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• A'- \ ^ '1./ \1> mm Vol. 27—-No. 1 VILLANOVA COLLEGE, VILLANOVA, PA. Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1961 Wildcats Conquer Cadets

By TED SHEEHAN finally defeated Aniiy. With In this game the Wildcats Three Priests Advanced By Sport* Editor sophomore Ben Addiego scor- showed their superiority fi-om ing three times, twice on Bill the kickoff and weer able to WEST POINT, N. Y—After Brannau's passes, the Wild- ploy through the woefully Changes In Administration 36 years of hapless trekking cats downed the Cadets 21-7, weak defenses of the Army to the plains of West Point, the last Saturday before a crowd eleven almost at will. Villanova ttam of 17,000 at Michie Stadium. (Continued on Page 6) Fr. Burke Named Two '51 Graduates New Registrar Listed With New nvocation, Mass Mark First Day Naval Science are Lt. (An- issue of the Villanovan. thony DiVito, U.S.N., Lt. Rev. John Curran, O.S.A., Cmdr. O'Brien, U.S.N., Some 2000 students attend- that at a recent international consideration who also assumed his position Wm. of national and Lt. Cmdr. Harry Schard, ed the Solemn High Mass and conference of naval architects origin. last Spring, is now the Procur- S. N. the academic convocation in which he attended, the profes- acting ator for the College. This U. As head of the De- the Field House Friday, Sep- sional achievements of those partment position combines the posi- The Psychology department of Naval Architec- tember 21, as Villanova Col- present far outweighed tions of Purchasing Agent, acquired two new members, any (Contlnued on Pf t) lege formally opened its 109th Grounds Superintendent and Mr. Lester Recktenwald, As- year. Dining Room Supervisor. sistant Professor, and Mr. Highlight of the opening Father Burke received his Anthony Summo, Instructor. ceremonies was the presenta- degree in Electrical Engineer- Mr. Frank Metzler is an in- High Schools Hear INS Ace M " •' tion of the honorary degree of ing from Rensselaer Polytech- structor of Sociology. Doctor of Naval Science upon nic Institute in 1933 and his Villanova's present faculty George Charles Manning, At Fourth Press Conference Master's Degree from The now has nineteen less mem- Professor of Naval Architec- Catholic University in 1942. bers than last year, which is ture at Massachusetts Insti- He has been on the Villanova attributed to the post-war de- While most of Villanova packed their bags and headed tute of Technology. Faculty since that year. crease in student enrollment. up West Point way to watch the Wildcats tangle with President Celebrates Mass Army, approximately 2500 Catholic high school students The Solemn High Mass, gathered here for the fourth annual Catholic Press Con- celebrated by Very Rev. Field House Will Be Site off Annual ference. Francis X. N. McGuire, Keynoting the meeting O.S.A., president was sung by was an address by James J. One-Day Retreat ffor College Men the Seminarians from St. Kilgallen, famed reporter Mary's Hall. for the International News annual one-day fall re- The Father McGuire also de- Service. Mr. Kilgallen stress- Bciiii8at9 treat for the students will be livered a welcoming address ed the fine points of his ca- Services will open with held Thursday, October 4. Ac- at the convocation, which was reer in the newspaper bus- mass at 9 a. :00 m.in the Field opened by a procession of the iness and spoke of many of cording to an announcement House, where the entire re- faculty. his interesting experiences. by Rev. Edwin T. Grimes, treat will be held. Most Rev. Joseph A. Hickey, *'If I were seventeen again," O.S.A., college chaplain, Rev. Conferences will be held at O.S.A. , Prior General of the he said, "I'd do it all over W. C. Faunce will conduct the 11 :00 a. m., and again at 2 :00 Augustinian Order, along again — be a newspaper- retreat. p. m. with Father McGuire, con- man." Father Grimes emphasized The day will conclude with ferred the degree to Prof. Famed War Correspondent that the retreat is scheduled a Holy Hour at 3 :30. Through- Manning. Considered one of the ab- for Thursday, the 4th. The out the retreat confessions In an acceptance speech, lest correspondents during student handbook erroneously will be heard in the Field Mr. Manning expressed his NEWSMAN nLGAUEN World War II. Mr. Kilgallen stated that the retreat was to House. Confessions are listed thanks upn receiving the traveled with the Navy in ,_ "Do it over ^ ' again" beheld the 6th. m^' ^Continued on Pa^e 4) honorary degree and noted (CoailniMd on Bi(« 7)

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?•«• 3 P«ff« 2 THE VILLANOVAN TimmUt, OtI. 2, 1961 TuMday, Oct 2, 1961 THE VILLANOVAN

