The Priory of Scotland of the Order of St John

Handbook and Member List 2019 Contents

History of the Order of St John...... 4 The Order in Scotland...... 5 The Order of St John Today...... 6 Grades of the Order...... 7 Foundation Dues and Oblations...... 7 Initials and Insignia...... 7 St John’s House...... 8 Chapter Room...... 8 Library...... 9 Torphichen Preceptory...... 9 Governance of the Order...... 10 Area Committees...... 12 Roll of Order Members, Priory of Scotland...... 15 In Grateful Memory...... 33

2 3 History of The Order of St John The Order in Scotland

The origins of the Order of St John can be traced to an 11th century hospital - the Hospital In its early years, the Order provided training in first aid and related subjects in Scotland, of St John in Jerusalem. In 1113, the people who administered this hospital were formed as in other parts of the United Kingdom. However, the Scottish-based St Andrew’s into a religious Order. Soon after, they took on military duties and became known as Ambulance Association was formed later and began similar activities, both in Scotland Knights Hospitallers. and in England.

That Order, which still exists today, is now commonly known as the Order of Malta. In 1908, an agreement was reached that St Andrews would cease first aid training south of It recruited members and owned property throughout Western Europe. The Order’s the border, and St John north of it. In the 1940s, some of its members felt that there was principal property in Scotland was at Torphichen in West Lothian. Being Roman Catholic, scope for the Order to undertake a variety of public services in Scotland, so in 1947, the the medieval Order ceased to function in England from April 1540, and in Scotland from Scottish Priory of the Order was established. 1565 when the Reformation took place in the reign of Mary Queen of Scots. Over the years, the Priory of Scotland of the Order of St John responded to changes to In the first half of the 19th century, a group of people set out to revive the Order of Malta some of these needs brought about by developments such as the creation and evolution in the United Kingdom, but ultimately formed themselves into a separate organisation of the National Health Service. This ranged from the building and managing of care which they called the ‘Order of St John’, which had no official recognition. In 1877, they homes, to the provision of vehicles to other charitable organisations. founded the St John Ambulance Association, whose role was to provide training in first aid and similar activities. Ten years later, the St John Ambulance Brigade was created, as a In more recent times, under the banner St John Scotland, members of the Order alongside uniformed body of trained volunteers to provide first aid cover to the public. other volunteers continue to help communities in need through charitable works. Patient Transport services have been established to help those undergoing treatment for cancer In 1882, as a further means of providing to those in need and recognising its origins, or dialysis get to regular hospital appointments without having to rely on public transport. the Order opened a hospital in Jerusalem. This was to treat eye disease, prevalent in the Middle East. St John Scotland is also helping the nation be more resilient in the face of sudden cardiac arrest, by supporting local communities to install Public Access Defibrillators, and offering In 1888, Queen Victoria made the Order a Royal Order of Chivalry, with the monarch as free CPR training to people of all ages. We also continue to support Scottish Mountain its Sovereign Head. Since then, the Grand Prior has always been a member of the Royal Rescue teams and a Mountain Safety initiative in partnership with Mountaineering Scotland. Family. As well as work at home, St John Scotland has long supported the St John Eye of Today, the Order of St John functions throughout the United Kingdom, in many other Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group, as well as services run by colleagues in St John Malawi. Commonwealth countries, in the United States of America, and at the hospital in Jerusalem. For more information about St John Scotland, visit the website at

4 5 The Order of St John Today Grades of the Order

Membership of the Order (as an Order of Chivalry) is conferred in recognition of work Under its Sovereign Head, Her Majesty The Queen, the Order has five grades: done in furthering its objects. Recommendations for admission to, or promotion in, the Order may be made by the chairs of the Area committees and by Grade I or II members. I Bailiff & Dame Grand Cross, GCStJ II Knight & Dame (of Grace or of Justice), KStJ & DStJ Such recommendations are subject to scrutiny by the Priory Honours and Awards III Commander, CStJ Committee, and are then submitted to Her Majesty the Queen for approval. New and IV Officer, OStJ promoted members are invested with their insignia at the Festival of St John, held V Member, MStJ annually in Scotland on or around the 24th of June (St John Baptist Day). . Clerical grades (e.g. CHStJ) were withdrawn from use, however those holding them may wish to continue to use them The Roll of Members of the Order in the Priory of Scotland is maintained in the Chancery. A member may request a copy of his or her recorded particulars at any time. Foundation Dues and Oblations

To carry out its charitable works as St John Scotland, the Priory depends to a great extent on contributions from its members. Order members are relied upon for two set contributions: Foundation Dues, payable on admission to, and promotion within the Order; and Annual Oblations, payable annually on a scale related to grade within the Order.

The current Foundation Dues and Annual Oblation rates are:

Grade Foundation Annual Dues (£) Oblations (£) I GCStJ 580 125 II DStJ & KStJ 300 95 III CStJ 195 65 IV OStJ 100 50 V MStJ 70 40 Initials and Insignia

The preceding abbreviations may be used in connection with the work of the Order and in biographical references. The abbreviations, when used as post-nominal letters, come after those of the other British Orders and decorations for distinguished service or gallantry, e.g. Donald MacDonald MBE MC KStJ.

Order insignia take the same precedence. Notes on the wearing of insignia are available on request from the Chancery. Members may also wish to note that any insignia no longer required, e.g. through promotion, may be sent to the Chancery where it can be used to the benefit of the Priory.

6 7 St John’s House, Edinburgh Library

The Chancery, or headquarters, of the Priory of Scotland is located at St John’s House, The library of St John Scotland is contained within St John’s House. It has a fascinating 21 St John Street, Edinburgh. This early eighteenth-century house lies off the Royal Mile collection of books, documents, photographs and objects relating to the Order from its a little below the site of St John’s Cross in the Canongate. It was originally built for the origins to the present day. Visitors to the library are welcome, and are requested to make Wemyss family and was generously gifted to the Order in 1971 by the late James Watt KStJ. arrangements with the Librarian, Duncan McAra, by email at [email protected]

Chapter Room Torphichen Preceptory

On the first floor of St John’s House is the Chapter Room, which was relocated to its The first property in Scotland of the pre-Reformation Order was established at Torphichen present location from the original Chancery building in Woodlands Terrace, Glasgow, in West Lothian. Acquired during the reign of David I, King of Scots (1124-1153), it became, when St John’s House was adopted as the Chancery in 1971. and remained until the 16th century, the Order’s administrative centre in Scotland. It was also a hospital and a place of worship. The Chapter Room includes a Prior’s chair and table, and tables for the Chancellor and Preceptor of Torphichen. Stall plates depict the arms of deceased Knights and Dames of The tower and transepts of the Preceptory building remain and the property is under the Justice. stewardship of Historic Environment Scotland.

Recent work undertaken by the Director of Ceremonies to improve the Chapter Room With the help of volunteers organised by St John Scotland’s West Lothian committee, the has seen the repositioning of the stall plates, previously displayed either side of the Preceptory is open to the public over weekends and bank holidays from 1st April to 30th chairs of the Chancellor and the Preceptor, above the stall seats in chronological order September, between 1pm and 5pm. New volunteers are welcome and should contact of appointment as Knight or Dame of Justice. Stall plates of the most recent knights [email protected] for more information. were painted by the Priory Limner. Mounted across three of the four walls, this displays a magnificent collection of heraldry of knights and dames of the Order in Scotland. Over the The stunning Torphichen Preceptory is also available for use as a wedding venue, with fees coming years, the collection will increase as further knights and dames are appointed. of only £500, which go directly to St John Scotland’s charity work. To find out more, please contact us on [email protected].

