HEAR Communion 'Courage' to Be Topic Vacation Church School 'Walls' Sermon Topic Special Services Listed IntgrfotuimtttatUmal fittprbgnjmtnaltonal R. E. LOWMAN Military Of Rev. L. Tabor At First REV. Ralph at Hamline 5 Congregational At St. Church TOMORROW and EVERY The Rev. L. Ralph Tabor, pas- Opens July The Rev. Walter G. Borchers, Jr., Stephen At First-Covenant tor of Luther Place Memorial "God and America” will be the assistant pastor of the First Con- Special services will be held to- SUNDAY 11 A.M. Church, will preach on “We Must subject of Dr. H. W. Burgan at Ham- gregational Church, will preach the morrow at the Church of St. Stephen BIG GOSPEL TENT WBAL Baltimore 1090 K.C. Think With Courage” tomorrow at line Methodist Church tomorrow at first of his summer sessions tomor- and the Incarnation. The Rev. Dr. 13th and K Sts. S.E. Tomorrow 11 a. m. 11 a.m. row on "Walls." Flint Kellogg is rector. A corporate Morning The church is for and Church The Sunday dinner will be held at at 8 « open prayer The Community Vacation parish communion will be held Saturday Night, 7:45—Rev. Flynn Wagner THE PRAYER GROUP A special military communion meditation from 5 to 6 p.m. daily. School, sponsored by the Sixth Pres- 12:45 p.m. a.m children’s eucharist with In- The will meet at The Women's •f the service will be conducted by the Rev. Church Council byterian and Hamline Churches will Bible Class will be struction at 9:30 a.m., and another, Sunday, 7:45 P.M.—Rev. Dale Crowley BIBLE FRESBYTEKIAN CHURCH 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. at 9:30 a.m. in the entertained at a tea tomorrow at with sermon the at 11 a.m. will meet Dr. Albert J. McCartney, minister of open Monday by rector, TUESDAY. 8 P.M.. a) tha Covenant-First Presbyterian Church, The church will co-operate with latter church. There will be daily the home of Miss Grace Hurd. There will be a patriotic vesper Starting July 5th Through July 11th SHOREHAM HOTEL churches in a on The The will service at 5 The address will Apt. rtO?-D tomorrow at 9:30 am. neighborhood Daily sessions, except Saturdays. Wednesday game night p.m. « Vacation School ■-•.’VOO Calvert 8t. N.W. After the service at 11 am., Dr. Bible at Foundry school will close on July 26. be held from 7:30 to 11 p.m. The be delivered by William R. Castle, McCartney will leave for several Methodist Church from 9:30 am. to The Hamline Brotherhood Bible church supper and service will be former Undersecretary of State and REV. E. T. KIRKLEY weeks’ vacation. Distinguished min- 12:15 p.m. daily from July 5 to 14. Class elected the following officers: held Thursday at 6 pm. Ambassador to Japan. This service (Cljrtfitian Spiritualist vice Glen Burnie, Maryland isters have been invited to occupy President, Dr. L. W. White: first Square dancing will be held Friday will be preceded by a procession in ~T 126~12Hr!5TrN7W. the pulpit during his absence. His National Church president, Wellington Galbraith: at 8:30 pm„ followed by social which the clergy, choir, vestry, at 11 am. will be ‘‘When the Baptist second vice president, Theodore dancing at 10:30 p.m. acolytes and members from every Conference 6th REV. OTTO PENTER, Poitor topic Prophetic Tuesday, July Lewis; secretary, W. A. Carruthers; parish organization will participate. 8 P.M. Lights Go On Again.” This will deal Sunday treasurer. Hunter B. Linton, and After'the service there will be a 7:45 Nightly "The Beast's Mark" with the problem of the new world To Observe Lord's Supper Dr. McNeill to teacher, Representative J. Spark- Speak and on the church SOLO BY MISS DIXON. order and the principles of the reception party All Welcome Dr. Gove G. Johnson, pastor of Alabama. Followed by Christian as may be man, of lawn. Massages religion they the National Baptist Memorial At National Tabernacle Service to the new world order. He Massage applied Church, will take “But We See The Rev. Dr. John McNeill will Wednesday ft p.m. said he will relate these to the Six Jesus” as his tomorrow Dr. Robinson's at 11 a.m. Church In nf Dr. Ida. subject Topic speak Sunday and 8 p.m. Calvary Gospel Charse Pillars of Peace program that is set Association AT. 3769 morning. The Lord's supper will be at the National Tabernacle. His "Die new at the church, Layman’s Evangelistic forth the Federal Council of Papistry _Phone by observed. Is 'A Plumb Line' subject in the will be Churches. morning "Stop! 3213 Q street N.W., will be dedicated “The Question of Sacrifice” is the The Rev. Dr. Orris Gravenor Rob- Look!! Listen!!!” The evening SipUtr Srtrnrr The Rev. Yount and the at a service at 3 to- George subject of the Rev. A. Lincoln inson. minister of Calvary Method- topic will be "How to Succeed in special p.m. Rev. Ketchum will be avail- Bihlr (Class £?ssmt Utbl? (Class Crssmt Irving assistant at 8 ist will have for his Life.” morrow. The Rev. Wade Horton Smith, pastor, pm. Church, topic ~~ able for pastoral services. First Divine Seienee Chureh The Vacation Bible School will at 11 am. tomorrow "A Plumb \ The celebration of the Lord’s Sup- and the congregation of the Church . hold commencement exercises July Line." per will be observed at tne morning of God, on Evart street N.E.. are 2600 16th St. N.W. at Euclid sum- 'Disciples of Lots' Wife' 11. All boys and girls between 4 and The second in the series of service. Joining with the Rev. w. L. Shirer REV. GRACE PATCH PAUS. Minister. 16 years of age are invited to at- mer vesper services will be at 8:15 and the congregation in this service. THE FEARLESS PROPHET MRS. ADDIE REA PEOPLES. Speaker Be tend the school. Helen Tew will be in To Sermon Topic pm. Miss Petworth Methodist Groups from both churches will be 11 am—"Behnldina Life." A sermon, "The charge of the worship and Dr. Rob- J patriotic Disciples The baptized. Ezekiel the 2nd chapter, Verse In the 9th inson will a brief sermon Sacrament of the Lord's will be observed at You Are Cordially Invited. of Lot s Wife,” will be preached in Communion preach Communion 5, "And they, whether they will verse, "A n d Holy on "Ourselves and Our Friends.” Supper will be administered by Dr. new mem- the Takoma Park Presbyterian the morning service and hear, or whether they will forbear when I looked, will have confer- Frank Steelman at 11 a.m. Mr. D. Church at 11 a m. tomorrow the At Dr. Robinson bers will be received. (for ore a rebellious on by Lincoln Road Stewart they house I, behold, ence at the church from 4 to Patterson will be the guest be the Rev. R. Paul Schearrer.* hours Mrs. Shirer will speaker shall know that there was sent At 11 a.m. tomorrow in Lincoln at yet hath hand #rl|onl 6 and from 7 to 9 speaker 9:30 a.m. Jacob Pritchard the The vacation church school will p.m. Sunday pm. at evening evangelistic meeting. been a prophet them." unto me; ond, Road Methodist Church holy com- will be leader of the combined serv- among open at 9 am. Monday for children munion will be observed, with the Thursday. lo, o r o ! I of ice at 7:30 a.m. Prayer will be of- Many times we preachers are from 4 to 12 years of age. Rev. George H. Bennett a book was | presiding. fered by Miss Patricia Dunlap and Emory Methodist asked the question, "Why don't i The Woman’s Society will open its The service at 8 p.m. will be in therein; 'Marriage' Subject scripture will be read by Dr. Edgar C. Beery will speak at you attend to your own New Colonial Hotel. Iftth at M St. N.W. course at 11 Joseph business, "And he Irvin Fullmer. i summer mission study charge of the young people's group, H. Speakrr. Loveless. Dr. Steelman's subject will 11 a.m. on “What Independence Day and leave other people's business am. nre will on “God's H. Garner spread it be- 11:00 A.M. Wednesday. pastor speak Of Rev. J. be "Castles in Spain.” Should Mean.” Vesper services will alone?" Cure for the Blues.” fore me; and "INNER VISION" “Are You Thinking About Mar- begin at 7:30 p.m. for July and The summer vacation Bible school God bless your heart, our busi- it was written BillimLa Unity Literature Available. DI. 3436 Christian Science riage?” is the subject of the Rev. August. Tomorrow evening there will and continue Youth ness is of the within ond Tire Christian Science lesson-ser- begin Tuesday J. Herbert Garner at Sixth Presby- Rally Tonight will be patriotic pictures, “The Battle warning people was written four days a week, from Tuesday to m. tomorrow. The judgment! without; and there moon for tomorrow is "God.” Serv- terian Church at 11 a program