alleged to dolpb grounds, hut iu thii gama thoro was Uinpire-JolinS. OibBon. tbo servloes wore most interoatinif. Tlis mum- ofthcdiataiictt to railroad transportation and Lnckawakna & Wostera lliilroafl, Mcrria Alderman Miller of Newark la nojnumtnE at nlar of 177(1-80 in MorrlatowV, with his latter which I oritlcliod two weeks ago. Hla layo locked her up iu na uppor room la the quite somo of it dono ty amill bora, and a fow Bcu rB-KundolphB, JOB. Caiu; Caldeuoi,'A. aervlco was proaohod to a. largo coiijfrega- cousaqHcnlly no dovohpmeut of tla rosaurcoi E»nt)S.DlTiBiou as shown kbovo. tdqiiartoni .lu.tba.Ford Mtnsiou.. Nortli n are goutir'ally so fauitloisth&t Itioquirei building, occupied on tbo litinily residence, •liineimntri' rtfllilDiicD,'near tho Cnluolle Tro^ parlloB who livo uoar town. It ihoald at all .Van U'Li tion by Itov. 1. L. U. McGnwan, 1). D, . of Hut part of tba counly, blddon- among tui ind lias tlicro Kept her confined for nearly it or Morrlstown nliont tijjlit r>r I^ujinllc > scrutiny on tbo part of a critic to ho abl< Iwlory, Djnvillo. • . • be promptly snppro(«Bd. Tlio folioniii| IVO-IMHU bltn-Luukmin, i; At tbo annual mooting tho lion. 8. T. Smith hills anil valloj-n, heavily tlmlwrod aud but ihroo weeks. Cook him thrca children, nnd liltontvillf, nhoro about two niilCi otst c to find anything iu thorn tbat can bo criticised. Tho new tunmil i>f Iha Delaware nnd Laek- islhe Hmraortbegaiuo. BISOI.E VB, 1U1IIIIED TOII oloctod chairman aud Jot. K. Filz orald littlo noticed ono T>'uy or another. But it iceniL . Mrs, Jarley at Morrietown. ho sudden dituippoamiico of tbo mother led Boonlou llvoil a Jlr, IJoroniua-LIa Clirinliii lint the languago uicd iu tho totter to which I 3 avranna Ilnilrond In Jcrnoy Cily will bo ccm- Tho niarrlsil and uliiglo mon of I'roloctlon locrotary, Tlio follonltiK Wore oloctcd truitcos to bo thn natural ranto for a rallruad throafih A large number of Keirarkcrs' aro upondihg lovcrnl of tho neighbors to inquire us to her it romomUruJ. Ilo bad a sou Cot retorted was out of placo, as it sliowod a diB- tvliGrcnbouln. Tho cliildrou finally told . CNI0H8. O.H. Hook and Ladder Company played e> frlondly for tbroa yoars:-J. II, Bangouj;or, Hilton T. it and to ilrookaldo, Mitudiiam and Cbotlrr. ihla lummcr at Horrlstown and vicinity, aud 1) iilfkil early next Spring. noliuB whn died only a foiv yenra ajjo nt iioBitfon on-tliD part of tbo writer to wink at :hein thnt their mother wna kopt locked up • ' llDscvear, r. f, gatnuonTliiirHilay aftoriioon which wai wltuciH- King, Her. 0. S. Coit aud Ooorgo W.La Hair. Loailng tho D., L. and W. It, 11. at rrankllp, ;ha depute at tbat place, Uadiaon, Chatham, Tlm lirat ItuslaliiiGnt of Tall ilroifl goodn lias great ago. When ho wan about ten or ttvolvo ibo viao of swearing, which ebould bo bolovr iuaroom by thoir fnthor. Cook wna Ihon Hyatt, u, Doiumcr, 1. f. 2 od by a largo iiumWof pcopli, including many Jeuap Tabor otid Ejuniuilt, upon tho arrival lmcn reEoivcil nt U.LIIUISIHV&RUII'K— UIO jilaco •earn old the ineldctil ojcurrtij which ho JJuibncr, 2d b. Itov. J. L. Iiurlbut, or Plaiuflold, pieicbod an wo ralloi bdo* Dovor, a vary gradual. «i naked nti to tlio tvherenbouts of bin wife. . Leader, lid b. 4 tlia dignity of a nun of hia intelligence. auil dopartiirc or I rain n, present qulto a rhon bo slnted that sho was eick. This did • (u l.ur first-i'lass aood» »' l°w prleen for cnili, iIiiiHuir lolalui] lo Mi-. Bdiouck. Mr. ])UIL- llinol, ltt b, Cuok.o. 0 1 Imlici, and created caiialdorabla sporl, Nono efficient and improiilvo soruoii in (he aflor- a inado by tho way of Hboiigiiui. "Thia pioco miH in rqireEonltid aa a pcifoctly rt-llaUli jMllUfOtl.B. B. Jutiimton, 24 b. 14 if tho members of oilier uiuo wont ball players noon. Itov. J. M. Tuttlo antiouneod nt tbe if water, were It m Kurope, would be dnhbod "local" appearance, A fair rcproaoulatioa has iot uitinfy Borne of tho citizous, BO ouTburB- '. IJuv. Dr. TnltUi, President or Wabasli Col- Tho mania for camp uiootinj is subsiding, ai ibiy ovGuiup; nbont twonty of lliDm forced litntHj) andstatcs what ho biiiiHnlf know. Hi Ndgbhour, p. 2 U of any great czperlouco and niuuynf them wero evouing Bcrvics ttiat by tho oourloay of Ibo . 'monalrotis lake' and LJ complclely cn- Uon located at tho Avenue Houuo, adjoiuiag Kijc, trill preach In tlm l'rcBhyturlan Church Dickciuon, o. f, J.M'Cr.u'kDii.r.r.S 1 most of our cl tiEoiu bavo satiafled then- anxlely tucir way into Cook's bouso, and, to tlioir ays tlint pomutiino in Uio Btimmoror Spring; mo rest novices. I'oroniaii Lindaloy cap- tills kind or wonhip for tho year, and 1 railroad company Iho excunion tickets nrituld clrciotl hy holols." 'liieuce to Mount Frcodoin, tho Court Houuoat MorriBtown, a slightly olo- nl II .chway on Kaubslli morning aud criming. Lirriion, 1st h. 3 2 great ftBtonisliuiout, foimd Sirs. Cook lying if 1780 Gen. Waiiltington snout norao days af 2 i O.ll'Cinckon.c.f.O 2 icd tho nmrriod men's nluu, and ABBBIBUUI IOSO that lirforo Lho Em visits ui again i probably bo mado good till Monday, 80lli, Tor dlnUot four tnitcB, nud (lowu a valley io qaled position, commanding a flno viow iu nu mscuuiblo condition on n bnro floor. . An eicnnioii of. tiio 0. U. A. ii., aeeDinna- ils fitbuVi) liousa hi Muutvillo, nuohHasb' foreman Polver otllelatod for tbo Hlngle men. l many of Iho worshippers at Camp Tnho iuch.an might iciuaiu over till that thm^and Drooknldo, tho mitiural ruMonroca of which aro combmlnc tho ndvautagen or boiug nc»r Thoy roinored her to nn unjoining room and ' iiied by Ilio WaaliliiKton Hand, will bo inado onod iiloiio houau built in a aiylo vury cow . TOTAL, 2721 TOTAU ' 17 It Tlio play In many instances was meat amuBing, will havo folded-Ihoir tonta aud repaired tt that nn agent would bo kept it tlio camp donsl being developed. With direct railroad com- city and yet being Bufflciently near to bo qnlot scat for a physician, but OH yet sho has been from I'liIllijislinrK lo Slniiliopo on Haturilay of mouin tlint day. Tlia old house- wng staiid- UniMlro-JohnS. Glbion. and ilrow forth roars of laughter wlien nilaphys tholr homos nnl tlio pureuit of their ruspoctlve till Hint timo to ihip goods and ncll tickets, munication with Morrislonrn by II. end li. H. ind retit#i3. .A Uwn, gnrumor'house, broad iii BUCII a oondUiou tunt but little hopes aro Fould bo mado on oillior Bidb. In tbo lnittur riazza, etc., add attractions to tho placo. Liat entertained for her recovery. Hho bits hocn. lugattbo time Str. Boromiw lulaled tha fact Kcurors—Aldrti.Wia. II. Jlonluijuu ; Unions, ijemo will remain lougor, and mri will stop foi It,, witb Boontou by tlie D., C, and W. broad uiuiblo to mako n, clear Ktnlcmont of tho bru- '" ]^S. QUICHUKC, Friday ovciiing was charactorlzed Ij au oililbi- JHiliml folcy of Tort Ornm, having got into Mr. Sulicnck. Ilo nayB tlint Wnshlnglon W. Klupiierolhurg. .r Uy calchoa HUIIIO of ihoa lueiuben of belli acL'Dmmodatloii. Ifcr.ll. Johim preached tread, with McCoiusTillc, Succauunna, Iron tn! treatment nlic luw rccoivcJ. Oook has, IIANUOLFIIS VB ilueavcro inadequate to tho Uuk, and t in tho oveniuga A number of cuiivcriioua : ind Cheitor hy Choitor It. 11., witb Germi tlon or Mrs Jarlcy'a TT« works, two p farther trouble, hit bondsman In formercharges i day ivbilitl tboie wont put abooliuL'— and Antliracito Furnuoa for tlm North Jersey therefore, boon nrrostod and committed to hiiraiidiireil him toB' Bin! lio taut him to MorriHtownjo.il. oecnpiod tbe prinul|)al room on tho ih-st rat-clanii ball organ In lion i oflhla Stale, BUI Ihey were bultcrad. Conaldoring that thon Ilorkiblrft Y&lloy, Jllll-m; Now FoundUnd, etc, id'j"— tableauB, music, etc, .Tboao wero pro- Hour, and it vag nut collod but bad euly a forod doloat at tbo baudi ot tba Itandoljibi ii iho plavnil went nearly all biiHinosa man o: Thn Iron Ago of tho 12th imt. publlihcB 11- Satarday was another flno day, and tho ... by Longnrood Valley'It. It., now building, and a sontod to an audience of aUuUl-100 peuplo In TholToyoT Hasting of tbo Y. JI. 0. A. to- ittfBoor abovo.