Seeing Practice Anew: Improving Learning at the Museum Paper Presented to the Australian Association for Research in Education/New Zealand Association for Research in Education Joint Conference Auckland, 29th November – 3rd December, 2003 Susan Groundwater-Smith Faculty of Education & Social Work University of Sydney
[email protected] Lynda Kelly Australian Museum
[email protected] This paper reports upon a joint project undertaken with the Australian Museum and the Coalition of Knowledge Building Schools, a network of seven schools of varying size and from varying socio -economic locations, that is hosted by the Centre for Practitioner Research in the Faculty of Education and Social Work, at the University of Sydney. The project has been designed to examine ways in which the museum’s presentation of its collection and special exhibitions may assist or inhibit learning. The project has been undertaken in two phases. In the first instance education staff and interpretive officers of the museum have collected photographic images which they see to relate to learning in the museum. These have been constructed as conceptual posters. Posters have been discussed in small groups, using a strategy that ensures that each participant’s voice is documented. In the second phase school students and their teachers have engaged in school based learning workshops and have then, as a result of visits to the museum, followed the same procedures as those undertaken by museum staff. The posters from both groups have been compared and contrasted and formed the basis for a discussion regarding ways in which the museum might better support learning.