Vol 11, No 3, July – September 2002 Bowel diseases in chronic 179

Diseases of the small bowel in chronic diarrhea: diagnosis and treatment

M. Simadibrata


Insidens diare kronik di Asia berkisar antara 0,8 – 1,0%. Lokasi penyakit dan kelainan yang menimbulkan diare kronik dapat dibagi atas 3 kelompok yaitu usus halus, usus besar dan ekstra intestinal. Penyakit-penyakit pada usus halus terdiri dari infeksi dan non- infeksi. Penyakit-penyakit infeksi antara lain yaitu infeksi bakterial, infeksi parasit dll. Penyakit-penyakit non-infeksi yang menimbulkan diare kronik a.l. penyakit Crohn, “Celiac sprue”, enteropati OAINS, intoleransi laktose, tumor jinak, tumor karsinoid, karsinoma, komplikasi pasca bedah, obat laksatif dll. Pendekatan diagnosis terdiri dari anamnesis riwayat penyakit yang baik, pemeriksaan fisik yang teliti, laboratorium penunjang, laboratorium penunjang yang lebih spesifik termasuk foto rontgen kolon, foto rontgen “esofagogastroduodenum follow-through”, “enteroclysis”, pemeriksaan ileo-kolonoskopi dan endoskopi saluran cerna atas termasuk usus halus dengan biopsi untuk pemeriksaan histopatologi. Pengobatan diare kronik dibagi atas pengobatan suportif dan kausal. (Med J Indones 2002; 11: 179-89)


The incidence of chronic diarrhea in Asia is between 0.8 – 1.0%. The diseases and abnormalities according to the location, which can cause chronic diarrhea, are divided into three locations: the small bowel, the large bowel and extraintestinal. The small bowel diseases include infectious and non-infectious diseases. The infectious diseases are bacterial infections, parasitic infections etc. The non-infectious diseases include of Crohn’s disease, Celiac sprue, NSAID , , benign tumor, carcinoid tumor, carcinoma, post surgery complications, etc. The approaches to diagnosis include good anamnesis, careful physical examination, supporting laboratory tests, more specialized supporting examinations including X-ray of the colon, esophagogastroduodenum follow-through, enteroclysis, ileo-colonoscopy and endoscopy on the upper portion of the digestive tract including the with biopsy for histopathology examinations. The treatment for chronic diarrhea is divided into supportive and causal therapy. (Med J Indones 2002; 11: 179-89)

Keywords: small bowel, chronic diarrhea, approaches to diagnosis, treatment

Chronic diarrhea is a condition that usually causes etiology into osmotic, secretory, abnormal motility, problems both for patients and clinicians. A morbidity abnormal permeability, etc, while others group them study in North Jakarta1 revealed that the number of into functional and organic or into infective and non- patients with chronic diarrhea admitted to the hospital infective.1-4 The diseases and abnormalities according was around 1.0% of all patients with diarrhea, to the location can be divided into three locations: the whereas the rate in Bangladesh was 0.8%.2 small bowel, the large bowel, and extraintestinal. The Sometimes the diagnosis of this disease is difficult small bowel diseases, which play an important role in and treatment is not always successful. The quality of chronic diarrhea, are highly variable too. They include life of the patients with chronic diarrhea is frequently infectious (bacterial, parasitic etc.) and non-infectious impaired. The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of chronic (Crohn‟s disease, Celiac Disease, benign tumor, diarrhea in children in Jakarta is about 20%.3 carcinoid tumor, carcinoma etc).4-11 Usually, watery and non-bloody non-steatorrheic stools are caused The etiologies of chronic diarrhea vary from one more by small bowel diseases and bloody stools are location to another. Some experts categorize the caused mainly by large bowel diseases.4-7

Patients who suffer this chronic diarrhea usually Division of , Department of Internal Medicine, undergo unnecessary and costly examinations and Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia / Dr. Cipto treatments. We will discuss the definition, etiology, Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia and approach to diagnosis and treatment of chronic