-llb-says'fliat ho himself ttils place on Tueiday, by a icar* of fi to 4. It raoclnnici who do uot liavo tlo Jlmo to play luatrat'ouBof thopropoBod new furnace of Ihi loci nerd all well attuiulud. Hor, It. H. Anidt tpur In cootaiupUtlon through tho inlnoral iu liicnilont atyloj which would' havo boon morrow afternoon trill bo conducted by Mr. L. slept In an attlo on tbo aocond floor abovi was a cloio and well playod gamo and gavo sat- ball, th« gunio was a very good OHO, aud tbi North Jersoy Iron Company it Chutsr,' and preached tlo morning lornion on den. iri., region^ north of ui, wo can lay that tba'day ireditabla to proreBsIouals, and elicited muoh C. lllenvlrlh. Subject for consideration—Ibo iliUaby.'Waihiiif;tou,; and that each toallcoucorued, 1h>i Itandoiphs lost icorfl, ilmugb large, was not so large ai waa oi- gives the following particulars: 13-"ThouGod suoBtms," Thotholr lillcdin not far dlataut whon Dover will of necnsjilty ipplanne. Tho homo-lik* chiraetor' relisted It Y NEWS. tir«t 1G Torses of tho 3d chap, of Col OH EJIR HI. night ho heard bin Toko lu prayer. Hu ai- tlo choice and woro first to tbo bat. Both pcoted. Tlie camo traa a oloao ono from lbo Tbepioblomof cheapening tha ooit or pi hour beforo the aitcrnooa ierrloo with ling- becomo tbo eouutj seat of llorris County. of tho formality of profoBslonali, and it wai Sir. Frank Cox, the butcbor, waa out on bna- aorts tbat hs could not b« mfHUkoti. sides wore whitewashed tba first beginning and was a Ho on tho fourth and fifth dnolng pig tron haa beon aerlouiiyongaglug the lag. llev. B. P. Ucy preaehod In tbo aflc throughout ver/.enjoyahlo.. Hr. Stout, tho The firemen of Newton aro making ar> ':• \um on Friday ol last week, and whon near Ilo second inning tlio Itandolptu umdoS and innings, but wai flu»lly won by the.single asn .UcnUonoffurnacB mtnagera and owners dm noon, and DOT. W, 0. Nelson in ilia otoniojr. landlord, closed ilia aflatr ^y.arflDoentertain- mnfiomeutufortbeirjmuuiil parade, tobobelo Ui lho early pint of October. They propose ' ' Norton, hl» Duo mare, which bo was driving, Ilo aays that Washington mot Hocliambrau lio Hobokona 1; In tho third lunlng tbe llau- by atcoroof ai to27. Thi) Dooodlote, Lovrsv- Ing the proapnt deprasilon, aud ono good offoot, A sporting meeting was hold on Balnrdat ( ' -r __ , »->^. p-i~* ! t . lent—NowarkAdvcrtlsdr. ' ' to nuke it n. "gnln day," mid to inrlta ' nm taken deft and died in a very few minutes. it this place, and Mro. Dorcimia—tlio mother delpla uado * and tho Ilohckoos 1; in lho er, Jndgn from appoarantos that a numbor of of tbo depreciated value of Iron It tbe awalcon- morning, and many ttttltnonlci wero given ' To the Poor;; House at iast-; athor iiro clqmrtmeuui to lttrtiolpato. • \- fourlli tbo itariSolphs rore Llanktd and toe Ho- thoboBt plnyotB on the sluglo men's uiuo will Tlio ere*t ocoaaion of tba Oav w»i tho iftcrnoo tko aarorlimmant clsowhora of the.uio of gS of a livelier interoit lu tbo Improvement of Tlo poor, btlpleii, crippled "wifo of Oyru Independent Hose, or Morrifltovrn, vdh bo , bokeus milled nnotbor to tboir be Rini-rlud mon bofota noolboryctr, and tteu sormon by llov. J. N. Hoed, of How York, wh< inviUd by Nowton. Steamer, No. 1. No. 2. , • ' tlio Nicliad Itlluy estate-* dcHlrnbla jirnporly tlicso (UutinguitjlifKl nioii aud th» ofDcora tbo varies details of furn to plants. The Driont,' of Walnut Grovo, wa< taken to thi Notice-- • if]til ihom. filio xprcid lho tables under nomo tbo gamo 0 to 8 ; Iho Ilandolpbs stored ouo In llioy hojto to got even wilh Lholr opponent B, graving! which wo preadnl this week sbac proiehod from Mil. IT!., SC. An indionooof Uorrls Cointy Poor Asylum.ou Monday, !>y will invite tomo othor company, and it iu • -which elands adjourned till Baturda ft fiopt, Thq cllizcna.of Boath Btanliope, Btanliopo thought, that it ia tbo duty of tha Town tbo fifth »nd another In Iho seventh, wbilo thi Tho lollotilnn; is tbo no oro : Improvement iu the construction of blast fur- 5,000 penons llatoncd to the Bpeikor'i et U&rsnal Armitago, becaaBO ot tho rofuial of till, 1ST5. A Rood opportunity to ^archaso roon, tho weal hor Uelnffjvann . ' ai vicinity who an uitoiaetod. in establishing BiilhoritiWlo invit« tbo Hoboken Bremen. . During WaihinfiloD's itnv with Mr. Doro- HubokenB wero whltowasliod four tlmea in siic- nncoi, deilgned by Messrs. Welmcr k Ulrklu- and oloquent words. An intoreilins mooting hor husband to support hor. Ueiiig an Iut«! i comolery adjoinlng'tbo old buryiug ground ThCHO men mado n. prompt and noble M- / IUB, Mrs. VanKoBB, a nolgbbor living oil tbe coialon, but mado ono in tho nlnlh, nmking the tmasx x , ongincore, of Lebanon, Pa., and Philadel- for youag people lollowed, and llev. J. S. gent, xoflnad and eon 11 tire woman, tba tlogi sponso to a cull nt lbo time of tbo big fire, , . Tho Morris County Pishing Club have placed ara invited to moot at Drako Hall, in South oupotllo BHO of tho read, prcicutcil hor hus- Dnchanaii, i. s. i 3 Hymn, p. phia. Tbo object of the arrangement is t< Howard pr«aoh»d In th.a oven Ing. . I • dot ion was koonlyfolt t[yher,ana w« bollc : -it boyond a fow tjoinplimonuiry resolutions, "'., a largo nunibur of black boas, procured i- • ilalB as above. loctman at flrit put Caln.o.f. (Iftga.c. 8 3 BUnhope, oh* Wednesday ovoniDp;, Soptcmber bntid with a soa. . Before ho loft, Washington duce to a minimum the amount or milotti HOT. 3. L. Uays'prcached Tuoaday morning, hor wbon sho' Bays ahi*'would sooner havo vo received no compoiujationa Tchatover. Troutilsle, in Oltnstcil'a, Jolinson'B and Jiqul'a uat, Wailaworth al-short aasistcd flvo UuboDhori lnt h. GilisoD i,t \>- SI Onr~ own flrouieii bavo Bared thousands of • callod at the VauKcia house and boiling tbo quired in the comtructlon of a BtacV, without died Ibau go to unch a place." Borne time ago 1st, 1873, nt bair-paat seven o'clock, to organize pnuls, and Rpocdivtll and PocahcnUa Lakoii, Wi-at En right flold mado tho fluent fly cak-h of Killgoro, r. r. LindalcV, E, „. 10 nd a number of Italian children frum tba Allu- dollara worth of property since thoir organiz- •••; rolv«r, c. Huru\i;r 3 3 destroying Its cfUdoncy or .jeopardizing itu per- wo saw a teller from the lad?,- to publish which ad aeiou>tlon for iatd objeot. iiifimt.boyin.biun.rini said, .with a uirillo, to the acaRon and aealiltd twice, aud Gain aud sion in NowYorV,in charge or 4)r. Yalcntli 1 (ition; Ihcy lmvo not called upon oui citizens MtTMnrriatnwn. Al. Smitli, Sd b. Dlcko Mb. 3 S at the tlmo we thought won Id, bo injudicio ' • ' * HAST Cm; tha father, "In seventeen years from this inck oaolt took a beautiful fly, Lawroneo IBOI)| manency. Tlie peculiarities - of conatmotlou sabg thrco or lour aaci'Gd melodies,'which for. poouulary nid; they baro spant thoir - Drew Theological ftamlnary will conininnco &\. Hmitb, aa h. Dlancbard 2d b. 3 1 In it ibo rotated in words that cbaldnot hi Datod August %, 1B7J. •. . tlmo you will navo nootker soldier ready for at secoud put UTO out and aHluted twice— lho substitution of lu-go oait iron houi- pleased .many. In tho afternoon aionico time nndmonoy for tbo good of tho (own, •. ou'llinreday, Kept, 10th. The public tipuultiR MonlaguD.p. Paluior, r.f. B a railed tomovo thihoirt of igtono tho sorrc but now they do cnll for aid nnd their appeal :• Braadwell, o. f. SO luga in the place ef tba uBual matonrj pli Baorcd gong was bold by tho choir, aud Itov. fi- 1 TJlandtcr caught Hvo out and aailsled twii Lampsun,!. t. fulitoiyofhcr lift and wronga. Almost ovcrj should not ho met with n. niggardly epirit''- ."? I'XHCIBCR will take place on Woduoaday, Sept. cast columns, tho houslugi boing mado higher W. Clark proicbed. Almost 1200 were pledgod . • t .*,- Iron/a...... • Thero is nothing vory startling or (jrmul In tsy put ono out and insisted twko, ai ilonco of' it thrilled with horror or tbii idea Tho citizens of Nowton fool proud of their" ' - •iii. Addresses will bo dcllvorod by liishop Totals, than tho ordinary piers or columns, thus expos- towards building a cliipol for children's moot- this rDmhiittoneo, but ovor' • jlng imrtalninB Smith put thrco out and aailBtcd twico. E!R of bolng compellfld lo go into lho poor bouio, Tlio Aunirni Fulr of Iibiiia'viui'bekl'fbi iiro donartmeut, nnd they ow« it to tuem-' Janes mid others. ing more of tbo both walls to tho cooling in ings. In the evening HOT. Sir. Ucssio, of selves to make thii pomtfo a uncccss in every : '• loWnshiuglon'jlifo in Naw Jersoy has a po< bane hlti were mado by tbo Randolph)— two md abo fervently prayod tlat 'Qod would end day afternoon aud evening, August lOtli, on Tlia mine leased by Mr. Blairs oil Goorgo.on Chatbani, proanhed, and a nunibir ttcro con- thn grounds adjoining tlio Clinpel,.. In con- iiiirliauhir. We viflBuu wbolber thoy will •' cnliar interest to JorBoyiuon. Tbjit ho WBB a ich by Wadsworlh and Chandler, and ono CACII ice of tha &tiunnplierfl. ler miserablo cxliteneo toforo being sabjootad tlio Pitnoy citato, Cheater, IIIH juit bad a Bcijncnce of tlio pen-ereeneits- of "Old Pmh- ilo BO.—Iteijlsier. • • • .--;• 'Wont ramil havo no doubt, Tho Ire it! t ions uy Locttman, West, Binlth and tswrciieB, the tnrrlodMoii, 8 (1 C 3 a 0 1 J 1 east iron mantln In tho form of* hollon ertod. to ibis iadignlty. pur readcra will recollect powerful steam ongino fitted up.' Mr. Oeorgo nbilitieii" the iuinioiuio huh oxpeetod by tlie and slatcmonta asroo on this point,' and what latter a boautlfut hit to center Held, which Umplro-Ed. W. Weal, or tbo Protection: girder rosts upon tho honsiugB and support! On TopBday morning Itev. Clias. Lariw, of how in i former nrticlo we slated tbat tils Imi shipped a quantity of oro from tlila tnino, nntivus fuilcdtomidtoibcirappawuicc. IIow- young DororriDB beard from Washington in brought two mon lu. After tho e»mo tho Ban- ScororB-Alox. Cam and Win. Exalt, of iho lho masonry.' oocaalog tlio .atanh. Tho ship* Haverfltraw, N. Y., preaehod -to a congregation woman, Ibo wife of Cyrui liriint and tlio Betweou flight nud uiuo o'clock on Salur- o and Iho vein Uatill productive. evor, they had a vary reapoctnblo nttcmltiuco bii fathor'a homo Is liko what others hoard dclphs Indulged lu & runnlug natch of 100 rolcctions. ofthomnntlo permits of fro'o admission Df air if about 3,000. llov. Dr.Cttno proaclod In tbo mbthor of his children, was Injured for liro by a and tho nffiiir i«i!