SC Reports First Term Projects, Achievements
47 YEARS WITH REASON AND CONVICTION The V O L . X LV I I N O . 5 LaSallianBASTION OF ISSUE-ORIENTED CRITICAL THINKING 15 OCTOBER 2007 SC reports first term projects,BY LORAINEachievements SAGUINSIN AND CREZZEILLE FRANCISCO tudents are sent to university to be prepared for the demands of professional life and lifelong learning through formal education. The Student Council (SC) enters the situation Sthrough initiatives that address student needs. “we kept So what has the SC done for the DLSU-Manila SEE ARCHERS studentry so far? THE Faith.” VINDICATED, 20 PHOTOS BY JENNERSON ONG AND ERIKA SERRANO Academic concerns To improve and expand the scope of the endeavors of the SC, the Office of the Vice President for Academics (OVP-ACAD) made its Pahiram Libro book borrowing PERSPECTIVES system accessible online. This is to speed up the borrowing and claiming of books, since students can just create Pahiram Libro accounts and reserve books online. In order to claim reserved books, the students will then just have to present Administrators their IDs to any Pahiram Libro Committee Member in the SC Office. Right now, the office is in the process of developing the clearing system for borrowers. weigh in on SC Complaints about the Online Pahiram Libro being outdated were raised by students. VP Academics Nicole DR. CARMELITA QUEBENGCO, UNIVERSITY Villarojo reasoned that the shelves where the books are be- chancellor, expressed her view that the Student Council ing stored are not secured. Therefore, they have a hard time (SC) can improve by “getting more accurate information keeping track of those who just keep on getting books from especially from complaints submitted to them that are their storage area without permission.
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