8 9 Governance of the Order

The Order of St John is a separate body from its Priories and other establishments, and is St John Associations registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales. The Trustees are the Great Officers of the Order, the Priors of each Priory or their appointed representative, and the As well as eleven Priories, there are thirty Associations. They exist in Antigua & Barbuda, Order Hospitaller. Together, they form the Grand Council. Barbados, Bermuda, Cameroon, Cyprus, Dominica, Fiji, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Grand Council meets once per year, and deals with matters beyond the responsibility of Guinea, Saint Lucia, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, any one particular establishment, including Order-wide policy and strategy. The Great Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Additionally, Northern Ireland is a Commandery and the Officers and the Grand Council are supported by the Secretary-General, who heads a Republic of Ireland is an associated body. small secretariat in London. Each of the Priories, Commanderies and St John Associations has its own constitution. They are subject to the Charter, Statutes and Regulations of the Governance of St John Scotland Order, but within that they have a wide degree of autonomy. Those in control and management of St John Scotland are its Board. The Great Officers of the Order Priory Executive Officers Grand Prior: HRH The Duke of Gloucester KG GCVO GCStJ Prior: General Mark J Strudwick CBE KStJ Lord Prior: Lieutenant Sir Malcolm Ross GCVO OBE GCStJ (demitting office June 2019) Chancellor and Registrar: The Rev Canon Dr Joseph Morrow CBE KStJ QC DL Lord Prior (Designate): Professor Mark Compton AM GCStJ Dean: The Very Rev John Cairns KCVO KStJ LTh LLB DD LLD Prelate of the Order: The Right Reverend Timothy Stevens CBE GCStJ Receiver-General: Allan Stewart CStJ CA Sub Prior: Mr John Mah GCStJ CD QC Hospitaller: John Ferguson-Smith KStJ MB ChB DObstRCOG AFOM The Chancellor: Mr Patrick Burgess OBE GCStJ DL The Board of St John Scotland Priors of the Order Consists of the Priory Executive Officers plus: James A Bingham KStJ FSA Scot England and the Islands : Surgeon Rear Admiral Lionel Jarvis CBE KStJ Michael Cook OStJ Scotland: Major General Mark Strudwick CBE KStJ Margaret McAdam OStJ Wales: Sir Paul Williams OBE KStJ DL Ian Robertson CStJ South Africa: The Most Reverend Dr Thabo Makgoba KStJ New Zealand: HE The Rt Hon Dame Patsy Reddy GNZM QSO DStJ Priory Officers Canada: HE The Right Honourable Julie Payette CC CMM COM CQ CD Librarian: Duncan McAra CStJ Dip Pub FSA Scot Australia: HE The Rt Hon General Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC Limner: Mark Dennis OStJ BA LLM USA: Palmer Hamilton KStJ Genealogist: The Rev Canon Dr Joseph Morrow CBE KStJ QC DL Singapore: Dr Teh Peng Hooi KStJ, Director of Ceremonies: James A Bingham KStJ FSA Scot Kenya: Hon Major Marsden Madoka EGH KStJ Assistant Directors of Ceremonies: Ian Robertson CStJ and Andrew I Smith OStJ Hong Kong: Dr CH Chung KStJ Cross Bearer: Joseph Mackie KStJ Banner Bearer: David L McLean OStJ FSA Scot Chair of the Hospital Board Sword Bearer: G Findlay Macrae CStJ MIMM MILOG

Sir Andrew Cash OBE Staff of St John Scotland Angus Loudon MBE OStJ, Chief Executive Officer | [email protected] Order Hospitaller Gordon Swan, Administrative Assistant | [email protected] Kayleigh Hirst, Communications Officer | [email protected] David H Verity MD MA (Oxon) BM BCh FRCOphth OStJ Clara Boeker, Development Officer | [email protected] Helen Day, Finance Officer | [email protected] Liz Crawford, Projects Officer | [email protected] 10 11 Area Committees

Aberdeen and the North East Treasurer: Colin Wilson Chair: Joe Mackie Press Officer: Isobel Irving Vice Chair: Mike Will Patient Transport Convener: Willie Waterson Secretary: Clifford Eastmond | [email protected] Treasurer: Paul Rorie Dunbartonshire Chair: John Kelly Ayrshire and Arran Vice Chair: Douglas Dow Chair: Rose-Ann Cuninghame Secretary: Donald Fullarton | [email protected] Minute Secretary: Wendy Sandiford Treasurer: Lesley Kennedy Treasurer: Keith Tulloch Press Officer: Donald Fullarton Hon. President: Lord Lang of Monkton Chaplain: Rev Tina Kemp Hon. Vice President: John Duncan, Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Arran Edinburgh and the South East Angus and Dundee Chair: Lynn Cleal Chair and Patient Transport Convener: Sandy Bowman Secretary: Susan Balfour | [email protected] Secretary: Laurie Fraser| [email protected] Treasurer: Andrew Smith Treasurer: Lorna Robbie Membership Secretary: Harry McCorkell PADS Convener: Bill Spence Press Officer: Liam Hackett First Responder Convener: Lynn Lawrence Fundraising Chair: Vivienne Robertson Fundraising Convenor: George Way Hon. President: Margaret Balfour Chaplain: William McLaren Hon. Vice President: George Hunter Press Officer: Alasdair MacLean South East Committee Central Chair: Alasdair Hutton Chair: David A C Niven Secretary: Janice Hogarth | [email protected] Secretary: Derek J Watson | [email protected] Treasurer: George Young CA Treasurer: Robert Taylor Fife Dumfries and Galloway Chair: Lesley MacDonald Chair: Michael Cook Vice Chair, Patient Transport and CPR Chair: Lawson Rennie Secretary: Elizabeth Hamilton | [email protected] Vice Chair, Fundraising Chair: Mary Gilmour Secretary, Patient Transport Co-ordinator: Findlay Macrae | [email protected] Dumfries Committee Treasurer: Ewen MacDonald Chair: Michael Cook Hon. Vice President: Margaret Dean Vice Chair and Transport Convenor: Anne Twiname Secretary: Rev Martin Callaghan Glasgow Treasurer: Stuart McVittie Chair: Margaret McAdam Press Officer: David Thomson Vice Chair: Andrew Mushet Treasurer: Bill McAdam West Galloway Secretary: Helen Burton | [email protected] Chair: Pat Calvert Chaplain: Rev. Harold Steven Vice Chair: Alison Burns Fundraising Convenor: John Comrie Secretary: Elizabeth Hamilton | [email protected] Art Sale Convenor: Colin Russell Communications: Elizabeth Gibson 12 13 Roll of Order Members, Priory of Scotland

Highland The Priory Roll has been updated to add members newly admitted to the Order or Chair: Ramsay McGhee transferred from elsewhere, and to remove those who have resigned, died or transferred Treasurer: W Crawford McMaster to other Priories. The total on the roll is 650. Chaplain: Rev Ivan Warwick The areas in which members live is indicated by code letters after their names as follows: Perth and Kinross Chair: Janice Webster AA Ayrshire and Arran F Fife Vice Chair and Press Officer: Douglas Pover AB Aberdeen and the North East G Glasgow Secretary: Hilary Mackenzie | [email protected] AD Angus and Dundee H Highland Treasurer: Neil Gaunt C Central O Outside Scotland Membership Secretary: Andy Beatson DG Dumfries and Galloway PK Perth and Kinross CPR Co-ordinators: Dr Ian and Susan Morrison DN Dunbartonshire WL West Lothian Hon. President: Brigadier Sir Melville Jameson, Lord Lieutenant of Perth and Kinross ED Edinburgh and South East (tr) shows a member has transferred from another Priory West Lothian Chair: W Keith Stirling | [email protected] Admissions and Promotions 2017/2018 Vice Chair: Atholl McInnes Secretary: Lynne Sloan Her Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased to approve the following promotions Treasurer: David T S Gibb in, and appointments to, the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. Press Officer: W Keith Stirling Preceptory Convenor: James Robertson Knight of Justice Member Preceptory Liaison Officer: Ian W J Wallace James Alexander BINGHAM David William ACHESON MBE Fundraising Chair: W Keith Stirling Colin Watson BEEDIE Commander Alison Margaret BURNS Robert FULLERTON James Ferrie CLARK Stuart James MATHEWSON Bryan FINLAY William Keith STIRLING Neil Henry GAUNT Alexander GREEN Officer Margaret GREER Rev Stephen Alastair BLAKEY Samantha GRIEVE Alexander Lindsay Fraser BOWMAN Carlos Anthony HAMLET Peter Stewart Ferguson CRAWFORD MBE Janice Lynne HOGARTH Paul Kerr HARKNESS MBE Hilary Jane Douglas MACKENZIE Lynn Margaret LAWRENCE Alasdair Donald Ferguson MACLEAN David Dudley John LOGAN Mary McPHERSON Thomas MITCHELL Norman George McPHERSON Roland Joseph Weitman Bunch PROCTOR MBE Ian MORRISON Paul Andrew RORIE William James MULLIGAN Hazel Murray SPENCE Lynne SLOAN Derek John WATSON Iain David TURNBULL Michael George Arthur WILL MBE Agnes Johnston URQUHART William WATERSON Moira Elizabeth WATSON

14 15 BAILIFFS and DAME GRAND CROSS (GStJ) * RENNIE, Lawson, MIBMS AIST (M 1977, O 1999, C2003) 2013 - F

ROSS, Sir Walter Hugh Malcolm, GCVO OBE (C 2007, K2009) 2016 – DG (tr) * SHARP, Colonel Neil Muir, MBE TD CA (M 1982, O 1984, C 1995) 2003 - AD STIRLING of GARDEN, Sir James, KCVO CBE TD BA FRICS (K 1986) 2004 – C SHAW, Sir John Calman, CBE BL FRSE CA FCMA JDipMA Drhc LLD HonLLD DLitt (M 1963, O 1966, C 1970) 1993 - PK KNIGHTS and DAMES (KStJ & DStJ) (*denotes Knights of Justice) SOMMERVILLE, William Sands (M 1986, O 1989, C 2008) 2015 - G * SPENCE, William Arthur, QPM LLB BA (M 2003, O 2006, C2011) 2014 - AD * AIRLIE, The Earl of, KT GCVO PC JP (O 1981) 1995 - AD * STRUDWICK, Major General Mark Jeremy, CBE, 2015 - WL

BALFOUR, Mrs Margaret Euphemia Bremner (M 1970, O 1976, C 1993) 1998 – ED * WADDELL, David, DMS MIMgt (M 1989, O 1992, C 2001) 2009 - C * BINGHAM, James Alexander, FSAScot (M 1995, O 1999, C 2013) 2018 - G WALLACE, Ian William John, BSc MB ChB FRCS (M 1992, O 1995, C 2005) 2013 - WL * BLAIR, Colonel John Samuel Greene, OBE TD BA ChM FRCP FRCS FICS DLitt FSAScot (M WATSON, David, CA FSAScot (M 1984, O 1988, C1999) 2015 - G 1979, O 1984, C 1988) 1993 - PK WILSON, The Lord David, of Tillyorn KT GCMG PhD MA 1987 – ED (tr) BURNET, Captain George Wardlaw, LVO LLB WS (O 1971, C 1979) 1985 - ED * BURNETT, Charles John, DA AMA MLitt FSAScot (M 1972, O 1974, C 1982) 1990 - AB CHAPLAINS (ChStJ)