«cil off vory pleasantly.— day sight (wo men called at tlia residence of . ,--. riiliip Tonkin, a twelve year old BOB or Mr. at Vnlloy Forgo, at a rutlrod spot on tbo Short yards for prizes amounting lo 110-15 to first, Timo uf jjaino—liro hours and Utrco-quir- for cooling, iftornoon, and a number camo. forward to tbe fall, bow bo wai armted OULKI fur refdulug tu Tho Corainittco of Armueomonta oocupied Mr. AlWt Herbert, near IVyuocldo, N. J., ••",• audoiikcdif they conld cat BO mo tiling to '•''. *.' Jn. Tonkin, of Allou Mine, was riding his IIHIB, nnd at other places, J3 to'second, |a, to third. Thoy all ran vtxj Tbo blast and wator pipes pass through illar. Iu tha aronlKg llav. John Scarlett ipport her and conflnod in tho coonty jail, promiuent pOHittons behind various biblcit, irnnched. nnd tried to outdo one [mother in lonklug cnt. All tbo family woro nbseat at (lie time, • ; limsolowntoron Friday afternoon of hat week, Mr. Doromua ndJa ono Incident moro.' uoar even, tlio last men bolng- beaten by tbi oponingg in anil rcit upon the houafnsa, obvi- but was. roloasad hscauio tlio Dosrd of Free- ixcept Mr. Herbert's daughter Mary, ftjoung \ ,vluiior iiul mwo than &va or all yards, nud Tlin rlnipnt fjamn nf (ho praaoa in this conn' alingthouocosiltyofother'mpportfl. A spray Tho final exorcises ef tlie niocling wore held holders thoaght the county tea poor to sup- UioinselvL'H mul the ocoaaiou ngrooablo. Oo'u- Hpicuous among tlouiall, ancl second to nemo i-omnn twouty-two yonra of ago. Upon bo- •;' • wlioii litj Tel! off and broko his arm'. bunds;willi Gorncliui and thanking him fortboy prosontcd a bomitlful sight ai tlioy cane ty wna playad, and tlio lowest score made, on pIpoisalaaBiipportadbrtboboniliigflloproject in WodnQBday morning, at eight o'clock. Alter port him,. Tho jiooplo or tho neighborhood ing told that sho liHd nothing ta give, QUO :.:* '- up tbo fid11 1 abroad. Lawrcuoo won first prfeo, In volubility wna tbo "Oanily Abiu," nmlit of them naked if Mr. Herbert was nt Lome. V : A.G.P.Bogur, Esq;, of this toffn.ond Mr. bin attentioni said: "One tiling I want to tho liandolph grounds on Saturday laat by tbo water against tbo bosh walls when required. brief and appropriate addresses by Ilo?. A. JL. iay be Is worth about tt.000, and thoro Is a wns ogpooiully uotieoftblo thnt his volunblo Smith second and West third. Two of Iho 116-' ItandDlpliB,Juuioni nu(lt1u>k. Mary's Bobaol Drier, llev. It. Tanaant and othorn, au opjior- general contempt eiprnmod for thi a aot Ion of Tho young lady indiscreetly replied that no ' *•'. John Wtbb, Jr., of CboBtor aro enjoying tbem- say lo you. lie sura always to apeak tbo l Tho bosh walls aro or flro brick, 30 luchca toiigtis grontly assiated the iiumipulatioufl of io vnaiu tlio IIOUKO but horsulf; whorenp-" X- wlvisbr caipijilngont among tho plno forests trnlbl" nlua, who rah with them lor sport, Club, both of this place. On tlo ill nth ID; * _ tbiolf, and are looared ateacbtouraaby ineam tunity waaolvon to those wlo had bovn spool- bis. We thercforo BUT sgivin—Lot tbls man ho "Uuclo Jot" in IHB preparation or aoiigcnled i ono cf thorn seized bcr nbout Uio waiat '<•'• nf SI. Lnwrenco counly In Northern Now York, Noiloulitiilioat tbo aatno tlrnu Wualihcton bcaton by All of (ho Itindoiphs. Tlm following tbo icoro was 1 to 4, and four moro Innings of bandi df hioh aquare h-on with T hoadi ally llcflied during tba mooting to tpcik. HOB- arrciiod again and put iu lho Morris Connty --'cMonco. Tho fiiucy table protoctod from and forced her into tlio front room, Ihootber wero played to b'rrak tlio tio. On tlb thirteenth roiling la slots iu tho housings. By thii ilutlonsuf lhankiwei-i) pmod to'tho Mount Jail, ind lat tbe county support;jifm thoro is .__ and rain by nu active bush, honeo, was following and closing tho door. Tboy Uien ' . nhoro t'lmo hhda aim fish are- found in almnd- aponta night Iu tbo liouaa of Mr. Mandovlllo, tbo acoro of tbo gamo plaved t : at tho lower end of Pompton Pialus. AHOB Inning, however, tho young lUndolphB made a moans tho maximum amonnt of lurfsoe is c: IIopo choir, tn tla varbni commltloea, tbo long as it bai to- support h» nlf* In the County illurainntoil by a Bolitary Inuip and two or nttcmptuil to ravish tuo poor girl, but ovi- -. -; inee. JIOE0Hr.Nl, 1 : supper, cunsfBtlng principally or mush and Ackmau, lttb. ran, and wou tbo game, S to 4. Each sine poacd, aud tbe minimum quantity of Iron om- railroad company, ota. Tlio mullllndo than Poor Homo. Ilo can ba meilo to earn at lcaat thioo Ohincso liuitonia, these- by the aid of deutly got nlurmcd by her repealed cries.' ' '/^ Tbo venerable llev. John Bearlol, a preacher Bradon, fuir Luna's silvery ])e»ma portly snccoodeil In While ouohold tho poor girl down tha other 'V milk-a great nrticlo of food in thoso daji Jain. o. r, 1 0 Hadloy, e. blanked tbo other sloven times, Dd. To roduoe tho torn pom turV of tbo ranrobcdaround tbo gronnd, aud tbonfullowod a'part, of bis living by.cncklng stones, too mucli CBlccmod in thii locality &nd turonibout \Vadawortb,s. s. 2 2DoTlIn,2db. cxposiug tbs "ways Umt aro dark and tbo rauBnckod tho house, nni numagod to Bopure -V for supper, and ought to"bo'roviveil in ours— craciblo walla they aro ttirased with boil or tho parting benediction, prouonncod by Her. io IB tho othor prisoners in the jail, thu wiiolu Coufurence, will proach in tho M. E, Sclieuck.l.f. 4 1Bhrovo,p. Tbo Calfrsb club of Me Cains vi lie and tbo Stick- tricks Hint wore vein." The principal cttroo- Mr. MandoilUo was arranging tho only bed Woat, r. f. plate ta tbe bottom of the tuyare oponioga to Quo. II. lVhitucy, D, ». tlou of this table wns tho feminine EUTB of L'hiirch to-morrow in tbo placo of Ilcv. llr. crsorUlnonfilplayodaganiQ at McCatnsvillo In the adjoining room on that floor for hor JIsuo*, p. 5 1 Htraln, r. f, allow for i!x inches of wuhod gravel through tho Tillogo, who, witli alluritic; smiles and Ths sptritnaliuU nxo moving to establish a " 'Mi Iloonoy, viho h nuking & brief visit to Byncnie, Smitb.iMb. laat Saturday, which was won by tho dtflih, 18 eeminary for a now Bystoin of education nl*'-:'& distinguished RIIOI, . but bo forbada it, say- 2 2 Lewis, 1. f. which wator can be allowed to percolate at It mas, than, that wo did aacrlfka an words ofhonoyed B^-oetnoBs, Bought to cat>- Clandlor, o. 8 0Kroman,o.r. 113, They play again this Saturday at Mine Bclvidcre. Dr. 8. B. Brittnn IB tbe Ptesldont>':%'& K«r York. ing ; "I will wrap my cloak around mo and I^wmucu, 2db. Runaways- 'lannc" la speaking or tho junior editor of tho tura both the heJrto nnd money of tha un- 2 0 Cameron, s. s. Hill. TliotO' clubs had bettor adopt decent will. Above tbo maclU tho itaok li built with of this ourociatiou, aud SIJss Belt' Bush, isV'A^ Tiioro aro a largo numbor of Summer*Doard- sleep on tho floor. If T do net eloop it will flro brick and rod brisk cailng, with appro- On Friday afternoon of lut week some por- Joriojmin hat nook, and that & moat "I'ior. suspecting youth. Whothcr their efforts auies boforo tloy sond ua any raoro notfeos to Bocrntnrj'. "FrcnilBbip, lovo, and truth" la ••"•'• *n ilong tlio lino of tfio Midland railroad on not matter, as I havo IOICO things to think TOTJU, 27 fl TOTAL, priate loom spicai. The rod brick !• accurid loiyi cf a party returning from a funoral at St. •ou" howl Is tbo remit. Allow us to congratti- were crowned >iUi success or Lot I mn una- tboir motto. Tboy propose to raise n general \ • '•' '• aboutthat maykoopmoiwako I" : ubliih. ble to sny, but tboy certainly dcBorvo com- endowment fund of *5«0,ffl» in 2,000 eOmm ' ;:*: lbo borders of Uiia county. Tho hotel of Joku BUKB SI IKNIK Uy mcauB of strong Iron bandi ancl Improrad Slart'i) clnrcb ludnlgod in rnnntng tboir borios Lto yon, Isaac, on baing an apt pupil of tho ; ITio famous Olympics of Fatorson will play, a mondutioD for the zaal with which thoy la- of SUE each, and they hare an honorary board > •'(\J P. Brawn at Now Fuuodland is thn moat exton- ~:», and a boiler Iron casing surrounds tho md DLUBed an accident. Oaoffagou caatainucl junior. Duk romembor that tho Ion torn you bored in the good causo. Tlio fairest of them I havo glvon tbo incidents a< I recoivod gamo with tho Itandolpbs in - this placo on of Borao two hundred ndriaere, inclndliip; tha"' ^ •• nlronlzul, B,,a Wlokbam's holoUt thsm from Jlr. Bchcncb. It is pretty evident Randolplia, 02401010 0-fl top whore tbo "down take" Icavm tlia itack. Urs. Uiehael Lockmin, of Mount Ploasint, a receive- under His tuition wlll[ last you Jor a wero selected to act aa ngenta SOT tho various Hon. Henry G. Slobbins, Walt TOdtmu,':-^ Thunday aftnrnoou next. Play will ba aalkd ; Hobokeni, ' 0 1 1 ls0 0 0 0 1-4 The top of tho fatnico ii' furalilsd witb lady from Newton and thro children, OQB of lifetime. lotteries, without wbioh, r. genuine church Itev. 0. U. Frothlnchnm, Olo Bull, Misa« •?