180 Simadibrata Med J Indones diarrhea especially in cases of small bowel refractile brush border. Occasional dark staining inter- abnormalities/diseases. epithelial lymphocytes are seen. Mitoses are confined to the crypt region and Paneth cells are located only at the crypt bases. The most common round cell of the NORMAL SMALL BOWEL normal lamina propria is the plasma cell, and it tends to concentrate around the bases of the crypts. The small bowel (small intestine) extends from the Lymphocytes are fairly frequent and an occasional pylorus to the ileocecal valve and, depending on the lymphoid nodule is normal. Isolated eosinophilic tone of its muscle, measures from 3.5 to 6.5 meters in leukocytes are usually found. Occasionally pigmented, length.10-12 It is divided into three regions, namely, iron-containing macrophages are seen near the tips of (the first 25 cm), (the proximal the villi. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes are not 40% of the remainder of the small intestine), and usually seen outside blood vessels within the lamina (the distal 60%). propria of the normal small intestine. In the normal submucosa there are blood vessels, nerve ganglion Throughout last year, a number of interesting cells, lymphoid cells and lymphatics.15 publications further confirmed the important role of enteroscopy (small bowel endoscopy) in clinical Normally, the terminal ileum mucosa is smooth, and practice, especially in chronic diarrhea cases.11 The blood vessels may be seen, especially with air endoscopical examination of the small bowel is insufflation. Kerckring folds are less marked in the characteristic. Normally, the inner lining of the terminal ileum than in the duodenum and jejunum. duodenal bulb is usually free of folds, but the other The appearance of the mucosa is not glistening as in portions demonstrate characteristic folds of Kerckring. the colon but more villous and dull as in the The papilla of Vater, located along the medial wall of duodenum. the descending duodenum 3 to 6 cm distal to the apex of the bulb, corresponds to the main papilla which drains both the duct and the pancreatic duct in most DENIFITION OF DIARRHEA patients. An accessory papilla (papilla of Santorini) may be located 2 to 4 cm proximal to the papilla of Diarrhea is defined as the passage of stool of more Vater along the medial duodenal wall.10,12,13 than 200 g per day or the passage of soft or watery stoold more than 3 times per day with or without In normal histologic appearance, the villi are not all blood and/or mucous.7,8,10,16,17 perfectly upright, finger-like structures standing in a row perpendicular to the lumen.14 Rather, many villi The duration of chronic diarrhea can vary substantially. tend to bend in different directions and to vary in their Some authors suggest that diarrhea is chronic if the structure, ranging from slender, index finger-like duration exceeds 15 days.4,5,8 Others suggest that the structures to plumper, thumb-like structures with term chronic can only be used for diarrhea lasting at corrugated edges. Furthermore, not all villi are least 30 days or more.7,10,11,16,17 Another group of cylindrical with circular cross sections; many are authors suggest the diarrhea is categorized as chronic if normally leaf shaped, with elliptical cross sections. it lasts for at leas 3 to 6 weeks.18

In the first and the second portions of the duodenum, Several experts use the term “persistent diarrhea” to the underlying Brunner glands may be covered by refer to a diarrheal episode that begins acutely and broadened or shortened villi. Treitz ligament is continues for more than 2 weeks. This term does not located near the duodenojejunal junction where include patients with chronic diarrhea due to non- Brunner glands are normally rare. Villi on top of or infectious causes, such as gluten sensitive enteropathy, adjacent to normal lymphoid nodules may be granulomatous disease or tumor producing gastro- shortened, broadened, or absent. If one were to intestinal hormones. examine only those altered sections adjacent to a large lymphoid nodule without knowing that it was there, The term infective or infectious diarrhea will be used misinterpretation would be possible.15 if infection found to be the cause. The case will be diagnosed as a non-infective or non-infectious The predominant cell covering the jejunal villi is the diarrhea if infection has been ruled out as being the columnar absorptive cell (). It has a cause.8,9,19 Vol 11, No 3, July – September 2002 Bowel diseases in chronic diarrhea 181

CLASSIFICATION A. Infective or infectious: 1. Bacterial infection and bacterial overgrowth: According to the pathophysiology and type of stools Pathogenic Escherichia coli, Shigella 7,8,11,19 of the patients, chronic diarrhea can be classified (dysenteriae, flexneri, etc.), Staphylococcus into: aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Yersinia 1. Osmotic diarrhea enterocolitica, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 2. Secretory diarrhea Mycobacterium avium, etc. 3. Diarrhea caused by abnormal motility of the 2. Parasitic infections, including entamoeba bowel histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium, 4. Diarrhea caused by abnormal permeability of Isospora, Blastocystis hominis, Candida the bowel albicans, Microsporidia, Trichuris trichiura, 5. Diarrhea caused by a disturbance of electrolyte Ascaris lumbricoides, Strongyloides, Parasites transport in the enterocyte in AIDS etc.