CAIRNS, The Very Reverend Dr John Ballantyne, KCVO LTh LLB DD LLD, (C 2013) 2017 - ED LUSCOMBE, The Right Reverend Dr Lawrence Edward, MA MPhil PhD LLD DLitt CA FSAScot CALVERT, Mrs Patricia Anne, RGN (M 1984, O 1988, C 1995) 2005 – DG (M 1981, O 1985) 1995 - AD * CASELY, Gordon, FRSA FSAScot (M 1974, O 1996, C 2003) 2012 - AB STRONG, The Reverend Clifford, LTh (M 1988, O 1991) 2000 - F CHRISTIE, Miss Marjorie Alice Garden (C1974) 1991 – G(tr) CRIGHTON, Mrs Fiona Mary Wilson, FCIBS Chartered MCIPD MCMI, (M 2003, O 2006, C COMMANDERS (CStJ) 2011) 2015 - PK * CRUICKSHANK of AUCHREOCH, Martin Melvin, FRGS (O 1965, C 1974) 1982 – PK BALFOUR, Iain Robertson (M 1997, O 2003) 2008 – ED BALFOUR, Miss Susan Margaret, BA (Hons), (M 2001, O 2006) 2015 - ED *DOW, Douglas Charles James, LLB NP (M 1985, O 1993, C 2003) 2012 - DN BLEWITT, Mrs Hilary Isabel (M 1983, O 1992) 1999 - C BLEWITT, Robert Richard Binnie, FSAScot (M 1983, O 1986) 1993 - C FERGUSON-SMITH, John, MB ChB DObstRCOG AFOM, (M 2003, O 2006, C2011) 2017 - PK BROTHERTON, Mrs Elizabeth Lorna (M 1989, O 1992) 1997 - F FORD, John Noel Patrick, FInstD (M 1984, O 1986, C 1996) 2003 - G BROWN, John Henderson, AIBScot (M 1992, O 1996) 2000 - WL * FULLARTON, Donald Speirs, MBE FSAScot (M 1983, O 1989, C 1996) 2005 - DN CAIRNCROSS, Mrs Mary Margaret, DL (M 1984, O 1988) 1997 - PK * GOOCH, John Daniel, VRD FRICS (M 1993, O 1995, C 1999) 2006 – AD CALDERWOOD, Adam Stevenson, JP, (M 2003) 2009 - DG CALDERWOOD, Miss Annie Hannah, ISO CPM (M 1988, O 1994) 1997 - DG * HARDIE, Brigadier Donald Graeme, CVO TD FIM, 1996 - DN CALLAGHAN, The Reverend Martin Peter, CECM, (M 2006, O 2010) 2017 - DG HARKNESS, The Very Reverend Dr James, KCVO CB OBE MA DD FRSA (O 1988, C 1998) 2012 CARMICHAEL, Mrs Irene Mary, PhC MRPharmS (M 1997, O 1999) 2011 - G - ED COLEIRO, Joseph Anthony, MD DO(Lond) FRCSEd FRCOphth(Lond) (M 1994, O 1999) 2006 HARRIS, Raymond McGarva, CA (M 1967, O 1972, C 1982) 1990 - G - AD HUNTER, George Alexander, OBE (M 1985, O 1987, C 1994) 1999 - ED DALHOUSIE, The Earl of, DL, ( O 1999) 2012 - AD * INNES of EDINGIGHT, Sir Malcolm Rognvald, KCVO MA LLB WS (O 1962) 1982 - ED DEWAR, John Connelly (M 1997, O 2005) 2015 - DG DONALDSON, George, JP FCFA CG (M 1997, O 2000) 2008 - F LEITCH, Robert, CA (M 1984, O 1988, C 1997) 2006 - G DOUGLAS, David Ogilvy, CA (M 1973, O 1974) 1992 - ED LISTON, Mrs Katharine Margaret Ella, MA (M 1984, O 1990, C 2008) 2015 - DN DOWNS, Thomas Mathie (M 1994, O 2000) 2014 – DN DUNCAN, Mr John Lawrence, CVO QPM, (O 2011) 2016 - AA MACKIE, Joseph (M 1987, O 1994, C2008) 2017 - AB (tr) McNEE, Sir David Blackstock, QPM (O 1974, C 1978) 1990 – G FERGUSON-SMITH, Mrs Sheila Ann, (M 2003, O 2010) 2017 - PK * MORROW, Dr Joseph John, QC DL (M 1996, O 1998, C 2012) 2015 – AD FLAVELL, Mrs Jane Alexandra, DipHEc (M 1983, O 1988) 1999 - C 16 17 FLAVELL, R Gordon, BA MIOP (M 1983, O 1986) 1992 - C PELHAM BURN, Angus Maitland, JP DL (O 1978) 1995 - AB FULLERTON, Robert, (M 2001, O 2009) 2018 - H PETRIE, Lieutenant-Colonel Alastair Stewart, TD JP (M 1985, O 1990) 1998 - C

