Course Information — 105 COURSE INFORMATION
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Course Information — 105 COURSE INFORMATION Course Numbers are not normally eligible to enroll in 400- level courses. This section has been prepared to give you a list- ing and description of the approved graduate level courses at the University of Missouri-Rolla. Courses list- Course Information ed are those approved at the time this publication went to press. Changes are made at regular intervals. Elec- The number in parentheses following the name of tronic catalog descriptions, which are updated during the course indicates the number of credit hours given the academic year, are available on the Web at for successfully completing the course. It also reflects This will the section type; for example, (Lect 3.0) designates a enable you to keep abreast of new course additions. For lecture course of three hours credit; (Lab 1.0) desig- current information on when courses are available, con- nates a laboratory course of one-hour credit. A lecture sult the campus schedule of classes available from the credit hour is usually the credit granted for satisfactori- Registrar’s Office, 103 Parker Hall. ly passing a course of approximately 15 classroom hours. A laboratory course of one-hour credit would nor- mally meet three classroom hours per week for 15 0- 99 Courses normally taken by freshman and weeks. sophomores. May not be used as any part Three credit hour courses normally meet 50 min- of a graduate degree program. utes three times per week, or 75 minutes twice a week, for 15 weeks. The time in class is the same in each case. 100-199 Courses normally taken by upper-class un- If you have two classes in succession, there should be dergraduate students. May not be used as at least 10 minutes between classes. Classes meeting any part of a graduate degree program. Monday-Wednesday-Friday will normally begin on the 200-299 Upper-class undergraduates and restricted hour. Classes meeting Tuesday-Thursday will normally graduate courses. Courses so numbered do alternate between the hour and half hour, beginning at not give graduate credit for an advanced 8:00 a.m. In addition, there is an Academic Free hour degree in the field of the department offer- 12:00-1:00 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. ing the course. Students must have completed the stated prere- quisite(s) for the course for admission to the course or 300-399 Upper-class undergraduates and graduate obtain the ‘Consent of the Instructor’ of the course. students. Commonly approved for gradu- ate programs only when the student is reg- ularly enrolled in a graduate school and then only if the course fits the purpose of the degree program. 400-499 Graduate courses and research. Under- graduate and postbaccalaureate students 106 — Aerospace Engineering Courses AEROSPACE ENGINEERING and practice the concurrent engineering process for simple products. Prerequisites: Mc Eng 213 300 Special Problems (Variable) Problems or read- or Ae Eng 231, and Bas En 110. (Co-listed with ings on specific subjects or projects in the Mc Eng 315) department. Consent of instructor required. 316 Concurrent Engineering II (Lab 3.0) Students 301 Special Topics (Variable) This course is will form groups and then using the electronic designed to give the department an opportunity data based approach apply the concurrent engi- to test a new course. Variable title. neering process to develop products. Areas to be 307 Vibrations I (Lect 3.0) Equations of motion, covered are the customer, design, manufactur- free and forced vibration of single degree of ing, assembly, cost and supportability. freedom systems. Natural frequencies, reso- Prerequisite: Ae Eng 315 or Mc Eng 315. (Co- nance, modes of vibration and energy dissipa- listed with Mc Eng 316) tion are studied. The vibration of continuous sys- 319 Advanced Thermodynamics (Lect 3.0) After a tems is introduced. Prerequisites: Mc Eng 211 short review of classical thermodynamics, the and 213, or Ae Eng 213 and Math 204. (Co-list- elements of chemical reactions, chemical equi- ed with Mc Eng 307, E Mech 361) librium, statistical thermodynamics, and the 309 Engineering Acoustics I (Lect 3.0) basic concepts of kinetic theory are presented. Introduction to acoustical theory and measure- Prerequisite: Ae Eng 233. (Co-listed with Mc ment with emphasis on mechanical and aero- Eng 319) space engineering applications. Plane and spher- 321 Aerodynamics CAD Design (Lab 3.0) Aircraft ical wave propagation, resonators and filters, fuselages, wings, and fuselage-wing configura- absorption, room acoustics, human response to tions will be constructed with a 3D CAD package, noise, noise legislation, noise control. Use of UNIGRAPHICS. These configurations will then be common instrumentation in several