*- thu tboro is lomo confusion; In tho sUlo- athalf-pttttwoo'clock, Oooirly to gat • good tmn(cr liunyoo of llorrlitoirn ik a ROO- monti. ' It U likely that Waihlcgton apont MPinc—John S, Olbson! Wolmer's pttont chirgsr (wbich prcveuti IOBI tbuu an Infint in lira. Locltnian'i armi, and a htt "Iruo inwardsna" bo thy alrong deslro, fair novor exist*.' Onco within tloir charm- 3iwnn 11. Anthony, Mr. Epos Bargont, Hon..^' place, for tkore will bo an imtuvnso crowd to ed circlo it was iu rnio to cry for morcy, for ilfred Burr, tbo Itov. Olympin Brown, Anna V,^ t train of cDnildonblc maalcl nblllty andglvei somotlmaat thi IIOQBO of Mr. Dorcmui, as coKEGB-Itandolphs, /oi, Cain; Hobokons, o*f gai wlion tlo bell is dropped), and tlio im- boy driving: A« tber woro coming at a rapid And ibuti tba very air wharu breathes a liir. )o this gamo. oipcrionoe proved Ilium to bo exceedingly ickiiiHou n,nd otilers. - " -'-'-f-'ii'i wuenirnl tnusieal eoiraoa at MB roildonce. On hli loLLorn aboir that aftor lie loft Morris- Ur.Sock. ' ' . - _••-- proved adjustable fonco and top covering pnso down the stoep hill bj Mr. J. \f. Uurd's . ShuJocfS.P. Hulll Towbatbaiouudhath p g one of tha sWt bolls camo nut aod tho nagon moreoimri-. Enrly in tlio ovoning wo noticed TliursJny or hut ireoV bogavo t'ngaiar " Old town early lu June, 1780, bo Fiad followed a • IHinoofgamo—twu hours. Of all the pitchers' who hava pkyed Vgainst ihtos, all tbo Jorioyman vomo at bit tbat thy bod, oh cribed and Illus- began to tnkin. zip-Ess ooiirau, finally itrlking Boveml who had woraliippod too fondly nnd folks' Concert," in which au accomnliahcd it hia army* toward Toniptou, wbonco tho Hini!ol]]hB this FCBSOU tberoliafo been none preiB, should bo doiacrated br a Btlleal often at thoHliriueot Bacchus. lomo old fnmily silver Taluod at abont $40, Vv-' of'MarclilS.aiid to wblob ahrgo wagon, throwing tbs aoali, with their "In tlo next placo, ho Bays wa robbed tlo with •which' they decamped. Abort nine''•'"*''"••< pt iy participated. ho wii recallud by tba nowi of tlioenoiny 0 Randolphs went to Slroiulilnrg, PH., on so effsctivs an Maney, tbo Randolph pitehor.- : Theso occulnr ovid en cos, nud Uio im- ; reforencu ban Hubsanuontlly bocn mado in tbeso )ccupantn, ont along lho mad. The hortio then Itsu do 1 pli a uf six ruua, whaa wo didn't giro a o'clock Sir. nnd Mrs, Herbert icturned homo,^.~ Vi' s louTing Nov York in fores, aiiparontly fur \YaJncsdny to pla; tlio Caldciion of tlat place. Hc pludios a roarrully Taut ball, ind ono thut la promptu remark wo so frcqnoutly overheard, 'r.C.A.aillon,thB un.ierlnker, wai .ntcr- colunum.ail . theh y lara'beol'b n appliolid to nrioua 'reed hlnisoir from the wagon and ran through Bingls figure."—Jersvynian. ind found their dnugbter lying upon tho ;>"')' Morris county. Sumo of hid lotlors aro dated About twonty-tivo gontlomcn, b'cBides the play- lord to lilt. convinced m that JlesHW. Jlooily and Sank- 1 '"8 Hie post ofllco tn a hnrrv tlio othor dny, fiirnawi. i pair of bars acrbit tho field. All nf tbo party Certainly yem didn't, but JJO used, lotters lo Sooriuan insonsiblo condition. Kho TnurG^ "lioifibls aiiovo Rpriiiglieid," ctbors Trcm tug nllio acranipaulgd tho Club, leaving Dovor inUl find no batter field iu this country iunuodinldy loniovctl to her room. nnd.'"; ' » '" a tbliiToIco jiipwl out: " You was poltor On Wcdni'sday tlm Anutoura of Suwtun beat .t Itirklubiuc, who in.ilto •Heaped Rovare injury otcept MM. Txtckman, convoy tlio falsehood, stiles, you aro tuo cun- iimutjucu Ihuir evangelical Libum. Dnr- "Sprlngrlold," novcrnl from Whlpjiany, acvoial on the CWcgo Siprun at 9:30 A. II. The day modiail aid procured, Tho miKpectad par-",!'V. |> dot pighin* icotlo. I links you was bo Aluils urilolvlduiv, 30 to 13. Aflor ttls luet fniiiau tinotmn a itpeciallr,-eltf wlo fell npon her Bhouldsri ou tho road an d ning for anything, eud musi bavo been a very iug tbo oveuing nn nltcrcutiou arose between : a from Itimapo, sovuril from "Ileadquartcra, ties were last soon going torani Jersey Oity, :-. -i , y" onmlio a funeral, «ln't It?" Tli» juke, 1 bcfiutiful ouo and tho rido inout delight- [iraetlio Alerts ODlylioaltboA:tircn, ajnnitir Ilkro hi this maloHally reduced tin itiuniug lilllo fellow lu oitroni* vouth. . one of the gonlloinoii (?) and ono of Ibo at- BergcrV eoutity," and* "Httiiqttirters naar l'as- wai badly Injurod in tho hick, cliost anil in- ljut, n'otwiUiHuiiiclinp;every effnrt was mtmo"^-- 'iwilBli a gravo one, veen*t lout npon "Andrew." ful, patllcutarly from Minunlii Chunk to :luboi Nuwton, by a fevr rmi». p oof rri-Rfiii.i fi Hlnrlc, 1>y |nrg<'1y reducing "Kot couloutwllb abuslug JIi.Btilos, they AcbcR of tho dining tabb, which resulted in to rirrsst thom, they succeeded iu making' ;•,'{?;* Bale," etc. BtroudBburgi through the Dulawaro Wafer Gap. ti rh ind imn t'oimiiiiud in Its Qrnnlly.. Tlio child ibo contrived ta hold'In drag iu anothor goutlouiau." ;he young Aiitciplo of Bacchus being forcibly their escape. '.. '.i;.;^;: The Bulletin nji: 'Somo villain or vlllalnn, The nill Itosei oriloonton play a (tamu witb tho quantity To many of tbo party wlio had nuvcr visllca Ibo lhndoljiba on tlie llanilolph grunnd* thia— conslruclionl , wJChmil risking its pennauenco or anus, and ntrunga lo uy, It was unburt. •Another nsutlomaal" Tliat's (ougood lo jjoctcii from the Chapel by two worthy meni- »l«td a piece of timber aeiwtho D. L. &, W." Us to nochanrtoau'Hpartiu tho luvidont iiora of tlo Conimittca on Discipline. IIIIH ficotbn thii wan a rar« Iro&t, and tbo econio Saturaay—nrtornoon. . ' oni^iilcul working. Irs. Lockmin is now doing w*-U, and will ro- ,e lost; atid hy tbo nay, wo woudor how niiioh Mrs. Shnsttr, widow of tho late Win. ••&% liaUmad, ,lftvr n,|s pi«e;on Mon,]ay aflomooii. ijaamlBtalio, aa thoro in'no nvidoiico *f Stilus lout hf thu "uthcr gentleniau." IIu A bitter feud which had existed for a lootf Sbmtcr, of Ilnrdwick township, in Wurnu ")f^ ity of thn country van benrtlly cnjovnd by> 1 »iio cDgineer or the express train, duo in hli boius In llorris county oven iu 1731, much D.D. ChandlerinHbuunuleelea Hccraturyof Lait Sunday bvubiug Iwo pardon, i'mo In a must havo heon "scorched" sama. Dut lion It uio hotween two mnl pugilistic champions, county, hiis in hctt burrock on the old homo-: :':!'/. nil. An lbo train uincrges from lho lunncl at One Who Wants h Know, • lino near cithuiiintiug iu u tuiuguiuury cou- : ]luonlfln ai fi.33 P. M>| diB(,0Turca Ui nnd bj IUBSB In 1730, Waalilugou met him at nnrlford iolhmlolplia lu pUeo of Olias. 11. Dlekcraun, was "pull Dick, pull dovll," betwoen theso two 1 otend, liny thntrix over forty years old, and i ^ Mmuuka Chunk, Iho rbw to tlo Himthwoat' 1B Tho following lettor baB been received bv a UfiRy fid Iho other iu a tbrce-aoal spring nt. A ring won formed and whnt might Ertal txerHoii SUMOQ-IOJ [a etopping tbo train {opt. M, 1780, ami in tbo Sutnnwr nf rwi, Julf ragon, liutli cDuUbilnt: lailicx, concludud to "gentlemen," and it would be dIdlcult to guo» yot on bright and Bwoet na over. The enttla . Sr glorious, allowing tbo bcaulifnl Dulawaro, en- antlanian of this place: AVO licen no mim knowetb, wlien a -'mutual ivill leave KOCMI now bay to cat Uiia old-,-3;- MHrolho engine lit tho timber. Jtb.boacttiBiIyjJincdliUcominind to Waab- u ufStroiidsburg beat the Moduc idulgo hi n ruunlou; match ou their roluru which ono' of tha "other gontlcmen" got fnfitoti'B. Ho most eaalously nlilod in tlm op- matiod by rich lioldj, irbicli in turu ire ACUBIIHET, noarNoir Bedford, Maaa., I Friend" biirBt iii tho ring, and his carneat BO- Thero IK hero niidlbcru mixed iu this hay ft • "'" ODD of HID wont convenient articloa in wliieh l at Iho htlur platie from camp meeting. Whan noar Dtinvillo wanted. Yet wo would bo willing to nager on licitntions nnd tho f oars of tho weaker party, iraUoas whiob led tutbuKipluroolCornwalliH. August lltli, 1B75. f lend of wbedt, which wlien dbolled, looks ' '£ » Maorti a eampmcotiag Bermon or "apoc- 21 to '•>. Df.-pol tlm Tohloles collided, overturning? them tbo "o Hi or geutleraau," lot 11 ba either ouo of satisfied tho Chester champion nud ha mere- It Is bsrely (i os lib I o that bo and VTntbi lift ton glldo rapidly by a winding courio aloug tho S&Ait Em—I* the turfaco of Dover flat or irlgbt us o now dollar. : V-;,''. *» a Bnmo or Laao ball waa manufaoturod loth aud spilling tho occupants proruincuouily thorn, tholr antecedents aro io similar. * ly demanded au oxplnuatiou, which mw re nt tho moit or trotting parka near tbo plsco ? Hs\o jon ID 'righttticd and kicked. itaolf looio from tha never been cojmlod in my limited obiiorm- Jnain.,, hu givain him all tbo noc.SMry qud- The heivy raini of the pait two woski baro Lion. rcniiuluu«nca rulatcd by a nunagouarlao rc- ly worked In wearing out tbla moitmagnificent fastldioufl parson imaginihlo. Tbs Ublo con- tlio town or very near a good lamcopatbia imago. It then escaped from several who «M inns, ban opanad a yard on Blat*woll St., p ilono comlderoblo damaift) bore.