GILLIES, Alasdair Buchanan, BDS FDS RCPS(Glasgow) (M 1978, O 1981) 2001 - C RENNIE, Keith (M 1995, O 1998) 2006 - AD GILMOUR, Mrs Mary Speirs, (M 1998, O 2006) 2013 - F ROBERTSON, Ian, FCIPD, MCMI, MBIH FSA(Scot), (M 2003, O 2011) 2016 - ED GOW, Mrs Elizabeth (M 1989, O 1993) 2003 - ED ROBERTSON, James (SB 1977, O 1998) 2006 - WL GRAHAME, Miss Sheila (M 1974, O 1988) 2003 - ED ROSS, Alastair Robertson, RSA RGI FRBS DA FSAScot HonFRIAS DArts (M 1979, O 1984) 1997 - AD HAMILTON, Mrs Elizabeth Stewart (M 2006, O 2012) 2017 - DG RUSACK, Ronald Edward Seton, MBE FBII (M 1982, O 1984) 1997 - ED HILL, Mrs Elisabeth Cargill, OBE (M 1999, O 2005) 2013 - AD RUSSELL, Lesley Christine, RGN CMB (M 1985, O 1993) 1998 - AB HILL, Sidney Robert,MBE BSc (M 1992, O 1996) 2003 - AD HUTCHISON, Mrs Virginia, (M 1980, O 1992, C 1998) – F (tr) SHIRREFFS, Mrs Jennifer Anne, MBE BSc DL (M 1991, O 1995) 2003 - AB SMAIL, Ian Balfour, BSc CEng ARCST FIMarE (M 1989, O 1991) 1997 - G JAMESON, Brigadier Sir Melville Stewart KCVO CBE 2010 - PK SMITH, The Reverend Richard, JP BD (M 1987, O 1990) 2003 - C JOHNSTON, Mrs Moira (M 1992, O 1995) 2001 - WL SMITH, Sir Robert Courtney, CBE MA(Cantab) CA LLD FRSE (M 1973, O 1976) 2003 - PK STEWART, Allan, CA (M 1993, O 1996) 2013 - G LEASK, Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur James, TD (M 1989, O 1995) 2003 - C STEWART, Trevor Melvin Robinson (M 1996, O 2000) 2012 - G LETFORD, John Ross, MBE (O 2006) 2014 - AD STEYN, John Hofmeyr, MB ChB PhD FRCS FRCSE (M 1983, O 1985) 1990 – AB STIRLING of GARDEN, Lady (M 1992, O 1998) 2006 - C MACBRIDE, Captain Stuart Crawford, KLJ FInstD CBCS FSAScot (M 1998, O 2001) 2015 - AB STIRLING, William Keith, FSAScot FIOD FILT FIMH AWeldI (M 1989, O 2003) 2018 - WL MACDONALD, Mrs Lesley Marian, (M 2003, O 2009) 2015 - F MACGREGOR, James Duncan, OBE MD FFPHM DPH DTM&H (M 1992, O 1994) 1997 - PK TAYLOR, Robert (M 1994, O 1996) 1999 – C MACKIE, Neil, CBE DMus FRSE FRSAMD ARCM DipMusEd DRSAM FRSA (M 1974, O 1986) TWINAME, Miss Anne, MHCIMA (M 1991 O 1999) 2010 - DG 1995 - O MACLEHOSE of BEOCH, The Lady, 1971 - G (tr) URQUHART, Alexander Edwards, TD CEng BSc (Hons) FRINA, (M 2001, O 2008) 2017 - AB MACPHERSON, Ian Alistair, MBE JP FIMBM FCIOB FFB (M 1973, O 1976) 1983 - G MACRAE, G Findlay, MIMM MILOG, (M 1995, O 2013) 2017 - F WADDELL, Mrs Charlotte Nimmo Gardner, MIBS (M 1995, O 1998)2011 - C MATHEWSON, Stuart James, (M 2009, O 2014) 2018 – G WALTON, David, JP HonFRCPSG (M 1977, O 1983) 1984 - G McADAM, William, (M 2003, O 2009) 2016 - GMcARA, Duncan Charles, DipPub FSAScot (SB WARDEN, Samuel Connor, FIST MInstAM IFSTA ASTA (M 1983, O 1986) 2009 - H 1995, O 1996) 1999 - ED WARDROPE, Gavin Kenneth, FSAScot (M 1991, O 1994) 2003 - G McARA, Duncan Charles, DipPub FSAScot (SB 1995, 0 1996) 1999 - G McGOWN, Archibald McAllister (M 1993, O 1996) 2009 - G OFFICERS (OStJ) McLACHLAN, Mrs Marjory Jane, 2008 - C McMAHON, Peter, CA (M 1981, O 1988) 1996 - DG ABRAM, Henry Charles, VRD DL, 1977 - G MENNIE, Thomas Ross, KCLJ CMLJ FSAScot (M 2003, O 2009) 2015 - G AGNEW, Ian, MA(Cantab), (M 1984) 1987 - PK MILNE, James Andrew Pyper, MInstR (M 1972, O 1982) 1987 - DN ANDERSON, Norman Robert Craig , (M 1982) 1984 - G MUNRO, Charles Inglis (M 1999, O 2003) 2013 - G ARNOTT, John Emslie, DA DipTP ARSA ARIBA ARIAS (M 1971) 1974 - ED MURDOCH, Kenneth Lyle Stewart, DA ARIBA ARIAS (M 1990, O 1996) 2001 - PK MURPHY, James Barrie, MB ChB DPM FRCPsych (M 1989, O 1994) 2003 - G BAILLIE, Mrs Margaret Peden (M 1984) 1998 - F BLAIR, Edward Taylor Hardie (M 1998) 2003 - ED NEIL, Peter Black, FGA DGA (M 1998, O 2001) 2012 - G BLAIR, Mrs Joan Anne, DipEd DipIndAdmin (M 1997) 2003 - ED NIVEN, David Anderson Christie, FSAScot (M 1997, O 1999) 2005 – C BLAIR, Robin Orr, CVO MA LLB WS, 2001 - ED BLAKEY, The Reverend Stephen A, 2018 - PK PATERSON, Kenneth George, LLB NP (M 1997, O 2000) 2005 - DG BOWMAN, Alexander Lindsay Fraser, (M 2016) 2018 - AD PATERSON, The Reverend William, BD Glasgow, (M 2003, O2006) 2012 - ED BROLLS, Mrs Mary Agnes (M 1997) 2001 - G PATTISON, Lisle, MBE TD BA FCIS FRGS (M 1993, O 1995) 1997 - PK BROWN, Mrs Frances (M 1990) 2000 - WL 18 19 BROWN, Iain Alistair Carlton, BSc (M 1974) 1980 - G ELLINGTON, Baron of Towie Barclay, Marc Floyd, DL (M 1987) 2003 - AB BROWN, William Robertson, TD FSAScot (M 1995) 1996 - ED ERROLL, The Earl of, 1978 - O BRUCE, Hon. Adam Robert, MA (Hons) (Oxon) LLB WS 2014 ED ERSKINE, The Reverend The Hon. Michael John, MA BD, 1994 - F BRYDIE, Mrs Isobel Gunning, 2015 - WL ESPLIN, Frank Lindsay (M1979) 1984 - C BUHLER-LOW, Christian, 1984 - O BURTON, The Lady (M 1989) 1992 - H FANNING, Miss Catherine Heather, MA (M1992) 1997 - ED BURTON, Mrs Helen Dougal, MCST BSc(Hons) (M 1998) 2003 - G FARQUHARSON of INVERCAULD, Captain Alwyne Arthur Compton, MC JP, 1973 - O FLOYD, James Duffield, BSc PhD EurGeol CGeol FGS FSAScot, (M 2003) 2008 - ED CAMERON, Lord Provost Elizabeth Anne, MAHons, 2006 - G FORBES, Gordon, MBE, (M 2006) 2009- AD CAMPBELL, Wing Commander George, OBE DL FInstLM MIOD RAFVR(T) (M 1997) 2001 - FORREST, John Addie, AE CEng MIMechE (M1970) 1984 - G DN FORSYTH of that ILK the YOUNGER, Alistair James Menteith MTheol LLB FSA Scot (SB CAMPBELL, Sir Ian Tofts, CBE VRD JP (M 1984) 1986 - ED 1984) 1989 - F CAMPBELL of AIRDS, Alastair Lorne, FSAScot, 1995 - DN FRASER, Robert, DA(Dundee) MA(Warsaw) (M1996) 2000 - F CARGILL THOMPSON, Helen Emma Christina, BSc PhD ALA FSAScot (M 1977) 1989 - G FRAZER, The Reverend Richard Ernest, BA BD (M 1995) 1998 - ED CARMAN, Philip David, CIJ FIDiagE MIIExE MInstLM ACMI, (M 2003) 2008 - G FULLERTON, Mrs Gwen Elizabeth,RGN (2006) 2011 - H CARRUTH, John Aitken (M 1994) 1999 - DG FULLERTON, Miss Kirsty Elizabeth, (M 2005) 2010 - H CHISHOLM, Duncan Fraser, JP (M 2003) 2010 - H FURNESS, Colonel Simon John, MBE DL, (M 2003) 2009 - ED CLEAL, Lynn Elaine, (M2015) 2017 - ED CLELAND, Mrs Elaine Helen, BAcc CA,(M 2003) 2012 - G GARDNER, Alastair David McKay (M 1996) 1999 - WL COLTART, Mrs Inger Christina, FilKand DipLib ALA (M 1994) 1996 - ED