THE HARTLAND POST First published in 2015, in the footsteps of Th omas Cory Burrow’s “Hartland Chronicle” (1896-1940) and Tony Manley’s “Hartland Times” (1981-2014)

Issue No. 7 Summer 2017 £1 ‘A Prevailing Wind’ by Merlyn Chesterman THE HARTLAND POST A quarterly news magazine for Hartland and surrounding area Issue No. 7 Summer 2017 Printed by Jamaica Press, Published by Th e Hartland Post All communications to: Th e Editor, Sally Crofton, Layout & IT: Kris Tooke 102 West Street, EX39 6BQ Hartland. Cover artwork: Clive Brocklehurst Tel. 01237 441617 Email: [email protected] Website: John Zalewski ANNOUNCEMENTS I would like to thank everyone for their kind wishes and get well cards after my stay in hospital. Am getting better and hopefully should be back to my usual self soon. Th ank you again. Peggy

Amy Sands and Sam Lythgoe-Jones were married on the 1st April at St Nectan’s Church. Th ey would to thank everybody who made their day very special. Th ey honeymooned in St Agnes and then reopened Th e Point @ Hartland. Right: Amy Sands & Sam Lythgoe-Jones arriving at St Nectan’s, Stoke, accompanied by their dogs, Lilly and Buster.

New arrival at Hartland Quay Donal and Sarah Staff ord welcomed their new baby, Grace Catherine, to the world on 5 April. A little sister for their son, Daniel. Congratulations!

Previous issues of the Hartland Post are available online Advertising costs at Th is issue will be available Small ads 1/18th of a page: £25/year (4 issues) online when the next issue is on the news stands. Full page: £450/year Half page: £225/year

If you would like to join the Friends of Hartland Post and make a donation to secure the fi nancial future of our publication, please send contributions to Th e Hartland Post, 102 West Street, Hartland. Cheques payable to Th e Hartland Post.

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omission resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Th e Hartland Post does not endorse any advertising material, product or service appearing within this Publication. Th e statements and opinions contained in Th e Hartland Post are those of the authors and do not necessarily refl ect those of the editor or the publisher. Regretfully, any modifi cations to adverts during the running year will incur a £5 charge.

2 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017 FAREWELL TO CONTENTS Page 2 Announcements Sheila Margaret Meaker December25th Page 3 Farewell To Kathleen Prouse December27th Margaret Patricia Voce December29th Page 4 Staying Safe at Hartland Quay David Paul February3rd 5th Hartland Heartbreaker Julia Hilda Bottomer February18th Page 5 Tidal Predictions for Hartland Peninsula Olive Irene Olsen March10th Page 6 News from Hartland Medical Centre Steven Lott April 3rd Hartland Surgery Opening Hours Alan Whittle, Torridge District Councillor, passed away peacefully Exmoor Pony Centre & Ponies at home on 7 April aged 70 years. He was Ward member for Page 7 Cheristow Hartland & Bradworthy. Page 8 Richie Heard in Lesbos Susan Ann Airlie Needham of Gawlish Cottages, 29 April Page 9 326(Hartland) SQN ATC Always known as Airlie, particularly to this magazine and the former Hartland Times, she was born in Pakistan, the daughter of a British Page 10 Out & About in Hartland Army Offi cer. At the age of 5 her father’s unit was overrun by the Page 11 Self Defence Against Zombies Japanese in Burma and he was killed. At the age of 14 her mother died St. Nectan's Church Diary and she was brought up by a loving aunt and uncle. Airlie married and had two daughters. Her husband left her with two babies and she Page 12 Hartland Chamber Orchestra remarried a wonderful Royal Navy Offi cer, Dick Needham. News from Hartland Primary School Airlie moved to Hartland,with her husband Dick, from Bristol Page 13 Route 39 Academy in 1978. Dick had been working on the Concorde project and was looking for a life change, involving peace and quiet. Th is they Page 14 News from the AONB found at Gawlish Cottages where, apart from Dick’s job with the Page 15 Nature Counts Coastguards, they kept meteorological records for the Met Offi ce. NHS Blood Donations When Dick died in 2009, Airlie continued to record Hartland’s rainfall and to provide a weather report for the Hartland Times and Page 16 Hungry Hartland & Cook's Corner then the Post. She posted her last report in Autumn 2016 and felt Page 18 Th e WI that she could no longer continue with her weather watching. Coastwise North Devon Airlie passed away shortly before her 80th birthday. She is survived by two daughters, Caroline who lives in France (fi ve children and seven Page 19 Hartland Parish Council grandchildren), Tracey lives in the USA (two sons) and stepson James Hartland Carnival in Hampshire (two sons). Page 20 Whale Washes Up at Hartland Quay Th e Hartland Post is very honoured to have been bequeathed Airlie’s Hartland Abbey rain gauge by Tracey, so that we can continue to record Hartland’s Hartland Raises Its Game considerable rainfall in her memory. Page 21 Th e Cann Family 'Hartland Quilts' Page 22 Clovelly Village News Page 23 Welcombe Village Diary & News Page 24 Meddon Village Hall Chris de Blocq van Kuff eler Community Transport Page 32 Filming 'Guernsey' in Hartland

Hartland Weather - Th e Post is struggling to get organised with Keep sending us content! weather reporting. So far we can only report that the total rainfall If you have anything to submit for reader’s messages, for April was 41mm, making it a very dry month! Would anyone obituaries or general interest articles, please submit to like to take over the weather reports for Hartland? We will look after Th e Hartland Post by the next deadline of 22nd of rainfall with Airlie’s rain gauge but we need additional reporting. Any August 2017. volunteers? [email protected]

No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 3 STAYING SAFE AT HARTLAND QUAY My name is Richard Heard and I grew up swimming and surfing • Surfing at Hartland quay is not advisable due to very strong down at Hartland Quay. I am an RNLI lifeguard and crewman, currents and dangerous rocks. and I’d like to share a few safety tips with our beach users. Here • Do not sit under, or climb the cliffs, and take care when are a few points to remember when visiting the Quay. walking the coast path. The cliffs are very unstable, with • Know your limits! There is no lifeguard cover at Hartland rock slides occurring throughout the year! Quay so it’s important to stay alert and be aware of • If you are launching any kind of craft… canoes, fishing your environment. boats, RIBs etc please ask permission at the Bar first. • Tidal cut offs are a big problem at Hartland quay. Buy your Tell someone where you are going and when you will be tide book from the shop opposite the bar or consult the tide back. Whilst afloat always wear a lifejacket and wetsuit, table in this magazine. Know what the tide is doing. The and have a phone or VHF radio attached to your person. northern side of the beach will become cut-off 2-3 hours The waters north of the Quay towards Hartland Point are before high tide. Play it safe and leave the cut-off area at INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS! Stay SOUTH. mid tide pushing. • If you get into difficulties yourself, stay calm, stay with any • The safest time to swim is at high tide. Avoid low tide flotation device that you may have, raise one hand and call due to strong currents that are present on the southern side for help. of the beach, next to Life Rock. Unless you are a strong • If you see someone in trouble, raise the alarm and use swimmer, it’s always best to use a flotation device, like a the life ring positioned on the slipway (if you are confident body board or swim float. Wetsuits are advised. to do so). • Parents, please supervise your children at all times. The • Never go into the water and try to carry out the rescue your water, loose cliffs and tidal cut-offs are all major hazards for self. In an emergency call 999 from the bar at the top of the small children. slipway and ask for the coastguard. • During times of big surf, stay off the rocks near the water. • In a medical emergency you can find a first aid kit and a Be aware of big waves surging over the breakwater on spring defibrillator in the Bar at the top of the slipway. high tides. 70% of people who drown, did not intend to get Make sure you grab an ice cream in the shop on your way into the water! home! I wish you all a safe and happy Summer.

5th HARTLAND HEARTBREAKER In the true tradition of the Hartland Heartbreaker, just under 300 participants lined up in front of Hartland Abbey in torrential rain on 30 April for the gruelling 18 mile race on the Hartland Peninsular. No doubt the irony that the race was preceded by weeks of dry, and often sunny, weather will not have escaped the runners as they battled their way through the mud and rain. The 18 mile race was won by Calvin Leach in 2:27:42, just 0.11th of a second faster than Hartland’s Steven Heard’s winning time in 2016! This year, Steve came in fourth. Jack Coleman turned in a fantastic time to come in 69th in spite of a knee injury, Laura Frank finished 91st, Ben Trevor 126th, Liam Reynolds 127th. Lucy Cunrowe and Ross Walker also completed the run and there was success for Hartland in the shorter 8 mile race. Samantha Cooper came in 12th, Fergal Nesbitt 18th, Kim Thorne 29th and Mark Nesbitt 39th. By all accounts, the volunteer marshalls were fantastic; the runners greatly appreciating their support and “refreshments”, particularly in the dire weather conditions. So well done to all those intrepid and bold runners, and to Sir Hugh and Lady Stucley for their generous support for this, the most extreme of races. For further information on the Heartbreaker and full results go to: Jack Coleman, Ben Trevor and son Joseph, Liam Reynolds and Laura Frank

4 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017 ENGLAND — CLOVELLY

LAT 5100N LONG 424W TIME ZONE UT(GMT) TIDAL PREDICTIONSTIMES AND HEIGHTS OFfor HIGH HARTLAND AND LOW WATERS PENINSULA YEAR 2017 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m 0504 2.2 0408 2.0 0602 2.7 0533 2.2 0130 6.1 0153 6.7 1 1113 6.916 1015 7.21 1225 6.316 1155 6.7 1 0755 2.916 0818 2.3 SA 1723 2.4 SU 1627 2.2 TU 1835 2.8 W 1812 2.4 F 1415 6.3 SA 1431 7.1  2339 7.0  2245 7.3 2034 2.7 2104 2.0

0601 2.4 0500 2.1 0058 6.3 0037 6.9 0247 6.4 0309 7.2 2 1216 6.617 1113 7.02 0721 2.717 0658 2.3 2 0906 2.617 0929 1.9 SU 1824 2.6 M 1724 2.3 W 1342 6.3 TH 1318 6.7 SA 1516 6.9 SU 1537 7.6 2349 7.2 1958 2.7 1946 2.3 2135 2.3 2207 1.5

0045 6.7 0603 2.2 0213 6.4 0200 7.0 0341 6.9 0407 7.7 3 0708 2.518 1224 7.03 0838 2.618 0826 2.1 3 0957 2.218 1026 1.4 M 1323 6.6 TU 1838 2.3 TH 1449 6.6 F 1437 7.1 SU 1602 7.3 M 1630 8.2 1937 2.6 2108 2.5 2108 1.9 2221 1.9 2259 1.1

0151 6.7 0101 7.2 0316 6.6 0314 7.3 0423 7.3 0455 8.2 4 0817 2.519 0721 2.24 0936 2.319 0937 1.7 4 1040 1.819 1115 1.1 TU 1426 6.7 W 1338 7.1 F 1543 7.0 SA 1545 7.6 M 1642 7.7 TU 1714 8.5 2044 2.5 2001 2.2 2202 2.2 2214 1.5 2304 1.5 2344 0.9

0251 6.9 0214 7.3 0406 7.0 0416 7.7 0501 7.7 0536 8.4 5 0915 2.320 0839 1.95 1025 2.020 1037 1.3 5 1121 1.420 1159 0.9 W 1521 7.1 TH 1448 7.4 SA 1628 7.4 SU 1641 8.1 TU 1718 8.1 W 1754 8.6 2139 2.3 2116 1.8 2248 1.8 2311 1.1 2343 1.2 

0344 7.1 0321 7.6 0448 7.3 0508 8.2 0536 8.1 0025 0.8 6 1006 2.121 0947 1.66 1106 1.721 1131 1.0 6 1159 1.221 0614 8.5 TH 1609 7.3 F 1551 7.9 SU 1707 7.6 M 1730 8.5 W 1754 8.4 TH 1238 0.9 2227 2.0 2221 1.4 2330 1.6  O 1831 8.6

0429 7.3 0422 8.1 0525 7.6 0002 0.8 0021 1.0 0100 0.9 7 1049 1.922 1047 1.37 1145 1.522 0554 8.4 7 0612 8.322 0650 8.4 F 1650 7.6 SA 1649 8.3 M 1743 8.0 TU 1219 0.8 TH 1237 1.0 F 1311 1.0 2310 1.8 2320 1.1 O 1814 8.7 1830 8.5 1906 8.5

0509 7.5 0518 8.4 0007 1.4 0048 0.7 0058 0.9 0132 1.0 8 1130 1.823 1142 1.08 0600 7.723 0637 8.5 8 0648 8.423 0723 8.3 SA 1727 7.9 SU 1741 8.6 TU 1223 1.3 W 1300 0.8 F 1312 0.9 SA 1343 1.2 2350 1.7  1818 8.1 1855 8.7 1907 8.6 1938 8.2

0545 7.6 0015 0.9 0045 1.2 0126 0.7 0133 0.9 0201 1.3 9 1207 1.624 0608 8.59 0635 8.024 0716 8.4 9 0724 8.424 0755 8.0 SU 1802 8.0 M 1234 0.9 W 1258 1.2 TH 1337 0.9 SA 1347 1.0 SU 1412 1.5 O 1829 8.7 1853 8.2 1933 8.5 1945 8.5 2010 7.9

0028 1.6 0104 0.8 0119 1.1 0200 0.9 0208 1.0 0228 1.7 10 0620 7.725 0655 8.610 0710 8.025 0753 8.2 10 0802 8.225 0827 7.6 M 1243 1.6 TU 1318 0.9 TH 1332 1.2 F 1412 1.1 SU 1423 1.2 M 1441 1.8 1837 8.1 1914 8.7 1929 8.2 2010 8.2 2024 8.3 2042 7.4

0103 1.5 0146 0.8 0153 1.1 0233 1.2 0244 1.2 0256 2.0 11 0654 7.926 0739 8.511 0746 8.026 0829 7.9 11 0842 8.026 0900 7.2 TU 1315 1.5 W 1359 1.0 F 1406 1.2 SA 1443 1.4 M 1501 1.5 TU 1512 2.2 1912 8.1 1958 8.6 2006 8.2 2045 7.9 2107 7.9 2116 7.0

0136 1.5 0226 1.0 0227 1.2 0303 1.6 0324 1.6 0327 2.4 12 0729 7.927 0821 8.212 0823 7.927 0903 7.5 12 0927 7.527 0938 6.7 W 1349 1.6 TH 1438 1.2 SA 1442 1.4 SU 1516 1.8 TU 1545 1.9 W 1549 2.6 1947 8.0 2039 8.3 2045 8.0 2120 7.4 2157 7.4 2158 6.5

0211 1.5 0303 1.4 0304 1.4 0335 2.0 0411 2.0 0408 2.8 13 0805 7.728 0901 7.913 0903 7.628 0940 7.1 13 1022 7.128 1029 6.4 TH 1423 1.7 F 1516 1.6 SU 1520 1.6 M 1549 2.2 W 1640 2.3 TH 1644 3.0 2025 7.9 2120 7.9 2127 7.7 2158 6.9  2301 7.0  2257 6.1

0246 1.6 0341 1.7 0344 1.7 0411 2.4 0515 2.4 0516 3.2 14 0843 7.629 0942 7.414 0949 7.329 1023 6.6 14 1136 6.729 1145 6.1 F 1500 1.8 SA 1554 2.0 M 1603 1.9 TU 1632 2.6 TH 1802 2.5 F 1815 3.1 2105 7.7 2201 7.4 2218 7.3  2246 6.4

0325 1.8 0420 2.2 0432 2.0 0500 2.8 0024 6.6 0032 6.0 15 0925 7.430 1026 7.015 1044 7.030 1121 6.2 15 0646 2.530 0703 3.2 SA 1539 2.0 SU 1635 2.4 TU 1658 2.2 W 1736 2.9 F 1307 6.7 SA 1330 6.2 2151 7.5  2248 7.0  2320 7.0 2354 6.1 1942 2.4 1952 2.9

0504 2.5 0617 3.0 31 1118 6.6 31 1249 6.1 M 1727 2.7 TH 1908 3.0 2345 6.5 All tide times are in GMT so during the summer months, when we switch to BST, we have to add one hour to the tide times shown on the above chart. No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 5 NEWS from HARTLAND MEDICAL CENTRE work surface in our HCA room, to make the very best use of a small and vital room for patient care. Thank you to our local builder for making that happen. You may have noticed that prescription dispensing times have increased recently, from two working days to three: our team will always do their very best to ensure your medicines are ready as soon as possible but the increasing pressure on our doctors’ time in checking and signing each script issued for you has made this increase necessary, unfortunately. A decade ago, we were dispensing an average of 3000 items each month; now we dispense almost 5000 items each month, so it takes a little bit longer. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding. Life rarely stands still for any of us – and that is certainly true We love to receive happy feedback from our patients but of life at the surgery. recognise that we do not always manage to get things rights all You may have noticed that something is missing from our of the time. If you have any questions or concerns you would chimney – grateful thanks to our kind neighbours, local like to raise about any aspect of your surgery then please do Friends of Hartland and our building professionals for their not tell everyone else, without also telling us; we take every help in relocating our thriving plant! issue seriously but cannot help if we do not know about it. There have been one or two other improvements made, inside: Please direct any issues to Emma, our Practice Manager, or a replacement door for our Dispensary area and a lovely new any member of the team - we shall be happy to help. HARTLAND SURGERY – Opening Hours All surgeries, nurses and Health Care Assistants (HCA) by appointment only. Surgery closed 1pm – 2pm every day Surgery doors open: Monday 9am – 6pm, Tuesday 9am – 1pm, Wednesday 9am – 6pm, Thursday 9am – 6pm, Friday 9am – 6pm

Monday: Dr. Claire Lynch: 9am – 12 noon and 3 – 5pm, Dr. Austin Connor: 9am – 12 noon and 3 - 5pm, Nurse and HCA: 9am – 1pm and 2 – 6pm. Tuesday: Dr. Ruth Tapsell: 9am – 12 noon, Dr. Austin Connor: 9am – 12 noon, HCA (only): 9am – 12.30pm, Surgery after 12 noon please ring Bradworthy in emergency 01409 241215 until 6pm Wednesday: Dr. Ruth Tapsell: 9am – 12 noon and 4 – 7pm, Dr. Austin Connor: 9am – 12 noon and 4 – 7pm, Nurse and HCA: 9am to 1pm, Nurse: 2 – 7pm HCA: 2 – 5pm. Thursday:Dr. Ruth Tapsell: 9 – 10.50am and 2.30 – 5pm, Dr. Austin Connor: 9 – 10.50am and 3.30 - 5pm, HCA (only): 9am – 12.30pm and 2 – 5.10pm Friday: Dr. Ruth Tapsell: 9am – 12 noon and 3.30 – 5.30pm, Nurse and HCA: 9am – 12.40pm, Nurse (only): 2 – 6pm For online appointments etc. contact the surgery for your log-on details: 66 The Square, Hartland EX39 6BL Tel. 01237 441200

PLEASE HELP TO SAVE THE EXMOOR PONY CENTRE AND THE EXMOOR PONIES Free-living Exmoor ponies, a rare breed, are an important part of Exmoor’s heritage and one of the National Park’s special qualities. An appeal has been launched as the Exmoor Pony Centre is under the imminent threat of closure due to the rising costs and decreasing income. There are serious concerns for the welfare of the Exmoor Ponies. The Exmoor Pony Centre, which is run by the Charity Moorland Mousie Trust, is dedicated to the ponies’ promotion and protection. Last week the Charity’s Trustees announced that unless the Charity can find a minimum of £20,000 this summer, it will not be able to continue. Last winter costs amounted to £5,000 for feed, vets, farrier and castration and helping to care for unwanted Exmoor- bred pony foals that would otherwise face slaughter each autumn. More than 50,000 visitors have discovered the roaming, native Exmoor pony breed and more than 300 moor-bred foals have found a future either as riding ponies or within conservation

6 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017 CHERISTOW Along with wife Annie and extended family, I’ve been living in Hartland for a year and a half now, and I love the wildness. I’ve developed an obsession (not my invention, of course) of balancing rocks. My rules include that they must be stacked long-way-up: the most awkward way to balance them, as if life isn’t difficult enough! But it’s a wonderful way of becoming centred in the moment ... Stone towers There in the stratified chaos where rocks meet sand and waves Cliff falls have made gifts for me I can be lost with them for hours: Ephemeral stones shaped by the the eternal sea Provide the building blocks for towers Each a journey from its base, embraced by silence. Each achieves a crude spinal balance, Focussing a tiny ray of the geo-animate force Which permeates our earth. A friend said when I voiced this vague idea: “You daft old hippy, you”, with obvious mirth These rocks are borrowed, and breeze or tide will soon erase Their brief testaments to the present phase, the moment And make insignificant, their passing nod to impermanence. They sometimes have names which are later re-used. Like Totterdown, Building 7, or Barad Dur Before they revert to the random, Timeless beach once more. Quentin Craven, February 2017

PLEASE HELP TO SAVE THE EXMOOR PONY CENTRE AND THE EXMOOR PONIES grazing herds. These ponies are still classified as endangered diverts water down the sides of the animal, channelling it into by the Rare Breeds Survival trust. If the Exmoor Pony Centre a few “drip areas”. Also typical of cold-weather ponies are closed, not only would the foals have nowhere else to go but the Exmoors’ manes and tales. The dock of the tail has thick, also public access to the breed would end – a devastating loss. coarse hairs, known as “frost cap”, “snow chute” or “ice tail” Fossil remains found around Exmoor are claimed to date back which deflects rainwater away from the groin and underbelly to about 50,000 BC. Although there is no DNA research to to fall from the long hairs on the back of the hind legs. prove the claim that the Exmoor pony has been purebred since The Moorland Mousie Trust and their work through the then, there is a close resemblance to the primitive wild horse, centre is an integral part of the Exmoor ponies’ future in Przewalki’s horse, now extinct in the wild and last found in finding homes, education , opportunities to ride, community the harsh climate of Mongolia. These wild Mongolian horses, outreach activities and the rescue of ponies in difficulty. so similar in appearance to the Exmoor ponies, were depicted PLEASE HELP to ensure the long-term future and survival of in ancient cave paintings in the Lascaux caves of France which this wonderful and ancient rare breed. All donations however date back over 20 000 years. The Exmoor pony is strong for small are gratefully received. On behalf of the Exmoor Pony its height and its stocky build makes it ideal for endurance and Centre and the Moorland Mousie ponies and all the hard- hardiness. It is perfectly adapted to its natural environment working staff and volunteers – THANK YOU. and, in common with other cold-weather horse breeds, it There is a collection tin in the Hartland post office or contact grows a very effective winter coat. A highly insulated woolly Diana MacKarel on 01237 441379. underlayer is covered by a topcoat of longer, oily hair that prevents the undercoat from becoming sodden. This topcoat

No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 7 Richie Heard talks to the Hartland Post about his work in Lesbos 33 year old Richie Heard of Galsham Farm, Hartland, took a (World Food Programme) and MSF (Doctors without Borders) lunch break from his job as RNLI Senior Lifeguard at Blackrock are all present in the camp and liaise with the Greek authorities. beach, Widemouth Bay, to talk about the past two years Even after the refugees are registered and settled in the camp, their volunteering in Lesbos, Greece. Night after night he has been plight for freedom and safety is far from being over. With more rescuing desperate refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and than 5.500 in the camp, tribal tensions between the diff erent elsewhere from drowning in the Aegean Sea. nationalities can run high. Two fi res have broken out and there Richie has just returned from a second trip to Lesbos where he are numerous deaths from the cold each winter. Th e vulnerable worked from October-March as Crew Coordinator and Head are given care elsewhere and many stay for months or years while of Operations for Refugee Rescue. Th is British charity was set they wait for the asylum process to be completed. Most are trying up in 2016 as an urgent response to the desperate situation in to join other family members living in Europe, and if asylum Lesbos where refugees making the perilous voyage from Turkey is not granted they are returned to their country of origin. Th e often end up. Th at is, if their un-seaworthy vessels even make the Syrians are guaranteed asylum and are not sent back. crossing safely. Th rough friends of the charity, Richie heard that Richie has had troubling experiences. He has witnessed those they needed to get a boat in the water and put a crew together. who feel they have no options left but to put their infant, His work with the RNLI leaves him free six months of the year unaccompanied, in an unsafe and overcrowded boat of strangers and there was no time to lose. An ex-RNLI Atlantic 75 was in the hope of a better and safer life. He has swum in babies sailed over to Lesbos and within weeks of the charity’s creation, from the rocks, he has helped people in wheelchairs, he has saved Richie and crew were out on the water rescuing refugees and young children found clinging to sinking boats; he has seen sheer saving lives. Th ere are multiple incidents every night. On a quiet desperation for survival up close. night it can be just one incident and on a busy night, between Without his qualifi cations and hands-on expertise gained three and fi ve. A typical boat that they rescue is made up of through the RNLI training, Richie feels he would not have been families with infants, young children, the elderly and disabled. able to take on such a challenge. He is proud to be from Devon, One woman went into labour on the rescue vessel and gave birth being one of many from the southwest in Lesbos, and grateful for shortly after arriving in Lesbos. Th ey are all wet, cold (often all the support he has received from family and friends. with hypothermia), exhausted and terrifi ed. Although many “But it was growing up in Hartland, on the beaches and in the of the Syrian refugees speak good English, most others don’t water of the Quay and Spekes that has given me the confi dence and which make communications and giving reassurance diffi cult. experience to do this”. According to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) 4,000 refugees landed each week in Lesbos during One Syrian family of fi ve people will shortly be arriving in the busy periods in 2015-2016; this fi gure has now come down Bude, funded by Bude Community, an independent and private to 150-400 a week for the 2017 winter season. organisation. If you would like to help the refugee crisis and express your compassion and understanding for their plight, Th e crew assesses the condition of the boat and the people on Richie recommends contacting the following organisations: board and then either escort them to a safe landing or take them on board the rescue vessel. Upon coming ashore they are met by a landing team, organised by another recently formed NGO You can also contact Richie directly on 07810006618 (Non-governmental organisation), Lighthouse Relief. Apart or at [email protected] from NGOs created to deal with this crisis, the UNHCR, WFP

A Syrian child refugee being pulled from the water to safety aboard the Mo Chara rescue vessel. 8 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017 326(HARTLAND) SQN ATC

Th e squadron continues to grow and achieve new heights in recent months, enjoying a weeks adventure training at Pier Cellars (Cawsands), which involved many activities including kayaking, D of E expedition, rock climbing, swimming, night exercises, and raft building.