' KoenigKillers *Kill Kick The Ball Up The Center; «A Again Sly Senior Sleuth A Little Wobble Can Mean Lots ByJimGriflbi FreshmaR-Saiior "Vonibec" Pasha Toughens Editor's note—Senior Mascueh, the author By Southlcind Summer of this expose, was given an assignment to There is a trend. It is a catchwords and quaint MAIN LINE PERAMBULATIONS The doors of our old Alma Navy CriiM Sees out the on this orientation trend that has been running phrases—we are those at Mater were open a short time ago to welcome her **find lowdown thrown Sophomore Middies For War business**. Donning a long-unused blue dink, for years, perhaps even for whom the effort is aimed. returning fiock as well as a number of starry-eyed, enthu- Europeiji^Perts he sallied forth into the arms of Koenig's centuries, but never quite so Similarly we average people siastic, collegiate-clad Freshmen Yes, all were greeted

to . . eNuhy killers of the Orientation Committee. Here's near the surface of tilings are the concern of the spir- with a piece of slate from the heights of Mendel Hall. By Joseph M By Ja€h Rmdmond as it now seems to be. itual leaders puz- what happened: To who see where , .V This operation has many of the residents in Mendel Anchors aweigh, and read those who hold it in high fa- secularism can lead, who see zled, of course, the Frosh are the most confused. One Back to civilian life again South, from every siding along By Jo—ph Mascueh all about it! On June 4, sixty- vor, it seems merely to be the clever prying-bar tactics frosh complained that he had no roof in his room but a are the thirty-five second the route. two Villanova midshipmen, common sense; a slightly being employed, and the grad- white cap answered him readily with "That's all right, kid, classmen of Villanova's N.R. But meals along the way My friend had definitely made up' his sophomores and sleniors, left more antagonistic group ual drift of common action in the fellows upstairs don't walk around much." O.T.C. Back to the comforts were good 1 1 Saturday the din- mind. "Joe," he laid (he calls me Joe), Norfolk, Va., for their eight might label it secularism; its the wrong direction. of the campus are the ensigns ing ear served a delicious GI ''you are going to be a Freshman tomor- clad individual week summer training cruise. mortal enemies name it what FRESHMEN FOLLIES: Who was the beanied of 1963 after six weeks of the meal of Virginia baked row!" In a moment of acute weakness, Feel Important The purpose of this cruise was it is: godlessness. •who, complete with button, rolled trousers, and newly finest Marine discipline pos- ham. Sunday morning they my will power not working too well, I It makes one feel slightly to train the sophomores in the The first and last groups are acquired bpoks, walked down the middle aisle a few half sible. marched thru Macon for ham agreed, tiding to smile through it all and important to consider the three basic shipboard depart- the clean-cut division, the pros hours late at the last convocation? The fact that he inter- Our land cruising middies and eggs. At noon it was do my best for realism and the Villanovan. effort that is directed in in- ments, operations, gunnery and the cons, the atheists who rupted the President's speech and disturbed the whole will long remember the blis- (Georgia baked ham in Colum- I would once again become an underclass- fluencing him. And that is and engineering, and to give i brazenly deny the very exis- assembly wasn't too out of the ordinary but—What is he tering heat of The Amphib bus. At evening tide a dining man to study the unique problems facing exactly how we should feel the seniors practical work in tence of a Supreme Personal going to do with the books? Oh, well, as the old saying base at Little Creek, Va., the car was added. The menu? the orientating Freshman, although I about the trends of our age. — navigation and leadership. Creator, and (lie men of faith goes "You can always tell a Freshman but you can't thoughtthe transformation would be easier For we are important ; in fact, The middies were embarked and intellect who see the tell him much!" for a Sophomore. we are vital. In the last analy- on various ships including the danger for what it is and sis it ia individuals who maJce ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS: The bill board across the battleships Missouri and Wis- Here We Go Agmn choose to fight it. up a crowd, and individual Pike which was formerly used to announce "home" ball consin. Rev. John A. Klekotka, Drifting thought which makes A brand ne wvolume of the paper and a Akmff a trend. games is blank this year—Can't underatand why? Of O.S.A., was aboard the Wis- fresh new start