of the Christian of Midway” and “Letter From therein and mourn- Friday, 9 to 12 a.m., for a period A of forums on “Toward a servicemen and in lamentations, (Ehurrh of (&nii ices are held in all churches and series youth rally Bataan.” Verse 6 says, "And thou, son of six weeks. of and Co- Franklin Park at 8 o'clock and Of- ing and woe." societies at 11 a m. and repeated at Better Understanding tonight The Finance Committee of man, be not afraid of them, On the Music This roll was like unto the 8 Third at 5 Thursday evening operation With Others" will begin will feature as a speaker James ficial Board will meet Wednesday neither be ofroid of their words p.m.. except Church, Bible. It is relative to the word National Memorial Church of God Committee of the official board will at 6 Fletcher Cohn, a member Prentice, student of II All are invited to attend the p.m. divinity Hough- evening. • 16th and Taylor Streets N.W. p.m. I it tender a reception to the senior, war of God. As spread before services and the Wednesday evening of the Washington Hebrew Congre- ton College. He is the son of the Open house for servicemen, Sunday Service*. young peoples and junior choirs. it is true sometimes we me I see the youth coming up meeting at 8 o’clock. gation, will have as his subject to- Rev. Harvey Prentice, superintend- workers, members and friends of the Yes, 9 45 a m.—Church School The Rev. in beer road houses, Edgar Beery, pastor of a Better Under- ent of the Union get threatening telephone colls gardens, 11 no a m.—Morning Worship, morrow “Toward Gospel Mission. 'congregation Friday evening. Methodist will be us not to on "cer- dance halls, dens and r.nn p m.—Youth Crusaders Emory Church, standing Between Jewish and telling preach gambling 8.00 p.m.—Evening Evangelistic Serv- the speaker. in tain" subjects. But I always too many saying nothing about ice. fllalltolir Christian Young People Wash- think of the words of Peter in it! I must listen to the woe and !; Midweek Prayer Service, ington." There be, prominent w^l HEAR lamentations and of Wednesday, 8 P.M. Lutheran speakers each week durihg July and the Book of Acts, where he said, mourning Esther M. Boyer. Pastor. 4228. Augustana THE HONORABLE WILLIAM R. CASTLE to or the next Taylor ST. DOMINIC’S August. "Must I listen God man?" generation! former Under of Stote ond Ambossodor to So God help us in these lost Dominican Pathers. To Hear Student Pastor In co-operation with the Hamline Secretary Jopon As your job is o teller at o doys to warn men and women 6th and E Stt. S.W. Methodist Church this church will bank or you moy be a news- Joel Lundeen, of the Augustana PATRIOTIC FOURTH'OF JULY SERVICE to flee from wrath and judgment. feuattggliral & IRrformrft have a Dally Vacation Bible School paperman or a tire builder, or Sl'NDAY MASSES Theological Seminary, Rock Island, We praise God for officials at Hamline at whatever your may be, so 0:00, 11:15 and 15:15 111., will enter upon his duties as beginning Monday job B OO. fi.45. 7:30. j who hove jp d, "We will do our assistant to the at 9:30 a m. CHURCH or ST. STEPHENAND THE INCARNATION my job is to tell the people of GRACE REFORMED ALL LOW MASSES pastor the Augus- best to moke this city o better a.m.—Hith Mass. tana N.W. the on-coming judgment! 10:00 Lutheran Church tomorrow Sixteenth and Newton Streets in which to live!" We ■■■r N.W. place 15th and 0 and at 11 am. "And thou shalt speak my PARKING SPACE AVAILABLE preach Healing Services SUNDAY, JULY 4th, AT 5 P.M. praise God for newspapermen REV. CALVIN H. He was born in China where i fftllowfd words unto whether they | his The weekly meeting of Christian by them, who ore os fearless as Darnel; iWINGERT, Paetor father was Luthern missionary. He LAWN—MUSIC—REFRESHMENTS will hear or whether they will and Life Adjustment at the RECEPTION ON CHURCH ond for rodio stotions who have The National came to Luther i Healing for are most re- ST. MARY'S Academy, Wahoo, forbear; they given us time to declare the Reformed Church Church of St. and the In- bellious. 5th St. Between G and H N.W. Nebr., completing his college course Stephen truth of God's word! 9:40 a m.