David Mccullough
A teacher’s guide to DAVID C ULLOUGH M C WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 About the Author 1 Resources 1 Key Figures 2 Pre-Reading Knowledge 5 Part I, Chapter 1 6 Part I, Chapter 2 8 Part I, Chapter 3 11 Part II, Chapter 4 14 Part II, Chapter 5 17 Part III, Chapter 6 19 Part III, Chapter 7 22 INTRODUCTION Although the passage of the Declaration of Independence is a universally taught event in the United States, most high school students’ knowledge tends to be confined to the events that occurred in the city of Philadelphia during the month of July. In focusing on the events throughout the year of 1776, Pulitzer Prize–winning historian David McCullough gives students a deep understanding, from both sides of the conflict, of the events, people, and decisions that led to the creation of the United States. McCullough’s extensively researched work is filled with primary sources, reinforcing details and differing points of view on the events presented within the text, all of which makes 1776 an excellent text for use with the Common Core standards. This teacher’s guide provides a brief summary of 1776, divided by chapter and then subdivided by section. Each section summary includes a list of Key Features. Also provided for each chapter are the following supplementary teaching aids to spur discussion and challenge the student’s knowledge of the material: Key Terms and Vocabulary, Questions, Primary and Alternate Source Analysis, Activities and Projects, and for some chapters, an Interdisciplinary Activity.
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