3. Powell20 groups the malabsorptive, secretory and inflammatory types of diarrhea into what he calls B. Non-infective or non-infectious: “enterocyte damage and death with inflammatory 1. Drugs or : diarrhea”. He suggests a classification of chronic - such as sulfate, diarrhea into: dioctil sodium sulfosuccinate. 1. (fat ) - containing magnesium hydroxide 2. Watery diarrheas that respond to fasting - Sodium anion 3. Watery diarrheas that may or may not - respond to fasting (diarrheas of mixed or - Antihypertensive drugs uncertain pathophysiology) - Antiarrhytmic agents 4. Watery diarrheas that do not respond to - Antineoplastic agents fasting (true secretory diarrheas) - Sweeteners (sorbitol, fructose) 5. Inflammatory diarrheas - Ethanol - Caffeine Based on the causes of the chronic diarrhea, the latter 2. Hormones and neurotransmitters: Vasoactive could be divided into: Intestinal Polypeptide (Vipoma), , 1. Infective/infectious diarrheas Prostaglandin E, , Cholinergic, 2. Non-infective/non-infectious diarrheas Serotonin, , Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide, Glucagon and P substance. Based on the organic abnormality found in the 3. Metabolic disturbances or abnormal motility examination19 chronic diarrheas can be further of the small bowel: Diabetes Mellitus, classified into: Scleroderma, Amyloidosis, Thyrotoxicosis or 1. Organic diarrheas hyperthyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, post 2. Functional diarrheas gastric resection or vagotomy, diverticular disease. The LB21 classifies chronic diarrheas into the following 4. Disturbance of electrolyte transport in the categories depending on stool characteristics: enterocyte: Congenital Chloride Diarrhea 1. Steatorrhea 5. Malabsorption: 2. Bloody diarrhea Fat malabsorption: 3. Stools which are non bloody and non- a. Intraluminal: Somatostatinoma steatorrheic b. Mucosal: - Drugs: colchicine, neomycin, PAS and NSAID ETIOLOGY - Immune system diseases: systemic mastocytosis, eosinophilic gastro- The abnormalities or diseases occurring in the small bowel, which are responsible for chronic diarrhea, - Celiac sprue include:2,3,5-7,20,22 - Dermatitis herpetiformis 182 Simadibrata Med J Indones

- Whipple‟s disease cholecystokinin, cholinergic, serotonin, calcitonin, - A -lipoproteinemia gastric inhibitory polypeptide, glucagons and P c. Post mucosal: Intestinal lymphangiectasia substance. Carbohydrate malabsorption: b. Bacterial Enterotoxin: Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia - Sorbitol and fructose diarrhea coli, Shigella (dysenteriae and flexneri), Staphylo- - Rapid intestinal transit coccus aureus, Clostridium perfringens and - Glucose-galactose malabsorption Yersinia enterocolitica. 6. Post Surgery: c. Others: Dihydroxy bile acid (post cholecys- a. Bile acid diarrhea: resection or bypass of tectomized diarrhea), hydroxy fatty acid, dioctyl the distal ileum in Crohn‟s disease or sodium sulfosuccinate. postoperative adhesions b. Short bowel syndrome The etiology of diarrhea caused by abnormal motility of c. Gastrectomy the bowel: Diabetes mellitus with autonomic poly- d. Vagotomy neuropathy, scleroderma, amyloidosis, thyrotoxicosis or e. Cholecystectomy hyperthyroidism and postgastric resection or vagotomy. 7. Ischemic bowel diseases 8. Radiation enteritis The etiology of diarrhea caused by abnormal per- 9. Functional (idiopathic) meability of the bowel: Celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, bacterial infection.

10. Inflammatory:

a. Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Crohn‟s The etiology of diarrhea caused by a disturbance of disease electrolyte transport in the enterocyte: congenital

b. Eosinophilic chloride diarrhea, viral infection.

c. Milk and Soy protein allergy 7 d. Protein-losing enteropathy The etiology of organis chronic diarrhea:

