FOUR GENERATIONS, DESCENDANTS • PERRY ^24.DE^WilPM. Calibrated Their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. MRS. PHILIP LEPPLA. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Leppla of this place celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their pleasant home here last Sunday. Owing to the recent death of their youngest daughter, Mrs. Carl L. Gale of Columbus, which occurred a few days ago, the affair was celebrated in a quiet and unostentatious manner, only the immediate family being present. This aged couple were united in marrirge at Canton, Ohio, November 6, 1854, by Rev. Herbruck, a Lutheran minister. Mrs. Leppla, whose maiden name was Louise Ittner, was 16 years of age and her hus band 26. Thirteen children were born to this union, three dying in infancy; the eldest son, Godfrey, died about three years ago, and the youngest daughter, Mrs. Gale, three weeks ago. The eight living children are Mrs. Wm. A. Gerber, Mrs. C. Kaemmerer and George Leppla of Columbus; William and Charles Leppla of Barber ton; Mrs. GK W. Weimer, Mrs. A. G. Schmidt and Philip Leppla, Jr., of this place. There are nineteen grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mr. Leppla was born in Bavaria, Germany, May 13,1828, of Lutheran parent age, and came to America in 1849, locating at Winesburg, where he carried on the business of blacksmithing, which he followed until about ten years ago. Mrs. Leppla was born at Winesburg, October 6, 1838. In 1859 they located in Millersburg, since which time they have made their | home here. Both are enjoying good health, active for their years, and are spend Here is a picture of four generations in the direct line, all bearing the ing the latter days of their lives in a quiet and pleasant manner.
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