Name of Deceased
O i—* Name of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be Date on or before which Address, description and date of death of Deceased notices of claim to be ON (Surname first) given and names, in parentheses, of Personal (Representatives given FENSOM, Sydney Walter The Cottage, Seaview Road, Peacehaven, Sussex, Barclays Bank Ltd., 37, King William Street, E.C.4 25th April, 1950 formerly of 55, Abbotshall Road, London, S.E.6, (332) Administrative Commandant of U.N.RjR.A. (formerly Garage Proprietor). 2nd January, 1950. WOOD, Joseph 16, Wheeler Street, (Lozells, Birmingham, Butcher. Thomas F. Walker, 109, Colmore Row, Birmingham J, Solicitor. (Joseph Henry 30th April, 1950 2nd September, 1949. Wood and Bernard Wood.) (333) KING, Samuel Isaac 230, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Estate Win. 'Bache & Sons, 23, New 'Street, West Bromwioh, Solicitors, or Douglas Michael 24th April! 1950 Agent. 3rd February, 1944. King, 327, Hagley IRoad, Bdfeba&ton, Birmingham. (Sarah King, Derek Moss King! (334) and Cyril George King.) GINNS, George 70, Seagrave Road, Sileby, Leicestershire, Hosiery Stone & Co., 4, Welford Place, Leicester, Solicitors. (Mary Imelda Ginns) 25th April, 1950 Manufacturer. 10th October, 1949. (335) WATSON, Thomas Pearcy Amotherby, near Malton, Yorkshire, Grocer. 22nd Pearsons & 'Ward, Malton, Yorks, Solicitors. (Walter Watson and Herbert Watson) ... 24th April, 1950 October, 1949. (336) CHAbwiCit, Frances 30, St. Heliers Road, Blackpool, Widow. 3rd Roland W. Robinson Son & Co., 27, Burley Street, (Blackpool, Solicitors. (Madeline 30th April, 1950 January, 1950. Kaye.) (337) STEELE, Mary Ann 843, Anlaby Road, Kingston-upon-Hull, Widow. 13th (Ma-inprize, (Rignall1 & WhittwoTth, Yorkshire Insurance 'Buildings, Lowgate, Hull, 28th April, 1950 December, 1949.
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