Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XIV Issue No:48 Price: Afs.20 www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimes www.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 15 . 2019 -Sunbula 24, 1398 HS www.afghanistantimes.af AT News Report KABUL: A US presidential candidate has claimed that Afghanistan had been torn into three parts, speaking on a decentralized system in the war- hit country. Joe Biden, former vice president who now runs for presidency representing the Democrat party, said in an electoral debate that Afghanistan is an incorrigible country. Biden also offered a federal system in Afghanistan, arguing that the country has already divided into three parts, with three provinces in the east being under Pakistan control through the Haqqani terrorist network considered as Pakistan’s proxy.... US presidential candidate and former vice president Joe Biden SUNDAY . SEPTEMBER 15, 2019 AFGHANISTAN TIMES “We are one, united nation” ...P1 Political experts and Afghanistan for many many members of parliament denounce years, but the situation there has Biden’s statement as an not changed. Afghanistan has been explanation of the United States’ divided into three parts and a “incorrect will”. President federal system there is suggested. Ghani’s office also reacted to the The US needs to pull its troops remarks, saying that Afghanistan out of there and establish fortified has a united geography and bases in Pakistan so that from Pakistan has control on no there, it fight against terrorists,” Afghan area. he said. Biden has claimed that no Political analysts in change was brought in Afghan Afghanistan condemn Biden’s situation despite the US military words as an indication of the US and political presence.