Alfi e Isherwood, Victoria Pengilly, Lilian Th relkeld, Tom Souch, Sam Gale D OF E GOLD We have recently been informed that Max Heard and Dominic Allin will be going to the Palace to receive their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Well done to both of you in what is a great achievement and something to be proud of. Five cadets from 326 squadron completed their practice DONATIONS Bronze D of E expedition in the local Mount Edgcombe area. Th e expedition is over a two day period sleeping one night and Recent donations from Councillors Robin Julian, Alan carrying equipment to support them over that period. Th e kit Whittle, and Anna Dart has helped the squadron purchase includes the tent, cooking equipment, food, clothing and a equipment supporting their activities in the D of E Awards. fi rst aid kit. As well as walking, the cadets have to investigate a New tents and ruck sacks being a great asset to cadets. We were topic from the local area. Th is is called an aim and the cadets sad to hear Cllr Whittle has recently passed away. We really have to present their aim to the staff and other cadets on the enjoyed his visit to the squadron earlier this year and he was return from the walk. very interested in all the activities our cadets are involved in. Th e two day period started off at Pier cellars ½ mile south of Cawsands on the edge of Plymouth Sound. Th e expedition took them to Kingsands and the lovely villages of Millbrook and St John. Weather is always a very important part of any expedition and a great surprise to us all was that the forecast over the period was just FAB; light winds and lots of sunshine. After walking a total of 11k on the fi rst day the cadets camped at Scraesdon Fort, one of the many forts that surround Plymouth. Th e second day took them over the unspoilt coast line of the peninsular where the views get better around every corner and great for those who have an interest in naval activities with regular sightings of naval vessels. Th e cadets walked the national coast line to Rame Head before returning RECRUITMENT to Pier Cellars at the end of their expedition. Well done If you would like to join as a cadet and are aged 12 years or to Alfi e Isherwood, Victoria Pengilly, Lilian Th relkeld, over, or if you have something to off er and would like to join Tom Souch and Sam Gale. our volunteers, please contact us. Kayaking has always been an activity that the cadets have We are very pleased to announce that we will defi nitely enjoyed and fortunately this year at Pier Cellars we were have two new recruits in a few years times with the birth of blessed with a fully qualifi ed instructor that could provide sea CI Grace Olde's baby boy Ollie late last year, and CI Tara kayaking for cadets. Th e activity was a fi rst for many and was Stowell's baby girl Niah in March. It was lovely to see them all greatly received, and so much fun. Th e cadets set out from at the Squadron recently. Kingsands and ventured around the Plymouth Sound area. Email [email protected] or 01237 440233 on Mon/Th urs evenings. CI Angela Carey

No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 9 OUT & ABOUT IN HARTLAND ST. NECTAN’S ARTS AND MUSIC FESTIVAL. HARTLAND TOWN BAND At the time copy is due for Th e Hartland Post, not all dates or 3rd June Ploughmans And Pudding (See Posters) concerts have been confi rmed and there may be a change to some 11th June Hartland Quay 7.00pm of the dates listed, so please check the posters and fl yers which will 24th June Chapel Fete be circulated in June. 9th July Sea Sunday 7.00pm 13th July Concert Stoke With MVC 7.30pm Hartland Primary School will start proceedings with a concert 29th July Garden Show at 6pm on Tuesday July 4th. 30th July Hartland Quay 7.00pm After playing for the Sea Sunday service at the Quay on Sunday 6th August Carnival Concert 7.30pm July 9th, Hartland Town Band joins the Torridge Male Voice 12th August Carnival Choir for their concert on Th ursday 13th July at 7.30pm. HARTLAND POTTERY ON SHOW In what I think is a ‘fi rst’, the Folk Orchestra of North Devon Jugs decorated by Bryan Sentance, made and fi red by Philip will be coming on Wednesday July 19th at 7.30pm. Th is group Leach, Springfi eld Pottery. Two of the 7 Jugs on show at was formed in the previous decade as part of Wren Music, a Pastoral Art and Craft Show, Winchcombe Archive Collection charity which specialises in community music. Malcolm Woodcock takes up his baton again in St. Nectan’s with Hartland Chamber Orchestra on Saturday July 22nd at 7.30pm. On the Sunday morning, July 23rd at 11am, some members of the Orchestra will be back to enhance our sung service of Holy Communion. On Monday July 24th at 7.30pm we have another group new to the Festival, the Torridge Shanty Group, who are based in and are part of the local support group of ARTLAND IS BACK! Parkinson’s UK. Th e Hartland biannual midsummer open studios event will be We will be welcoming renowned local organist David taking place on the 23rd 24th and 25th of June. Robinson on Sunday July 30th at 3pm for a recital ‘with a 18 + local artists and craftspeople will be showing their work friend’, probably a vocal soloist. in sheds, studios and homes in and around Hartland village. All concerts will take place at St. Nectan’s church, Stoke. Th ere will be more details about the event and information about the artists on a big map in the Post Offi ce window Th e next Big Book Shop Coff ee Morning will be held on nearer the time showing who is doing what and where. Saturday 2nd September in the Methodist Hall from 10.00 Look out for the red and green ARTland fl ags - 11.30am and will include the usual cake and savoury stall that mark each venue. and draw. We look forward to seeing you there, plenty of Friday 23rd June 6-9pm Private View. new books now in! Any enquiries telephone Ralph James on All readers welcome. 01237 441 587. Saturday/Sunday 24th & 25th June 12-6. 148th SUMMER GARDEN SHOW Open to the public. ON SATURDAY, 29TH JULY 2017 FARFORD FAMILY FUN DAY - Saturday 1st July IN THE PLAYING FIELDS AT 2PM Family Fun 2-5pm (free entry) Th is year Reverend Brenda Jacobs will be opening the Show Party for Marty 7.30pm-Late at 2.15pm. £10 Ticket or £12 on Door (includes food) We have Th e Hartland Town Band playing and there will be refreshments available from Th e Pavillions, plant stall, raffl e, ROYAL BRITISH LEGION face painting and the Hockings Ice Cream Van. Hartland Branch Th e sports programme will commence around 3.00pm. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Please remember that your exhibits need to be in the marquee You may want to confi rm before attending for judging before 9.45am. Call Gytha on 01237 441548 We look forward to seeing you on the day. June 10th Quiz - June 24th Sons of Gods July 15th Super 8 - July 29th Stone Faced Wellers Aug 12th Carnival Disco with DJDK - Sept 2nd Almost Alice

10 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017 SELF-DEFENCE AGAINST ZOMBIES! This is something everyone needs to knows, says local Aikido problems you may encounter in daily life – is probably a bigger instructor, Huw Collingbourne benefit to most aikido students than the self-defence techniques When I turned up to interview The Stranglers I noticed that a which (with luck!) they may never need to use. But don’t be door of their manager’s office had a hole through it. “Oh, that deceived into thinking that aikido is ineffective. It is, after all, the was Jean-Jacques Burnel, the bass guitarist,” I was told, “He’s a martial art that is taught to the Tokyo Riot Police. karate expert. He punches things.” At any rate, why not give it a try? The Hartland Aikido club meets twice weekly in Bucks Cross Village Hall – every Monday (except the first week of most months) and Thursday at 7:30. All adults (18+) welcome. More information can be found on our web site: And remember: you never know when you may need to defend yourself against zombies! £5 for a 2 hour session. Unwaged people (students, unemployed, retired etc) £3. The first lesson is free.

This was back in the 1980s. I had just started my career as a music journalist. A safe, risk-free job, you might have thought. ST. NECTAN'S CHURCH DIARY But I was starting to have my doubts. I’d heard that some June 4th 11am United Service; St Nectan's writers had met with ‘unfortunate accidents’ after being 4pm Team service; Hole Farm Woolsery mildly uncomplimentary about certain groups. I remember June 8th 3.30pm Messy Church; church rooms a particularly scary encounter with a punk group, which June 11th 11am Sung Eucharist shall remain nameless but, for the sake of argument I’ll call June 18th 11am Hart Service; All Age Worship The Anti-Nowhere League. They didn’t seem to like my line for St Nectan's Day of questioning and as they clustered around me, a solid wall June 25th 11am Sung Eucharist of creaking black leather and ominously rattling chains, July 2nd 11am United service; Methodist Chapel glaring at me through eyes filled with hatred, I was starting July 6th 3.30pm Messy Church; church rooms to feel distinctly nervous… July 9th 11am Sung Eucharist 7.00pm Sea Sunday Service; Hartland Quay A week later I took up aikido. July 16th 11am Hart Service; All Age Worship “Aikido?” you say, “So, er, what exactly is aikido?” July 23rd 11am Festival Eucharist Well, for one thing, aikido is a first class defence against July 30th 11am Morning worship zombies (at any rate, it’s what they use in series 6 of the August 6th 11am United Service; St Nectan's ‘The Walking Dead’ TV series). It also comes in handy if w/c August 7th 10am Messy Carnival; church rooms you need to defend yourself in a futuristic, totalitarian state - dates to be confirmed (as you’ll have seen if you’ve watched Amazon’s ‘The Man In The August 12th 7pm Messy Church in Carnival Parade High Castle’). And, of course, it is the ultimate form of self-defence August 13th 11am Hart Service; in action films (action hero, Steven Seagal, is a 7th dan in aikido). Holiday Club Feedback So why does it seems that hardly anyone has even heard of it? August 20th 11am Sung Eucharist Mention a martial art to most people and they’ll think of karate or August 27th 11am Sung Eucharist kung fu. Maybe they might even mention taekwondo or jujutsu. September 2nd 2pm Church Fete; Vicarage Garden But aikido? The response I usually get when I say that I teach aikido September 3rd 11am United Service; St Nectan's is “Aikido? So, er, what exactly is aikido?” September 10th 11am Sung Eucharist September 17th 11am Harvest Thanksgiving It’s not an easy question to answer. The simple description would 7pm Harvest Supper; be: it’s a Japanese martial art. But that doesn’t tell you much. So Parish Hall (7 for 7.30pm) here’s a slightly longer description. Aikido is a martial art that was developed from a Samurai method of unarmed combat called aiki- Wednesdays jujutsu. It uses throws and wrist locks to defend against attacks. It 10am Holy Communion June 7th, 14th 21st, 28th, is non-competitive and non-violent. Indeed, the founder of aikido, July 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th Morihei Ueshiba, described it as “the art of peace”. August 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, This is where it all starts to get complicated. How can a martial art September 6th, 13th, 20th be peaceful? There is, I admit, an obvious contradiction. What you 11am Study Group June 7th, 14th 21st, 28th, need to understand is that aikido is not a system of fighting. It is July 5th, 12th, 19th, September 6th a system of self-defence. There’s a big difference. Aikido is entirely 12.15pm Community Lunch June 7th, 14th 21st, 28th, aimed at dealing with attacks. It is not aimed at teaching you to July 5th, 12th, 19th, September 6th attack other people. At the heart of aikido is calmness. In fact, I To order lunch, please phone Kay on 441091 would say that developing calmness – the calmness to deal with by the preceding Monday evening

No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 11 RTLAN




This summer it is 25 years since Colin Hodgetts gathered a I O M PRIMARY motley group of instrumentalists together in April 1992 to put O A H on a concert as part of the Music Festival “One Week in Summer” R Y S C SCHOOL in St Nectan’s Church, and created the Hartland Chamber Orchestra. Many more players have joined over the years; some This term there has been a historical slant to our learning have left as their lives and careers have moved on. We are in the with our youngest children finding out about dinosaurs, our process of trying to remember everyone who has ever played with infants have learnt about famous explorers of the past, our us – if you know one of those players, or indeed are one of them, lower juniors learning all about the ancient Greeks and our and you think we may have forgotten you please get in touch! upper juniors have been finding out about the Victorians, in particular Victorian Schooling. Playing in St Nectan’s is a marvellous experience and we are very lucky to have a church body that works so hard to bring The children in year 6 have recently taken their SATs tests, we music to its now extended summer festival, and a building that await their results. (seating excepted!) does so much to enhance the performances We have been involved in many sporting activities; a large that all musicians bring to it. As promised, this summer’s number of our junior children took part in the Moreton concert is a special one highlighting a guest cellist with a very Park cross country. Our rugby team have taken park in a local connection who will play Cello Concerto no 9 in Bb tournament held in Bideford and are now waiting to hear if major by Luigi Boccherini with the orchestra; and hopefully we have qualified for the county tag rugby finals. Thank you a performance of three of Colin Hodgetts’ Season Songs, to Mr Teuchmann and John Lee Everton for their hard work originally sung by soprano Evelyn Tubb. running the after school rugby club. We have many other The orchestra owes a huge debt of gratitude to Colin Hodgetts events planned for the summer term; including sports day. whose talents as arranger, composer, conductor and facilitator Once again the junior children have taken part in the kept us playing together, constantly challenged and always Petroc STEM spaghetti challenge, Lisa Hutchings spent enjoying the experience of making music. We were extremely the afternoon with the children challenging them to create happy to welcome Malcolm Woodcock as conductor when Colin structures with spaghetti and marshmallows. Children were and wife Julia spent time working in Ethiopia a few years ago and challenged to make a structure to hold as many eggs as they continue under his baton to this day. could. Whilst we were not able to retain our winning streak in Another big “thankyou” goes to St John’s Music and Arts Centre the competition; we have been able to take part in an enterprise where we rehearse each week on a Monday, sharing the space with workshop and are just about to start running our own the Town Band and latterly Merlyn’s print-making activities. Her STEM after school club. large prints of Hartland’s sea-scape are truly inspirational and we In March, our choir took part in the Bideford Schools Music are so lucky to have an Art Gallery as rehearsal room. festival. Their commitment and hard work enabled them to Finally, many thanks to you our audience over the last 25 years! excel in the performances. Thank you to all parents/ family We have been able to support many local fund-raisers through who came to support the children. our concerts, in particular over the last two and a half years we As part of our work in the Atlantic Coast Cooperative Trust were able to donate £500 each to the RNLI and North Devon we have continued sending children on Socrates Able and Hospice and £700 to Marie Curie Nurses. This year we are Talented pupil workshops, these sessions have been fully supporting the Alzheimer Society in its research into a cure for funded by the Atlantic Coast Cooperative Trust and provide this devastating disease, and The Long House, Holsworthy,a children with a great opportunity to work with children of hospice supporting local patients and their families through life- other local schools. Following some really positive feedback limiting disease which opened just a year ago. we will be booking this again next year. Here are the dates of our summer season concerts: Our school council have been busy deciding how to update an Sunday June 11th, 7:30pm: playing in St Swithun’s Church, area of the playground; they have been gathering fundraising Littleham. Wednesday June 21st, 7:30pm: A Midsummer ideas and will soon be having a stall at the summer fayre. Concert in Buckland House, Buckland Filleigh, with supper. The 26th May is our Summer Fayre 3pm- 4:30pm, please do Saturday July 22nd, 7:30pm: Anniversary concert in St come and support us. Nectan’s, Stoke. Friday August 11th, 7:30pm: A programme of We currently have vacancies within the Pre –School, please popular music in the Parish Hall as part of Hartland Carnival contact the school office 01237 441258 or the Pre-School Week. Saturday September 30th, 7:30pm: concert as part of 01237 440080 if you are interested in sending your child to Bratton Clovelly Festival Pre-School or increasing their current hours. If you play an instrument and are interested in playing with us, Don’t forget our Community Kitchen is open throughout or would like to be put on our emailing list for further concert term time. Menu is available from the school office or can be information, please contact Jill Johns at [email protected] viewed on the school notice board. Posters for local concerts are displayed on the notice-board on Naomi Tottle, Headteacher St John’s Chapel. Jill Johns 12 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017 WORK CONTINUES ON THE NEW SCHOOL BUILDING Since the ground breaking the building work has been racing ahead of schedule with foundations dug and filled with concrete and the visitor carpark tarmacked except for the final coat which will go on at the end. Governors and staff have been meeting at the site to hammer out all the final details such as finalising the positions for all the plug sockets and data points, the position of the autoclave in the laboratory technician's area in the Science Superlab, the position of water fountains, and the provision of stage lighting, and interactive teaching screens. For more information about the school build, please visit the site page on our website.

LEARNING WITH OUR STOMACHS! Staff at the academy carefully plan a range of student projects To help get them in the right frame of mind eleven lucky throughout the year, which combine different subjects to make students took a trip to Michelin starred restaurant The Masons learning engaging and relevant. ‘The Truth Behind the Kitchen’ Arms at for a workshop. They had a demonstration is a project that links a number of maths concepts including from the chefs and then got hands on making a Chocolate fractions, ratio, proportion and percentages with cooking. This Cheesecake to Michelin standards! As not everyone could sort of precision food-making is rarely seen outside of Michelin- go others got busy flipping pancakes and burgers back at the rated restaurants. At the end of the project students will prepare school, with some enterprising students using the opportunity two dishes and a drink, based on their learning, and a video to raise some funds towards their Skate Park building project. explaining how the chemical changes take place. IN OTHER NEWS In the meantime, our ‘Everest’ project was recently launched by Ed Buckingham, the first Cornishman to climb Everest. Students will now embark on some of the training used by mountain-climbers, such as circuit training, and will walk from Clovelly harbour to the school wearing headsets simulating the Everest climb, with clothes pegs on their noses and sucking through straws! By the end of the project, a pedometer shared between students, will have tracked progress of the whole school to have walked the height of the famous mountain.

ATHLETICS MEET We take sport seriously at Route 39 and students take part as some of our newshound students had a go at filming and in twice the recommended minimum hours for schools. As recording a news piece in a Journalism Workshop. They had a well as the more traditional choices of competitive team and great time trying out the roles of newscaster, camera operator individual sports, we offer all of our students the chance to and floor manager. have ago at other fitness classes such as Badminton, Yoga, Tabatha wrote about the experience and had this to say: Aerobics and Gaga-regardless of their gender. We want “We got the chance to film a news report and it was a lot of fun. each and every one of them to leave our school with the We had a studio team, of which I was a part of, whose job it was desire to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle and have a practise linking the news reports until we went live. There were genuine love of sport. 3 other groups that had to make up a story, choose a suitable On the 26th of April year 8 and 9 girls and boys went to an location for filming and then act as a news team reporting Athletics competition at Braunton. about the story. Impressively we had 3 boys that came in the top 3 of their When we went live it was my job as floor manager to ensure that events, Jensen came 3rd in the 300m run, Alfie came 1st in the everyone was quiet and let the reporters and news team fulfill 100m run and Jake came 3rd in Javelin. their role. It was very strange to listen to the man that was sat in As we get established at our new site we will be able to put a separate room sorting out all the clips. The video turned out to more teams together and we're looking forward to competing be really good and we all enjoyed it.” more often against other local and county schools, so they had For up to date news on student learning visit the news section better watch out! on our website. Just to prove it’s not all eating and exercise Plymouth University played host to some aspiring television journalists in February 01237 431969 No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 13 NEWS from the AONB COMBE MARTIN BIOBLITZ – 4 SCHOOLS AND 300 SCHOOLCHILDREN

A survey of coastal wildlife at Combe Martin attracted over 300 children from four Devon schools to celebrate British Science Week. The children moved round three different activities on their Bioblitz day to survey and find out more about coastal wildlife. They started with wildlife surveys in the rock pools and on the beach. Then they studied creatures and seaweeds under the digital microscopes in Combe Martin Museum. Finally they visited four stands with different science activities on the school field. The event was hosted by Combe Martin Primary School, one of the major partners in the Coastal Creatures project led by North Devon Coast Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The day was attended by Combe Martin Primary School and Tiddlers Nursery, Bampton CE Primary School, Woolacombe “The children lived and breathed science for a day,” said School and Caen Community Primary School from Braunton. AONB officer Cat Oliver. “Their knowledge and enthusiasm The activities provided on the school field included matching was infectious, whether delving into rockpools, magnifying animals with their habitats on the AONB stand, making shells and seaweed or drawing the coastline with a long wildlife badges with the National Trust, identifying what piece of rope. We would like to thank our major funder the bats eat with the Devon Greater Horseshoe Bat project and Heritage Lottery Fund and our sponsors of the day, North drawing the coastline with Exmoor National Park’s rangers. Devon Council through their councillor grants. Without their support, this fantastic event would not have been possible.” All the wildlife survey forms completed by the children, Coastwise members and Museum volunteers from the day “Seeing the children from different schools working were checked by the Marine Biological Association. These will collaboratively and fully engaged with discovering our contribute to science nationally by being uploaded as records coastal wildlife was truly inspirational," said Combe Martin on the National Biodiversity Network. Primary's Sea School teacher Graham Hockley. "Such a large number of children working as mini inter-tidal ecologists, each one helping to find and identify coastal species will hopefully inspire them to go on and study STEM subjects, becoming the next generation to understand and protect our stunning coastline."