- Tlo roada Wo henrd it mmorcd Uiot tho Contonniid Rev. S. Siegfried, of tbo Nowton Bnptiat '. "'»« B^IO of coal, wood, limo, cemont, pkator, contlypwued away, tbat iixos ntiollier spot in' gorgo through tbo mountains A rido of four physician? What ii the character of ths rea- riod to hold it and ran oc to tho tidowalk', cliurch, lion accepted a cull from tbe Baptist' •' sliilad of chickons, bocf,-muttnn, liatu and are all in a bad condition, lorao of tbom hiving will bo belli hero next year. Until then J C the good aid comity of Morris nlicra WaBlisng- rallcu from tho Gap, and wo reach Eist Stroudi- rants and are their charges reaiouabloT Fbero llr. Wm. H. Lambert grained it, but church nt Norrialuwu, l iu Tho church IS a . • „' "*"Q IB rcudy to roeclio tbo pairomgoof caion coulJ aETord. wlion. P. ILK. ton dwolt for* HUlo limo. It may IUTO beou hurg, a bustling- little borough, a fuw mlnuleB verything ulsu that tb lJ ETd ran unable to retain hit bold. The animal been waihad until Ihoy are atroost Impasesbls. bcnuliful ciliflco, while tbo congregation • .'. nX paU D< ltCBd B groat nt • femalo holp ba'easily obtained?' Ia thi Z i ' *" advortiseiuont only for a day's bunt, or for a taw days' aojourn oiiuets of flowers wiout Teabo, ono could certainly Bay thoy woro tho olllo or tbs plico utteud? Whit la tho A corrcHpondeut of tbe NW York Sim Tho Wnnon l'oundry 1ms received a largu •.'" drank and atupt Iherj tho plaoo becomes con- tlnco ISta At nine o'clock, or that day ofMonrou county. It ii a quiet, beautiful lit- ivergrown tbom, bnt when Iho right parson number of inhaliltanta? h are you good schools ;ellH iw an fallows ivhy thoro wiis no flinging •contract from Neirlon, MoEsnchUHott^ It bo- ' Jim "Amobiography of Rcr. AbntomStni- scerated to all truo Amoriesna, M did tlio nbc^i A Tribute of Respect , tho pond dam of D. Q. Vliot'i mill wai carrlod OI 8 tle city of about S.COO luhabltauli, which, Judg- In tbo right placi lu affairs of tbii kind for small children ami ara tlioy governed uy L the Deckertottii (SUSSEX County) rreb itig for upward of seven thousnud toofl of ' • ' . ,' accainnna, recently printed ly its, wLoreLulhcr stopped lit a well to tlnuk, uu- tho memory, of our late holaved brctlor, r, and a largo body of wator went down pipe, and will licen the men on full tima "won r . ng from appearances, derives i'.i support from lingo lira well' conducted and o very thing uialu or rcmalo teachers?, Aro (lio drives rimi church ou KunJjiy : wt iya t lh dor a treo to roil, or in a lionso lo sleep, to tba Uahlun D. Cno : through tho valley at alwut a two-forty gait. It Tha Hov. Sir. Hnmilton, pastor of the during tlio Fall nnd Winter. - >' • . :ba agricultural section about it, rather than ovci jilon" haruioniouiiy, Bolt nag at Teabo. around pleasant and the roada good? How GcrmiiiB, ofivbom ho wtti easily tbu groitcsl, 1 Fastened to all tho wood within reach,' and Prcsbytcrinn Chnrch of thin place, being 'rom an jmanufMturbg industries, Tho walks Thoy have wou thcro wlio knotv low lo tlriro nwuuy lioun rido ta New York- and bow many TVnsnsm it has pleased Almighty God to ro- HU lio algu of WDaknoBn [n iheeo lieadlang iro good, tbs streets woll graded, ana two of probably aomo- of the latter ia on tbo bluo AU ub-sent on Sunday, tbo Hor. i Mr. Soper filled A young mnu in Washington, sent n ilol- '.:••'\ thingi. Yoti.iiavo probably soeu mou, buiinois trains daily to that city? Ara tliore private IOTO by the nnaparlng band ot Death onr lato is pnlpit. He wns iBncraiit ot the fiiot-that bir to n linn iu Now York who advertised a Sv? and thiinglitlcii days to mark rovoronlly any tlio hateii nro hindsonio looking buildtu),'B bolovcd brotlicr, Mablun D. Coo, tUorcforo bait ntlobythUtlmo. . bcro andovarjirhcro irdlng 1 a? Con farniBhod or "unrur- tie choir of tho cliuroh had qiuirrollod receipt to provcut bail drenms. liu recoived ,"-'•'.". «unUrtbo Wo or thi< nuonblo somnt of net or spot which hai baon hnliowed by lbo which aro ovidonlly tjullo woll patronized by REIDLVKU, Tbat in his death locletj baa lost UnueltcrerB are prophoaylog that tho 25th a smiill Blip of iwper on which v-ua printed,' >•'• bencfl ffthogo wlio aro hard nlshcd hou s bo rented for oooyearor loiifior? mon [[ the nisei veil tho niglit before, nnd Priei ,*'""' t » "111 bo aold. Tbo liatrlotlim of a man wlio in lho fidelity, purity Hummer boarders, Tbo town alio boasts of i carncit patron of tho, toinporinco rofarra, will ho tlia last day of tho rain; coaion, as 'Don't go to sleep." ¥''('_ W rk but pushed. Also, on of this kind ono What ai 1*8tea of boirdluft at tho holuli thnt not a member von there to slug oa Bon- Jill n ° '" *'i wl»lcli pbooi It anil snMcsaofaliriidcvotoiltolls country In two good local newspapers, tho Democrat and tbo community ft progroEsIvo, uaotu! and up- imp meotiug uloses tbat dav. • iliiy morning. Ho giivo out tho liynin xolocU ' two always luvo tq do most of tlie work, hut !Uvo you streainB fur beating in lbo summer A lunu unmed ClmrlcH Weygaiit, of Oxford, •;:' •'•;' »"Wn Mm road, nf all.. licrllouH tiniuH, hurt as jet DIIIV unit peer tba Joflerionlan. • A largo pripondoranco of right dtkon, and Victor Lodge ono of It* unwt Tlio Itov. Sir. I'oi li taking bU annual vaca- fd fur the-' opening, nud rend it through. : a board nn complaining from tlio partita wlio uid rinks for skating in tho winter? now There wiw uo luiuiicni rofi[)onHB—no souud of wns lorribly. hurued on Siuitlny morning, ' yUlseuoooaHori'. - [ha votorBoftbo county being Democrat a Ilio toaloui and lio no red members. lion. Tliora being no »IITT\CO iu bii chi lCth, by wrine kercwono oil lo atart the f:rj the former probably onjoys tlia beat patronage, td Iho thing iu.chargo. Wa nw.-o glad ta nsny uowspapora have you, and do tlioy oxert prniuc—from choir or cougrogation. After a IOLVBO, That wa ciueorolj symnathiEa durldg hU absonco, tlia usually small congre- inunicnt'n cinliamuuing silence, a hrotber witli. Ho will probably recover. , . • ; and Its oulco is tlio moro protenllons of tho ion'tint tbo outeWo parlici took en oh an i boaltby moral intlucnoo in (ho communitj? intcrefit In tiio-wolfaro of tbochuuh. J mean wllh tbo wlfo and family uf our duceuied gation at tho Mothndlat church is considerably i\roBe, nnil, walking up to lho pnlpit, whis- Entirely Now and Elegant. two. Mr. A. 0. Oroonwald, tho proprietor has a it & mining, mlnerat nud rod aandGtouo ro- Wimhiufilon pnporn nnnoimofs H privnto liyoutsitlo parties thono who do not belnn^ lo brother in thia tholr hour or daon alllicthin. ascd. Mr. F. iu visiting bis many friendi pered in tho prencuers oar. Tho prenclier Plcrson, tho hollar, wbooo tasta IH Irre- thotppaarancoofa worthy Oosconilant of tho ;ioii7 liavo yon water powor far tnauuraetur- nodded his bead anil binilotl Ho tlimi^h' banking linn at tkut place, in which J. W. ir aro net moniberi of yio church. The {-Lurch cw Knglnnd, anil [H expectod to return proaoliabloi has Juttt adomod Ma ntoru with a hardy lVnuBjlvmiii Dutch stools, anil wa found inlercati? Ia tbo Bulcct social aoclety or tho biotlicr had said Uitit tho wrong bymi Colu in priiitipiil imil Jnbez Tidituor, Kew- aomlursUIp in suiall, of coiirso, anil \\o c^ni about RcptemW 1st. MAT comploto now alock ol fall goad*, wbiuh mako dm quietly Dmokliig ]ila pipe or pcico after tho -'-- ""^tea.cr.fa.lt.nrfltlfcrnin..^ Wbai bad becu read, so bo turned tlio leavt •ratulato tlio chproh tbat they Lato am ~ Victor Lodgo Itoom, Aug. 20,1875. an olsgant dls[ilay hi hLi window. Foromost abori incident to tbo isaao if bli pipor. Ills again, durt gave out another. It was i IB Mr, Thomna, of lie Alton, and Sir. II' r'rof. G. II. Cook, Stnla GoolofjLit, haa we notice bU noir stylo ».r ailk tat-tbo Sroad- iffict Is a very lino one, with all tboniadorn im- Mend/mm. _ oeu Kpomliug u few diij'H in TVnrron uuuittv, sou, of tiio Tcabo, tu atind by tin)in o* "PEOPLE'S STOR ug one, nnd ho rend, it .through, closing way. block-wblcb <• the protllcsl stylo OTM irovements, and prelse's run by Htcam. Tho Sea Grove, itu "1'lcaso omit ono stnuzn." giithcriiig inincrul specimens fottbe Gontcu- • • elona ol this kind; and wo would say' ThoVuneral of Sim. M".-"• ,].si-v-ri. In. For K NATIONAL UNION BANK i.iih.-H. WUr.-ij, Willia H. H. Dickepson & CoINCOill'OIUTE. U Ul' THE STATi: OF SEW fifJmlt i. iDiilniuaiit, uml Jam; E NEW GOODS. OF DOVER, NEW .IEHSF.1', .l .Iiibn IV. I'.iirlt^, lirr Ini'biiiil. JERSEY. •toriiililw tu May T.ii.i. I«T.J. riims Mid ll-:Ilarii'B, < wfiit.irit uf l.:n Lino fully ilwjiouslrutod tli;it tlu-ir Successor (u St-gur'rt HiiiiU unt!i. DRY GOODS Notct. Check*. Ac. Alio Agent* for tliu B»IO < COLUMBUS BEACH, Prea't. VOIC1N" "ffABrcittToiniuoii/to "" fi» on Iho t'uinn lUnk ur London, Enflaiu JAY. S. TI1EAT, Cnshiw. MONDAY, ll«e ai)tli tiny of Aitgn»t uexl, A.I). 1H75, between HID lion™ ofl2 51. a 0or. BLACKVfELL & WAKEEN Sts., fi.rpAUI.OIt'V 4SIIIIUCII. jYonucJuJ JJuik of Ireland. \VAT13KS' NEW 8CAXI3 r 51. II. DICKEIKOS .