It's Starlight Revue Time! for the Master's' Degree
MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1967 Funeral arrahgement»w»r6 being made this week far .9 The NAACP charges the Park Commissioners are just now re 50-year-old mother wfto tillill. opening several swimming pools Sunday afternoon, of "6_ 1» whloh were closed “rather than wound and her 16-yegr-oM I The Social Services Department | comply With court orders'." daughter was In custody jif I of Operation Head Start is calling | And, the NAACP charges, the Juvenile Court aufhorities charg*. on individuals and organizations in 3 Park Commission is reopening these ed with the fatal tfabbtntfl.'..' the city and county to provide nec- | pools only “because of political essary items, such as shoes, cloth- f pressure and the fear of a long ing', tooth brushes' and food, for hot summer,” mar.v of the 3,200 children who are ; at 1440 Washington. Shehâdbetti participating in the summer pro- ; The Park Commissioners had stabbed-Ip .thé side. ' ject. contended the cost of reopening uicse pools would be prohibitive. Mrs. Callie Lentz Stevens, direc- : Tills has been proved false, the Mitchell, denjed wielding tl tor of the department, said per NAACP says. weapon. She said her moi sons or groups desiring to help ] in possession of the knife* needy . Head Start children may "Our Park Commission has per- call 947-3066 at Alcy Elementary uilcced thousands ot dollars of pub 8chool, 1750 Alcy Road. lic property to remain unusued uud ip depreciate when, the need Witnesek, including. DR. KIRKENDOLL AND THE GOVERNOR - Dr. C. A. Kirkendoll A printed form, appearing on | for such property has been so Payne, 22, of 884 Montgomi (left), president of Lane College at Jackson, is the only Negro and another page of this paper, may > great,” the NAACP resolution puints tiie girl and ,her mother J also be filled out by potential don out.
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