of another year. It's the lat- Perhaps more of us lie in It is therefore quite neces- course, there was an individual who couldn't stand the consin as the faculty repre- B the middle category: the sary that we realize our it est lap in our yearly hurdle race, the one that own sight of the big white monster. . . .He had to decorate sentative for Villanova. drifters, the large majority place in the gives higher hurdles as grand prize. scheme of our with an appropriate slogan for the Army game. . . . Teh, Practical Demonstrations who feel helpless to attempt society. For in this , > frame of tch, Sech langoowege. . . . Who noticed the Books for sale Practical demonstrations of The dmft, exams and similar problems to stem or turn tides of human mind we will hardly need to be sign on the Pie Shop (College Store to the Frosh) bulletin depth charge attacks and star may be bothering us now, but it's all part of thought and action. Perhaps reminded that each time we . . . board. . . . "Sale, almost brand new—Hardly used." shell illumination aided in our basic training for life after college. Which most of us lie in that large, turn against the tide of sec- Typically C&F. making the cruise a far cry brings us right to the reminder at hand' — ularism little. rather undefined center, that we gain a Each from '*textbook" learning . what to do now to prepare ourselves for this center which seems so easily time we se^k to be motivated LYNX ENLIGHTENING: No longer will a tract be necessary The only great unpleasant- cold, cruel world. lead, so weak, and yet actually by the final end rather than in order to reap an understanding of the Literary Lynx. . . ness encountered was a ter- holds in its grasp po- the proximate one, by the love regime is endeavoring to deviate from the archaic This -start of a new year gives a renewed more The new rific storm in the North tential for effective action of Christ in preference to the English spelling and pronunciation which in past years opportunity to make the most of our training. Atlantic during which about than either of the other two. affections of wooing but has been its policy. ... All Villanovans should acquire a boys in And this year we have been more incentive to ( ninety percent of the For we ARE the humanity erring philosophers, just so copy of the forthcoming issue which is now ready to go blue helped to "feed the make it worth while. We have been lucky of this twentieth centurv ; we many times are we placing press. fishes". enough to return, and now is no time to sit are those who pick and choose, stones on the only barricade in the academic ivory CINEMA CAPERS: *The Big Carnival," a flick concerning Uberty is High Point tower ignoring the rest judge and determine our that can stop the fiow of non- of the world. the evil doings of a newspaperman, is getting the best of The high point of the cruise course at every turn of the God materialism. It is well liberty rolled the boys on the campus green. . . . Joe Mascueh wants to was when The present job is our education; the ways; and for that very rea- within our power. If the ball bury Bill Brody in the hole around the new chimney and around in the ports of Edin- goal, service to ourselves and our country and son we are those at whom the wobbles it is because we didn't then crawl in and feed him sandwiches for a two month burgh, Scotland; Oslo, Nor- to God. There's no need to beat that idea into bombasto of atheistic mater- kick it up the center. Goteburg, Sweden period He figures that it will take this long to make an way ; SUMMEinME 8AILOIS from Villaova aboard the U. S. S. anyne's head. all realize the duty, ialism, with all its subleties We're on Christ's teani-^ Lis- We even effective story since the Villanovan is a weekly publication. Copenhagen, Denmark; Wisconsin the way to Scotland. Top row: Tom Kern, Tom Rus- **KILLEB" KOCNIG, chmn. of the orientation and modifications, all Its let's not foul up. ^ >< ^ though it may tflk a litt'e effort to make the bon, Portugal; Cherbourg, Middle row: Jim committee, gives the White Hat treatment to INTO THE BLUE: Without a doubt, the comic "Space sell, John Gilman, Bob Sur, Bart Moynahan. rood intentions show. But all it takes is that UP France ; and Rotterdam. bewildered frosh on Porter. Jim Campbell, Sunday Danaher. Paul Czesok. Fev. John Klekotka, O. S. A., NROTC Cadet" is coming to the foreground as the leading (>slo and Lisbon the little effort. SEMESTER CHAPEL NOHCE At Lou Obeirle, McNelis. First row: John Bahm. Don I chaplain, Ed stands by as model for fall styles among Villa- favorite since the triple decker beds have been introduced Middies were guests at em- Incidentally, we are gl>

