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Continue loved ones, and then feel happy. I feel happy when I'm human. And then I want to break and inflict unimaginable damage on what I love. But it's weird, I wonder? - Pariston Hill.Kana Writing: パリト'いEscrita Ryamaji: Parisuton HiruKnown as: Japanese RatDublador: Hiroki TakahashiFirst manga: Chapter 319First anime appearance: Episode 137FEATURESSexex: Malee Color: BrownHair Color: BlondAffiliate: Black Continent Expeditions TeamFormer Accessories: zodiacsCurrent status: - Hunter Triple Star (3 stars) - Black Continent Expedition Team MemberOld status: - zodiac Member - Vice President of the Hunters Association - 13th President of the Hunter AssociationNen Type : MaterializerAppearance: Pariston has medium height, dark blond hair and brown eyes. He is known for his broad, cheerful smiles. Unlike other members of the zodiac, it does not change its appearance to look like the animal it represents. Instead, Pariston is always seen wearing luxurious suits and ties. Personality: According to Ging Fricks, Pariston's personality is similar to that of Netero and his own. Pariston is cheerful and always with a bright smile, making it completely impossible to read his thoughts and calculate his motives. This suit itself infuriates Cheadle Yorkshire. He likes to play and have fun. He is extremely cunning and happy to destroy what he loves most. At the same time, he is furious and enjoys a rivalry with Ging; Pariston rarely hates anyone, although he does terrible things for them and is curious to see what he would do with someone he hates, with Ging currently occupying that position. He prefers harsh punishments to those who prove him wrong. HISTORICAL INVOLVEMENT: Long before Netero's death, Pariston tried to take over the Hunters Association. It was for three years the vice president. During this period, eighteen hunters mysteriously disappeared, averaging six a year, as opposed to an average of 0.2 hunters a year before Pariston took office. Mizaist is convinced that Pariston has connections to the underworld. Arch Ants Chimeras: Pariston was indirectly mentioned when Morel fought Chita because he avoided capture because the Hunters Association did not send Riakka. Knov suggests that this could lead to the vice president manipulating the job allocation committee only to those who will vote for him in the next presidential election. Election: Pariston appears for the first time during the meeting of the zodiac to decide the next president, where he proposes to ignore the election and announces his candidacy. During Mizaistom notes that the number of hunters missing has increased tenfold during The Presidency of Pariston, which he says is a disgrace that will undoubtedly decrease with his election as president. This angers Mizaistama, who is preparing to attack Pariston, but stops when he hears Ging Frix announce his intention to run for president. Pariston asks Ging that his son Gon is in critical condition and asks if he should visit him but worries that it would be a waste of time if Gon were to die later. Ging confidently tells Pariston that Gon will not die. Pariston then decides that there should be a systematic way to choose the rules for elections in which Cheadle proposes to use a notebook where every member of the zodiac writes the rules they think are best for election and one that is selected is a set of rules that will follow. They decide that the person to draw the written rules of the beans. Beans intentionally drew the rules written by Ging and read them aloud, Pariston says he only recognizes the first four rules written Ging.Na the first election of Hunter 13, Pariston gets 249 votes coming in 1st place, but the conditions imposed in the Netero video have not met the conditions, and the election is remade among the most voted half. In the 2nd election, Pariston gets 251 votes and wins two more votes and goes first again, but due to voting less than 95% of the votes hunters, new elections are held. Based on these two elections, the zodiacs have meetings on zero votes and hunters who abstained from voting, Pariston suggests that the beans check each ballot before voting to avoid invalid votes and licenses for those who abstain from voting to be confiscated. Kanzai notes that people vote invalid or abstain because they don't want Pariston to be president. Pariston replies that the vast majority of voters think differently and kanzai intelligence issues.This leads Kanzai to attack Pariston, but a few other zodiacs stop it. Then the zodiacs agree to follow the proposals of Pariston. Before making the changes by one vote, Pariston clarifies Cheadle, after warning that hunters with confiscated licenses do not lose the ability to vote. In the third election, Pariston gets 258 votes, but the number of absentees increases. It is then decided that these hunters will have their licenses confiscated for breaking the rules. Seeing this, Pariston wonders if it is enough to confiscate the hunter's license, so he makes an offer that the zodiacs hold a conference with all the hunters to show them how important the election is. trying to convince them to vote by asking that if someone has something on their mind to stand and express their opinion, and that minorities will not be despised, at that point Leorio takes the microphone and says his opinion. In the four elections, Pariston gets 258 votes again. In the 5th year elections, Paris received 274 votes. He then receives a phone call about joining the Temp Hunters series to join the Teradin group in the hunt for the needle people and Illumi, to which he agrees. After he hangs up, he starts laughing and says that Teradein Neutral, Ambitious Bushidora and Loupe Highland are beautiful trio, and easy to understand them, which means that he is probably aware of his plan to use only as bait and lead them to death, so that the voices will decrease. In the sixth election, Paris received 272 votes. In the 7th election, Pariston gets 293 votes, the maximum that it has received so far, during which time Teradein Neutral killed Hisoka.It revealed to Ging that Pariston has no intention of winning or losing the presidential election, and that Pariston wants only hybrid Cocoons Chimera ants that remain, and the area to play with them in. why they want to be president. When Cheadle is in line, she asks everyone to vote for Leorio, to whom Pariston is surprised and loses his signature smile. After Leorio finishes his speech, which gives him a big applause, Pariston makes his speech. He says that once the election is over, he will also do everything in his power to help Gon, but he says that of the four remaining candidates, the most appropriate candidate to become president is Mizaist, to everyone's surprise. After the eighth election, Leorio will be his final contender for the post. Thanks to The Healing of Gong, Pariston wins the election and is therefore the new president of the Hunters Association. Cheadle announces his vice president and resigns as president. Other zodiacs, struck again, are furious, while Ging states that he did not expect it. Cheadle follows Pariston out of the audience, asking how long he will make fun of her before she is satisfied. He begins to admit that he did not become vice president because he wanted to replace Netero; instead he wanted to stop him, which in turn made the president ridicule him, to his annoyance. On the verge of tears, he expresses his grief at the death of Netero. He then orders Cheadle to review the hunter's statutes and exam, and threatens her not to make a tedious association, or he will actually humiliate her. Works Bookmark Filters RSS Feed Wikimedia list articles Main Heroes Hunter × Hunter, from left to right: Killua, Gong, And Leorio. The Hunter × Hunter manga contains an extensive list of characters created by Yoshihiro Togasi. The action takes place in a fictional universe where licensed professionals, known as Hunters, travel the world, taking on special work ranging from treasure hunting to murder. The story initially focuses on 11-year-old Gon Frix and his quest to become a hunter to find his father, Ging, who himself is a famous Hunter. Along the way, Gong meets and becomes a close friend of Killua Soldyk, Kurapiki and Leorio Paradine, who all aspire to become Hunters for their own reasons, and attracts the attention of the murderous magician Hisoki. After obtaining a license, they encounter a gang of thieves known as Phantom Troupe, before Gong and Killua enter the greed Island video game in search of clues to find Ging. They then immediately take part in stopping the human-eating chimera ants from accepting humanity. Courapika, Leorio and other zodiacs, a group of high-ranking hunters, then begin to accompany the royal family Kakin and beyond in an expedition to the unexplored Dark Continent. However, the trip on the ship is the beginning of a deadly game of succession among the princes to determine who will be the next King Kakin. While the characters are humans, most of them possess superhuman power and/or supernatural abilities because of Ern, the ability to control their own life energy or aura. The world series also includes fantastic beasts such as Chimera's ants. Protagonists Gon Frix Voiced: Rika Matsumoto (1998 film, Japanese), Junko Takeuchi (1999 series, Japanese), Eleanor Holt (1999 series, English), Megumi Han (2011 series, Japanese), Erika Mendes (series 2011, English) - gon frix (Japanese: ゴフリク, Hepburn: Gon Furakusu) - the main character of the series and sportsman. After spending a lot of time in the forest as a child, he gets along very well with animals and has superhuman feelings such as increased sense of smell and vision, as well as a very pungent taste. Raised by Mito, Gon wants to become a Hunter to find his father, Ging, who is one of them. During the exam, Hunter Ghosn is friends with Killua Sondik, Kurapika and Leorio Paradine. Having successfully become a licensed Hunter, Gong and Killua learn about Nene from Wing, and then train further under the guidance of Biscuit Krueger. Ch. 47, 48, 137 After his trio becomes the first person to beat the Island of Greed and help stop the chimera ants, Gong meets his father. Ch. 335 His flaws lie in his impulsive nature and stubbornness. Gon sometimes can not think through everything, and such actions lead to his suffering. Although possessing talent far beyond the norm for his age, at any time his ability is challenged he feels like he must prove his antagonist wrong. He is constantly striving to gain more power, often becoming stronger in his anger. But Ghosn's anger also leads to extremely reckless tendencies. When his emotions ignite, Ghosn becomes irrational and completely oblivious to anything else. Ern-type Gona is a boost that gives him his great strength and wellness ability. CH 60 His Hatsu or specific use of Nen is called Ja Jan Ken (ジャジャ拳) a piece on Janken, the Japanese word for rock paper scissors. (h. 207) When Gong throws out Rock's extended punch, the Clippers transmute the sword out of his index and middle fingers for mid-range attacks, and Paper emits a ball aura for long-range attacks. Ch. 145, 193, 209 During his fight with Neferpit, it seems that Gon contracted Nen to have all the power he will ever have and grew to an older age. Ch. 305, 306, 324 Returned to normal thanks to the ability of Alluki zondoka, Gong lost the ability to use Nen. Ch. 333, 334, 345 Gon is a popular character among fans, and it is third in the first two popularity polls of the series. Killois Sondyk, voiced by Kanako Mitsuhashi (1999 series, Japanese), Annika Odegard (series 1999, English), Maria Ise (series 2011, Japanese), Christina Wee (series 2011, English) - Killua Goldick (キアゾディク, Kirua Sodudicku) is originally presented as a cheeky, cheerful guy, full of mischievous ideas who are friends with Gon during hunter's exam. However, his ruthlessness and penchant for murder shows the other side of it - deadly, cruel and bloodthirsty. A member of the famous family of the killers of Sondyk, Killua was trained to be a murderer from birth and is conditioned to have extreme tolerance for poison, electricity and pain. Although Killua fails during his first Hunter exam, killing an opponent, presumably because of the influence of his older brother Ilumi, he attends the exam again next year, earning his license, eliminating all other applicants in the very first trial. Ch 36, 37, 148 Killua and Ghosn learn about Nene from the Wing, and then train further under the leadership of The Kruger Biscuit. Ch. 47, 48, 137 He becomes one of the first people to defeat the island of greed, helps stop the chimera ants, and uses the special abilities of his brother Alluki to heal the almost dead Gona. Conflicting with Killua's predisposition to kill, he is unwavering towards his new friends. Killua puts them in front of him, not fading down neither about their own health, nor even about their lives and without any complaint. Previously, Killua's biggest flaw was his fear of those seemingly stronger than him. C. 210 Killua was trained by Ilumi as a killer to be extremely careful and to participate in combat only if the victory is absolutely certain. Showing great promise from birth, he possesses the extraordinary dexterity and strength that Killua with a car to kill one person. Killua has already mastered many Techniques at a tender age and set to be one of the best killers his family has ever produced. His type of Nen is Transmutation, which allows him to change the properties of his aura into electricity. Ch. 60, 122 His Hatsu includes various uses of electricity to increase his physical abilities, such as Godspeed (神速 (カム), Kanmuru), which allows him to move at an immeasurable speed. C. 281 Killua is a popular character among fans, coming out on top in a series of the first two popularity polls. Kurapika voiced by Noriko Hidaka (film 1998), Yuki Kaida (1999 series, Japanese), Cheryl McMaster (1999 series, English), Miyuki Savashiro (series 2011, Japaneseピカ), Erika Harlacher (series 2011, English) ク - the only survivor of the Kurt clan (クタ, Kuruta), a race with cherished irises who in anger or emotional excitement turn out to be scarlet. Ch. 7 Four years before the series, the entire Kurt clan was eliminated by a gang of thieves known as the Ghost Troupe. Ch. 2 Troupe desecrated the bodies of his race, stealing their scarlet eyes after the genocide, and then selling them on the black market. He participates in the Hunter Exam along with Gong, Leorio and Killua to become the Black List Hunter and get the resources to avenge his race and get their eyes. Ch. 2, 7 Despite the fact that Kurapika is a moralist, he is no higher than adjoining the criminal world of society to fulfill his own desires - to join the mafia family of Nostrada as soon as the opportunity arises. Becoming a licensed hunter, he soon became the head of Nostrada's bodyguards. CH 79 Usually intelligent, quick-thinking and level, when Kurapika sees a spider, a symbol of the Phantom Troupe, he becomes enraged. Ch. 18 He kills Uvogin, leads to the death of Pakunoda and seals Nen Krolo Lucilfer. He was later invited to join the zodiac as the Rat on Leorio's recommendation and agreed only after being told that Cerriedrih Hui Guo had the last batch of scarlet eyes he needed to get. Ch. 344, 345 This leads to the fact that he accompanies Woble Hui Go Roux to the Dark Continent as her bodyguard. A non-Kurapiki type is a spell, but when his eyes become scarlet, he becomes a specialist. Ch. 83 It conjures up a unique weapon - five chains, one of which extends from each finger on the right hand. His ring finger, Dowsing Circuit: Guiding the ring finger (導く薬指鎖 (ダウジグチェ), Daujingu Cheon), has the ball at the end used to dowsing and normal defensive and offensive goals. Ch. 68 Kurapika contracted neen on a chain on the middle finger, Chain