e. Miscellaneous: chronic mesenteric vas- a. Inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn‟s cular ischemia, Behçet‟s syndrome or disease, Ulcerative Churg-Strauss syndrome, neutropenic b. Bacterial Infection , Cronkhite-Canada syndrome c. Parasitic Infection 11. Tumor: d. Post Surgery (Vagotomy, Gastric Resection, - Benign: Cholecystectomy) - Malignant: Adenocarcinoma, Carcinoid e. Drugs like Laxative abuse tumor, other tumor f. Alcoholism 12. Causes of steatorrhea include Crohn‟s disease, g. Tumor of the bowel (Villous adenoma) radiation enteritis, celiac disease, intestinal h. Malabsorption (Tropical Sprue) lymphoma, bacterial overgrowth states in the i. Metabolic diseases (hyperthyroid) small intestine & post gastrectomy syndrome j. Hormone producing tumors (Vipoma, Zollinger- 13. Causes of non-body and non-steatorrhea Ellison syndrome) diarrhea include exogenous agents such as laxative abuse and recognized food/drug The etiology of functional diarrhea is unknown, so it causes, motility disturbance (diabetic can be called idiopathic diarrhea. The etiology of autonomic neuropathy, thyrotoxicosis and infective chronic diarrhea: diverticular disease. - Viral 14. Others: Dihydroxy bile acid (post cholecys- - Bacterial: Salmonellosis, Shigellosis, Tuberculo- tectomy diarrhea) sis, etc. Hydroxy fatty acid - Fungus: Candidiasis, etc. In general, the causes of osmotic diarrhea are bacterial - Other Parasites: Entamoebiasis, Giardiasis, infection, celiac disease, laxatives such as magnesium Blastocystis hominis infection, Trichuriasis, etc. sulfacte and pancreatic insufficiency. The etiology of Secretory diarrhea is as follows: The etiology of non-infective chronic diarrhea: a. Hormones and neurotransmitters: vasoactive a. Pancreas: intestinal polypeptide, secretin, prostaglandin E, - Chronic Vol 11, No 3, July – September 2002 Bowel diseases in chronic diarrhea 183

- Pancreatic Insufficiency due to other diseases b. Carbohydrate malabsorption: sorbitol and - Vipoma fructose diarrhea, rapid intestinal transit and glucose-galactose malabsorption. b. Liver: - Chronic c. Bile Acid Diarrhea: - Liver - Severe disease, resection, or bypass of the distal ileum: In Crohn‟s disease or c. Small bowel: postoperative adhesions. - Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn‟s - Primary : disease) congenital or acquired. - - Bile acid malabsorption follows upper - Carcinoid tumor and other tumor abdominal surgery, either truncal - Carcinoma vagotomy or cholecystectomy. d. Large bowel: d. Postvagotomy diarrhea - Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn‟s 3. Watery diarrheas that may or may not respond to disease, ) fasting (diarrheas of mixed or uncertain patho- - Microscopic, lymphocytic and collagenous physiology): , food colitis7 allergy, (collagenous and - Carcinoid tumor and other tumors microscopic colitis, pericrypt eosinophilic entero- - Carcinoma colitis) - Metabolic/abnormal motility of the bowel: 4. Watery diarrheas that do not respond to fasting Drugs, thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroid, (true secretory diarrheas): carcinoid syndrome, diabetes mellitus , or watery diarrhea-hypo- Powell D.W.20 describes the etiologies of chronic kalemia (WDHA) syndrome, diarrhea as follows: medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, glucago- noma, villous adenomas, systemic mastocytosis, 1. Steatorrhea (fat malabsorption): factitious diarrhea, chronic idiopathic diarrhea a. Intraluminal maldigestion: Cirrhosis and bile and pseudopancreatic cholera syndrome, diabetic duct obstruction, bacterial overgrowth, diarrhea, alcoholic diarrhea, congenital secretory pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, chronic diarrhea. pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, cystic 5. Inflammatory diarrheas: fibrosis and somatostatinoma. a. Inflammatory bowel disease: Crohn‟s of the b. Mucosal malabsorption: drugs (colchicin, small or or ulcerative colitis. cholestyramine, neomycin, paraaminosalicylic b. Eosinophilic gastroenteritis. acid/PAS and NSAID), infectious diseases c. Milk and soy protein allergy (parasites like Giardia, Cryptosporidium, d. Protein-losing enteropathy isospora; helminths such as strongyloides; e. Chronic radiation enterocolitis mycobacterium avium; AIDS); immune system f. Miscellaneous diseases: acute mesenteric diseases (systemic mastocytosis, eosinophilic arterial or venous thrombosis, chronic gastroenteritis), tropical sprue, Celiac sprue, mesenteric vascular ischemia, gastrointestinal dermatitis herpetiformis, Whipple‟s disease, a tuberculosis and histoplasmosis, Behçet‟s -lipoproteinemia. syndrome or Churg-Strauss syndrome, acute c. Post mucosal malabsorption: intestinal graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic lymphangiectasia bone marrow transplantation, Neutropenic enterocolitis, Cronkhite-Canada syndrome. d. Mixed causes of streatorrhea: short bowel

syndrome, metabolic diseases (thyrotoxicosis

adrenal insufficiency), protein calory mal- ANAMNESIS AND CLINICAL SYMPTOMS nutrition, .