GARDNER, The Reverend Neil Norman, MA BD, (M 2010) 2015 – ED COOK, Michael, 2000 - DG (tr) GARDNER, Mrs Ruth Fiona MacKenzie, RGN OND (M 1993) 1995 - WL COOK, Major Robert Hugh, RGN, 2008 - ED (tr) GEDDES, Eric, IPFA FRVA MBIM, 1979 - C COOK, William Edward (M 1989) 1993 - G GILLIS, Richard, 1999 – PK (tr) CORBETT, Stephen George, (M 2005) 2013 - G GOLDIE, Dennis (M 1991) 1999 - C COX, Norman Stewart (M 1989) 1992 - PK GORDON, George Baillie, DRSAM (M 1984) 1985 - F CRABB, Norman Cameron (M 1982) 1986 - G GRANT, John Ramsay, FSAScot (M 1989) 1991 - ED CRAIB, Alexander John (M 1996) 2006 - H GREEN, George Herbert Dugald, MA LLB (M 1970) 1989 - O CRAWFORD, Peter Stewart Ferguson MBE, (M 2014) 2018 - AD CRICHTON, Alan, MRICS (M 1995) 2006 - AB HACKETT, William Alfred Anthony, FSAScot, GI FIRE.E,(M 2013) 2017 - ED CROOK, Mrs Nancy (Agnes) Gina, DRSAM ARCO (M 1985) 1991 - F HALL, James Firth, FRICS FRVA FRSH ComendadorOM (Portugal) (M 1973) 1974 - ED HAMILTON, William Keir (M 1984) 1986 - G DALL, John Lamont Cameron, OBE MD FRCP DUniv(Ottawa) (M 1976) 1981 - G HAMLIN, Professor Michael John, CBE BSc LLD FEng FRSE, 1990 - O DENNIS, MDD, Ormond Pursuivant, Mark Donald, BA LLM (Cantab) J Dr FHSS, 2013 - F HAMMOND, Malcolm Turner (M 1982) 1985 - WL DEWAR, Mrs Florence Mary, (M 2000) 2006 - DG HARKNESS, Paul Kerr, MBE MTHEOL MA, 2018 - E DI MAIO, Mario, MA(Hons) DipEd (M 1979) 1992 - AB HARRIS, The Reverend Samuel McCurdy, BA BD (M 1995) 1999 - G DICK, Mrs Elizabeth Taylor (M 1997) 2000 - C HARVEY, William Bruce, (M 2011) 2015 - AD DICK, Leslie Milne (M 1997) 2001 - C HAY of DUNS, Mrs Aline Mary, MA (Hons), (M 2006) 2015 - ED DONALD, Kenneth Forbes, LLB NP (M 1983) 1986 - C HAY, James Taylor Cantlay, MBE BSc DTech FInstPet AAPG (M 1991) 1998 – AB DOW, Mrs Alice Margaret, BA(Hons) (M 1995) 1999 - DN HAY, Mrs Margaret Gibb (M 2001) 2003 - C DUCKWORTH, Malcolm, BSc (M 1978) 1979 – AB HENDRIE, William Fyfe, MA (M 1970) 1989 - WL DUDGEON, Miss Margaret (M 1959) 1966 - G HOLAK, Mrs Janet Mary, BA DipEd (M 1993) 1997 - DG DUFF, John Edward Murray, BEM (M 1976) 1980 - AB HULBERT, Dr John Kenneth MacDonald, MB ChB MD, 2011 - PK DUNCAN, Mrs Frances Elsbeth, OBE JP, 1999 - AD HUMPHREY, James Malcolm Marcus, CBE DL MA FRICS, 1971 - AB DUNDEE, The Earl of, 1980 - F HUNTER, Charles John, BSc PhD CChem MRSC (M 1981) 1992 - AB DUNDEE, The Countess of (M 1999) 2003 - F HUNTER, Mrs Eileen Elizabeth (M 1999) 1905 - ED DUNN, John (M 1987) 1992 - C HUTCHISON, Miss Sylvia Rose Bruce, (M 2003) 2010 - H 20 21 INNES, Raymond William (M 1991) 1996 - G McADAM, Mrs Margaret, (M 2003) 2009 - G INNES of LEARNEY, Miss Sybil Marjorie (M 1992) 1996 - ED McEWAN, Dennis Fraser (M 2000) 2003 - ED INNES of LEARNEY, Thomas, BSc, 1955 - AB McINNES, Atholl John, BSc FCIOB FBEng MRICS, (M 2000) 2006 - WL McKERRELL of HILLHOUSE, Charles James Mure, 1985 - DG (tr) JACK, John, MBA MHSM DipHSM ACIS (M 1992) 1994 - WL McLAREN, Mrs Christina Forbes (M 1985) 1995 - PK JESSOP, Thomas Findlay (M 1999) 2003 - G McLAREN, The Reverend William, MA BD, (M 1998) 2012 - AD JOHNSTON, George Andrew, HNC DipTechE (M 1985) 1990 - WL McLEAN, David Logan, FSAScot, (M 2003) 2016- ED JOHNSTON, Lt. Colonel Grenville Shaw, OBE TD CA, 2011 – H McLELLAN, David Kenneth, LLB WS (M 1989) 1992 - ED JONES, Brigadier Glynne Rhys Baylis OBE QVRM TD MB BCh FRCP Edin MRCS LRCP 1992 – McVITTIE, Stuart,(M 2009) 2015 - DG G (tr) MEALOR, Professor Paul, BA PhD DMus FUniv FRSA, 2017 – AB MENNIE, Miss Lesley Elizabeth, LLB DipLP (M 1993) 2003 - AB KELLY, Mrs Fiona Alexander, RGN (M 1988) 1990 - G MIDDLETON, Alexander S (M 1981) 1984 - AD KELLY, Michael, CBE JP PhD BSc LLD, 1983 - G MILLAN, William Ian, MBE DA(Edin) (M 1993) 1998 - WL KITSON, Mrs Kathleen Pinkerton (M 1991) 1993 - G MILLER, Mrs Susan Blanche, MCSP (M 1982) 1985 - ED MILNE, Peter Sharp, BSc CEng MICE MIHT (M 1993) 1998 - F LAING, Mrs Elizabeth Scott, (M 2003) 2012 - F MITCHELL, Mrs Elizabeth Hogg, DCE (M 1988) 1991 - WL LAMB, Mrs Sheina Barclay (M 1978) 1982 - G MITCHELL, Mrs Lilian, RGN RM (M 1991) 1995 - G LAMONT, Malcolm John McKay, (M 2011) 2016 - AB MITCHELL, Dr Tom, BSe (Hons) PhD CA, 2018 - E LANG, The Lord Ian, of Monkton, PC BA (M 1971) 1974 - G MOFFAT, Edward McKinlay (M 1980) 1984 - C LANGCAKE, Arthur (M 1997) 2006 - DG MONCRIEFF, Mrs Susan Mary (M 1995) 1998 - PK LAUDER, Mrs Muriel Alice, DCE DSpEd (M 1997) 2001 - WL MONTROSE, The Duke of, 1978 - DN LAVY, Timothy Edward, 2001 - G (tr) MOODIE, William McDougal, CBE QPM (M 1985) 1987 - F LAWRENCE, Mrs Lynn Margaret, (M 2015) 2018 - AD MORRIS of BALGONE and EDERGOLL the Younger, Stuart Gordon Cathal, DipSocSc, FRSA, LAWTIE, Andrew McNab, DL JP (M 1981) 2006 - AB (M2003) 2011 - F LAYDEN, Mrs Maria (M 1984) 1988 - DN MORRISON, Harvey Elmslie, LLB CA (M 1978) 1983 - AB LESLIE, Mrs Katrine Dorward (M 1964) 1966 - H MOSSON, Alexander Francis, 2000 - G LESLIE MELVILLE, Mrs Ruth Jacequelyn, MBE, 2008 – AD MUNRO, Miss Gillian Lesley,(M 2006) 2013 – G LOGAN, Reverend David Dudley John, BD (Hons) MA, (M 2013) 2018 - AD MURDOCH, David Macleod, BSc BArch(Hons) (M 1997) 2005 - PK LONGMORE, Alexander Bryan George, MA LLB (M 1976) 1984 - H MURNING, John, (M 2008) 2013 - C LOUDON, Colonel Angus John, MBE MPhil MA BA 2017 - ED MUSHET, Andrew, (M 2009) 2014 - G LYE, Carey David Thomas, RMN (M 1999) 2003 - G (tr) NEIL, Mrs Christina Liddell, (2006) 2013 - G MACAULAY, Mrs Marlyn Forsyth (M 1984) 1989 - C NICOL, William Alexander James (M 1966) 1974 - ED MACBRIDE, Mrs Sheena Heaton, FSAScot, Burgess of City of Aberdeen (M 1995) 2003 - AB NICOLSON, Mrs Hazel Muriel, BCom (M 1974) 1977 - ED MACDONALD, Ewen Alexander, (M 2012) 2017 - F NOTMAN, Thomas Ewan, (M 2005) 2014- ED MACDOUGALL, Ian Duncan (M 1995) 2003 - AD MACFARLANE, Graeme Edgar Walwin (M 1974) 1977 - DG OSBORNE, Mrs Georgiana Louise, BA JP, 2003 - AD MACKENZIE, Miss Fiona Mary Elspeth, RGN (M 1983) 1986 – PK MACLEOD, James Clement (M 1974) 1981 - G PATERSON, Mrs Isobel Donaldson Maxwell, BA DCE, (M 2003) 2006 – ED MALONE, James (M 1999) 2003 - C PATERSON, John