Summary Is Published Three Times a Year (Winter, Spring, and Fall) and Is Intended to Keep the Aca Demic Community Informed About the Institute’S Research
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College Levy Economics Institute Summa ry of Bard College Fall 2014 Vol. 23, No. 3 Contents INSTITUTE RESEARCH Program: The State of the US and World Economies Strategic Analysis 5 . , , , , Is Rising Inequality a Hindrance to the US Economic Recovery? 7 . , Dead Economic Dogmas Trump Recovery: The Continuing Crisis in the Eurozone Periphery 8 , A Sustainable Monetary Framework for an Independent Scotland 9 , Structural Asymmetries at the Roots of the Eurozone Crisis: What’s New for Industrial Policy in the EU? 10 and , The Political Economy of Shadow Banking: Debt, Finance, and Distributive Politics under a Kalecki-Goodwin-Minsky SFC Framework Program: Monetary Policy and Financial Structure 11 , Minsky and Dynamic Macroprudential Regulation 12 . , Central Bank Independence: Myth and Misunderstanding 13 . , From the State Theory of Money to Modern Money Theory: An Alternative to Economic Orthodoxy 14 , Minsky and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis: The Financial Instability Hypothesis in the Era of Financialization 15 , Monetary Mechanics: A Financial View 16 , Shadow Banking: Policy Challenges for Central Banks Program: The Distribution of Income and Wealth 17 , , and ş, How Poor Is Turkey? And What Can Be Done About It? 18 - and . , A Decade of Flat Wages? 19 , Quality of Statistical Match and Employment Simulations Used in the Estimation of the Levy Institute Measure of Time and Income Poverty (LIMTIP) for South Korea, 2009 20 - , Quality of Match for Statistical Matches Using the American Time Use Survey 2010, the Survey of Consumer Finances 2010, and the Annual Social and Economic Supplement 2011 Continued on page 3 > Scholars by Program , Research Associate , Research Associate The State of the US and World Economies , Research Associate .
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