how the agency works b a process–manual developed & written by ed burgoyne How the Agency Works Ed Burgoyne Introduction “How the agency works,” is a reference manual that explains the basics of process within an advertising agency. This process manual is meant to be used as a general concept guide, since agencies will have different approaches to their own workflow. This book is several years old, and I am currently working on an updated version. In later editions, the process manual will include an expanded process guide that will include web and broadcast projects. © 2001, 2009 Edwin Burgoyne This version has been customized for a medium sized agency and is based on process systems and procedures previously developed by Ed Burgoyne. edwin burgoyne 345 goffle road ridgewood, nj 07450 v 201.444.1816 c 201.452.2416
[email protected] 3 How the Agency Works Ed Burgoyne Table of Contents Agency Workflow Path . .5 Basic Workflow Steps . .28 Agency Basic Concepts . .35 The Account Group . .43 The Production Group . .63 The Production Studio . .78 The Creative Group . .95 Addendum 1 - OPI . .100 4 b agency–workflow How work progresses through an agency in detail How the Agency Works Ed Burgoyne Client Brief The Agency The Brand Positioning Critical Path of a Project Analysis, Research and Positioning Research The following steps detail the typical workflow in an agency. This version of the critical path is for smaller agencys and assumes that the agency does not have a seperate strategy department, nor an art Creative Brief buyer, project management in this path is split between the junior account team and a production traffic department.