— at Gustavus Adolphus College at St. carnation will be held Tuesday at "But son of hear I Church 6chool. SUNDAY MASSES thou, man, So God bless your heart, in the Christian Peter, Minn., spring of 1941. am. in house. A Christian what I say unto thee; Be not have no with you, I love 11 7-8-9-10:30-11:30 10:30 thfc parish fight am.—Morning Mon- He has two at Miraealous Medal N.Tena E»ery spent years the theo- Starr Daily will be reviewed thou rebellious like that rebel- you, but I hote your sm. But Worship. Dedi- Masse*. S:00 and 10:00 a.m. study by PARK VIEW CHRISTIAN OHl’RCH. day. logical seminary, and, his and not cation of Honor Deyotions. 11:30. lt:03. 4:00. 4:30. following and information about the Ashrams fi'ii Park Road N.W. Gm. M Anderson* Ninth Street lious house; open thy mouth, I must rebel against the 7:15. 7:45, of here in Roll. 5:00, 5:30, 0:00. 6:30. year interneship Washing- of E. Jones and the Glenn Pastor. 4625 5th Street N.W. eat that I give thee." word of God, I must preach it 8:30 and 0:15. 8:30. broadcast. WOL. Stanley ton. he will have still another year of Christian or to 1300 kilocycles. Clark Camps will be given out. The 9 45 a m—Bible School Here God has warned me not without fear favor man! study before his ordination in 1945. will be to 1 1 a m —“Christian Fellowship.’* ' As long os blood flows in my FIRST REFORMED meeting open experience, S D m —“The Survival of the I’nilt.** Church to rebel ogainst the truth. He Dr. A. O. Hjelm will conduct the cases I will rood Kev. F. Neisrn Schiegel. Pastor. discussion and reports on be- puts in my heart' I don’t preach veins fight sin, liquor 9:4.5 a m—Sunday School. liturgy. ing helped. It will be concluded 9th fir D Sts. o condemning message hituses donee halls, gambling 11 a m.—Sermon by the Pastor. ST. PATRICK’S The National stroight, with for the sick and world City I hate spots that is wrecking the youth 10th and G Sts. N.W. prayers N.E. because men, women, Rev. H. J. Smith conditions. Mrs. James W. Clift Christian Chnrch boys and girls, but because I hote of America CONCORDIA EVANGELICAL I will lead. the sin; and God has called me Prayer: Our Father we pray 20th and G Sta. N.W. SUNDAY MASSES CARROLL C. ROBERTS. Minister will offi- that You will save one million REV. CHARLES ENDERS. Paator. Will Preach Twice The Rev. Flint Kellogg to preach the Gospel! a 12, 12:15 of com- JomesWorren of 9:4ft m.—Sunday School. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ciate at the service holy \ Hostings end Com- lost souls, because this article. 10:30 "Deep Wells Demand Long Cords" 10 30—Mornlm Worship Here you will find that what a.m.—Preaching Service. Rev. munion and Christian healing Mlnlitrr Amen. J F. Tapy. gueat Masses— will be the sermon munion Sermon. "Wake I'P. the of God de- _ speaker. Daily topic of the Rev. Ezekiel, prophet 6 Of) p m.—Fellowship at 10 a m. In the Chapel —DALLAS F. BILLINGTON. 8unper. Thursday 0 45—Church School. Amerlra." whether or not be- < 7:30 and 8:00 Henry J. Smith tomorrow clared, you :00pm.—Devotional Service. 7:00, morning of the Incarnation. 10:50—Morning Worship. lieve my one you will This article paid for by at the North Washington Baptist Sermon b.r story, day i __— -~ "Fretdom From Ftor" 7.45—Eveninr Worship ! know there has been a Church. The Lord's supper will be Dr. Hastings Per. Glendale Burton. prophet I in midst. Rev. Dallas F. observed and new members re- (UltrtHttatt &ri?nre A 30—Young Peonie s Meeting. your Billington £pianipal tpiaropal | ceived. At 7:45 p.m. he will speak I have tried hard in these 2312 Manchester Rd. on "Deserved Inheritance.” COLUMBIA HEIGHTS United States and especiollv in AKRON, 0. NORTHWESTNORTHWEST The prayer service will be held ''“KrS the City of Akron to try to warn Science Will Answer Bible Thursday night at the Highlands Christian 9:45 a.m.—Bible School. men and women to flee from Questions Church and the Rev. Mr. Smith will CHURCHES OF CHRIST 10:50 a.m.—"Roadside Springs." the wrath to come. Free give the message. SCIENTIST WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL 7 :00 p m.—C. E. Societies and Fellowship Hours. On Monday night the Sunday Branche. of The Mother Church HOLY COMMUNION School Council will meet at the The First Church of Chritt 7:30, 9:30 ond 11 AM. home of Mrs. Geneva Ryan. Scientiet, Boston, Mats. 11 Communion and Ser- flrtfilnjlmatt flreabgtmatt o.m.