Moore, JP MA Hons, (M 2006) 2015 - C MANN, David Harper, BArch DipTP RIBA FRIAS MRTPI (M 1977) 1979 – F PATTISON, Dorothy Wilkie, MB ChB (M 1997) 2000 - PK MANSFIELD, The Countess of, 1982 - PK PEARSON, Wayne Thomas, FCILT FILT FCMI, (M 2003) 2006 - ED MARSHALL, Dennis William, (M 2006) 2017 - WL PENDLEBURY, John Barrie, BSc CBiol MIBiol, ( M 2003) 2008 - ED MARTIN, Miss Elizabeth Limmond (M 1995) 1997 - C POVER, Major Douglas Brian, MBE GCGI MInstLM, (M 1998) 2008 - PK MATHESON, Jamie Graham, MSI(Dip) (M 1993) 1998 - G RAE, Samuel Irvine (M 2000) 2006 - F MATTHEWS, Barrie (M 1992) 1995 - G PROCTOR, Ronnie, MBE FSH Scot, 2018 - AD 22 23 RAE, Sir William, QPM, 2003 - G THOMSON, Mrs Aileen Beatrice, CertEd, (M 2003) 2009 - DG REID, Mrs Enid Barbara Newton, FBID (M 1982) 1985 - G TORPHICHEN, The Lord, 1978 - WL REID, Hamish Lochhead, LLB (M 1978) 1984 - G TORRANCE, Very Rev Prof Iain Richard, Kt TD DPhil DD DTheo LHD FRSE 2015 - AB RENNIE, Mrs Eleanor Margaret (M 1996) 2003 - AD TROTTER, Major Alexander Richard, JP FRSA, 2005 - ED REYNOLDS, John Michael, JP, 2006 - AB RIDDELL, Donald James, MIMgt MMS MRIPHH, (M1999) 2009 - G WADDELL, Kenneth (M 1987) 1990 - C ROADS, Mrs Elizabeth Ann, LVO FSAScot, 1998 - ED WADDELL, Robert Thomson, FBICS (M 1993) 1998 - C ROBB, John James (M 2000) 2006 - G WALLACE, Mrs Evelyn Scott (M 1989) 1993 - G ROBERTSON, Miss Aileen Janette, MBE (M 1994) 1996 - ED WALLER, Richard Patrick, 1997 - ED ROBERTSON, Mrs Vivienne Jane Margaret, (M 2010) 2016 – ED WARDROPE, Mrs Marion Hammond Hunter (M 1992) 1995 - S RORIE, Major Paul Andrew, TD BD GCGI MCollT FLastLM FSA Scot, (M 2011) 2018 – AB WARNER of CRAIGENMADDIE, James Gerald, MA FSAScot, 1970 - G ROSENBLOOM, Captain Geoffrey Harold (M 1978) 1984 - G WATSON, Derek John, (M 2006) 2018 - C ROSS-SMITH, Mrs June Elizabeth (M 1995) 2001 - H WATSON, Mrs Sheena McDougall, RGN SCM, (M 2000) 2008 - G ROXBURGHE, The Duke of, 1978 - ED WAY, George Alexander, Baron of Plean, LLB (Hons) FRSA FSA Scot SSC NP, (M 1999) 2017 - RUSSELL, Mrs Elizabeth Lithgow (M 1990) 1995 - C AD RUST, Michael Alexander (M 1990) 1998 - AB WESTMARLAND, The Reverend Colin Andrew, MBE BD (M 1990) 1993 - O WILL, Michael George Arthur, MBE BTh MEd MRes FCoT FRSA , (M 2011) 2018 - AB SCOTT, Mrs Alison Lees, (M 2001) 2006 - AD WILSON, Mrs Anne (M 1999) 2005 - ED SCOTT, Charles Marshall, LLB (M 1985) 1993 - AB WILSON, The Rt Hon Donald Caig, Joint BA (Hons) MSc 2015 - ED SCOTT, Miss Mary Margaret, MA RGN SCM (M 1993) 1996 - WL WILSON, Mrs Dorothy Johnston (M 1990) 1998 - C SCOTT, Michael, MA BD, 1949 - O WILSON, James Wiseman, OBE (M 1980) 1997 - G SCOTT, Robert, DL JP VMSM MBChB MD FRCSG FRCS(Ed) FSAScot (M 1998) 2001 - G WILSON, Robert Livingstone (M 1987) 1993 - C SEARIL, Mrs Jean Hill Armour (M 2006) 2012 - G WYPER, John Forrester Brown, BSc MB ChB FRCOG, 1970 - AB SHEPHERDSON, William Cowell, MSAAT FSAScot FFB (M 1984) 1990 - G SIMPSON, William Frank MacFarlane, BSc CEng MICE MIWEM MIIA (M 1984) 1987 - ED YOUNG, Graham John (M 1992) 1996 - WL SINCLAIR, Mrs Dorothy Eleanor, ERD (M 1993) 1996 - PK SKENE, Mrs Alison Jean Katherine, DL MA (M 1987) 1999 - AB MEMBERS (MStJ) SKILLING, Alan John, BA CA (M 1990) 1992 - C SLACK, Robin James, JP MIDiagE (M 1994) 1996 - ED ACHESON, David, MBE FSA Scot, 2018 - C SMITH, Andrew Ian, (M 2015) 2017 - ED ADAMS, Colin, 2016, - C SMITH, Iain Jackson, CA (M 1989) 2003 - G ALEXANDER, Thomas Dougald, 2016 - G SMITH, Lady (M 1973) 1978 - PK ANDERSON, Graham, 1986 - C SMITH, William John (M 2001) 2003 - H ARCHIBALD, Michael Andrew, CA, 2003 - PK SMOLLETT of BONHILL, Mrs Georgina Myra Albina Telfer (M 1958) 1961 - DN ARCHIBALD, Mrs Rona Margaret, BA, 2005 - PK SPENCE, Mrs Hazel Murray, (M 2006) 2018 - AD ARMSTRONG, Adam McCreath, 1999 - G SPENCER-NAIRN, Christopher Frank, JP MA MBA FCA (M 1997) 2005 – H ASTBURY, Mrs Agnes Hilda, BSc, 1992 - C SPENS, John Alexander, MVO RD BA LLB WS, 1988 - DN ATHERFOLD, David, MBA BSc, 1998 – F STEEL, Alison, PgD BSc RGN RM, (M 2006) 2013 – G STEPHEN, Peter James, MCIBS, 2009 - AB BAGLOW, Mrs Elizabeth Balfour, 2005 - F STEVEN, The Reverend Harold Andrew Maclean, L.Th FSAScot, (M 2010) 2015- G BAIN, Neil Kynoch, 2006 - AB STEWART, Mrs Penelope Marion Theodosia, RGN (M 1996) 2001 - DG BALFOUR, Major Roderick Andrew Christopher, TD MA MLitt LLB, 1997 - H STIRLING, Mrs Ann Grant (M 1996) 2005 - WL BARCLAY, The Reverend Iain Cameron, MBE TD MA BD MTh MPhil PhD, 2006 - AB SUTHERLAND, Mrs Jeanette (M 1997) 2000 - C BARR, Miss Rosemary Milner Fillans, DIPBS, 2011 - G SUTHERLAND-FISHER, John Mark, LLB(Hons) DipLP NP (M 1988) 1992 - H BEATSON, Andrew George, DA, 2003 - PK SUTTON, Colin, DFM (M 1984) 1995 - H BEATSON, Mrs Patricia Anne, 2003 - PK 24 25 BEEDIE, Colin Watson, 2018 - AD DUNCAN, Mrs Rhona Anne, 1986 - G BELL, Dr Niall, BSc(Hons) PhD MIBiol, CBiol, 1999 - AB EASTMOND, Clifford John, 2015 - AB BINGHAM, Mrs Shirley, 2012 - G EASTON, David Thomas Ronald, ALA, 1984 - ED BINNIE, Mrs Margaret, 1994 - ED ELLINGTON, Mrs Karen Leigh, 1989 - AB BIRSS, The Reverend Alan David, MA BD, 1995 - G ELLVERS, Iain Forest McLaren, 2014 - AD BLACK, The Very Reverend Leonard Albert, 2008 - H ENOS, John Charles, 2008 - AA BOYD, Charles William, MBA BSc BA, 2016 - ED BRANSON, Alfred James William, FRICS, 1996 - ED FERGUSON, Mrs Catriona Roberta, 1997 - C BREADEN, The Very Reverend Robert William, Dean of Brechin, 2001 - AD FERGUSON, John Bell, MB ChB MRCPsych BSc, 1996 - WL BROWN, Mrs Anne Patricia, 1998 - G FERGUSSON-CUNINGHAME, Mrs Rose-Ann, 2010 - AA BROWN, Miss Christabelle, MBE BA, 1988 - ED FINDLAY, Mrs Margaret Elizabeth, 1980 - DG BROWN, Mrs Margaret Auld, 2001 - WL FINLAY, Bryan, BEM, 2018 - E BRYSON, Hugh, 2005 - G FLAVELL, Miss Amy Jane, 1998 - C BULLOUGH, John Louis, 2016 – PK FRASER, Peter Kerr, MA(Hons) MIMIS, 2000 - AB BURNS, Mrs Alison Margaret, 2018 - DG FRASER, Roland Lovat, OBE FRAeS, 1986 - AD BURTON, William Rollin Michael, 2000 - G FULTON, Mrs Evelyn, 2000 - DG BUTCHART, Mrs Euphemia Murie, 1984 - F FYFE, Mrs Mary Rhoda, OBE MCSP, 2003 - F