14 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017 NATURE COUNTS LIFE ON THE VERGE IN HARTLAND A few readers will remember that training date that is most suitable for Hartland is on July 1st a while ago a small group of us at Marsland Nature Reserve 2pm-5pm. I am working closely undertook to survey some chosen with the Project Coordinator, Clare Manning (verges@ road verges in the Parish; to look at and I hope to lead the initiative in and record each species of wild plant Hartland, although unfortunately will not be able to make the along a designated stretch of verge. identification event. In total, we surveyed 22 verges in Please put July 1st your diary if you would like to be involved different locations; a drop in the in this important initiative and let me know that you would ocean in terms of the true number of like to help. My plan is to start small and take on one or two verges, but our results were interesting and showed that we verges in Hartland over the next twelve months, and to slowly had some really good biodiverse verges (with more than 50 build up interest and awareness and spread the work gently species of plant) as well as some really poor verges. to those most vulnerable and important verges in the Parish. Since this project finished I am sad to say that road verges My dream is that Hartland will become known for its wild in the parish have deteriorated considerably and we have lost flower diversity and that locals and tourists alike will benefit some of the plant diversity that we had even five years ago. The from the huge impact that road verge management can have; loss is largely down to poor management (cut at the wrong both aesthetically and mentally. Imagine driving from Stoke time with cuttings left on the verge, or not cut at all) and to Hartland Quay amid a cloud of butterflies, with beautiful carelessness (fertiliser overspill and driven over by tractors). grasses and meadow flowers lining the road. Road verges play a crucial role in conservation which all too Clare Gurton often goes unnoticed. Nationally we have almost 251,000 acres of rural road verges, home to 703 species of wild plants, 87 of Our swifts arrived back in Hartland on 5 May. The couple, which are facing extinction. Looking after our verges is not captured by Web Cam in their nesting box on St. John's, just about protecting rare plants, it is about protecting wildlife. hadn't seen each other since the end of last summer when Just one type of wild plant can support a whole ecosystem and they migrated south to the winter sun. may provide food for over 100 different species. Verges are key habitats for pollinators such as bees, butterflies and moths and key corridors for small mammals like hedgehogs whose numbers have seen huge declines in recent years. I have been banging my drum about verges for years and so I am delighted that at last it is being taken seriously. The charity Plantlife has an active campaign to lobby local councils to get onside and manage their verges sympathetically (interestingly Devon has still not signed up to this so please sign the petition on their website if you get the chance; ). In addition, the North Devon Biosphere is launching a new project called Do you know the difference between swifts, swallows and martins? Life on the Verge which aims to coordinate a network of volunteers to identify, 'adopt' and manage verges across the North Devon Biosphere. NHS BLOOD DONATIONS The project hopes to provide an opportunity for people Unfortunately the bus, where you could donate blood in to learn new skills, to be physically active, to socialise and Hartland, no longer comes to the village. We now have to go meet new people and to invest and take pride in their local to them, and this is surely a problem for many people who area. It has two key elements; verge survey, and subsequent otherwise would like to donate blood. If you are interested practical management. in joining a small group of regular blood donors, please Survey results will help identify verges already in wildlife contact the Hartland Post (01237 441617) or put your name rich and in good condition, and inform where more down on a sign-up sheet in the Springfield Pottery and we significant practical management is needed to restore or will sort out transport. create wildlife interest. Verge management activities will The next blood donation session is at the Park House Centre, take place in autumn/winter and often utilise very simple Bude, on 4 August from 12h50-18h45. For any further methods and equipment. information and details visit them online at Training, expertise, equipment and support are all available for or call on 0300 123 23 23. FREE to help communities manage their adopted verges and Do something amazing and join the Hartland blood donation promote their achievements; this will include safety training group! Giving blood is quick, easy and it saves lives. and plant identification sessions. The free plant identification

No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 15 HUNGRY HARTLAND : Where to eat this summer The Kings Arms, Hartland Village pub serving homemade pizzas and burgers, butcher’s sausages, fish & chips, kids meals. Open for food: Sunday-Thursday 6-8. Friday 12-3 and 6-9. Saturday 6-9

Hartland Quay Lunch served from 12-2.30pm. Snacks 3-5.30pm and Dinner 6-9pm (last orders) All the usual favourites, fish & chips, scampi & chips, steak & ale pie etc. as well as summer specials including crab salad and sandwiches. Dietary requirements catered for and children’s A group of walkers who pre-ordered their packed lunch, which we menus available. Check out the “Specials” board which delivered. They enjoyed their fruity flapjack, it's great walking fuel. changes every few days! News from The Point@Hartland Booking recommended for big groups. Tel. 01237 441218 No one visiting Hartland or hiking the SW Coast path should miss this excellent outdoor café perched on the edge of the The Old Bakery Coffee Shop cliffs at Hartland Point near the lighthouse. Clearly from Jacqui and her sister, Carol, have been delighting their regular Amy’s information, below, anything could happen! customers all through the winter months with their frequently Walking groups are booking their lunches to have at The changing and innovative cakes, soups and lunch dishes. Point on their way from Clovelly and taking advantage of the Summer now brings a change in the menu which will feature delivered packed lunches for the next day. We are now offering various quiches, light summer soups, paté with toast and an afternoon tea package, perfect for a special occasion. We salad (vegetarian or meat), smoked mackerel paté, local crab had two wedding proposals at The Point last year. We can also sandwiches and salads, plate pasties (tiddy, cheese & onion deliver party buffets in and around Hartland. etc.) All ingredients will be seasonal. Contact us via our website or social media. Vegetarian options available as well as gluten free cakes. The excellent Red Dog bread (sour dough and other) can be We are branching out and now serve up hearty breakfasts and ordered on Monday for delivery on Friday. Ask to see the list homemade cakes at Hartland Farmers Market. of their breads. If there is anything you would particularly like to see on the menu, just pop in and let Jacqui and Carol know what you Pattard Kitchen have in mind! They are very proud to have just received their Bjorn Moen at Pattard Kitchen is going from strength to 5/5 food hygiene rating which is very well deserved. strength. He has just had one of his flagship dessert recipes, Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 9-5. Sunday 11-5. peanut butter mousse, printed in Crumbs magazine. In April he won a national competition for a cured and blowtorched mackerel dish which was then published in Take Stock Cheristow Lavender Tea Rooms magazine. This contemporary farm to fork restaurant in a peaceful, rural Open Wednesday to Saturday from 12-5 serving cream teas, setting is open for dinner Tuesday to Saturday 6-11. Closed cakes, savoury scones and pasties. Homemade on the premises, Sunday and Monday. Reservations strongly recommended. using organic ingredients. Tel. 01237 440101 Pattard Kitchen, Pattard Farm, Hartland EX39 6BY Telephone 01237 441444 Hartland Abbey Cream teas and excellent light lunches served in the old The Church Rooms kitchens of the Abbey or the sunny courtyard. In the car park, off the main square, this is the place to go for Open Sunday-Thursday until 1 October 11.30-5. a cup of tea, cake, free WiFi or a chat. Toast and cheese scones Subject to entry to the grounds. are also available. For further details visit Open Tuesday and Friday morning from 10-12.

16 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017 COOK’S CORNER Berry, sweet wine and mascarpone trifl e Hartland Farmer’s Market On the fi rst Sunday of the month in the Parish Hall. Th e summer markets will be held on 4 June, 2 July and 6 August. Come and enjoy breakfast prepared from local produce and stock up on everything you need for picnics and barbeques. Home reared meat, local fi sh, organic veg, locally roasted and blended coff ees, cheeses, honey and jams, homemade cakes, bread, pasties etc. And fi nally don’t forget to visit and support the local shops. You will be surprised at the range of products that they stock!

Although many varieties of berry are available at the moment, any fruit in season can be substituted for the berries. Any sweet wine can be used: sauternes or other dessert wines, sherry etc. Th is is also wonderful with just whipped cream, natural vanilla extract and icing sugar instead of mascarpone. Ingredients • 185g fresh raspberries • 375g strawberries, hulled and quartered • 375g sponge fi ngers • 525ml sweet wine Th ai Food Van • 75g dark chocolate Outside Th e British Legion, Th ursday evenings 6-9pm Mascarpone cream • 3 free-range egg yolks plus 4 free-range egg whites Fish & Chips • 120g caster sugar • 275g mascarpone cheese • 150ml pouring cream Instructions To make the mascarpone cream, use an electric mixer Available locally from: with a whisk attachment to whisk the egg yolks and half the sugar together until light and pale. Th e Kings Arms Add the mascarpone and mix on low speed until just Friday evenings at Th e Kings Arms, Th e Square, Hartland combined. Whip the cream until soft peaks form, then Th e Whiddon Wagon fold through the mascarpone mixture. Wednesday 5pm - 7pm from the van outside the Fire Station Put the egg whites in a clean bowl and beat until foamy. Add the remaining sugar and beat until soft peaks form, Woolsery Fish & Chips then gently fold into the mascarpone mixture. Spoon half Wednesday & Th ursday 4.30pm - 8.30pm the mascarpone cream into a 3 litre (105 fl oz) trifl e bowl. Friday & Saturday 12noon - 2pm & 4.30pm - 8.30pm Mix the berries together and scatter over the mascarpone Specials menu changes weekly, bringing a selection of cream. Dip the sponge fi ngers into the sweet wine, then favourites as well as some creative new dishes. arrange on top of the berries. Spoon the remaining Coming Soon... mascarpone cream over the top, cover and refrigerate for several hours. Once again, fi sh and chips will soon be available from Finely grate the chocolate over the trifl e to serve. Th e Shamrock premises on Fore Street. We will publish more details in the next issue of Th e Hartland Post.

No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 17 NEWS from THE HARTLAND WI In March our member Jane Leaper gave a talk on ‘Making Macarons the Denman Way’. The previous autumn, Jane had been given a bursary by Hartland WI to attend a weekend school on French Patisserie at Denman, the W.I. college. Jane explained that she had planned to make brightly coloured macarons, like the CLOVELLY WI ones sold by the French patisserie chain Ladurée, but found that most of the vivid colours are made from petroleum. Although she We had a great March meeting with a talk entitled "Life on is not an organic food fanatic, she draws the line at ingredients Tobago". We were treated by our very own Jane Maynard who made from fossil fuels. So, she had searched for natural colours transported us all to the Caribbean with some colourful and and produced some pastel coloured macarons. lively photos and some thumping SOCA music. True to the Hartland WI is one of the regional Atlantic Group of Women’s WI we learned about the history, geography, wildlife, flora and Institutes. In April we had our annual Atlantic Group meeting, fauna of the island. hosted this year by Woolsery W.I. Woolsery gave us a splendid Earlier in the month four of our members attended a tea and a nautically themed entertainment. The group meeting Bollywood Day where they learned about the various spices always includes an arts and crafts competion. This year it too had used in Indian cookery, how to dance Bollywood style and a nautical theme. Hartland won two years ago and this year we after a curry lunch, how to dress in a traditional Indian Sari. won again. Most of our exhibits, including a cushion, five pieces They had a wonderful time! of fudge in a ‘nautical’ container, a box full of ‘nautical’ items and a poem, were contributed by our ex-president and current Our Annual Meeting falls in April where we “Choose The vice-president Ann Littlejohns, while our current president Team “ to take us into the following year. With a growing Margaret Wood contributed a postcard painted with a sea-scene. membership we welcomed new and enthusiastic members to They are both very talented. our Committee and re-elected our President Rosemary Parker At our April meeting Alison Marsden from Torrage was our guest for a final year while her successor learns the ropes. speaker on ‘Ageing Well’. She explained about the various projects We have knitted Twiddlemuffs for those with Dementia, and services her organisation offers, including a befriending actively supported the Save Our service, exercise classes and social and craft activities. Several of our members expressed interest in IT classes for the elderly and Hospital Services campaign, and are organising fortnightly we agreed that Torrage and Hartland WI will liase to facilitate this drop in coffee mornings to offer friendship and companionship later in the year. to those in our community. In May we had our Annual and Resolutions Meeting. We We were very busy in May, organising June events. A Supper unanimously passed the two resolutions that the W.I. nationally & Song evening and the opening of our Drop in coffee and locally, campaigns on in the next year: mornings to name just 2 of many events we are planning for • Alleviating loneliness – to work alongside health and social the coming months. Tony Piper gave a fascinating talk about care providers and the local community to raise awareness Life on Exmoor. The work he carried out and the wonderful of the causes and impacts of loneliness, thus ensuring better birds and flowers he saw whilst a ranger on the moor. identification of lonely people in order to be able to offer them appropriate assistance and support. We meet on 2nd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in Clovelly • Plastic Soup: keep microplastic fibres out of our oceans. Parish Hall. Why not come and join in the fun. Whether alone Microplastic fibres are shed from synthetic clothing with or with a friend - You can be assured of a warm welcome! For every wash and are the main contributors to microplastic more info: call Rosemary on 01237 429388 contamination of the oceans. The NFWI calls on government and industry to research and develop innovative solutions to this problem in order to stop the accumulation of microplastic fibres in our oceans. On May 10th a dozen of our members attended the regional lunch of the Association of Country Women of the World (ACWW) in . And a good time was had by all our FREE PUBLIC ROCK POOL RAMBLES Ladies who Lunch. 252017 JUNE CROYDE SUMMER 11.30 PROGRAMME Meet main beach slipway On July 6th we have our annual summer outing, which this year 27 JULY HELE BAY 13.30 Meet Hele Bay car park is to Cothelstone Manor near Taunton. The cost is £22, which includes transport, a tour of the house, and a tea. For more 10 FREEAUGUST PUBLIC CROYDE ROCK 13.00 POOL Meet mainRAMBLES beach slipway details, or to book, contact Margaret Wood on 01237 441415. 21 AUGUST LEE BAY 10.30 Meet top of beach After our summer break our first autumn meeting is on September 25 APRILBad weather? Check BARRICANE FACEBOOK - Coastwise BEACH, North WOOLACOMBE Devon, 7th (2.30 p.m, St Nectan’s Church Rooms). The Clovelly 10.00Soap Twitter - @CoastwiseR Meet or contact top Jimof Monroebeach 07889 134466 Company will show us how to make bath bombs. or Marjorie Heath 07921564517. We’ve increased our membership in the last year and we welcome Participants responsible for own safety. Dress for the weather new members. Any woman thinking of joining us can attend 29 up MAYwith suitable footwear WESTWARD for rocks & sea.HO! Under 16's to be to three of our meetings for the ‘taster’ fee of £1.50. 13.30accompanied. main beach slipway 18 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017 25 JUNE CROYDE 11.30 Meet main beach slipway

27 JULY HELE BAY 13.30 Meet Hele Bay car park

10 AUGUST CROYDE 13.00 Meet main beach slipway

21 AUGUST LEE BAY 10.30 Meet top of beach

7 OCTOBER HELE BAY, ILFRACOMBE 12.30 Meet Hele Bay car park

Bad weather? Check FACEBOOK - Coastwise North Devon, Twitter - @CoastwiseR or contact Jim Monroe 07889 134466 or Marjorie Heath 07921564517.

Participants responsible for own safety. Dress for the weather with suitable footwear for rocks & sea. Under 16's to be accompanied. HARTLAND PARISH COUNCIL HARTLAND [email protected] CARNIVAL 2017 Hartland Parish Open Day Sunday 6th August to Saturday 12th August 2016 Th anks to everyone who came along to this event and made From Th e Committee – it is not too late to join us! it such a success. Pictures of the day and more details of Remember, you do not need to belong to any organisation the event will be posted on the new Parish Council website to be a committee member. If you do not want to join the [email protected] and the HPC Facebook page. committee there are always jobs for volunteers. Remaining Meetings in the Royal British Legion (all Mondays) 8.00 pm 3rd July - 17th July - 4th Sept Dates for the Diary Carnival Week Events in August Sunday 6th Crowning of the Carnival Queen Cllr Fred Poole presents HPC certifi cate of appreciation to Ivan & Hartland Town Band Concert Jeff rey for outstanding performance and lasting contribution to Monday 7th Quiz beach cleaning. 20 May at HPC Community day. Tuesday 8th Bingo A second HPC Certifi cate of Appreciation was awarded to Colin Jeff ery for outstanding performance and lasting Wednesday 9th Fun Night contribution to street cleaning in Hartland. Th ank you Colin Th ursday 10th Skittles for always keeping Hartland looking spick and span! Friday 11th Tea Dance Hartland Community Landing Site featuring our local Chamber Orchestra Th e landing lights have now been installed at the recreation Saturday 12th Grand Procession ground and we are waiting to hear further news from and afterwards in the Square/ Car Park Devon Air Ambulance Trust. Sunday 13th Coin counting in the Pavilion – Th e Parish Council would like to thank again all those who volunteers needed a.m. gave so generously to the project; a list of donations is displayed in the Car Park notice-board and at the Post Offi ce. We also hope to run Military Whist the following Friday. Th e Parish Council meets on the last Th ursday of the month All the usual competitions will be taking place such as Spot in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm. All are welcome to attend and the Mistake and Best Dressed Business Premises. there is a public comment session at the start of each meeting if More more information about these events will be available anyone wishes to bring an issue to the attention of the Council on posters nearer the time. Parish Council contact details, dates of meetings, agendas and Fun Figures Competition minutes are on the website: ; agendas and contact details are also posted on the notice boards in Th is year’s theme will be MR.MEN or LITTLE MISS Hartland, Meddon and Stoke. characters. Visitors in the past two years have really enjoyed our fun fi gures. It would be fantastic if many more could be Your Parish Council: seen this year. Chair: Fred Poole 01237 441703; Vice-Chair James Morley, 01237 441890 Entry forms will be available from the Post Offi ce and Pop In Councillors: Joy Cooper, 01237 441500; Viv Gale, 01237 441272; John nearer the time. George, 01237 441320; Victor Goaman, 01237 431265; Grahame Mather, 01237 431027; Kevin Rowe; Sarah Staff ord, 01237 441987; Terry Winchcombe, 01237 441959 Anna Dart, Torridge and Hartland, 01237 441011,councillor.dart@torridge. See website Robin Julian, 01237 441052; [email protected] and Facebook group "Hartland Carnival" Clerk: Mrs Chris Hannington, [email protected] If you have any questions please contact Julia 01237-441347.

No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 19 A MASSIVE WHALE WASHES UP AT HARTLAND QUAY A dead finback whale measuring 13.6 meters washed up on the rocks The Hartland Post filed a Freedom of Information Request with below the slipway at Hartland Quay on the afternoon of March 8. TDC to find out the cost of disposing of the whale and answer BBC Spotlight for the West Country broadcast a segment on the other questions. TDC answered most of the questions but refused whale the next day (visit for a link to the video). to divulge the cost of the removal operation stating that this was This was the third whale to wash up along this coast in 27 years commercially sensitive information. according to the Torridge District Council. The Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) decided against performing an autopsy as their team who visited the site on the evening of the HARTLAND ABBEY stranding, estimated the whale had been dead for two weeks and OPEN AIR THEATRE SEASON was already in an advanced state of decomposition. They cautioned WITH THE PLOUGH ARTS CENTRE the public against approaching the whale, a bio-hazard, or taking Box Office 01805 624624 or online any "souvenirs" which would be illegal. Over the following days, the Tickets: £9 - £15 action of the wind, waves and tide moved the carcass past the slipway to the beach just beneath the high cliffs to the north of the Quay. Sun 25th June 5pm: Hotbuckle Theatre - ‘FAR FROM THE The Hartland Post measured and examined the carcass on March 9. MADDING CROWD’ by Thomas Hardy We believe it was a male. We did not see any signs of cuts or external Sat 8th July 7pm: Illyria Theatre - ‘A COMEDY OF injuries such as might result from collision with a ship's propellers, a ERRORS’ by William Shakespeare harpoon or attacks by orcas and sharks. Nor were there was any sign Wed 26th July 2-4.30pm: Plough Artists - FAMILY ARTS of entanglement in nets or ropes that could have caused the whale to AND FUN AFTERNOON followed by: drown. We did see abrasion of the animal's hide from contact with the rocks post-mortem. Wed 26th July 5pm: Illyria Theatre - ‘THE LOST WORLD’ The Finback whale is also known the Fin whale, Razorback or by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Common Rorqual is the second largest mammal in the world Thurs 27th July 7pm: The Pantaloons - ‘A MIDSUMMER after the Blue whale. Like the Blue whale it is a baleen whale that NIGHT’S DREAM’ by William Shakespeare has sieve-like baleen plates along its upper jaw that serve to strain Wed 2nd August 2-4.30pm: Plough Artists - FAMILY ARTS out the seawater and retain the krill, copepods and small fish that AND FUN AFTERNOON followed by: whales take into their mouths when feeding. Toothed whales such as the Sperm whale have teeth and can only eat larger prey: fish and Wed 2nd August 5pm: Heartbreak Theatre - ‘BILLIONAIRE squid for example. BOY by David Walliams TDC was hoping that spring tides would carry the whale out to Fri 11th August 5pm: Illyria Theatre - ‘THE EMPEROR’S sea. This did not happen and towing the whale out into open water NEW CLOTHES’ by Hans Christian Andersen (5+) plus was not an option because it was classified as waste. When the Drama Workshop (3-4.30pm - £5) whale started to break up and decaying matter and runoff were Wed 23rd August 7pm: Illyria Theatre - ‘THE MIKADO’ deemed a risk to public health, TDC took the decision on March by Gilbert and Sullivan 13 to have the whale removed and transport its remains weighing in at six tonnes, for incineration in Liskeard at a facility that deals Mon 28th August 5pm: Illyria Theatre - ‘THE MERRY mainly with medical waste and had also incinerated cattle during WIVES OF WINDSOR’ by William Shakespeare the mad-cow crisis in the 1980's and 1990's. Grounds open free to those attending performances 1 hour Finback whales are a critically endangered species threatened with before start. Bring rugs/low backed seating/picnics. Bar, extinction and are protected by the Convention on International barbecue and refreshments. Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Because of its protected status, various government agencies participated in the removal organized by the Torridge District Council. The Environment HARTLAND RAISES ITS GAME Agency gave permission for removal of the whale. Natural England After a remarkably efficient fund raising effort in just a few was on hand to verify that the rocks were not damaged by the months, Hartland has now erected the helicopter landing digger and front-loader used to break up the carcass and load it into lights to allow the air ambulance to land in the playing field trailers. The London Zoo, the Marine Management Organisation after dark and until midnight. and the Receiver of Wreck were also involved.

Throat grooves help with identification of whale species John George supervising the operation

20 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017 THE CANN FAMILY ‘HARTLAND QUILTS’ and their continuing legacy of inspiration! Tony Manley, Editor of the former ‘Hartland Times,’ recalls how her death at the age of 92 in 1891, assisted by her four unmarried ten years ago, in November 2007, he had the pleasure to include daughters, Annie, Lizzie, Fanny and Maggie. It is believed that an item regarding a 19th Century Hartland Quilt from the Cann another daughter Mary, who married an excise officer, Joseph Quilt Collection that had been donated to the National Quilt Moran Tottenham in Hartland in 1868, made the two cot quilts Museum had inspired the creation of an unusual piece of artwork. in the collection. In following years, the collection provided further inspiration and Mary Dennis, a farmer's daughter, had married Richard Cann in the ‘Hartland Times’ included items several times on what proved 1828 and they had six daughters — Annie, Jane, Elizabeth, Fanny, to be a fascinating story. Now, in 2017, there is another chapter Mary and Margaret — and one son, John. Tragically, Richard died to add, but before doing so, lets recall a little of the earlier reports. of typhoid fever in 1842, leaving Mary and her children no choice but to leave their farm (Brownsham) and move to Hartland village. Now, more recently, the Hartland Quilts have been again in the news, featuring first in the ‘British Patchwork and Quilting’ magazine (June 2015) when the ‘Diamond Mosaic Coverlet’ (1840-1860) was illustrated, along with a photo of Mary Cann, as part of a feature ‘Past, present and future – The Quilters’ Guild Collection.’ This was followed in the Autumn 2016 issue of The Quilters’ Guild of the British Isles journal ‘The Quilter,’ with the fascinating news of how another of the Hartland Quilts had led to the inspiration for a new range of fabrics.