Prison: Restrictive Middle Finger (束縛する指鎖 (チェジェ), Jeong Jairo); in order to have an indestructible chain that will keep of the Phantom Troupe, no matter what, he offered his life if he would use it on anyone other than its members. Ch. 83 His chain of thumb, Holy Chain: Healing Finger (癒す親指鎖 (ホリチェ), Heri Chung), heals any trauma by crucifixion at the end. Ch. 84 His little finger, The Judgment Chain: The Arbiter's Little Finger (律する⼩指鎖 (ジャジメトチェ), Jajimento Cheon), strikes the enemy's heart with a small blade at the end, while Kurapika sets the rule, if the enemy breaks this rule, they die. Ch. 84 His index finger, Thieving Index Finger: Steal Chainチチェ (奪う差し指鎖, Suhar Chun), uses a syringe at the end to extract someone's aura and Neen's ability. Ch. 361 His specialized abilities, Emperor Time: Absolute Mastery (絶対時間 (エペタム), Enpere Time), allows him to use 100% of all types of Nen, however, it shortens his life expectancy by one hour every second he uses it. Ch. 83, 364 When he uses his index finger with the Emperor's activated Time, he turns into Stealth Dolphin: Index Finger in Emperor Time (q テ指し指 絶対時間ドフィ, Suterusu Dorufin), a dolphin as the figure alone he can see that allows him to use the stolen abilities and informs him of his basic details. Ch. 361 If Kurapika then hits someone else with his index finger, the ability to use stolen abilities is transferred to them and they can both see Stealth Dolphin. Ch. 364 Kurapika was inspired by Ohma in nausikaa of the Valley of the Wind Byao Miyazaki. Kurapika is a popular character among fans, and he comes in second place in the first two popularity polls of the series. Leorio Paradinite, Voiced: Nobutoshi Kanna (1998), Hozumi Geda (1999 series, Japanese), Jonathan Love (1999 series, English), Keiji Fujiwara (series 2011, Japanese), Matt Mercer (series 2011, ディナ パ レオリオ English) - a young man who is friends with Gong, Kurapica and Killuト during the Hunter exam. Having lost a friend due to a curable disease from which he could not afford treatment, Leorio devotes himself to becoming a Hunter to pay for medical school costs so that he can become a doctor and treat the poor for free. Ch. 7 Although he is often overshadowed by the ingenious fighting abilities of Gona and Killua, compared to the average man, Leorio is really talented. Becoming a licensed Hunter, Leorio helps his friends in meetings with the Ghost Troupe from the outside. He appears while Ghosn is hospitalized and goes on the run to become the next chairman of the Hunters Association, although he loses. Ch. 335 Later Leorio is invited to become a member of the zodiac as a boar and joins their expedition to the Dark Continent. Ch. 343 When The black whale finally sails away, Leorio begins working in a medical facility on the third deck under Cheadle Yorkshire. Killua suspects that the type of Nn Leorio is an ejection after seeing him teleport a punch on the room and out of the wormhole. Ch. 325, 326 Leorio is a popular character among fans, coming in fifth and sixth place in the first two popularity polls of the series. Antagonists Hizoka Morou, Voiced by: Hiroki Takahashi (1999 series, Japanese), Brendan Hunter (series 1999, English), Daisuke Namikawa (series 2011, Japanese), Keith Silverstein (series 2011, English) - magician モロウ ヒソカ and serial killer who combines his tricks with violence and rejoices against those he considers strong before sexual arousal. Ch. 5, 61 He is deceitful, playful and narcissistic by nature; acting only in their own interests. In the manga, his sentences usually end with a costume symbol. Histok takes an interest in Gong and his friends after meeting them during Hunter's exam, allowing them to live in a way that they grow into more worthy opponents. Ch. 28 Although he was initially positioned as an antagonist because of his proximity to murder, he later acted as a comrade to Ghosn when it was in his own interest. Hisoka, it turned out, is a member of the number four Phantom Troupe, although he joined only to get a chance to fight his leader, Crollo Lucilfer. Ch. 78 He leaves the band when Nen Chrollo is sealed by Kurapika and sets off to find a way to break the seal. Ch. 119 Successfully revealing this task, Hisoka dies after a fight with Hrollo in the Heavenly Arena, but revives himself and continues to kill the ghost troupe. Ch. 357 It is now believed that Histok is on board the Black Whale, where he is hunted by the phantom troupe and mafia families Of Xi and Cha-R. Ch. 378 Type Nen Hidoki is a Transmutation that allows it to change the type or properties of its aura. Most often it uses Elastic Love - Bungee Gum (伸縮⾃在愛 (バジガム), Banje Gamu), which makes its aura elastic and sticky, similar to chewing gum. CH 55 He also uses unconvincing lies - Texture Surprise (薄っぺらな嘘 ドキリテクチャ), Dokkiri Tekusuch, allowing him to reproduce the texture of his choice on any flat surface; such as making a headscarf, appearing to be leather. c. 55 Hisoka is a popular character among fans, coming in fourth and fifth in the first polls of the series. The Phantom Troupe The Phantom Troupe (幻影旅団, Gen'ei Ryodan), also known as Spiders (蜘蛛, Kumo), is the name for a gang of thieves with 13 registry memberships, which changes usually when a member is killed to take his place in the organization or chosen by their leader Chrollo to replace the one who died, each With a pro number tattoo of a 12-foot spider. Ch. 18 Chrollo and other founding members of the Phantom troupe all originated in the slums of Meteor City (流星街, Ryuseigay), a place where residents do not exist in any official records with many hired various criminal organizations. Although they mostly steal and kill, they sometimes do charity work. Ch. 78 Now, after he killed two of his members after the defeat of Chrollo, the Phantom Troupe is on board the Black Keith, honoring Hisoku to take revenge. Ch. 377 Chrollo Lucilfer Voiced: Yoshikazu Nagano (series 1999, Japanese), Richard Meen (series 1999, English), Mamoru Miao (2011 series, Japanese), Robbie Damond (2011 series, English) Chrollo Lucilfer (クロロシフ, Kuroro Rushirufuru) is the founder and leader of the troupe Phantom, carrying number 0, forming the organization and seen by its members as indispensable, despite putting the troupe in front of itself. Hrollo presided over the genocide of the Kurt clan, which resulted in him being targeted by Kurapika, who punishes him by neutralizing him and forcing him not to contact his subordinates. Ch. 117 No Hisoka assists in acquiring an exorcist to remove the seal of Kurapica so he can fight Krololo and is killed. Hrollo then boards the Black Whale. CH 366 His type of Nen is the specialization and his ability to Skill Hunter: Bandit Secret (盗賊極意 (zキハタ), Sikira Hunte) allows him to directly steal and use the abilities of other Nen users, which he keeps in the Book Conjured. Chrollo ranked fourth in the second popularity poll of the series. Bonolens Ndongo voiced: Cho (Japanese), Doug Erholz (English) Bonolen ndongo (ボノレノフ-zドゴ, Bonorenofu Ndongo) is covered with bandages and wears boxing gloves, and wears number 10 in the troupe. These bandages cover a large number of holes throughout the body. During the Anteat Chimera ant arc, he was seen fighting with other members of the Ghost Troupe against chimera ants. His physical strength ranks eighth among the troupe. The Bonolens are a descendant of The Gundond (ギュドドド), a small wild tribe that was driven from its lands as a result of development. When the males of the Gundond tribe reach the age of three, they are circumcised and needles are inserted into different parts of the body. Over time, these needles are replaced by thicker and thicker sticks, and the holes are stabilized by bamboo stems or stones. Using these holes, Gundond men are able to create different sounds with air flowing through. They are called Bap (バプ), dancing warriors, and perform the role of shamans and performers in their tribe. Before the fight they use their body to play battle songs. Gundond believe that the more beautiful the sound played, the more spirit it can summon. The Bonolen possesses this as his ability to spell Ned, called the War Anthem - Battle of Cantabile (戦闘演武曲 (バト レカタ ビレ), Bateau-re-Cantabire). CH 225 Feitan Portor Voiced: Akari Hibino (series 1999, Japanese), Meredith Taylor Perry (1999 series, English), Kappei Yamaguchi (2011 series, Japanese), Tom Bauer (2011 series, English) Feitan Portor (フェタポトオ, Fathetu) is one of the first members of the native from Meteor and carries the number 2 of the troupe. He is dressed in what one would expect from a thug-dark clothing in partnership with a scarf with a skull that closes his mouth. He rarely speaks, but when he does, he is full of grammatical errors, giving the impression that he does not speak his native language. During the Ghost Troupe's struggle with Chimera Ant, Feitan returns to his native language, which is shown with Chinese characters. After Faitan's victory over zazan in Meteor City, he became the interim leader of the Phantom Troupe. Nathan's movements are incredibly fast, being able to leave the afterimages of his body. He owns an umbrella that hides both the sword and the gun that shoots from the tip. After Hrollo's return, Feitan appears to have resigned as interim leader of the Phantom troupe. He later appears on the Black Whale with Tinky, Franklin and Nobunago. His type of Nen is Transmutation. His ability unforgiven: Pain Packer (許されざる者 (ペパカ), Payne Pacquiao converts injuries,グジ 太陽に灼かれて Received from the enemy, in attack. The more pain he receives, the stronger his attack. presumably because of the armor that formed on him. Ch 229 Feitan finished tenth in the second popularity poll of the series. Franklin Bordeaux Voiced: Yoshinobu Kaneko (1999 series Japanese), Steve Olson (1999 series, English), Kenji Nomura (series G.I. OVA), Hidenobu Kiuti (series 2011, Japanese), Edward Bosco (series 2011, English), Franklin Bordeaux (フクリボドボド, Furancourtin Borude) is very large, with numerous scars on his face, similar to scars on the face, similar to the Frankenstein , and has a number 7 in the troupe. He ranks fourth in physical strength among the troupe and is one of the first members of meteor City. Franklin, along with the rest of the Ghost Troupe, is aboard Black Whale. Franklin's ung-type is an outlier. His ability is called the Double Machine Gun (俺両⼿は機関銃 (ダブマシガ), Daburu and allows him to shoot countless bullets consisting of Ern from his fingertips, which he modified into a gun himself. Cortopi voiced: Umi Tenjin (1999 series, Japanese), Shinya Hamazoe (2011 series, Japanese), Tony Oliver (2011 series, English) Kortopi (コトピ, Korutopi) lacks growth with thick and dirty mana hair covering his head, obscuring everything but the occasional look at the left eyeball. He is the weakest in the troupe in terms of raw physical strength. In fact, his ability to witchcraft Nen still assumes that he is not involved in combat at all, but rather in theft and trick. His ability Nen is called Gallery Fake: Divine Left Hand, Demonic Right Hand (神左⼿悪魔右⼿ (ギャリフェク), Gyarar' Feiku), allowing him to make perfect copies of any object by touching his left hand and producing a copy from the right. He can also make copies of living people, but they will be immobile and lifeless. Copies disappear after 24 hours. He can also know the exact location of any copy he created by touching the original object. Ch. 109 Kortopi is the first member of the Ghost Troupe to be killed by Hisoka after the defeat by Crollo. Ch. 357 Machi Comacin Voiced: Noriko Namiki (1999 series, Japanese), Marcy Lannan (1999 series, English), Takako Uemura (OVA, Japanese), Rena Maeda (2011 series, Japanese), Abby Trott (2011 series, English) Maki Komazin (マチ'コマチネ) is incredibly loyal to Chrollo and is one of the original members of the Phantom Troupe of the city, not the number 3. Physically, she is the strongest woman in the troupe and the sixth strongest in the overall standings. Hidoka seems to be interested in her from time to time, although it is difficult to know whether it is genuine. She also has an extremely keen intuition (other members of the troupe say she never made a mistake in her intuition). Ern-type Maki is Transmutation. Its ability to Nen Stitches (念⽷縫合 (ネシほうごう), Nenshi Hgou) forms its aura in a thread whose strength is inversely proportional to its length: the thread is as strong as cotton, but a thread one millimeter long can lift a ton. In addition, the attack can be used to track people, but is also shown to be used to stitch the severed limbs back. Ch. 55 Maki took seventh place in the second popularity poll of the series. Nobunaga Hazama: Takashi Matsuyama (series 1999, Japanese), John Knight (1999 series, English), Naoya Uchida (2011 series, Japanese), Joe J. Thomas (2011 series, English) Nobunaga Hazama (ノブナガ 'ハザマ) has a similar look to ronin warriors in the Edo period of Japan, complete with long katana that he uses with great sophistication and skill, and carries the number 1 in the troupe. Nobunaga combined Nen with the use of his katana performed by enemies. His best friend is Uvogin, and the two bring the best out of each other during the fight. Seeing the identity of Uvogin in Gona, he expresses interest in Ghosn joining the troupe, although Ghosn categorically refuses. Nobunaga ranks ninth in physical strength among the Troupe, and is one of the first members of Meteor City. Nobunaga is on the Black Whale with the rest of the troupe, hunting for treasures and Hisoka. He, along with Feitan, Finks and Franklin, beat up three naughty passengers to get a place in the cafeteria. As soon as the thugs obey them, he asks them how they can get to the second floor. After learning about the mediator, he proposes to find an intermediary and use it for negotiations with the top. Type Nen: Improvement. Nobunaga finished 14th in the second popularity poll of the series. Pakunoda Voiced: Yoshiko Iseki (1999 series, Japanese), Tracy Sutton (1999 series, English), Romy Park (2011 series, Japanese), Erika Lindbeck (2011 series, English) Pakunoda (パクノダ) is the original member of the Phantom Pan from Meteor City. She's totally loyal to Krolo, even going up against the troupe to help him. She was killed by the Kurapika Chain in the climax of the Phantom Troupe arc, breaking the restrictions imposed on her. Her body is buried in the shelter of the Yorknew Troupe. Ern type Pakunoda is a specialty. Her main ability is to read the memories of the people she touches by asking specific questions, Psychometrics. Ch. 103 Her secondary ability, the Memory Bomb (記憶弾 (メモリボム), the Bomu Memorandum), allows her to conjure up these memories in the form of a bullet she shoots into people's heads with a pistol, thereby giving them this information. Although they do not cause physical damage, they erase their memory if Pakunoda uses his own memory against them. She's 11th in physical strength. Tinks Magcube, voiced by: Yoshiaki Matsumoto (series 1999, Japanese), Lucas Gilbertson (1999 series, English), Kenn (2011 series, Japanese), David Vincent (2011 series, English) Phinks Magcub (フィク-マグカブ, Finkusu Magukabu) uses his hands in a battle that was extremely powerful. He is one of the original members of the Phantom Troupe of Meteor City, wears the Egyptian Pharaoh as an outfit in battle and carries the number 5. Phinks seem to get along best with Feitan, and are almost always seen in partnership with him both in and out of the fight. As with the rest of the Phantom troupe, Minky is on board Black China. Minkey, along with Feitan, Franklin and Nobunaga, confront three unruly passengers and thrash. His ability is called Kaiten - Cyclotron Ripper (廻天 (リパクロトロ), Ripp Saicurotoron), whose strength depends on how many times he rotates it the more rotations, the more powerful his attack will be. In terms of physical strength, Phinks ranks second among members of the troupe. Type Nen: Improvement. Shalnark Voiced: Yasuhiro Takato (series 1999, Japanese), Jordan Chartner (1999 series, English), Noriko Hidaka (2011 series, Japanese), Griffin Burns (2011 series, English) Shalnark (シャナク, Sharunaku) is a member of the number six of the Ghost Troupe, and from his appearance, he seems to be a normal boy. However, he is one of the smartest and fastest-thinking members in the group, being very adept at using computers and gathering information. Shalnark is also a licensed hunter, so he has access to certain information that could potentially be useful to the Phantom Troupe. He ranks tenth in physical strength among the troupe. Shalnark is the second member killed by Hisoka after he decided to destroy the entire Phantom troupe after losing to Shrollo. Ch. 357 Ern type Shalnarka - manipulation. His main ability, Black Voice: Mobile Fate Director (携帯する他運命 (ブクボ), Burakku Boisu), allows him to fully control the actions of others remotely using his mobile phone after inserting a specialized antenna into their bodies. His secondary ability involves applying the antenna on himself and putting his body on autopilot, resulting in an extended state with enough power to devastate most opponents. However, he does not like this ability because he is prone to huge muscle pain for a few days after his use, and as he has no control over the process and does not retain memory of what happened, he cannot get any pleasure or satisfaction when he uses it to win the fight. Ch 227 Shalnark finished 17th in the second popularity poll of the series. Shizuku Murasaki Voiced: Atsuko Bungo (series 1999, Japanese), Emily Bacsinszky (1999 series, English), Miho Arakawa (2011 series, Japanese), Janice Roman Roku (2011 series, English) Shizuku Murasaki (シズク'ムキ) is extremely forgetful and can be airy at times that, along with her unassuming appearance, can cause her adversaries to undervalue her combative abilities. Ch. 91 She is left-handed, and the 12th strongest physically of the 13 members of the Troupe. Shizuku is a member of the eighth issue, replacing the last member since the Troupe got together. A non like Shizuku is a spell. It conjures up the Nen vacuum Blinky (デメちゃん, Deme-chan), which is capable of sucking anything that is not Nen created or what it feels living. It is also capable of spewing the last thing that is absorbed. Shizuku finished 11th in the show's second popularity poll. Uvogin Voiced: Eiji Takemoto (1999 series, Japanese), Mike Shepherd (1999 series, English), Akio Tsuka (2011 series, Japanese), Patrick Seitz (2011 series, Uvogin (ウヴォギ, Uwegin) is one of the original members of the troupe from Meteor City. Of all the Phantom Troupe, it is the strongest in terms of raw physical strength. Uvogin is so strong that direct hits of bullets, sniper bullets and even anti-tank missiles do not cause him visible damage. Ch. 75 Like the whole troupe, he never hesitates to kill, and especially loves to fight with experienced opponents. Although he prefers to fight alone, Uvogin gets stronger when fighting a partner, usually Nobunaga, because he fights better when there is someone else to defend (although he never admits it). Ch. 93 Seeking revenge on Kurapika for capturing him after a battle with the Shadow Beasts, Uvogin tracks him to the hotel where Neon Nostrad and the rest of her bodyguards stayed. They fight one-on-one in a small canyon on the outskirts of Yorknew. Kurapika eventually captures Uvogin with his Chain Prison, and questions his whereabouts and the abilities of other members of the Phantom Troupe. Uvogin refuses to answer any questions, answering only his murder. Kurapika then pierces Uvogin's chest with his ability to ship the Chain, giving Povugin the condition that he answer all questions truthfully. But Uvogin refuses to answer Kurapika's question about the whereabouts of other members of the troupe, instantly killed with the body buried by Kurapika soon after. Ch. 84 He is the 11th member of the troupe and his Nen type promotion. Uvogin finished 12th in the second popularity poll of the series. Calluto zoldyk, voiced by: Jaco Maekawa (series 1999, Japanese), Mamiko Noto (2011 series, Japanese), Lauren Landa (2011 series, English) Calluto zoldik (カトゾディク, Karuto zorudikku) is the youngest member of the Family gold, androgynous appearance and wear a female kimono. He was first introduced by his accompanying mother during Gong Killua's search for Mount Cukuro, and then helping his family in the murder of the Ten Mafia Dons, who placed the awards on the Ghost Troupe. Ch. 41, 100 Calluto joins the Phantom Troupe as a replacement for TheIstock, inseding number 4, during their entrance to the Island of Greed. Ch. 170 During the Ghost Troupe's attack on the Palace of zazan in Meteor City, Calluto says that he joined them with the intention of returning his brother. CH 229 His Nen ability, Snake Dance (蛇咬舞), uses a manual fan to control paper confetti, which is sharp enough to cut metal. Ch 226 Calluto finished 14th in the first popularity poll of the series. IlmuMi zoldyk, voiced by Urara Takano (series 1999, Japanese), Victor Ateliewicz (series 1999, English), Masaya Matsukace (series 2011, Japanese), Chris Hackney (series 2011, English) Ilミ zolumidik (ゾディク, Irumi zordiku) - Brother Senior Killu, experienced expert killer who played a role in The Teaching and Education of Killua. He and his father raised Killua to succeed in murder and be incapable of friendship, although Illumi planted a needle in Killua's brain to force him to escape from unsleeced fighting as a way to protect him. Ch. 218 During Hunter's 287th exam, using special pins to change his facial structure, disguised himself as Gittarakura (ギタク, Guitarakuru), Illumi becomes a licensed hunter and is suspected of manipulating Killua's disqualification. Ch. 37 After learning and pulling the Ilumi igloo out of his brain, Killua later acts against his brother, standing up for him as he tries to kill their brother Aluka for the good of their family. Ilmumi also has a complicated friendship with Hisoka, having been hired by him to join the Phantom Troupe as their number 11 and kill him. Ch 377 Illumi finished sixth and eighth in the first two popularity polls of the series. Gentra, voiced by Tsuyoshi Koyama (OVA, Japanese), Hiroyuki Yoshino (series 2011, Japanese), Todd Haberkorn (series 2011, English) Genthru (ゲ, Gensur) is a Greed Island player and a member of a large group of other allied players in the game. Ch. 143 As one of the group's founders, he worked as an informant, recruiting new members for the past five years. Ch. 142 His secret identity is that of the bomber of the island of greed (爆弾魔 (ボマ), Bome), working with his partners Sub (Yuブ, Sabu) and Bara (バ). Ch. 144 He reveals that he put a time bomb on each member of the Allied group, using his countdown ability: The Sound of Life (命⾳ (カウトダウ), Kauntodaun), so that he can blackmail them for all the specified slot cards they hold. Ch. 142, 143 However Gentra did not keep his promise and detonated all the bombs of the Nen time, killing all members of the allied group except Abengan. CH 144 He then returns to Sub and Bar to continue collecting the remaining specified game cards to win the game. But he was defeated by Gong in a one-on-one match (while Killua and Biscuit pull his teammates and defeat them separately). Ch. 183 Gentra is also able to create detonations in his hands when he grabs something with the help of Little Flower: A handful of gunpowder (握り⽕薬 リトフ ワ), Ritor Furave). Ch. 142, 143 Chimera Ants Chimera Ants (キメ アト, Kimera Anto) is an extremely dangerous species and ranked first among those to be quarantined in the Hunter × Hunter universe. Ch. 187 They have insatiable appetites and can consume several times their own weight in one day. The queen of chimera ants have a very unique breeding method known as phagogenesis (摂⾷交配, Seshoko Kohai): breeds asexually, filling it with the genetic traits of what she ate. CH 187 To take advantage of the genes of a particular species, the queen chimera ants are known to feed until the feed of the species is brought to extinction. One mutated Chimera Ant queen, in particular, targets humans, leading to the creation of humanoid Chimera ants that desire individualism and develop the ability to use Nen. CH 188 These human Chimera ants also possess genetic memories of their past lives, some of them only having trace memories while others of their original self is reborn. Ch. 215 After the death of the queen, the colony pays the majority after King Meruem, while others try to establish their own colonies. CH 214 Only a few of chimera humanoid ants survive and are allowed to live among humans classified as a new kind of magical beast. C. 315 Chimera Ant queen, voiced: Masako Ikeda (Japanese), Cindy Robinson (English) Chimera Ant queen (⼥王, Joo) is the first chimera ant to be seen in the series, mysteriously mutating about two meters high instead of their typical height of ten centimeters. Ch. 187 First she appears, washed the wounded on the shores of the autonomous region of Neo-Green Life (or simply NGL), a small island nation located on an island known as the Mitene Union. Ch. 188 Guided by her reproductive instincts to give birth to the king of chimera ants with perfect features, the queen immediately begins to feed on small mammals and aquatic life to give birth to soldier ants to bring her large prey in large quantities. When one brings her two people's children to eat, she notes that they will be more nutritious, then the previous prey and becomes obsessed, sending her soldiers to focus on gathering more people to eat. Ch. 187 THE status of NGL as a neo-Luddite allows the offspring of the queen to be unstoppable before their activities are eventually studied by the outside world. The queen is mortally wounded when the Ant-King Chimera forces his own premature birth, damaging her organs with massive blood loss. Ch. 213 Despite treatment from the Hunters, she dies by calling her son Meruem. But after her death, the queen appeared to have given birth to her twin sister Meruema, who later revealed that Kite was reborn as a chimera ant. 215, 316 Meruem, voiced by: Kyoki Uchiyama (Japanese), Max Mittelman (English) Meruem (メエム, Merpe' takes turns as Meryem (215) - Chimera-King Ant (王) and the most powerful of the queen's descendants. to establish their colony by taking over the Republic of East Gorto. Pitu uses uses its dictator Ming Jol-ik to order the necessary collection of the entire population for the national rally, so they can secretly sort to find Nen users who will be used as food. Ch. 223 They will also use Pete's ability to manipulate the people by forming an army of soldiers under their control. Ch. 230 The Hunters Association mobilizes a death team to infiltrate the East Gorto Palace and kill Meruem, consisting of a selected team of professional hunters. Merum takes an interest in strategic games by defeating championship-level players by studying their tactics after disrupting the flow of their style of play. Ch. 244 However, he is unable to overcome the skill of a seemingly dimwitted blind girl named Komugi in Gungi, the local game she reigns. When Meruem is unable to defeat her, he begins to show respect and care for Komugi, questioning his own violent methods as a way of governing. Ch. 255, 258 Thus, the king oscillates between his human emotions and animal instincts, ultimately deciding to compromise by taking over the planet for Chimera's ants, but sparing people and leaving them to live on reservations. Ch. 288, 297 Meruem's failure makes him vulnerable, fearing for the first time when Netero detonates a bomb in his body as a last resort. Ch. 298 Closer to death, Meruem survives and recovers by feeding on the cells of Pouf and Yupi, acquiring his abilities. Ch. 299, 312 King suffers temporary memory loss before recovering his memories of Komugi. Ch. 301 However, the netoter attack ended up taking Merueem's life because of the poison that leaves behind a bomb; he spends his last moments playing with Komugi before dying in her arms. Ch. 318 Royal Guard Royal Guard is a trio of elite Chimera ants whose aim is to protect the ants of the royal caste. They initially serve as the queen who personally named them until the king was born, after which they switched to loyalty and followed him to the Republic of East Gorto. Ch. 213 Neferpitu, voiced by Ayumi Fujimura (Japanese), Sarah Ann Williams (ネフェピト, Neferupite), also known as Pitu (ピト), is a humanoid cat chimera Ant and the firstborn of the Royal Guard. Androgynous in appearance, Pitu is one of the first Chimera ants to fully use Nen with enough skill to be recognized even by Netero as a superb combatant. (h. 201) Pitou shows a knack for medical/surgical procedures, prodding and manipulating Pokkle's brain in order for a person to divulge everything he knows about Nen for ants. Ch. 198 Specialized type of user Nen, Pete's ability: Dr. Blythe (玩具修理者 (ドクタブ), Dokut Buraisu) treats injuries, while the Serenity of the Puppet Master: (Maiko Kuroko( Telepsico), (Maiko Kuroko), can manipulate the body or corpse of other people (as seen with the kite). Ch. 304 Realizing the potential threat that Gon may pose to Meruem, Pitu plays on the boy's hopes to escape from Komugi so that he can be killed without endangering the girl. Ch. 295 But, revealing the fate of Kite, Pita is brutally killed by Gong as a result of the fact that the boy is forcibly aging at the expense of his ability to use Nena. Ch. 306 Despite the fact that Pete's head was completely destroyed by Gong, Pitu's corpse was briefly resuscitated by the more powerful Terpsichora in order to kill Gong, and separates the boy's arm before being damaged without repair. Ch. 307 Pitou is mentioned in the manga using male pronouns, while the anime chooses to use gender-neutral pronouns. Shayapuf, voiced by Wataru Hatano (Japanese), Chris Niosi (シャウアプフ, Shauapufu), also known as Poof (プフ), is a humanoid butterfly by Chimera Ant and one of the Royal Guards. He is the most cunning of the three, although his temperament and love for Merum makes him secretly ignore the king's orders to prevent his humanization. Sincerely devoting himself to the defense of Meruem, seeing in the people of the lower, Poof is extremely concerned about the obsession of King Komuga, which he sees as a threat to their plans to the point of attempt on the life of the girl. Ch. 301 Nef's Nen ability bufferfly Libra Love Spring: Spiritual Message (鱗粉乃愛泉 (zピリチュアメセジ), Supirichu Messaru'ji) spreads scales from his wings into the air, allowing him to read the psychological states of opponents. Ch. 273 When inhaled the scales have a hypnotic effect on the human population, keeping them in place to be sorted in the palace. Ch. 260 His other ability Beelzebul, king of flies (蠅王 (ベゼブブ), Beruzebubu) allows Pouf to break his body into clones of various sizes down to sediment size. Ch. 286 After the bomb explodes, Netero Pouf runs to Merum and allows him to feed on his cameras to save the king's life. Ch. 299 Poof dies of poison, which he was exposed to on a zero bomb level. CH 314 Menthuthuyoupi Voiced: Fumihiko Tachiki (Japanese), Joshua Tomar (English) Menthuthuyoupi (モトゥトゥユピ ), also known as Youpi (ユピ) is the third of the Chimera Ant Royal Guard. Youpi is the largest of the three and the only non-human hybrid among them, mixed with the genes of the magic beast, not. Ch. 266 He is the simplest of the Royal Guard and possesses the power that comes from complete dedication and devotion to the king. The youpi body can metamorphoize, such as forming wings to fly or additional weapons for combat. Ch. 266 After feeling extreme mental stress, he learns that his ability Nen can heave a large amount of his aura into his body and release him devastating explosion. Ch. 278 Through his battles with the hunters, Youpi comes to respect them and Ern to the point of