CAMERON, Gerard James Saunders, 1986 - PK GALBRAITH, Alexander, CLJ FSAScot AIMgt, 1982 - G CAMPBELL, Mrs Aline Margaret, RGN RM, 2012 - G GALLACHER, Daniel Iber, FCCA ATII, 2006 - C CAMPBELL, Alison Marion– MRIPHH REHIS , 2006 - DN GALLOWAY, Mrs Isabelle Winifred, RGN ONC, 1991 - ED CAMPBELL, The Reverend Roderick Duncan MacKenzie, TD BD FSAScot, 1994 - ED GARDINER, Peter, FCCA ATII, 1977 - C CAMPBELL, Rt Hon The Lord Walter Menzies, of Pittenweem, CH CBE PC MA LLB LLD QC , GARDNER, Mrs Jean, 2001 - C 1965 - F GAUNT, Neil, BArch (Hons) RIBA RIAS, 2018 - PK CARCARY, James McFarlane, 2005 - PK GEDDES, Robert Granger, BEd, 2012 – G CATTO, Lady, LLB NP, 1992 - AB GIBB, David Thomas Sinclair, 2017 - WL CAYZER, Nigel Kenneth, 2005 - AD GIBSON, Cameron Alfred, 2015 - G CHALMERS, Mrs Alison Mary, 2017 - DG GILHOOLY, Laurence John, Master Mariner FG, 2001 - ED CHAPPELL, Derek Guy, MIPM, 1992 - AB GILLESPIE, Alastair Alfred Bell, 1978 - O CLARK, James Ferrie, Dip Ex Des, 2018 - F GILMOUR, William, 2008 – G COLMAN, John Haig, ISM, 2008 - F GOOCH, Mrs Ann Patricia, BSc CCETSW GSCCM, 1995 - AD COMRIE, John Stewart, 2016 - G GORDON, Andrew David, BSc FBOM DMS, 1976 - AB COOK, Mrs Margaret, 2012 - ED GORDON, Frederick Charles Andrew, DipRMS, 1981 - AB COUTTS, Herbert, AMA FMA FSAScot, 1977 - ED GOURDIE, Mrs May Smith, 1993 - ED CRILLY, Mrs Aileen Jean, 1985 - ED GOURLAY, Andrew, 2003 - AD GOWANS, Miss Alana, 2010 – AD DAVIDSON, Mrs Lorne Montgomery, RGN, 1992 - AB GRANT, Mrs Elizabeth Amelia, 2015 - PK DENHOLM, Alastair Kennedy, FUniv FCIBS FInstP, 1977 - G GRAY, Ian Lang Holmes, ACII FCILA, 2001 - G DICKSON, George Roberts, 1985 – DN GREEN, Judge Alexander, MStJ M.Theol (Hons) LL.B LLM M.LiH FSA Scot, 2019 - AB DOWNIE, Mrs Elizabeth Mabel, 1996 - O GREEN, Major Michael Alan, TD, 2003 - AB DOWNS, Mrs Christina MacKenzie, 2005 - DN GREEN, Robin Michael, BA PhD FRAS, 1970 - G DRUMMOND, Mrs Heather Anne, 1987 - G GREER, Mrs Margaret, 2018 - WL DRUMMOND, Mrs Violet Agnes Mary Hepburn, DipCOT, 1977 - PK GRIEVE, Harald Gilbertson, 1993 - G DUNCAN, Mrs Agnes Dickson, 2005 - G GRIEVE, Miss Samantha, 2018 - E DUNCAN, Anthony Mark,DRSAM PG GSM, 2010 - G DUNCAN, Mrs Jess Lawson Love, 2017 - AA HAMILTON, Henry Alan Shanks, DA ARIAS RIBA, 1985 - AB 26 27 HAMILTON, John Patterson, QPM BA(Hons) MBA BSc, 1999 - O MACPHERSON, Mrs Rebecca Amer, 1980 - G HAMLET, Major Carlos, MBE, 2018 - E MACRAE, Hugh Charles Edward, MA, 1998 - PK HAY, Henry, 2005 - DG MACRAE, Colonel James Robert, MBE TD, 2003 - PK HENERY, Mrs Margaret Agnes Henderson, 1998 - WL MACRAE, Malcolm Charles, BSc(Hons) MSc, 1992 - ED HILL, Michael Henry James, OBE MA BSc, 2005 - AD MALCOLM, Edward Anderson, 1999 - WL HILLS, Mrs Lesley Joan, ACIBS, 1988 - O MANSELL, Philip, 1990 – H (tr) HOGARTH, Mrs Janice Lynne, 2018 - E MARSHALL, Harley Hamilton, OBE, 1974 - G HOGG, Hope Berthe Turner, MB ChB DPM, 1998 - G MARSHALL, Mrs Sandra, 2006 - WL HOPKINS, Dennis John, 2000 - H MARTIN-BATES, Graham Robert, DipEd, 1998 – PK HOWARTH, Mrs Jean Leckie, 1996 - O MATHEWSON, Mrs Pearl, 2010 - G HOY, Ronald Pullar, 1995 - F MATTHEWS, Mrs Margaret Lamont MacDonald, RGN SCM, 1998 - S HUTTON, Alasdair Henry, OBE TD, 2014 -ED MATTHEWS, Mrs Marlene McCulloch, 1998 - F MAUGHAN, Francis William, Dip Arch, 2011 - AB INNES, Mrs Janette Paterson Hart, 2005 - G MCALEER, Mervyn Gerald Keith, 2013 – DG MCCORKELL, Harry James Michael, 2016 - ED JACKSON, Richard MacNaughton, 2014, G McDONALD, Edward Graham, BSc DipEd, 1979 - AB JEFFREY, Miss Lily Isobel Hume, FRCOT, 2000 - O McEWAN, Joan, 2009 – ED JERDAN, David, FRICS, 2000 - G McEWAN, Murray Robertson, MCPara, 2013 - AD JONES, Ian Stewart, BSc, 1984 - AD McFARLANE, Kenneth, 2005 - PK MCGHEE, William Ramsey, 2015 - H KELLY, John Lewis MBE, 2017 - DN McGILL, Mrs Unity, 1985 - G KENDALL, Arthur, 2012 - PK McHALE, Mrs Margaret, 1993 - ED KENNEDY, Kenneth Donald, MA FSAScot, 2000 - G McHARDY, Mrs Carolyn, 1988 - G KENNON, William Stanley, 1985 - DN McKENNA, Alan Lawrence, 1994 - ED KINNEAR, Edith Ann Mary Munro, CIWO, 2006 ED McKENZIE, Justice Donald Cameron Moffat, JP FFA FIM, 1978 - PK KIRKWOOD, Warren, 2016 - ED McMAHON, Mrs Janette Blair, 1999 - DG McMASTER, Major William Crawford, 2005 - H LEGGAT, Mrs Christina Crawford, 1973 - G McPHERSON, Mrs Mary, 2018 - AB LEYLAND, Mark, BScHons, 2003 - DN McPHERSON, Norman George, 2018 - AB LOBAR, Paul Telford, Lt Col, 2014 - H McQUEEN, Ferguson, QVMSM, 1995 - AB LOUGHRIDGE, Mrs Jessie Dougall, 1970 - ED McROBBIE, Ian Simpson, MB ChB MRCGP FFOM DIH DObstRCOG, 1989 - ED (tr) LOW, Robert Andrew Lochhead, TD MB ChB FRCSG FRCOG, 1995 - G McSPORRAN, Duncan, BA, 2010 - G LYE, Mrs Pamela Joyce, 2002 - G (tr) McWHANNELL, Wilfred Alan, FISTC FSAScot, 2003 - G MELVIN, Mrs Claire Christina Eleanor, 2014 - DN MACAULAY, Brian John Ballantyne, BVMS MRCVS, 1984 - C MIDDLETON, Mrs Yvonne Marjorie, 1984 - AD MACBEAN, Colonel Malcolm, MBE, 2011 - H MILLAR, Geoffrey Thomas, MB ChB FRCSEd FRCOphth, 1993 - F MACBRIDE, Christopher David, 2008 - AB MILLER, Kenneth Alexander Hugh, 2015 - F MACDONALD, Michael, BSc (Hons), 2014 – H MILLER, Roger Ogilvy Stewart, BSc FCIOB, 1989 - ED MACINTYRE, Neil MacVicar, 2000 - DG MITCHELL, Michael James, 2001 - AD MACKAY, John Ingram, 2013 - H MITCHELL, Steven John, 2017 – AB MACKENZIE, Gordon Andrew, MA FCIS AIIMR MSI FSAScot, 1997 - ED MONTGOMERY, Miss Nanette Duncan Whyte, 1987 - C MACKENZIE, Ms Hilary Jane Douglas MORRIS, Miss Agnes Robertson, 1995 - ED MACKENZIE, Kenneth, MBE, 1982 - H MORRIS, Miss Anne Jessie MacKenzie, OBE, 2014 - F MACKINNON, Mrs Dawn Maria, 2017 – AB MORRIS OF BALGONIE, Kelly Dianne, 2016 - F MACLEAN, Alasdair Donald Ferguson, TD BA (Hons) MSc MCIPR FHEA, 2018 - AD MORRISON, Dr Ian, PhD FRCP EDIN, 2018 - PK MACLEAN, Neil Mackinnon, MB ChB FRCGP DMJ, 1980 - G MOUTREY, David, 2005 - S 28 29 MOWAT, Mrs Eileen Stark, 2000 - AD RITCHIE, Professor Donald, Andrew, CBE DL FRSE, 2016 - ED MULLIGAN, William, 2018 - AD ROLLAND, Neil, 2017, AD MULLOY, Steven John, 2017, AB ROSS, Clive Ritchie, FCii, 2012 - AD MUNRO, Mrs Margaret Bartholomew, 2006 – G ROSS, Mrs Kathryn Margaret Greig, FSAScot, 1987 - AD MURDOCH, Rev John Alastair Hilton, 2011 – PK RUSSELL, Colin Caldwell, 2016 - G MURPHY, John Storrar, MA, 1971 - C RUSSELL, George McLaren Bell, 1989 - C RUSSELL, William Grant, 2006 - H NICOL, Douglas Carnegie, 1998 - AD SCOTT, Mrs Helen Diack, MCSP, 1906 - DG ORR, Stuart, 1987 - G SCOTT, Mrs Janette Johnstone Chalmers, SRN SCM BTA HV, 1997 - G OSWALD, Edwin Thomas, 2000 - AD SCOTT, Peter Borthwick, DipEd AIBScot, 1999 - ED SEGGIE, Miss Erica Ann, 2017, DG PAGAN, Charles William, MBE DL TD BA LLB FRSA WS, 2001 - F SHANKS, Robert McDonald Johnston, 1988 - H PAISLEY, Peter Craig, OBE, 1974 - DN SHARP, Mrs Muriel Anne, 1999 - AD PARK, Mrs Mary Murray, RGN, 1983 - G SHERMAN, David, MBE, 2010 - PK PARKER-JERVIS, Mrs Marigold Elizabeth, 2006 - H SLOAN, Mrs Lynne, MA (HONS) MA, 2018 - WL PARSONS, Lawrence James, 2015 - H SMITH, Mrs Sheila R, DipCE, 1997 - WL PARSONS, Ronald Albert, 2003 - F SOMERVILLE, Miss Moira Collis, BA, 1997 - WL PARSONS, Mrs Sylvia Florence, 2015 - H SORBIE, Gavin, 1998 - S PATERSON, Mrs Ann, 1989 - Un SOUTH, Mrs Sandra, MBE, 1984 - H PATERSON-BURNSIDE, Robert, 2016, ED STEVENSON, Russell Gray, BSc(Hons) PhD, 1999 - AB PAUL, John Findlay Russell, BA CA, 1999 - C STEWART,Alexander James, BA (Hons), 2013 - PK PEARCE, John, FIMgt, 2003 - C STEWART, Joyce Margarert, 1983 - AB PEAT, Dr Robert, BA Hons, PhD, 2012 - AD STRAUBE, Gordon Alexander, 2006 - H PENN, Mrs Myra, 1988 - F PERRY, Reverend Mark, 2017 - H TANKARD, Mrs Ann MacLeod Lightbody, MA, 2001 - F PRENTICE, Donald Kerr, BSc CertEd DipPsych MSc, 2005 - H TAYLOR, Allan Watson, BSc(Hons) PhD ACA, 2006 - AB PRICE, Mrs Anne McLachlan, BSc PG Dip RGN, 2011 – G TAYLOR, The Reverend Baker Stephen Covington, 2016 - AB PRICE, Gordon, 2010 - G TAYLOR, Douglas Hunter, 2006 - G PRINCE, Roger Michael, 1985 - ED TAYLOR, Edward Graham Macdonald, 1982 - G PRITCHARD, Kenneth, 2017 - C TAYLOR, Mrs Hilda May, 1982 - O PROVAN, James, 2006 - WL TAYLOR, Matthew Charles, 1982 - O PURSER, David Herbert, TD MA, 1998 - AB TAYLOR, Mrs Nancy Christine, 1996 - AD THOMSON, David Martin, DipT.P MRTPI, 2013 – DG RAE, Alan, FTC AMIMI CertEd, 1999 - AB THORBURN, Mrs Margaret, 1985 - C RAMSAY, Mrs Margaret Elizabeth, 2003 - AD THORBURN, Stanley Russell, 1984 - C RAMSDEN, Rev Iain Ronald, BTh, 2011 - H THORNHILL, Mrs Sarah Ann, DipEd, 1994 - DG REDMOND, Robert Roy, 1991 – G TILLING, Mrs Margaret Meriel, MA, 1997 - ED REID, Joseph Robert, 2006 - G TULLOCH, Keith Farquhar, CA, 2010 – AA REID, Stephen James, FCSD, 1994 - G TURNBULL, Iain David, MA Hons Cert Camm Ed, 2018 - AD RENNIE, David Edward Gavin, 2006 - H REYNOLDS, Helen Christie, 2006 - AB URQUHART, Mrs Nancy Johnston, BSC, 2018 - AB RICHMOND, Henry William, FRSA FSAScot CQSW, 1978 - ED RIDDELL, Michael James, 1998 - AB WALKER, Mrs Ellen Meek Chalmers Prentice Sinclair, RGN, 2006 - DG RIDDICK, William Scott, 1999 - G WALKER, William, 1972 - AB RILEY, Gordon Douglas, SRpara, 1995 - AB WALLACE, Mrs Kathleen Elizabeth, RGN SCM NDNCert, 2000 - DG 30 31 WALTON, Mrs Carole, 1983 - G WARWICK, Mrs Christine Margaret, 1986 - PK (tr) In Grateful Memory WARWICK, The Reverend Ivan Corry, 2013 – H WATERSON, William John, 2018 - DG Amongst others lost to the Order over the past year were the following Grade II members. WATSON, Kenneth Matthew, 2000 - WL WATSON, Mrs Moira, 2018 - C Elisabeth Margaret Ross Forrest DStJ WATSON, Mrs Valerie Stewart Massie, 2003 - WL Born: 13 May 1922 WATT, James Richard, MA, 1976 - O Died: 22 December 2017 WEBSTER, Mrs Janice Helen, 2017, PK WEBSTER, Kenneth McDonald James, 1998 - AB Elisabeth Margaret Forrest was born Edinburgh and went to Rothesay House School, WEBSTER, Hon Mr Justice Robin Maclean, MBE RD BA(Cantab) FCIArb, 2012 - PK finishing her education at a boarding school, Chatelard, in Switzerland before training to WIGHT, Mrs Doris, 1994 - ED be a radiographer at The Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh. She spent the war years working at WIGHTON, Brenda Kidd, 2009 – AD hospitals in Scunthorpe before returning to Edinburgh for a short time. WILKIE, Brian Bennet, 1980 - AD WILLIAMSON, James Patrick McNeilly, 2016, AD In June 1948 she married John (Jack) Addie Forrest OStJ and moved to Glasgow, where WILSON, Mrs Elizabeth Alice, OBE BSc RGN RGM, 2003 - DG she lived until the mid 1970s and was an active member of the Glasgow committee WILSON, John Gordon, 2005 - ED of St John. Through her 25 years service, she served as Convenor of the Ladies of the WISHART, David, 2001 - F Association Committee, and as Vice-Chairperson of the Langside Residential Home WOOD, Roderick George, 2014 - H Committee. She continued to serve as a member of the Executive Committee after her WOOFF, Dr Jane Fraser, MB ChB DRCGP, 2001 - DG retirement from these roles in 1987. WOOLLEY, Charles, 2010 - H WOOLLEY, Ian, 2009 - H Often praised for her skill and devotion, Elisabeth was fondly remembered for making WYLLIE, Gordon Malcolm, LLB NP FSAScot TEP WS, 1999 - G jars of homemade marmalade for the residents at the original residential home at Mansionhouse Road, Glasgow, as well home baking and cakes for special birthdays for YARROW, Lady, JP, 1985 - G the elderly residents. She was involved with the planning of the new residence at 23 Mansionhouse Road, where her expertise came to the fore in the design of the kitchen layout, complaining that it had been designed by a man, who had never had to work in one!