One of the five pieces of quilting, a ‘Silk Triangles Coverlet,’ the handiwork of Mary Cann (nee Dennis) (above left) in the mid-1800s years ago, was the inspiration for an impressive international glass quilt project. The coverlet of silk triangles worked by Mary Cann, (now in the collection of the National Quilting Museum) inspired the coming together of two traditional craft techniques - quilting and glass design. 'The Glass Quilt Project' was the idea of British textile designer Charlotte Ellis and Swedish glass artist Tina Lindstrom (far right). The two met at a sand casting workshop at the Glass Furnace School in Istanbul, Turkey in 2005, and decided to collaborate on creating a piece of glass art inspired by the tradition of quilt making. ‘Elizabeth's Dowry’ is a collaborative project that the Quilters’ This was first brought to my attention by Pat Collinson of Hartland, Guild is sure will go down in history as a milestone event. It is herself a keen and gifted quilter, who came across the unusual an exclusive new fabric line from Marcus Fabrics, inspired by project in a book, ‘The Quilters’ Guild Collection – Contemporary one of the treasures in The Quilters' Guild Collection, the Cann Quilts, Heritage Inspiration.’ ‘Mariner's Compass Coverlet.’ The quilt was chosen from the Then, by sheer coincidence, I learnt more about the Hartland 800 in the Guild’s collection and the new line, which includes Quilt whilst preparing a presentation for the Hartland Society twenty-three stunning fabrics and a complete Mariner's Compass on the Cann Family Archive with Stephen Hobbs. Roger and panel, was unveiled at the Festival of Quilts 2016 at the NEC, Janet Cann of Keynsham, near Bristol, had very kindly allowed Birmingham in August and then made available in quilt shops Stephen Hobbs to copy the documents and photographs in the worldwide at the beginning of October 2016. (above left) large collection of Cann family memorabilia so that they could The project evolved over 15 months and the end result produced a be included in the Hartland Digital Archive. In this archive, we beautiful collection of fabrics that captures the spirit of the original came across Mary Cann (Dennis) and after an email to Roger and Coverlet but harnesses all that modern manufacturing has to offer. Janet Cann we learnt a great deal more, Roger being Mary Cann’s Aside from its historical origins and international scope, it is the great-great-great nephew. They had been left the collection on the blending of traditional inspiration with today's digital printing and death of Flora Cann (1908-2000), the granddaughter of Mary’s production technologies that allows greater colour capabilities. only son, John, and it was Flora who had told them that in 1994 she had deposited several items with the Quilters Guild because An international project, the fabric is manufactured by New their condition was deteriorating. York based Marcus Fabrics, working closely with quilt and fabric designer Karen Styles, who owns Somerset Patchwork & Quilting The five quilts in the 'Cann Collection of Quilts' now in the in Melbourne, Australia. National Quilt Museum, York (above right), were made in Hartland in the 19th Century by members of the Cann family who lived at Any reader who would like to learn more about the Hartland Fairfield House from 1842 until 1919 (later Huggins Garage and ‘Mariner’s Compass’ range of fabrics can access the Quilters’ now three houses). The mother, Mary (Dennis) Cann, a widow, Guild online Qshop ( and if really kept a drapery and grocers shop there for nearly fifty years before interested you can purchase the fabrics online. No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 21 CLOVELLY VILLAGE NEWS CLOVELLY GIG REGATTA LOBSTER AND CRAB FEAST 10th Anniversary! Sat. 8th July 2017 September 03, 2017 Gig racing is exciting and strenuous, with crews reaching Clovelly celebrates its famous lobsters and crabs sustainably speeds of nine knots in North Devon's powerful tidal waters. caught by its fishermen with a great day out for all the family. You're assured and exhilarating day's racing. So come along Choose from a variety of crab and lobster dishes cooked on the and cheer on the brave crews! Normal admission charges quay or book a table at the Red Lion Harbour Restaurant and apply, please consult for details. dine on delicious lobster and seafood platters. CLOVELLY MARITIME FESTIVAL There'll be live folk music, chef cookery demonstrations, a in aid of the Bideford Sea Cadets prize draw for a magnum of champagne, local food and craft 16th July 2017 stalls, including plenty of freshly cooked lobsters and crabs, The day will be full of fun and packed with a programme of all and beer tasting. Children will be kept entertained by street sorts of activities and entertainment for all ages. theatre, walkabout magic, balloon modelling and event- This year there will be a second Clovelly Cup Race with the themed craft activities provided by The National Trust. North Devon Yacht Club! They will be racing outside the It's in aid of the National Lobster Hatchery, Padstow, who will harbour across the bay (if any yachtsmen and women are be exhibiting some of their baby lobsters prior to their release interested in taking part or being involved, please contact into Clovelly Bay at the end of the day. At the heart of the [email protected]). It will be an amazing sight to see, with NLH's work is their lobster restocking project whereby local the boats surrounding the harbour and setting off around the fishermen bring 'pregnant' female lobsters to the hatchery so race course. They will also be joining us in the harbour with that their delicate offspring are given a better chance in life information on their club and how to become a sea cadet. by being raised in captivity without predators. These young Throughout the day there will be music, street entertainment, lobsters are raised to a size where they can be released back activities and games for the whole family, including building into the sea and look after themselves. your own miniature boats with The Plough, Arts & Crafts and The National Trust, Mermaid storytelling ‘Tales from the sea’, Shipwreck Survival, Punch & Judy, Beach Spa, plus face (As seen on BBC2 TV 'Country Show Cook Off'). painting & henna tattoos and a variety of stalls selling food and Standard admission charges include all entertainment. event-themed arts & crafts. It is definitely a day to remember! Free entry for under 16’s who come in maritime-themed fancy dress CLOVELLY GIG CLUB costumes! Standard admission charges include all entertainment. Clovelly Pilot gig Club recently received £2,000 from Tesco WOOLSERY AGRICULTURAL SHOW towards the cost of a new boat that will enable them to offer July 31st, 2017 more opportunities for people to take part in what is the fastest-growing watersport in the country. Summer in North Devon would not be complete without a visit to this ever popular show. As part of Tesco’s Bags of Help scheme, shoppers in their Bideford, Barnstaple, Braunton, Ilfracombe and Westward Ho! Classes include crafts, cattle and sheep, together with horse branches were invited to nominate which of three charities they and pony competitions. There will be a Dairy Marquee with wanted to support during December. Clovelly were looking displays such as yoghurt and ice cream making and the chance for funds towards the cost of a new fibreglass gig, which would for children to "milk a cow" along with competitions. You'll enable them to offer more rowing sessions for more people. find bustling trade stalls offering locally made crafts and food They were delighted to receive £2,000 towards the gig, and with fairground rides and a bouncy castle for the children. were presented with the cheque by Tesco’s Barnstaple store There'll also be a family dog show, a display of hounds, the manager Dan Fowler in February (see photo). Young Farmers' "It's a knockout" and to finish the day, a parade of vintage farm machinery. Paul Smale, chairman of the club, said what a difference the funding could make. “A fibreglass boat will be a great addition It's a great summer day out for all the family! to the club” he said. “Our two wooden boats have to be taken A separate admission charge applies out of the water after every row, which takes a lot of effort. A LIFEBOAT WEEKEND in aid of the R.N.L.I. fibreglass gig could stay in the harbour, making it much easier August 05, 2017 to August 06, 2017 to launch and recover so that we could provide more rowing sessions for more people, especially younger people.” Held in aid of the RNLI, this popular event is a celebration of the Clovelly lifeboat and its volunteer crew. The Lifeboat The funding from Tesco is a big step forward, but the club still House will be open to visitors and there'll be operational needs to raise more funds. “It’s brilliant that Tesco’s customers displays by the Clovelly lifeboat. It's a fun-packed weekend have supported us like this” said Paul. “We need to raise £15,000 with games, competitions, entertainments, food and drink, in total to purchase the fibre glass training gig, oars, trailer and music and other family fun in and around the harbour. life jackets. We’ve already funded a set of oars, so that’s £3,000 out of the way, and from our other fundraising through local Normal admission charges apply 22 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017 WELCOMBE VILLAGE NEWS WHAT’S BEEN ON IN WELCOMBE! [email protected]. Films are shown in widescreen with a good Activities in Welcombe this spring have been slightly limited. The sound system and of course filmgoers can bring their own refreshments, village Hall sewing group had a walk and lunch in early March alcoholic or otherwise! With free entry it is remarkable value!! to raise money for the children’s playground, an excellent lunch WHAT’S ON IN WELCOMBE THIS SUMMER: with plentiful cakes, but a few more people to eat them would There are three main events welcome the summer. On June 24 is have been good! Sarah Mills from Watergap arranged a very “All That Jazz”, a summer party with a jazz band the village Hall, successful Ceilidh on Easter Saturday which also raised money for with refreshments, raising money for the children’s playgroup and the children’s playground. Of regular events in the village Hall, the the horticultural society, and jointly hosted by those two. Tickets men’s skittles group on Mondays remains active, with the ladies available from Bobby Macer at this summer well. For full details see playing at the West Country inn on Tuesdays, the Bridge club circulated posters. Saturday, August 5th is the annual horticultural continues weekly on a Wednesday evening and although numbers show, a great opportunity to see what has managed to defy the have been diminished recently with holidays etc, it should be back elements and grow in Welcombe! Teas, cakes etc , usually a nice to full strength with four tables playing this month. New players are afternoon out. Thursday, August 17th is the annual church fete always welcome, please contact Stephen Barrett if interested. The in the Bell Park behind the church, with the usual stalls etc, pony lunch club on alternate Mondays, organised by Sheila Wade and rides, but possibly this year including a dog show. The theme this Helen Bence remains very popular and has been oversubscribed year will be scarecrows, with prizes for best in show. times in the winter. The sewing group has unfortunately lost a WELCOMBE GARDEN SHOW couple of numbers recently due to members moving away, and the Thursday evening yoga continues to be very popular. The Fifty Ninth Welcombe Garden Show will take place on August 5th 2017 in Welcombe Village Hall at 2.30 pm. The film club has continued approximately monthly, with recent showings of Bridge of Spies, Swallows and Amazons, the Third Everyone is welcome to enter any of the many classes for vegetables, Man, and Girl on a Train. All very well received and all showings flowers, cookery, produce, crafts, art and fun with special classes, start with a short film from the British transport film archive, some prizes and cups for children up to the age of twelve. Schedules will of which have been fascinating. The next showing on May 23rd is be available from Welcombe Community Shop or from Mike “Lion”, and the June showing will be on Tuesday 27th. Film yet to Macer, tel 01237441304. If you don't wish to enter then just be decided. There will not be a showing in July, but there will be one come along at 2.30 pm, enjoy a cream tea and be amazed by the in August. If anyone wishes to go on the mailing list, please email talent on display, we would love to see you. WELCOMBE CHURCH FETE SECURE FUNDING TOWARDS NEW BOAT Thursday 17Th August Planning is well under way for the Fete which will be a little different councillors, barbecues and quiz nights, we have got around this year. It will start at 2.00 pm (not the usual 2.30 pm), with a another £3,000. And we’re putting together a bid to submit to FUN dog show starting at 2.15 pm (entries on the day). There Sport England, hoping to hear a decision in the summer.” will be a new competition to make scarecrows or mannequins and display them in the church or church grounds by 12 noon on the day of the Fete. These will be judged in 3 classes: 12 years and under, over 12 years/adults, and families/friends. So now is the time to start thinking about making an exhibit – maybe a character from a book or nursery rhyme, a celebrity or a politician or a nun peering out from behind a gravestone! They can be as scary, humorous and outrageous as you like and you can make one on your own or together with family or friends. There will be a good variety of stalls inside the marquee including bottle tombola, china and trinkets, cakes, buns, toys and games, books, hand made craft items, jewellery, bathroom sundries, plants, produce and a hamper raffle. Outside there will be the The club are also surveying local people to identify the best ever popular china smash stall, ice creams and lollies, displays by way and the best times to provide extra sessions. “It’s really Meddon & Welcombe Spinners, pony rides, music and other fun important to us to understand when people would like to be competitions. Cream teas and a delicious assortment of cakes will able to come rowing” said Paul “People have busy lives, and we be available in the church. need to fit around them.” Last year there was a tremendous effort to raise funds to restore You can support them in their fundraising efforts the main beam in the bell tower, overhaul the bells and repoint and take part in their survey by visiting their website, the church tower. This work has now been completed so please come and hear the bells and admire the work of the craftsmen on Or if you’d just like to see some pilot gigs racing, Clovelly’s the tower and support our village church. Updates on the church regatta is on Saturday 8th July with crews coming from far and and Fete (including classes for the dog show) can be found on the near – a spectacle not to be missed! website

No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 23 MEDDON VILLAGE HALL SPRING FAYRE PROGRAMME OF EVENTS First of all, we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone Monday 11.00am-3.30pm weekly who came to our Spring Fayre, the sun shone and we probably Welcombe Spinners and Weavers had our most successful Fayre ever, we are extremely grateful Tuesday third Tuesday in the month to you all, for your donations and for coming out to Meddon. Art Group MEDDON VILLAGE HALL LUNCH CLUB 5.30pm-6.30pm (check availability) Circuit Training with Lu Mays. Contact 07876 246 968 Or email [email protected] Wednesday 2.00pm-4.00pm fi rst in the month except JULY Meddon Family History Circle. 12.30pm second Wednesday in the month Meddon Lunch Club, pre-booking only Th is is a friendly Lunch Club which is always held on the 2nd Th ursday 1.15-2.15 weekly (check term dates) Wednesday of the month at 12.30pm in our beautiful little Pilates with Sally Parker. village hall. Th ere are fi ve cooks led by Maureen who always present a tasty home cooked meal, followed by a delicious Friday 10.00am-3.30pm third Friday in the month, pudding with tea or coff ee, all for the price of £4.50. But check on Facebook for dates and times. Meddon Morsbaggers. We would be very If you would like to come and join us, the tickets just need grateful of any donation of fabric. to be booked in advance by telephoning 07414 552 817, or 7.30pm-9.30pm last in the month emailing [email protected] Wine and Wisdom STOKE RESIDENT permanently to the area. From a fl at in Northam, Chris moved to Stoke in 2006. He was looking for a property that he could CHRIS DE BLOCQ VAN KUFFELER alter to suit his needs which included, above all, a sea view INVITED BACK TO THE PALACE and as much exposure to sunshine as possible. He set about building a magnifi cent wooden terrace – slightly reminiscent Chris de Blocq van Kuff eler was fi rst invited to a Buckingham of a ship’s deck! Chris has one son, Philip, and a 4 ½ year old Palace garden party in the 1980s in recognition of serving as grandson, Harry, who live in Bideford. Philip works at Skern a marshal in London for the Commonwealth fl ag standard Lodge and as a volunteer for the RNLI in Clovelly. bearers for 23 years. During his service he met the Queen several times and he has now returned to Buckingham Palace We hope to be able to feature a picture of Chris at the Palace where he attended another Queen’s garden party on 16 May. in our next issue. Chris received this second invitation in thanks for 25 years of voluntary service on behalf of Bideford Sea Cadets, and also COMMUNITY TRANSPORT for forging strong links with the sea cadets in Holland. MINIBUS RING & RIDE SERVICE Th anks to his dual British-Dutch nationality he has become We reluctantly say goodbye to driver, Karl, on Wednesday 24 one of the main sea cadet liaisons between the two countries. May. He has worked for Ilfracombe Community Transport In November he will be taking a party of cadets from Bideford for almost two years and has earned the admiration of his to Arnhem for Remembrance events, following up on a passengers for his caring concern and helpfulness. Th ere will previous visit in 2013. be no break in service and pick-ups and times remain the same. However, Karl will return at the end of June to drive one more Chris fi rst came to North Devon in 1984, taking a break time to take people on their holiday to Bournemouth. While from his hectic professional life in London and holidaying on he will be sorely missed, we wish Karl and his family all the the island of Lundy. Th ere he met his wife and soon moved very best for their future up north in Manchester.

Keep sending us content! Outdoor & Indoor Event Catering If you have anything to submit for Award winning global Street Food & traditional Farmhouse Fayre, reader’s messages, marriages, births, Buff ets, Hog Roasts, Lamb Roasts, Tennessee Hot Smoked Beef obituaries or general interest articles, served straight from the smoker cooked over real fi re please submit to Th e Hartland Post by using our own grass only fed native breed beef. the next deadline of 22nd of May 2017. Sweet Chilli Beef Company [email protected] West Yagland Farm, Hartland, Devon 07737775205 24 The Hartland Post 7 Summer 2017 Discover the stunning beauty of The Perfect Venue... BRYN VANSTONE Welcombe Village Hall is easily accessible (W. J. Vanstone & Sons) fromSlovenia our village cottage and stands in its own quiet location, Established 1954 surrounded by community woodland and Cottage, close to Italian border. Sleeps 6+, overlooking the dramatic Atlantic Ocean. Livestock Haulage wood burner, balcony, orchard garden.The Perfect Venue... Winter sports, hot summers, lakes, white Recently refurbished our hall now has a large, bright main hall with an adjoining side hall and skittle alley. The doors of the Over 50 Years of Service water, hills and mountains. PerfectWelcombe for the Village Hall is easily accessible and stands in its own quiet location, surrounded by hall open out on to a grass area leading directly to the Millennium to the Farming Community adventurous or to relax! community woodlandWood, and overlooking an enclosed the children’sdramatic Atlantic play area, Ocean. a field for activities and Chris and Jenny, 01237 441666 parking facilities. Inside, the main hall has a sprung wooden floor, Pengari – Woolley – Bude perfect for dancing. TheRecently kitchen refurbished has stainless our hall steel now units, has adouble large, bright main [email protected] sink, hot water, two standardhall with anelectric adjoining cookers side halland and a microwave. skittle alley. The doors Tel/Fax: (01288) 331460 Crockery, cutleryof the halland open glassware out on are to a provided grass area leading directly to for 100 place settings. Mobile: (07971) 810679 gorenja-vas/104815 the Millennium Wood, an enclosed children’s play area, a From the hall it is afield beautiful for activities 20 minute and parkingwalk to facilities.the beach Inside, at the main Welcombe Mouth,hall and has the a sprungstunning wooden southwest floor, coast perfect path. for dancing. The The hall is an idealkitchen venue hasfor stainlessweddings, steel family units, celebrations, double sink, hot water, two standard electric cookersmeetings, and concerts,a microwave. classes, Crockery, dances, cutlery and and community glassware events. are provided for The PerfectIt isVenue... also a popular exhibition space for local artists, and as a Award Winning Baby and100 place settings. workshop venue for yoga, aikido and tai chi. From the hallWelcombe it is a beautiful ForVillage 20details minute Hall of iswalk availability easily to the accessible beach and at hireWelcombe and charges stands Mouth, contact in andits ownthe stunning quiet location, surrounded by southwest communitycoast path. woodlandKirstie and overlooking Rosser 01288 the 331568dramatic Atlantic Ocean. Pre-schooler Classes [email protected]

Recently refurbished our hall now has a large, bright main A fantastic choice of fun developmentalThe hall is an ideal venue for weddings, family hall with an adjoining side hall and skittle alley. The doors celebrations, meetings, concerts, classes, dances, and of the hall open out on to a grass area leading directly to classes available for babies fromcommunity events. It is also a popular exhibition space for local artists, and as a workshop venue for the Millennium Wood, an enclosed children’s play area, a birth to children aged yoga, aikido and tai chi. field for activities and parking facilities. Inside, the main For details of availability and hire charges contact hall has a sprung wooden floor, perfect for dancing. The 4 years 11months Kirstie Rosser 01288 331568 kitchen has stainless steel units, double sink, hot water, [email protected] standard electric cookers and a microwave. Crockery, cutlery and glassware are provided for The Hartland Quay Hotel100 place settings. JD Buildings & & Wreckers Retreat BarFrom the hall it is a beautiful 20 minute walk to the beach at Welcombe Mouth, and the stunning Groundworks Ltd The Hartland Quay Hotel is open southwest coast path. New builds throughout the year, o ering a warm Visit our websitewelcome, for more comfortable details: en-suite rooms and a Build - Design - Servicing - Installation - Maintenance Extensions The hall is an ideal venue for weddings, family We areFREE a small independent coff ee hearty English Breakfast. Complete Building & Plumbing Services taster session celebrations, meetings, concerts, classes, dances, and shop off ering lots of yummy The Wreckers Retreat bar is open every Oil Fired boiler’s & Ray burns Servicing & Repairs Foundations available for community events. It is also a popular exhibition [email protected] from 11am until 11pm, serving meals Building Contractor Blockwork homemadelocals cakes and lunches. space for local artists, and as a workshop venue for from 12-2.30pm and 6-9pm. Snacks are yoga, aikidoExtensions, and tai chi. Roofing, Alterations, Conversions, Decorating The Milky Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY Driveways & patios We are located on Appledore quay. served from 3-5.30pm at weekends and Plumbing & Heating Engineers every day during the summer. For details of availability and hire charges contact Kirstie Rosser 01288 331568Fitted Kitchens & Bathrooms Fencing Open seven days a week. Children and Dogs on leads welcome. [email protected] Installation Digger driving 01237 475843 Free WIFI. Leaks & Repairs

•paintings & signed prints•original books• Special events and groups catered for. UPVC Windows, Doors & Conservatory's SW Water approved contractor •cards•stained glass & ‘octarine’• Gift shop and Museum open Plastering & Rendering Jon Dart •individual boxes•mirrors•studio pieces• from Easter until October Half Term. •jewellery•gifts• Quality Design & Build - Competitive Prices 1 Coastguard Cottages Contact us on 01237 441218 or Friendly Local Service - FREE Estimates Stoke, Hartland, Devon by Clive & Caroline Brocklehurst [email protected] T: 01237 441882 M: 07919407914 01237 441011 07503 152329/7 •FRAMING SERVICE AVAILABLE• For more information please visit our E: [email protected] 01237 441539 website:

Wills Tree Services 01237 431139 ! ! G. CURRINGTON BUILDING ! Burn court, Burn View, Bude CONTRACTOR Burn court, Burn View, Bude A.C.I.O.B. - Established over 30 years Tel 01288 255 350 Tel 01288 255 350 • New Build • Domestic/Commercial Stocking Little Greene paint company, Dulux, Holden wallpaper, AnaglyptaCoffee shop ain ndHartland Harris Square serving real coffee, hot and cold drinks, Stocking Little Greene paint company, light lunches, Cream Teas and delicious home-made cakes. • Extensions • Hard Landscaping decorating accessories. Take-Away items and outside catering also available • Alterations • Fitted Kitchens Dulux, Holden wallpaper, Anaglypta Also selling Cuprinol shades,and ducksback Harris decorating and Dulux accessories.weathershield smoothOpen: Mon mason – Sat 9-5pm,ry paint Sun & Bank hols 11-5pm (4pm Nov – March) • Roofing • Bathrooms For moreLocal information instructor please contact with us on 01237 the 440283, email [email protected] Fast Friendly Local Service Try our testerAlso selling pots or Cuprinol let us mix shades, the shade ducksback of your choice! or visit our website benefits of a national organisation. 01237 440000 • Mob 07837 667737 • Email: [email protected] and Dulux weathershield smooth Our Friendly staff are waiting to serve you Advantages of masonry paint "#$%$&'!(&)*#+,*-# Open Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm and Sat 9am – 1pm LDC system include: Try our tester pots or let us mix the shade of your"#$%$&'!(&)*#+,*-# choice - Less than the average number of lessons required to attain ‘test Our Friendly staff are waiting to serve you standard’.

Open Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm - Practical lessons include and Sat 9am – 1pm invaluable guide/workbook and online access to personal Theory Test practice with remote support from me. - ‘Home visit’ prior to any Initial offer of first commitment so you are confident 5 lessons for £75 about your decision. James Walker - Regular or intensive courses 07740 943507/01237 440181 available. You take control of your progress. [email protected] No. 7 Summer 2017 The Hartland Post 25 G. E. HONEY & SON - Traditional Butchers Oliver House, Parkham Est. 1902 We are suppliers of top quality locally sourced meat and poultry including beef and pork from our own farm. We make 17 varieties of award winning sausages and 7 types of burgers, as well as faggots, hogs puddings and brawn. We cure our own bacon and gammons. We cook our own ham, tongue, pressed beef, roast pork, corned beef and roast beef along with pasties, sausage rolls and pork pies. In the freezer is a range of local fish, Birds Eye fish products and chips, veg, Yorkshire puds, puff pastry etc. We also stock local free-range eggs, cheese, tea, coffee, laver and chutney. Our very experienced butchers can prepare exactly what you want, using the best meat available, at a competitive price. Our shop in Chapel Road, Parkham is open from 7 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Friday with a limited service provided on Saturday mornings. Any one not able to visit us in these hours can place an order, on 451224, to be collected at another time. We also offer a free delivery service twice weekly with no minimum order value. To place an order or for more information call us on 01237 451224. We are also on the internet at

Telephone 01409 241421 Small Lorry Lorraine Brumham now available Remnants Visit our LARGE showroom! Stock Rolls Available DRESSMAKER Carpets, Vinyls, LVTs, Altro For all your dressmaking, Laminates, Hardwood Flooring Supplied and Fitt ed. Septic Tanks Emptied Increasing range of Rugs and Mats. alterations and repairs. Tel 01805 601286 Mobile 07831 241531 Free measuring and quotati on with no obligati on, samples available to take home. Specialising in Bridal wear The Square, Bradworthy, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 7TB email: [email protected] E-mail [email protected] Web (Located off the corner of Bradworthy Square) Card payment available Tel: 01237 440244 Peter Hearn Haulage Ltd Mobile: 07909 622704 The stress free solution to moving and storing


& CAMPING PARK Hartland, North Devon, EX39 6DG Routine Nail Care, Corns & Callus Removal, Three Minutes’ Walk from the Village and Woodland Walks Fungal Nail Infections, Ingrown Toenails, Athletes Foot, Diabetic Foot Care, • Electric Hook-Ups • Toilets • Launderette • Showers Verruca Treatment, REMOVALS & STORAGE • Family/Baby Changing Room • Dogs Welcome Foot Massage Caravan Storage • Well-stocked Fishing Lake (on-site) LOCAL & NATIONAL Please call Lindsey Allin - Foot Health Practitioner 01237 441876 or Mob 07971 421384 Jan Rakhshani MCFHP. MAFHP. For a home visit please call - 07712 898 188 OFFICE REMOVALS Website: Offering sixteen years experience in Foot Health Care Email: [email protected] Personal Professional