^ t' \t—' i^a ,\it fri .K^ .

Pat« 4 THE VILLANOVAN Tuetdaj, Oet. 2, 1951 TiMMlay, Oct. 2, 1951 THE VILLANOVAN Fmgm 5

Student Council Convenes Second Death Sinetiary Society Meets Tonite (Continued from Page 2) FROSH TEAMS MERGE WITH VARSITY '1 edge, I could hardly speak, I To Draw PIim for Comiiic Year < With Delaney As Chairman even ate chow. Once in my room I was thankful it was The Sanctuary Society will for all day adoration of over. I returned my beanie The first JIM hold the meeting of the REPLACES LEONARD Rallies RAIMO Pep Planned to my trunk and wrote out Blessed Sacrament, to be held ART Frosh Lay Hopes my copy, satisfied that Carl year this eveniiig inunediately at First Meeting on every First Friday. This Koenig and Company would after evening Chapel in the sure Freshman devotion will begin this Fri- On Fidd Day fo make the Basement Seminar Room of New ECAC Riling Considerable business was were orientated. All things Brinss Alumni the Library. day and continue for the en- befifun last nig^ht at the first weighed, I'd rather be a official meeting of the Student End Orientation tire scholastic year. senior. I was content with The society, directed by Staff of Bell Mikes Freshmen Council of the academic year. my accomplishment until Anthony Tranelli, President, The Rev. Edward T. Grimes, Presiding over the meeting Freshman are looking for- that evening when I realized will make arrangements for O.S.A., moderator of the So- Varsity Material was Council chairman Thomas ward to the conclusion of the One Day Retr^t to be held And Michaels that I could have gotten ciety, will address the group, Delaney, a senior in the orientation on October 11. realism in another way. this Thursday. Plans will also and he requests that those in- By Bud RttMWO Marketing department of the This year's freshman class, I I be for the coming re- Someday must ask why drawn The profiframs at the Wild- Commerce and Finance school. although possessing fewer couldn't have been a white ligious activities of the Col- terested in joining the Society cat grid contests will show a Villanova, since the new Minutes of the final meet- veterans than any class since lege, including assignments I will attend this meeting. hat for a day. major change this fall, the the war, has been complain- ECAC ruling last year which name of Arthur F. Raimo ing a bit about its Fresh- orientation. replacing that of Jim Leonard provided that incoming Many call it "kid stuff" or in the space reserved for man are eligible candidates "high school foolisiiness," not "Head Football Coach." The for the varsity teams, has realizing that the main pur- illustrious fullback of the mid- dropped Freshman activities. pose of orientation is to help 30's Blue and White elevens to weld their class The reason that intercollegi- into a unit. moved from player to back- Its main purpose, say the Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests ate games between Freshman field coach and has now as- Student Handbook, is to foster cended to the top spot vacated teams Jiave been abandoned is in all freshman a love for their v*x in July by Leonard. that the best players of Fresh- college and to promote a Art's promotion, announcd man squad which are allowed hear^ cooperation in all col- No. 22 . . .THE WOODPECKER

