CCI Pays De La Loire | June 2017 De La Loire | CCI Pays © Stéphanie Villion PAYS DE LA LOIRE in FRANCE

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CCI Pays De La Loire | June 2017 De La Loire | CCI Pays © Stéphanie Villion PAYS DE LA LOIRE in FRANCE PAYS DE LA LOIRE KEY FIGURES 133,000 1.5 local companies A GDP of € million of salaried 3.7 and non-salaried jobs 107 million billion inhabitants 7th 2nd French region for French region for employment in th total surface area industry (% of total employment). 5 6th French region for the number agricultural region of jobs in industry (in agricultural th added value) 8 region in terms of both population and produced wealth Ranked 1st French region for quality of life A territory of engagement and trust (+19% new craft businesses openings between January 2013 and July 2016) An exemplary culture of partnership The lowest unemployment rate in France HUMAN AND DEMOGRAPHIC POTENTIAL 2040 forecasts: 4,400,000 Laval inhabitants (+26%) Le Mans +30 000 people every year 3rd youngest region in France Nantes (25% of less than 20 y.o. people) Angers High school graduation rates exceed the national average La Roche-sur-Yon Source : Observatoire régional économique et social - © Stéphanie Villion | CCI Pays de la Loire | June 2017 de la Loire | CCI Pays © Stéphanie Villion PAYS DE LA LOIRE IN FRANCE 5th agricultural region (in agricultural added value) Renowned vineyards: st nd ANJOU & 1 2 MUSCADET ranked French region in region for the share of agricultural button mushrooms cultivation holdings having received the Red Label 3rd 2nd 2nd ranked region for for cattle breeding agribusiness region in terms ornamental horticulture of number of salaried jobs 3rd 2nd 2e region for organic farming for milk production IRUVHDዾVKLQJ in terms of its share of surface area used 6th French region in terms of the total number of industrial jobs total 1st 1st 1st 2nd region in naval construction region for shipbuilding French trading market region for furnishing in terms (salaried employment) for lumber of salaried employment /HDGHULQWKHዾHOGRI st nd lifting and handling th 1 2 equipment 5 European economic hub region in manufacturing region for ICT for making kids clothing of metal products in terms of the number of salaried employment 4th French region chosen by French people for tourism 1st French region for horse race 1st sports region in France Source : Observatoire régional économique et social - © Stéphanie Villion | CCI Pays de la Loire | Juin 2017 de la Loire | CCI Pays © Stéphanie Villion BUSINESS CLUSTERS: CHALLENGES AND EFFICIENCY 9 labelled centres 13 regional clusters of excellence of compagnies ATLANPOLE BIOTHÉRAPIES ADN OUEST Innovation along the entire Valuing digital technologies and related occupations bio-medicine value chain ATLANBOIS ELASTOPÔLE Promoting the Pays de la Loire’s wood industry Innovation in rubber ATLANSUN and polymer industries Bringing together economic stakeholders (manufacturers, research laboratories EMC2 DQGVXSSOLHUV LQYROYHGLQWKHዾHOGVRI ,QQRYDWLRQLQWKHዾHOG photovoltaics and thermal electricity of materials processing CAP ALIMENT ID4CAR Acting together for food innovation Innovation in the CDM ዾHOGRIYHKLFOHV (Committee of Metallurgy Development). Identifying and getting ready to conquer IMAGES ET RÉSEAUX new markets ,QQRYDWLRQLQWKHዾHOGV of digital technologies CLARTÉ and imaging Virtual reality applications and business services DESIGN’IN MER BRETAGNE Design innovation in Pays de la Loire ATLANTIQUE Tackling, through innovation, GÉRONTOPÔLE the new challenges of Preparing companies for the conquest of sustainability and security QHZPDUNHWVLQWKHዾHOGRIDFWLYHDJHLQJ NÉOPOLIA S2E2 Gaining new markets by making ,QQRYDWLRQVLQWKHዾHOGV FRPELQHGRዽHUV of electricity and smart grids for better energy management NOVABUILD Gathering and strengthening Pays de VALORIAL la Loire’s building industry stakeholders Innovation in food and to enable them to carry out their transition food-packaging industries toward eco-construction NOVACHILD VÉGÉPOLYS Action and innovation for child welfare Production (through conception and cultivation practices) of PROXINNOV environmentally and health Uniting companies in the development friendly specialised plants of their robotic automation projects WE NETWORK Bringing together stakeholders of the Pays de la Loire’s electronics industry Source : CCI Pays de la Loire - Feb. 2017 © Stéphanie Villion | CCI Pays de la Loire | June 2017 de la Loire | CCI Pays © Stéphanie Villion Saint-Nazaire LOIRE-ATLANTIQUE Nantes AN ATTRACTIVE DEPARTMENT AROUND NANTES ST-NAZAIRE, EUROPEAN METROPOLIS million +380,000 1.3 inhabitants inhabitants expected by 2040 36% of the Pays de la Loire population An important ecosystem of businesses with +52,500 574,000 RጀFLDOO\UHJLVWHUHGFRPSDQLHV working people in Loire-Atlantique A major infrastructure hub Répartition des établissements par grands secteurs • 1st airport in Western