letting them live. Ch. 290 After the explosion of the Netero bomb, Youpi runs to Meruimu and allows him to feed on his own cells to save the king's life. Ch. 299 Youpi dies of poison he was exposed to on the ground zero bomb. C. 312 Other Colts voiced by Hirofumi Nojima (Japanese), Chika Anzai (Kurt, Japanese), zack Aguilar (English), Allegra Clark (Kurt, English) Colt (コト, Koruto) - leader of the Chimer-ants squadron with wings, claws and beak. He is one of the first ants of Chimera to be born queen after her change to all human diets, later revealed to be the reincarnation of her first human sacrifice of Kurt (クト, Kuruto), who died trying to protect his younger sister Reina (レナ) from Chimera Ant. Colt projectes a loyal and formal attitude, being one of the few leaders of the squad, which always gives all the people they kill, the queen as food. When the queen is severely injured as a result of The Birth of Merua, Colt surrenders to the Hunters to get medical help for her, and even offers her own organs to save her life. Ch. 213, 215 Shortly after the death of the queen Colt finds on her corpse another offspring. He vows to protect her and teary Morel promises to protect Colt and baby from harm provided they never eat people. Ch. 215 After the battle, it was revealed that she kite reborn as a female ant Chimera. Meleon, voiced by Nobuo Tobita (Japanese), Bill Rogers (English) Meleoron (メレオロ, Mereron) - chameleon-humanoid commander of the squadron of Chimer ants and eccentric pacifist who does not like to fight or kill, recognizing that his fighting force is on the same level as the low-lying soldier ant. , Meleron gradually restored memories of his past life as a man named Prison (ジェ) and that Peggy was originally his adoptive father. Ch. 242 This motivates him to swear revenge on the king, and he teams up with Gon, whom he considers an ideal ally for this purpose. Meleon's Nen ability alibi of God: The perfect plan (神不在証明 (パフェクトプ), Paphekuto Puran) makes itself invisible and detect by smell, sound or even touch as long as he is holding his breath. Ch. 242 His other ability, God's Accomplice (神共犯者 (かみきょうはんしゃ), Kami no Koehan-sha) allows him to use Perfect Plan on everyone he touches. CH 243 Ikalgo Voiced: Kenyuu Horiuchi (Japanese), Greg Chun (English) Ikalgo (Yapカゴ, Ikarugo), wishing that he was born a squid, is an octopus-based Chimera Ant. Although he attacked Killua first, Killua stopped him from committing suicide as he could imagine that they were friends, and in Ikalgo later saves the boy's life. CH 238, 241 Ikalgo can turn two of his tentacles into an air gun, can manipulate corpses with his ability to Nen Forbidden Games: living dead dolls (死体と遊ぶな⼦供たち (リビグ デドドズ), Ribing deddo Deruz), and can use the abilities of a non corpse as well. Ch. 269, 282 When manipulating a corpse, he can use Tick Tock: Fleadom Fire (蚤弾 (フリダム), Furadamu) to fire his gun. Ch. 237, 238 Realizing in fact, Ikalgo allies with Killua and hunters and tasked to find and escape with Palm during the attack on the palace. Ch. 255, 273 Welfin, voiced by Daiki Nakamura (Japanese), Xander Mobus (ウェフィ, Werufin) - the leader of the Chimera Squadron, resembling a humanoid wolf and having a powerful sense of smell. Ch. 261 In his previous life, Weltin was a childhood friend of the NGL Gyro leader named zhaikahal (ザカハ, Zaikahara), who was captured while defending the Giro base and fed by the queen. Ch. 296, 309 Wellfin became a follower of Meruem with ulterior motives in improving his own status. His ability Nen is an egg on your face: Rocket Man (卵男 (ミマ), Misairu Man), which conjures up the back of an established body, armed with rockets that implant centipedes that grow in size, feeding on the defiance of the victim. Ch. 296 Using it for negotiating purposes, Wellfin establishes an order or question for his purpose if they refuse to obey or lie missile attacks. Ch. 276 Fear, when he encounters Meruem, causes Velfina to grow old in an instant, and he is only saved by pronouncing Komugi's name, forcing the king to remember her and seek her instead. Ch. 313 After the Battle of Uelfin joins Hina and Bizef in search of Giro in Meteor City. Ch. 315 Leol voiced: Jiro Saito (Japanese); Taylor Henry (レオ, Reoru) is the leader of the Chimera ants squadron, resembling an anthropomorphic lion, albeit with tiger stripes. Ch. 192 Originally named Hagya (ハギャ, Hagya), he was a lion in a previous life. CH 197 Leol is one of the Chimera ants that eat people destined for the queen and then develops an interest in Nen users. Ch. 192 After the death of the queen, he goes to his own colony, but runs away from the Hunters back to the side of the king. CH 216, 234 Nen Leola's ability is the I.O.U. Dispenser: Rent Pod (謝債発⾏機 レタポド), Rent Podarudo), an iPod-like device that keeps Nen the ability he can borrow from people owed it for an hour. Ch. 248 During the initial penetration of Morel and Knov into the King's Palace in East Gorto Leol collides with Morel in battle. CH 253 He expects victory after plunging Morel into an underground church using stolen abilities, but dies of carbon dioxide suffocation as part of cunning strategy to remove all oxygen in the church. CH 254 Cheetu Voiced: Motoki Takagi (Japanese), Cedric L. Williams (English) Cheetu (ヂトゥ, J'tu) is a cheetah as Chimera Ant Squadron leader with unprecedented speed, allowing him to dodge bullets with ease and quickly kick experienced hunters before they can even move. He is one of the chimera ants that eat people destined for the queen. Ch. 192 Compared to other chimera ants, Cheetu is very simple-minded and selfish without an agenda of his own, and just content to be the fastest. After the death of the queen, Chitu leaves NGL and heads east before being disturbed by Morel and Knuckle. Despite being tagged A.P.R. Knuckle, Chitu runs out of range, stopping interest charges. CH 221 Test convinces Chita that he needs something other than pure speed and has A.P.R. banished Hirin before gaining a new ability Nen. CH 245 He confronts Morel again, with the new ability to transport them to a limited-sized area for the tag game, but was defeated by being psychologically deceived. Ch 247 Chitu quickly develops another new ability Nen in place, a combined crossbow and claws, but again tricked before fleeing. Ch 248 He later boasted another new ability, but was crushed to death by Silva Sondyk from above. Ch. 278 zazan voiced: Azusa Nakao (Japanese), Allegra Clark (English) zazan (ザザ) - scorpion-humanoid Chimer ants, resembling an extremely tow, attractive woman with a scorpion's tail stinger, whose murderous subordinates include her right hand Pike (パク, Pike). Ch. 190 Gathering people for the queen, zazan captures The Pockle and brings him to the colony. Ch. 190 After the death of the queen, zazan leaves NGL to start his own colony in Meteor City and turns a large number of people there into subordinate henchmen with her Nen ability sexy Stinger revival: the queen shot (審美的転⽣注射 (クィショト), Kuan Shotto). Ch. 224 This leads to the native Ghost troupe attacking her hive. It can also turn into a larger monster with more power and super-pull skin, which she uses as a last resort against Fathyn, who eventually burns her. Ch. 228, 229 Rammoth voiced: Shinya Hakazoe (Japanese), Tony Oliver (トモ, Ramotto) - officer under the command of Colt, human-like chimera ant with the genetic features of a rabbit and shrivelling. Ch 191 Prone to act on his own, Rammoth attacks Gona and Killua to protect his food, and loses before being rescued by Colt, promising brutal revenge on two young men. Ch. 191 Hitting the boys' attacks activates The Rammot's aura, making it the first chimera ant to be able to use Ung. Ch. 194 This briefly goes to his head until he Neferpitu, Neferpitu, demeans him and renews his loyalty to the colony. Ch 197 he is then instructed to hit the other ants to wake them Nen as well. Ch. 198 After the death of the queen Rammoth wants to avenge Killua, but is beheaded after the boy removes the needle Illumi implanted in his brain. CH 219 Hunters Association Hunters Association (ハタ協会, Hante Ky'a) is a non-governmental organization responsible for testing and licensing hunters (ハタ, Hant) - a person who has established himself through rigorous inspection to be an elite member of humanity and who specializes in the search for rare creatures, secret treasures and others. This results in massive registration numbers for the annual licensing exam with an extremely high failure rate. Isaac Netero Voiced: Bunmei Tobayama (1999 series, Japanese), Paul Hudson (1999 series, English), Ichiro Nagai (2011 series, Episodes 6-114, Cinema, Japanese), Banjo Gingha (2011 series, Episodes 122-126, Japanese), Ian Alden (2011 series, English) Isaac Netero (アザク'ネテロ, Isaac Netero) is the chairman of the selection committee for the Hunter. Ch. 13 Presiding over it, he has final powers at each stage of the exam and is assisted by his secretary bean (ビズ, Bunza), who helps organize the hunter's exam and represents successful candidates with their license. Netero claims to have been the strongest user of Nen in the world more than 50 years ago. (h. 202) More than 60 years ago, Netero spent four years rigorously training every day to express gratitude to martial arts. Eventually he reached enlightenment, giving him the ability to strike faster than the speed of sound and the strength of the bodhisattva Guanyin. Ch. 265 Netero is also the Grand Master of Kung Fu Style ⼼源流 Rue (USA). Ch. 60 Netero leads a team hired to kill the Chimera ants, but after losing his arm and leg and unable to cause any significant damage to Meruimu, he commits suicide by carrying the Poor Man's Rose bomb (貧者薔薇, Hindja no Bara) implanted into his own body. Ch. 298 Bomb survivors are eaten alive from inside with poison and can contaminate others. C. 311 Isaac Netero is the father of Beyond Netero, whose existence was kept secret until his death. The zodiac zodiacs (⼗⼆⽀ん, Yanishin) are the highest board of the Hunters Association composed of 12 of the best hunters personally chosen by the chairman of Netero. C. 319 They have a code name based on the sign of the Chinese zodiac, and are tasked with deciding the nature of Netero's succession after his death. Because of the loyalty to the President, most change their behavior, physical traits, and even their legal names on the animal everyone represents. Ch. 319 With Beyond Netero and Kakin, intending to expedition to the Dark Continent, the zodiacs travel with them as escorts, hired by V5, a group of the five most powerful nations in the world. They are also aimed at exploring it up to beyond, as requested by the chairman of Netero. Ging Freecss Voiced: Hiroki Tochi (series 1999, Japanese), Ben Jeffrey (1999 series, English), Urara Takano (child, 1999 series), Rikiya Koyama (2011 series, Japanese), Mark Diraison (2011 series, English) Ging Freecss (ジフリク, Jean Fur'ckusu) is the double star of The Ruins hunter and Father's Gon and motivation to become a hunter. Ch. 326 He left Whale Island to become a Hunter before he turned 12, only to return a decade later to ask his grandmother to take care of Gona for a while. Ch. 65 No Mito felt he was unfit for his parents and gained custody of Gon, and Ging never returned. Ch. 65 He is the main creator of the video game Greed Island, as well as the one who captured and placed Razor in the game. A member of the zodiacs, his code name is Caban, and he is one of two members who do not imitate their respective animal. Ch. 319 At the end of the presidential election, Ging finally meets Gon. He tells Gona to apologize to Kite and the importance of the adventure before they break up again. He then leaves the zodiac and joins the Beyond Netero expedition to the Dark Continent, buying his way into second place only by name. Ch. 340, 347 Ging claims that he does not want to see Gona because he is too ashamed of being absent from Ghosn's life because of his own selfishness, and challenges his son to find him. Ch. 66 Despite this, he seems to be confident in Ghosn's abilities and knows him better than anyone; he knew that Gon would become a Hunter, and left a memory card for the Island of Greed and a recorded message with Mito to give him as soon as he did, and knew that Gon would eventually recover from his hospitalization. All information about Ging is classified even in the official Hunter database. Ch. 38 He is Kite's teacher and also inspired Satoza to become a Hunter. Ch 1, 35, 38 Chairman Netero once told Biscuit that Ging is one of the top five Nen users in the world. Ch 138 Ging tied with Silva for 15th place in the first poll of popularity of the series. Pariston Hill Voiced by Hiroki Takahashi (Japanese), Kyle McCarley (パリト, ヒ, Parisuton Hiru) is a triple star hunter and vice-chairman of the Hunters Association. Ch. 326 Member of the zodiacs, his code name is Rat, and like Ging, he does not change his appearance to fit his animal. C. 319 Pariston was personally selected by Netero to be vice chairman because he is difficult to work with and not a man. Presidential elections are proposed and accepted by the conditions that put him at a disadvantage, since he does not want to win or lose. C. 331 Pariston claims to feel happiness when people hate him, and that he is forced to damage what he cherishes. Ch. 343 In the zodiacs he is the only extremely left-wing patriot. Ch. 348 It has the support of Temp Hunters, a pejorative term for hunters who work public subcontracting jobs through the Association, through suspected kickbacks. Ch. 319, 331 Pariston is the final winner of the 13th election of the Chairman of the Hunter. However, he immediately appoints Cheadle as his vice-chairman and resigns from his new position. Ch 335 he then leaves the zodiacs and joins the Beyond Netero expedition to the Dark Continent, although Ging also joins and redeems him from his position second in the team. Ch. 340, 343 Cheadle Yorkshire voiced: Ikue Ohtani (Japanese), Cherami Lee (English) Cheadle Yorkshire (チド ヨクシャ, Chaudor Yakusha) - a woman from the code of the zodiac called The Dog. Ch. 319 She is a Triple Star Hunter, a doctor and a lawyer known as the Disease Hunter. Ch. 326, 346 She is usually shown as a smart person. In the presidential election, Cheadle repeatedly takes second or third place until he asks his supporters to vote for Leorio to prevent victory in Paris. C. 332 Pariston wins but gives his position to it because he only wanted to have fun. Ch. 335 After she officially becomes President, Cheadle accepts the resignations of Ging and Pariston, and the zodiacs accompany the trip Beyond Netero to the Dark Continent. On the expedition, she is part of the scientific team and runs the medical facility of the center on the third deck. Ch. 346, 359 Mizaist Nana voiced: Akio Ohtsuka (Japanese), Armen Taylor (English) Mizaist Nana (ミザトムトム-ナナ), code called Bull, 319 is a hunter for crimes with a double star and is considered a man with common sense. Ch. 326, 346 He is also a lawyer and runs a private security company. Ch. 346 In the zodiacs he, Cheadle, Botobay and Ginta form a moderate conservative faction and often work together. Ch. 348 At the end of the election, Mizaistom asks his supporters to vote for Cheadle to prevent victory in Paris. In the expedition, he is part of the reconnaissance team and devotes his attention to decks three and four, where the crime rate is much higher than expected. CH 346, 358 His ability Closed courtroom: Cross Game (密室裁判 (クロゲム), Kuros Gyeum) uses blue cards to take people into his courtroom, yellow to immobilize them, and red to fire them out of the courtroom. CH 343, 348 Botobai Giant Voiced by: Isei Futamat (Japanese), Jason Marnocha (English) Botobai Gigante (ボドバ) ギガテ), code Dragon, 319 is a Triple Star Hunter. Ch. 326 He is the oldest member of the zodiac and was close to Netero. He is a public prosecutor, military analyst and