Applying Different Management Methodologies in Clarizen

v Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15! Featuring:

Rami Cohen David Goulden Gadi Lemberg Sr. Dir. Global Sales Engineer Product Director Sr. Sales Engineer Clarizen Clarizen Clarizen

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Introductions PMI / PMBOK Prince/2 Agile/ Scrum

Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved#ClarizenAtWork15 #ClarizenAtWork15 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved PMI/ PMBOK

v Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15! Some Facts About PMI

PM de facto standard…

Founded in 1969 by working project managers - Newtown Square, Pennsylvania

More than 500,000 members and credential holders

Most popular certificate ‘PMP’ – Professional

5 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Some Facts About PMI

Promoting Global Standards

Global standards are crucial to the project management profession. Standards ensure a basic project management framework is applied consistently worldwide. 13 global standards (including Program and Portfolio Management) Over 3 million copies of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®Guide) in circulation

6 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 The PMI PMBOK Matrix

7 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Communication Management

8 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 The PMI Famous Matrix

By Yvonne Monterroso, PMP A recent study conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI) revealed that ineffective communication has a negative impact on successful project execution. Surprising?

9 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Fun Fact About Communication

If you have 20 People on a Project, how many possible communications channels do you have?

N(N-1)/2 – Formula for Number of Communication Channels


10 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 10.1 Identify Stakeholders

Key benefits One of the key processes of the PMBOK in the initiation phase.

Helps reduce risk.

Helps reduce resistance.

11 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 10.2 Plan Communication

Communications managements

Who receives which communications, who is responsible to deliver and respond to communication content, and how and when communications will be delivered

Defining the audience Defining the requirements Building a communications schedule Finding the responsible team member Defining the medium of communication Preparing the content

12 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 10.3 Distribute Information

The Clarizen way Data exist within the tool Automate distribution

13 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 10.4 Manage Stakeholders Expectations

The process of manage stakeholder expectations is there to identify stakeholder issues or concerns in a timely manner, and then to resolve these swiftly in a proactive manner.

On-going in Clarizen Submitting an issue/bug/request Follow a project

14 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 10.5 Report Performance

Real-time performance matrix

15 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Communication with Clarizen

Transition from Traditional to Modern Communication

Traditional Communication Channels Modern Collaboration in Clarizen

• Emails • Project’s Discussion Board • Pros: formal, documented, asynchronous, • Pros: Visible to the project team – past everyone are using emails and future (searchable), live, automatic • Cons: unstructured, no visibility into who updates asynchronous, promotes positive sent what and when, sits in private feedbacks (Like), structured mailboxes • Cons: Could blare the line between formal • Phone/Video Conferencing and non formal communication (happy birthday) • Pros: Transmits non verbal communication (tone of voice, intonation, • Discussion Groups / Forums expressions, body language), engaging • Pros: Dynamic membership, promotes • Cons: Time consuming, synchronous discussions, builds knowledge bases, (hard to coordinate over busy calendars encourages SMEs and different time zones), requires • Cons: Not private coordination and set-up

16 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Communication with Clarizen

Transition from Traditional to Modern Communication II

Traditional Modern

• Status Meetings • A living Project • Pros: Gets everyone on Ecosystem the same page, creates • Pros: Real time status, clarity, visual feedbacks on demand, cumulative, • Cons: Waste of precious transparent, time both by prepping as asynchronous, well as attending, • Cons: ? synchronous

17 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Communication in Context

18 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Prince/2

v Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15! Facts about PRINCE2

Definition & Background PRINCE2 (an acronym for IN Controlled Environments) is a process-based approach for effective project management providing an easily tailored, and scalable method for the management of all types of projects

Extensively used by the UK Government, as well as the private sector, both in the UK and internationally.

PRINCE was established and launched in 1989 by CCTA (the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency)

PRINCE2 was published in 1996, having been contributed to by a consortium of some 150 European organisations.