France • 1st harbour of the Atlantic coast 1% • Connected to the main national railway lines Construction Area • Located on the French route of estuaries 6% 10% (going from Dunkirk to Hendaye) 6% Wholesale trade An attractive territory given the sheer 8% Industry number of projects/investments to come: Business services 38% Trade and retail services • "Grand Ouest" Airport Hotel and accommodation • Improvement of Nantes train station 31% businesses • New teaching hospital in Nantes Catering sector ଀7ZRRዽVKRUHZLQGIDUPV • Relocation of the 2nd biggest wholesale market in France Tourism: a major economic sector, a rich heritage • The coastline: La Baule, Presqu’île Guérandaise, Côte de Jade • The natural and cultural heritage: Castles, natural parks, marshes and salt water marshes, vineyards… • The events: la Folle Journée, Estuaire, les spectacles Royal de Luxe, les Escales… • The places: Escale Atlantique, les Machines de l’Ile, le Lieu Unique… Competitive facilities and networks: • Renowned and labelled centres of excellence (labelled centres of excellence) • High-level facilities: Cyclotron Arronax, Technocampus, Cancéropôle du Grand Ouest • Large-scale projects: IRT Jules Verne (new materials), PRI (Regional Plateforms of Innovation) • Active networks (ADN’Ouest, NAPF, Club environnement, la vigne numérique, EntrepeNantes...) • Prestigious schools: AUDENCIA, Centrale Nantes, Mines de Nantes, ONIRIS, ICAM, École de Design Nantes Atlantique... New perspectives with new industries • Creative and cultural industries: facilities supporting creativity (Île de Nantes – The District of creativity) • Digital industry: French Tech label, Nantes has the most important growth in digital employment in France • Health and biotechnologies: Nantes’ teaching hospital is ranked 2nd nationally in terms of transplants • Renewable Marine Energies (RMEs): 1st)UHQFKLQGXVWULDOFHQWUHIRU50(VVWXGHQWVLQYROYHGLQWKLVዾHOG | June 2017 de la Loire | CCI Pays © Stéphanie Villion Source : CCI Nantes St-Nazaire (data au 31/12/2016), except autoentrepreneurs, INSEE (data 2013) MAINE-ET-LOIRE Angers A FLOURISHING ECONOMY th nd 22 French department 2 806,000 in terms of population growth most populated department inhabitants (5,000 additional people per year) in Pays de la Loire +28,000 companies Anjou at the heart of Pays de la Loire Distribution of companies by sector Diversity of economic activities: • Agriculture, 3% • Industrial sectors, 10% • Tertiary sector. Industry The industrial sector employs close to 51,000 people. 32% Services Market activities represent close to 28,000 business 25% Trade and more than 161,000 jobs. Construction Area 30% Agriculture Fields of excellence VEGETALS ELECTRONICS & IT Végépolys, France’s biggest and globally Loire Electronics Applications Valley (LEAV). oriented cluster for specialised plants. Some examples of companies: BODET, Some examples of companies: BRIANT, GROUPE ELOANE, ANJOU ELECTRONIQUE, MINIER, VILMORIN... BULL, THALÈS COMMUNICATION... AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY BANK, INSURANCE, PENSION PROVISIONS Some examples of companies: BIOFOURNIL, Some examples of companies: AXA, GROUPAMA, COINTREAU, BRIOCHES PASQUIER, CHARAL, MALAKOFF MÉDÉRIC, CNP ASSURANCES, CAISSE DES BONDUELLE, VEUVE AMIOT... DÉPÔTS ET CONSIGNATIONS, EUROP ASSISTANCE... RUBBER AND PLASTICS INDUSTRIES METALS - AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS 1st ranked department in Western France Some examples of companies: SCANIA, VALÉO, Some examples of companies: NICOLL, FOUNDATION BRAKE FRANCE, PCM TECHNOLOGIES, CARPENTER, MICHELIN, PAULSTRA... MANITOU, THYSSEN ASCENSEURS, BUCHER VASLIN... FASHION TOURISM Nova Child is a cluster of companies Loire Valley is listed on the World Heritage List of UNESCO. working on child welfare. Main sights: TERRA BOTANICA, CHÂTEAU Some examples of companies: D’ANGERS, BIOPARC DE DOUÉ-LA-FONTAINE, ABBAYE GROUPE ZANNIER (ONE STEP, JEAN BOURGET, IKKS, ROYALE DE FONTEVRAUD, PARC ORIENTAL DE MAULÉVRIER... CATIMINI), VUITTON, ERAM, GBB, BOPY, LONGCHAMP... © Stéphanie Villion | CCI Pays de la Loire | June 2017 de la Loire | CCI Pays © Stéphanie Villion Sources : INSEE - CCI Maine-et-Loire - CCI INFO ECO Laval MAYENNE A LAND OF TRADITIONAL KNOW-HOW Distribution of companies by sector 307,000 inhabitants • 1h10 away from Paris by train • High-quality transport infrastructures 11% ଀$VSHFLዾFZD\RIOLIHDQGDSUHVHUYHGODQG Industry and Agriculture • The lowest unemployment rate in France 13% Construction Area 43% Trade businesses +10,120 Services 33% 39% industrial jobs ଀'LYHUVLዾHGDQGJHRJUDSKLFDOO\ZHOOVSUHDGLQGXVWULHV • Home to companies renowned for their products (brands: PRÉSIDENT, LES FROMAGES VIEUX PANÉ, BABYBEL, CHAUSSÉE AUX MOINES, LES TOILES DE MAYENNE, LES VÉHICULES GRUAU OU LES CAMPINGS-CAR RAPIDO). Fields of excellence PRINTING AND PUBLISHING FOOD INDUSTRY Some examples of companies:
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