terrorist hunter. Ch. 346 In the zodiacs he, Cheadle, Mizaist and Ginta make up a moderate conservative faction and often work together. Ch. 348 In the expedition he is part of the defense team. Ch. 346 He and Mizaist help the Royal Forces and Private Security maintain order and deal with criminal issues about the Black Kite, with Botobai also acting as a judicial official. Ch. 358, 359 Kanzai Voiced: Ryota Ohsaka (Japanese), Alejandro Saab (English) Kanzai (カザ), code named Tiger 319 is a hot-tempered bodyguard and treasure hunter. Ch. 346 He has a short character, as shown when he is easily angry when Pariston and Hisoka tease him. In the zodiacs, he, Gel and Saccio form a liberal/apolitical faction and often work together. Ch. 348 In the expedition, he is part of the defense team and stands guard of the camera Beyond with Saccio and Saya. Ch. 346, 359 Pyon Voiced: Tomoka Kyriyama (Japanese), Kayleigh Mills (English) Pion (ピヨ, Piyon), code called Rabbit, 319 is a linguist, translator and paleographer hunter. Ch. 346 She seems to be proficient in technology, as she is often seen on her phone or laptop. In the zodiacs, she, Clack and Saya form a faction of reforms and often work together. Ch. 348 During the later rounds of the presidential election, Pyon acts as a master of ceremonies. During the expedition, she is part of an intelligence team and produces software to recognize any ancient languages they may encounter on the Dark Continent. CH 346 Gel, voiced by: Yuki Shirato (Japanese), Maureen Price (English) Gel (ゲ, Geru), code called Snake, . She has the opportunity to change her hands on the snake, which she uses to briefly threaten Pariston when he proposes to the zodiacs to make him Chairman without an election. In the zodiacs, she, Kanzai and Saccio form a liberal/apolitical faction and often work together. Ch. 348 She is a coroner, pharmacist and poison hunter. Ch. 346 In the expedition she is part of the scientific team. Ch. 346 Clack, voiced by: Megumi Han (Japanese), Ginny Tirado (English) Clack (クク, Kurukku), code called Chicken, Ch. 319 is one of the shortest testy members in the zodiacs. She seems to have the right to manipulate birds, as shown when she delivers all the Hunters ballots for elections. Ch. 320 In the zodiacs, she, Pyung and Saya form a faction of reforms and often work together. Ch. 348 She is a musician, dancer and botanical hunter. Ch. 346 In the expedition, she is part of the team on flora and fauna and plans to collect intelligence plants after planting. CH 346 Saccho Kobayakawa Voiced: Takuma Suzuki (Japanese), TBA (English) Saccio Kobayakawa (Yuチョウコバヤカワ, Satcho Kobayakawa), code titled The Horse, 319. CH 326 He seems to be very strict about the rules, and is known as the Hunter of Anxiety. He's a detective and a handyman. Ch. 346 In the zodiacs, he, Kanzai and Gel form a liberal/apolitical faction and often work together. In the expedition, he is part of the reconnaissance team and stands guard on the Beyond camera with Kanzai and Saya. Ch. 346, 359 Ginta Voiced: Takuma Suzuki (Japanese), TBA (English) Ginta (ギタ), code called Sheep, h. 319 - ranger and hunter of poachers. CH 346 He seems very sensitive when it comes to Netero's death, but he gets very crazy when Pariston offers himself to be chairman without an election. In the zodiacs, he, Cheadle, Mizaist and Botobai form a moderate conservative faction and often work together. In the expedition he is part of the team of flora and fauna. C. 346 Sayyu voiced: Velo Takeda (Japanese), Christopher Bevins (English) Saya (Yuユウ, Saya), code called Monkey, h. 319 - a man whose appearance resembles the King of the Apes. A bounty hunter and martial artist, he also has personnel as his weapon. Its ability consists of three Nen monkeys; See No Evil deprives the enemy of their vision, if the attack connects, the unheard of evil deprives them of their hearing, and saying no evil deprives them of speech. In the zodiacs, he, Pion and Clack form a faction of reforms and often work together. Ch. 348 He's a Pariston informant in the zodiac. In the expedition, he is part of the defense team and stands guarding the Camera Beyond with Kanzai and Saccho. Ch. 346, 359 Examiners Examination Hunter is divided into several stages, each of which is controlled by an experienced hunter. In the first exam shown in the series, the first Satotz examiner (zトツ, Satotsu), who checks the endurance of the candidates by leading them on a marathon of unknown length through a tunnel and a swamp filled with uniquely dangerous creatures. The second stage of the exam is conducted by two gourmet hunters, Bukhara (ブハ) and Menchi (メチ). Although Menchi can't handle all the candidates because of her stubbornness, Netero presses her to give candidates an alternative test. Phase 12 The third phase is overseen by the HeadHunter and the Lippo Prison Guard (リポ, Rippo), and tests candidates in various aspects of group dynamics, both on the community and on the individual front. Chairman Netero organizes the final stage as a one-on-one combat tournament where the winner must get his opponent to concede defeat. In a twist, contestants exam after winning only one fight with the loser advancing to the next round, that is, only one test subject will fail. Ch 33 Satotz finished seventh and 22nd in the first two popularity polls of the series. Examines the subjects who took part in Hunter's 287th annual exam, the year the main characters of the series passed the exam. Hanzo Voiced: Yoshiaki Matsumoto (1999 series, Japanese), Lucas Gilbertson (1999 series, English), Daisuke Kicio (2011 series, Japanese), Ray Chase (2011 series, English) Hanzo (ハゾ , Hanzo) is an 18-year-old shinobi who has trained in the art of ninyutsu since he was born. Ch. 34, 38 He decided to become a Hunter to find the scroll of the elusive hermit. Ch. 6 In the second test of the exam, showing cooking, he is the only one who knows what sushi is, since it is a dish from his home country, Japan. Ch. 11 In the final test of the Hunter's exam, Hanzo put up against Gona in a fight where your opponent must admit defeat. Ch. 33 Despite his speed, strength and combat experience, easily surpassing the race, Gong refuses even after Hanzo breaks his arm. Despite the lack of hatred in The Eyes of Ghosn after this act, Hanzo realizes that he really began to like him. He willingly bows out of the fight, giving Ghosn the victory he needs to pass the exam. CH 33 Hanzo wins and passes the exam himself when he threatens the same to Pokkle in his next match, becoming a licensed hunter. Ch. 35 Wing later stated that Hanzo had learned Nene after the Hunter exam. Ch. 60 Later, Hanzo appears on the arc of the Dark Continent as part of the Kurapika party and becomes the bodyguard of Prince Momose. Ch 350 Ordered her mother to protect Marayam instead of Momoze, a furious Hanzo blames himself when Momoze is killed and vows to make the killer pay. Ch 368 Hanzo finished eighth and 16th in the first two popularity polls of the series. (4) Tonpa voiced: Kohei Kovada (1999 series, Japanese), Gerald Matthews (1999 series, English), Toshihara Sakurai (2011 series, Japanese), Michael Sorich (2011 series, English) Tonpa (ト'sパ, Tonpa) nicknamed the Rookie Crusher candidates with great exam experience. He passed the exam for 35 consecutive terms, never being able to pass the exam. He often brags about his experiences to those who take the exam for the first time and then offer them a helping hand. It's just a ploy as he takes perverse pleasure in sabotaging their attempts to get a license. Ch. 17 This time, he trails Gong, Killua, Courapica, and Leorio, trying various means to disrupt their progress. To do this, he uses techniques such as peak drinks with strong laxatives and contradictory just to postpone progress in the time-sensitive arena where he joins them. Ch. 5, 16 He also attends Hunter's next exam, where he along with still, defeated Killua. CH 148 Pokkle Voiced: Yukiko Tamaki (1999 series, Japanese), Graden Gant (1999 series, English), Yukitoshi Tokumoto (2011 series, Japanese), Bobby Thong (2011 series, English) Pokkle (ポク, Pokkuru) is an experienced archer who carries a bow and a bulb arrow where he goes. The arrows are tipped with a powerful tranquilizer that, even with a small nickname, causes paralysis for any person for up to a week. CH 24 Pokkle's goal is to become a successful hunter of unregistered fantastic beasts. Ch. 38 He sarms the exam and becomes a licensed hunter. Pokkle is then seen in the N.G.L. with Ponzu and several others before their group is attacked by the Chimera Anthems. C. 190 Pockl is poisoned by Sazan and taken to the colony to be fed by the queen, but with the help of a hidden antidote is able to restore some movement and hide before the ants of Chimera begin to look for him for his knowledge of Neh. Ch. 197 However, the newborn Neferpitu feels like Pockle is hiding, and he is subjected to the fact that the Royal Guard pushes him to divulge everything he knows about Neh before he is killed. C. 198 Pokkla's ability, Seven Spectrum Grill: Rainbow (七⾊⼸箭 (レボウ), Rainbe, creates a bow in his left hand and an arrow in the right; red arrows flash the flame upon contact and orange his fastest. Ponzu voiced: Umi Tenjin (1999 series, Japanese), Leda Davis (1999 series, English), Haruka Kudo (2011 series, Japanese), Reba Bur (2011 series, English) Ponzu (ポズ) is one of 24 who managed to enter the fourth stage of the Hunter exam. Ch. 23 She fights the use of chemical weapons, a wide range of toxins, and prefers to set traps rather than fight head. CH 25 Her secret weapon lies in her round cap, carrying neurotoxic bees beneath the surface that appear and attack her enemies when she is threatened. Ch. 31 At this stage her bees instinctively kill Bourbon after she falls into his trap. Ponzu was rescued by Gong, but her badge was taken when she was unconscious so that Leorio could pass the exam, causing her to fail the exam. Ch. 31 She also attends Hunter's next exam, where she, along with everyone else, was defeated by Killua. C. 148 Ponzu is then seen in the N.G.L. with Pokkle and several others before their group is attacked by the Chimera Antis. Ch. 190 The group is killed by the squad of zazan, but she can escape long enough to send one of her bees with a message to the strongest Hunter nearby, who turns out to be Kite. She was shot and eaten a few minutes later by a Chimera ant. Chimera Ant Exterminators With Human-sized Ants in N.G.L., Hunters Association Sends Official to investigate and deter the threat. The destruction team is led by none other than Chairman Netero himself. Netero picks up those who should accompany him, causing considerable political controversy in the Hunters Association. Morel McKernazi, voiced: Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Kyle Hebert (English) Morel McKernazi (モウ マナカシ, Morau McKanyashi) is a hunter and a member of the team whose task is to destroy the Chimera ants. (h. 199) A strong but very compassionate man with long hair and sunglasses, he cursed Binet and Master Shoot McMahon, and recognized Netero to be roughly equal to himself. Ch. 200, 202 He uses a giant smoking pipe and the smoke produced by it as his weapon. With his ability to Nen Smoke Troopers: Deep Purple (紫煙機兵隊 (ディプパプ), Deepa Papuru), Morel creates smoke dolls that act independently of him after the commands are issued. Ch. 244 Morel shows himself as an experienced and resourceful fighter, for example, in his fight against Leol, in which he uses his tube as a tube so that he can afford to breathe underwater, while strangling his opponent with the carbon dioxide he emitted. Once the incident with the chimera ant is resolved, Morel is expected to be promoted to Triple Star Hunter. CH 326 Knov Voiced: Shinithiro Miki (Japanese), Grant George (English) Knov (ノヴ, Nova) is a hunter and a member of the team tasked with destroying Chimera's ants. (h. 199) A smart man dressed in glasses and a suit, he is the master of Palm and the target of her affections, and recognized Netero to be roughly equal to himself. CH 200, 202 Knova Nen's ability of the fourth Dimension Mansion: Hide and Seek (4次元マショ (ハドアドシク), Haydo Anda Shaku) is similar to teleportation in that it creates portals to the Nen dimension. Ch. 246 Inside this four-story mansion Ern, he can store items or people. While others can only get out of a predetermined location, Know can use its main key to get out of any previously installed portal that it wants. Ch. 246 Infiltrating the palace of Merum solo to place portals, Know sees Shayapuf's aura, which scares him so much that he suffers a severe nervous breakdown. Ch. 251, 252 When he later returns to rescue the wounded during the attack, his black hair turned white from the psychological ordeal he went through. Ch. 290 Nac Binet Voiced: Wataru Takagi (Japanese), Benjamin Diskin (English) Nakle Binet (ナク バク, Nakkuru Bain) is a animal hunter and disciple of Morel. Ch. 200, 201 Despite the fact that Nak seems an aggressive man, he is very compassionate and easily moved to tears. He also gets along well with animals, having a habit of caring for abandoned pets. (h. 206) Knuckle's Nen ability Hakoware: Bankruptcy, Chapter Seven where, by lending some aura to his opponent through a kick, he attaches a small unbreakable Nen-creature called Power Redirector depreciation (ポトクリ, Pottokurin) or A.P.R. for short. CH 211 It follows the opponent wherever they go and grows each successive time Knuckle hits them and 10% interest on the borrowed aura every 10 seconds. Ch. 211 The enemy pays Knuck back by hitting him, but he will not accept the damage until the debt is fully paid, and if the aura count exceeds their total remaining aura, the enemy will go bankrupt. At the moment, A.P.R. is transformed into the Individual Ren Suppressor (トリタテ, Toritaten) or I.R.S. for a brevity that attaches and forces the debtor to zetsu unable to use Nen for 30 days. Ch. 211 Shooting McMahon voiced: Yuji Ueda (Japanese), D.C. Douglas (English) Shoot McMahon (シュト マクマホ, Suto Makumehon) is an unidentified animal hunter with one hand and a seal pupil. Ch. 200, 205 The ability to Shoot in Nen is the Dark Inn: Hotel Rafflesia (暗い宿 (ホテフレシア), Hoteru Rafureshia) and includes the manipulation of cells and three disembodied hands that levitate. Ch. 212 Shoot can shrink and seal what hit his hands in the cage. Ch. 222 He has a timid personality and is often afraid to take the right time to attack his enemy. Ch. 205 In the fight against Youpi during the team's destruction raid on East Gorto, Shoot becomes inspired by Gong, and before adversity is able to overcome his timidity and fight without caring about his life. CH 266 Palm Siberia, voiced by Kikuko Inoue (Japanese), Karen Strassmann (English) Palm Siberia (パムシベリア, Pymu Shiberia) is a student of Knova to whom she has love. CH 200 In order for her to accompany Knova to extermination, Gong and Killua must defeat Knuckle and Shoot within one month, so Palm contacts with Biscuit to train them further. Ch. 200, 201 In most cases it looks dishevelled and stressed, exuding a frightening aura. However, she is portrayed as quite beautiful when dressed. Ch. 218 She develops a love of Gona, but is unable to develop their relationship. Palm can see the location of anyone she has seen with her own eyes using a small mermaid heirloom crystal ball powered by her blood. C. 220 Palma is sent to the Palace of Chimera King Of Ant-Man undercover as secretary of the director of Bizef, the man who actually fled East Gorto backstage to put an eye on the king and the Royal Guard so she could track them. CH 250, 252 She is captured and transformed into a chimera-ant hybrid, with Nen's ability to rage shadows: Black Widow (暗黒⿁婦神 (ブ)クウィドウ) creating defensive outfits from her hair wraps over her body. Ch. 293, 294 But Killua manages to help Palm recover his memories and return to the side