-- I'rcsiiltiii U.ia'j, IJIIIT.I- n lEi-' .u'U»«f 1- wVIuc]; ,U ABW iirciil iiowwdiwlo tliicHINUIOBlone.Mttn IURECTOUS. id fi u'eUH'h T. M., -i'lli" t« Hoy.ataoV-lack mnrfcrii iMinraveotciite, em/«/» M* lltMT f'j. WAIU&S KEUUll - l^shim GKOKOERICEAKDS, EFHIUIII LIKDSLBT, ANOM 31 ADI!. TIICHO Orrnnii and Pinna*V» tbo aftvt .LW.I ... - "1 lUj. 'HI tlw «»tuU. l/ljrcur llllVVXBXTUlMip COLOEED DRESS GOODS! IilBECTOIlS. HcDsosHuAatWD, 3is. W'.LnoxnEcioN ;bt, lilluo. I uitr.-"': uf UiuiliTciiiUtn I" ami ADJOUBHED SKEEIFr'S SAI.E. ilockwl il "'Hi on futi M. II. DICKERSON", JOHN HASC'i:. ALBERT K. ltinaB, COUIMDUS ttocu, all t!i« ll.j |Jiii...i:iKiil0Bi'ri.>i;il trad* uml 11 Cliancfiry «r Xcw .Tcrhcy_ri. fi. I\.r sulo .if morluagcd pnuuiBes, When in Jauu,* J. id unequalled by any in this vicinity. Alwnys ou liand an gt<*'.*» .F™.B,™'-"" • • .'.HU41H IU fa". The first i'.trt Is ,-u.iitr, Ijliifj oud_ In ing iu linniiiu mill Juu IV. Hnuluu iru lliu CitLniilaiii- until pnld furn» nor en 11 true I. A(JIiNTH WAI 'tenstvo assortment of cninESbES. o. o. VALMEII. [IABD Geonas, Jou.v W. JACEBON, (ii!Is, Ctiaricjt P. llarj-utt ai>d Alury K. liii 3BC A Tl 3V 33 S S TKp.Npedul In^uceracntMDtlit^tnide. Alii IIESBT HCFAKLAK, TnouAfl AKDEMOH, KlH', JcrcmiBli EIR I linn.', James Uanun, Alfred DRY GOODS, If HIMON SUSEL. v Dull and UlwardDcll, AdinhiiHlrstorn »f JURHP ALPQEUS BKEMEB. .ssi.'"r.:r- ::ii"i»'"°K'''S uoiisi: j: 'llUUAL'i: WATl'lta Dover Savings Institution, Dull, dfwaseil; Nunlon fi. Kitfhdl, l».ivid IJOIU finicii «»1 donnille, iwlmlw "t » 1»° p, o, Box MG7. Oil. nd tbat n:i* i-r/.'-.ij-n- l lo tlm miO William I'i.-rs.m, WilliamSwniuo aud Harnli SK.iine pro Dress Goods for all Seasons! roL-oi-y h» »-M>k \ ", LSAAO UOMAINE, Hoi. pattpm. mid ik»iBU«. ,coira«,Ar!. a..i]'fL.rl nfUic (aid same lot ttut BUJUIEI1 HOUSE BLAKKETS n.ul DVEI1TIKIN0: CDLAP: Cond Bvaltiimtij 1 _ .11) ucrsou* who coiitrmplnlo m'tkinu eOnl PltlNTS! CASSIMERES!! SHAWLS!!! TItc Jliners' Savings Knuk ul Williaii. (ii'i.'giny i iiivcvt-J tooun Aiirubiinl 1" udiunnu-d^to* tuS;u 'placet^t'tbo'MniiViuD ule will JiDWHjiapeiH fur tliu iunc-rlioii cif OFFICERS: id recorti illii eaiil i.'-»rd uf iloctln, in l'ioi»k ii IKUBO lluttl, in MorrMoirn, K, J., oil . LAP DUSIEK. •ortlBniiDiili, Hltduld ni-iul "fti««i« toOm nml in »liort, ovorrtliing in tbo Dry Goods lino that tho ladies' need. JOire IIASCE - - - - TrcaiilDut. OF DOVKK, N. J. us co -nil Ac in v. iiicb miillant nuiiii'J doc a P. Itowcll A Co., 41 I'm It How. New York for la length of tlie tblnl line of Baid Iut IB glTim MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 18tli, eallipi- I.iitcnan.lC3llon FlyNol*, CtinmoiB, BOOTS and SHOES. heir PAMHILKM1UUK (nliielv.Bfcvonth edi. r THE Ol-nCE OP TIIK SiTIOX*L USIOM H.VSK. i ouu hundrtil and fifty-flvc lent and nix iudiLH L.D. l<-75, ticlwccu Hit bourn of 12 Bt. and 5 lifj|i)i ci*titi.iaili]{j ntitn ofovor 2.U0U iiotvapfLTiQri 1IKp*rccut. intercut trill bo paid on deposit • ben in Taut it (.hoiild Cc ono limiilrcd mid llvo i^tJun^L'H, Ilamoi* lilatkins. Ac. and m 0 o'dock A. u. to i irtSl line and wliidi Giud Alirabam SiLtlL-iina Tboi. it.CriUtmik'ii, . J». U. Neighbour, clack p. H. moved to mid William Urceury by II'H deed AUGUST lUlli, 1870. 0E(3. GREEN & SON, OF ALL KDiDS. Chai. M. Tuuiit, MAN AClUtK: Lltd'Julj- 12tb. 1813. ami tiol yd rtcorded, and i tlio matter of Daniel J), llrysul, AiliniiiiBtra- HAKUWARE. .,. JloiJcwr,' Htcpbcn C,']lerrv, ojisrtt])i>ri>urbi>]-flty(.>nuvL>yi:d licuillBRt lliu tiimoa Mi*l, HENKV McFABIiAK, aJii.l curncr or llic KIIUIO Iut anil in lluo or lor of Alonz-) Itocil. iloonaned. Stirrosatu'a WASHINGTON STEEET, BOOTS ja.!V5I3 S HO ESS "id 1W inline, Jai. A. GrXjalu, GEORGE KIOHABDS. older to limit crpilitniH. Klchwd Thrkin^, ml» or Si^ihcu if. Bi'fry, i.im-aud.rrri y' "fcjt ' MOIIUISTOWW, N. J. K. N. JJnrmnn, EPIIBAIsr LINDSLEY, iDUU>ulia-hl'Him»ld lint! nortbcrl/ OF ML K1XDS AKD SIZES. ortliasHlruUk l liHjlliMlo llobortF. Onm, Ocortto ricruou, I. TV. CONBrcT, imllin il Administrator jjlvo puiilio notiuu lo tin A UIIOE AXD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF II. I1. Kaodrrton, V'm. 1J. MeBavit, JAMES H. SIMPSON, lo!, ouil niiia tbuiico lnag ll Tcilituru of tli n CaUntu urt.^id do^'tdonl lu brii.^ Martin V. 11. Bearing, said wliulo lot (1) BOIIII tm;.ily ana d liair n their dubla, demandu aud cliUma njjuin«l tbe GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Cliarlos J. Hkulluu COMMBUS DEACH, k-ErctB irest itTcuty-li t to tlio tliini l cor- Jimi>, uuduroiatli, nitbiit nine: muiitbit rmni till: Freeman Wood, cr (if tli ll h-riy MduoF High Late, by Butting Up a eonv of Hi in order, witli.u \V. IT. LAMBEKT, UIC boitit; tlo ludutlCtiR (lie flllL-st gr«r tlio 111 o»t pnb- This Institution Is no mil '>|ie io ]ilact«"iii tlie Cimuly (if Mnrrin for two THOMAS J. HALSEY. uonUis., and also nlililn ibo nald twenty dnyx TEAS, ;C0rFEES, Sl'ICES, OIIIIjI>ItErS''S 0-A.HJbfcI.A-G-ES. ir business. advurtiiiliiK tliu camu in tho IKON KHA, UUO Office, hi Dover Batik. TJCBV l!oFABJ.AS, I'r.»ldo»t. by ad Interest Khali comuu-'i upon all mil ileu-rics taut fc.jvtnlv-iivL fuel . oi t"•-b - - --* "iia State, fur llio »amt INSUEANCE AGENT. SUOAHa, MOLASSES. A FINK HALL TO LET. Kl'UIlAISI I.1SBHLEV, Vlc« I'KflUtnl. in tba lirHl If no of lliu uliolo lot; tlam-u BIOIIR , _ ^atoJudKiiiR&uyrurlbur Clover and Timothy SEED, UJIJJ do^onitcil nu the first dlajfofMwcif/Jiini u • 8&!UU il) ftuJlll) risl.r-liTD aud a. halt ik'gru.B lino Hall, 35 x 40 foot, wo1l fiUod un, rail. ttoptembor andn uDecemberc cornier, wlilcli ever shall JAYB. TREAT, Trcaiurer. twtke (3 IIQ ntitwMimy); aud ff any vivdin, UE O.V BLACKWELI. WTBECT, X1XT TO q£0I.t1E Mile Tor stitiet noi;ioticn, in uUoi-wl fo lesis ,nl tlftv loct to ttio bcttiiiiiiiix, and muro fully HI.JII noRlcLt toiiliibll bla or lnrlin< liritij; n'vrii OH nforuHUid, nucl buildiiw occtiplcil by him on lllnrUwull .treit •5ili, A. U, 1B74, nn*l rtcurdcil in boult of dtnHt TfJitnr Ebnll bo forevcr duUined of his ur IK Duir.n ruiiiTS, avrs, • IT. CUM, VTATHUX, Super-Phosnliate of Lime, 9, ttiliai lu'J uiic] -l'JJ. irtontbcKlteaBiljuUbo^ ISi-cuud Tnwl. All tbal certain trait or paw) Cement, Plaster, &o. A1I and WINTER. if laud md premium Lertimfter ]iartlcularly Locally Diitliorhcd nt'cnl uf tic filUwIng lla-at- CANNED GO015S, KAGE.&HALSEY ItiicribuiItiicribeil Bituato, lyinR md befiif,' lu tbo tonti- A Iran cop? Irum tho nihmivn: iB-JOi ilmm coiujwiiicB—tho boat 111 Ilio fforld: bit"i uf" ll itucU&ffayu , iu tlie County ut Munis *mi NEW YORK TRIBUNE. Itatu uf• NuwJtrsuv"N - , UuUuUutuid auaod ImuiMJundcin l in LOKDON nml LIVERPOOL nud J1U1TEJI, CHEESE, EGOS mid LAUD. "ThoLending Aiaericnn Num-impcr." II Jftciuiiiii!,' at a conieMif n t IRON AND STEEL, utyilitcoVrosilVddltltrcdtln i GLO13E, Caiiilal 820,000,000. THE BEST ADVKIITISING MHD1UM. WIHTLOCK & LEWIS, ret tjnutlipurclt ith and READY-MADE CLOTHING SALT PISn, HALT MEAT, HAMS. Daily,$10ayoar. rjcinl-Wcgkly.i:!. Wcuhh.t2. a carnnr of Willum . d Jacob LANCASHIRE o[ MANCIIESTBR, l'OSTAOSTAOH F11EK TO THIS KUDSCllIKUDSCllIUEItU , II'H laudud, uaud fram tlic d) aoulli uoreniy CROCKERY & EARTHEN WARE. BncchilPii Cniifcg anil AdvertjHlct' Its leg I GAS PIPE, and FITTINGS antt rro r cbaiut aan.Htu links t W CHEAP. CHEAP!! CHEAP!]! Cmiitnl 810,000,000. Weekly, In clubH nf 110 ur moru, only Ii i '. CttHlcrliuu'i u orner and tlio fourth STATE FII1E INSDItANCE Co., A tvcll Ht-iecLed Htock of line mid fancy Oriwo .id. %Unn 'Jsr. TWUUJHS, N. V. .UMBER lot of sit aert that .Garret Bmllli OF ALL KINDS. r Junatliau Kicltolu; tl ~ jout•b thirttcii Capital, S300.000. rica always on hwd. iegreou west eight €li»l iu aud furty-uigbt linb .loujs slid Culurlluo 1-—, ,-, I will ae.l tlio balance of my READY- ROYAL OP LU'EllPOOL, BAKER & BEEJIER. and ;ty-iivo Cecroes caat llvo thnina uuil el|jUty- MADE CLOTHING for Capital 810,000,000. A Ti pat.'" 1""^ (inflll«l: Tito Ladies' aud Geiitloiuou will jjleaso boar in miud tbal I). J. Roberts' u liulta afoDE tbo mdiiheuco (4) north alitn.li 2Titi, 1675. 15"IT DRY GOODS, oiity-ciglit decrees cast ufuo cbain* by said lVafl Sired," c*z|tlsininfr ejff Klurliuu linuj (licucu (5) ituutb Bovtuty .tu- niANKLIN OF PHUiADELPBIA, SENT IPllEIi. JOHN HICKLINO k Co TIMBER, cn eoflt Biity-ttTo litiUtt; tliuiico (G) uorth Patent Parabola Needles, ..onty-llvo degrees ami thirty minutes ia«t M7W, BOYS aud C11ILDUEN, Capital 85,000,000. *ukcn and llruken. 7J Bruailnv, MVYT ' ciirlit t-liaius and elily-tbieo links tilling eald SLATE ROOFS! Cuetcrllno lino tu Jolm Biaitb'u comer; tbcucu HOME, • - " 000,000. 