—Holy of Chritt Scientist HUtljohiiit (H^urrli First Church _ mon. Canon Smith. Preacher, Church of the Columbia Rd. end Euclid 8t. Broad- Pilgrims 2:20 p.m.—Independence Day of Scientist 100 Ave. N.E. TAKOMA PARK “The Foolishness of God" will be Second Church Christ HEADQUARTERS—METHODIST BUILDING, Maryland NEW YORK cast. Speaker, Canon Smith. 111 C 8t Maple and Tulip Area. the theme of «.E; District Superintendents. Horace E. Cromer, D. D., and John R. Edvards, D. D. 4 p.m.—Evensong ond Sermon. Dr. A. R. Bird at 11 Third Church of Christ Scientist R PAUL SCHEARRER. Minister a.m. Church School in All Churchos of 9:45 A.M. the Rev. John tomorrow morning. His eve- 13th and L Sts. Iff. Preacher, AVE. CHURCH 1 1 :00 a.m —Worship, Sermon sub- ning theme Is to be “How to Become Runkle. Fourth Church of Christ Scientist ject, "The Oieiples of a Free Man.” 16th and Oak 8ts. N.W. 13th & H & M. Y. Avenue Entrance, Woodley Rd. at 36th St. ORGAN RECITAL TRINITY PETWORTH Lot's Wife." His address 11 • m.—“The Face Behind the Hand." Wednesday will be in Fifth Church of Christ Scientist N. H. Ave. and N.W. (Immediately Following Evensong) ftth A Seward Square S.K. Rev. W. Burroughs preaching 7:00 Meet- for Frank Minister. George p.m.—Young People's (Buses N2, M6 & M8, Trolley 30) Private Paul Callaway, organist preparation communion on 3S6.1 Mass. Are. N.W Rev. Daniel W. Justice. Minister. Dr. Steelman. 11. (Sunday School. 9:30 A M ) 3 1 a m—“America’s Goal—Brother- Worship. 11 am. and 7:30 pm ings. July Evening Servict Bible Class. H.30 a m. Minister*: No Sunday hood.”_ Bvcryman'g D. Tomorrow the second REV. PETER MARSHALL. D. 1 morning Science REV. GEORGb IV. Bt RROI GHS. Jr. AND service of Christian Society (Colored) PARK ROCK CREEK PARISH ST. STEPHEN flag the church will be 90? T St. N.W LEWIS MEMORIAL BRIGHTWOOD Eighth and Jefferson Sts. N.W. 9:30 a m —Church Bible School. CHARLES W. dedicated. It contains 25 stars. The (Sunday 8chool. 11:00 AM> Kansas Are. and Fourth St. N.W. NORTHMINSTER j REV. WOOD. Kev. Robert R. Sevitt. Minister. 7 Meet.ng. Rector. THE INCARNATION (Reading Room Sat and Sunday. pm.—Young People's first banner is decorated with 88 Rev. Haskell R. Deal. Minister. 11 am —"Preserving Our Freedom.*' and Aves. Sixteenth and Newtan Street* N.W. 7 to 9 P M » Georgia Communion. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH stars, Sunday Evening Service.) 3 1 a m —’‘Safecuardina Freedom.’* Hoiy_ _ __ Rev. Flint Kellogr. M. A.* Rector. representing members in the (No WALTER E. PRICE, Minister Webster St and Rock Creek Churrfi Rd armed forces. RYLAND FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. S a m.—Holy Communion. SUBJECT: BETHESDA, MD. 9:45 School. H ilo a m.—Family Eucharist. Branch Ave. and S St. S.K. a.m.—Sunday * 30 a Communion. Norfolk and SI. Elmo Arcs. Western m.—Holy ll a m.—Holy Eucharist and Sermon. Hartwell F. Chandler. PaMor. (At Penn. Ave.> I 1 11 a m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. Service. “GOD” :00—"A Notional Necessity." 5 P.m.—Patriotic Vespers 11 a.m. and 8 p m.—Worship REV KARL G. NEWELL. 1906 H St. N.W. Independence Day. Thursday. More than half a century before the nf SERVICES— _11 a.m.—Worship._ 7 :30 p.m,—Adult Yeung People. JO am.—Holy Eucharist. <£l|urrl| __ C. Stewart McKenzie, Minister birth of our Nation the hallowed ground Qlljrifil Sunday 11 AM and • P.M.. axcept LINCOLN ROAD upon which this -Country Church in Third Church 5PM At Lincoln Rd. and You St. N.R. UNION 9.45 c m—Church School. was to Sehool—11AM. the City" stands dedicated the Sunder \ GEO. H. BENNETT. Minister. POth St. Near Penn. Ave. N.W. 11 :00 o m —"Christion Liberty." worship of God You are extended a Avalon Heifhtt Church of Christ MEETING— SELWYN K. COCKRELL. D. D.. Central WEDNESDAY EVENING Worship. 11:f>0 a m. oo p.m. — Presbyterian welcoming Invitation to Join with us in I and_8 7:00 p.m Christian EndeavorSocietiei. EI'IPMYY 28th and * ° Minister. Southern General Assembly. our communion with Douglas Streets N.E. Him. 