Hunters. Palm's clairvoyant ability has evolved into Wink Blue (淋しい深海⿂ (ウィクブ), allowing her to see the last three people she saw with her right eye in a crystal ball on her forehead when she closes the same eye. CH 304 Other Kite Voiced: Shigeru Nakahara (1998 film), Yaji Kishi (1999 series, Japanese), Adam Hunter (1999 series, English), Shuichi Ikeda (2011 series, Japanese), Uki Satake (Chimera Ant, Japanese), Chris Smith (2011 series, English), Laura Stahl (Chimera Ant, English) Kite (カト, Kite) is the very first hunter presented in history. A student of Ging Freecss, Gon's father, he went to Whale Island three years before the series began looking for leads in order to pass his last test, Find Ging. Ch. 1 Rescuing Gona from the fox bear, Kite showed him that his father is alive and the best Hunter, inspiring Gona to follow in his father's footsteps and become a Hunter. Ch. 1 After the completion of Greed Island, Gon again encounters Kite, who, having discovered Ging, is in the middle of a biological study in search of new species in the country of Kakin. Ch. 186 He leads a team of young illuminated hunters named Banana Cavaro, Lin Koshi, Monta Yuras, Podungo Lapoy, Spinner Clow and Stick Dinner. His ability is Mad Clown: Crazy Slots (気狂いピエロ (クレジロト), where the clown-head randomly selects a number 1 to 9 and calls the appropriate weapon, which he can not remove until he uses. C. 194 Kite is killed by Neferpita, and his body is rebuilt into a manipulative puppet to train chimera ants. Ch. 222 He captured Knuckle and shoot, with Gon vowing to put his right and take revenge; although it never happens. Later it turned out that Meruem's twin sister, found on the corpse of the queen, kite is reborn as a female chimera ant. CH 335 Although named Reina Colt, Kite quickly matured, restoring the memories and personality of his former male self and helping to snap Gong out of his depression. Kite also forces Koalu (コア, Koara), a koala-humanoid Chimera Ant hitman, to become her subordinate as a repentance for the death of a girl whose appearance Kite took over as Chimera Ant. Isunawi voiced: Kazuki Yao (series 1999, Japanese, episode 45), Tsuyoshi Koyama (1999 series, Japanese, episode 56), Masaki Aizawa (2011 series, Japanese), Imari Williams (2011 series, English) Izunavi (ズナビ, Izunabi), named Mizuken (ミズケ) in the 2011 anime, is Hunter and Kurap Nen Teacher. Isunawi teaches him about Neh and informs him about his ability Make contracts that strengthen your abilities based on how strict the limits you place. C. 83 He appears on the arc of the Dark Continent as part of the Kurapiki party, becoming Prince Tyson's bodyguard. Ch 350 Izunavi ranked 24th in the second popularity poll of the series. Melody Voiced by: Tarako Isono (1999 series, Japanese), Mina Tominaga (2011 series, Japanese), Dorothy Fan (2011 series, English) Melody (セリツ, Senritsu) is a music hunter and a kind and understanding member of Neon's bodyguards. Ch. 73 She is always willing to listen to someone's confession and has the gift of getting people to open up to her. As Leorio points out, she is one of the few characters who made Kurapika open to her. Melody's appearance contrasts briefly with her good soul. Because of the consequences of the Sonata of Darkness, the piece of music is said to have been written by Satan himself, and that whoever listens to it will be very damned, her body short and her right hand disfigured. Ch. 73 One night Melody and her friend were drunk while her friend was playing Sonata. His power was so great that after hearing only the first movement of the solo flute, Melody was disfigured. Her friend wasn't so lucky, but it was his whole body was disfigured like Melody's hand and he died after the game. Melody got her abilities Nen in exchange. Melody's goal is to find the Sonata of Darkness and destroy it. Ch. 73 Melody has the ability to radiate its aura for people to soothe fatigue when it plays the instrument. The melody also has a very acute sense of hearing and can tell the psychological state of a person simply by listening to their heartbeat. Ch. 121 For example, she knows when people are lying or when someone has completely lost their temper. The melody appears in the arc of the Dark Continent as part of the Kurapica party, becoming Prince Cacho's bodyguard. Ch. 350 Melody was inspired by Nausikash and Yupa in Nausica's Hayao Miyazaki in the Valley of the Wind, or perhaps Ashitaka by Princess Mononoke instead of Yupa. Melody took 20th place in the second popularity poll of the series. Basho voiced: Hidenobu Kiuchi (1999 series, Japanese), Toru Nakane (2011 series, Japanese), Jake Eberle (2011 series, English) Basho (バショウ, Bashe) is one of the new bodyguards of Neon Nostrada, hired together with Kurapica. When he was first introduced, he quickly underestimated Kurapeak, but after Kurapika demonstrates his Dawsing Chain, he grows respect for him. Basho returns to the dark continent as part of Kurapika's infiltration party, becoming Prince Luzurus's bodyguard. CH 350 His ability is called the Wandering Poet Haiku (流離俳 (グレトハカ), in which Basho writes a haiku describing the state on a piece of paper (e.g., Everything I Hit Explodes), which then comes true. Voiced by zenon Soldik: Tadashi Miyazawa (1999 series, Japanese), Hiroshi Ohtake (2011 series, Japanese), Sam Mann (2011 series, English) zenon zoldique (ゼノゾディク, Xeno Sodudicku) is Killua's grandfather and Silva's father. A witty old man, his coming age did not weaken his quick thinking and speed in battle. He wears variable marks on his clothes that say either Kill a Day or Never Retire. Ch. 95 He appears to be on good terms with Chairman Netero, who hires zenon for an initial attack on the palace in East Gorto in order to catch Ant-Man Chimera by surprise. Ch. 263 He hesitates visibly in battle when he realizes that the king has come to take care of the safety of the human prisoner. He evangelisms Killua more than his other grandchildren. He finished ninth in the second popularity poll of the series. Silva Solmik voiced: Kuji Ishii (1999 series, Japanese), Kuichi Yamadera (2011 series, Japanese), Chris Tergliafera (2011 series, English) Silva Soleddik (シ ゾババディク, Shiruba zorudikku) is the father of Killua. A quiet, brooding figure, Killua's interaction with him seems limited. He allows Killua to travel with Gong on their journey to find his father, but only because he sees this as an important step in his development as the main killer of the zoldick family. CH 42 During an auction in Yorknew City, Silva and zenon both hired Ten Dons to kill the Phantom Troupe, but quit their jobs when their clients were killed because of work taken by Illumi, Maha and Calluto. This was Silva's second fight with Crollo Lucilfer, and Killo said he had previously killed an unidentified member of the Phantom Troupe. Ch. 80 Silva later appears amid an attack on a palace in East Gorto, killing Chita on the way to pick up his father. Silva drew with Ging for 15th place in the first popularity poll of the series, and finished 13th in the second. Kikyo Sondik voiced: Rena Yukie (1999 series, Japanese), Junko Iwao (2011 series, Japanese), 22 Michel Ruff (2011 series, English) Kikyo Soldik (キキョウゾディク, Kikyo Sodudiku) is the mother of Killua. She was injured trying to prevent Killua from running away from home to pass the Hunter exam, although she is proud of Killua for it. Ch. 36 She seems a little paranoid and careful with Killua's friends. Kikyo is looking forward to Killing Killua and expecting to continue his family business one day. According to Ilumi, Killua is her favorite son. Kikyo ranked 13th in the first popularity poll of the series. Milluki Solmdik Voiced: Katasi Ishizuka (1999 series, Japanese), Kimiko Saito (2011 series, Japanese), Laila Berzins (2011 series, English) Milluki zoldik (ミキゾディク, Miruki Soroukku) is the second Killua brother and obese figure, who has a strong aversion to performing any kind of physical activity. He seems to be a kind of otaku, since his room is covered with figurines from various anime, manga and video games. Ch. 69 Milluki is talented at hacking into computer systems, as Killua asks him to hack into Ging's memory card. He was also injured during Killua's escape. CH 36 Milluki is responsible for torturing Killua as punishment but has no drive to perform it very long as he becomes physically exhausted. Ch. 42 After Killua reported the location of the cartridge on the island of greed, The excitement of Milluki leads to one of the rarest moments when he makes an external expedition in search of the game, he himself declares that he has not left the mansion for eight years. However, he is unable to win a copy and goes into despair. Alluka Sondyk, voiced by Maaya Uchida (Japanese), Xante Hyun (English) Alluka Soldik (アカ ゾディク, Aruka Sodudikku) - The second younger brother of Killua. While other members of the zoldyk family call Aluk a man or object, Killua, who is closest to Aluka, claims that Malluka is a woman. Ch. 320, 321, 324 Alluka is a dark child with the ability to satisfy the wishes and second person, named Nanika (ナニカ, Something) Killua. Ch. 323 After the person submits three requests made by Alluka, Nanika gives his wish. Ch. 322 The greater the desire, the more demands Aluka will have to the next person. Ch. 322 If the four claims of Aluka are rejected in a row, at least two people, rejection and their closest friend/love, will die. Ch. 322 Greater desire requires more deaths in the next round when the claims are rejected; dies in the order of the amount of time they spent with failure. Ch. 322, 323 As soon as people die in failure, the demands are rebooted to the lowest level of difficulty. Ch. 324 Because Aluki's power is considered too dangerous, Aluka is locked alone in a room full of toys. Fearing that Killua will ask for Allluca's help to save Gon's life, Illumi asks for Hisuki's help in finding and killing Alluka, as Alluk poses a serious threat to the entire zoldyk family in the event of Killua's murder by Alluki's force. CH 323 Killua eventually has Alluka cure Gon without consequences, it is because Killua can make The Requirements of Nanik without paying the price. Ch. 333, 336 After Gon is healed, Killua demands that Nanika not satisfy other people's desires, and begins to travel with Alluka. Ch. 336, 338 Signature to a separate illustration of Alyukova in volume 33 Hunter on × reads: Ai. I'm from the Dark Continent. perhaps assuming that Aluka's strength is related to the gas-like form of life: Ai (ア), which people have returned from the Dark Continent. Ch. 341 Greed Island Players - Greed Island is a video game created by Ging Frix and ten of his friends for the Joystation game console in 1987, exclusively for hunters who know Nena. Ch 69, 184 Only 100 copies were made, which were sold for 5.8 billion Jenny (currency Hunter × Hunter), the highest ever for a video game. C. 69 Game seemingly transports the physical bodies of their players to the world of island greed (although it's actually an isolated island that exists in the real world), only releasing them when they die (at which point they die in real life too) when they win, or when they use a special card in the game that releases them. Biscuit Kruger Voiced by Chieko Higuchi (Greed Island OVA, Japanese), Akiko Kimura (GI Final OVA, Children's Uniform, Japanese), Takashi Hagino (GI Final OVA, Adult Form, Japanese), Chisa Yokoyama (2011 series, Japanese), Tara Sands (2011 series, English) Biscuit Kruger (ビケト クガ, Bisuchetto Kurago) is a double star of Stone Hunter, which is a double star of The Stone Hunter, which is a double star of the Stone Hunter, which is a double star of The Stone Hunter, which is a double star of The Stone Hunter, which is a double star of the Stone Hunter, which is a double star of the Stone Hunter, which is a Gonua team. Ch. 137, 326 Although she appears to be a little girl, her true form is actually that of a massive and extremely muscular 57-year-old woman several times larger. CH 137, 177 Biscuit stays in this young girl's form because she hates her actual appearance but gets a huge boost of power when she turns back into her real looks. CH 177 Her goal on the island of greed is to get a gem found only in the game, The Blue Planet. Ch. 138 She becomes the second teacher of Gona and Killua, as well as the teacher of wing, the man who first teaches Nena Gona and Killua. Ch. 137 After the events on the island of greed, Biscuit later helps Gona and Killua train for their battles against Knuckle and Shoot during the Arc ant Chimera. She later joins the Kurapiki party at Killua's request during the dark continent arc, becoming Prince Marayama's guard. CH 350 Tsezgerra Voiced: Ryuji Mizuki (Greed Island OVA, Japanese), Kiyyuki Yanada (2011 series, Japanese), Jay Allen White (2011 series, English) Tsezguerra (ツェズゲ, Tsezugera) - an experienced jackpot hunter with a single star. CH 125 He hired multi-billionaire Butter (バテ) to defeat The Island of Greed and test people who want to enter the game to earn the $50 billion prize pool offered by Butter. Ch 125 He and his teammates with Gon, Killua, Biscuit, Hisoka and Goreina will take part in the razor game. Ch 160 Later he and his team engage Gentra in pursuit to buy time for Gona to train against Gentra, and for Killua to heal his injuries. CH 170 Abengane Voiced: Daisuke Hirakawa (Greed Island OVA, Japanese), Eiji Hanawa (2011 series, Japanese), Jalen K. Cassell (2011 series, English) Abengan (アベガネ) is an exorcist; Nen user with removal of Nen curses or attacks posted yourself or others. Ch. 120, 147 Nen Beasts he calls to eat Nen curses, assigned to himself, attach to him until he fulfills the original condition to remove the curse or the original charmer dies. CH 147 As one of the players hired by Butter to complete Greed Island, The Phantom Troupe and Hisoka find Abengane in the game and hire him to lift the curse imposed on Kurapo. CH 183 Goreina voiced: Kosuke Toriumi (Greed Island OVA, Japanese), Hidetaka Tenjin (2011 series, Japanese), Edward Bosco (2011 series, English) Goreina (ゴレヌ, Goreinu) is an island player of greed who allies with the Gona party in a dodgeball game against Razor. Ch. 154 His ability Ern is to form two gorillas from Ern. Ch. 161 He seems to control the gorillas and can quickly change their position with his own or also with someone else, friend or enemy. Later, he joins the Team Tsevguerra and the one who gives Gona, Killua and Biscuit the remaining cards needed to win on the island of greed. CH 169, 182 Razor Voiced: Toru Furusawa (Greed Island OVA, Japanese), Takaa Kuroda (2011 series, Japanese), George K. Cole (2011 series, English) Razor (レザ, Reiso) is one of the masters of the game and the creator of greed Island. Ch 145 Father Ghona told Britra not to restrain his son if he ever came to the island of greed. Ch 161 Razor is a key person in getting one of the toughest cards in the game; The challengers must confront Razor and his 14 Devils in a group of 15 men and defeat them in various sporting events. It is known that 14 devils were not his allies, but the Razor's own ability to emit 14 Ness creatures at will. Ch. 161 He is defeated in a dodgeball game by the union party of Gona (consisting of Gong, Killua, Biscuit, Hisok and several other players hired by Butterna). The razor shows Gona that he was sentenced to death, captured by Ging and brought to the island. Ch. 169 Kakin Kakin (カキ) is a kingdom located in the heart of the Asian continent, which has experienced rapid economic growth since the transition from social imperialism to parliamentary democracy 30 years ago in the so-called quietest revolution in history. Ch. 340 Since then he has sought to expand his influence internationally and after announcing an expedition to the Dark Continent, V5 offered Kakin a place among them, expanding the council to six countries and renaming it V6 in order