f "• .J shortly after Leonard resigned lege activities and interests. to play with the varsity, will V due to the pressure of busi- Freshman orientation this then be ineligible to play ness, was popularly received year began' at the last table '•">' '\- Freshman ball. It is therefore by football followers through- THOMAS DELANET in the Field House on Regis- out the east and especially by considered that the best policy ; Student Council Leader tration Day. The dinks, but- y the band of gridders which will be to eliminate them com- tons and rolled-up cuffs dis- ing of last year were read and he leads into Villanova's tinguished them from the pletely. Delaney then appointed stand- "toughest-ever" schedule this other undergraduates. A In the coming basketball ing committees on Spirit, month. Raimo has selected Election, special program was put into season at the Field House, the and Ways and two former teammates to the Wildcats to victory last Saturday over Army, are all effect for the freshman on COACHING STAFF who led Means. assist him in handling the time that was originally al- Tuesday, Wednesday and Villanova grads. Left to right, Alex Bell, '38, end coach; Art Raimo. '38, head coach; Eddie ;/ RaOies Planned club. Ed Michaels, all-time loted to Freshman basketball, Thursday of registration Michaels. '36, line coach. All three coaches were teammates during the 1935 season when Villanovan and AU-American The Council plans to have week. Micheals was Wildcat captain and first Villanovan to receive AU-American recognition. will be used by Intramural football guard in 1935 is the new line rallies prior to some Froisih Welcomed teams, picked by the Intra- of the major games this year. mentor while Alex Bell left Among those who addressed mural BasketbaU a sterling scholastic coaching Committee. Council President Delaney the new students were: Rev. X-Country mark behind to tutor the ends. Wildcat's 150 lb. Team Team Coach Art Raimo, however, said that this will first be dis- E. B. McKee, O.S.A., vice- iar& inclines to believe that this cussed with college authori- president of Villanova, Mr. The new head coach has ties. Mainline staff for Bows to Army will • been on the in the long the Eugene Powers, director of /•;;";'; run hurt •''.//i-y?^ as backfield Out For 51: Back In 52 Before the meeting ad- intra-mural sports; Rev. JBd. five years, serving Freshman. For these boys are journed plans for the election under T. Grimes, O.S.A., college A mentor 28-40; Ravy Next just out of High or Prep of a new Secretary-Treasurer, for the first three and aiding chaplain; Rev. 1). P. Falvey, fT)6 The Villanova 160 pound winning the Championship in school without enough train- to replace incumbent Dick Leonard in the same capacity O.S.A., librarian; Rev. G. J. football team has been discon- 1949, winning three shutouts Miller, A Olivar moved to Loyola 1961 cross-oountry sear ing or coaching behind them were formed. Miller McLaughlin, O.S.A., dean of since tinued for this year. There The California in 1949. last years, and losing one of to warrant their competing, withdrew during the summer student activities; Phil Bren- of are several reasons for this. son began last Friday when vacation. .'V the other two games by only nan, president of the Senior Art is a native of Everett, In a meeting last winter dur- the Villanova track team en- against two and three year old Final official act of last Mass., the same town that has a touchdown in the last sec- class ; and Tom Delaney, chair- ing the confusion about the gaged the Army team at the varsity players. The practical year's Student Council was the ^-^ Villanova its present man of the student council. given draft status of every available onds of an exciting game. experience of having a sepa- presentation of a set of cuff co-captain, Nick Liotta, and West Point course. The Cadets The deans of each division male, it was decided by the Of all the intercjj^llegiate rate coach and a team of their links to each of the graduating Ralph Pasquariello, the great triumphed over the Main Lin- (Arts & Sciences, C&F, En- Eastern Intercollegiate 150 sports played on campus this own caliber will be lost. Fresh- Seniors. Present Council mem- of two years ago. gineering) welcomed the fullback pound Football League to hold ers 28-40. man games which would pro- bers and officers were installed learned his football is indeed the Simon Pure. freshmen of their respective Raimo a moratorium for the League This season the team faces vide Uiem with invaluable ex- at that meeting, which was fundamentals at Everett High Long hours of drill and scrim- schools. School opened form- until such time as would be a rugged schedule with some perience will be lost. A few held late in May. enrolled at Villanova in ally with the solemn high mass and advisable to compete again. mage are spent by these boys outstanding members of this Art caught the eye of of the most talented teams in and the convocation on Friday. 1934. However the National man- with no material recompense squad can compete quite , then the East. Navy, Seton Hall, FieM Day Scheduled power shortage due to the in the way of tuition, food, successfully with the senior "Lynx" Literary coaching here, and after a sea- With the advent of the leniency of most Draft Boards NYU and Manhattan are listed members of the varsity squad, son as captain of the Frosh extra credit, school letters or upperclassmen, many blue- never developed. This summer on the schedule. but these are the exceptions. club moved into the starting sweaters. Anything they get, Sftrb Circulation dinked freshmen, mumbling the League reconvened and Elliot, track Most, will not be ready to play fullback berth on the varsity. they get themselves. "Jumbo Jim" something like "wait till the scheduled a season among the till next year or the following. "watchcharm" fullback coach, has had his thin-clads As a Princeton, Rut- In order to show that we are "Hot off the press" was the 11th," were observed carrying '. '.•*'. following— That is Art Raimo's biggest of 150 lbs. Raimo led the 'Cats out for about three weeks in cry yesterday as Kevin Mc- trunks around the campus. gers, Navy, Cornell and Penn- still in the League as members job, for he has a lot of fine in scoring in both his junior Crane and the Lynx Circula- They were referring, of sylvania University. Villa- in an active sense, Villanova preparation for the season. material which he will surely and senior years. tion staff began distribution course, to the novelty field day nova, under the auspices of the will hold the Presidency of Among the standouts on the be able to develop if he can of their latest between the the oodrow almost bit off more than he could chew * Athletic Board decided to the Intercollegiate issue. Frosh and On Undefeated Team Eastern team for the coming season hold these players back and The Summer Issue, which Sophs. Among the scheduled abide by the first meeting and League for this year. Next train them correctly, and not when he tackled the cigarette tests! But he pecked Seeing duty on offense and Joe Barry and goes contests three-legged be left out for this year. year, will will be John on sale next Monday, are a M> defense, Art was mainly re- we again enter the have them become discouraged away *til he smoked out the truth: Such contains many interesting race, a wheelbarrow race, a an Several reasons made this the league competitively and field Fred Dwyer, IC4A two mile j,„j^,>«W^ sponsible for the 1937 eleven's because they're not used im- stories, including "The Irish football throwing contest, and important item as mildness can't be tossed off in a undefeated season. That Wild- only practical solution. a team if all goes well. and mile champs, respectively. mediately. Gypsy," by others. touch football Cummin Clancy, many A cat club suffered only a score- Financially the school Also on the squad are Art Five or six Freshman have Ireland's gift will climax the day. If fleeting second! A '*swift sniff** or a "perfunctory to Villanova's game tie with Auburn in an wasn't prepared, because the made one df the first three most less Phiico, WIP Mr fiMMt Klepper, Jerry Utter and track team, and an amusing the Frosh gamer the puff** proves practically nothing! He, like millions of otherwise unblemished nine budget had all ready been teams. Especially important tidbit events, they Bart Moynahan. Coach Elliot by Jim Mason entitled, points from the graduated drawn up and approved with is fullback slot with two smokers, found one test that doesn't game card. Raimo All the "On the Advantages of remove their regs. If leave you up a tree. Villanova football also has some freshmen pros- Being may in 1938 with a B.S. in Educa- the 160 pound football team yearlings backing up Bobby Completely lose, the regs must be CfflR^, games, both home and away, Without Talent." they immediately took up allocation not on it. pects > which he thinks will Haner. tion and will be broadcast to the Various other fic- worn until the Villanova- #('« the tentihle teat . . the 30-Day Camel Mildness poems and his coaching chores as back- show great promise. have been work- '«-.'r'' (OooUBMd on Pac«