A dedicated fundraiser, Elisabeth was involved in many events including coffee mornings and evening concerts, as well as running a catering stall in the early days of the Glasgow Marathon in the 1980s, to provide hamburgers for the runners and spectators as a fundraiser for the then Order of St John Association in Glasgow.

Elisabeth and Jack relocated to Lochgoilhead in Argyllshire until 2006, when they moved to Inchmarlo Estate, near Banchory, Aberdeenshire until her death in December 2017, aged 95.

Henry Tilling KStJ MA FSAScot Born: 24 January 1924 Died: 23 January 2019

Born in Dorset, Henry Tilling was involved throughout his long life in the Order of St John, joining St John Ambulance Brigade as a 15-year-old in 1938.

32 33 Mr Tilling’s passage through Oxford University was interrupted by the Second World War. The deaths of the following Order members are recorded with deep regret and with Taken prisoner at the Rhine Bridge in the disaster that followed Operation Market Garden, gratitude for the support they gave to the Order: the young Captain celebrated his 21st birthday as a PoW in Oflag VIIB in Bavaria. Gavin Cranston ARNEIL He became a divisional officer of St John Ambulance in London before a professional Jean BROWN promotion in 1977 – to chairman of the Scottish Post Office Board – saw him move north, Terence COLLINS where he retained his connection to the Order. Marjorie Stuart DONALDSON Agnes DUNBAR Invested as a Member of the Order of St John in Scotland in 1978, he eventually rose to Angela Pauline FARQUHARSON the rank of Knight in 1996. With his friend and fellow Knight, Charles Burnett, he co- Charles Patrick FLYNN authored a major account of the Order in Scotland across 120 years from 1879. Margaret Elizabeth FRASER William Alexander Elrick FRASER A career civil servant, Henry Tilling had followed his father into the GPO, before becoming Arthur Owen HAZEL private secretary to the Postmaster General, then Tony Benn. In his role as chairman of the James Carl HUTCHINSON Scottish postal Board, Mr Tilling also sat on CBI Scotland Council. William John KIRKPATRICK Patrick James LALLY With a lifelong interest in heraldry, Henry was also a long-standing member and office- Stanley Byron Logan LATIMER bearer of the Heraldry Society of Scotland. Clifford Cuthbert LUTTON John Hannah Forbes MACPHERSON Mr Tilling died a day short of his 95th birthday. William MAINLAND Peter Shearer MCGILL David Paton of Grandhome OBE KStJ DL FRICS DBA FSAScot Hamish Dickson MCLAREN Born: 5 March 1935 Audrey Wannan MORGAN Died: 4 February 2019 Lily Simpson Roger NEILSON Ronald Fraser RAFFAN David Paton was born the son of a half-Greek father, and a mother who had been a prison Mervyn James ROLFE visitor and founder of the family planning clinic in Aberdeen. He was dedicated to public Robertha Bain ROBERTSON life, and the legacy of his guidance and leadership – in business, arts, charities and the William David Hamilton SELLAR built environment – remains strong in the North-East. Joan Margaret SKILTON Jean Buchanan SOMMERVILLE Educated at Aberdeen Grammar School, Gordonstoun and Oxford, he began his working Elspeth Burrell SMITH life on a tobacco farm in what was then Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). He later Daphne Mary STEYN became holder of an honorary doctorate in business administration from Robert Gordon Andrew Leckie TANNAHILL University, laird and landowner. John William Bell TAYLOR Irene WALLACE of CAMPSIE Invested as a Member of the Order of St John in 1992, he was promoted through the Peter Alwyn WOODS grades thanks to his tireless local service, reaching Knight in 2007. Eric Grant YARROW

Among his professional achievements were a quarter of a century as board member and chairman of Aberdeen Harbour; a period which saw him steer the port into a new oil age. As chairman of the North East Scotland Preservation Trust, he led the saving of a historic tollhouse near Turriff, while his long-sighted support to reopen Aberdeen’s Tivoli Theatre – at the time thought beyond saving – now sees that theatre flourishing.

After suffering a long illness, David Paton died at home in February 2019, aged 83.

34 35 St John Scotland St John’s House 21 St John Street Edinburgh EH8 8DG

0131 556 8711 [email protected]