to gain control of the expedition and its trophies, as well as to prevent possible difficulties. C. 346 All legitimate children of the ruler receive the official title of prince, regardless of gender, and are ranked according to their order of birth, although the ranks of the gift have several special privileges in relation to each other and act mainly as the mean to their decision. Ch. 349 Illegitimate children, with another prohibited publicly or taking part in the kingdom's politics and their faces are cut in half by razors, as proof of their lower status. CH 378 To choose his next ruler, a deadly game among princes is held to decide a legitimate successor aboard a giant transport ship, the Dark Continent called Black Whale No. 1, a fact that is hidden from the public. CH 348 Princes each acquire the Guardian Spirit of the Beast (守護霊獣), a parasitic Nen Beast who feeds on their aura and metamorphoses in form and abilities based on their location that they cannot see or control in the Seed Urn ceremony before boarding the ship. Ch. 349, 360 Guardian of the Spirit beasts, created from the same vessel, do not kill each other and do not directly attack other masters. Ch. 362 The Royal Family of Nasubi Hui Go Nasubi Nasubi Hui Go Roux (ナビ ホコロ, Nasubi Hoikoro) is the ruler and king of Kakin and the sponsor of the Beyond Netero expedition to the Dark Continent. A charismatic and enthusiastic man outside, Nasubi hides a cold and merciless side from the public because he shows no remorse for the fact that his own children were killed in a game of continuity. He has eight wives and 14 legal children. Ch. 349 Benjamin Hui Go Roux Benjamin Hui Go Roux (ベジャミ ホコロコジャミ, Benjamin Hoikoro) is the first prince of Kakin and nasubi's eldest son with his first wife, Unma (ウマ). CH 349 Although a very strong and aggressive person when reasoned using relevant information he is flexible but harsh, and always makes sound judgments. Ch. 363 He is not shy about killing his brothers and sisters and seems to be a rivalry with Cerrienich, his brother from the same mother. Ch. 348 As Deputy Military Adviser to the Royal Army kakin, Benjamin may order some of his personal guards to protect other princes, while instructing them to learn about the abilities of Nen's men with permission to kill in self-defence if they feel threatened. Ch. 363 He was already a user of Nen before the start of the game for succession. Ch. 363 His ability To those who inherit the stars: Benjamin Baton (星を継ぐも (ベジャミバト)) allows him to inherit the abilities of Ern people who swore allegiance to him after their death, provided that they are members of his private army who graduated from the Royal Military Academy of Kakin. Ch. 373. Camilla Hui Go Ru Camilla Hui Go Roux (カミ ホココロ, Kamara Hoikoro) is the second prince of Kakin, nasubi's eldest daughter and first child with his second wife, Duazul (ドゥアズ). Although charming, she is sadistic and does not answer to anything but her father. She orders her mother to get close and kill Hulkenburg. CH 366 Her ability Nen, a cat that has lived a million times: The name of a cat (百万回⽣きた猫 (ネコノナマエ)), is a giant cat Nen Beast, which is activated after death and resurrects Camilla, taking the life of her killer. Ch. 373 Her Guardian Spirit Beast, which has a silhouette resembling a silhouette of a tree with a chest for its crown, is a manipulator with a coercive type of ability that takes full control of the target once certain conditions are met. C. 375 Chang Lei Hui Go Ru Zha Zha Hui Go Roux (チョウ ホコロ, Charai Hoikoro) is the third prince of Kakin and nasubi's only son with his third wife, Tang zhao Lee (トウチョウレ). Ch. 349 While a diplomatic pacifist who prides himself on luxury, he allied himself with the criminal Xi family because he believed that the true king should use both the light and the dark sides of society. By his own admission, he tends to worry more about what happens after he becomes king than about the obstacles to reach the crown. His Guardian Spirit Beast is a sorcerer who produces a coin on a daily basis, has several abilities activated by multiple conditions. Ch. 376 Coin holder can gain different abilities after fulfilling certain conditions. Ch. 376 Chang Lei believes that handing out coins will exercise its power once it is king, making it ironclad when it happens yet apparently useless to the owner until then. Cerriednich Hui Go Ru Cerridnich Hui Go Ru (ツェリドニヒホコロ, Ceredonihi Hoikoro) is the fourth prince of Kakin and Nasubi's second son with Unma. C. 349 A rather erudite and calm man outside, Cerridenh is actually a sociopath who indulges himself with grotesque acts of cruelty and murder and possesses an extensive collection of human body parts, including a few scarlet eyes from the Kurt clan. Ch. 345, 349 He sends two guards to attend Nen Kurapiki's lessons, telling them to kill everyone if they can't get to know Nen for two weeks. Ch. 369 Feta (テタ, Tota), one of his private security guards, ordered Cerryednich to teach him Nena, and although she tries to get him out as soon as possible, fearing that such an evil man as he might do to him, he, as it turned out, learns very quickly. Ch. 362, 368 Specialist, Nen's ability of Cerriednay allows him to see ten seconds in the future allowing events to play as an illusion for everyone nearby, acting independently then. Ch. 387 His Guardian Spirit Beast resembles a horse with feminine facial features, a long elongated neck, four fingers of hands and high-heeled shoes. Ch. 362 The Beast hides another person in his mouth and has the ability to curse anyone who lies to him, creating facial wounds that develop into a rash if that person lies to him again. Ch. 374, 385 In addition, Cerrienich develops his own Nen Beast separately from his Beast of the Guardian Spirit. Ch. 384 Tuppa Hui Go Ru Tuppa Hui Go Roux (ツベパホコロ, Tsubeppa Hoykoro) - 5th Prince Second daughter Kakin and Nasubi with Duazul. Ch 349 Tomboyish compared to her sisters, she appreciates the modesty and analyticalness of her competition as she intends to kill her older siblings while appropriating her younger siblings as soon as she receives the throne. Tuppa proposes to form a truce with Wobla, if Kurapika tells his captain-guard Maor (マオ, Maar) all about Nena. CH 365 Her Guardian Spirit Beast is a giant frog with wheels that can synthesize any drug in its body, while possessing a joint type that requires a research partner. C. 375 Tyson Hui Go Roux Tyson Hui Go Roux (タソホコロ, Tyson Hoycaro) is the sixth Prince Kakina and Nasubi's only child with his fourth wife, Catrono (カトロ). Ch 349 Isunawi was chosen as her bodyguard. Ch 350 Fat and plump woman, she prefers beautiful men like her bodyguards and encourages them to read her Tyson Book, which reflects her ideals of world peace and which she regards as the scriptures. CH 366 Her Guardian Spirit Beast, a giant heart with four wings and one eye, is a radiater with a diffuse-type tax ability, where it produces smaller Nen Beasts called Eye-wogs (⽬⽟ジャクシ, Medama Jakushi) that attach to whomever gets his book, collecting aura from them and giving happiness in return. Ch. 375 The degree of happiness depends on how thoroughly a person has read Tyson's Book with consequences for someone who violates the one and only taboo of Tyson's teachings. Ch. 375 Luzurus Hui Go Ru Luzurus Hui Go Roux (ズ ホコロコ, Ruzurusu Hoikoro) is the seventh prince of Kakin and Nasubi's third child with Duazul. Ch. 349 He made an unsuccessful attempt for some of his bodyguards to take part in the hunter's exam before leaving the ship. Ch 348 Basho is selected as his bodyguard and two bond over drug smoking. Ch. 350, 366 His centipede as the Guardian Spirit Beast is a sorcerer who applies pseudo-forced manipulation to setting traps, materializing all targeted desires as bait. Ch. 375 Sala-Sali Hui Go Ru Sala-Sali Hui Go Roux (Yuレレ ホコロコ, Saresare Hoikoro) is the eighth prince of Kakina and Nasubi's only child with his fifth wife, Svinko-ィコィ Pigコ. Ch. 349 He seems to be a womanizer and a wild hedonist to the point of proudly ignoring the war for succession, holding the party to the dismay of his mother. He is the second prince who died when he was killed by followers Benjamin Rean and Yushohi, who penetrated his details during the rotation of the guard, Rhian, using his Predator to remove the Spirit of the Beast Sale-Sali so that Yushohi could secretly kill the prince. Ch. 382 Keeper of the Spirit of the Beast Sali-Sale, resembling a floating ball with several persons, a manipulator whose ability is related to his libido, which spews gas evokes the one who inhaled it to have an increased sense of faith in Sala-sali. Ch. 374 Target, which inhaled a certain amount of gas, becomes the carrier of the clone of the Beast-Guardian Sale-Sale above them, hinting that Sala-sale could potentially subjugate the nation if given time. C. 374 Halkenburg Hui Go Ru Halkenburg Hui Go Roux (ハケブググ ホコロ, Harukenburugu Hoikoro) is the ninth prince of Kakin and Nasubi's fourth child with Duazul. Ch. 349 Prodigy student who entered the university at the age of 15, he is considered the most gifted of the heirs and many are most suited to become the next ruler. However, he openly criticizes the royal family. Ch. 349 Unlike his siblings, Hulkenburg does not intend to continue the battle for succession and tells his father that he will not participate. Ch. 361 In the second confrontation with his father, he learns the harsh truth that the only way for him to end the war for succession is to win. His Guardian Spirit Beast, a feathered ogre-like Enhancer who implants pinions to enhance the physical abilities of his followers, awaken his Nen's ability to pass the aura of a follower into another person to place them in a trans-like state until this follower is killed. C. 382 Kacho Hui Go Hou Hui Roux (カチョウ ホコロコ, Cacho Hoikoro) is the tenth Prince Of Makin and first daughter of Nasubi with his sixth wife, Seiko (セコ). Ch 349 Melody was chosen as her bodyguard. Ch 350 Appearing rude and selfish from the outside, it is actually an act to seem tough and ensure that her bodyguards side with her twin sister Fugetsu if forced to choose between them. Ch. 377 She takes care of Fugetsu and convinces her that they must work together to win the succession game by enlisting Melody's help to organize an escape plan. Ch. 359, 377 But the plan fails, as Cacho is killed by the mysterious force preventing any princes from leaving. Her Guardian Spirit Beast awakens after her death, suggesting that The Shape of Cacho is in her ability without you (2セゾ (キミガナ), Season two), which was also caused by the death of her sister to protect Fugetsu until she dies. Fugetsu Hui Go Fugetsu Hui Go Roux (フウゲツホコロ, Fagetsu Hoikoro) is the 11th Prince Kakuina and Nasubi's second daughter, Seiko, making her a twin sister to Cacho. Ch. 349 Unlike her sister, she is shy and has a good attitude. Her Guardian Spirit Beast creates doors that act as portals allowing it to travel instantly between two points. Ch. 376 She tries to escape with Cacho, but is forced to use her portal to retreat, as the mysterious force prevents her from leaving, while later she is joined by the Spirit-Beast Spirit of her twin. Ch. 383 Momoze Hui Go Ru Momoze Hui Go Roux (モモゼホコロ, Momoze Hoikoro) is 12th Kakin and Nasubi's first child with his seventh wife, Sevanti (セヴァチ). Ch. 349 Hanzo was chosen as her bodyguard. CH 350 Her Guardian Spirit Beast looks like a mouse and was one of the beasts to attack Woble's bodyguards. Ch. 368 After Sevanti orders some of Momoze's bodyguards to defend Marayam, including Hanzo, Momose is strangled to death in his sleep by one of the remaining guards, making her the first prince to die in the war for succession. Ch. 361, 368 King Nasubi has her body composed and placed in a grave inside a mysterious room where another 13 empty graves are located in a circle. Ch. 371 Marayam Hui Go Marayam Hui Go Roux (マヤムホコロ, Maraimu Hoikoro) is the 13th prince of Kakin and Nasubi's second child with Sevanti. C. 349 Biscuit is chosen as his bodyguard. Ch 350 Instead, Sevanti orders some of Momose's bodyguards to defend Marayama, claiming he is scared and more important. Ch. 361 Wobl Hui Go Ru Wobl Hui Go Roux (ワブ ホコロ, Waburu Hoikoro) is the 14th Prince Kakin, Nasubi's youngest child, and the only child with his eighth wife, Oito (オト). Ch. 349 She is forced to participate in the game of continuity, despite the fact that she is newborn. Ote hires Kurapika to protect her and her daughter while playing for succession. Ch. 350 Two hours and all their original bodyguards killed Guardian Spirit Beasts, except Kurapika and Bill (ビ, Biru), Hunter hired Pariston to search the Dark Continent with Beyond. Ch. 361 Like other princes, they then receive the royal armed guard Benjamin, but additionallyア リト 裏窓 receive two more guards from Chang Lei. before he is killed by the Spirit of the Beast of Cerriednay. As a result, Oyto's own ability to use Nen awakens, and she begins training to use it. CH 369, 370 Mafia Xi- yu Si-yu (シュウ-ウ家) Mafia family is run by his boss Oniora Longbao (オニオ , ロポウ, Onyaro Ronpu), the illegitimate half-brother of Nasubi Hui Go Ru. Ch. 378 Hinrig Biganduffno (ヒリギ゠ビガダフノダフノ, Hinrigi Bigandafuno) is a part of the family. Ch. 378 Based on the level of 4 Black Whale, their benefactor is Chang Lei, and they control human trafficking and the distribution of goods. Ch. 378 Xi-yu are trying to find Histok in front of the Ghost Troupe to prevent a large-scale incident on board. Cha-R Cha-R (シャ-ア家) mafia family is run by his boss Brocco Lee (ブロコリ, Burokko Reith), Na Ubi Hui Go Ru illegally Ken'i Wang (オウ, ケ, Ou Ken'i) is a family underboss. Ch. 378 Based on the fifth level of the Black Whale, their benefactor is Luzurus, and they control all the goods. Ch. 378 Cha-R trying to find Histoku in front of the Ghost Troupe to prevent a large-scale incident on board. The heil-Ly Heil-Ly mafia family (エ家) is run by her boss Morena Prudo (モレナプド, Morena Pur'do), nasubi Hui Go Roux's illegitimate daughter with her mistress. Ch. 378 Based on the third level of the Black Whale, their benefactor is Cerriege, and they are intermediate between the rich and the black market. CH 378 Nen Morena's ability to contagion: With Etude love (恋エチュド (zキオセ)) allows her, like number zero, to infect up to 22 other people through her saliva. These infected levels and increase their power by killing people; at level 20 they develop their own Nen abilities, and at 100 they become a new number zero and can infect others to form their own community. Ch. 378 Other characters Mito Voiced: Akimi Okomura (1998 film), Akiko Kimura (1999 series), Keiko Khan (2011 series) (Japanese); Rachel McCabe (2011 series) (English) Mito (ミト) is a woman who raised Gon and doesn't want him to become a hunter. Ch 1 Despite the fact that Ging was a cousin, Gon calls her his aunt and considers her his real mom. Ch. 64, 65 Although Mito never told Gona that Ging was a hunter, he grew up believing that both his parents had died in a car accident, the boy learned about it from Kite three years before the series. Ch. 64 She later tells him that ten years after Ging left Whale Island, he returned with Gon in infancy and asked his grandmother to take care of him for a while, but Mito felt unfit for his parents and gained custody of the boy. CH 65 In a 1999 version of anime and novelization, Mito is made into the sister of Gon's mother, making Ging her snooker. Wing voiced by: Masami Kikuchi (1999 series, Japanese), Toshihiko Seki (2011 series, Japanese), Ethan Murray (2011 series, English) Wing (ウグ, Uingu) is an assistant to the master of the style Of Shingen-Ryu Kung Fu, whose apprentice is zushi. He meets Gona and Killua in the Heavenly Arena and eventually teaches them to Nena. Although he initially lied to them about Nene, he changed his mind when they took to the 200th floor of Heavens Arena, realizing that