AL SACCO, JR. Dean Whitacre College of Engineering Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas 79401
[email protected] 1. EDUCATION Degrees: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977 B.S. Northeastern University, 1973 (Graduated with Honors) Honorary Degrees: D. Eng. Northeastern University, (Engineering) 1996 D. Sci. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, (Science) 1996 D. Sci. Worcester State College, (Engineering) 1997 2. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Dean Whitacre College of Engineering, Texas Tech University, January 2011- Director, Center for Advanced Microgravity Materials Processing, a NASA Commercial Space Center at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, June, 1997-2006. Directed and managed the design, the development and the construction of shuttle and ISS flight hardware (STS-50,STS-73, STS-107 and ISS Increments 4,5,6 & 8). Interim Department Head, Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, calendar year 2006. Named George A. Snell Distinguish Professor of Engineering, Northeastern University, June 1997-Dec. 2010. Date of Initial Appointment at Northeastern: June 1997. Tenure Status at Northeastern: Tenured, Professor. Department Head, Chemical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, July 1989-1997. Date of Initial Appointment at WPI: July 1977, Tenure Status at WPI: Tenured, Professor. Payload Specialist (Scientist Astronaut) flew STS-73 (USML-2), 1994-1996. Payload Specialist Candidate for STS-50 (USML-1), 1989-1992. (Alternate (CAP Com.) May 1, 1991). Fifty-two hours in low-gravity aircraft (KC-135) evaluating equipment and procedures and performing experiments. Non-Academic Badger Co., E. Weymouth, MA, Chemical Process Division June, 1972 - January, 1973, Co-op Work Assignment Cabot Corporation, No. Billerica, MA, Research & Development Division September, 1969 - January, 1971, Co-op Work Assignment 1 Consultant: Industrial Technical Advisory Board TVM Venture Capital Group based out of Munich, Germany September 1999-present.