Featuring Polar Bears, Giant Pandas, Brown Bears and Many More All You N
Spring 2018 brilliantbrilliantAllAll youyou needneed toto knowknow aboutaboutbears!bears! thethe bearbear family!family! FeaturingFeaturing polarpolar bears,bears, giantgiant pandas,pandas, brownbrown bearsbears andand manymany moremore wInwIn AnImal goodIes In our colourIng competItIon! Plus pawsome puzzles, furry facts, jokes wIth real bIte Spring 2018 brilliantAll you need to know aboutbears! the bear family! brilliantAll you need to know aboutbears! the bear family! FeaturingFeaturing polarpolar bears,bears, giantgiant pandas,pandas, brownbrown bearsbears andand manymany moremore wInwIn AnImal goodIes In our colourIng competItIon! Plus pawsome puzzles, furry facts, jokes wIth real bIte Spring 2018 brilliantbrilliantAllAll youyou needneed toto knowknow aboutaboutbears!bears! thethe bearbear family!family! FeaturingFeaturing polarpolar bears,bears, giantgiant pandas,pandas, brownbrown bearsbears andand manymany moremore wInwIn AnImal goodIes In our colourIng competItIon! Plus pawsome puzzles, furry facts, jokes wIth real bIte Spring 2018 brilliantbrilliantAllAll youyou needneed toto knowknow aboutaboutbears!bears! thethe bearbear family!family! FeaturingFeaturing polarpolar bears,bears, giantgiant pandas,pandas, brownbrown bearsbears andand manymany moremore wInwIn AnImal goodIes In our colourIng competItIon! Plus pawsome puzzles, furry facts, jokes wIth real bIte MEETMEET THETHE BEARSBEARS LITTLE This issue of Wild About Explorers is all about bears! Discover their Brown bear Giant panda Asian and LARGE favourite foods, find out why they sleep for months at a time, and meet LIVES: Across Europe, LIVES: Forests in China the bears that live in some of the coldest places on Earth. North America and Asia black bear The smallest ABOUT ME: I am easily Bears are found in many parts of the world, including Europe, America, LIVES: Forests in member of the ABOUT ME: I have recognised by my black South and East Asia bear family is Asia and the Arctic.
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