CONNECT: Who are the people in your life who, by their own admission, would never become Christians? How can you be praying for them and reaching out to them this week? WARM-UP 1. Did you do anything different to celebrate Easter this year? How was it? 2. What was most significant, or helpful, in your celebration of ’ death and resurrection this year? READ Isaiah 53:1-6 3. In what way does this passage point to Jesus? Why do you think the idea of a suffering-servant who was also King was so surprising? 4. How does Jesus’ death alleviate us from guilt rather than making us feel condemned? 5. How is the depth of God’s love declared on the cross? READ Luke 23:26-49 6. How does verse 34 point to Jesus’ ultimate purpose? How has it been fulfilled? 7. What was the irony in the mocking of Jesus, “he saved others, let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah the Chosen One”? Do you think we can ever mock Jesus with our lives? 8. How do the responses of the two criminals hanging alongside Jesus contrast? What is amazing about the insight that the criminal shows about the nature of Jesus’ Kingdom? 9. What is significant about darkness coming over the land? How about the curtain being torn in two? 10. All throughout the people have been confused about who Jesus is. Do you have confidence about who Jesus is? What is your response to this? READ Luke 24:1-12 11. What is the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection? (Try to brainstorm as a group.) 12. How is Jesus’ resurrection the defeat of death and the beginning of life? When will death be destroyed? 13. What’s significant about the declaration of the messengers in verses 5-7? Why do you you think the women were afraid? Why did Jesus’ words then make sense? 14. The women go and tell all they had seen. How is this a great model for us? Who can you tell this week? APPLY: What is something - even very simply - about your Easter celebrations that you could share this coming week? Who would you like to share that with?

PRAY: Heavenly Father, thank you so much for the Easter weekend. Thank you for your phenomenal love poured out for us, and for your defeat of death. Help us to never take the Gospel for granted but to revel in it, proclaim it, and be transformed and renewed in it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

For sermons and additional resources, visit STBARTS.COM.AU

ACTS: THE GOSPEL TO THE WORLD SERIES (TALK 14/14: EASTER - HE IS RISEN!) GOING DEEPER RESOURCES On Your Front Line this Week • As people ask you how was your Easter break, can you point them to your hope in the risen Jesus?

For Families • “Our Easter Story” by Prospect Arts (We used this video on and Easter Day) Audio and Video • “The Evidence of Resurrection” by Dick Lucas • “The Resurrection” by Alistair Begg • “Lifting the Lid on Easter” by Centre for Public Christianity • “The Shattered Grave” by Dan Stevers (Video) Other Helpful Books, Articles, and Courses • “In All the Destruction at the Notre dame, one Photo Stood Out” by Simon Smart 11028396 • “Lean Family Relocates to PNG” Story on the ABC in time for Easter by Peter Gunders to-help-close-neighbours/11021328 • “Implementing Easter” by Jill Carattini (of RZIM) • BOOK: “Raised Forever” by Rory Shiner: • “Ten Ways Easter Changes Everything” by John Piper

For sermons and additional resources, visit STBARTS.COM.AU

Talk 14/14 (RISEN): 21/04/19 “Easter Day” by the Rev’d Adam Lowe

Bible Passage: Luke 24:1-12 and 1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Jesus is Risen! • It’s a phenomenally audacious claim, however I’m utterly convinced it’s true. • And to be clear… I’m not just speaking metaphorically: that he is alive in my heart, I’m not just speaking spiritually: that his ‘spirit’ lives on, but I’m claiming physically: that Jesus was dead, really dead, but is now alive! • And it’s not just me of course who claims this to be true, but that this is what Christianity describes as Good NEWS. • Jesus’ resurrection is not merely a cutesy story, folklore, philosophy, or wishful thinking, but that it really happened and it has changed the course of history forever. • The tomb was empty. Jesus appeared to many. A group of disciples were transformed. And rapidly, this Good News spread to the ends of the earth, with people willing to keep on telling it, even in the face of persecution and death. • We have all the evidence you would expect if Jesus rose from the dead. • And the news of Jesus’ resurrection changes everything.

So today, I just want to share three reasons why it’s good news that Jesus has risen. 2 DEATH IS DEFEATED \\ PART 1

First, because Jesus has risen, death is defeated. The biblical worldview, has always had an understanding that death is an enemy. • Saying death is an enemy might seem really obvious, but actually in our culture, the way we deal with death rarely addresses it in such a way. • In Australian society, the three most common approaches to death, are to either deny it, defend it, or defy it (or at least try to). • But none of them are particularly effective. • Just take the denial of death. Pretending death doesn’t exist might seem as strange as asserting that someone was raised, yet denying death is absolutely pervasive in modern society. • One of the most common approaches to death it to play it down…to say… well not much will change, they’re still with you, they’re just in the room next door. • I don’t think that’s helpful - of course things have changed, pretending it doesn’t exist doesn’t allow people to grieve, it doesn’t acknowledge the depth of people’s pain, it doesn’t help us face our own mortality. //


• If you’ve ever lost someone, you know the pain it causes. Of course it’s changed. If you’ve ever witnessed someone die, part of you rebels against it, desiring life, We’ve got this innate hunch that we’re made for more, that we’re not actually just meant to be temporary, [like a snapchat post that is here today and gone tomorrow!] • Easter celebrates that this is not an unfounded suspicion, but a reality! • Paul, one of the early church leaders, said that because of Jesus’ resurrection…

“Death has been swallowed up in victory.” 55 “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:54-55).