20 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Facts about PRINCE2

PRINCE2 Key features:

Focus on business justification

Defined organization structure for the project management team

Product-based planning approach

Emphasis on dividing the project into manageable & controllable stages

Flexibility that can be applied at a level appropriate to the project

21 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2 Concept

PRINCE2 Methodology says that a project should have:

An organized and An organized and An organized and controlled start controlled middle controlled end

Organize and plan When the project has When you've got things properly started, make sure it what you want and before leaping in continues to be the project has organized and finished, tidy up the controlled loose ends

22 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2 Concept

The basic structure

PRINCE2 Project Roles Project Management Techniques

• Project assurance • Customer • Providing an independent view of how the project is progressing. • User • Three views of assurance: • Supplier business, user and specialist. • Project board Each view reflects the interests of the three project board members. • Project support

PRINCE2 Scope Controlling Change

PRINCE2 is designed to provide a • How to manage risk common language across all the • How to manage quality interested parties • How to control change

23 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2 Processes

Process-driven project management method

Each process is defined with its key inputs and outputs together with the specific objectives to be achieved and activities to be carried out.

24 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2

Usual questions at the start of a project

What are we trying to do? When will we start? What do we need? Can we do it alone, or do we need help? How long will it take? How much will it cost?

25 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2 - PID

PID Project Initiation Document

26 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2 - PID

Project Initiation Document The purpose of the PID is to define the project, to form the basis for its management and the assessment of overall success.

Has two primary uses: Ensure that the project has a sound basis before asking the Project Board to commit to make any major commitment to the project Act as a base document, against which the Project Board and Project Manager can assess progress, risks, issues, change and ongoing viability questions

27 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2 - PID

Project Initiation Document

Answers: What the project is aiming to achieve

Why it is important to achieve it

Who will be involved in managing the process and what are their responsibilities

How and when will the project be undertaken

28 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2 - PID in a click

Clarizen Document Publisher v2 Generate PID from existing data through a click of button Multiple templates for multiple use-cases Support PPTX, DOCX and PDF output formats Template creator tool

29 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2 - PID in a click

Clarizen Document Publisher v2

30 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2 - Managing a Stage Boundary

31 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2 - Managing a Stage Boundary

The objective of the managing a stage boundary process Assure the Project Board that all products in the Stage Plan for the current stage have been completed and approved

Prepare the Stage Plan for the next stage

Review and, if necessary, update the Project Initiation Documentation (in particular the Business Case, Project Plan, project approach, strategies, project management team structure and role descriptions)

Provide the information needed for the Project Board to assess the continuing viability of the project – including the aggregated risk exposure

Record any information or lessons that can help later stages of this project and/or other projects

Request authorization to start the next stage

32 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 PRINCE2 - Managing a Stage Boundary

The main products of this process are: An End Stage Report produced by the Project Manager and given to the Project Board, outlining information on the current stage achievements.

Current Stage Plan actuals showing the performance against the original Stage Plan.

The Next Stage or Exception Plan for approval.

Project Initiation Documentation may require updating.

A revised Project Plan incorporating all the actual metrics. An updated Risk register, together with the Updated Business Case and Project Plan, which is used by the Project Board to review that the Project has continuing ongoing viability.

Configuration item records created/updated for new stage products.

An updated Business Case.

The Lessons Log.

Any changes to the Project Management Team with updated Job Descriptions. 33 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Agile/Scrum

v Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15! Agile Methodologies

An evolution of Product Development Methodologies

Manifesto for Agile Software Development: formalized in 2001 by 17 signatories with track record in software delivery processes.

“We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over Processes and tools Working software over Comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over Contract negotiation Responding to change over Following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.”

35 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Scrum Development

Scrum is a Project Management methodology for Agile projects which has become the most popular in recent years (by a factor of 4)

Scrum idea was originally described in a Harvard Business Review article “The New New Product Development Game” (not all software projects)*

Some questions to help you decide how and where you adopt Agile:

Do you have detailed requirements up front? Are you working on delivering to a fixed price contract? How stable is your delivery team? How mature is your team with their toolset and domain? Are your development projects standalone, or part of a bigger initiatives?