Service - Free Estimates CHARLIE JEFFERY essential sewage “The Acorns” - Hartland Tel (01237) 441543 systems ~~~~~~~ 01237 domestic & commercial sewage 478256 GARDEN MAINTENANCE and drainage engineers GRASS CUTTING HEDGETRIMMING Unit 21 - 23 Daddon Court Business Park 01237 441322 Clovelly Road Industrial Estate, Bideford FENCING, ETC 07899 802423 Functional and Decorative Pottery Tiles, garden pots, kitchen and tableware and individual pots SPRINGFIELD POTTERY PHILIP and FRANNIE LEACH SPRINGFIELD, HARTLAND Telephone Hartland (01237) 441506 Open Mon-Sat 10 - 1, 2 - 5 · Visitors Welcome CHRIS HEARD CARPENTER & JOINER Experienced and Qualified All aspects covered from general building maintenance to purpose made joinery Tel: 01237 441 666 26 The Hartland Post Mob: No.07968 7 Summer 732 442 2017 Discover the stunning beauty of The Perfect Venue... BRYN VANSTONE Discover the stunning beauty of TheThe Perfect Perfect Venue... Venue... BRYN VANSTONE Discover the stunning beauty of Welcombe Village Hall is easily accessible BRYN(W. J. VanstoneVANSTONE & Sons) WelcombeWelcombeThe Village Village Perfect Hall Hall is easily easily accessible accessible BRYN(W. J. VanstoneVANSTONE & Sons) Discoverfrom Slovenia ourthe stunningvillage cottage beauty of and stands in its own quiet location, Established 1954 fromSlovenia our village cottage Welcombeandand stands Thestands Village Perfect in in its itsHall own own quiet easilyquiet location, location, accessible (W. J.Established Vanstone 1954 & Sons) from Slovenia our village cottage surrounded by community woodland and BRYNEstablished VANSTONE 1954 Cottage,Discover close the to Italian stunning border. beauty Sleeps of 6+, surroundedsurroundedand standsThe by byPerfect in community communityits own Venue... quiet woodland woodland location, and and Cottage,wood fromburner, closeSlovenia our to balcony, Italian village border.orchard cottage Sleeps garden. 6+, Welcombeoverlooking Village the dramatic Hall is Atlanticeasily accessible Ocean. BRYNLivestock(W. J.Established VanstoneVANSTONE Haulage 1954 & Sons) woodDiscover burner, the balcony, stunning orchard beauty garden.The of Perfect Venue... surroundedoverlookingoverlooking bythe the community dramatic dramatic Atlantic Atlanticwoodland Ocean. Ocean. and Livestock Haulage Cottage,Winterwood burner,sports, closeSlovenia to hotbalcony, Italian summers, border.orchard lakes, Sleeps garden. The white Perfect 6+, Venue...Welcombe overlookingRecentlyand stands refurbishedThe Village the Perfect in our dramaticits hallHall own now hasquiet Atlanticeasily a large, location, accessible bright Ocean. main from our village cottageThe Perfect Venue... RecentlyRecently refurbished refurbished our our hall hall now now has has a alarge, large, bright bright main main (W.Over J.Established 50Vanstone Years of 1954 &Service Sons) Winter sports, hot summers, lakes, white hallRecently with an adjoiningrefurbished side our hall hall and now skittle has aalley. large, The bright doors main of the BRYNOver 50VANSTONE Years of Service water,WinterwoodDiscover hills burner,sports, and the hot balcony,mountains. stunning summers, orchard Perfect beauty lakes, garden.Welcombe forwhite of the Village Hallhallhall surroundedoverlookingis easilywithwithand anan accessible adjoiningstandsadjoining byandthe side sidein standscommunity dramatic hallitshall andinownand its skittle skittleown quiet Atlantic quiet alley.woodlandalley. location, TheThe doorsOcean.doors surrounded and ofof thethe hall by LivestockOver 50 Years Haulage of Service water,Cottage, hillsfrom closeSlovenia and our to mountains. Italian village border. cottage Perfect Sleeps TheWelcombe for Perfect 6+,the VillageVenue... HallWelcombe hallhall is open easilywith an outaccessible adjoining onThe toVillage a and grass Perfectside stands hallarea Hall inand leading its skittleVenue...ownis easilydirectly quiet alley. location, Theto accessible the doors Millennium surrounded of the by to(W. the J. Farming Vanstone Community & Sons) water, hillsadventurous and mountains. or to relax! PerfectcommunityWelcombe for the Villagewoodland Hallhallopen and is Recently openeasily overlookingout on outaccessible to refurbishedon a to grassthe a and dramaticgrass area standsour area leadinghall Atlantic in leading nowits directlyown Ocean.has directly quiet a large,to location,the to brightMillenniumthe Millennium surrounded main Wood, by BRYNto theEstablished Farming VANSTONE Community 1954 Winterwood burner,sports,adventurous hotbalcony, summers, or orchardto relax! lakes, white woodlandhallWood, andsurroundedoverlooking open overlooking an out enclosed on to the aby thechildren’sdramaticgrass community dramatic area Atlantic play leading area, Ocean. Atlanticdirectly awoodland field tofor the Ocean.activities Millennium and and LivestockOver 50 Years Haulage of Service Cottage,Discover closeSlovenia the to Italian stunning border. beauty Sleeps communityThe of Perfect 6+, woodlandVenue...Welcombe Wood,hall andan with enclosedoverlookingand an an enclosed standsadjoining children’s theVillage children’sdramatic sidein play itshall Hall area,Atlantic playownand aarea, skittleis field Ocean.quiet easily a alley. forfield activitieslocation, The foraccessible doorsactivities and of parking theand to the Farming Community water, hillsfromadventurous and our mountains. village or to cottage relax! PerfectWelcombe for the Village HallparkingWood, is easily anfacilities. accessible enclosed Inside, andchildren’s standsthe main playin itshall area, own has quieta a field sprung location, for woodenactivities surrounded floor, and by (W. J.Established Vanstone 1954 & Sons) WinterChris sports, and hotJenny, summers, 01237 lakes, 441666 white hallparkingfacilities. Recentlyopen facilities. out Inside, refurbishedonThe toInside, the a Recentlygrass Perfectmain theour areahall mainhall refurbished hasleading now hall aVenue... hassprung directly our a large,sprung hallwooden to now brightthe wooden has floor,Millennium main a large, floor,perfect bright main Pengari – Woolley – Bude woodDiscoverChris burner, and the balcony,Jenny, stunning 01237orchard beauty 441666 garden. of parkingperfectsurroundedoverlookingand facilities.for dancing. stands Inside, byThetheRecently in thecommunitykitchen dramaticits main refurbished own has hall stainless hasquiet Atlantic our woodlanda sprung hall steellocation, now woodenunits,Ocean. has aanddouble large, floor, bright main BRYNLivestocktoPengari Overthe Farming 50VANSTONE – Years Woolley Haulage Communityof Service – Bude Cottage,Chrisfrom closeadventurous Sloveniaand our to Jenny, Italian village or 01237 cottage relax! 441666 Sleeps Thecommunity Perfect 6+, woodlandVenue... perfectWood,hall forand dancing.with overlooking anfor an encloseddancing. adjoining The the kitchen Thechildren’s dramatic Perfectside kitchen has hall Atlantic stainless playand has area,skittleVenue... stainless Ocean. steel a alley. field units, steel The for double units,doorsactivities double sink,of theand hot Pengari – Woolley – Bude water,Discover hills [email protected] and the mountains. stunning Perfect beautyWelcombe for of the Village HallWelcombeperfectsink, isRecently easily hot for water,accessible dancing. refurbished two Village andThestandardhallRecently standswithkitchenour hall Hall anrefurbishedelectric in adjoininghas nowits own isstainless hascookers easily quietour sidea large, hall halllocation,steeland now accessibleandbright a units, microwave. has skittle surrounded main adouble large, alley. bright The by doors main BRYNEstablished VANSTONE 1954 Winter sports, [email protected] hot summers, lakes, white parkinghallsink,water,surroundedoverlooking open hot facilities.two outwater, standard onThe two toInside, aby thestandardhallgrass Perfectelectric thecommunitywith dramatic area main ancookerselectric leadingadjoining hall Venue... cookershasand Atlanticdirectly sidewoodland aa sprungmicrowave. halland to and thea woodenOcean. microwave. skittleMillennium Crockery,and floor,alley. The doors Livestockto(W.Tel/Fax: Overthe J. Farming 50Vanstone Years(01288) Haulage Communityof & Service331460 Sons) woodChris burner, [email protected] and balcony,Jenny, or 01237 orchardto relax! 441666 woodlandWelcombehall sink,and with overlooking hot anwater,Crockery, adjoining two theVillage cutlery standardofhalldramatic side the with halland Hall anAtlanticelectric open andglassware adjoining skittle outis Ocean.cookers easilyon side alley.are to a hallprovidedand grassThe accessibleand a doorsareamicrowave. skittle leading of alley. the directly The doors to PengariTel/Fax: – (01288)Woolley 331460 – Bude water,Cottage, hills close and to mountains. Italian border. Perfect SleepsWelcombeThe for Perfect 6+,the VillageVenue... Hall perfectWood, is easilycutlery anfor Crockery,accessible encloseddancing. and glassware cutleryandThechildren’sofRecently the standskitchen hall andare refurbished play openinprovidedglassware has its area, own outstainless on quietforoura are tofield 100 hall a location,steelprovided grass placefornow units, activitiesarea has settings.surrounded aleadingdouble large, and brightdirectly by main to BRYN(W. J. VanstoneVANSTONE & Sons) sports, Slovenia the hot stunning summers, beauty lakes, white of hall Recentlyopenand out stands refurbishedon to a grassfor in 100our itsarea hallplace own leading now settings. hasquiet directly a large, location, to brightthe Millennium main from our village cottage Crockery, cutlery and glassware are provided Tel/Fax: (01288) 331460 wood burner, [email protected] balcony, orchard garden. Welcombeparkingsink,overlooking andhot facilities. water, standsThe two Inside,Village thestandard halltheofforPerfect inthe theMillennium100with dramatic itshall main placeHall anelectric openown adjoining hall settings. Wood,Venue...outis cookershasquiet Atlanticeasilyon sidea anto sprung aenclosed hallandlocation, grass accessibleand a woodenOcean. areamicrowave. skittle children’s leading floor,alley. playdirectly The area, doors to a LivestocktoMobile: OvertheEstablished Farming 50 Years(07971) Haulage Communityof 1954 Service810679 Sloveniaandgorenja-vas/104815 Jenny, or 01237 to relax! 441666 Thecommunity Perfect woodlandVenue... Wood,hall and Fromwith overlooking an an the enclosed adjoining hall the it is children’sRecentlythedramatic aside beautiful Millennium hall refurbishedAtlantic playand 20 area,skittle Wood,minute Ocean. oura alley. an fieldwalk hall enclosed The fornowto the doorsactivities has children’sbeach a oflarge, the andat playbright area, main a Pengari(W.Mobile: J. Vanstone – (07971) Woolley &810679 –Sons) Bude water, hillsfrom gorenja-vas/104815and our mountains. village cottage PerfectWelcombe for the Village Hallperfect surroundedis easily for accessible dancing. byandThefor standscommunity100kitchen place in has its settings. own stainless quiet woodland location,steel units, surrounded anddouble by BRYNTel/Fax:Mobile:Established VANSTONE (07971)(01288) 1954 810679331460 Cottage,Winter sports, close to hot Italian summers, border. lakes, Sleeps white 6+, hallFrom RecentlyopenWelcombe the outCrockery, hall refurbishedon Mouth,itto is a cutlery afieldofthegrass beautiful theand Millenniumour for hallareaand theactivitieshall open 20 glasswarestunningleading now minute Wood,out hasand ondirectly southwest parking awalk are anto large, aenclosed provided grassto to facilities.the brightthe coast area beach Millenniumchildren’s main leading path.Inside, at play directly the area,main to a [email protected]/104815 Welcombeparkingsink,surrounded andhot facilities. water, stands two Inside,Village by standardhall in thecommunitywith its main Hall anelectric own adjoining hall is cookershasquiet easily sidewoodlanda sprung hallandlocation, accessibleand a wooden microwave. skittle and floor,alley. The doors to Overthe Farming 50 Years Communityof Service Chrisfromadventurous and our Jenny, village or 01237 to cottage relax! 441666community woodlandhall andFromWelcombe with overlooking the an halladjoining Mouth, it the is adramaticfor andsidebeautiful 100 thehall place Atlanticstunning and20 minute settings.skittle Ocean. southwest alley.walk toThe thecoast doors beach path. of at the Pengari(W. J. Vanstone – Woolley & –Sons) Bude water,Cottage,wood hills burner, close and to balcony,mountains. Italian border.orchard Perfect Sleeps garden.Welcombe for 6+,the Village HallperfectWood, overlookingisWelcombe easily anfor accessible encloseddancing. Mouth, andThethechildren’shalltheRecentlyfield and standsMillenniumhaskitchen for dramaticthe aactivities refurbished sprungstunning playin has its area, Wood,own stainless woodenand southwestAtlantic quietoura parking anfield hall floor,enclosed location,steel fornow facilities. coast perfectunits,Ocean.activities has children’ssurrounded path. adouble Inside,forlarge, anddancing. play brightthe by area, main The main a LivestockTel/Fax:Mobile:Established (07971)(01288) Haulage 1954 810679331460 gorenja-vas/104815 The Perfect Venue... hallsurrounded openTheand hall outCrockery, stands ison an to ideal acutleryby ofgrass inthe venuecommunity itshallareaand foropen own glasswareleading weddings, out quiet ondirectly woodlandare to family a providedlocation, grass to thecelebrations, area Millennium andleading directly to parkingoverlookingTheWelcombeRecently hall facilities. is refurbishedan Mouth, idealInside, thehall venueand thehaswithour dramaticthe mainahallfor an sprungstunning weddings, adjoiningnow hall woodenhas southwestAtlantic sidea family large,sprung floor, hall celebrations,andbrightcoast perfectwoodenOcean. skittle path.main for floor,alley. dancing. The doorsThe wood fromburner, [email protected] our balcony, village orchard cottage garden. sink,From hot the water, hall ittwo is astandardkitchen beautiful has electric 20 stainless minute cookers steel walk units,and to the a double microwave. beach sink, at hot water, Livestockto the Farming Haulage Community Cottage,WinterChris sports, closeadventurous and to hotJenny, Italian summers, or 01237 relax! lakes, 441666 SleepsThecommunity white Perfect 6+, woodlandVenue... Wood, andmeetings,The overlooking hall an enclosedis concerts, an idealthe children’skitchenRecentlyfielddramaticfor classes,venue 100 for has activitiesfor place refurbishedAtlantic dances,play stainlessweddings, settings.area, Ocean.and and steeloura parking familyfieldcommunity hall units, fornow facilities.celebrations, doubleactivities has events. a Inside,sink,large, and It hot brightisthe water, main main PengariEstablished – Woolley 1954 – Bude perfecthallmeetings,Recently with for an dancing. concerts,adjoiningrefurbished Thethe classes,side Millenniumkitchenour hall hall dances,and hasnow skittleWood, stainless has and aalley. an large,community enclosed steel The bright units,doors children’s events. main double of the play area, a Tel/Fax:Mobile:Over 50 Years(07971)(01288) of Service810679331460 Winterwood burner,sports,gorenja-vas/104815 hotbalcony, summers, orchard lakes, garden.twoWelcombe white standard Village electric Hall cookersalso surroundedmeetings,overlookingisTheWelcombe easily a hallpopular and Crockery,accessible is concerts,a an microwave.Mouth, exhibition ideal cutlerybyandthehallkitchenof venueandclasses, the standscommunityhas spaceCrockery, dramatic thehalland hasafor sprungstunning openin dances, glassware stainlessweddings,for its cutlery localownout wooden southwestandAtlanticon steelquiet artists, woodland areandfamilyto community floor,a units, location,providedglassware grass and celebrations, coast perfectdoubleOcean. areaas surroundedevents.a path.are andleadingworkshop forsink, provided dancing. hot directly by water, for The to Livestock Haulage water,Cottage, hills [email protected] and to mountains. Italian border. Perfect SleepsThe for Perfect 6+,the Venue... parkinghallsink,ItFrom is with hotalso facilities. the anwater, a hall adjoiningpopular ittwo Inside, is a standardfieldhallexhibition sidebeautiful thewith for hall main activities anelectric andspace20 adjoining hall minute skittle andcookershasfor localsideparkingalley.walka sprung halland artists, toThe facilities. theand a wooden doorsmicrowave. beachandskittle asInside,of floor,atalley. thea the The main doors PengariOver 50 – Years Woolley of Service – Bude Chris and Jenny, 01237 441666twoWelcombe standard The Village electric Perfect Hallhall cookers meetings,Itis Recently openiseasilyVenue... also and outaccessible a concerts,a refurbishedpopularon microwave. tovenue a and theRecentlygrassexhibitionfor classes, forstandsMillennium100our Crockery, areayoga, hall placerefurbished indances,space leading nowitsaikido settings. cutlery Wood,own hasfor anddirectly quietourlocal a andan large,communitytai hall enclosed location,glasswareartists, chi. to now brightthe has and Millennium children’s surroundedevents. mainare a as large, provided a playbright by area, for main a toMobile: the Farming (07971) CommunityAward 810679 Winningwater,Winter hills sports,adventurous and hot mountains.Baby summers, or to relax! Perfect lakes, and100community forwhite place the settings. woodland perfect andoverlookingTheWelcombe overlooking hall forCrockery, an Mouth, idealthe cutlery Thethekitchendramatic venueand kitchen dramaticthe and hasfor Atlanticstunning glassware stainlessweddings,has stainless Ocean. southwestAtlantic steel arefamily units,steelprovided celebrations, coast doubleunits,Ocean. path. double sink, hot water, Tel/Fax: (01288)Award 331460 Winningwood burner,gorenja-vas/104815 balcony,Baby orchard andgarden. hall open outworkshop on to a venueofgrass the hallareafor yoga,open leading out aikido ondirectly toand a grass taito thechi. area Millennium leading directly to Wood,It is also anworkshop encloseda popular children’s venuehallexhibition has for a sprungplay yoga,space area, aikidowooden for alocal fieldand floor, artists, tai for chi.perfect activities and asfor aanddancing. The LivestockOver 50 Years Haulage of Service [email protected] The Perfect The Venue... Perfect hallsink,meetings,From Venue...with hot the anwater, hallconcerts,adjoining ittwo is astandardhall classes,sidebeautiful with hall anelectric dances,and20 adjoining minute skittle cookers and sidealley.walk community halland toThe theand a doorsmicrowave. beachskittle events. of atalley. the The doors to the Farming CommunityAward Winningwater, hillsadventurous and mountains.Baby or to relax! Perfect andtwo100Welcombecommunity for placestandard the settings. Villagewoodland electric Hallparking Wood,cookers and isRecently easily Foroverlooking anfacilities. and detailsaccessible enclosed arefurbished microwave. theInside, of and children’sfielddramaticavailabilityfor standsthe100our forCrockery, main activitieshallplace Atlantic playin now itshalland settings.cutleryarea, own Ocean.hasand hire quieta parking aand field large,sprungcharges location,glassware for facilities. bright woodenactivities contact surrounded mainare Inside, providedfloor, and the by mainfor Winter sports, hot summers, lakes, white hallThe open hall outworkshop is onan toideal a venuekitchenthegrass venue Millennium areafor hasfor yoga, stainlessweddings,leading Wood, aikido directly steel an familyand enclosedunits, taito celebrations, thechi. double Millenniumchildren’s sink, hot play water, area, a PengariTel/Fax:Mobile: – (07971) (01288)Woolley 810679331460 – Bude Chris andgorenja-vas/104815 Jenny, 01237 441666From the hallTheWelcombe it isPerfect a beautifulhallIt Welcombe ForVillageis Venue...with also 20details anCrockery, minute a Hall adjoiningpopular Mouth, ofKirstie iswalk availability cutleryeasily hallRecentlyofexhibition and side tothe has Rosserthe the hallandaccessible a beachrefurbished sprung stunning openandspaceglassware and 01288 atskittle out wooden hireWelcombefor southwestonand ourlocal alley.331796are chargesto hall standsfloor,a providedartists, grassThe Mouth,now coast perfect doorsareacontact hasinand andpath.its aleading as foroflarge, ownthe the adancing. stunning brightdirectly quiet The main tolocation, surrounded by to Overthe Farming 50 Years CommunityAwardof Service Winningwater, hillsadventurous and and Jenny,mountains.Baby or 01237 to relax! Perfect 441666 and100Welcombecommunity for place the settings. Villagewoodland HallparkingperfectWood, and meetings,isFrom easily overlooking anfacilities.for the accessible encloseddancing. hallconcerts, it theInside, is and Theachildren’sfielddramatic classes,beautiful standsthekitchen for main activities Atlantic play indances,20 has itshall minute area, own stainless Ocean.andhas and quieta parkingwalka field communitysprung location,steel to for facilities.the woodenunits,activities beach surroundedevents. double Inside, floor,at and the by main Fromtwo standard the hall itelectric is a beautiful cookersFor 20 detailsand workshopminute a microwave. of walk availability venueRecentlyfor to 100 theCrockery, for placebeachrefurbished yoga, and settings.atcutlery aikido hireWelcombe our andcharges and hall glassware tai Mouth,now chi. contact has andare a large, providedthe stunning bright for main Pengari – Woolley – Bude [email protected] southwest communityWelcombecoast path.hallperfectsink, The Villageopenwoodland hot hall for outwater, Hall onanKirstie [email protected] is a easilyThe standardkitchenhallthegrass overlookingvenue Rosser Millenniumwithkitchen areaaccessible hasfor anelectric stainlessweddings,leadingadjoining01288has Wood, thestainless cookers anddirectly 331568steeldramatic side anfamily stands enclosed units,hallsteeland to celebrations, and thea doubleunits, Atlanticmicrowave. inskittle Millenniumchildren’s its double sink, ownalley. Ocean. hot play quietThe water, area, doors location, a surrounded by toMobile: the Farming (07971) Community 810679 adventurousgorenja-vas/104815 or to relax! communityThe woodland Perfectparking andItWelcombe isVenue... overlooking also facilities. a popular Mouth, theInside, halldramaticexhibition and thehas the maina Atlanticsprungstunning space hall wooden Ocean.hasfor southwest local a sprung floor, artists, coast perfectwooden and path. asfor floor, adancing. The PengariTel/Fax: – (01288)WoolleyAward Pre-schooler331460 – Bude WinningChris [email protected] andClasses Jenny,Baby 01237 441666 andFromsouthwest100 place the hallsettings. Welcombecoast it is path. a beautifulWood,sink, meetings,From ForVillage hot 20an detailsthe water,Crockery, minuteenclosed hallHallconcerts,[email protected] ittwoof iswalkis availability cutlery easilyachildren’sstandardoffieldRecentlyhall classes, beautiful totheRosser with thefor hallandaccessible activities beach anrefurbishedelectric playopen dances,20glassware adjoiningand01288 minute atarea, out hireandWelcombecookers and onand 331568oura sideparking walkare chargestofield community hall stands a hallprovidedand grassto Mouth,fornow facilities. theand a has beachinskittle events. andits aleading Inside,large, owntheatalley. and stunning brightdirectly the quietThe main doors main tolocation, surrounded by two standardcommunity electric cookers woodland andworkshop a microwave. and venue overlooking Crockery, for yoga, cutlery the aikido dramatic and and glassware tai chi. Atlantic are provided Ocean. for perfectThe hall for an ideal Thekitchen venue kitchen hasfor stainlessweddings,has stainless steel family units,steel celebrations, doubleunits, double sink, hot water, Tel/Fax: (01288) Pre-schooler331460 Classes The PerfectparkingItWelcombe isVenue... also facilities.Crockery, a popular [email protected], Inside, cutlery hallofexhibitionfor and the the100with thehalland main placean stunning openspaceglassware adjoining hall settings. out hasfor southweston local sideaare to sprung a hallprovidedartists, grass andcoast wooden area andskittle path. leading as floor,alley. a directly The doors to Chris [email protected] and Jenny, 01237 441666southwest coast path.sink, hot water,Kirstie two standardhallthe Rosser Millenniumhas a electricsprung 01288 Wood, wooden cookers 331568 an floor,enclosed and aperfect microwave. children’s for dancing. play area, The a PengariMobile: – (07971) WoolleyAward 810679 – Bude Baby andFrom100 place the hallsettings.Welcombecommunity it is a beautifulperfectmeetings, ForVillagewoodland 20fordetails minutedancing. Hallconcerts, andof iswalk availability easilyTheRecently overlookingclasses, to kitchen the accessible beachrefurbished dances, andhas at the stainless hireWelcombe andand Recentlydramaticour charges community hallstands steel Mouth,now refurbishedunits, Atlanticcontact hasin events. andits adouble large, ownthe Ocean. stunning bright quietour hallmain location, now has surrounded a large, bright by main two standard electric cookers andworkshop a microwave. venuefor 100 Crockery, for place yoga, settings.cutlery aikido and and glassware tai chi. are provided for Tel/Fax: (01288) Pre-schooler331460 Classes The hall is an ideal venueItTheFrom isfor also hallweddings, theCrockery, ais hall [email protected] itideal familyis cutlerya kitchenfieldoftheexhibition venuebeautiful the Millennium for halland hasactivitiesfor openspace 20glasswarestainlessweddings, minute Wood,out andfor on steel localparking walk are anfamilyto aenclosedunits, provided artists,grassto facilities.celebrations,the double area beachand children’s leading asInside,sink, at a hot play directlythe water, area,main to a Mobile: (07971) 810679 [email protected]/104815 southwest Thecoast Perfect path.sink, Venue... hot water, Kirstie two standardhall Rosser with anelectric adjoining01288 cookers 331568hallRecently side with halland and a anrefurbished microwave. skittle adjoining alley. Theour side doors hall hall now and has skittle a large, alley. bright The doors main A Awardfantastic choice Winning of fun developmentalBaby andFrom100 place the hallsettings.Welcombecommunity it is a beautifulmeetings,From WelcombeForVillagewoodland 20 detailsthe minute hallHallconcerts, Mouth, itandof iswalkis availability easilyafield for overlookingandclasses, beautifulto 100 thefor the accessible activitiesplacebeach stunning dances,20 and minute the hireandWelcombe southwestandand dramatic parking walkcharges community stands to Mouth, facilities. thecoast Atlanticcontact beachin events. andpath.its Inside, owntheat Ocean. stunning thequiet main location, surrounded by celebrations,Thetwo hallstandard is an meetings,idealelectric venue cookers concerts, for weddings, andCrockery,workshop classes, a microwave. family dances,cutlery venuehallofthe the Millenniumhas Crockery, hallandfor a sprung yoga, openglassware cutlery Wood,out aikidowooden on areand an toand floor,aenclosed providedglassware grass tai chi.perfect area children’s are leading for provided dancing. playdirectly area,for The to a Tel/Fax:Mobile: (07971) (01288) A fantastic 810679Pre-schooler331460 choice fun gorenja-vas/104815Classes developmental ItWelcombe is also a popular [email protected], exhibition and the stunning space for southwest ofhallRecentlylocal the with artists, hall coast anrefurbished openand adjoining path. as out a on our side to hall ahall grass now and area has skittle aleading large, alley. brightdirectly The doors main to 100communitysouthwest place settings. Thecoast events. Perfect path. It is alsoTheFrom Venue... ahall thepopular is hall an Kirstie itexhibitionideal is akitchenhallfieldfor venuebeautiful Rosser 100has for has aactivitiesforplace sprung 20 stainlessweddings,01288 minutesettings. woodenand 331568steelof parkingwalk family the floor,units, to hall facilities.celebrations,the perfectdouble openbeach Inside,forsink, outat dancing. hot onthe water, tomain The a grass area leading directly to Mobile: (07971)Award 810679 classes Winning available for Baby babies andfromTheFromcommunitycelebrations, hall the is hall anWelcombecommunity events. meetings,idealit is a venue beautifulIt is alsoconcerts, ForVillage woodlandfor a weddings,20 detailspopular workshopminute classes,Hall exhibitionandof familyiswalk dances,availability easilyvenuethe overlooking to Millennium the andforaccessible beach yoga, and at Wood,the aikido hireWelcombe and dramatic chargesan and standsenclosed tai Mouth, chi. Atlanticcontact in children’s andits ownthe Ocean. stunningplay quiet area, location, a surrounded by A fantastic Pre-schooler classes choice available of fun gorenja-vas/104815Classes for developmental babies fromspace for local artists, andmeetings,TheWelcombe as hall a workshop is concerts, an [email protected], ideal venuehallkitchen venueandclasses, has for the has afor sprungstunning dances, stainlessweddings, wooden southwestand steeltheRecentlyofhall family thecommunity Millenniumfloor,withunits, hall celebrations, coast perfectdoubleanrefurbished open adjoiningevents. path. forsink, Wood,out dancing. hot on our side water, anto Thehall aenclosedhall grass now and area has skittle children’s aleading large, alley. playbrightdirectly The area, doors main to a southwestspacecommunitytwo standard for local coast events. electric artists, path. It iscookers and alsoFrom as a a thepopularand workshop halla microwave. itexhibition is venue afield beautiful forforCrockery, activities 20 minute cutlery andthe parking walkand Millennium glassware to facilities.the beach are Inside, Wood,providedat the an mainfor enclosed children’s play area, a celebrations,community meetings,meetings, Itconcerts, woodlandis also a classes, concerts,popularKirstie and dances, exhibition overlookingclasses, Rosser and dances,space 01288 the for and 331568 dramaticlocal community artists, Atlantic and events. as aOcean. classes available for babies fromyoga,twoTheFrom hallstandard theaikido is hall anWelcombeThe and idealitelectric isPerfect tai a venue beautifulchi. cookers The WelcombeForVillage forVenue... hall weddings,20 detailsand minute is Halla an microwave. Mouth, ofideal familyiswalk availability easilykitchen venueand to theCrockery, the accessible has forbeach stunning stainlessweddings,and atcutlery hireWelcombe southwestand steelfieldtheof andchargesfamily the stands Millenniumunits, glasswarefor Mouth,hall celebrations, coastactivities double contact openin andpath.itsare sink, Wood,ownprovidedoutthe and hotstunning on quiet parkingwater, anto for aenclosed location, grass facilities. area children’ssurrounded leadingInside, play directlythe by area, main to a A Awardfantastic choice Winning of fun developmentalBaby andcommunityyoga,space100 place aikidofor localsettings. events.and artists, tai Itchi. isand Italso is as alsoa a popular workshop a [email protected] exhibition venue hallexhibition has for a sprung space wooden for fieldRecentlyhalllocal floor,with artists,for activities perfectanrefurbished and adjoining asfor adancing.and our sideparking Thehall hall now facilities. and has skittle a Inside,large, alley. brightthe The main doors main Pre-schooler Classes workshop venue for yoga, aikido and tai chi. birth to children aged celebrations,southwest Thecoast meetings, Perfect path. meetings, concerts, Venue... classes,concerts, Kirstie dances, classes, Rosser and dances, 01288 and 331568 community events. Award classes Winning available for Baby babies andfromTheyoga,two100 hallplacestandard aikido is settings.ancommunity and idealelectric tai venue chi. cookers The woodlandfor hallweddings, and is a an microwave. andideal family overlookingvenue Crockery, for weddings, cutlery the thedramatic andfamily Millennium glassware celebrations, Atlantic are Wood,provided Ocean. an for enclosed children’s play area, a space for local artists, and as a workshopworkshop venue venuekitchen for for has yoga, stainless aikido steelhalloffield andthe hasunits, for taihall aactivitieschi. double sprung open sink, out woodenand hot on parkingwater, to floor,a grass facilities. perfect area leading Inside,for dancing. directlythe main The to A fantastic Pre-schoolerbirth choice to children of fun Classes ageddevelopmental ForcommunityFrom details the hall WelcombeTheof events. availabilityit isPerfect a beautifulIt is Italso ForandVillageisVenue... alsoa 20hire detailspopular minute a chargesHall popular [email protected] exhibitionof iswalk availability contacteasily exhibition to the accessible beach space and at hireWelcombefor and hallRecentlylocal charges standshaswith artists, Mouth, a anrefurbished sprungcontact inand adjoining andits as ownthe wooden a stunning quietour side hall floor, halllocation, now and perfect has skittle surrounded a forlarge, alley. dancing. bright The by doorsThe main meetings, concerts, classes, dances, and community events. Award classes Winning available for Baby babies andfromyoga,twocelebrations,100 placestandard aikido settings. and meetings,electric tai chi. cookers concerts, and classes, a microwave. dances, Crockery, and cutlery and glassware are provided for workshop venue for yoga, aikidofield and for tai activitieschi. and parking facilities. Inside, the main 4 years 11months ForspacesouthwestTheKirstieFrom detailshall thefor Rosser is localhall anWelcombecoastof idealavailabilityit01288 artists, is path. a venue beautiful 331568 and ForandVillage for as weddings,20hireadetails workshop minute chargesHallKirstie of familyiswalk venue availability contacteasily toRosser thefor accessible beach and01288 at hireWelcombe and331568kitchenhallofthe charges the standsMillenniumhas Mouth,hall hasa sprungcontact openin stainless andits Wood, ownoutthe wooden stunning on steelquiet anto floor,aenclosed units, location, grass perfectdouble area children’ssurrounded leading forsink, dancing. hot playdirectly by water, area, The to a A fantasticbirth4 choiceyears to children 11months of fun ageddevelopmental communityKirstie Rosser communityThe events. 