Paleomagnetism Indicates That Primary Magnetite in Zircon Records
Paleomagnetism indicates that primary magnetite in zircon records a strong Hadean geodynamo John A. Tardunoa,b,1 , Rory D. Cottrella , Richard K. Bonoa,2 , Hirokuni Odac , William J. Davisd , Mostafa Fayeke , Olaf van ’t Ervef , Francis Nimmog , Wentao Huanga , Eric R. Thernh,i , Sebastian Fearnj , Gautam Mitraa, Aleksey V. Smirnovk , and Eric G. Blackmanb aDepartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627; bDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627; cResearch Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba 305-8567, Japan; dGeological Survey of Canada, GSC-Central Canada, Geochronology, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E8, Canada; eDepartment of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada; fMaterials Science and Technology Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375; gDepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064; hGeochron Research Group, Bentley, WA 6982, Australia; iDepartment of Applied Physics, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA 6001, Australia; jDepartment of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413; and kDepartment of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 Edited by Lisa Tauxe, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, and approved December 12, 2019 (received for review September 24, 2019) Determining the age of the geomagnetic field is of paramount tion on the billion-year timescales needed to explore the most importance for understanding the evolution of the planet because ancient geodynamo. Here we use “single-domain–like” in a the field shields the atmosphere from erosion by the solar wind.
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