'radio PROGRAMS. SUNDAYS CHEVY MD. 11 am—“Sacred Emblems for This At Road 9 W I NX CHASE, Dot." Intersection of 15th, 16th and 1317 G Street N.W. Bladensburg 45 A M. STATION 8101 Conneeticut Avr. N. W. Jehn T Smithian, Jr.. 12:15 PM,. STATION S p m.—“Are We Willing to Forgive? Minister. FRIDAYS. Clifford Homer Richmond. S. T. I). Irving Sts. N.W. Th. Rev. Charles W. Aheerln. D. D.. Berry Pickup. Jr.. Acting Minister. WRC 10 am—Bible 33 a m.—“Are You Irritable?”_ ASBURY Rev. James H. Taylor, D. I)., Pastor. Reeter. School. READING ROOMS FRANCIS &f)ertooofa * “’•—Morning Worship. “Seerl- 3MA Ifith St. N.W featttt iflargaret’s The Rev. Hunter M. Lewli. B. B. « ELDBROOKE Rhode Island Ave. ot 22nd St. N.E. P:30 a m —Sunday School. nee. ROBIN C.OCLD D. D.. Minister Av«. fir Bancroft PI. * am.—Holy Communion. 7 FIRST CHURCH—1612 K St. Wisconsin Ave. and River Rd. N.W. II a m.—Sermon by Dr. Taylor. Conn. p.m.—Young Peonies Meeting. 11 » m.—"Those We Honor Today. RICHARD M. Minister 11 a m—Holy Communion and Sermon " Rev. E. A. Lambert, Minister. MUSSES, ■—“WJbyI Am s Member ef the N.W. Hours. 9 to 9 (except X p m—"God’a 7 r m.—Christian Endeavor REV. ARMAND T. EYLER by the Rev. Frederick H Arterton. Church of Christ.” Census."_ 8.50 and 11 a m “Anchor* of Life." 11 a m.—Morninar Worship R pm—Sermon by Dr. A p.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon (WOl. From 12:30 to WEDNESDAYS 9 to 7 and Sun- 7 p m —Young People s Meeting. Taylor. 7 80 » m.—Holy Communion. J2:t.V) WAUGH METHODIST by the Rev. Mr. Lewis. to 11 • m.—Holy Communion. Sermon by days and holidaj’s, 2:30 WOODSIDE Third and A Strert« N T the Rector 5:30). SSI t Geortia Ave. Samuel E. Rose. M A.. B. D.. Minister Second Church 7 n m.—Youm People'* Fellowship (Silver Sprinir. Md.) Cooled by Larae Fleetrie Fan.. Presbyterian GUNTON-TEMPLE Thur*d»y. 11 »m—Holy Communion. All Souls’ Memorial Church Arlington (Vu.) Chnrch of Christ SECOND CHURCH—621 Pa Ave. Rov. R. D. Smith. Ph. D.. Minister. II a m—"Chriatian Intuition." Holy Iftth and Newton 8ta. Meditation 10 to 9 11 am—Communion Commun'on REV. BERNARD BRASKAMP, D. D. Cathedral and Conn. Area. N.W. 20 North Irving St. S.E. Hours, (except T:.T0 p m.—Mr. Paul M. Lehman Will S p m —“We Must Far* It." ALEXANDRIA RoVrt A a.m—Church School. Rev. H. H. D. STERRETT. Rector. 10 to Sun- Speak. Two Violin Duets—Mrs 45 Christ 7: — Church, Georgetown Harry Plckop. Minister Wednesdays, \ Grlest and Mrs. Daryl Porterfield. ! Prince Cr St. Asaph Sts. 11 am Trinity Sunday. to Corner of 0 and 31st Street* days and Holidays, 2:30 REV. FRED V. Pastor "A GREATER AMERICA" 11 a m.—Holy Communion and Sermon. JO am—Bible Btudy. EPWORTH POAG, REV. R. WILLIAMS. ReeUr. 5:30). Rhode Iilmnd Avr. and First St. N.W. * P 30 a m.—Church School. fl:45 p.m.—Young People'* Meetings. | PEYTON J0:50 a.m.—"The Lord's Are. N.E. Sapper." EDGAR A. 8EXSMITH. D.D.. Minister 1.1th S*. and Nertb C'rolina 1 1 :00 a m.—“The Pattern for Patriotism” * a m.—Holy Communion. Mo,t 1 THIRD CHURCH —Colorado Church School. B:30 a.m Rot. Harry EtsuI. D. O.. Miniater. Anthem: “Justice Shall Dwell in the 11 a and Sermon. m.—Holy Communion 7;4sS.,^-"Wh*‘ Worship 8crvice. 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. I I a m—"The Cup of Blessln* Sixteenth and | G Scs. Hours. _Wilderness." _ CIVTII Bldg., 14th and Societies. 7 p.m. 7:10 God We Trust. uJrinttg WOL. 12:30 to 12:43. Christian Endeavor p.m.—"In 9lA 1 I* Kenned; Sts.. N.W. 8:30 to 9 (except Wednesdays, We Cordially Invite You_ | Piney Branch ltd. at Dahlia St. N.W. Wednesday. 7.30 p.m.—Prayer WESLEY Nurserv Dunne Church Service. 8:30 to 7:30, and Sundays and WASHINGTON HEIGHTS REV. RENO S. HARF. Jr., Reeter. WILSON MEMORIAL Conn. Are. and t~»e'»n St. J. HERBERT GARNER. Minister. ST. JOHN’S 6). WISE. Minister Kalorama nenr Columbia Rd. son am—Holy Communion. holidays, 2 to llth St. S.E.. Ret. H and I. CLARENCE E. JOHN C. PALMER. D. D Minister Lofayctte Squar# 11:00 a m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. ALLAN F. POORE. Minister. II am—"Freedom." REV. FOURTH CHURCH—Riggs Bank 11 a.m. and 7 * » m.—Holy Communion. 14th St. Worship p.m._ 9:45 a m.—Bible School Classes tor All 11:00 a.m. f> 3(1 ».m.—French Service. Mr. Lioterd. Church of Christ Bldg., 3300 14th St„ 9 to 9 week- DOUGLAS MEMORIAL Ages. EMORY a m—Fourth of Sermon. "Reviv- 11 * m.