projects. analyzed with an aerodynamics paneling pro- Prerequisites: Mc Eng 211 & 213, or Ae Eng 213 gram. Emphasis will be placed on the designing & Math 204. (Co-listed with Mc Eng 309) of these shapes for maximizing the aerodynam- 311 Introduction to Composite Materials & ic performance. Prerequisite: Ae Eng 231. Structures (Lect 3.0) Introduction to fiber-rein- 322 Introduction to Solid Mechanics (Lect 3.0) forced composite materials and structures with Review of basic concepts in continuum mechan- emphasis on analysis and design. Composite ics. Finite elasticity: some universal solutions for micromechanics, lamination theory and failure isotropic materials, application of special criteria. Design procedures for structures made mechanical models. Linear elasticity: compatibil- of composite materials. An overview of fabrica- ity, stress functions, superposition, special tion and experimental characterization. examples such as extension, torsion, bending, Prerequisite: Bas En 110. (Co-listed with E Mech and plane problems. Elements of plasticity. 381 and Mc Eng 382) Prerequisite: E Mech 311. (Co-listed with E 313 Intermediate Dynamics of Mechanical and Mech 322, Mc Eng 322) Aerospace Systems (Lect 3.0) Principles of 325 Intermediate Heat Transfer (Lect 3.0) dynamics are applied to problems in the design Analytical study of conduction; theory of thermal of mechanical and aerospace systems; basic radiation and applications; energy and momen- concepts in kinematics and dynamics; dynamics tum equations in convective heat transfer and of systems of particles; dynamics of rigid bodies, review of empirical relations. Current topics are three-dimensional effects in machine elements; included. Prerequisite: Mc Eng 225. (Co-listed dynamic stability, theory and applications; with Mc Eng 325) methods of analytical dynamics. Prerequisite: 327 Combustion Processes (Lect 3.0) Application Mc Eng 213 or Ae Eng 213. (Co-listed with Mc of chemical, thermodynamic, and gas dynamic Eng 313) principles to the combustion of solid, liquid, and 314 Spaceflight Mechanics (Lect 3.0) Further top- gaseous fuels. Includes stoichiometry, thermo- ics in orbital mechanics. Time equations, chemistry, reaction mechanism, reaction veloci- Lambert’s problem, patched-conic method, ty, temperature levels, and combustion waves. orbital maneuvers, orbit determination, orbit Prerequisite: Mc Eng 221. (Co-listed with Mc design, re-entry problem. Prerequisite: Ae Eng Eng 327) 213. 329 Smart Materials and Sensors (Lect 2.0 and 315 Concurrent Engineering I (Lect 3.0) Students Lab 1.0) Smart structures with fiber reinforced will be introduced to the concurrent engineering polymer (FRP) composites and advanced sen- approach to product development. They will sors. Multi-disciplinary topics include characteri- learn to set up quantitative requirements and zation, performance, and fabrication of compos- then use a quantitative rating process to identi- ite structures; fiber optic, resistance, and piezo- fy the critical requirements relating to the electric systems for strain sensing; and applica- desired product. The interaction between design, tions of smart composite structures. Laboratory manufacturing, assembly, cost, and supportabil- and team activities involve manufacturing, ity will be covered. The students will form teams measurement systems, instrumented structures, Aerospace Engineering Courses — 107 and performance tests on a large-scale smart 343 Photographic Systems for Engineering composite bridge. Prerequisites: Senior stand- Applications (Lect 2.0 and Lab 1.0) Study of ing and Math 204. (Co-listed with Mc Eng, E photographic techniques applied to engineering Mech, El Eng 329 and Cv Eng 318) uses including observations of events, recording 331 Thermofluid Mechanics II (Lect 3.0) and storage of data, and communication and Derivation of Navier-Stokes equations, exact dissemination of information. Both conventional solutions of some simple flows. Superposition and special photo-optical systems are covered. methods for inviscid flows. Intermediate treat- Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Co-listed with ment of boundary layer theory, and gas dynam- Mc Eng 343) ics. Introduction to turbulence and kinetic theo- 344 Fatigue Analysis (Lect 3.0) The mechanism of ry. Prerequisite: Mc Eng 231 or Ae Eng 231. fatigue, fatigue strength of metals, fracture (Co-listed with Mc Eng 331) mechanics, influence of stress conditions on 334 Stability of Engineering Structures (Lect fatigue strength, stress concentrations, surface 3.0) Solution of stability problems with applica- treatment effects, corrosion fatigue and fretting tions to columns, plates and shell structures. corrosion, fatigue of joints components and Torsional and lateral buckling of columns. structures, design to prevent fatigue.