2. Watery Diarrheas that respond to fasting: Steatorrhea is a type of diarrhea where the stool has a a. Ingestion of non-absorbable solutes: high fat content.22 It is a rather watery stool with a magnesium-induced diarrhea and sodium light color, a strong smell, a tendency to float and anion diarrheas. which is difficult to wash off. Sometimes we can see a 184 Simadibrata Med J Indones layer of oil on the surface of the water. Steatorrhea children. A bloodless, non-steatorrhoeic diarrhea can indicates a maldigestion or malabsorption of fat. In occur continuously or intermittently, with spontaneous most cases, the clinical symptoms are not specific and or treatment-caused remission or relapses. Sometimes are related to the effect of malabsorption of nutrients the patient complains of , or and lack of vitamins and electrolytes. Although the . The patient is generally in a good condition three main nutrients – fat, carbohydrate and protein – and lab results are usually normal. can all be affected by malabsorption, normally the clinical symptoms are caused by malabsorption of A 72-hour oral/enteral fast with intravenous hydration carbohydrate of fat.20 Malabsorption of protein or can occasionally determine the cause of the diarrhea. amino acid (azotorrhea) can occur, but will be difficult If it completely stops within 24 hours, it will be to detect unless the condition is already so advanced unnecessary to continue the fasting. Secretoric that it has caused – the exception are cases diarrhea usually eases significantly with fasting, but where defects in the transport of specific amino acids may continue with more than 200 gram of stool every has resulted in a systemic congenital illness. 24 hours. A diarrhea caused by malabsorption of food will stop with fasting. Malabsorption of electrolyte and water is part of the pathophysiology of malabsorptive diarrhea. Diarrhea with blood indicates a problem in the or the PHYSICAL EXAMINATION left part of the colon. Diarrhea with blood also indicates mucosa ulceration. Clinical symptoms Conditions observed during the physical examination are depend on etiology. usually caused by nutrient, vitamin and electrolyte deficiencies. Patients with chronic diarrhea may suffer The clinical symptoms of bloodless diarrhea and non- down to the malnutrition level, edema, steatorrheic also depend on the etiology. A patient muscle hypotrophy, dry skin, , glossitis, derma- with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) usually shows a titis, parestesia, peripheral neuropathy, increased suscep- generally good condition, making his complaints tibility to bleeding and bruising, night blindness, weak- disproportional to his physical condition. His diarrhea ness, tetany, , loss of hair, symptoms of dehy- rarely occurs at night, is intermittent with dration and shock, pain when the abdomen is pressed; in and accompanied by abdominal pain and rumbling. the case of colon cancer, a lump may be palpable, etc.22 Functional dyspepsia and other non-specific complaints can result from this disease. Frequently the patient can Loss of weight down to the level of malnutrition is establish a connection between diarrhea and stress or usually caused by deficiencies of fat, protein and pressure. The diarrhea will disappear or abate calories. Edema and muscle hypotrophy are the results of whenever he is relaxed or on holiday. Cases of protein deficiency. A dry and snakelike skin is caused by thyrotoxicosis may also cause bloodless diarrhea and deficiency of essential fatty acids and zinc. Anemia is non-steatorrhea. In these cases, the patient usually has caused by deficiency of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. fever, perspires, palpitates and suffers weight loss. glossitis and dermatitis are usually caused by deficiency Laxative abuse in sometimes difficult to diagnose, and in nicotinic acid. Paresthesia and peripheral neuropathy therefore a good anamnesis is crucial for the diagnosis. are usually the results of deficiencies of vitamins B1 and B12. A deficiency of vitamin K causes the patient to Microscopic colitis, lymphocytic and collagenous bleed or easily. Night blindness is caused by colitis are defined as an inflammation of the colorectal deficiency of Vitamin A. Weakness is caused by mucosa that is diffuse at histologic examination. deficiencies in Potassium, Sodium and Magnesium. These conditions do not show any abnormality during Tetany and bone pain are usually caused by a deficiency endoscopic or X-ray barium tests. The symptom in Calcium, while loss of hair is usually the result of consists of a chronic watery diarrhea with no specific deficiencies in zinc and protein. cause.23,24 The connection between an immunologic disease and microscopic colitis indicates a possibility Other irregularities observed during physical exam are of an immunologic process. Drugs such as non-steroid usually determined by the original disease or the anti-inflammation drug (NSAID) and vascular tonic etiology of the chronic diarrhea. should be considered as the cause. Microscopic colitis predominantly occurs in female patients aged 50-60, In patients with pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer, but certain cases can occur in all age groups – including there will be abdominal pain with thrombophlebitis. Vol 11, No 3, July – September 2002 Bowel diseases in chronic diarrhea 185