they could die or be seriously injured by other Nen users. Ch. 47, 48 Over the next few months he teaches them the basics of Ern, after which he announces that they have passed a secret final requirement in order to be a hunter. Ch. 60 He, however, is somewhat wary of their enormous potential. The Wing teacher was Bisquit Kruger, who, incidentally, later became the second teacher of Gona and Killua. Wing makes an appearance at the funeral of Isaac Netero and at the first 13th Hunter Chairman Election. He was last seen checking on Gona at the hospital. His type of Nen is a raise. Ch 60 Wings finished 11th and 15th in the first two popularity polls of the series. (4) Umi Tenjin (1999 series, Japanese), Yuka Terasaki (2011 series, Japanese), Kira Buckland (2011 series, English) zushi (ズシ) is a boy who studies Shingen-Ryu Kung Fu and Nehn under the tutelage of the wing with whom Gon and Killua meet in the Heavenly Arena. CH 45 He is a formidable fighter and prodigy in his own right, however, he quickly surpassed Gong and Killua. According to the results of his divination of water, zushi is a manipulator. Ch 60 zushi took 21st place in the second popularity poll of the series. Castro voiced: Yuuji Kishi (1999 series, Japanese), Tokuyoshi Kawashima (2011 series, Japanese), Kevin M. Connolly (2011 series, English) Castro (カトロ, Kasuto) is a prominent and talented fighter at Heavens Arena. He hangs out on the 200th floor of Heavens Arena with the intention of building enough victories to become a floor master. His only loss is for Hisok, so he trains strictly to improve his ung. After amassing nine of the ten required victories to become a floor master, he challenges Hisok for a rematch. CH 52 Although he seems to top at first, Hisoka realizes that Castro is working in tandem with the doppelg'nger created through his Ung. Ch. 53 Hisoka then fulfills the illusion of using Ness to dump Castro, which leaves Hisoka the opportunity to kill him. Ch. 55 The cancellation of Castro in the type of ability Nen, which he chose. Although he was born as an Amplifier, Castro's ability completely ignores his strengths and uses spells and manipulations. In addition, his conjured doppelg'nger also flaws in the fact that although Castro gets dirty from the blows inflicted on him, he remains flawless in battle because it is just a reflection of what he sees about himself, making it easy to distinguish between the two. CH 54 Nostrade Family Nostrade Family Mafia Family that Kurapika joins in order to find information about his people stolen Scarlet Eyes. It is headed by Light Nostrad (Yap. トノトド Raito Nosutorido), and using the ability of his daughter Neon's fortune-telling, Light has managed to significantly increase his position in the mafia community, to the point where even the Ten Dons seek the advice of their daughter. Ch. 79 Before entering the underground auction, several bodyguards are hired to protect neon, including Kurapik, Dalzollen. Ch. 70 After the Ghost Troupe attack at auction, several bodyguards were killed, including Dalzollen, allowing Kurapice to become a leading bodyguard. Ch. 79 Neon Nostrada, voiced: Yuko Maekawa (series 1999, Japanese), Kana Ueda (2011 series, Japanese), Fei Mata Series, English) Neon Nostrad (ネオ ノトド, Neon Nosutorado) is the only daughter of the head of the Nostrada family, Light Nostrade. Using her abilities nena, Beautiful Ghostwriter: Angelic Auto Writing (天使⾃動筆記 (ブリ Yap.) ゴトタ), Rabura Gusutorayto), she predicts the future through quatrain divination, which is always accurate but a little cryptic because of their use of abstract references to future events. Neon is spoiled; she gets everything she demands, threatening to stop using her ability for the benefit of her father. Neon is also very connected to the occult and is an avid collector of rare human flesh, such as the Scarlet Eyes of the Kurt clan. Neon cares very little about anything other than his collection; even the death of her main bodyguard, Dalzollin, does not cause her grief. Ch. 79 However, when the family attendant is heartbroken, Neon offers to leave Yorknew City, despite not having received the auction items she desired. Ch. 121 She loses Ern's ability when Rollo steals it from her. It later emerged that her ability had disappeared from Krolo's book, implying that she had died. Ch 377 Neon finished 23rd in the second popularity poll of the series. Dalzollen voiced: Hiromi Sugino (1999 series, Japanese), Takehito Koyasu (series 2011, Japanese), Kirk Thornton (2011 series, English) Dalsolen (ダツォネ, Darutsorune) is a dedicated bodyguard leader of Neon Nostrada and the immediate chief of Kurapika. Ch. 70 He is killed by the zinc when the Troupe enters the Nostrada complex to save the captured Uvogin. Ch. 78 Dalzollen is seen wielding a katana with a wound. In the anime, he manages to punch Uvogin by 5 millimeters katana. Squala Voiced: Norhisa Mori (1999 series, Japanese), Takuma Suzuki (2011 series, Japanese), Ray Chase (2011 series, English) Squala (zクワ, Sukuwara) is one of Neon Nostrada's bodyguards. During an interview for new staff, he was one of two moles planted with the applicants in order to test their strength. Ch 68 He is also in a romantic relationship with Eliza, one of neon's female attendants. Ch. 109 Squala was later beheaded by Nobunago. CH 112 His ability Nen gives him the ability to manipulate dogs by being able to communicate with them through whistles and give them complex orders such as security or espionage. Baise Voiced by: Shiori Ohta (1999 series, Japanese), Miki Nagasawa (2011 series, Japanese), Carrie Keranen (2011 series, English) Baise (ヴェゼ, Vese) is one of the new bodyguards of Neon Nostrada, hired along with Kurapika. She is one of three bodyguards sent to buy what Neon wants at the Yorknew City Underground Auction, but all consistently killed by the Phantom Troupe that night. She killed Shizuka during the Massacre. Ch. 73 Manipulator, her ability Nen 180-minute love slave (180分恋奴隷 (I'タトヴァ), Insuta Ravntouu) gives her the opportunity to make any she kisses her slave for 180 minutes. CH 68 Komugi A Gungi game Voiced: Aya Endo (Japanese), Ryan Bartley (English) Komugi (コムギ) is a blind girl from the Republic of East Gorto and the reigning world champion Gungi (軍儀), a infusion game created in the country. Ch. 244 When Meruem took over East Gorto he defied numerous expert game players and beat them in his majors, however, Komugi is the only one he fails to win. Komugi ends up influencing Merui to become more human, as while her exposure to him awakens her ability to use Ern, improving her Gungi skills. Ch. 257 During a raid on the Palace of East Gorto, Komugi was seriously injured as a result of the ability of zenon and healed Pita. After Meruem is fatally poisoned by a Netero bomb, she stays by his side in the last minutes of her life and dies herself a few minutes later from exposure to him. Ch. 318 In addition to Netero Apart from Netero (ビヨド-ネテロ, Biyondo Netero) is the son of Isaac Netero, who took part in an expedition to the Dark Continents decades ago, but after it ended in failure, his father forbade him to make another attempt as long as he lived. Ch. 344, 346 After Isaac's death, Beyond shows itself to the public and enlisted the support of King Hui Go Roo Kakin to assemble another expedition that faces fierce resistance from the five most powerful countries in the world (known as V5) that consider the Dark Continent a forgotten place. However, he makes a deal with V5 and the Hunters Association, agreeing to continue the expedition under constant vigilance from the zodiacs, with any discovery belonging to them. Ch. 345 Links Hunter × Hunter Manga Whole TV series Togasi, Yoshihiro. ハタ×ハタ Hunter × Hunter (Japanese). 36 vols. Tokyo: Shueisha, 1998-present. Togasi, Yoshihiro. Hunter × Hunter. 36 vols. San Francisco: Viz Media, 2005-present. Tom's Individual Volumes 1 (h. 1-8): Departure Day. April 2005. ISBN 978-1-59116-753-2. and 出発 (japanese ⽇). June 1998. ISBN 978-4-08-872571-0. Volume 2 (h. 9-17): Fighting in the fog. May 2005. ISBN 978-1-59116-785-3. and 霧 (攻防 in Japanese). September 1998. ISBN 978-4-08-872606-9. It's Tom. 3 (h. 18-26): Resolution. July 2005. ISBN 978-1-59116-849-2. and 決着 (in Japanese). November 1998. ISBN 978-4-08-872630-4. It's Tom. 4 (h. 27-35): End of game. September 2005. ISBN 978-1-59116-992-5. And 最終試験開始! (Japanese). February 1999. ISBN 978-4-08-872672-4. It's Tom. 5 (h. 36-44): Family November 2005. ISBN 978-1-4215-0184-0. and ジ's フリ (in ク language). April 1999. ISBN 978-4-08-872713-4. It's Tom. 6 (h. 45-54): Ern Sense. January 2006. ISBN 978-1-4215-0185-7. and ヒソカ (in 条件 language). October 1999. ISBN 978-4-08-872749-3. It's Tom. 7 (h. 55-63): Ern Combatant. March 2006. ISBN 978-1-4215-0332-5. and これから (in Japanese). December 1999. ISBN 978-4-08-872788-2. Volume 8 (h. 64-73): Island. May 2006. ISBN 978-1-4215-0643-2. and オクショ開催!! (Japanese). April 2000. ISBN 978-4-08-872847-6. Volume 9 (h. 74-83): Shadow Beasts. July 2006. ISBN 978-1-4215-0644-9. 9⽉1⽇ (japanese). July 2000. ISBN 978-4-08-872890-2. It's Tom. 10 (h. 84-93): Fakes, Scammers, and Old Switcheroo. September 2006. ISBN 978-1-4215-0645-6. 9⽉3⽇ (japanese). November 2000. ISBN 978-4-08-873021-9. Volume 11 (h. 94-103): Next stop: Meteor City-Junction World. November 2006. ISBN 978-1-4215-0646-3. 9⽉4⽇ (in Japanese). March 2001. ISBN 978-4-08-873087-5. Volume 12 (h. 104-115): September 4: Part 2. January 2007. ISBN 978-1-4215-0647-0. 9⽉4⽇ そ2 (Japanese). July 2001. ISBN 978-4-08-873135-3. Volume 13 (h. 116-127): September 10. March 2007. ISBN 978-1-4215-1069-9. 9⽉10⽇ (japanese). November 2001. ISBN 978-4-08-873180-3. Volume 14 (h. 128-139): The Mystery of the Island of Greed. May 2007. ISBN 978-1-4215-1070-5. and 島 (japanese 秘密). April 2002. ISBN 978-4-08-873262-6. Volume 15 (h. 140-151): Progress. July 2007. ISBN 978-1-4215-1071-2. and 躍進 (in Japanese). October 2002. ISBN 978-4-08-873314-2. It's Tom. 16 (h. 152-163): Face-Off. September 2007. ISBN 978-1-4215-1072-9. and 対決 (in Japanese). February 2003. ISBN 978-4-08-873382-1. It's Tom. 17 (h. 164-175): Fierce three-part fight. November 2007. ISBN 978-1-4215-1073-6. 三つ巴 June 2003 (攻防 in Japanese). ISBN 978-4-08-873443-9. Vol. 18 (ch. 176-187): Chance Meeting. January 2008. ISBN 978-1-4215-1471-0. and 邂逅 (in Japanese). October 2003. ISBN 978-4-08-873516-0. It's Tom. 19 (h. 188-199): N.G.L. March 2008. ISBN 978-1-4215-1786-5. and NGL (Japanese). February 2004. ISBN 978-4-08-873562-7. Vol. 20 (ch. 200-211): Weakness. May 2008. ISBN 978-1-4215-1787-2. and 弱点 (in Japanese). June 2004. ISBN 978-4-08-873607-5. It's Tom. 21 (h. 212-223): Reunion. July 2008. ISBN 978-1-4215-1788-9. and 再会 (in Japanese). February 2005. ISBN 978-4-08-873661-7. Volume 22 (h. 224-235): 8: Part 1. September 2008. ISBN 978-1-4215-1789-6. and 8-(1) (in Japanese). July 2005. ISBN 978-4-08-873792-8. It's Tom. 23 (h. 236-247): 6: Part 1. November 2008. ISBN 978-1-4215-1790-2. and 6-(1) (in Japanese). March 2006. ISBN 978-4-08-873882-6. Volume 24 (h. 248-260): 1: Part 4. January 2009. ISBN 978-1-4215-2216-6. and 1- (4) (in October 2007. ISBN 978-4-08-874453-7. Vol. 25 (ch. 261-270): Charge. March 2009. ISBN 978-1-4215-2588-4. and 突⼊ (in Japanese). March 2008. ISBN 978-4-08-874535-0. Volume 26 (h. 271-280): We meet again. January 2010. ISBN 978-1-4215-3068-0. and 再会 (in Japanese). October 2008. ISBN 978-4-08-874610-4. It's Tom. 27 (h. 281-290): Name. March 2011. ISBN 978-1-4215-3862-4. and 名前 (in Japanese). December 2009. ISBN 978-4-08-870065-6. Vol. 28 (ch. 291-300): Regeneration. September 2012. ISBN 978-1-4215-4260-7. and 再⽣ (in Japanese). July 2011. ISBN 978-4-08-870326-8. Vol. 29 (ch. 301-310): Memory. January 2013. ISBN 978-1-4215-4261-4. and 記憶 (in Japanese). August 2011. ISBN 978-4-08-870327-5. It's Tom. 30 (h. 311-320): Answer. May 2013. ISBN 978-1-4215-5267-5. and 返答 (in Japanese). April 2012. ISBN 978-4-08-870450-0. It's Tom. 31 (h. 321-330): Joining Fry. December 2013. ISBN 978-1-4215-5887-5. and 参戦 (in Japanese). December 2012. ISBN 978-4-08-870697-9. Vol. 32 (ch. 331-340): Crushing defeat. April 2014. ISBN 978-1-4215-5912-4. and 完敗 (in Japanese). December 2012. ISBN 978-4-08-870698-6. It's Tom. 33 (h. 341-350): Threats. March 2017. ISBN 978-1-42-159264-0. and 厄災 (in Japanese). June 2016. ISBN 978-4-08-880352-4. Vol. 34 (ch. 351-360): Battle to death. March 2018. ISBN 978-1-42-159948-9. and 死闘 (in Japanese). June 2017. ISBN 978-4-08-881248-9. It's Tom. 35 (h. 361-370): Ship of Fools. March 2019. ISBN 978-1-9747-0306-7. and 念獣 (in Japanese). February 2018. ISBN 978-4-08-881455-1. It's Tom. 36 (h. 371-380): Balance. August 2019. ISBN 978-1-9747-0841-3. and 均衡 (in Japanese). October 2018. ISBN 978-4-08-881640-1. Interview: Junko Takeuchi. Anime news network. 2011-11-01. Received 2018-02-24. a b c d e f h i Viz announces Hunter x Hunter English Dub Cast. Crunchyroll. 2016-03-19. Received 2016-03-26. - b c d e Character Design Preview for the new Hunter x Hunter anime. Crunchyroll. 2011-08-18. Received 2016-03-26. b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Togashi, Yoshihiro (2006). Hunter × Hunter, Volume 7. Wiz Media. 27-28. ISBN 978-1-4215-0332-5. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Togashi, Yoshihiro (2007). Hunter × Hunter, Volume 12. Wiz Media. 184-185. ISBN 978-1-4215-0647-0. a b c d e f g Hunter × and cast list (in Japanese). Nippon Animation. Archive from the original september 25, 2009. Received on February 24, 2018. and b Togasi, Yoshihiro (2006). Hunter × Hunter, Volume 11. Wiz Media. 62. ISBN 978-1-4215-0646-3. Hunter x Hunter Anime Choices Doug Cast Announced. Anime news network. 2014-05-27. Received 2016-03-26. - b c d e f g h i j Hunter x Hunter Anime Phantom Troupe Character Designs Revealed. Crunchyroll. 2012-07-10. Received 2016-03-26. b c d e f g h i j Togashi, (2006). Hunter × Hunter, Volume 10. Wiz Media. page 26. ISBN 978-1-4215-0645-6. Togasi, Yoshihiro (2006). Hunter × Hunter, Volume 9. Wiz Media. page 41. ISBN 978-1-4215-0644-9. Togasi, Yoshihiro (2006). Hunter × Hunter, Volume 11. Wiz Media. page 185. ISBN 978-1-4215-0646-3. Togasi, Yoshihiro (2006). Hunter × Hunter, Volume 9. Wiz Media. page 82. ISBN 978-1-4215-0644-9. Togasi, Yoshihiro (2007). Hunter × Hunter, Volume 12. Wiz Media. page 24. ISBN 978-1-4215-0647-0. Togasi, Yoshihiro (2006). Hunter × Hunter, Volume 11. Wiz Media. page 165. ISBN 978-1-4215-0646-3. Togasi, Yoshihiro (2006). Hunter × Hunter, Volume 9. Wiz Media. page 64. ISBN 978-1-4215-0644-9. - b c d e f h i j k l More Hunter x Hunter Chimera Ant Arc Cast et designs Revealed. Crunchyroll. 2013-04-10. Received 2016-03-26. The voice of actor Banju Ging replace Ichiro Nagai as Hunter x Netero Hunter. Anime news network. 2014-03-19. Received 2016-03-26. - b c d e f h i j k l l more hunter x Hunter Elections Arc Actors Announced. Anime news network. 2014-06-18. Received 2016-03-26. Shuuichi Ikeda voice Hunter x Hunter Character kite . Crunchyroll. 2013-02-24. Received 2016-03-26. Animazement to accommodate voice actors Ai Nonaka, Toru Furuya, Keiko Khan, and Russei Nakao. Anime news network. 2014-04-13. Received 2016-03-26. Cardcaptor Sakura Voice actress Junko Iwao is on hiatus due to illness. Anime news network. 2015-02-07. Received 2016-03-26. Togasi, Yoshihiro (2017). Hunter × Hunter, Volume 33. Wiz Media. page 26. ISBN 978-1-4215-9264-0. New actors and images revealed for Hunter x Hunter Greedy Island Arc. Crunchyroll. 2012-12-10. Received 2016-03-26. Received from surface area of cylinders worksheet pdf. surface area of cylinders worksheet kuta. surface area of cylinders worksheet answer key. surface area of cylinders worksheet tes. surface area of cylinders worksheet kuta software. volume and surface area of cylinders worksheet. volume and surface area of cylinders worksheet pdf. volume and surface area of cylinders worksheet answers

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