.JL ;

TuMday, Oct. 2, IMl THE P«f« 7 Pa«« • THE VILLANOVAN TiMiday, Oct. 2, 1861 VILLANOVAN

First Win Over Army Since 1915 Sports Chatter

Br TED SHEEHAN, Sport* EdiJ^ Sparlced By Addiege And Brannau

AiKihocigh the Mtnester fs scarcely more than a week old news hai>pening would suggest that we the amount of sports Frosh-Soiili are in mid-November. Jim Leonard's departure. Art Raimo's Meet, Haner Converts Thrice arrival, the suspension of the 150-lb. football team and all freshman sports, the bright victory over Army, the coming Teniit, Football battle with Penn State and the stai't of the cross-country sea- Patrick Stars On Defense son all bear mentioning in the first issue of the "Villanovan". Start l-M Year (CMitlnuad from Pace 1) Art Raimo started his career as Wildcat football coach last Saturday and he probably couldn't have asked for a better present. Besides winning the opener over Army, a team that With the opening of a new shapes up to be helpless on defense but quite good on offense, school year, room 112 Alumni has brought much attention to the Wildcat eleven. The statis- Hall is once again occupied tics of last Saturday's game seem to prove that on the offen- by Mr. Eugene Powers. For the in so deep after all. They sive side, Elarl Blaik may not be benefit of the Frosh, room 112 were able to make 20 first downs and gain 218 yards rushing. is the location of the Intra- mural Athletic office and Mr. Last Spring, when the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Confer- Powers is the man, who last ence passed the freshman eligibility rule, they had visions of year supervised and made pos- the nation's campuses ravaged by losses in student body due sible the biggest and best year to the draft As of now, this loss has failed to materialize and now athletic teams find themselves not only with their normal in intra-murals here at Villa- flow of talent, but also with the use of many freshmen. As a nova. This was most notice- result of the use of freshmen, many colleges are dissolving able in basketball where there their freshman athletic program into the varsity sports. Villa- were 43 teams as opposed to 7 nova is one of these schools and this year (and until the EGAC the year before. He inaugu- ruling is amended) there will be no frosh teams. rated the Soph-Frosh Novelty Track Meet and the awarding Also in line with this is the suspension temporarily of the of a trophy to the hall scoring 150-lb. football team. The league, which comprises Villanova, the most points in intra-mural Penn, Navy, Princeton and Rutgers, decided eariier this year competition. to suspend the league until the draft picture became clearer. It was decided to have a moratorium for at east a year and, Last Year's Champs accordingly, Villanova fitted its athletic plans to fit the sus- These were the champs and pension. runners-up of 1960-61: Nov-

Later, the league decided to continue its activities for elty Track, Sophs, Frosh ; De- 1951 and made up the schedule for this fall. Villanova, hav- coration, Delury, Simpson ing already agreed to abide by the first decision decided not Touch Football, Fedigan, to go along for this year with a team. Next year should see Simpson; Basketball, Alumni the resumption of the popular team. Toppers, Rum Runners (day i:-^ hop) ; Softball, Austin, Dom ^ '/'..' -.,•..;•• : -,eiv' • • Track, Frosh, Sophs; Tennis,

^:^^;. ^ T^ Saturday, when the football team travels to Allen- Greorge McCann, Pat High- toi^ for their game with Penn State, they will be meeting landl a team which is consldesed by many to be the leading second- The standings at the end of ary football power in the East The Nittany Lions played last year for the point trophy Boston University, last Saturday, and triunrphed 40-34. In were: doing so they had to come from behind three times. Ted Shat- Alumni . . . w. • * • .^ ..... 1040 tuck, junior halfback exploded for three touchodnws gain- and Doms ....«.(...• < • • • .1010 ed 160 3rards. Paul Anders of State carried the ball seventeen iVustin • *.• •;• • • • • • ii * • v^ • ooo

times for 128 yards. These two boys ought to put on a good Fedigan . • «^..... 660 show for the crowd. Our series with them dates back to 1902 Barracks 1A4 ...... 640

','<, and they hold a 2-5-1 edge on us. Tickets for this game are Barracks 2Ad * . « . . • . 460 on sale at the Field House at 3.60. Mendel 460

e » ' • Good Counsel 200 Looking ahead to the future games on this year's sche- AU entry blanks for touch- football and tennis must be in dule (the toughest in modem years) the opponent's record is by Friday, October. 6. They starting to take shape. Alabama swamped Mississippi Delta may be obtained at either the State but Louisiana State downed them last weekend 13-7. Intra-mural Athletic Office, Kentucky took Tennessee Tech in stride but has suffered two 112 Alumni or at the Chap- lains Office. There will be two straight tosses to Texas, 7-6, and Mississippi, 21-17. Houston divisions this year in the swamped Detroit 33-7. Boston College, which hasn't won a tennis tournament ; one for ad- game since 1949, lost to Wake Forest earlier in the season. vanced players and one for LSU remains undefeated over Mississippi Southern and Ala- novices. No matter what your .|:,;.v bama. Tulsa, after beating Hawaii, lost to Cincinnati, 47-36. game is like, get your entry in now. In the pre-season polls, Kentucky, Alabama, Tulsa and Hous- Frosh Meet ton were all considered in the nation's top 20 teams. The Frosh will get their big chance on Thursday, Oct. 11, Coaches Ottowa Rough Riders in in the Novelty Track Meet Canada. against the Sophs. If they win, (CoatlniUMl from Pai« S) With a 20-game winning the orientation period is over, if they lose the White Hats Michaels and Ben streak plus a pair of diocesan but stay in power until the Detroit Ed Michaels carved his titles at Delone Catholic High in November. The events name in the Blue and White near Harrisburg as a recom- game will consist of a chariot relay Hall of Fame before receiving mendation, Alex Bell returns race, tug of war, 3-legged his degree in 1936. Ed won to his Alma Mater to teach the race, football throw for dis- the starting right guard berth flankmen some of the tricks football kick for dis- in his sophomore year and he used to advantage as a tance, tance, 220 yard dash, egg toss, held it for the remainder of Wildcat gridster from '36 to touch football game. his college days. In his senior '38. After a pro career, and a year, the burly Delaware -ite shortened by the recurrence Statiftict of tke Gmho captained the Mainliners and of a college injury, Alex step- became the first Villanovan to ped into the coaching ranks gain All-American recogni- as an assistant at Loyola in tion. Michaels played pro ball Los Angeles. He served as a with the Bears, Redskms, and naval gunnery officer for four Eagles from 1936 to 1947 ex- years before moving to Delone. cept for a 3-year stint as play- During the 1960 season. Bell ing coach of his home-town went again to handle the reins Wilmington Clippers in the of St. Augustine High School's American Pro League. For squad in Los Angeles. Alex, the last few autumnH Ed now living in Drexel Hill, haH tutored the linemen of the a wife and two children. :