In patients with Coeliac disease, the symptoms can be a to perform blood tests to find out if there are small stature, delayed menarche, mouth ulcers, eruption deficiencies of iron, pyridoxine, folic acid and vitamin of itchy skin, or evidence of dermatitis herpetiformis. B12. In the case of haemorrhagic diathesis, a prothrombin test is required. If the patient complains In the case of Whipple‟s disease, there will be of bone pain, tests have to be conducted to determine polyarthritis with pigmentation. the amounts of calcium, magnesium, phosphate and alkaline phosphatase. In the case of dermatitis and Patients with amyloidosis or rheumatoid arthritis will fish-like skin, it is necessary to check the contents of present with polyarthritis. zinc serum in the urine. In patients with mesenteric ischemia and Crohn‟s disease, we will see , mouth ulcer, APPROACHES TO DIAGNOSIS perianal fistel, sub-acute intestinal obstruction, abdominal masses, lymphadenopathy, lymphoma. There are several different approaches to diagnosing chronic diarrhea, depending on the location, population, In biliary cirrhosis and sclerosing cholangitis, icterus the purpose of the diagnosis and the specific may be noticeable. consideration of each gastroenterology expert. Despite the variety, these procedures share the same principle, In post-gastrectomy (Bilroth II), we will see scars on namely, it should begin with an anamnesis, followed the abdomen, and blind loops formation is possible. by a physical examination, supporting lab tests, more

specialized supporting examinations (including X-ray SUPPORTING EXAMINATIONS of the colon, esophagogastroduodenum follow-through, enteroclysis, ileo-colonoscopy and endoscopy on the Quite a few supporting examinations will be required, upper portion of the digestive tract including the small including three lots of stool tests that consist of intestine (using duodeno-jejunoscopy) with biopsy for routine tests, occult blood test, analysis of , histopathology examinations (see Figure 1).7,20,25,26 quantitative and qualitative tests of fat in stool, test for parasites in stool, test for microbiology in stool, It is fairly difficult to distinguish between problems in routine blood test, blood chemistry, test on liver the intestine, the colon or other organs. It often functions, test on kidney functions, test on blood happens that problems in both the intestine and the glucose, test for antibody against amoebas, test for colon occur at the same time. Usually, a diarrhea with typhoid and virus infections, tests for HIV – when blood is caused by a problem in the colon, although in suspected. Other supporting examinations will also be rare cases it can be caused by a problem in the required like ultrasonography of the abdomen, CT-scan intestine. To determine whether the problem is in the of the abdomen, an Ileo-colonoscopic examination with intestine, we have to start by examining the colon or biopsy for histopathology, a gastroduodeno-jejunos- the other organs including the pancreas. copic test with biopsy for histopathology, photography of the intestine (esophagogastroduodenum follow- What is important is all the history data that support through or enteroclysis), endoscopic retrograde the probability of the case being an organic or a cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), magnetic resonance functional diarrhea. By organic diarrhea we mean a cholangio pancreatography (MRCP), H2 breath testing, case of diarrhea that is caused by a disorder of the etc. In selecting the supporting tests, especially for intestine that has been confirmed based on histologic developing countries, attention should be given to the or biochemical tests. On the other hand, by functional aspects of cost effectiveness and cost-benefit. diarrhea we mean idiophatic diarrhea, a diarrhea

In the case of malabsorption, a special type of lab caused by food or a diarrhea caused by a problem in supporting test will be required to establish the the intestine‟s motility. An anamnesis, a physical clinical symptoms and certain pathophysiological examination and a lab screening test can determine mechanisms. If the patient suffers weight loss, a test 30% of etiology of chronic diarrhea. A complete stool of fat and serum protein will be required.20 If the stool test, a proctosigmoidoscopy with a biopsy can determine contains oil, it will be necessary to find out the a higher rate of the etiology of a chronic diarrhea – amount of fat in the stool. If the fat in the stool approximately 50%. With external evaluation, including exceeds 6 grams/24 hours, the condition is viewed as collection of stool for 24 hours and fasting, an etiological steatorrhea. In the case of anemia, it will be necessary diagnosis of 70 – 80% is attainable. 186 Simadibrata Med J Indones

Patient with chronic diarrhea

Anamnesis: pattern of diarrhea, type of stool, taking laxant drugs, Feverish or not, abdominal pain or no, genetic factor, etc.

Physical examination: malnourished, pale/anemic, abdominal tumor mass, Signs of lever cirrhosis, extra-intestinal symptoms of inflammation, etc.

