JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131 ANALYSIS ON SEARCHING ALGORITHMS N.Pavani, M.Sree Vyshnavi, K. Sindhu Reddy, Mr. C Kishor Kumar Reddy and Dr.B V Ramana Murthy. Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for Women, Hyderabad
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[email protected] ABSTRACT Searching algorithms are designed to check form an element and retrieve an element from array from any of data structure where it is stored. Various searching techniques are analyzed based on the time a space complexity. There are two types of searching, internal searching and external searching. The analysis shows the advantages and disadvantages of various searching algorithms. On analysis it is found out that binary search is suitable for mid-sized data items in arrays and linked list whereas hash search is best for the larger data items. Keywords: Algorithm, Searching, Internal and External Searching, Time complexity. 1. INTRODUCTION Searching is a technique which programmers are always passively solving. Not even asingle day pass by, when we do not have to search for something in our daily life. Whenever a user asks for some data, computer has to search its memory to look for that data and should make it available to the user. And the computer has its own techniques to search through its memory very fast. To search an element in a given array, there are few algorithms available here: ⦁ Linear Search ⦁ Exponential Search ⦁ Ternary Search ⦁ Binary Search ⦁ Interpolation Search ⦁ Hash Search Volume VI, Issue I, January/2019 Page No:654 JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131 1.1.