• Paul is mocking death… Claiming that because Jesus died on the cross, and triumphed over the grave, that the power of death has been overturned and broken forever.

• The logic goes like this… • Death entered into our world with sin.

Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned (Romans 5:12) 4 • Paul is making it very clear here: Sin and death are linked. And as sin entered the world and broke the order of things, death entered. And as all have sinned, death comes to all. • But because on Jesus all that sin was laid, once and for all, we were reconciled to him. • Any payment notice that would have come, has been paid. • Jesus fulfilled it, because of his incredible love for you. // • That’s what we celebrated on Good Friday, that’s why Good Friday is so GOOD! • But it gets even better, because death could not hold him down. • The resurrection is the very confirmation of the work of Jesus on the cross. If Jesus stayed dead his victory would have been utterly incomplete, but because he is risen, he was been vindicated and proven right. • See: This is not just a martyr, a good man dying for another, but this is God triumphant over death itself.



But the Good News doesn’t just stop there, because Jesus has risen, it also means that death will be destroyed.

The need for that is obvious! But, when it comes to death being destroyed, we might be tempted to think as some disembodied spiritual realm, floating on a cloud, but that’s not what it is about. • An eastern view of the physical world says that matter is just an allusion. • A western view of the physical world says that matter is temporary. • But the biblical view says that God created the physical and spiritual and just as they both have broken, both will be redeemed.

We long for that. It’s a great human longing. • Bodies free from aches and pains, Lives free from tragedy and sadness, World free from the effects of brokenness.

6 • It’s no wonder that when we’re not denying or defending death, society is often trying to defy it. • People chase after new, better, stronger, younger looking bodies but it doesn’t last. • But on the day of Jesus’ resurrection… a whole new era in human history was launched, in which death and brokenness were no longer the status quo, but that a whole new way of being, a whole new kingdom of life began. • Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good, but he came to make dead people alive, and when he returns, that will be brought to completion.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. (Revelation 21:4)

• In the meantime that can feel frustrating… like waiting for a great meal that you can smell but not eat yet,1 but rest assured that that day will come… • And it means, as one author (Josh McDowell) puts it: that…

1 See Rory Shiner, p.119 in “Raised Forever” 7

No matter how devastating our struggles, disappointments, and troubles are, they are only temporary. No matter what happens to you, no matter the depth of tragedy or pain you face, no matter how death stalks you and your loved ones, the Resurrection promises you a future of immeasurable good.

That just as Jesus’ resurrection was bodily and transformed - so too will ours. • He ate. He spoke. He touched. He entered into rooms. • He clearly asserted that he was not a ghost! • It is because Jesus IS risen that we can be confident of our resurrection. • Paul says, Jesus’ resurrection was the first fruits of the harvest (1 Corinthians 15:20). • Jesus’ resurrection drags our in its train. • Jesus’ resurrection - salvation through him addresses our entire reality.


It is good news that Jesus has risen, because it means that: death is defeated, death will be destroyed, and that we can be raised forever.

Paul makes that really clear in the letter to the Corinthians saying, that if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then we won’t rise either. But because Jesus did rise from the dead, we will indeed rise when he returns. • It means that we can have a hope that is not just: a distant glimmer of a far-off dream for a rose-coloured kingdom but a hope that is an established reality awaiting fulfilment because the king of that Kingdom has already been raised! • And that they way that our story, and our life, gets bundled up with Jesus’ story and Jesus’ life, is simply by putting our trust in him! That to say that Jesus is raised, is to also say too will be raised! • Perhaps you’re here and you absolutely agree. Perhaps you’re here and you think this sounds crazy. Perhaps you’re here and you’re somewhere in between. 9

Well, if you just can’t work out how this is all possible, if this really messes with your mind, don’t worry, because it messed with the minds of the first witnesses too. • Luke is so honest in his reporting of the first reactions to the resurrection. • All four tell us that the women were the first on the scene. • When they went to the tomb, they couldn’t figure out what had happened. • The disciples at first thought this sounded like nonsense. They couldn’t figure out what had happened either. • They were baffled! • Despite all of Jesus’ foretelling that he would rise, no one actually anticipated it. • No, they hadn’t understood Jesus’ words that ‘the Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again’. • That’s until they encountered the risen Christ. • They went from thinking it was nonsense, to proclaiming it even to the point of death. //

10 Time and time again people asked Jesus, what must I do to receive eternal life. • Lots of people thought it was by doing all the right things. • But Jesus says, actually, there’s no way you can earn it, the only way possible is by believing in him….

Jesus said [to her], “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25)

• Jesus dying is Good NEWS. Jesus rising is Good NEWS. • this isn’t just good news to hear. this isn’t just good news to understand. this is good news to believe.