01288 Perfect It 331568 is Italso woodlandisVenue... also a popular a popular exhibitionand exhibitionoverlooking space the for Recentlyhalldramaticlocal with artists, anrefurbishedAtlantic and adjoining as aOcean. our side hall hall now and has skittle a large, alley. bright The doors main Award Winning Baby andcelebrations,[email protected] place settings. coast meetings, path. concerts, classes,Kirstie dances, Rosser and 01288 331568 Pre-schooler classes4 years available 11months Classes for babies from [email protected],From theaikido Rosser hall twocommunityWelcombe and it01288 isstandard tai a beautifulchi. 331568 ForVillagewoodland electric 20details workshopminute [email protected] cookers andof iswalk availability easilyvenue overlooking to theand foraccessible beach ayoga, andmicrowave. at the aikido hireWelcombe and kitchenhallfielddramatic charges and standshas forCrockery, tai Mouth, hasaactivitieschi. Atlanticsprungcontact in stainless andits cutlery ownthe woodenOcean.and stunning steelquiet parking and floor, units, location,glassware facilities. perfectdouble surrounded are Inside,forsink, provided dancing. hot the by water, mainfor The spaceTheFor detailshall for is local antwoof idealavailability artists, standard venue and and for as electric weddings,hirea workshop charges cookers family venue contact andfor a microwave.ofthe the Millennium Crockery, hall open cutlery Wood,out on and anto aenclosed glassware grass area children’s are leading provided playdirectly area,for to a A fantastic Pre-schoolerbirth choice to children of fun Classes ageddevelopmental southwestcommunity coast events. path. It is also a [email protected] exhibition Rosser 01288 331568hall with an adjoining side hall and skittle alley. The doors [email protected] classes4 years available 11months for babies from yoga, celebrations,KirstieFrom theaikido Rosser hall 100twocommunityWelcombe and meetings,it01288 isplacestandard tai a beautifulchi. 331568 settings. concerts, ForVillagewoodland electric 20details minute classes,Hall cookers andof iswalk dances,availability easily overlooking to theand andaccessible beach a andmicrowave. at the hireWelcombe and hallkitchenfieldRecentlydramatic charges standshas forCrockery, Mouth, hasaactivities refurbished Atlanticsprungcontact in stainless andits cutlery ownthe woodenOcean.and stunning steelquietour parking and hall floor, units, location,glassware now facilities. perfectdouble has surrounded are a Inside,forsink,large, provided dancing. hot brightthe by water, mainfor The main Pre-schoolerbirth to children Classes aged space For details for local of availability artists, and and as hirea workshop [email protected] venue contact for ofthe the Millennium hall open Wood,out on anto aenclosed grass area children’s leading playdirectly area, to a [email protected] hall is an100twocommunitycoast events. ideal placestandard path. venue It is settings. also woodlandfor electrica weddings, popular Kirstiecookers exhibitionand family overlooking Rosser and a 01288microwave. the 331568Recentlydramatic Crockery, refurbishedAtlantic cutlery Ocean. our and hall glassware now has are a large, provided bright for main A fantastic classes4 choiceyears available 11months of fun for developmental babies from yoga, Kirstie aikido Rosser and 01288 tai chi. 331568 hallkitchenfield haswith for hasaactivities an sprung stainlessadjoining woodenand steel sideparking floor,units,hall facilities. and perfectdouble skittle Inside,forsink, alley. dancing. hot the The water, main doorsThe Pre-schooler Classes celebrations,spaceTheFor detailshall for is local anFromof meetings,idealavailability artists, the venue andhall concerts, and for as it weddings,hirea is workshop a classes,charges [email protected] family venue dances,contact 20 for and minute walkRecentlythe to Millennium the beachrefurbished at Wood, Welcombe our an hall enclosed Mouth,now has children’s and a large, the stunning playbright area, main a A fantasticbirth choice to children of fun ageddevelopmental [email protected] 100From place the hallsettings. it is a beautiful 20 minute walkhall to with the beachan adjoining at Welcombe side hall Mouth, and skittle and thealley. stunning The doors 4 years 11months celebrations,Kirstie Rosser two meetings,01288 standard 331568 concerts, electric classes, cookers dances, and and a microwave.hallkitchenof the has Crockery, hall hasa sprung open stainless cutlery out wooden on steel and to floor,aunits, glassware grass perfectdouble area are leading forsink, provided dancing. hot directly water, for The to A fantastic choice of fun developmentalForcommunityyoga,The detailshall aikido is anFromsouthwestof events. and idealavailability tai the venue Itchi. is hall alsocoast and for it a weddings,hire popularis path. a charges beautiful exhibition family contact 20 minute walkofRecentlyhallfield tothe with thefor hall activities beachanrefurbished open adjoining at out andWelcombe on our sideparking to hall ahall grass Mouth,now facilities. and area has skittle and aleading Inside,large, thealley. stunning brightdirectlythe The main doors main to classesbirth to available children foraged babies from [email protected] 100southwest events. place It is settings. alsocoast a popular path. exhibition the Millennium Wood, an enclosed children’s play area, a 4 years 11months KirstieThe spacecelebrations, hall for Rosser is local antwo meetings,ideal01288 artists, standard venue 331568 and concerts, for as electric weddings,a workshop classes, cookers family venuedances, andfor and a Crockery, has stainless cutlery steel and units, glassware double are sink, provided hot water, for classes available for babies fromFor details southwestFromof availability the hall coast and it hire is path. a charges beautiful contact 20 minute walkhalltheof tothe Millenniumhaswith the hall a beachan sprung open adjoining at Wood,out wooden Welcombe on side anto floor, aenclosedhall grass Mouth, and perfect area skittle children’s and leading for thealley. dancing. stunning playdirectly The area, doorsThe to a A fantastic choice of fun developmentalyoga,communityspace aikidofor local events.and artists, tai Itchi. isand also as a a popular workshop exhibition venue for [email protected],two100 meetings, placestandard settings. concerts, electric classes, cookers dances, and and a microwave.field forCrockery, activities cutlery and parking and glassware facilities. are Inside, provided the mainfor classesbirth4 years to available children 11months foraged babies from yoga,Kirstie aikido Rosser Fromsouthwest and 01288 tai the chi. 331568 hall coast it is path. a beautiful 20 minute walkkitchenfieldtheof tothe Millennium thefor hall has activitiesbeach open stainless at Wood,out andWelcombe on steel parking anto aenclosedunits, grass Mouth, facilities. double area children’s and leading Inside,sink, the hot stunning play directlythe water, area,main to a Visitbirth our website to children for more details: aged communityspace for local events. artists, It isandBuild also as a a -popular workshopDesign exhibition venue- Servicing for - Installationhall has a - sprungMaintenance wooden floor, perfect for dancing. The classes available for babies [email protected] details two100of availability placestandardBuild settings. and electric hire- Design charges cookers -contactServicing and a microwave.- Installation Crockery, - Maintenance cutlery and glassware are provided for FREE Visit our website for more details: spaceyoga, aikidofor localFromsouthwestThe and artists, hall tai the chi. is andhall ancoast as idealit a is workshoppath. a venue beautiful venue for weddings,20 for minute familywalkhallthefield to Millenniumhas thefor a activitiesbeach sprung at Wood, woodenandWelcombe parking an floor,enclosed Mouth, facilities. perfect children’s and Inside,for the dancing. stunningplay the area,main The a birth4 years to children 11months aged KirstieFor details Rosser Theof availability01288 hallComplete 331568isBuild an and ideal hire- Design chargesvenue Building - contactforServicing weddings, & - PlumbingInstallation familykitchen has - ServicesMaintenance stainless steel units, double sink, hot water, FREE Visit our website for more details: yoga, aikidocelebrations,100 and place tai chi. settings. meetings, concerts, classes, dances, and taster session years 11months ForKirstie details Rosser Thesouthwestof availability01288 hallComplete 331568is Oil ancoast and idealFired hire path. chargesvenue boiler’s Building contactfor & weddings, Ray &burns Plumbing family Servicingkitchenhallfield has for hasaactivities sprung&Services stainless Repairs woodenand steel parking floor,units, facilities. perfectdouble Inside,forsink, dancing. hot the water, main The tasterFREE session Visit our website to children for more details: aged [email protected] celebrations,twoFrom standard the Buildhall meetings,itelectric -is Designa beautiful cookers concerts,- Servicing 20 and minute classes, a microwave.- Installation walk dances, to theCrockery, and beach- Maintenance atcutlery Welcombe and glassware Mouth, andare providedthe stunning for [email protected] events. Fired Itboiler’s isBuilding also a& popular Ray &burns exhibitionPlumbing Servicing &Services Repairs tasteravailable session for 4 years 11months ForKirstie details Rosser celebrations,Thetwoof availability01288 hallstandard 331568is an and meetings,idealelectric hire chargesvenue cookers concerts, contactfor weddings, and classes, a microwave. family dances,kitchenhall has Crockery, and hasa sprung stainless cutlery wooden steel and floor,units, glassware perfectdouble are forsink, provided dancing. hot water, for The FREE [email protected] communityFrom100southwest place the Build hallOilsettings. coast events. Firedit -is path. Designa beautifulItboiler’s is also- Servicing a& Building20 popular Ray minute burnsContractor- exhibitionInstallation walk Servicing to the beach- &Maintenance Repairs at Welcombe Mouth, and the stunning available for Visit our website for more details: [email protected] space forComplete local artists, andBuilding as a workshop & Plumbing venue for Services taster session [email protected] years 11months Kirstie Rosser communitycelebrations,100two 01288 placestandard 331568 settings. events. meetings,electric It iscookers alsoconcerts, aBuilding popularand classes, a microwave.Contractor exhibition dances,kitchen Crockery, and has stainless cutlery steel and units, glassware double are sink, provided hot water, for availablelocalsFREE for spacesouthwestThe hall for is local Oil ancoast idealFired artists, path. venue boiler’s and for as & weddings,a Rayworkshop burns family venue Servicing for & Repairs [email protected] The Visit Milky our Way, website Clovelly, for more EX39 details: 5RY [email protected], placestandard aikidoCompleteBuild settings.Extensions, and electric - tai Design chi. cookersRoofing,Building - Servicing Building andAlterations, a & microwave.Contractor- PlumbingInstallation Conversions, Crockery, - DecoratingServicesMaintenance cutlery and glassware are provided for tasterlocals session celebrations,spacecommunityFrom thefor localhall Extensions,events. meetings,it artists, is a beautifulIt isandRoofing, alsoconcerts, as a 20a popular Alterations,workshop minute classes, exhibition walk Conversions, venuedances, to thefor and beach Decorating at Welcombe Mouth, and the stunning availableFREE for [email protected] The Milky Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY Fromyoga,The hall theaikido is hall Oilan and idealFiredit is tai a venue beautifulchi.boiler’s for & weddings,20 Ray minute burns familywalk Servicing to the beach & Repairs at Welcombe Mouth, and the stunning locals Visit our website for more details: southwest100 placeCompleteBuild settings. coastExtensions, - path.Design Roofing,Building Plumbing- Servicing Building Alterations, & Heating & Contractor- PlumbingInstallation Conversions, Engineers - DecoratingServicesMaintenance communityyoga,space aikidofor local events. and artists, tai Itchi. isand also as a a popular workshop exhibition venue for tasteravailable session for The Milky Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY southwestFromThecelebrations,For detailshall the is hall ancoastof meetings,idealavailabilityit is path. a venue beautiful Plumbingconcerts, and for weddings,20hire minute& classes,charges Heating familywalk dances, contactEngineers to the and beach at Welcombe Mouth, and the stunning localsFREE [email protected] BuildOilExtensions, Fired - Design boiler’s Roofing, - Servicing &Building Alterations,Ray burnsContractor- Installation Conversions, Servicing - Decorating&Maintenance Repairs Visit our website for more details: spaceyoga,For details aikidoforComplete local of and availability artists, tai chi. andBuilding Plumbing Fittedand as hirea Kitchens workshop & charges Heating & &Plumbing Bathrooms venue contactEngineers for Services The Milky Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY southwestFromcelebrations,communityKirstie the Rosser hall coast events. meetings,it01288 is path. a beautifulIt 331568 is alsoconcerts, a 20 popular minute classes, exhibition walk dances, to the and beach at Welcombe Mouth, and the stunning tasteravailable session for ForThe detailshall is Oil anof idealavailabilityFired venue boiler’s Fittedand for & weddings,hire Kitchens Ray charges burns & familyBathrooms contact Servicing & Repairs localsFREE [email protected] Kirstie RosserExtensions, 01288 331568 Roofing, BuildingBoiler Alterations, Installation Contractor Conversions, Decorating The Milky Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY [email protected], aikidoforComplete local and artists, tai chi. andBuilding PlumbingFitted as a Kitchens workshop & Heating & &Plumbing Bathrooms venue Engineers for Services tasteravailable session for Visit our website for more details: KirstieForcelebrations,southwestcommunity details RosserBuild coastof events. meetings,availability01288 - path.Design It 331568 is alsoconcerts, -andServicing a hire popular classes,charges - exhibitionInstallation dances,contact and - Maintenance locals [email protected] [email protected] Fired boiler’s &BuildingBoiler Ray Installation burnsContractor Servicing & Repairs Visit our website for more details: yoga,The hall aikido isBuild anExtensions, and ideal - taiDesign venue chi. Roofing, PlumbingFitted- forServicing weddings, KitchensLeaksAlterations, & Heating & - Repairs &Installation familyBathrooms Conversions, Engineers - DecoratingMaintenance FREE The Milky Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY communityspace for local events. artists, It isand also as a a Boilerpopular workshop Installation exhibition venue for available for TheFor [email protected] detailshall RosserComplete is anof idealavailability01288 venue 331568 Building and for weddings,hire charges & Plumbing family contact Services tasterlocalsFREE session [email protected] Visit our website for more details: celebrations,BuildExtensions, meetings, - Design Roofing, concerts,- Servicing Building LeaksAlterations, classes, & Contractor- RepairsInstallation Conversions, dances, and - Decorating Maintenance spaceyoga, aikidoforComplete localOil and Fired artists, tai UPVCchi.boiler’s andBuilding Plumbing FittedWindows, as & a BoilerKitchens Rayworkshop & DoorsHeating Installation&burns &Plumbing &Bathrooms venue Conservatory's EngineersServicing for &Services Repairs taster•paintings session & signed prints•originalThe Milky books •Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY celebrations,[email protected] hall Rosser is an meetings,ideal01288 venue 331568 concerts, for weddings,Leaks classes, & Repairs family dances, and localsFREE Visit our website for more details: communityFor detailsBuildOil of events. availabilityFired - Design Itboiler’s is also -andServicing a& hire popular Ray charges burns- exhibitionInstallation contact Servicing - &Maintenance Repairs available for CompleteExtensions,UPVC Roofing,Building Plumbing Windows, Alterations, & DoorsHeating & Plumbing & Conversions, Conservatory'sEngineers DecoratingServices taster•paintings•c sessionards •stained& signed glass prints•original & [email protected]‘octarine’•The Milky books •Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY celebrations,Theyoga, hall aikido is an and meetings,ideal tai venue chi. concerts,Fitted forPlastering Buildingweddings, BoilerKitchensLeaks classes, Installation & Contractor& Repairs Rendering& familyBathrooms dances, and availableFREE for [email protected] details RosserOil of events. availabilityFired01288 UPVCItboiler’s 331568 is also andWindows, a& hire popular Ray chargesDoors burns exhibition & Conservatory'scontact Servicing & Repairs •paintings & signed prints•[email protected] books• space forComplete local artists, andBuilding asBuilding a workshop & Contractor Plumbing venue for Services •individual•cards•stained boxes•mirrors•studio glass & ‘octarine’• pieces• celebrations,community events. meetings, It is alsoPlumbingconcerts,FittedPlastering a Kitchenspopular & classes, Heating & Rendering&exhibition Bathrooms dances, Engineers and tasteravailablelocals session for [email protected] for Rosser localOilExtensions, Fired01288 artists, UPVCboiler’s 331568 andRoofing, Windows, as & aBoiler Leaks Alterations,Rayworkshop Doors Installation&burns Repairs & Conversions, venueConservatory's Servicing for Decorating& Repairs •paintings•cards •stained& signed glass prints•original & [email protected]‘octarine’• books • Foryoga, details aikido of and availabilityQuality tai chi. Design andPlastering Buildinghire & Build charges Contractor& Rendering- Competitive contact Prices •individuallocals b•jewellery•oxes•mirrors•studiogifts•The pieces•Milky Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY Extensions, Roofing, Alterations, Conversions, Decorating yoga,spacecommunity aikidofor local events. and artists,Friendly tai Itchi. isand alsoLocalFitted as a a BoilerKitchenspopular workshopService Installation &exhibition -Bathrooms venueFREE for Estimates available•individual•cards for•stained boxes•mirrors•studio glass & [email protected]‘octarine’•The pieces•Milky Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY [email protected] Rosser Quality01288UPVC 331568 Design Plumbing Windows,Plastering Leaks& Build& DoorsHeating & & Repairs Rendering- &Competitive Conservatory'sEngineers Prices •paintingslocals & •jewellery•signed prints•originalgifts• books• Extensions, Roofing,Building Alterations, Contractor Conversions, Decorating Foryoga,space details aikidofor local of and availabilityQuality artists, tai chi. Designand Plumbing and as hirea & workshop Build& charges Heating - Competitive venue contactEngineers for Prices •individual b•jewellery•oxes•mirrors•studiogifts•The pieces•Milky Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY Friendly LocalBoilerLeaks Service Installation & Repairs - FREE Estimates localsby•c Cliveards•stained & Caroline glass & Brocklehurst ‘octarine’• [email protected] details T:of availability01237UPVC 441882 FittedandWindows,Plastering hire Kitchens charges Doors & Rendering& & BathroomsM: Conservatory'scontact 07919407914 •paintings & signed prints•original books• yoga, aikidoExtensions, andFriendly tai chi. Roofing, PlumbingLocal Alterations,Service & Heating - Conversions, FREE Engineers Estimates Decorating The Milky Way, Clovelly, EX39 5RY Kirstie Rosser Quality01288 331568 DesignFitted Kitchens& Build &- BathroomsCompetitive Prices •individualby Clive &b•jewellery•oxes Caroline•mirrors•studiogifts Brocklehurst• pieces• For details T:of availability01237UPVCE: 441882 [email protected], hireLeaks charges Doors & Repairs & M: Conservatory'scontact 07919407914 ••paintingsFRAMING•cards •stained& sSERVICEigned glass prints•original & AVAILABLE ‘octarine’• books •• Kirstie Rosser 01288Friendly 331568 LocalPlastering Boiler Service Installation & Rendering - FREE Estimates [email protected] Design PlumbingFitted Kitchens& Build& Heating &- BathroomsCompetitive Engineers Prices by Clive &•jewellery• Carolinegifts Brocklehurst• T: 01237 441882Boiler Installation M: 07919407914 •FRAMING01237•individual•cards 441539•stained b•mirrors•studio glass & AVAILABLE ‘octarine’• pieces• • [email protected] details of availability01288UPVC E:331568 [email protected],Plastering hire chargesDoors & Rendering & Conservatory'scontact •paintings & signed prints•original books• Friendly LocalLeaks Service & Repairs - FREE Estimates by Clive & Caroline Brocklehurst T: Quality01237E: Design [email protected] BoilerKitchens& Build Installation &- BathroomsCompetitiveM: 07919407914 Prices •FRAMING•jewellery• SERVICEgifts AVAILABLE• • [email protected] Rosser 01288 331568 Leaks & Repairs 01237•individual•cards 441539•stained b•mirrors•studio glass & ‘octarine’• pieces• & Rendering FriendlyUPVCE: [email protected] Windows, Service Doors -& FREEConservatory's Estimates ••paintingsFRAMING01237by Clive 441539 & & s Caroline prints•original BrocklehurstAVAILABLE books •• [email protected]: Quality01237 Design 441882Boiler Leaks& Build Installation & Repairs - CompetitiveM: 07919407914 Prices •individual b•jewellery•oxes•mirrors•studio gifts• pieces• UPVC Windows, Doors & Conservatory's •paintings & signed prints•original books• Friendly Local Service - FREE Estimates •FRAMING01237by•c Cliveards 441539•stained & SERVICE Caroline glass & BrocklehurstAVAILABLE ‘octarine’• • Quality01237E: Design [email protected] & Build & Rendering- CompetitiveM: 07919407914 Prices •jewellery• gifts• UPVC Windows,Leaks Doors & Repairs & Conservatory's •paintings•cards •stained& signed glass prints•original & ‘octarine’• books • Plastering & Rendering •FRAMING01237•individualby Clive 441539 &b Caroline•mirrors•studio BrocklehurstAVAILABLE pieces• • 01237FriendlyE: [email protected] Service - M:FREE 07919407914 Estimates •paintings•individual•cards •stained& b soxesigned•mirrors•studio glass prints•original & ‘octarine’• pieces• books • QualityUPVC Design Windows,Plastering & Build Doors & Rendering- &Competitive Conservatory's Prices FRAMING01237by Clive 441539 &•jewellery• SERVICE Caroline gifts BrocklehurstAVAILABLE• Quality01237E: Design [email protected] & Build - CompetitiveM: 07919407914 Prices • •individual•cards•stained b•jewellery••mirrors•studio glassgifts & ‘octarine’•• pieces• • Friendly LocalPlastering Service & Rendering - FREE Estimates •FRAMING01237•individual 441539 b•jewellery••mirrors•studio gifts AVAILABLE• pieces• • Design [email protected] & Service Build - -Competitive FREE Estimates Prices by Clive & Caroline Brocklehurst T: Wills01237Friendly 441882Local Tree Service Services - M:FREE 07919407914 Estimates 01237by Clive 441539 &•jewellery• Caroline gifts Brocklehurst• Quality01237 Design 441882 & Build - CompetitiveM: 07919407914 Prices •FRAMING SERVICE AVAILABLE• WillsFriendlyE: [email protected] Tree Service Services - FREE Estimates •FRAMINGby Clive & SERVICE Caroline BrocklehurstAVAILABLE • T: Wills0123701237E: [email protected] Tree 431139 Services M: 07919407914 01237 441539 •FRAMING01237by Clive 441539 & SERVICE Caroline BrocklehurstAVAILABLE • Wills01237E: [email protected] Tree Services M: 07919407914 01237 431139 •FRAMING01237 441539 AVAILABLE • [email protected] Tree 431139 Services 01237 441539 Willswww.wills01237 431139 Services Wills01237 Tree 431139 Services Wills01237 Tree 431139 Services www.willsG. BUILDING 431139 WillsG. CURRINGTON01237 Tree 431139 Services BUILDING Willswww.willsG. CURRINGTONCONTRACTOR Services BUILDING www.wills01237A.C.I.O.B. - 431139 over 30 years WillsG. CURRINGTON01237CONTRACTOR Tree 431139 Services BUILDING www.willsA.C.I.O.B.CONTRACTOR - over 30 years • NewG. Build CURRINGTON01237 431139• BUILDINGDomestic/Commercial Coffee shop in Hartland Square serving real coffee, hot and cold drinks, www.willsA.C.I.O.B.CONTRACTOR - over 30 years • Extensions G. CURRINGTON01237 431139 • BUILDING Hard Landscaping light lunches, Cream Teas and delicious home-made cakes. A.C.I.O.B. - Established over 30 years Take-Away items and outside catering also available • New Build CONTRACTOR • Domestic/Commercial Coffee shop in Hartland Square serving real coffee, hot and cold drinks, • NewAlterationswww.willsG. Build CURRINGTON • BUILDINGFittedDomestic/Commercial Kitchens • Extensions www.willsA.C.I.O.B. CONTRACTOR - •over 30Hard years Landscaping Open:Coffee lightMon shop lunches, – inSat Hartland 9-5pm, Cream Square SunTeas & servingand Bank delicious holsreal 11-5pmcoffee, home-made hot (4pm and Novcakes. cold – drinks,March) • RoofingG. CURRINGTON BUILDINGBathrooms Take-Away items and outside catering also available • NewExtensions www.wills BuildA.C.I.O.B. - •over 30HardDomestic/Commercial years Landscaping CoffeelightFor shop morelunches, in Hartland information Cream Square Teas please servingand contact delicious real us coffee, home-madeon 01237 hot and 440283, cakes. cold drinks, • Alterations CONTRACTOR • Fitted Kitchens Take-Away items and outside catering also available lightNo. lunches, 7email CreamSummer [email protected] Teas and 2017delicious home-made cakes. • NewExtensionsAlterationswww.wills BuildFast Hartland Local• ServiceFittedDomestic/CommercialHard Post Landscaping Kitchens 27 Open: Mon – Sat 9-5pm, Sun & Bank hols 11-5pm (4pm Nov – March) • RoofingG. CURRINGTON A.C.I.O.B.CONTRACTOR - Established •over BUILDING 30 years Coffee shopTake-Away inor Hartland visit our items Squarewebsite and outsideserving realcatering coffee, also hot available and cold drinks, 01237• 440000 • Mob 07837 667737 • Email:• [email protected] Open: MonFor more – Sat information 9-5pm, Sun please & Bank contact hols us 11-5pm on 01237 (4pm 440283, Nov – March) • NewExtensionsAlterationsG. Build CURRINGTON • BUILDINGFittedDomestic/CommercialHard Landscaping Kitchens light lunches, Cream Teas and delicious home-made cakes. • Roofing A.C.I.O.B. - Established •over 30Bathrooms years CoffeeFor shop more in Hartland information email [email protected] Square please serving contact real us coffee, on 01237 hot and 440283, cold drinks, G. CURRINGTON BUILDING Open: MonTake-Away – Sat 9-5pm, items Sunand &outside Bank holscatering 11-5pm also (4pmavailable Nov – March) NewExtensionsRoofingAlterations BuildFast CONTRACTOR Friendly Local ServiceFittedDomestic/CommercialHard Landscaping Kitchens light lunches,or visitemail Cream our [email protected] website Teas delicious home-made cakes. • • Bathrooms CoffeeFor shop more in Hartland information Square please serving contact real us coffee, on 01237 hot and 440283, cold drinks, 01237 440000G. •CURRINGTON MobFast 07837CONTRACTOR Friendly 667737 •Local Email: BUILDING [email protected] Take-Awayor visit our items website and outside catering also available A.C.I.O.B. - Established over 30 years Open: lightMon lunches, – Sat 9-5pm,email Cream [email protected] SunTeas & and Bank delicious hols 11-5pm home-made (4pm Novcakes. – March) • NewExtensionsRoofingAlterations Build • FittedDomestic/CommercialHardBathrooms Landscaping Kitchens 01237 440000 • MobFastA.C.I.O.B. 07837CONTRACTOR Friendly -667737 Established • Local Email: •over gcbuiService 30 [email protected] CoffeeFor shopTake-Away more inor Hartland informationvisit our items Squarewebsite andplease outsideserving contact realcatering us coffee, on also 01237 hot available and 440283, cold drinks, Open: Mon – Sat 9-5pm, Sun & Bank hols 11-5pm (4pm Nov – March) 01237• 440000ExtensionsRoofingAlterations • Mob A.C.I.O.B. 07837 -667737 Established • Email: •over gcbui 30FittedHard [email protected] Landscaping Kitchens light lunches, email Cream [email protected] Teas and delicious home-made cakes. FastCONTRACTOR Friendly Local• ServiceBathrooms For more information please contact us on 01237 440283, • New Build • Domestic/Commercial Open: MonTake-Away – Sator visit 9-5pm, our items website Sunand &outside Bank holscatering 11-5pm also (4pmavailable Nov – March) A.C.I.O.B. - Established over 30 years Coffee shop in Hartland email [email protected] Square serving real coffee, hot and cold drinks, 01237• 440000NewRoofingAlterations Build • MobFast 07837 Friendly 667737 •Local Email:• gcbuiServiceFittedDomestic/[email protected] Kitchens CoffeelightFor shop morelunches, in Hartland information Cream Square Teas please servingand contact delicious real us coffee, home-madeon 01237 hot and 440283, cakes. cold drinks, • Extensions • Hard Landscaping or visit our website • New Build • Domestic/Commercial Open: lightMonTake-Away lunches, – Sat 9-5pm,email Cream items [email protected] SunTeasand & outsideand Bank delicious holscatering 11-5pm home-made also (4pmavailable Novcakes. – March) 01237• 440000ExtensionsRoofing • MobFast 07837 Friendly 667737 •Local Email:• [email protected] Landscaping CoffeeFor shop more in Hartland information Square please serving contact real us coffee, on 01237 hot and 440283, cold drinks, • NewAlterations Build • FittedDomestic/Commercial Kitchens lightTake-Away lunches,or visit Cream our items website Teasand outside delicious catering home-made also available cakes. • ExtensionsAlterations • FittedHard Landscaping Kitchens Coffee shop in Hartland email [email protected] Square serving real coffee, hot and cold drinks, 01237• 440000 • MobFast 07837 Friendly 667737 •Local Email:• [email protected] Open: MonTake-Away – Sat 9-5pm, items Sunand &outside Bank holscatering 11-5pm also (4pmavailable Nov – March) • Roofing Bathrooms light lunches,or visit Cream our website Teas delicious home-made cakes. • ExtensionsAlterations • FittedHard Landscaping Kitchens Open: MonFor more – Sat information 9-5pm, Sun please & Bank contact hols us 11-5pm on 01237 (4pm 440283, Nov – March) 01237• 440000Roofing • Mob 07837 667737 • Email: [email protected] Take-Away items and outside catering also available • Open: MonFor more – Sat information 9-5pm,email [email protected] Sun please & Bank contact hols us 11-5pm on 01237 (4pm 440283, Nov – March) • RoofingAlterationsFast Friendly Local• ServiceFitted Kitchens • • Bathrooms For moreor information visitemail our [email protected] website please contact us on 01237 440283, Fast Friendly Local Service Open: Mon – Sat 9-5pm, Sun & Bank hols 11-5pm (4pm Nov – March) 01237 440000Roofing • Mob 07837 667737 • Email: [email protected] or visitemail our [email protected] website • • Bathrooms For more information please contact us on 01237 440283, 01237 440000 • MobFast 07837 Friendly 667737 •Local Email: [email protected] or visit our website email [email protected] 01237 440000 • MobFast 07837 Friendly 667737 •Local Email: [email protected]