—Holy Communion. Dr. Glenn. to nth and p «ts. »f 31 July “Are Yoa About SOUTHEAST 3460 14th Wednesdays, 9:30 7; a Life." Thinking St. N.W. days; KIM Genrcls Av« N.W. Ree. William F. Wrlaht, Minister ing People’s Tues., 8 p.m—Young People’s Meeting. Sundays, 2:30 to 5:30 pm. EDGAR C. BEERY. D. D„ Minister. Worship 11:00 a in and R:00 p.m. Marriage?” C. E. Minister P:30 • m—Church 8ehool. 1340 Mate. Ave. S.E. McGAUGHEY, 2:30 to 5:30 __Cordial Welcome_to All._ MATIVITV Holidays, pm. 11 am—“What Independence Day 6:00 P.M. ST. THOMAS NAIIVUI 7:30. 9:15, 10:30. lfl a m.—Bible School. McKENDREE 10:50 a m.—"Yes and No.” FIFTH CHURCH—1626 Wiscon- Should Mean.” Buffet and forum for 18th St., Bet. P and Q Nr. Dedication of Flags. H. C.. 10.30 7 o m—Youth Fellowship Groups. So. Dako'a Are and 74tb St.. CHEVY CHASE supper young Resurrection. 701 15th N.E., 9:15. Meeting. sin Ave. N.W. Hours, Mon- 7:30 p.m —Vesper Service. at R. t. Are H R. | £«>d1*'s _ Chern Chase Circle married ond The Rev. W. 8 P.m.— The Rich Young Ruler." young single people. Lloyd Goodrich, Rev. Enoch M. Thompson. Rector. Sat- Rer. Charles F. Phillips. Minister. Dr. J. Hillman Hollister. Minister WOL—12:30 to 12:45. day, Wednesday. Friday, DUMBARTON AVE. Worship. 11:00 a m and AfOQ pm. Fletcher Cohn: "Toward o Better Assistant-in-Charge 9:30 a m.—“Fervent In Spirit.” Sunday. R a m—Holy Communion. urday, 1-5; Tuesday, Thursday, 'll 33 Dumbarton Ave. N.W. Understanding Between Christian «>» xhivotnn. BROOKLAND 11 am —Service and Sermon by the 1- 5, 7-9; Sundays and holidays, Mother nf Methodism Wo and Jewish Rev Mr. Goodrich. DR. CHAUNCEY C. DAY. Minister. 1 l*h snA Lcvrenre Sts. N't. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Young People." Thursday. 11 a m—Holy Communion. ANACOSTIA 2- 5. Services Sunday. 11:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. 8. PUL SCHILLING. Ph. O Minister £i>ahtt 8 jflarfe’s 8:00 p.m. 11 a.m. and p.m. All are welcome to attend our church Thursday, Worship, HILL” 2407 Minn. Ave. S.E. Fourth ••ON CAPITOL j services and use our reading roomt. WALLACE MEMORIAL ASCENSION Third and A Streets Southeast ! Bonds Stocks, Minister Church New Hampshire Ave. & Randolph St. N.W. Presbyterian Mass. Ave. at 12th St. N.W. REV. ROBERT J. PLUMB. Reetor. 10:00 ft.m.—Bible Study. 13th and Fairmont Streets N.W. a Christian Science C. E. Hawthorne, D. D., Minister. 8 am.—Holy Communion. 10:50 m.—"Inspiration.’* Society Mount Vernon Place WK: REV. JAS. H. MIERS, Minister. REV. RAYMOND L. WOLVEN. Reeter. ARLINGTON. VIRGINIA. 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. Classes for all 11 am.—Holy Communion ond Sermon 5:00 p.m.—"In the Beeinninv God.’* The South’t tentative Church | R am—Holy Communion. IRIS Wilson Bird. Repre ages. 11 a m.—"What Christ Commanded.'* by Rev. Clyde Brown «:15p.m.—Youna People's Meetini. DR. W. Minister. of 9 30 a m.—Church School. Thursday. 8:00 Service. (Colonial Villace Ballroom) JOHN KtSTIN. 11:00 a.m.—"The Second Coming Thursday 11 o.m.—Holy Communion. p.m.—Prayer A pm —"The Destiny of the Beast and 11 a WOL. a WE WANT FREEDOM?" Dr. John W. Rustin. Christ: In the Tight of To- m.—Holy Communion and Sermon | 12:30 to 12:45. Sunday Service* and Sunday P and 11 m —"HOW MUCH DO False Frontlet." Rerelatlon Serlei. hy Canon Wolven. School. 11 A.M. R o m.—Right Honorable Isaac Foot of England. day'* Happening*." 0:45 p m.—Christian Endeavor Societies. Wednesday Service*. 8 P.M. 8:00 p.m.—"A Declaration of Depend- NORTHEAST ence." St. Columba's WILDERCROFT Ail WADY 1463 N.W. Scientist ▼ Minister “eastern 43nd and Albemarle Sts. N.W. Auburn Ave., 1 Blk. (iff Rlverdale. Rd. First Church of Christ ^VIV I Orris Gravenor Robinson, THE GEORGETOWN SHEPHERD VA. Md. Ale. at 6th N.l. REV. C. R. MENGERS. GOOD BASCUM M. LITTON, MINISTER. ARLINGTON. 11 A M —"A Plumb Lin«." Fairfax Drive and Little Falls Street 00 WILLIAM NESBIT VINCENT. Minister. J 7:30 6th St. Between H ond I 10 CHURCH a.m.—Holy Communion. a.m.—Bible Study East Falla Chnreh 8:15 P.M.—Summer Vesper Service. Sermon, "Ouridlve* «nd Our PRESBYTERIAN 10 oo s m.—Holv Communion. NORTHEAST 11 am.—8ermon. Sunday Services and Sunday 3115 N.W. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. II:00 a.m.