Zebra Mussels in the Neosho River Basin, : Assessing Dispersal, Colonization, and Reproductive Chronology

Benjamin R. Smith1, Skyler E. Delmott1, Jason M. Goeckler2, and David R. Edds1

Emporia State University1 Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism2 2 3 Zebra Mussel Infested Sites in Kansas

Populations have been detected in many reservoirs in the state.

⃝ 2003, detected in Kansas in El Dorado Reservoir.

 2008, detected in Marion Reservoir.

 2010, detected in Council Grove City Lake and .

 2011, detected in Council Grove Reservoir. Sampling Sites in the Upper Neosho River Basin


5 Dispersal Dynamics Differential Colonization of Two River Systems

• Cottonwood River population established in 2008 • Neosho River population established in 2010 Seasonal Variation in Gametogenesis of Adult Zebra Mussels • Gametogenesis is known to vary seasonally.

• But it is unstudied south of the 40th parallel.

8 Zebra Mussel Size at Maturity

• Known to be reproductively mature between 5 and 12 mm.

• But it is unknown at what size they mature in Kansas.

9 Zebra Mussel Time to Maturity

• Known to be reproductively mature between 5 weeks and several months.

•But it is not known how quickly they become reproductively mature in Kansas.

10 Economic Impacts of Zebra Mussels in the Neosho River Basin


11 Usgs.gov Zonal Colonization of Reservoir Reaches

• Each reservoir is divided into 3 reaches Upper Middle Lower

14 15 Zonal Colonization of Reservoir Reaches (veligers)





0.4 Mean # veligers per per liter # veligers Mean


0 Upper Middle Lower 17

19 Zonal Colonization of Reservoir Reaches

3500 (adults)




1500 Mean # # adultsMean



0 Upper Middle Lower Effects of Lowhead

• Lowhead dams artificially • Provide ample structure for slow rivers behind . mussels to colonize.

Effects of Lowhead Dams (veligers) 1.2 ↓ 1 ↓ 0.8



Mean # veligers per per liter # veligers Mean ↓


0 Ulysses Cedar Point Camp Wood Cottonwood Saffordville Soden's Bird Bridge Dam Falls Dam Grove Dam Effects of Lowhead Dams (adults) 140

120 100 ↓ 80

60 Mean # # AdultsMean

40 ↓ 20 ↓ 0 Ulysses Cedar Point Camp Wood Cottonwood Saffordville Soden's Grove Bird Bridge Dam Falls Dam Dam Differential Colonization of Materials

• Zebra mussels colonize different Raw Steel Galvanized Steel substrates to differing degrees. Pressure-treated Wood PVC • Coatings can be used to minimize Concrete zebra mussel colonization. Aluminum Native Unionid Shell Fluoropolymer Foul-Release Coating

25 3-Month Material Colonization





10 # settled individuals settled #

5 X X X Χ Χ Χ 0 Summary A. Dispersal dynamics B. Differential colonization of two river systems C. Seasonal variation in gametogenesis of adult zebra mussels D. Zebra mussel size at maturity E. Zebra mussel time to maturity F. Economic impacts of zebra mussels in the Neosho River Basin G. Zonal colonization of reservoir reaches H. Effects of lowhead dams I. Differential colonization of materials

27 Susan Steffen

Dr. Dwight Moore Dr. Tim Burnett Dr. William Jensen Bobbi Wendt Dr. Brent Thomas Dr. Gary Wyatt Dr. Marshall Sundberg Dr. John Schrock Dr. Melissa Bailey Arthur Janssen Dr. Allen Skaja Roger Ferguson Juanita Bartley

Kenneth Kopp Landowners Jim Bagley 29