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[email protected]@britishsocialnews.org serviceservice personnelpersonnel andand veteransveterans SSeeee ppageage 7 & 1144 SSeeee ppageage 3 Vol. 28 No. 8 November 2010 Chilean Leader Presents Government Stakes Its Mine Rock To Queen Future On Austerity Plan TREASURY Chief George Osborne outlined the Key points of Chancellor George sharpest cuts to public spending since World War Osborne’s Spending Review II October 2 – slashing benefits and cutting public • About 490,000 public sector jobs likely to be lost sector jobs with an austerity plan aimed at clear- • Average 19 percent four-year cut in de- ing record debts that swelled during the global partmental budgets • Structural deficit to be eliminated by financial crisis. 2015 After the country spent billions bailing • £7bn in additional welfare budget cuts out indebted banks, and suffered a squeeze • Police funding cut by 4 percent a year on tax revenue and an increase in welfare • Retirement age to rise from 65 to 66 by bills, Osborne has staked the coalition 2020 government’s future on tough economic • English schools budget protected; £2bn remedies.