pT'rt 'i7?»T,7fiVyj JT-

Paff» • THE VILLANOVAN TvMday, Oet. 2, 1951 David and Goliath. He an- BELLB AIH NEEDS nounced that he was expecting SB. 2,500 Attend Big Army Rally the wildcats to come through POE. mSTORIES like David. William Lohr, yearbook With floodlights Ughting editor, requested all seniors the Stadium, the sirens and who have not yet posed for Coach Says 'Cats bells of the Radnor Fire De- Belle Air portraits to make an partment and the college band appointment with Zamsky adding to the din, the intro- 'No Guinea Pig' Studios, 1007 Market Street, duction of co-captains Nick Phila., before October 12. Liotta and Joe Rilo brought Failure to comply with this Tueiday, Oct. 9, 1S«I *'Beat Army" reverberated down the house. across the Villanova campus suggestion will result in ex- VILLANOVA COLLEGE, *"*V' for Villanova," the Vol. 27—No. 2 Thursday night, as the largest clusion from the Senior year- Alma Mater, and "College post-war pep rally of the book section. Days" rang thru the night college was held in the sta- Further, Lohr announced air from the stadium during Sale dium. Over 2600 Villanovans, that Senior History forms are Cotillion Tickets On the rally that followed a jSophS' their friends, and girls from now available in the Pie Shop motorcade through the cam- neighboring colleges voiced and the Belle Air office in pus that noisely proclaimed Social Event their confidence in the team Mendel Hall. Season's First ^1 the chant of the night— games ducats for its "Beat KAT AIMT says the poster that won two that played Army Saturday. Army !" And during gigantic pre-gamo sendoff Thurs- iEANIIETTE'S artist. Bill Belleville "In years gone by Villa- Girls Attend day night. The winner is surrounded by some of spirited frosh nova, in the openers, has been iRTN MAWR FLOWER SHOP Connittees Naned Spirited Crowd Students from Bryn Mawr, who roared enthusiasm through the stadium. the yardstick of Army's power. COISACE SPEOAUSTS Rosemont and the Bryn Mawr FrM DcliTwy Ph«M Wry Mawr S-MTt Steve Benir MUFF Day Head To End Regs No longer is Villanova going SfMUl MmmbI tm Cask Am Cuupmt By Frosh Attempt Hospital were in attendance, Cheers Gridders climaxed a frantic week of to be Army's guinea pig." MMItUTATIVIIl 109th Year Tom R«lam«ir Bill registration for the entire the girls having been invited — Landls 26 With that statement, Head 3>1 F«••''•" 'v..,^'- ing, registered the largest the theme— biggest activities •struction. the Villanovans to provide convocation number of students. nova and Army teams to scene had shifted from of a contest between the up- The Mass and for the Cotillion, first The music to Mendel Fjdd and the Frosh By School Alumni social event of the stadium per classmen major college The .#.. for this second rally. for a prize or privilege of one the year. The informal dance was meeting a different kind or another. reunion be held in the Field House. team At their annual SELLIHG cigarette in AMERICA'S COLLEGES will Penp State. Some Intra-Mural CHESTERFIELD-^^''^^^'' opponent, Mr. Powers the held on the college campus Pearson Heads Tickets grandeur of the first who has re- of the Athletic Director, this past June, the Villanova also reported that the fire trucks, was EUGENE P. POWERS the Berry rally, such as vitalized our I-M system in Alumni Association pledged various committee chairmen But the spirit was here, missing. one year he has been to create a living me- George it be itself had been selected. the same. The crowd let up just such a Co-captains Nick Liotta hopes to build morial in honor of a recently Eberle will head the Band that they were one tions. Villanova in known in for their contest here at deceased member of the Villa- Tony Pearson will cent behind the and Joe Rilo came committee, hundred per did the form of MUFF (Move Up This memorial is committee, and share of the cheers, and so nova family. lead the Ticket gridiron Wildcats. Forward Freshmen) Day, form of a perma- and Jack the entire team. to take the Ray Laventure The college marching band, which will be a contest for a in memory of co-chairmen of nent^^^^^^^scholarship Kneafsey are direction of Assist- privilege. Ludwig, under the I Francis W. committee. Tim and Father" y^^ Chesterfield the Publicity ant Director Tom Pasha, win, their priv- the Class »of 1928. Broadcast If the Frosh of of refresh- Game O.S.A., A a; l.rf -v V ;' Cole is in charge led the rally. ^^^ cheerleaders ilege will be to discontinue and George Colon will and songs r/.ents p^jj^jii^r cheers The Wildcat - Alabama Orientation, but if on the other for the decorations ipj^g ^nd again arrange ^ ^^^ footbaU clash