or visit our website 01237 440000 • Mob 07837 667737 • Email: [email protected]

Cheristow Lavender

Campsite and B&B TThhee PPoopp IInn For all your grocery needs…

Cheristow Lavender is a traditional Fresh Baked Bread

non intensive beef farm with amazing, peace and tranquility. Wines, Beers & Spirits The campsite is on a level site with five

pitches, EHU, showers and hardstandings. Milk & Farm Fresh Eggs We are a working farm with machinery and farm animals close by so for H&S we do not accept children on the campsite. Fresh Pies, Pasties & Cakes

 The B&B with shared bathroom comes Local Butchers’ Produce  with breakfast of organic cereals and beverages, and homemade  Sandwiches & Baguettes Colwills Garage organic bread, pastries, and conserves. Free courtesy car on request HartonColwills Industrial Garage Estate  Opening Times: Free courtesy car on request Hartland,Harton Industrial Devon EX39 Estate 6AG Evening meals and packed lunches 8:00am till 7:30pm Hartland, Devon EX39 6AG Tel: 01288by prior 321552 arrangement. Every day Except Christmas day and Boxing day Mob:Holistic 07590 massages 90875 by appointment.3 36 Fore Street, Hartland, Tel: 01237 441488 brettrgardeningservices01237 440101 [email protected]

CheristowHOME LavenderWILL DevonSERVICE Ruby Red Beef ▪ non‘WE intensive COME traditional TO YOU’ beef farm We▪ arefocusing professional on animal Will welfare writers who are specialists in Wills, Trusts and ▪ avoidingPowers routine of pesticides Attorney and artificial fertilisers Let us help you to protect loosing your ▪ nonhome GM against Care Home Fees Just▪ slowly Wills & matured Legal Services for a full Ltdflavour - (Bude) ▪ £10/kgfor plus information delivery contact(std meat box) Mike▪ nationwide Quartermain delivery service Aff.SWW or collect from the farm ‘Barnacott’ Kilkhampton Road, ▪ availableBude, 4 times EX23 a year 9PZ - see website EricTel: and 0845 Michelle 052 0938 Heard 01237 Mob:440101 07827 330772 email: [email protected]

THE SMALL SCHOOL Fore Street, Hartland (01237) 441672 JONJON TAPE TAPEBUILDING The Small School provides education in a BUILDINGAND MAINTENANCE & MAINTENANCE Masonry - Carpentry - Plumbing supportiveA professional family & friendlyatmosphere service. with All breedspersonal attentioncatered for. for From each a student.brush through Academic to a full education groom. Fully qualified builder and Decorating - Extensions - Conversions is offered up to GCSE level in English, Maths, Telephone: Breed Standard and pet styles. tradesman for all your building Repairs - All work carried out by Science, Art, Classics, Latin, History, Music, 01237 441781 / 07776 142074 Qualified Tradesmen PhotographyPlease call 01409and Film. 240222 Enquiries or 07800 are 573012 welcome and maintenance needs fromor families visit and children aged 11+ when a visit Local,PAINTING, fully qualified DECORATING builder with AND over TILING 25 years to the schoolPrices can start be fromarranged. as little as £12 PLASTERINGof experience. AND SKIMMING, PETER FURSE (Salon located in Bradworthy. EX22 7QT) Email: [email protected] BLOCKED DRAINS AND ROOF REPAIRS, City & & Pet First Aid Trained. Insured. Friendly and reliable service. CARPENTER & BUILDING STONE WALLING, Free quotations. CONTRACTOR PATHS, PATIOS AND DECKING, Southford, Hartland, Bideford EX39 6EE R & N FUELS EXTENSIONS, CONVERSIONSGARDENING, AND NEW BUILDS Tel: 01237 441412 (Nicholls Bros) uPVC FASCIAS AND SOFFITS, PLASTERING AND SKIMMING COAL MERCHANTS GUTTERING AND DOWNPIPES, EXTENSIONSPAINTING, DECORATING AND CONVERSIONS AND TILING Various plant for hire DON’T BE LEFT IN THE COLD including Compressor, Dumper, BLOCKEDLocal DRAINSand reliable AND ROOF builder REPAIRS Roller, 1 ton Mini Digger LOCAL DELIVERIES OF ALL SOLID FUELS No job too small and smaller pieces PATHS, PATIOS AND DECKING of equipment COMPETITIVE PRICES Telephone: 07776 142074 also 01840 230111 (COLIN) FASCIASor AND 01237 SOFFITS, 441781GUTTERING AND Full Spec 28 The Hartland Post 01840 250568 (ROGER) [email protected] 7 Summer 2017 Digger for hire J. L. FULFORD (N.J. & S.A. WALTER) B&B FUNERAL DIRECTORS 2 Harton Manor, Hartland RICHMOND COTTAGE & COBBLES, WEST STREET, HARTLAND PAUL01237 441670 WILLBY - Mob:0777PAUL 1610982WILLBY Ensuite double room with four-poster, BUILDING • EXTENSIONS • REPAIRS • DECORATING • PLUMBINGdecoratortwin with shower • handymandecorator facilities or •single handyman room ANY CARPENTRY WORK UNDERTAKEN • DOORS • WINDOWS • STAIRScarpenter£35 - £50 • perrenovatorcarpenter person per • nightrenovator hedgetrimminghedgetrimming • gardening • gardening Family run business since 1930s Studio with woodblock prints slabbingemail: [email protected] slabbing• tiling • tiling TEL: HARTLAND 441510/441256 Mobile 07584 093322 or 07887 617554 www.woodblock.eujetwashing Graham’s Roofing Services Bob Seymour PAUL WILLBYPAUL WILLBY STABLE25 years experience, DOOR C.I.T.B., PETSC.S.C.S. PAUL WILLBYPAUL WILLBY PHOTOGRAPHY TILINGStockists • SLATING of animal • LEADWORK feed • and ROOF decorator • handymandecorator • handyman WINDOWS carpenter • renovatorcarpenter • renovator accessoriesGUTTERING including • CHIMNEY wild• POINTING bird food decorator • handymandecorator • handyman all atFIBREGLASS very competitive FLAT ROOFS prices. hedgetrimmingcarpenterhedgetrimming •• renovatorcarpentergardening •• renovatorgardening slabbing slabbing• tiling • tiling ThorneGRANT/INSURANCE/REPAIRS Farm Business Centre, WORK Kings hedgetrimminghedgetrimming • gardening • gardening COMPLETE ROOFS slabbingjetwashing slabbing• tilingjetwashing • tiling Hill, Bude EX23 OLU. 01288-354274 Distance no problem jetwashingjetwashing Opening times 0787775917407877759174 01237 441710 10 FORE STREET · HARTLAND PHONE NOW Hartland EX39Hartland 6BHEX39 6BH Monday-Friday 07772 9-5; 395961 Saturday 9-12 01237 441590 [email protected] COVERINGLike HARTLANDus on Facebook! AND BEYOND email: [email protected]

Cheristow Lavender Resurgence, published in Hartland Resurgence, published in Hartland Devon Ruby Red Beef since 1979 and still going strong 07877759174since07877759174 1979 and still going strong Hartland07877759174 EX39Hartland07877759174 6BHEX39 6BH ▪ non intensive traditional beef farm [email protected] EX39Hartland 6BHEX39 6BH ▪ focusing on animal welfare [email protected] 6 issues, 6 issues, ▪ avoiding routine pesticides and plus a free plus a free artificial fertilisers book £30 book £30 ▪ non GM ▪ slowly matured for a full flavour ▪ £10/kg plus delivery (std meat box) ▪ nationwide delivery service or collect from the farm ▪ available 4 times a year - see website Eric and Michelle Heard 01237 440101

DAY TRIPS TO Cheristow Lavender LUNDY ISLAND from CLOVELLY Tea Rooms sail aboard the fast, purpose-built ‘‘JESSICA HETTIE’’ with skipper Clive C. Pearson Serving cream teas, cakes 2016 will be my last year as a charter skipper, after 33 years. Whole boat charter only, see website for prices and savoury scones Swim with friendly Seals! For more information and bookings contact: Free Car Parking (no lunches or hot food) CLOVELLY POTTERY - 01237 431042 (day) Fascinating lived-in family home with beautiful interiors, 01237-431405 (evening 7 - 8) Mobile: 07774 190359 collections and 18thC walled and woodland gardens. Walks Homemade on the premises to Blackpool Mill, location for ‘ e Night Manager’ and using organic ingredients ‘Sense and Sensibility’. 2017Welcoming Exhibitions: lived-in ‘Filming 12thC on the family Hartland home Abbey with Estate beautiful since Dog Grooming by Helen 1934’interiors, & ‘William fascinating Stukeley collections, – Saviour exhibitions,of Stonehenge’ museum, Open Weds to Sat 18thC walled and woodland gardens. Walks to the beach A professional & friendly service. at BlackpoolDelicious Mill, light the lunches setting and for cream ‘The teas.Night Gi Manager’ shop. and New for 2017! 12 noon until 5pm ‘Sense and Sensibility’.Children’s Quiz and Nature Trail All breeds, shapes & sizes catered for. Donkeys, Black Sheep, Peacocks Fully refurbished, 3 quality, stylish king size March to October DeliciousDogs light welcome lunches and on leads.cream Holiday teas. Gift cottages. shop. Children’s roomsFrom with anew bath, bathrooms. brush &Fabulous blow dry to Quiz and Nature Trail. Donkeys, Black Sheep, Peacocks. welcome on leads. Holiday forCottages, further Special details Events.and breakfasta full with groom. daily (Bradworthyspecials. Open village)from 31 Outdoor theatre Open: 26th March – 1st Oct 11 – 5pm March. See you soon! for further details * £5 off your dog's first visit * 01237 440101 Suns - urs t: 01237 440181 Follow us on Follow Brown signs to OpenDAFFODIL from Good SUNDAY Friday 12th25 March March -11-4pm 2 October * Puppies under 4 months FREE! * w: Lavender Tea Rooms 11.30amEASTER – 5pm FUN 16thSunday & 17th - Thursday April 01409 240222 / 07800 573012 No. 7 Summer 2017 e: [email protected] Hartland Post 29 Tel: 01237 441496 / 234 City & Guilds & Pet First Aid Trained. Insured.

When visiting Morwenstow, call at the award winning L H Accountancy & Bookkeeping Services ______2 Auction Way, Woolsery RECTORY • Bookkeeping • VAT Returns • Year-End Accounts FARM • Tax Returns

Registered and regulated by the Association of Accounting TEAROOMS Technicians!

