TREE-MAP: A VISUALIZATION TOOL FOR LARGE DATA Mahipal Jadeja Kesha Shah DA-IICT DA-IICT Gandhinagar,Gujarat Gandhinagar,Gujarat India India Tel:+91-9173535506 Tel:+91-7405217629
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION Traditional approach to represent hierarchical data is to use Tree-Maps are used to present hierarchical information on directed tree. But it is impractical to display large (in terms 2-D[1] (or 3-D [2]) displays. Tree-maps offer many features: of size as well complexity) trees in limited amount of space. based upon attribute values users can specify various cate- In order to render large trees consisting of millions of nodes gories, users can visualize as well as manipulate categorized efficiently, the Tree-Map algorithm was developed. Even file information and saving of more than one hierarchy is also system of UNIX can be represented using Tree-Map. Defi- supported [3]. nition of Tree-Maps is recursive: allocate one box for par- Various tiling algorithms are known for tree-maps namely: ent node and children of node are drawn as boxes within Binary tree, mixed treemaps, ordered, slice and dice, squar- it. Practically, it is possible to render any tree within prede- ified and strip. Transition from traditional representation fined space using this technique. It has applications in many methods to Tree-Maps are shown below. In figure 1 given fields including bio-informatics, visualization of stock port- hierarchical data and equivalent tree representation of given folio etc. This paper supports Tree-Map method for data data are shown. One can consider nodes as sets, children integration aspect of knowledge graph.