1 Tho very best in tbo world," ailTery in polhh andgrocc/ul inaliflpe; alao Boberis' tiMO, Groceries, 4.NU I OR mil tnuity-flSo links afnng Jolm Hmltli lino tu STAE, Jersey Oilj. " MO.OOO. TBE MOST DURABLE Finest Razor Steel Pocket Cutlery, Scissors nnd Razors, ill curncr at Iho Rluuo fonco; tbenco (B) noutU Coughs, Golds, Hoarseness, ilcvt-n tltgrMB and twouty laluutoa WCHI ulcvun Seirts' Furnishing Goods HXIDSON COUNTY, Jersey City, SASH, BLIND, DOOR, -halutt ami tnclru linkn tu tlio I.o^ituilng, uon- And AU Throat Diseases, Elegant of Finish nnd Keeu ot Edge. tKcnly-uiiB nereis 3MU0 ot UQ ocru, bu Capital $300,000. THE CHEAPEST. Crockery, id moru or leas. It IWIRR part or tliu lot it coiiDideitililu lean tliau COST. In fact lit USE otlrronty-tittcD nerve and WMlHi ul an acru Ilia 1 Give us a cull. We mo BOUKD to sell for LESS FROFIT than any other houae Oirrut Bmlili purcbastil of Joscjib Kniltli, am reaBotmlilo oitir rofuscd an I inlciid Riving up STANDARD, Irontou, " 800,000. riio lmiiilJMucat nn J tlio Boat. WELLS CARBOLIC TABLETS. in Dover. MOULDINGS & MBACKET Ilia wbolii ur lliu lot or six news Hi at KJW Hmil " of Joiutlian McbiilH. Eictiulms. iliat jurt ul tho Ituiliioss ami l>c<'l> enlulc to PEOPLE'S. Noivuii, " 800,000. ALLEN, PALMER & BON, PUT DP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. iro now rrcparcd wltb extra fa ell I lie a for pit- , _ jt or tuo RUDVO dcuL'rlboil lot of knit HEltCUAST TAILOitlHO. A TRIED AND SURE ItEMEDT. Olnss Wnrc, md premiss a lot ur hud and [irei HIBEBNIA, " " • 200,000. timrm HlAT£ HOOFINa in all tho varlouB Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J. MANUFACTURERS, -'iiiugifDrcnacri;* nnd OJ-IW or ni _ . . conibinattons of ntjlos and coloru wliicli 111 a J bo 'or Htilo by Driiycitds gciiaraUf, nnil id, uliicli Wm. 'f, Catlcrllnu bouultt of Jncob HUJIHOLT, " " 500,000. •tHienud or rcquirtd and wblch ltuofing Blate IH 3Mw JOIISHTOS JIOLLOWAV ACu., Pliil., Pa. illli, 1KT a to aeemi. NATIONAL l'UBUSUIXH )rdei's*for Sawing and Planing rtyed by Jacob lUnhclmrd and wifu to Sihti 11. I'tiiladclnliii, Va. 31-4w \lmtoti, liy deed itattiJ Avrit 1st. JD5U, am] j BI/AOKTVELL STEEET, PURCHASED and SOLD nuro fully id forth and doncribud in a <[evi\ ol couvoyxiico rrom W!aa H. Ulnton ntid wife U THE OLDEST STAND IN DOVER AAA Volt J1B.WI. PIVB YlMlIt jiromptlj ouontcd HARDWARE, Cliarlos F. Smith, Occd dated July 7th, 1HS7, I ,U U U Hncc»Rful Work. QRAM, HANCE & CO., mid recorded in tlio Mums County record ur COVER, JST. J. ' LIAJ Iiiui-uiicc ut t CoatCot, •wiia, in boo! •" " " Choice Lots in Dover, BEEMER'S MARKET, AsunminontM mi nmn nrH uf HK* IIUV Third Trul been 115 per (1.IHH3, ann Henor 8ijca: PORT OHAM, ONT- JT. ot Jaudaud jirctnli Tor Bain cltn.111, ntid SUSSEX STBEET, DEALERS IN Stoves. Stoves. Iron and Steel, stilp oritockin-ay, in tuu"County uf Morris aud tittle ct Now Jerucy, buuudod and dmctihi'd an l'ay trlicu IOUBCB occur. Agents wnnlcd. Rt>uJ THE OLD STAND. rulluni, to-wit: lieginuiuR at a blaclc btrcb HOURKS TO LET. (HUBTDK RIVKK DU1D0E,) for clrcnlur to Hccrnlary Mutual Lif- Co 1 a pin j, Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, trne, UiQ siicDud corner or a tot uf nfnctcuu " Ungton, Now Jeitoy. IH-lir Ons Plpo nnd Fittings. UMWJ icrcs BOM lir IBIBO fjinlta md vrifa to will be supplied the liresaut a«aiou»ltli JolmKnmii.Jr., byikc.l iktcd A"K"4 lUtl. mi, »ad recortfoa in Jlorris Couoty Clerk's Tl/TJIE. DE1I0HK8T PATTEIlKM for Spriuj Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes UNION HALL BUILDING, Oflice, In lwk I C of dtedi, pa5A 37, ic, ••"' Freeman .Wood, Choice Meats and Vegetables, 1V1 nnd Summeummer will bo read; for iltll.iltll.ere ; BUckmllStrnt, itonr, rum tbencealoDgtbeuuietl) ioutbiitty-1 n and aflor trldnjtrldnj , MRrcli lutblutb . Send [u[r FURNITURE, CARPETS, OIL dagrwi east levuimmu cnalui aud uoruaty*. IIUU ot tliu Peace mid l'ulicu MaRisli IS TLKllt WOl'Eil T1MM. W. S. UAUDITl', CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, itiiKi W the flrst corner ur laid tract; tbuuco NEW QUARTERS! ' iionitUTown, x. J Hot Ah- Furnaces, It} toutU llfty-four degrees tint sovcuty-Uvr BEEF, POBK, TEAL, Of Iba Ittcit and m^ist lmprOTed atjlot, for Iliikg to •. earner la lino ul ft tract or tbirlyfoui CBKTS. 20 ELEGANT OIL CIIH0JIO3, trmioK poblic wdprirel* bttUdlneB. A Ur^B CLOTHS, MATTINGS, 4c, lie,bfclVQ tcrei belongliiK to tlie citalo of Join BETTER ACCOMMODATIONS. moDDted, IUS itxll for II; 120 far Ii, Mining Materials of all kinds; anortnuit of StOTai, cbcap for catb. • itli, Jr. j tUeuco (3) along the liue or salt MUTTON, LAMB, ALftrcmt v»neIr in lbs world, , iittncd tract and partly along Iba ltuac NATIONAL OIIIOUO Cu., FlilUfleliitiii,Pi. COOK.PAELOB, HEAUNG Lyon'i llpa north forty-si 1 degree* oust tuvui CINCINNATI HAMS, 3C4w STEAM AND GAS PIPE AND FITTINGS cbkim bud farty-tbreo liuki tu a corner in aaid THOS. BOLITHO'S STOVES, RANGES, Powder, Fuse nnd Mining Lyou'iUuo ; tbuuco (4) uortti flUy-uno degreer ttio bust in tbo market. X!e make a ipoclilty CONSTANTLY ON HAND. aud forty-nvo uilualia nest niuctccu utiam uf killing all our otro mo*t,>nil tlierofuro Viiop WHEREVER IT HAS BEEN TRIED Ac. Also a variety of tnd iitiy-flve linki to • comer in lino or h tree Restaurant and Eating House, of tbirty-nUio 75-100aerua tot offto JoiinUict that it is of tlio best. All kinds of Lime, Lath, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &c. Materials constantly on 'rson ir to bla nifo, III tliD diTUioa ol (Jarre KEItOSENE OIL, Jmitb'i Unili tUanuo along tba tamo nuuth SUSSEX STEEET, JURUBEBA LAMTERNSAND thirty-two degrees tod fortj-flvo miuutci win has tstibllnbed ItiielfnH a porf.-ct regulator ami ALSO, DEALEHS IN KOITO cbaiaa and tiflT lluki to tbo poiut o (OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE) kept 011 hand ni aoou BB Ilioy appear in the HUHEHCMEDT for dlnordcrsortbo syatomarwlnif BBIITAMA WAKE, hand, jcpiuDinir, coDtalniuu eiglittou acrei aud 0-10U narkels, aud sold it reuontblo prices, j| an wr«i muru or l«w. Uclug part ul tbe DOVJ3H, 3ST. 3". from Improper tctioa of tho Uf ur and Bowel*. A.3NT33 OO.A.X-. tract of Bcrmitfroae 37'HH) oprcs Iliat wta cun- Tbo liigbcit wirkot prices paia in cash, for IT IS NOT A PHYSIO, but, by 8t.inulit.HR Cor. Dlackwell and Morris Slroels, vnynl lu tbo mid Imio Htnilh by Ouc-d from fleet IffdcB, Vtftl Stint md Siioop fittiu, Itongbt tba secretive organs, uoiitty aud pr*du»Uj Jioob Hmltli and othcrir, bontlus dato tba 23tli TN nnli'r lo meet tlie wnola of my liicroaifiiE rcmorca all imjmnt les, and regulates tbo oulin Uay of Ducember, 18-W, ttid rucordcil In tlr at tba mtubct. CastomorB mppliudUy wanci TIN & JAPAN WARE Jlorna Uouiity Clerk'H OITIL-O, in book Z 4 t to my late plnco or buninuijfl, andam better able 1 TuosJiji, TUuryJiju anil Silurdaj*. 'lT 18 NOT A DOCTOHED BITTEHS, bat Ii 1 STOVESTSTOVES! I deed*, folb UlU, Ac.; nnd muro fully act forth lo accommodate my euitouiera. and ducribctl in a. uccd of cotiTcyanco f. A call will latiiry ill that uliit ws keep is FltUIT CANS, &a.f CITY COAL YAM).Isaac bmltli aud wifu to Charlui V. braitb. di MEALS AT AIL 1I0UHS. il.T of tlio bcit. VEGETABLE TONIC Reduction in Prices at the New Tin Store at Port Oram, March MtU, A. 1). 1HU7, ond recorded in i«u Tiy BO Morris Comity Clerk's UiUcu, iu bock of deeds 17-ly JA8. It. I1EEMEH. rlucli ansisffl (](EOB(1OII, ind (tiui ttimuktci .bo appotile for food necessary to InTigortle M. • - -•••- - -9,fto... OYSTERS in every style. lv Ilinn.ij'inl rrroived & largo stock of Slovei of erory description, xta iro new prepared toitl*. ftlLPADKIIR, and »« kindi ofJobblnc In mt |in< tlio ncakcoed or iunotlTo orgiua. nod E " done la tbo Vest mnnnDr aud at the thortci 2r pu-tiuuiuri)1 8EGAHS ol tlio bcsl brniija. •trcngth tu all tbt vllul forces? olico. lliglieit pricca paid for old Irou. GEO, RICHARDS & CO., It carncH fta own rceommon&ation, is tin tkscrliicd aitiifltp, 1>1»K »nd bi'in; largo and rapialy Incrcanlug Btlcs tcnltty. Trlra Lohigh, Scranton, & Bituminous Blilp of.. lloctaway, ,,., in„ Ifip,^j CoiintCoiinty'y uf Morris SODA nml nUM;i!.VL« ATE11S All LInds of tlio v*ry latent V!L'I of Copper laa,l nittl pairtar ttken la exchange iUU ono dollar ft battle. Ask yonr druRClst for It. for floods i ofKolleinw Jurtifyg parP|t IJoiiniIiK|o«iUoBcror elehtccn andi Kl-JOU and FKt'ns of all Imili In Intir luiou:. JOHNSTON, aOLhOWAY kCa., AlEXANDEIt WIOHION. acres that nan convoyed toAnroD Dlckcraon by Whulcoalo Agents. (30-lw) riiiLnclelplili, Vi, Becimbcralth,lB7IV 1-ltr decd from Alva A. 'iTonbridt'o of Slay Hth, Cooking Stoves, Parlor & Heating Stores, Hnngee, &c, 1W1, tnd recorded in tbo Morris Counly rccortl j LOWEST MARKET PRICES, in ordoeds, iiibookZ 6, papo JM, Ac, and tin ICE CREAM. POnrUKE IN IT. F,*cryr»rullyl)uyi!L L. D. SCHWARZ. quantities to suit pitrcbiBem. part licreltf couvuycj ]iui ou tbo HI SoiabyAgoott. Mdtvtl I uliMt cnfi»Ko ettctitlvcl; tho present somoii DRY GOODS, AUC-lw G, S. WALKEll, Erlo, Pa- Tinwaip, plain and japanned ; Tin Roofing, DSALin IH at a iUko making said slrcot, corner diBiant En tfio Ico Cream IiUBiucBi, anuilull teepat CARBONITE. rculj-Qio fL-et on a c our BO of Routh tblrtcei ill tltiicn an esccllunt quality uf cream at %\ A TOrj One uortmont of IMPORTED AMD IDOMI'-STl Hjgrcci nest from tlio fourth conior of a lot 0 flavora. tho cast Bldo or HoclmnloH Ktrcut, that ml( PARTIES, B.VIiLS, PIC-NICS, etc., POKEION .ani DOMESTIC. JAS. SEARING & SON, For burning iu opon critci. Barai wltb flinii DickcrHon coinovcd to WilllanrK. Oiogory, by Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, &c, Wines and Liquors, and froo trom imoko and Bnlpliur. Uneh ilced or Oclober 22d, 1870, and runs tbenco cheaper tlitnCaaMlCHL AUa •long tbo soatbsldoof said Jllgb alrcitt imrnlli mpplicd witb cream, fruits, null, CUD fact Ion 017 * UNDERTAKERS, And a variety ot other articlei OMually kupt in a null iiipplftd Tlu Stoic' for family moilfcil UBO. AllwarrantcJ ID tbu Stephen Berry Una referred ti> in Bi*i and otber lumrien. Qivo mo a cMl. geoolDB tnd porfcetl; pure. William II. arcgorj Occd (1J aouth tlity-tw PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRING FIBE WOOD. and oiu-].»ir dcLTcca oiit 0110 hundred and tw )tl 1\ EOLITHO. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, etc. At the Old Stautl on Sussex i Martell's and Hennessy's foot to & alike to aafU lluo; tbrace (-J) soul DOVEB, N. J. Naatly dona and pismptlj it ten Jed to. We eauintae to slreMtlifMlion, tffpfilr (ilbt to U« WHISKER I'llnE APPLE WHISKEY, ta said llanatb J, Koanjs COUSTY, in tbo prctemtion ot tbo dead, aud other to- MORRIS COUNTY IHPO11TED AITLK BRANDIES, iFEETUIZERS prcvttnontB ID tbo btwincgn will lio found in anr CUAMPAOMC3, TOUT AND Gregory by deed „ . . posienitioD and practically tcstca witli tlio HlIEflEY WINES. IM- DBAIN TILE, OVES TILE, Mu-cli A.D. 1872, tod recorded in tlio Murrle •itlsfiictory remits, rORIED JAMAICA BDJT, nOL- Couuty record of deeds, In book H a. psgo U'2, MINING CLOTHING JAUU tSEAnno. fctfj SAJIUKL J, Su SPRING and SUMMER LAND GIN. l'EACH BlUNDy, &a, jfnii in pi ore fully sot fnrtli and dencnbcJ I HTJPEltlOIl BUM, AltllAO. Masons' Material, &c In a di'od of opnyoyauco from nannati J. Ore- MINERS' OIL CO3IPANY MACHINE & IRON Co, ANDWINB PUNCHEB, pory, Tflfo.and M'flinm lLflrcgary, bnabaml, : E. LINDSLEY & SON'S OFALLKIM1B, FllENCH COUD1AL8 IN VANIL- COXSIIIITLT OS UAMD. ioCbtrlei F. Bmitb, deed dalpd AiicnstHlli, Ti(il)i'i€iijiii^ mid Uiirning H. P. SANDERSON OF 187 5. LA ANB ALITKISDS OF A. 1). 1874. and recorded lit tbo 11 orris'County s FLAVO11S. nUNOAHIAN record of deed", in book A U of deeds, fuUi 3 HATS and CAPS, S now Mudv again for tlio Tall and Wim AND BHINE WJNES. Bergen Street, near.R, R, uo and 2ST, An, Oils fox Miuarg1 Use. CHEAP FOR CASH. , Tr&do wllU a Urgcly incroaned ttocit •>( BWIBS STOJUCIIE BIlTEfiS. TlinFIflliTranl fi nil ihc cutatc, riRlil. (!(!o DOVEB, N. J. ind inicroil ol tlio dufendact iu and to nil ' EXTHA EKQISB; A1.WAT. A ),A];oE AUOtmtiaT. HASPBISBUV SYRUPS rollottine iloaribed tract aud pnrcol or Uml ... KPEIIM COSIP'D 5IA() X, 'PHOSPHATE, . >• WAQON WOOD WORK md ovarr thins elso in tho Hm QI |bo indc. premium, situate, \yiaa and bi'lng in tlio lown- BUILDING LOTS FOB SALE Rhip or Ilatnlolpb, lu tCn Comity «f H.irdaoiK MTltA TALLOW COSIP'D c Dnuaa Minp-untY IIEDIOINES. LIGHT AND HEAVY. A •elected itock of Stato of Now Jerioy,i[id In muro fully tit forl NATURAL WEST YllIOIKIA. DOSE DUST, GUANO, GEOEGE PEDEB rOIlEiaKAND DOMESTIO BEOAIia, on tlio road leading ftom mil ikncrllKKl hi it dvL-d rrom Jacoli Senrln TlKBoOnisrocipccInily a(lnptc4 Iq Slinin OakBpolaCa, 11 to fl. IlWorj BiwkPfl, 7-8iol jut} wife, la HsTgarct A. itmith, wife oTClia» MacUliMirfMitlaroitUiii-aiitOL'ii to salt, Bperr JIiiLi.ajtuluV lllmB.7-3io3f. Bbarif,li|j Wholesale Orders UOVI'H <0 JIIOI'.VT I1OI-10, l\ Kmlth.dGcd daicd April lat, 1SJ0, and m Wb»Jc, OIITU, Se»V» Fool, Lird, Loli,. CoU v MEHCHANT TAILOn awl CLOTHIER. for liquor* tnd winei^promptly flllud. t corded in tbo Mornx County OkrIt's Oftko, j Flill Oils. tileicli ltiiURcra. 'Carritso Bows; alao IVu|d[ Stoitt OQ 3VWEX BTUEirr in tbo took V 9 of ucedd, folios 30i, 3U5, Ac, and con- SatnploH furnlilica on npplkmtlno, and goods j l.OWUST CASH 1'ItICES. Llfift ami Heavy Wi^nt miwl'lictor; » By M. Sigler, • inifijf fjilT'turcd acr^nA ttifiro til* Icia. Bhln^ind in primoordur. Vl'i & 124, Mniacii 111 no, CAHPETS, OIL CLOTHS. AIEO, allkiuilfl of Take* pleaxtm in noticing tlio pnblie NEW EBIOS BtTIIiPIHO JESSE HOFFMAN, SbcTifT. r.V.MKADE, Treasurer. £ AQE.ST3 nJJl llli: CELE11UATCD JoTcr and vicinity that Uo met tbo isrtb BICO of Ibo Itiror BHdRO AT LOW PRICES. Dated Jifne 201b, 1B75. 33-Str H. P. CRAIO, Agent. FIRST-CLAS9 OABQIAQE AND CHUCiCnitV, Tiu, Wooden nnd SLEIGH ORNAMENTS. DOVEH, XT. X. Having liail'along bxpririciico, in tboCirriw MOST CAUTIOUS "WAY "3. L.D.SCHWAHZ, SHERIFFS SALE! t BUCKEYE Willim U'ave. BualncBB snablcB mo lo bo i\ comiiclcnt '-''" la Cliinccrr of Sew JeM*y.—PI, fa. rorwlai UNION FOUNDRY of any articlo connected with, tho buriiwi STEAM ENGINES, 'A THING OF BEAUTY AS GOOD ASJHE BEST inor lunged p rani en. 1Mier«lu ADD I>ougla>* ftuy puraocs favorlns mo with Ihoirprdcm t»V In idoctlug bit itocic far tbo »UOTO IGIIO eomtUlnant, ind Joliu lltowu, Patrick Cody an Groceries and Provisions. roly upon my furnlHbltur them with an •«« IS ChttlcB Ctuflcld *ra Ecfcnilaotft. Itcturn^ulu 4 sMowerand Reaper. nuftab\o to their iranui, ami at an iww»* cll-d to STVLES uiii TOICIS, cou.iitl OUIOIJCF Terra, A. V. ipTS. ' —'-?• ii «m lio obtained nt any otber pUc'v CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. PBMtlfiffTQS 4 VeWtTTi fiolr'*. Fancjr Grownei, Canueil Cotxla. Drlul FruiU ill klndi ind eudci of mittri.l for tvirtuoof Um»lMVB«li.»4TTrlt of Deri fulu TCM, Coffcei, Sopirit, Bpicei and every tlerg br (otter for CarriBiro sucl Steifih 0 RAILWAY TURN TABLES, A JOT FOREVER." B In uij L*UIUI«1I«11BII»»(I for «Ua »t Public MACHINE SHOPS, tblag la tba Grocery UDC. enlB TTIU bo Bnltably flllSl by ctatinB » Yenaue •! tlie llaaiion Uonielliitol In Morrl»to*n, wbat purpose tboy nro iratitod, and icnJlnlo U! And th.) pMpU of the norttorn put of tliii K. J..cn ' raonej onuuj;b to cover the an)Qun>< MEN'S, YOUTHS' " Ceuntr will find tbat ti will p»j them to par patronaKo Is reaped ihue BUbtUatUl fuTDlturo, or tho newei MOKDAY, tho 6th -cri !Te- ALL SIZES OF PJCARDENERS TOOLS, r NEWARK, IV.' J. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. SamUttl B, tiitliEtiniiEkk »li»ndd Vl/ lif bV^riirod b f T* OFFICE OUTFITS, ETC. •an and lrllt, lir aosd diUa ftibnlir. GEAJJING & PDL.LEVS. ETC., ETC., ETC. J Which Kill bo BLAOKWELL St., 1B2T tdeoorJod In Book S S. of Dmli, i^c m GREAT WESTERN kins tho publia lor put fiTOn, I moit tlis jifflce of iu« clerk of Ibo Comitj or M/ICHIKEKV, GEO. W, DKAKE FRAZEE & CON NET, lutlte cteqr ona o com* ind iillir/. (TWO BOOBS EAST Of 7HX MlSBrON HOOE, HARD-WARE, H HAK HC1OVCD ItIB CIIUp rAKILT SUCCE1SODJ Of MAIL STEAMERS. bemiclvti beforo going «l»owlmr». HOUSEKEEPERS. Iflit Jalj Ii, 1BTJ. Hoisting Apparatus whttber now beginiicri, or old Tcioreni, h It IDC yanim rASSENOERS DOOKED TO or FBOM 13-tf HE DOE3 Afl HE SAYS. bat to Mil to b« con in ceil tlitt to go fkrtb :sr. J. BOOT and SHOE STORE HJVEVBT DODD & Co, far fttrnituw would br to txio wortt. of all kinds a ipociality, and W. H. McDAVIT, Liverpool, Queenstown, Glas- PICTURE FKAJV1ES DOVER. N Furuislicd at Shortest Notice. '',*•'">* «»« «toro TWO D00H3 ABOVE "PEOPLE'S STOKE." of «J1 kinds *.ipeei»ltjr. A largo and well aelcctcd (toclf or House, -Sign and Ornamenta, ONE PRICE CASH HOUSE. gow, .London deny, London, • A OIIICULTUIUL IMPLEMENTS, HIS OU) STAND. ,1,1.1, o«,p|0d bv J .\f (ONE PRICE ON!.V.) Ici Bristol or Cardiff. UPHOLSTERING, JOBBING JiND EABNESS, BADDLES, PAINTrNG, Ttomn.ou) and ono door tram Soir,ril, Son i 100 PIEOES PACIFIC! 0AMIB REPAIRING FIELD AND GAEDKN SEE Turned and Grooved ,„ „,.,,,,,,_ «o all bl. old OTUn For TICKETS mod Pirticnlu* apply lo TVltESa GOODS, BLANKETS, Q-KAINING AND ton 15 crs. ran ram SOLE AGESI nj MOlmiSTOWN E. LINDSLEY & SON, - IILU, CJHtUKBU, XAIlt XCIISANI, lElftjDI, JU> EOB8B CLOTHDIG, (iASPIPES ICALSOMININQ, 150 Pieces Seasonable TJres! Qo<* MCJI, tOTUXg, MDUKOi, TZLTETI, VUT S'C ^_.ttiL Tlf Sett,Cam Comhi, Brafhti, Horn FOR IHE SALE OF E. 0. BOTT'S . BOVEIt,N.J. DECQUATIYE Pipsii HANGING, 1-C, ran. % era. Fin TIBD. trtixixn, cuuxaat, IHAWU, riuLzr xxt>UNDERTAKING. BooU. of all doicriptloni botb for mail an CELEBRATED SHOES. *—"' All Hndi or hntf Hunei ind Onll Monhtowi, 1 TO ORDER. 200 PIECES EXTIIA DRESS flOOD* BBOCSX ; intoii AJCD wmu IUXRI UUWLI, Uodlei priierred wltb or without Ico. and aU inght pnrpfuci, Hal ten, Clumoii Bkl dons with noatoosB md diapatcfc, ujj on tin the maUriali of the buiinen fnniiibad at tho « Md EV&irbllNO In tbo BUmNE rooit reiioanbla tcnni. I) ocuuir ixo SOKUTIC. IUT uautu ciun, ibortMt TwtLs*. Cflici ROOMS TO LET. BItASS CASTINGS rnos 33 TO 50 cm. rot v*» - DRAFTS on LIVERPOOL nnd tho HUIMM O ch C OOCD'I, aunf, soitzitT, tucz*. li. The aboro..-^odi.lll( Con. DLACXVBLL um SUMIX SniEirra, Custom Work and Jobbing All or Ibo ftbovo ipccialtlci arc now w& ™' , BOTAL BANK of IREliAW) at LOW- botTj All i VT, 8. HABBITT, topor?onnHp«3otl.tii»llir*ctorilT tfmoa, h*TB had «- TOOSIPTL* ATTENDED TO. Trom recent casb porebaBos, anil Bru ^^ ..E8X .BATES.:, h* told tt low'jt flsur DOVER, N. J., 35 per cent, below any formor raluoa. I* » I October Slit, IBT*. fl Geo. TAT to giro tin » call. Utgo fiilely »« J j