will be broad- hand the Sophs win, it will be the affair. all— Beat for came the chant of cast by Jim Learning over their privilege to continue Joe Kenny, president pro Penn State." station WIP, 610 on the dial, lording it over the lowly of the Sophomores, tempore rally was under the di- night. The Philco Freshmen and generally mak- in expres- The Friday joined with Berry vi<»- until rection of Carl Koenig. Corp is sponsoring. Game ing their lives miserable sing the hope that as many stud- chairman of the college time: 8 p. m. Alabama time. the Detroit game in Novem- freshmen as possible attend ent council, and his spirit com- Broadcast time: 8:55 p. m. ber. this function. Kenny said that y PROPRIETOR mittee. Main Line time. Contact Managers a large advance sale was at the first rally, the Therefore, Freshmen who hoped for, with most of the As coaches and players were the would like to move Forward tickets being sold by Saturday 'S:- hits. Head coach Art better get in touch with one of afternoon. There will be a big his assistot Alabama managers of the booth open at the Field Raimo and Beat the three ticket Bell and Eddie Ed -^^^^^-^^IS: night of the coaches, Alex Frosh team, who are: House on the ova-i Michaels, received long Rogers, 125, Barr. 1 ; Ed Za- dance, he said. % ^_^ horsky, 417, Barr. 4; or Dom Annual Fall Borrelli, day hop. The man- Faunce Conducts agers of the Soph team are Fr. William John Fucigna 323 Fedigan, k In Field House and Chuck McGucken 326 Retreat For College Men Fedigan. LATE FR. LUDWIG Scholarship Prior The events and the maxi- Memorial The retreat is held enced Retreat Master. \1 William C. Faunce con- House. mum number of contestants to Rev. First coming to Villanova, he had fall annually preceding the to Father Lud- */ ducted the annual one-day successful re- a side are as follows The story of Friday in October. given numerous in the retreat of college men last schools Tug of War 6 wig, as explained is an expen- trttlB at preparatory ;•:?:•:*>;'>:? Field Father Faunce appeal, is, from its in the college . 4 Alumni Thursday throaghout the East, and re- Sack Race . *v« • * beginning to its tragic a retreat for (Continued on Page 6) humble TP's cently conducted stu- A'< --5^' On Haner s 3 end, a typical one of any '^ Cats Down State the men at his alma mater. La dent desirous of entering Vil- Salle College in Philadelphia. X^4 NOTICE the son of very Father Faunce is DEADLINE lanova. As W ^ Presently, in ''^- " humble parents, he enrolled .^. serving as the Assistant Pas- all material Preparatory Seminary. the church of St. Fran- Deadline for the tor of successfully Springfield, Penn- submitted for publication in After having (•:*><: i cis Assis in xf>: the VILLANOVAN is 4 :00 completed the rigorous twelve ^^f- ^yhrania. ;*^ after- prescribed study, he retreat was opened at p.m. of the Thursday years of < *, • Tlie >»-^ preceding our Tuesday ordained to the Priest- m 9:00 a.nL with a high mass. noon was 1931. The mass was celebrated by publication. hood on June 9, postgraduate Rev. Edward B. McKee, The VILLANOVAN re- Extensive OJ3JL, vice-president of the serves the right to alter to a work brought him many ad- additional college, and was followed by a suitable form for publica- vanced degrees, Profes- brief sermon by the retreat tion, any material submit- honors and, finally, a ted which does not meet sorship of Biology. Following with the approval of the in the footsteps of his famous miif> Two conferences were con- }ABfrTE^ conform with the predecessor. Abbot Gregor J^^ ducted by Father Faunce fol- editors or were policies of the paper. Mendel, Father Ludwig be- U—fTTt lowing the mass. They •CO. widely known in scien- m held at 11 :00 a.m. and at 2 :00 Information may be came LDN under * Bobbie Haner. circles as THME OF A KDiD. Fullback Jej»*«^' phoned in to the office at tific and educational louchdowns during the fir«t qum- man in his ^^!hl firstlirEtolof hishi« threetnree Mawr 5-4600» ex- an outstanding scores the ^, ^^ ^^ The retreat was brought to Bryn with a tension 227. chosen field. UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE 2^ard plunge into poydirt oHer a doee at 8:30 p.m. le'imlkian maie thU the lurlv set up the ploy. Holy Hour conducted by *Clip this notice and keep Was Friend of All )^ of a Penn State fumble /i^P«tr?rk'. r^overy master. Benediction ready refer- ^$^99f!f9. ...AMD ONLY CHESTikflELD Ktreat It handy for As a member of the Villa- coo- dooed the Holy Hour and the ence. " TD's in th. third quarter and two (ConUnusd on n«« 7) t:ime? wUh two more COMtlaued OB Pi«o T) score. versions for the winning