36 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Understanding Scrum Roles

Scrum Projects have at least 3 roles. You might perform any one of these in your organization’s Projects

Product Owner Scrum Master • Represent the business and business problems. • Accountable for removing impediments to the • Write requirements and acceptance criteria ability of the group to deliver the sprint goal/ (Definition of Done) deliverables. • Formalize and actively manage priority • Somewhat similar to a project manager, but with greater remit to protect the team. • Give feedback and get feedback from other stakeholders • Responsible to make sure that the team is able to do the work they committed to.

Team Member Others • Testers • Motivated Team Player • Other Stakeholders • Estimates work scope and complexity • PMO • Assign self to work • Due to high frequency of interpersonal communication high preference for team to be a stable unit, preferably co-located

37 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Key Differences in Agile Projects

Some alternative approaches to the way you might currently work

Scoping Work Scheduling Work Resourcing

Fixed Scope is never fixed! Timeboxing – instead of Assumption of fixed teams of building schedule around experienced and collaborating Requirements discovery work, we set small increments experts during delivery of time to deliver value Self-assignment of work vs Work done incrementally and Multiple mini-deadlines capacity planning iteratively by priority smooth out slippages

Priority = business value Dependencies are not given high degree of focus. Scoping is done by rough estimates: Story Points or T- Shirt sizing

“Minimum Viable Product”

38 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Scoping Work

• T-Shirt sizing (S / M / L / XL/ XXL) • Story Points (Fibonacci scale [1,2,3,5,8,13,20]

39 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Executing the Work

Visual tools keep the team aligned and focused Board/Card approaches adapted from Kanban Progress Track by State, not by % or Effort

40 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Clarizen Key Tools for Scrum Projects

Tooling for Scrum projects can be installed from the Apps Marketplace or tailored using Panels and Views.

Team Board Burndown Chart

41 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 10.1 Identify Stakeholders

Key Differences

Stakeholder analysis is expected to be done by the Product Owner Stakeholder analysis is also partly expected to be done via the creation of User Stories which represent the business requirements However, requests and issues are also a key mechanism for registering this

42 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 10.2 Plan Communication

Communications managements

Formal communication is given less focus in Agile / Scrum projects. Instead: Standup meetings with the team are the mechanism for the team to express feedback and difficulties and questions for the Product Owner to take back to the business to provide clarification on

43 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 10.3 Distribute Information

Agile / Scrum tools focus highly on visual toolset

Board type tools allow for visual representation of progress Stand-up meetings End of Sprint Retrospectives as a team – ongoing Lessons Learned Working software or deliverables are given much higher value than distribution of written reports

44 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 10.4 Manage Stakeholders Expectations

The Standup meetings are open forums for any stakeholders to join and listen.

However, only Pigs can speak (people with their bacon on the line!)

The Product Owner is the main interface for providing feedback from the business to the delivery team and vice versa

Apart from the directive that it should be done on an ongoing basis, there is not prescribed way for that to be done

45 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 10.5 Report Performance

Different performance metrics

Team Board displays visual realtime data of work status in Sprint Burndown Charts track progress of planned work User Story Points acceptance measures acceptance of work Velocity Chart track throughput or productivity of the team

46 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Clarizen Agile Initiative

Install components from the Apps Marketplace We are planning further Agile tooling Come speak to me after the session Or speak with your CSM to schedule a discussion

“34% of private companies surveyed implemented Agile 34% management in some form in 2012.”

47 Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15 Questions?

v Copyright © 2015 Clarizen@Work. All rights reserved #ClarizenAtWork15! Thank You

Rami Cohen [email protected]

David Goulden [email protected]

Gadi Lemberg [email protected]

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