—Holy Communion snd Ser- 8chool. 11 A.M Friends." Worship led by the Youth Fellowship. Rev. John Bailey Kelly. D. D.. Paatar mon. REV. EDWARD B. HARRIS. Vicar Wednesday Services. 8 P M Church School at 9:45 a.m 11 am.—Divine Worship. Holy Services al 1:3(1 and 11 a.m. at 11 o'clock Sermon J Readinx Room at 3248 Wilson Blvd., Morning Worship Communion. Spiritual &rtrnrr Arlinrton. Va. subject. "I* God on Our Side?" ST. PAUL’S CHURCH BEV. LOLA M. MILLER—Message Service. First Church of Christ Scientist fTps]r PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 917 23rd Street ST. JANES' CHURCH Wed. 7:30 p.m.. Aaaisted by the mediums. TOUNDRY THE COVENANT-FIRST *23 8th 8t. N.E.—Tel. Atl. 1746. 132P N St. N.W. All HYATTSVILLE. MD. Minister 8 :00—Low Moss. Reached-•_ Masonic Hall—Gallatin St. FREDERICK BROWN HARRIS, CONN. AVE. AT N ST. N.W. THE REV. A. Q. PLANK. BEV. JOHN R. GRAY—Message service. Sunday Services and Sunday 1 1 :00—Eucharist and Sermon. Church Tnea., 7 p.m., 1320 N St. N.W. Consults- School. 11 A.M. "The Church of the State*” Miniatara Sunday Masses 7:30 and 11. tlen at 9:30 a.m. Vespers. 7:30 p.m. daily Mon.. Wed., Fri., 3 to 0 p.m. Wednesday Services. 8 P.M. 8:00—Evensong and Benediction. School Phono TB. 3711. Right I»aae Foot. Privy Councillor. Methodist ALBERT JOSEPH MeCARTNEY, D. D.; GEORGE H. YOUNT 7 a.m. Holy Hour. Thurs., Reading Room—0213 Balto Blvd. 11 am—Guest Speaker. Honorable Dally Mass. London. to 4: Eves.. Mon lav preacher and historian, from England...... 8 p.m. Bat., Confessions. 7-9 p.m. ■ours: Weekdays. 11:30 recital at 10:48. Communion Service. MIZPAH CHURCH and Frl. 7 to 9: Wed- 0 to 7:30. Sergt. Virvtl Fox. guest organist, will give a 15-mlnute organ 9:30a.m.—Military Seance at Home Chapel. 430 N. J. ave. R p.m.—“THE FOURTH OF JULY,’’ Dr. Harris. 10:00 a.m.—Church School. General Class. ST. AGNES CHUBCH S.E., Mon., Wed. and Frl., 8 p.m. Appt.. First Church of Christ Scientist Trinidad 8003. VA. 11.00 a m —"When the Go On » ALEXANDRIA, Lights Again." 48 One St. N.W. Dr. Z. A. Wright Pastor. Church. Rev. William Eckman, 8. 8. i. ■„ Kmmanuel Episcopal ©ur £s>abtour Russell Read and High Street 6:00 Group. in Charce Church p.m.—Young People's Service and Sunday Sehool, 1 Memorial Sunday p.m. 8unday Masses—”, 9:30 and 11 16th and Irvins Sts. N.E. Wednesday Evening 8 Metropolitan Meeting, p.m. o'clock. Mass daily. 7 a m. Confessions National REV. ALVIN LAMAR WILLS ^piritualiat Reeding Ream. SIB Klne 8t- Alexandria. and New Mexico Aves. N.W. I Saturday. 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. Nebraska 7 30 a.m.—Holy Communion. EDWARD GARDINER LATCH. Minister. CHURCH OF THE PILGRIMS 11 a.m.—Holy Communion and Bermon Aflanrtalum and P Streets N.W. Co., Md. by the Rev. Alvin Lamar Wills. First Church of Christ Scientist Do." On the Parkway at 22nd Montgomery 11 :00 o.m.—"What Religion Can of the Sooth CHEVY CHASE. MARYLAND. Gift of the Preabyteriana to Nation’! Capital THB FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. Cbevy Chase Library. 5908 Conn. Aee. the Rct. Andrew R. Bird. D. D.. Minlater. GRACE 131 C Street N.E.. Near Capitol. Sunday Barriers, II a.m. and 8 p.m. A k A I 16th and Allison N. W. ALL SAINTS4 CHAPEL Wednesday Evening Meeting, 8 p.m. ■ ■ IklF Sts. and Bunder, s P.M. p 45 a m —Bible School of the Church. Ga. Ave. Grace Church Rd., 4094 Minn. Aye., Bennlnt. Snndey School, 11 a.m., Chevy Chase BEV. ALFBED H. TERRY. Peator. rev- d- d- 11 a m.—"The Fonliahneaa of God. Silver Sprine. Md. Elementary Scheel. Rosemary St.> REV C. F. LANGLAND8. Vlear. Bummer Claes 7:30 m.—Organ Recital. _ Develeplng Chery Chase. HAM LINE p _ REV. WALTER W. GALE. Reeter. "Yoor Psyehie Powers” 7:45 p.m.—“How to Become a Tree Man." 10:30 a.m.—Church School. Reading Room, 7 Wilson Lane, P.45 a.m.—Brotherhood Bible Class. Hon. John J. Sparkman, Teacher. 7:30 a m—Holy Communion. 11:30 am.—Morning Prayer and Ber- Pollowod hr Dark Seanee Bethesda. Hours, Weekday*. 11:30 to I. 11 a.m.—"Gad end Ameriee." * to Ka at Hotna-With Vt 11 a m—Holy Communion and Sermon. mon. Consultations by Appt. LI. 137t. Monday, Friday Evenings, 7:30 te 0:00. 7:15—Y. F. R:00—Young Adults. Visitors Cordially Welcomed. Wa Cordially Invito Yan I ■ ■" 1