Contact: Lindsey Heard MAAT on 07919 358762 Or email: [email protected] Open daily until end October

Morning Coffee, Lunches Fully Qualified & Cream Teas Now also selling unusual gifts and collectables Special Vintage Afternoon Tea We are now taking bookings for your Winter and Christmas parties. Gluten Wheat & Dairy Free diets catered for For more information phone Jill on 01288-331251 Spectacular coastal scenic walks and Historic Church Bed and Breakfast Lamare Water Services 1 Coastguard Cottages 5 Turnpike Close Quality en suite accommodation Higher Clovelly EX39 5RW King size bed Tasteful decor 01237431596 / 07815787269 For your House Maintenance Problems Range of breakfast options Bore Hole Divined & Drilled incl. our own eggs, sausages & bacon Spring & Well Harvesting Vince Morrison Stoke, Nr Hartland Quay 01237441011/07503152327 Iron & Manganese Removal 07519 645564 Ph Correction (Acid Water) Your comfort is our priority! Pumps & Controllers !"#$%&'%(&#)$!*+,#(,*,-($ Pressure Vessels, 25–300 litre in stock UV Lamps, Filters & Servicing, Reliable & Professional Bore Saver Treatment Painting, Decorating & General Maintenance -*..$!*&/$#0'&,$1$23425$643765829:9$;2<$95:<$ Also incorporating !"#$=>-'&$

Hand-made, Custom-made & Refreshed items for your home

Heating Plumbing and Renewables Oil Boiler Servicing & Repairs • General Plumbing Heating Installations & Repairs • Heat Pumps & Biomass●• BoileOil Boilerr Installation Servicing • Oftec & Repairs & MCS Accredited ● General Plumbing Heating Plumbing and Renewables ● Heating01288 Installations 381530 & Repairs Oil BoileHeatingr HeatingServicing● Heat Plumbing PlumbingPumpsHeating & andRepairs & Renewables PlumbingBiomass and • RenewablesGenera and Renewablesl Plumbing HeatinOilOil Boileg Boile Installationsr Servicingr● Servicing BoilerOil & Boile Repairs Installation r &Servicing Repairs • &Genera Repairs & •Repairsl PlumbingGenera • • Hea General Plumbingt lPumps Plumbing & Heating Installations & Repairs • Heat Pumps & BiomassHeatin• Boileg Installations●r OftecInstallationHeatin &g MCSInstallations Accredited& Repairs• Oftec & Repairs• Hea & t• PumpsHeaMCSt PumpsAccredited & & Biomass• Boiler InstallationBiomass• Boile • Oftecr Installation & MCS Accredited• Oftec & MCS Accredited Biomass• Boiler Installation • Oftec & MCS Accredited Colwills Garage Free courtesy car on request Harton Industrial Estate 01288 38153001288 381530 Hartland, Devon EX39 6AG The Hartland Post 7 Summer 2017 See HearSee on Hear Wheels on visits Wheels 2017 visits 2016 EquipmentEquipment demonstrations, demonstrations, loans, information loans, and advice information for people who and have advice hearing for people who have hearing

and/or sight loss. Fully accessible mobile service. Hartland and surrounding area. and/or sight loss. Fully accessible mobile service. Hartland and surrounding area. HartlandHartland Pavilion: Pavilion: 10am - 12 noon 10am - 12 noon 2 June 4 August 6 October 1 December 6 April 1 June 3 August 5 October 7 December Woolsery Community Hall: 12 noon - 1.30pm Bradworthy Square: 10am - 12 noon 13 July 14 September 9 November 10 May 12 July 13 September 8 November Bradworthy Square: 10am - 11.30am For more13 information July contact theSee See14 Hear SeptemberHear Centre on Wheels 9 November visits 2016 Post: 19a Alexandra Road, See Barnstaple, Hear EX32 8BA on Wheels visits 2016 For moreEquipment information demonstrations, See contact Hear the loans, See on Hear information Wheels Centre and advice visits for people 2016 who have hearing Web: sight demonstrations, loss. Fully- help/seeaccessible loans,-hear- centreinformationmobile service. and adviceHartland for and people surrounding who have area. hearing Web: and/ sight loss. Fully accessible mobile-help/see service.- hear Hartland-centre and surrounding area. Email: [email protected]/or sight loss. Fully accessible mobile service. Hartland and surrounding area. Email: [email protected] Pavilion: 10am - 12 noon Phone: 01271 3732362 June Mobile: 078314 515809 August Registered 6 charity October No: 1102489 1 December Phone: 01271Hartland2 June 373236 Pavilion: 4Mobile: 10amAugust - 12 07831 noon 515809 6 October 1 RegisteredDecember charity No: 1102489

Woolsery2 June Community 4 August Hall: 12 noon - 1.30pm6 October 1 December Woolsery13 July Community 14 September Hall: 12 noon - 1.30pm9 November The No.39The No.39Pottery Pottery 13 July Workshop Workshop and show- and14 show- SeptemberThe No.39The No.39Pottery Pottery 9 November Workshop Workshop and show- and show- room openroom to theopen to the Welcombe Equine room openroom to theopen to the room openroom to theopen to the HighlyWelcombe Experienced Local Equine Trainer room openroom to theopen to the 13Bradworthy July public Square: public14 HighlySeptember 10am Experienced - 11.30am Local Trainer 9 November public public Sarah JaneSarah Lander Jane Lander Bradworthypublic Square: public 10amSarah - 11.30am JaneSarah Lander Jane Lander public HARTLANDpublic CARAVAN HOLIDAYS Bradworthy13 July Square: 14 PersonalisedSeptember 10am - rides11.30am and coaching 9 for November beginners 39 Fore39 Street, Fore Street, 13 July 14 andSeptember improvers,39 Fore adults39 Street, Fore and Street, children. 9 November Overnight stays, short or long breaks 13 July 14 BeachSeptember Rides by arrangement 9 November HartlandHartland For more information contact theHartland SeeHartland Hear Centre For more information contactSchooling the & SeeRetraining Hear of Horse Centre & Rider all available in our fully equipped ForWeb: more information contact the See Hear- help/seeCentre - hear - centre all available in our fully equipped EX39 6BEEX39 6BE Web: NaturalEX39 Horsemanship 6BEEX39 6BE- help/see on a -hear-centre self catering holiday homes Email: 01237 44188301237 441883 Web:Email:[email protected] Gain No01237 Fee 44188301237Basis. 441883 - help/see - hear - centre on our village campsite

Phone:Email: [email protected] 373236 Offering Mobile: a real alternative 07831 to “The 515809 Pony Club” Registered charity No: 1102489 www.sarahjanelander.comwww.sarahjanelander.comPhone: 01271 373236 07831 515809 Registered charity No: 1102489 Advice and Problem Solving Just a 3 minute walk to the village Phone: 01271 373236 Mobile: 07831 515809 Registered charity No: 1102489 Loan a Pony & Try before you buy scheme. WorkshopWorkshop and show- and show- WorkshopWorkshop and show- and show- The No.39The No.39Pottery Pottery The No.39The No.39Pottery Pottery All bed linen & towels provided The No.39The No.39Pottery Pottery Workshoproom openWorkshop roomand to show- theopenFirst and to show- Aidthe Welcombe by qualifiThe ed No.39practitionerThe No.39Pottery Equine Pottery Workshoproom openWorkshop roomand to show- theopen and to show- the room openroom to theopen to the WelcombeHighly Experienced Local Equine Trainer room openroom to theopen to the Sarah JaneSarah Lander Jane Lander WorkshoppublicWorkshop and show-publicTransport and show-Highly available ExperiencedSarah JaneSarah LanderLocal Jane TrainerLander WorkshoppublicWorkshop and show-public and show- HThear No.39tThelan No.39Potteryd P Pottery arish Workshop HWorkshopa andll show-public and show- publicTransport availableThe No.39The No.39Pottery Pottery WorkshopWorkshop publicand show- HARTLANDpublic and show- CARAVAN HOLIDAYS The No.39The H No.39PotterySarahar tJane SarahlPottery an Lander dJane PLander ari sh Hallroom openroom to theopen to the WelcombePersonalisedThe No.39SarahThe rides No.39JanePotterySarah and Lander Jane coachingPottery Equine Lander for beginners room openroom toHARTLANDFishing theopen to the Lake CARAVAN & Laundry HOLIDAYS on site room openroom to theopen to the Call 07773HighlyPersonalised 685470 Experienced rides and Local coaching Trainer for beginners room openroom to theopenFishing to the Lake & Laundry on site Sarah39 Fore Jane39Sarah Street, Fore Lander Jane Street, Lander public public and improvers,Sarah39 Fore adultsJaneSarah39 Street, Fore Lander and Jane Street, children. Lander public public 39 Fore39 Street, Fore Street, public public and improvers,39 Fore adults39 Street, Fore and Street, children. public publicHARTLANDOverni ght stays, CARAVAN short or HOLIDAYSlong breaks Sarah JaneSarah Lander Jane Lander Email [email protected] Rides JaneSarah byrides Lander arrangement Jane and Lander coaching for beginners Overnight stays, short or long breaks NowHartand Parish Hall available39Hartland Fore39Hartland Street, Foreto hire Street, for all types of events: andBeach improvers, Rides39Hartland Foreby adults arrangement39Hartland Street, Fore and Street, children. Please call Zoe Allin on HartlandHartland Affi liatedSchooling BSJAHartland & BE Retraining BRCHartland of Horse & Rider Overnight stays, short or long breaks 39 Fore 39 Street, Fore Street, Affi liated39 BSJA Fore39 BEStreet, Fore BRC Street, all available in our fully equipped EX39 6BEEX39 6BE BeachSchooling RidesEX39 & Retraining by 6BEarrangementEX39 6BEof Horse & Rider 01237all available 441664 in 0rour 07789 fully equipped 756789 v EX39Hartlandregular 6BEEX39Hartland 6BEclasses/workshops using NaturalEX39Hartland Horsemanship 6BEEX39Hartland 6BE on a self catering holiday homes HartlandHartland SchoolingusingHartland Natural Hartland& Retraining Horsemanship of Horse on a& Rider all availableself catering in our holiday fully homesequipped v 01237meetings 44188301237 441883 No Gain No01237 Fee 44188301237Basis. 441883 on our village campsite 01237EX39 6BE441883EX3901237 6BE441883 usingNo Gain Natural No01237EX39 Fee Horsemanship 6BE44188301237EX39Basis. 6BE441883 on a selfon catering our village holiday campsite homes EX39 6BEEX39v 6BEprivate and business events OfferingEX39 a 6BE EX39real alternative 6BE to “The Pony Club” [email protected] 441883www.sarahjanelander.com01237 441883 NoOffering Gain real Fee alternative 44188301237www.sarahjanelander.comBasis. 441883 to “The Pony Club” on our village campsite v occasions - weddings, Advice Solving a 3 minute walk to the village OfferingAdvice and a real Problem alternative Solving to “The Pony Club” Just a 3 minute walk to the village 01237 441883 parties, balls, dances, Loan01237 a Pony www.sarahjanelander.com44188301237 & 441883 before you buy scheme. AdviceLoan a andPony Problem & Try before Solving you buy scheme. Just a 3 minute walk to the village concerts or discos First Aid by qualifi edMM practitioner Tractors All bed linen & towels provided v LoanFirst Aid a Pony by qualifi & Try ed before practitioner you buy scheme. All bed linen & towels provided v pop up restaurant Transport available Hartland ParishWorkshop HWorkshopa andll show- and show- WorkshopWorkshop and show-All and bed show- linen & towels provided The No.39The No.39Pottery Pottery WorkshopWorkshop and show- and show-FirstTransport Aid by Theavailable qualifi No.39(MichaelThe ed practitioner No.39Pottery Pottery May)WorkshopWorkshop and show-Fishing and show- Lake & Laundry on site The No.39The H No.39Potteryart lPottery and Parishroom H openaroomll to theopen to the Call 07773The 685470 No.39The No.39Pottery Pottery room openroom to theopenFishing to the Lake & Laundry on site room openroom to theopen to the room openroom to theopen to the A helping hand with flowers FacilitesSarah JaneSarah HLander Janear tLander land ParishWorkshop HpublicWorkshopa andll show-public and show-MMTransportCall 07773 Tractors Sarahavailable 685470 JaneSarah Lander Jane Lander WorkshoppublicWorkshop and show-public and show- The No.39The No.39Pottery Pottery public publicKeep Email sending [email protected] No.39The No.39Pottery us Potterycontent! public publicFishing Lakefor & the Laundry grave or onmemorial site stone Sarah JaneNowSarah Lander available Jane Lander to hire for all typesroom of open events:room to theopen to the CallEmail 07773 [email protected] 685470 JaneSarah Lander Jane Lander room openroom to theopen Please to the call Zoe Allin on • fullyNow equippedHartand Parish Hall available tobar hire for all types of events: Affi liated BSJA BE BRC MEMORY of your loved ones. A personal Sarah39 Fore JaneSarah39 Street, Fore Hartand Parish HallLander Jane Street, Lander WorkshopWorkshop and show- public and show- public(Michael Sarah39 Fore JaneSarah39May) Street, Fore Lander Jane Street, Lander WorkshopWorkshop publicand show- public andPlease show- call Zoe Allin on The No.39The• No.39Pottery39 fullyFore 39Pottery Street, equippedFore Street, kitchen EmailAffiThe liated [email protected] No.39For39 The BSJA Fore No.39Pottery39all BEStreet, Fore yourBRC Pottery Street, Agricultural and service for those who live away • fullyNow equippedv available tokitchen hire roomfor all open typesroom to the openof events: to the If you have anything to submit forroom openroom to theopen01237 to the 441664 0r 07789 756789 Hartand Parish Hall regular classes/workshopsroom openroom to theopen to the room openroom to theopen01237 toPlease the 441664 callor find0r Zoe 07789it difficult Allin 756789 toon visit. • Hartlanddrapes Hartland v forregular hire classes/workshops Affi liatedHartland BSJA Hartland BE BRC FLOWERS Sarah JaneSarah Lander Hartland39Jane Fore Lander Hartland39 Street, Forev meetingsStreet, public public reader’sSarah messages, JaneHartland39SarahHorticultural Fore Lander Hartland39Jane Street, obituaries Fore Lander Street, or Repairs general public and public Sarah JaneSarah• Lander Janecapacity Lander v upmeetings to 200 - 400 Sarah JaneSarahHorticultural Lander Jane Lander Repairs and 01237 441664 0r 07789 756789 EX39 6BEEX39v 6BEprivateregular andclasses/workshops business eventsFor all your AgriculturalEX39 6BEEX39 6BE and [email protected] bouquet or arrangement • HartlandpatioHartland vwithprivate picnic andtables business and events interest articles,HartlandHartland please submit to J [email protected] 39 Fore39 Street, ForeEX39 Street, 6BEEX39 v 6BEspecialmeetings occasions - weddings, 39 ForeEX3939 Street, Fore 6BEEX39 Street, 6BE Servicing J forP specialRE occasionsSS Servicing • • • • benchesv special occasions - weddings,Horticultural Repairs and • print throughout• signs • web the •year, plus EX3901237 6BE441883EX3901237v 6BE441883 birthdayprivate and parties, business balls, events dances,Horticultural Th e HartlandEX3901237 RepairsPost 6BE441883EX3901237 by the6BE441883 and next deadline of [email protected] 01237 44188301237 441883 01237 44188301237 441883 cleaning of headstone. Local HartlandHartland v birthdayspecialconcerts occasions parties,or discos balls, - weddings, dances, HartlandHartland MM Tractors 441883 concerts or discos 20th of 44188301237www.sarahjanelander.com2017. 441883MM Tractors churchyards and cemeteries. Bookingswww.sarahjanelander.comwww.sarahjanelander.comv - Jacquiepopbirthday up01237 restaurant parties, 441 382 balls, dances, EX39 6BEEX39 Bookings 6BE v - Jacquiepop up 01237 restaurant 441382 EX39 6BEEX39 6BE concerts or discos MM Tractors Contact Claire for details: Our Email has(Michael changed! and Hydraulic May) v pop up restaurant (Michael May) 01237 431452 01237 441883 Facilites 01237MMMM 44188301237 Tractors Tractors 441883 01237 44188301237 441883 [email protected] 44188301237 441883 [email protected] Facilites MM Tractors Lubricants and Hydraulic(Michael May) • fully equipped bar Hose Service your business needs... www.sarahjanelander.comwww.sarahjanelander.comFacilites• fully equipped bar Workshop Workshop and show- and show- TractorsHose May)May) Service Workshop Workshop and show- and show- www.sarahjanelander.comwww.sarahjanelander.comThe No.39The• No.39Potteryfully Pottery equipped kitchenWorkshop Workshop and show- and show- No.39ForThe No.39Potteryall your Pottery Agricultural WorkshopWorkshop andand show- and show- The No.39The• No.39Potteryfully Pottery equipped kitchenroom openroom to theopen to theHose (Michael TheService No.39ForThe No.39PotteryallMay) your Pottery Agricultural room openroom and to theopen to the • fullydrapes equipped for hire bar room openroom to theopen to the room openroom to theopen to the Sarah JaneSarah• Lander Janedrapes Lander for hire WorkshoppublicWorkshop and show-public and show- (MichaelSarah JaneSarah Lander May)Jane Lander WorkshoppublicWorkshop and show-public and show- The No.39The• No.39Potteryfullycapacity Pottery equipped up to 200kitchen - 400 public public The No.39ForThe Horticultural No.39Potteryall your Pottery Agricultural Repairspublic and and public NKSarah Upholstery JaneSarah• Lander Janecapacity Lander up to 200 -room 400 open room to theopen to theFor For all all your yourSarah Agricultural JaneSarahAgriculturalHorticultural Lander Jane Lander andand Repairsroom openandroom to theopen to the • patiodrapes with for picnichire tables and MM Tractors 39 Fore39 Street, Fore Street, public public ForMM all your39 ForeTractors Agricultural39 Street, Fore Street, and public JpublicAM AICAPRESS Sarah JaneSarah• Lander Janepatio Lander with picnic tables and Sarah JaneSarahHorticultural Lander Jane Lander Servicing Repairs andJ AM AICAPRESS Antique39 Fore &39 Street,Contemporary Fore• benchescapacityStreet, up to 200 - 400 HorticulturalHorticulturalTelephone:(Michael39 Fore39 Street, Repairs ForeRepairs May) Street, and Servicingand 07828 315 738design • print • signs • web • benches Telephone:For all your 07828 Agricultural 315 738 and design • print • signs • web • • Telephone:Horticultural 07828 Repairs 315 738 and ...we’ve got them covered HartlandHartland patio withWorkshop picnicWorkshop tables and show- and show- HartlandHartland WorkshopWorkshop and show-J andAM show-AICAPRESS The No.39The No.39PotteryHartland39 Fore Hartland39Pottery Street, Fore Street, The No.39Hartland39TheServicing ForeServicing No.39PotteryHartland39 Street, Fore Pottery Street, Servicing benches room openroom to theopen to the HorticulturalFor all your Agricultural Repairs and and room openroom to theopen design to the • print • signs • web • With a craftsman’s Bookings concern - Jacquie 01237 441382 (MichaelFor allServicing your Agricultural May) and HartlandEX39 6BEHartlandEX39 6BE public public HartlandEX39 6BEHartlandEX39 6BE public public Sarah JaneforSarah quality Lander EX39Jane Lander 6BEEX39& service Bookings 6BE - Jacquie 01237 441382 SarahHorticultural JaneEX39SarahServicing LubricantsLander 6BE EX39Jane Repairs Lander 6BE and and Hydraulic LubricantsServicing and Hydraulic EX3901237 6BE441883EX3901237 6BE441883 - Jacquie 01237 441382 LubricantsEX3901237MMServicing 6BE 441883EX3901237and Tractors 6BE441883 Hydraulic 39 Fore39 Street, Fore01237 Street, 44188301237 441883 Lubricants39 Fore0123739 Street, MMFore and44188301237 Street, Tractors 441883Hydraulic your business needs... Lubricants(MichaelLubricants and HydraulicHose May) andService Hydraulic your business needs... 441883 For all yourHose01237www.sarahjanelander.comMM Agricultural Service Tractors 441883 Hose Service and www.sarahjanelander.comService and Hydraulic May) HartlandNeilHartland Kitteridge LubricantsHartlandHoseHartland andService Hydraulic Hose Service your business needs... www.sarahjanelander.comHose( Service May) EX39 6BEEX39 6BE NK Upholstery HorticulturalEX39HoseFor 6BEEX39 all yourMM Service6BE Repairs TractorsAgricultural andand EX39 6BE23EX39 Tuckers 6BE NK Park, Bradworthy,Upholstery EX22 7TL HorticulturalEX39MMFor 6BEEX39 allMM yourMM 6BE Tractors TractorsRepairs TractorsAgricultural andand No. 7 AntiqueSummer & 2017Contemporary Telephone:MMHorticulturalTelephone:(Michael 07828Tractors Repairs May)315 738 and 07828 315 738 The Hartland Post 31 07831 788185NK 01409 Upholstery 241901 Telephone:Telephone:ForHorticultural (MichaelallTelephone: (Michaelyour07828 07828 Agricultural 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theopen and to show- the 01237 44188301237 441883 room openroom to theopen to the 01237 Hose44188301237 441883 Service room openroom to theopen to the Sarah JaneSarah Lander Jane Lander WorkshoppublicWorkshop and show-public and show- SarahLubricants JaneSarah HoseLander Jane and ServiceLander Hydraulic WorkshoppublicWorkshop and show-public and show- The No.39The No.39Pottery Pottery public public TheHose No.39The No.39PotteryServiceServicing Pottery public public Sarah JaneSarah Lander Jane Lander room openroom to theopen to the Sarah JaneSarah HoseLander Jane ServiceLander room openroom to theopen to the www.sarahjanelander.comHosewww.sarahjanelander.comLubricantsTelephone: Service 07828 and 315Hydraulic 738 Sarah39 Fore JaneSarah39 Street, Fore Lander Jane Street, Lander public public Sarah39Lubricants ForeTelephone: JaneSarah39 Street, Fore Lander Jane Street, 07828 Lander and 315Hydraulic 738 public public 39 Fore39 Street, Fore Street, 39 Fore39 Street, ForeHose Street, Service 39Hartland Fore39Hartland Street, Fore Street, 39HartlandLubricants ForeTelephone:39Hartland Street, ForeHose Street, 07828 andService 315Hydraulic 738 HartlandHartland Telephone:HartlandHartland 07828 315 738 EX39 6BEEX39 6BE Telephone:EX39 6BEEX39 Hose 078286BE Service 315 738 EX39Hartland 6BEEX39Hartland 6BE EX39HartlandTelephone: 6BEEX39Hartland 6BE 07828 315 738 Telephone:Telephone: 07828 07828 315 738 738 EX3901237 6BE441883EX3901237 6BE441883 EX3901237 6BE441883EX3901237 6BE441883 01237 44188301237 441883 01237Telephone: 44188301237 441883 07828 315 738 www.sarahjanelander.com01237 441883www.sarahjanelander.com01237 441883 www.sarahjanelander.com01237 441883www.sarahjanelander.com01237 441883 FILMING 'GUERNSEY' IN HARTLAND If you went down to the woods in the Vale on the night of filming appears to have covered the area fairly thoroughly 8 May you would have been very surprised to see German after they were spotted in Clovelly, Mouth Mill, Bideford soldiers running around brandishing World War II rifles. (featuring Nazis on the march) and even landing a Dakota This was not part of a themed murder mystery evening but war plane on the beach at Saunton Sands. In spite of being on the shooting of the latest film to be made in Hartland and a tight schedule, the film crew were very good humoured and surrounding area. Once again filming was based in and around understanding about the considerable local interest and happy the grounds of Hartland Abbey with the film company setting for the curious to watch the filming and even take photos. up their headquarters on the front lawn.

(from left to right) Script superviser with director Mike Newell Lily James and her make-up artist in the Vale during filming and Lily James discuss a scene on location at Hartland Mill The novel by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows, upon This big-budget, big-screen film adaptation of the book, which the film is based, is a story of the German occupation Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, is being of Guernsey during WWII. In the aftermath of the war, free- directed by Four Weddings and a Funeral Mike Newell, who spirited journalist Juliet Ashton (Lily James) forms a life- also directed a Harry Potter film. Starring Lily James (Rose changing bond with the delightful and eccentric Guernesy in Downton Abbey, Natasha in War & Peace, Cinderella) Literary Potato Peel Pie Society, when she decides to write and co-stars Michiel Huisman (The Age of Adaline, Game about the book club they formed during wartime. Guernsey of Thrones), Glen Powell (Hidden Figures), Matthew Goode suffered greatly during the occupation with their agriculture (Downtown Abbey, The Imitation Game) Jessica Brown and fisheries being taken and transported to continental Findlay (Lady Sybil in Downtown Abbey, Victor Frankenstein) Europe to feed the German troops. In spite of this, the book and Penelope Wilton (Mrs Crawley, Downton Abbey, Best provides an often humorous insight into life on the island Marigold Hotel). It also stars Sir Thomas Daniel “Tom” during those dark days. Courtenay (The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The film will probably be released during the summer of 2018. Billy Liar, Dr. Zhivago). At the age of 80 he is one of Britain’s With 7.5 million copies of the book sold in 37 countries, the best loved veteran stars of cinema and theatre. line-up of stars, the extraordinary scenery of Hartland and the This impressive line up was on-set with the 150-strong crew region and, above all, days of uninterrupted sunshine should for shooting at Hartland Abbey and Glen Cottage. Their make this film is a big success.

Pulling up outside Glen Cottage. Lily James’s character, Juliet, with Kit in a horse and cart as used in the rural 1940s 32 The Hartland Post No. 7 Summer 2017