Supporting lab examinations: - Routine/screening: Blood: Hb, Ht, leukocyte, thrombocyte, leukocyte type counts, Blood sugar, ureum-creatinine, SGOT-SGPT Urine: reduction - Stool analysis, 3 times: egg cells & parasites, occult blood test phenolphthalein (use of. laxative, quantitative-qualitative analysis of stool fat)

Plain x-ray of the abdomen and/or Proctosigmoidoscopy with a biopsy

Extensive evaluation, including collection of stools for 72 hours & fasting (hospital stay), including analysis of stool weight, stool osmolality, stool electrolyte concentration, stool‟s osmotic gap, fluid balance, etc.

Esophagogastro duodenum follow-through / enteroclysis examination Total colonoscopy & Ileoscopy + biopsy Uper GI Endoscopy incl. small intestine (duodeno-jejunoscopy) + biopsy. Test of the functions of the intestine and the pancreas, CEA, thin layer Chromatography, etc. D-Xylose test, Schilling test, H2 breath test PABA stool elastase test, ERCP, Abdominal CT-scan

Diagnosis (small bowel or large bowel)

Infective Mixed Non infective Parasite, bacteria Inflammation (IBD), osmotic, secretory, fungus virus malabsorption of bile acid, motility disorder, radiation colitis, malignancy, etc.

Stool analysis

Steatorrheic diarrhea Diarrhea with blood Diarrhea without blood and Non-steatorrhea

Pancreatic disease, mucosal Inflammatory intestinal disease Exogen, giardiasis, HIV + Disease, deficiency of (IBD), colo-rectal cancer pathogen infection, motility disorder, gall salt, post-gastrectomy Intestine Amebiasis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) syndrome TBC, parasite, radiation/ ischemic enterocolitis

Figure 1. Diagnostic approach to the etiology of chronic diarrhea Vol 11, No 3, July – September 2002 Bowel diseases in chronic diarrhea 187

The criteria that point to an organic disorder are the indicates the possibility of an organic disorder, and the following: 1. The diarrhea lasts for a shorter period of specificity of organic problems can reach 90% or more. time – usually less than three months; 2. The diarrhea is On the other hand, age, presence of an abdominal pain, more dominant at night (nocturnal); 3. It occurs every the number of times the patient has watery stool per day, not intermittently; 4. The onset was sudden; 5. It day, and the description of the stool cannot serve to was followed by a weight loss exceeding five distinguish between an organic and a functional kilograms; 6. There is a history of or diarrhea. Incontinentia can occur in both of these hypokalemia; 7. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is diarrhea types. high; 8. The level of haemoglobin is low; 9. The average volume of stool per day exceeds 400 g (some For the test of laxative drugs use, see Table 1.Etiology experts use 225 g as the borderline).18,19,20,25 The of chronic diarrhea that may or may not repond to occurance of at least three of these criteria, strongly fasting is detailed in Table 2.

Table 1. Laboratory evaluation for laxative abuse

Barium enema to test for cathartic colon (ahaustral right colon) Sigmoidoscopy for gross presence of pseudo-melanosis coli (microscopic form is often a normal variant) Alkalinization assay of stool: phenolphthalein, some anthraquinones, and rhubarb turn red; bisacodyl turns purple-blue Spectrophotometry* or thin-layer chromatography of urine or stool water: Detects anthraquinones, bisacodyl, phenolphthalein; can detect anthraquinones > 32 hr after one dose Measurement of stool osmolality: only useful if < 250 mOsm per kilogram (implying dilution of stool with water or urine) Stool osmotic gap: if > 50 mOSM perkilogram, measure stool magnesium (normally < 45 mmol per liter or < 30 meq per day) Measurement of stool sulfate and phosphate

Cited from Donowitz25

Table 2. Classification of types of chronic diarrhea on the basis of responsiveness to fasting Types (or causes) responsive to fasting Incontinence Bile acid diarrhea After cholecystectomy After ileal resection Steatorrhea Osmotic diarrhea Carbohydrate malabsorption Excessive carbohydrate ingestion Laxative (containing poorly absorbable anions: sodium sulfate, sodium phosphate, or sodium citrate, magnesium) Food allergy Types (or causes) not responsive or only partly responsive to fasting Laxative or diuretic abuse Inflammatory bowel disease Coeliac sprue Intestinal lymphoma Neuroendocrine tumors Zollinger-Ellison syndrome Pancreatic cholera Carcinoid tumor Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid Systemic mastocytosis Villous adenoma of the rectosigmoid Chronic infection (e.g. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, giardia, amebae) Hyperthyroidism Congenital diarrhea Chloride-bicarbonate exchange deficiency Sodium-hydrogen exchange deficiency Microvillus inclusion disease Bacterial overgrowth

Cited from Donowitz25 188 Simadibrata Med J Indones

Examination for determining the causes of steatorrhea, Nutrition orally, enterally or pa- bloody as well as non-bloody non-steatorrhea.22,25 renterally Anti-fever: paracetamol, antalgin 1. Steatorrhoea. This type of diarrhea can be caused by: Antispasmodic if necessary a. , which requires other tests - Causal: antibiotics or antiparasitic drugs that will support diagnosis, including GTT 20,24,25,27,28 examination, USG or CT-scan of the b. Chronic non-infective diarrhea abdomen as well as an ECRP test. - Supportive: Water & electrolyte balance orally b. Small intestine mucous disease, which or intravenously requires other tests to support diagnosis, Nutrition including GTT examination, test on xylose Antispasmodic absorption, duodenum/jejunum biopsy, H2 - Causal: IBD: Sulfasalazin, 5-ASA, Cortico- breath test with , barium meal steroid follow-through/enteroclysis examination and Vipoma/Carcinoid: Octreotide Schilling test. c. Liver problem, which requires additional tests including USG and CT-scan of the CONCLUSION abdomen and ERCP. d. Post-gastrectomy symptoms, which requires a Chronic diarrhea can be caused by a wide variety of H2 breath test with lactulose, a follow- small bowel diseases. A reliable diagnosis will require through/enteroclysis barium meal test. a systematic approach. Treatment should be based on the result of the diagnosis. 2. Bloody diarrhea. In addition to anamnesis and physical examination, this type of diarrhea requires barium enema of the colon-loop and REFERENCES sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy with biopsy. Stool analyses to detect presence of eggs and parasites 1. Sutoto, Moechtar MA, Karyadi, Brotowasisto. Morbidity are also necessary. and mortality on diarrhoeal diseases in North Jakarta, an 3. Non-bloody, non-steatorrheic diarrhea. In addition Urban Area. South East Jakarta. Tropical Medicine to clinical symptoms and physical examinations, Publication health 1982: 405-11. 2. Chen LC. Control of diarrhoea diseases, morbidity and this type of diarrhea requires other tests including mortality: some strategic issues. Am J. Clin Nutr tests for stool parasites and colonoscopy with 1978(31):2204. biopsy. In the case of irritable bowel syndrome 3. Suharono. Diare di Jakarta dan masalahnya. Disertasi (IBS), an exclusion of pathologic disorder of the 1985. bowel is required. Pseudomelanosis colon, a black 4. Boediarso A. Pendekatan Diagnostik-Etiologik Diare coloration of the colon mucosa, indicative for Kronik. In: Suharyono-Sunoto-Firmansyah A eds. Penanganan Mutakhir Beberapa Penyakit Gastrointestinal laxative abuse, can be detected during colonos- Anak. Pendidikan Tambahan Berkala IKA ke XVI FKUI. copy. In addition to stool analysis, a duodenum Jakarta, September 20th – October 1st, 1988: 57-68. biopsy is required to establish giardiasis. 5. Suharyono. Penatalaksanaan Mutakhir Diare Kronik. In: If an HIV infection is suspected as being the cause Suharyono-Sunoto-Firmansyah A eds. Penanganan of the disease, a blood screening for HIV infection Mutakhir Beberapa Penyakit Gastrointestinal Anak. is required as well as a special stool parasite test Pendidikan Tambahan Berkala IKA ke XVI FKUI. Jakarta, September 30th – October 1st, 1988: 69-73. such as cryptosporidium and isospora belli. A test 6. Gould ST. Doctor, I often get diarrhoea. In: Pounder R- of the thyroid functions is required if thyro- Santana A eds. „Doctor, There‟s Something Wrong with toxicosis is suspected as the cause of the diarrhea. My Guts!‟, A, Symptomatic Guide to Gastroenterology. London, SK & F. 1983: 167-82. 7. Geraedts AAM. De waarde van het niet-invasieve TREATMENT onderzoek bij patienten met chronische diarree. Academisch Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Nederland, a. Chronic infective diarrhea: 1987. - Supportive: Water & electrolyte balance orally 8. Daldiyono. Pendekatan diare kronik pada orang dewasa. or intravenously In: Sulaiman HA, Daldiyono, Akbar HN, Rani AA eds. Vol 11, No 3, July – September 2002 Bowel diseases in chronic diarrhea 189

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